体育类的英语单词球类运动 ball games足球 football; soccer足球场 field; pitch篮球 basketball篮球场 basketball court排球 volleyball乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong乒乓球拍 racket; bat羽毛球运动 badminton羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle曲棍球 hockey; field hockey冰上运动 ice sports冰球运动 ice hockey冰球场 rink冰球 puck; rubber速度滑冰 speed skating花样滑冰 figure skating冰场 skating rink; ice rink人工冰场 artificial ice stadium滑雪 skiing速度滑雪 cross country ski racing高山滑雪 alpine skiing竞走 walking; walking race体操 gymnastics自由体操 floor/free exercises技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics垫上运动 mat exercises单杠 horizontal bar双杠 parallel bars高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars 吊环 rings跳马 vaulting horse鞍马 pommel horse平衡木 balance beam摔交 wresting击剑 fencing射击 shooting靶场 shooting range射箭 archery手球 handball自由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke) 蛙泳 breaststroke侧泳 sidestroke蝶泳 butterfly (stroke)海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick蹼泳 fin swimming跳水 diving跳台跳水 platfrom diving跳板跳水 springboard diving体育工作者 physical culture workers, sports organizer 运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast观众 spectator啦啦队 cheering-section啦啦队长 cheer-leader国家队 national team种子队 seeded team主队 home team客队 visiting team教练员 coach裁判员 referee, umpire裁判长 chief referee团体项目 team event单项 individual event男子项目 men's event女子项目 women's event冠军 champion; gold medalist全能冠军 all-round champion亚军 running-up; second; silver medalist第三名 third; bronze medalist世界纪录保持者 world-record holder运动员 athlete; sportsman种子选手 seeded player; seed优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete skipping rope 跳绳jogging 慢跑running 跑步long jump 跳远high jump 跳高table tennis 乒乓球badminton 羽毛球tennis 网球football/soccer 足球basketball 篮球surfing 冲浪skiing 滑冰wind surf 风帆。
1. Running - 跑步
2. Swimming - 游泳
3. Cycling - 骑自行车
4. Hiking - 徒步旅行
5. Yoga - 瑜伽
6. Weightlifting - 举重
7. Pilates - 普拉提
8. Dancing - 跳舞
9. Tennis - 网球
10. Football - 足球
11. Basketball - 篮球
12. Golf - 高尔夫球
13. Martial arts - 武术
14. Boxing - 拳击
15. Sailing - 帆船运动
16. Rowing - 划船
17. Skateboarding - 滑板运动
18. Surfing - 冲浪
19. Snowboarding - 滑雪板运动
20. Skiing - 滑雪
21. Rock climbing - 攀岩
22. Zumba - 随音乐舞蹈训练
23. Aerobics - 有氧运动
24. Crossfit - 综合训练
25. Trampolining - 蹦床运动
26. Badminton - 羽毛球
27. Table tennis - 乒乓球
28. Cricket - 板球
29. Rugby - 橄榄球
30. Volleyball - 排球
jog是指一种快速而轻松的慢跑;walk是指慢走,既可以放松可以健身;swim 则是指游泳的意思,通过游泳锻炼能增强肌肉力量,增强心肺功能等。
关于运动的英语单词范文1、Football足球AllthenewspapersreportedonthefootballmatchofFranceversusIta ly.所有的报纸都报道了法国队对意大利队的足球比赛。
joggi ng 慢跑run ning跑步l ong j ump 跳远hi gh ju mp 跳高tab le te nnis乒乓球badmi nton羽毛球tenni s 网球foot ball/socce r 足球bask etbal l 篮球surf ing 冲浪sk iing滑冰w ind s urf 风帆sw immin g 游泳taic hi 太极拳bo ating划船Suspe nsion loop吊环The s tay r od ju mps 撑杆跳H ockey曲棍球Icehocke y 冰球Tenn is 网球Ath letic s 竞技Swim ming游泳I ndivi dualSport s 体育项目Fo otbal l 足球Game s and Comp etiti ons 球类运动Baseb all & Soft ball棒球和垒球Wat er Sp orts水上运动Wres tling搏击类竞技Bi cycle s and Moto rcycl es 自行车和摩托Bask etbal l 篮球Ridi ng an d Hor se Ra ces 赛马Bo xing拳击m anage r 经纪人ins truct or 教练,技术指导gui de 领队tra iner助理教练refe ree,umpir e (网球.棒球)裁判li nesma n, to uch j udge(橄榄球)裁判c ontes tant, comp etito r, pl ayer运动员profe ssion al 职业运动员amate ur 业余运动员,爱好者e nthus iast, fan迷,爱好者fav ourit e 可望取胜者 (美作:fav orite)ou tside r 无取胜希望者champ ionsh ip 冠军赛,锦标赛cha mpion冠军recor d 纪录reco rd ho lder纪录创造者ace网球赛中的一分Olymp ic Ga mes,Olymp ics 奥林匹克运动会Wi nterOlymp ics 冬季奥林匹克运动会stadi um 运动场tr ack 跑道ri ng 圈grou nd, f ield场地p itch(足球、橄榄球)场地cou rt 网球场te am, s ide 队竞技性运动com petit ive s port用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 ch alk u p 出名 make one's mar k体育项目(尤指重要比赛) even t体育 PE (Physi cal E ducat ion)体格、体质 phy sique培训groom余的,带零头的odd 年少者j unior残疾人 thehandi cappe d/dis abled学龄前儿童 pr escho ol全体;普通;一般 at larg e平均寿命 li fe ex pecta ncy 复兴 re vital ize 使有系统;整理 sy stemi ze历史悠久的time-honor ed跳板 spr ing-b oard秋千s wing石弓,弩 cros sbow(比赛等的)观众spect ator取得进展 make head way 体育大国/强国 sp ortin g/spo rts p ower与...有关系,加入 beaffil iated to/w ith 落后 la g beh ind 武术 ma rtial arts五禽戏 five-anim al ex ercis es体育运动p hysic al cu lture andsport s增强体质 to stre ngthe n one's ph ysiqu e可喜的,令人满意的 gr atify ing 称号,绰号 labe l涌现出来 to come to t he fo re源源不断a stea dy fl ow of队伍conti ngent又红又专/思想好,业务精to be both soci alist-mind ed an d voc ation allyprofi cient体育界 spor ts ci rcle(s)承担义务t o und ertak e obl igati on黑马 dar k hor se冷门 anunexp ected winn er; d ark h orse爆冷门to pr oduce an u nexpe ctedwinne r发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Pro motephysi cal c ultur e and buil d upthe p eople'she alth锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Buil d upa goo d phy sique to d efend thecount ry为祖国争光to wi n hon ors f or th e mot herla nd胜不骄,败不馁Do notbecom e coc ky/be dizz y wit h suc cess, nordownc ast o ver/d iscou raged by d efeat. 体育道德 sp ortsm anshi p打出水平,打出风格 up to o ne'sbestlevel in s killand s tyleof pl ay竞技状态好in go od fo rm失常 toloseone's usua l for m比分领先 to outs core打成平局 to d raw/t o tie/to p lay e ven/t o lev el th e sco re失利 tolose中华人民共和国运动委员会(国家体委)Phys icalCultu re an d Spo rts C ommis sionof th e PRC (Sta te Ph ysica l Cul tureand S ports Comm issio n)中华全国体育总会 Al l-Chi na Sp ortsFeder ation国际奥林匹克委员会 Int ernat ional Olym pic C ommit tee 少年业余体育学校y outhspare-time spor ts sc hool, yout h ama teurathle tic s chool辅导站 coac hingcente r体育中心 sp ortscente r/com plex竞赛信息中心 co mpeti tioninfor matio n cen ter 运动会s ports meet; ath letic meet ing;games全国运动会 Na tiona l Gam es世界大学生运动会 Wo rld U niver sityGames; Uni versi ade 比赛地点compe titio n/spo rts v enue(s)国际比赛i ntern ation al to urnam ent 邀请赛i nvita tiona l/inv itati onaltourn ament锦标赛 cham pions hip 东道国h ost c ountr y/nat ion 体育场s tadiu m; sp ortsfield/grou nd体育馆 gy mnasi um, g ym; i ndoor stad ium 比赛场馆compe titio n gym nasiu ms an d sta diums练习场馆 tra ining gymn asium s操场 play groun d; sp ortsgroun d; dr ill g round体育活动 spo rts/s porti ng ac tivit ies 体育锻炼physi cal t raini ng体育锻炼标准 stan dardfor p hysic al tr ainin g体育疗法 ph ysica l exe rcise ther apy;sport s the rapy广播操setti ng-up exer cises to m usic课/工间操 phy sical exer cises duri ng br eaks体育工作者 phy sical cult ure w orker s, sp ortsorgan izer运动爱好者 spo rts f an/en thusi ast 观众 sp ectat or啦啦队 ch eerin g-sec tion啦啦队长 chee r-lea der 国家队n ation al te am种子队 se ededteam主队h ome t eam 客队 vi sitin g tea m教练员 coa ch裁判员 re feree, ump ire 裁判长c hiefrefer ee团体项目t eam e vent单项i ndivi dualevent男子项目 men's ev ent 女子项目women's ev ent 冠军 ch ampio n; go ld me dalis t全能冠军 al l-rou nd ch ampio n亚军 runn ing-u p; se cond; silv er me dalis t第三名 thi rd; b ronze meda list世界纪录保持者w orld-recor d hol der 运动员a thlet e; sp ortsm an种子选手s eeded play er; s eed 优秀选手top-r ankin g/top notch athl ete 田径运动track andfield; ath letic s田赛 fiel d eve nts 竞赛 tr ack e vents跳高highjump撑杆跳高 pole jump; pol evaul t跳远 long/broa d jum p三级跳远 ho p, st ep an d jum p; tr iplejump标枪j aveli n thr ow铅球 sho t put铁饼discu s thr ow链球 ham mer t hrow马拉松赛跑 Mar athon (rac e)接力 rel ay ra ce; r elay跨栏比赛 hurd les;hurdl e rac e竞走 walk ing;walki ng ra ce体操 gym nasti cs自由体操f loor/freeexerc ises技巧运动 acro batic gymn astic s垫上运动 ma t exe rcise s单杠 hori zonta l bar双杠paral lel b ars 高低杠u neven bars; hig h-low bars吊环rings跳马vault ing h orse鞍马p ommel hors e平衡木 bal ancebeam球类运动 ball game s足球 foot ball; socc er足球场 fi eld;pitch篮球baske tball篮球场 bask etbal l cou rt排球 vol leyba ll乒乓球 ta ble t ennis; pin g pon g乒乓球拍 ra cket; bat羽毛球运动 bad minto n羽毛球 shu ttlec ock;shutt le球拍 rac ket 网球 te nnis棒球b aseba ll垒球 sof tball棒/垒球场 ba sebal l(sof t bal l)fie ld/gr ound手球h andba ll手球场 ha ndbal l fie ld曲棍球 ho ckey; fiel d hoc key 冰上运动ice s ports冰球运动 ice hock ey冰球场 ri nk冰球 puc k; ru bber速度滑冰 spee d ska ting花样滑冰 figu re sk ating冰场skati ng ri nk; i ce ri nk人工冰场a rtifi cialice s tadiu m滑雪 skii ng速度滑雪c rosscount ry sk i rac ing 高山滑雪alpin e ski ing 水上运动water/acqu aticsport s水上运动中心aquat ic sp ortscente r 水球(运动)w aterpolo水球场playi ng po ol滑水 wat er-sk iing冲浪s urfin g游泳 swim ming游泳池swimm ing p ool 游泳馆n atato rium自由泳frees tyle; craw l (st roke)蛙泳breas tstro ke侧泳 sid estro ke蝶泳 but terfl y (st roke)海豚式 dolp hin s troke/kick蹼泳fin s wimmi ng跳水 div ing 跳台跳水platf orm d iving跳板跳水 spr ingbo ard d iving赛艇运动 row ing 滑艇/皮艇 cano eing帆船运动 yach ting; sail ing 赛龙船d ragon-boat raci ng室内运动i ndoor spor ts举重 wei ghtli fting重量级 heav yweig ht中量级 mi ddlew eight轻量级 ligh tweig ht拳击 box ing 摔交 wr estin g击剑 fenc ing 射击 sh ootin g靶场 shoo tingrange射箭arche ry拳术 qua nshu; bare hande d exe rcise; Chi neseboxin g 气功 qigo ng; b reath ing e xerci ses 自行车运动 cycl ing;cycle raci ng赛车场(自行车等的)倾斜赛车场cycli ng tr ack 室内自行车赛场 in doorvelod rome摩托运动 moto rcycl ing 登山运动mount ainee ring; moun tain-climb ing 骑术 ho rsema nship赛马场 eque stria n par k国际象棋 (i ntern ation al) c hess特级大师 gran dmast er象棋 xia ngqi; Chin ese c hessTothe t op(回页首)2.Ath letic s 竞技race跑m iddle-dist ancerace中长跑long-dista nce r unner长跑运动员sp rint短跑 (美作:das h)t he 400 met re hu rdles 400米栏ma ratho n 马拉松dec athlo n 十项cros s-cou ntryrace越野跑jump跳跃j umpin g 跳跃运动hi gh ju mp 跳高lon g jum p 跳远(美作:b roadjump)tri ple j ump,hop s tep a nd ju mp 三级跳po le va ult 撑竿跳t hrow投掷t hrowi ng 投掷运动p uttin g the shot, sho t put推铅球thro wingthe d iscus掷铁饼thro wingthe h ammer掷链锤thro wingthe j aveli n 掷标枪wal k 竞走3.In divid ual S ports体育项目gym nasti cs 体操gym nasti c app aratu s 体操器械ho rizon tal b ar 单杠par allel bars双杠rings吊环trape ze 秋千wal l bar s 肋木side hors e, po mmell ed ho rse 鞍马we ight-lifti ng 举重wei ghts重量级boxin g 拳击Gree ce-Ro man w restl ing 古典式摔跤hold, loc k 揪钮judo柔道fenci ng 击剑win ter s ports冬季运动ski ing 滑雪sk i 滑雪板dow nhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降slal om 障碍滑雪s ki ju mping comp etiti on 跳高滑雪比赛skijump跳高滑雪iceskati ng 滑冰fig ure s katin g 花样滑冰ro llerskati ng 滑旱冰bo bslei gh, b obsle d 雪橇4.Ga mes a nd Co mpeti tions球类运动foo tball足球rugby橄榄球bask etbal l 篮球voll eybal l 排球tenn is 网球bas eball垒球handb all 手球ho ckey曲棍球golf高尔夫球cric ket 板球ic e hoc key 冰球go alkee per 球门员c entre kick中线发球goa l kic k 球门发球th row i n, li ne-ou t 边线发球to scor e a g oal 射门得分to co nvert a tr y 对方球门线后触地得分b atsma n 板球运动员b atter击球运动员me n's s ingle s 单打运动员i n the mixe d dou bles混合双打5.Wa ter S ports水上运动swi mming pool游泳池swim ming游泳m edley rela y 混合泳cra wl 爬泳bre astst roke蛙式b ackst roke仰式f reest yle 自由式b utter fly (strok e) 蝶泳div ing c ompet ition跳水water polo水球water skii ng 水橇row ing 划船ca noe 划艇bo at ra ce 赛艇yac ht 游艇kay ak 皮船sai ling帆船运动outb oardboat船外马达6.Bi cycle s and Moto rcycl es 自行车和摩托车car车类运动vel odrom e, cy cling stad ium 自行车赛车场roa d rac e 公路赛rac e 计时赛cha se 追逐赛mo torcy cle,motor bike摩托车racin g car赛车racin g dri ver 赛车驾驶员rall y 汽车拉力赛7.Ridi ng an d Hor se Ra ces 赛马ri ding骑马r aceco urse, race track跑马场,赛马场jocke y, po lo 马球rid er 马球运动员showjumpi ng co mpeti tion跳跃赛steep lecha se 障碍赛fe nce 障碍tr otter快跑的马8.T ennis网球tenni s 网球运动la wn te nnis草地网球运动gr ass c ourt草地网球场rac ket 球拍ra cketpress球拍夹gut, stri ng (球拍的)弦line ball触线球base lineball底线球sidel ine b all 边线球s traig ht ba ll 直线球do wn-th e-lin e sho t 边线直线球c rossc ourt斜线球highball, lob高球l ow ba ll 低球lon g sho t 长球shor t sho t 短球cut削球s mash抽球j ump s mash跃起抽球spin旋转球lowdrive抽低球voll ey 截击空中球low v olley低截球deep ball深球heavy ball重球net 落网球f lat s troke平击球flat driv e 平抽球let重发球fluk e, se t-up, easy机会球grou nd st roke击触地球wide打出边线的球o verhe ad sm ash,overh and s mash高球扣杀game局s et 盘fift een a ll 一平thi rty a ll 二平for ty al l 三平deuc e 局末平分, 盘末平局l ove g ame 一方得零分的一局d ouble faul t 双误,两次发球失误‘not u p’, 两跳,还击前球着地两次ser viceline发球线forecourt前场backcourt后场centr e mar k 中点serv er 发球员re ceive r 接球员To thetop(回页首) 9.Sw immin g 游泳swim mingpool游泳池chang ing r oom 更衣室s hower淋浴divin g pla tform跳台ten-m eterplatf orm 10米跳台five-mete r pla tform 5米跳台thr ee-me ter s pring board 3米跳板one-mete r spr ingbo ard 1米跳板divin g poo l 跳水池non-swim mer's pool浅水池swim mer's pool深水池star tingblock出发台star tingdive出发起跳rope with cork floa ts 水线swi mming lane泳道touch ing t he fi nishi ng li ne 终点触线t imeke eper计时员lifes aver, life guard救生员land dril l 陆上练习br easts troke蛙泳crawl stro ke 爬泳bac k str oke 仰泳si de st roke侧泳b utter fly s troke蝶泳dolph in bu tterf ly st roke海豚式蝶泳tre ading wate r 踩水unde rwate r swi mming潜泳swimm ing p ool w ith a rtifi cialwaves人工海浪泳池a rtifi cialwaves人工海浪swi mming trun ks 泳裤swi msuit, swi mming suit泳衣swimm ing c ap 泳帽bik ini 比基尼泳衣biki ni to p 比基尼乳罩b ikini bott om 比基尼式泳裤surf ing 冲浪su rfboa rd 冲浪板wa ter s ki 滑水橇10.Foot ball足球f ootba ll, s occer, Ass ociat ion f ootba ll 足球fie ld, p itch足球场midfi eld 中场ki ck-of f cir cle 中圈ha lf-wa y lin e 中线foot ball, elev en 足球队fo otbal l pla yer 足球运动员goal keepe r, go alten der,goali e 守门员bac k 后卫left左后卫righ t bac k 右后卫cen tre h alf b ack 中卫ha lf ba ck 前卫lef t hal f bac k 左前卫rig ht ha lf ba ck 右前卫fo rward前锋centr e for ward, cent re 中锋ins ide l eft f orwar d, in sideleft左内锋insid e rig ht fo rward, ins ide r ight右内锋outsi de le ft fo rward, out sideleft左边锋outsi de ri ght f orwar d, ou tside righ t 右边锋kic koff开球b icycl e kic k, ov erhea d kic k 倒钩球che st-hi gh ba ll 平胸球co rnerball, corn er 角球gro und b all,groun der 地面球h and b all 手触球h eader头球penal ty ki ck 点球spo t kic k 罚点球fre e kic k 罚任意球th row-i n 掷界外球ba ll ha ndlin g 控制球blo ck ta ckle正面抢截body chec k 身体阻挡bu llt 球门前混战fair char ge 合理冲撞c hesti ng 胸部挡球c lose-marki ng de fence钉人防守clo se pa ss, s hortpass短传c onsec utive pass es 连续传球d ecept ive m oveme nt 假动作di vingheade r 鱼跃顶球fl yingheada r 跳起顶球dr ibbli ng 盘球fin ger-t ip sa ve (守门员)托救球cl ean c atchi ng (守门员)跳球抓好f lankpass边线传球high lobb ing p ass 高吊传球sciss or pa ss 交叉传球v olley pass凌空传球tri angul ar pa ss 三角传球r ollin g pas s, gr oundpass滚地传球slid e tac kle 铲球cl earan ce ki ck 解除危险的球to s hoot射门g razin g sho t 贴地射门cl ose-r angeshot近射l ong d rive远射m ishit未射中offs ide 越位to pass theball传球t o tak e a p ass 接球sp ot pa ss 球传到位t o tra p 脚底停球to br eak t hroug h, to beat带球过人tobreak loos e 摆脱to c ontro l the midf ield控制中场to d isorg anize thedefen ce 破坏防守t o fal l bac k 退回to s et awall筑人墙to se t the pace掌握进攻节奏t o war d off an a ssaul t 击退一次攻势to br eak u p anattac k 破坏一次攻势ballplayi ng sk ill 控球技术total foot ball全攻全守足球战术openfootb all 拉开的足球战术of f-sid e tra p 越位战术wi ng pl ay 边锋战术s hoot-on-si ght t actic s 积极的抢射战术time wast ing t actic s 拖延战术Br azili an fo rmati on 巴西阵式,4-2-4阵式f our b ackssyste m 四后卫制fo ur-th ree-t hreeforma tion4-3-3阵式four-two-f our f ormat ion 4-2-4阵式r ed ca rd 红牌(表示判罚出场)yello w car d 黄牌(表示警告)T o the top(回页首)11.Baseb all a nd So ftbal l 棒球和垒球b aseba ll 棒球bas eball fiel d, ba sebal l gro und 棒球场s oftba ll 垒球sof tball fiel d, so ftbal l gro und 垒球场i nfiel d,dia mond内场o utfie ld 外场fai r ter ritor y 界内地区fo ul te rrito ry 界外地区f oul l ine 边线ba se li ne 垒间线ba se 垒bag垒垫, 垒包ho me ba se 本垒fir st ba se 一垒sec ond b ase 二垒th ird b ase 三垒ho me pl ate 本垒板p itche r's p late投手板pitch er'smound(棒球)投手土墩pitc her's circ le (垒球)投手圈bat ter's box击球员区on d eck c ircle击球员准备区c atche r's b ox 接手区co acher's bo x 跑垒指导员区bench, dug-out队员席bull-pen 候补投手练习区gl ove 手套, 分指手套m ilt 合指手套bat 球棒ma sk 护面che st pr otect or 护胸leg prot ector护腿suppo rter护裆h elmet护帽baseb all p layer棒球运动员so ftbal l pla yer 垒球运动员pitc her 投手ca tcher接手field er 守场员ba seman守垒员infi elder内场手firs t bas eman一垒手secon d bas eman二垒手third base man 三垒手s horts top 游击手o utfie lder外场手batte r, hi tter击球员base-runne r 跑垒员bat ter-r unner击跑员reli ef pi tcher候援投手des ignat ed hi tter(DH)指名击球员coa cher跑垒指导员man ager总教练plate umpi re 司球裁判员baseumpir e 司垒裁判员i nning局次visit ing t eam 先攻队h ome t eam 后攻队o ffens ive t eam 攻队de fensi ve te am 守队pit ching投手投球win dup p ositi on (棒球投手)正面投球法setup po sitio n (棒球投手)侧身投球法sling shot(垒球投手)后摆投球法w ind m ill (垒球投手)绕环投球法8 f igure(垒球投手)8字投球法t hrowi ng 传球cat ching接球field ing 防守ba tting, hit ting击球b ase r unnin g 跑垒stea ling偷垒s lidin g 滑垒stri ke zo ne 好球区fa ir ba ll 界内球fo ul ba ll 界外球il legal pitc h 不合法投球i llega lly b atted ball不合法击球bu nt 触击球fo ul ti p 擦棒球bun ting触击s wing挥击g round ball, gro under地滚球line r, li ne dr ive 平直球f ly ba ll 腾空球hi t, sa fetyhit 安全打o ne ba se hi t 一垒打two base hit二垒打three base hit三垒打homerun,homer本垒打sacr ifice hit牺牲打sacri ficebunt牺牲触击sacr ifice fly牺牲腾空球squ eezebunt抢分触击runand h it, h it an d run击跑配合战术s afe 安全上垒baseon ba lls 四球安全上垒str uck-o ut 三击出局r un,sc ore 得分ba tting orde r 击球次序wi ld pi tch (投手)暴投pic k-off(投手)牵制跑垒员的传球balk(棒球)投手犯规put-o ut 接杀out, dow n, aw ay 出局tou ch ou t 触杀forc e out封杀assis t 助杀rundown夹杀d ouble play, dou ble k ill 双杀tr ipleplay, trip le ki ll 三杀wil d thr ow 野传球pa ssedball接手漏接球bal l inplay, live ball继续比赛, 活球ball notin pl ay, d ead b all 死球co ver 补位ba ck up策应cut-o ff 拦接pla y sha llow近迫防守play deep后撤防守app eal p lay 申诉行为calle d gam e 有效比赛fo rfeit ed ga me 比赛弃权b attin g ave rage安打率field ing a verag e 防守率ear ned r un 投手责任失分comp letegame无安打无得分获胜的比赛T o the top(回页首)12.Wrest ling搏击类竞技Gre ek-Ro man w restl ing 古典式摔跤wres tler摔跤运动员sta nding wres tling站立摔on-t he-gr oundwrest ling跪撑摔bridg e 角力桥fre e sty le wr estli ng 自由式摔跤bar a rm wi th gr apevi ne 锁臂缠腿d ouble leglock抱单腿拦腿摔13. Box ing 拳击bo xer 拳击运动员boxi ng gl ove 拳击手套boxin g sho e 拳击鞋inf ighti ng 近战str aight punc h 直拳uppe rcut上钩拳right hook右钩拳foul犯规punch bag沙袋p unchball沙球b oxing matc h 拳击比赛re feree裁判员boxi ng ri ng 拳击台ro pe 围绳win ner 胜利者l oserby aknock out 被击败出局者tim ekeep er 计时员bo xingweigh ts 拳击体重级别ligh t fly weigh t 48公斤级, 次特轻量级flyw eight 51公斤级, 特轻量级b antam weigh t 54公斤级, 最轻量级feath erwei ght 57公斤级,次轻量级lig htwei ght 60公斤级,轻量级ligh t wel terwe ight63.5公斤级, 轻中量级welte rweig ht 67公斤级,次中量级ligh t mid dlewe ight71公斤级, 中量级mid dlewe ight75公斤级, 次重量级li ght h eavyw eight 81公斤级, 重量级he avywe ight81以上公斤级, 最重量级14 Ba sketb all 篮球英语球场-co urt 前锋-fo rward s后卫-guar ds中锋-cen ter 后场-ba ckcou rt前场-fro ntcou rt得分后卫-p ointguard组织后卫-sho oting guar d大前锋-pow er fo rward小前锋-smal l for ward篮框-r im,ba sket争球-j ump b all 攻方-of fense守方-defen ce计时器-sh ot cl ock 打成平分-tie 加时赛-o verti me(OT)运球-drib bling身前快速运球-s peed双手交替运球-cr ossov er身后运球-b ehind-the-back腿间运球-betw een-t he-le g 转身运球-sp in传球-pas s胸部传球-ch est 反弹传球-bounc e过顶传球-ov erhea d大力传球-ba sebal l-typ e身后传球-be hind-the-b ack 投篮方式-shoot ing f orm 直接篮下得分-lay up大力灌篮-t he du nk sh ot跳投-jum p sho t勾手投篮-ho ok sh ot投篮命中率-field goal ds(FG s)三分球命中率-3-po int F Gs罚球-fou l sho t罚球线-fre e thr ow li ne篮板-reb ound攻方篮板-off.rebou nds 守方篮板-def.r eboun ds助攻-ass ists内线得分-poin ts in pain t暂停-time-out卡位-s creen s人盯人-men-to-men d efens e 区域防守-zo ne de fense盖帽-block ing 失误-tu rnove rs撞人犯规-c hargi ng阻挡犯规-h oldin g推人犯规-pu shing技术犯规-tec hnica l off ence(fouls)常规赛-reg ularseaso n季后赛-pla yoff。
体育运动英语单词sport [spɔːt] n. 体育运动aerobics [eəˈrəʊbɪks] n. 有氧运动American football 美式橄榄球运动badminton [ˈbædmɪntən] n. 羽毛球运动baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] n. 棒球运动basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] n. 篮球boxing [ˈbɒksɪŋ] n. 拳击(运动)cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt] n. 板球(运动)darts [dɑːts] n. 掷飞镖游戏football [ˈfʊtbɔːl] n. 足球; 橄榄球; 足球运动golf [ɡɒlf] n. 高尔夫球gymnastics [dʒɪmˈnæstɪks] n. 体操; 体操训练hockey [ˈhɒki] n. 曲棍球horse racing n. 赛马运动horse-riding n. 去骑马horseback riding 骑马ice-skating [ˈaɪs skeɪtɪŋ] n. 滑冰jogging [ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ] n. 慢跑judo [ˈdʒuːdəʊ] n. 柔道;柔术karate [kəˈrɑːti] n. 空手道rugby [ˈrʌɡbi] n. 橄榄球; 橄榄球运动skiing [ˈskiːɪŋ] n. 滑雪运动snooker [ˈsnuːkə(r)] n. 斯诺克;台球soccer [ˈsɒkə(r)] n. 足球squash [skwɒʃ] n. 壁球swimming [ˈswɪmɪŋ] n. 游泳tennis [ˈtenɪs] n. 网球volleyball [ˈvɒlibɔːl] n. 排球windsurfing [ˈwɪndsɜːfɪŋ] n. 帆板运动athlete [ˈæθliːt] n. 运动员captain [ˈkæptɪn] n. 队长champion [ˈtʃæmpiən] n. 冠军manager [ˈmænɪdʒə(r)] n. 经纪人instructor [ɪnˈstrʌktə(r)] n. 教练,技术指导guide [ɡaɪd] n.领队trainer [ˈtreɪnə(r)] n. 助理教练linesman [ˈlaɪnzmən] n. (足球等比赛中的)边线裁判员contestant [kənˈtestənt] n. 运动员competitor [kəmˈpetɪtə(r)] n. 运动员professional [prəˈfeʃənl] n. 职业运动员amateur [ˈæmətə(r)] n. 业余运动员coach [kəʊtʃ] n. 教练fan [fæn] n. 崇拜者; 迷enthusiast [ɪnˈθjuːziæst] n. 爱好者opponent [əˈpəʊnənt] n. 对手;竞争者player [ˈpleɪə(r)] n. 运动员,比赛者referee [ˌrefəˈriː] n. 裁判spectator [spekˈteɪtə(r)] n. 观众team [tiːm] n.队;组umpire [ˈʌmpaɪə(r)] n. 裁判员winner [ˈwɪnə(r)] n. 获胜者boxing ring 拳击场court [kɔːt] n. (网球等的)球场golf course 高尔夫球场gymnasium [dʒɪmˈneɪziəm] n. 体育馆;健身房ice rink 滑冰场pitch [pɪtʃ] n. 场地;球场racetrack [ˈreɪstræk] n. 跑道stadium [ˈsteɪdiəm] n. 体育场;露天大型运动场swimming pool 游泳池ball [bɔːl] n. 球basket [ˈbɑːskɪt] n. 篮;篓;筐bat [bæt] n. 球棒;球拍golf club 高尔夫球杆kit [kɪt] n. 服装和器具net [net] n. 球门网;球网racket [ˈrækɪt] n. (网球、羽毛球等的)球拍skis [skiːz] n. 滑雪板championship [ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp] n. 锦标赛;冠军赛competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] n. 比赛,竞赛final [ˈfaɪnl] n. 决赛foul [faʊl] n. 犯规game [ɡeɪm] n. 比赛;运动goal [ɡəʊl] n. 球门,得分half-time [ˌhɑːf ˈtaɪm] n. 中场休息match [mætʃ] n. 比赛medal [ˈmedl] n. 勋章,奖章point [pɔɪnt] n. 得分race [reɪs] n. 比赛;速度决赛score [skɔː(r)] n. 得分; 分数tie [taɪ] n. 平局tournament [ˈtʊənəmənt] n. 锦标赛the World Cup n. 世界杯beat [biːt] v. 打败;战胜catch [kætʃ] v. 接(球)defend [dɪˈfend] v. 防守;阻止进攻draw [drɔː] v. 打成平局hit [hɪt] v. 击(球)jump [dʒʌmp] v. 跳;跳起kick [kɪk] v. 踢(球)lose [luːz] v. 输miss [mɪs] v. 没打到;没击中(球)practise [ˈpræktɪs] v. 练习run [rʌn] v. 跑save [seɪv] v. 救(球)score [skɔː(r)] v. 得(分)serve [sɜːv] v. 发球ski [skiː] v. 滑雪swim [swɪm] v. 游泳throw [θrəʊ] v. 投;抛;掷tie [taɪ] v. 打成平局train [treɪn] v. 训练win [wɪn] v. 获胜in the lead adj. 处于领先地位的professional [prfenl] adj. 职业的jogging 慢跑jogging suit 慢跑服jogging shoes 慢跑鞋running 跑步running shorts 跑步短裤running shoes 跑步鞋walking 步行walking shoes 便鞋inline skating / rollerblading 直排滚轴溜冰inline skates / rollerbladers 直排轮滑鞋cycling / biking 自行车运动bicycle / bike 自行车skateboarding 滑板运动skateboard 滑板bowling 保龄球运动bowling ball 保龄球bowling shoes 保龄球鞋horseback riding 骑马saddle 马鞍reins 缰绳stirrups 马镫tennis 网球tennis racket 网球拍tennis ball 网球tennis shorts 网球短裤tennis court 网球场tennis partner 网球搭档badminton 羽毛球运动badminton racket 羽毛球拍birdie / shuttlecock 羽毛球racquetball 美式墙网球运动safety goggles 防护镜racquetball 美式墙网球racquet 球拍table tennis/ping pong 乒乓球运动paddle 乒乓球拍ping pong table 乒乓球台net 网ping pong ball 乒乓球swimming 游泳swimsuit/bathing suit 泳装goggles 泳镜bathing cap 泳帽snorkeling 浮潜mask 面罩snorkel 呼吸管fins 脚蹼scuba diving 戴水肺潜水wet suit 潜水服air tank 氧气瓶diving mask 潜水面罩surfing 冲浪运动surfboard 冲浪板windsurfing 帆板运动sailboard 帆板sail 帆waterskiing 水橇滑水运动water skis 水橇towrope 拖绳fishing 钓鱼fishing rod/pole 鱼竿reel 线轴fishing line 鱼线fishing net 渔网bait 诱饵。
我的爱好是打羽毛球英语作文60个单词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1My hobby is playing badminton. I really love playing badminton because it's so much fun! I play at the school club with my friends every day after school. We have a great time hitting the shuttlecock back and forth across the net.When I first started playing badminton, I wasn't very good. I couldn't hit the shuttlecock very far and I kept missing it when it came to me. But with practice and hard work, I got better and better. Now I can hit the shuttlecock really far and I hardly ever miss!Playing badminton is a great way to stay active and healthy. It's a good exercise for my body and it helps me to stay fit. I love running around the court, jumping to hit the shuttlecock, and feeling the wind in my face as I play.I also love the feeling of winning a game of badminton. It's so exciting when I score a point or when my team wins a match. The thrill of competition is what keeps me coming back for more.Overall, playing badminton is my favorite hobby. It's a fun and exciting sport that keeps me active, healthy, and happy. I can't wait to play again tomorrow!篇2My Hobby: Playing BadmintonHello everyone, my name is Sarah and I want to talk to you about my favorite hobby - playing badminton. I really love playing badminton because it is so much fun and it helps me stay active and healthy.I started playing badminton when I was in kindergarten. I remember the first time I held a badminton racket, I felt so excited and happy. I didn't know how to play at first, but with the help of my coach and my friends, I quickly learned the basic skills of badminton.One of the things I love most about playing badminton is the feeling of hitting the shuttlecock with the racket. It's so satisfying when I hit the shuttlecock just right and it goes flying across the court. I also love the feeling of running around the court, trying to catch the shuttlecock and make a winning shot.Playing badminton is also a great way to make friends and socialize. I have met so many new friends through badminton, and we always have a great time playing matches together. We cheer each other on and encourage each other to do our best.In addition to being fun, playing badminton is also a great way to stay fit and healthy. It helps me improve my hand-eye coordination, agility, and stamina. I feel so energized and happy after a good game of badminton.Overall, playing badminton is my favorite hobby because it brings me joy, helps me make friends, and keeps me healthy. I can't wait to continue playing badminton and improving my skills. Thank you for listening to my story.篇3My Hobby is Playing BadmintonHi everyone, my name is Amy and I want to tell you about my favorite hobby - playing badminton! I started playing badminton when I was in primary school and I instantly fell in love with the game. It's so much fun and it keeps me active and healthy.I play badminton with my friends after school and on weekends. We have so much fun running around the court, hitting the shuttlecock back and forth. Sometimes we even have mini tournaments and compete to see who is the best player.I love badminton because it's a great way to stay fit. It helps me improve my hand-eye coordination and agility. Plus, it's a wonderful way to make new friends and bond with my old ones. We always have a blast playing together and cheering each other on.I also love the feeling of hitting a powerful smash or a perfect drop shot. It makes me feel so proud of myself and motivates me to keep practicing and improving my skills. I watch professional badminton players on TV and try to learn from their techniques and strategies.In conclusion, playing badminton is not just a hobby for me, it's a passion. I can't imagine my life without it. It brings me joy, keeps me healthy, and helps me build strong relationships with my friends. I hope you will give badminton a try and discover the joy of this amazing sport!篇4My hobby is playing badminton! I really love to play badminton because it's so much fun and I get to run around and hit the shuttlecock with my racket.I first started playing badminton when I was in elementary school. My PE teacher taught us how to hold the racket and how to serve the shuttlecock. I was a little clumsy at first, but I practiced a lot and got better and better.Now, I play badminton every chance I get. I go to the park with my friends and we play doubles matches. It's so exciting to see who can hit the shuttlecock the hardest and who can make the best shots.I also like to watch professional badminton matches on TV. I admire the skill and athleticism of the players. They make it look so easy, but I know it takes a lot of hard work and practice to be that good.Playing badminton keeps me active and healthy. I love the feeling of sweating and having a good workout. It's a great way to stay in shape and have fun at the same time.I hope I can keep playing badminton for a long time. It's a hobby that brings me a lot of joy and happiness. I can't wait to hit the court and play some more badminton!篇5My Hobby is Playing BadmintonHi everyone, I am Lucy and I am in primary school. Today I want to share with you my favorite hobby, which is playing badminton. Playing badminton is so much fun and I really enjoy it.I started playing badminton when I was in kindergarten. My parents bought me a small badminton racket and we would go to the park to play together. At first, I didn't know how to hit the shuttlecock properly, but gradually I got better and better.Playing badminton helps me to stay active and healthy. When I play, I have to run around a lot and it makes me feel so good. It also helps me to make friends with other kids who like to play badminton. We have so much fun playing together and cheering each other on.One of the things I love most about badminton is the feeling of hitting the shuttlecock just right. When it sails over the net and lands on the other side, I feel so happy and proud of myself. It's like hitting a home run in baseball or scoring a goal in soccer.I also like watching professional badminton players on TV. They are so fast and skilled, and I dream of becoming a great badminton player like them one day. I practice every day after school and I hope to join the school badminton team soon.In conclusion, playing badminton is not just a hobby for me, it is a passion. I love everything about it, from the thrill of hitting the shuttlecock to the camaraderie with my friends. Badminton is the best and I can't wait to play again soon. Thank you for listening to my story!篇6My hobby is playing badminton. I love playing badminton because it is a fun and exciting sport. Every day after school, I go to the park with my friends to play badminton.First, we warm up by stretching and jogging around the court. Then, we start playing. We hit the shuttlecock back and forth over the net, trying to score points. Sometimes we play singles, and sometimes we play doubles. It's always a lot of fun!Playing badminton is a great way to exercise and stay healthy. It helps me improve my hand-eye coordination and agility. I also love the feeling of hitting the shuttlecock just right and watching it soar through the air.One of my favorite things about playing badminton is the competitive aspect. I always try my best to win, but even if I lose, I still have a great time playing with my friends.In conclusion, playing badminton is my favorite hobby. It keeps me active, healthy, and happy. I hope to continue playing for many years to come.篇7My Hobby is Playing BadmintonHi, everyone! My name is Amy and I am going to tell you all about my favorite hobby - playing badminton! I just love playing badminton because it's so much fun and it keeps me active.I started playing badminton when I was in the 1st grade. My mom bought me a racket and some shuttlecocks, and we would go to the park to play together. At first, I wasn't very good at it, but I practiced a lot and now I can hit the shuttlecock really far!One of the things I love most about badminton is that you can play it with your friends. We always have a great time playing doubles and trying to beat each other. Sometimes we even have little tournaments to see who is the best player!Playing badminton is also a great way to exercise. It helps me stay fit and healthy, and I always feel so energized after a game. It's much better than sitting inside and playing video games all day!I also like watching professional badminton players on TV. They are so fast and skillful, and it's really inspiring to see how good they are. I hope one day I can be as good as them!In conclusion, playing badminton is my favorite hobby because it's fun, keeps me active, and allows me to spend time with my friends. I can't wait to go out and play another game soon!篇8My hobby is playing badminton. I love playing badminton because it is super fun and it makes me happy. Every time I play badminton, I feel excited and energetic.I started playing badminton when I was very young. My parents bought me a small racket and shuttlecock, and I would play with my friends in the park. At first, I didn't know how to play properly, but I learned quickly and soon I became really good at it.I practice playing badminton every day after school. I learn new techniques and skills from my coach, and I try my best to improve my game. Sometimes I play with my friends, and we have friendly matches to see who is the best player.Playing badminton is not only good for my physical health, but also for my mental health. It helps me to relax and forget about my problems. When I am on the court, I focus on the game and nothing else matters.I also love watching badminton matches on TV. I admire professional players and I dream of becoming a professional player myself one day. I hope to compete in tournaments and win trophies.In conclusion, playing badminton is my favorite hobby. It brings me joy and excitement, and it helps me stay healthy and fit. I will continue to play badminton for as long as I can, because it is a sport that I truly love.篇9My hobby is playing badminton. I really like playing badminton because it is so much fun! I love hitting the shuttlecock back and forth with my friends.Every weekend, I go to the park with my friends to play badminton. We bring our rackets and shuttlecocks and we have a great time playing together. We laugh and shout as we try to score points against each other.I think playing badminton is a great way to stay active and healthy. It helps me to exercise and keeps me fit. I also enjoy the competition and excitement of trying to win a game. It makes me feel happy and proud when I hit a good shot or win a match.Sometimes, I even watch badminton matches on TV. I admire the professional players and their skills. I hope that one day I can become as good as them.Overall, playing badminton is my favorite hobby. It brings me joy and happiness. I will continue to play badminton for as long as I can because it is something that I truly love.篇10My hobby is playing badmintonHi everyone, I want to share with you my favorite hobby, which is playing badminton. I love playing badminton because it is so much fun and it helps me to stay active and healthy.I first started playing badminton when I was in elementary school. My friends and I would go to the park after school and we would play badminton together. We would set up a net and then take turns hitting the birdie back and forth over the net. It was so much fun and we would play for hours.Playing badminton is not only fun, but it is also good exercise. It helps me to stay active and it is a great way to keep fit.I love the feeling of running around the court, trying to hit the birdie and score points. It is a great way to stay healthy and keep in shape.Another reason why I love playing badminton is because it is a great way to make new friends. I have met so many new friends through playing badminton and we have had so much fun together. We have formed a badminton team and we compete in tournaments together. It is so exciting to play against other teams and see how well we can do.In conclusion, playing badminton is my favorite hobby because it is fun, good exercise, and a great way to make new friends. I hope I can continue playing badminton for many years to come. Thank you for listening to my story.。
9.乒乓球(table tennis)
Sure, here are some English words related to ball sports for fifth graders:
1. Football (足球)
2. Basketball (篮球)
3. Tennis (网球)
4. Volleyball (排球)
5. Baseball (棒球)
6. Soccer (足球)
7. Rugby (橄榄球)
8. Badminton (羽毛球)
9. Table tennis (乒乓球)
10. Golf(高尔夫球)
11. Handball (手球)
12. Hockey (曲棍球)
13. Cricket (板球)
14. Softball (垒球)
15. Lacrosse (长曲棍球)
Now, let's move on to the Chinese translation:
关于兴趣爱好的英语单词 最少30个
1. Art 艺术
2. Cooking 烹饪
3. Sports 运动
4. Reading 阅读
5. Writing 写作
6. Drawing 绘画
7. Painting 涂鸦
8. Photography 摄影
9. Travel 旅行
10. Music 音乐
11. Singing 唱歌
12. Dance 跳舞
13. Cycling 骑行
14. Swimming 游泳
15. Gardening 园艺
16. Yoga 瑜伽
17. Cooking 烹饪
18. Sketching 素描
19. Birdwatching 观鸟
20. Rock climbing 攀岩
21. Snowboarding 滑雪
22. Surfing 冲浪
23. Table tennis 乒乓球
24. Badminton 羽毛球
25. Basketball 篮球
26. Football 足球
27. Cricket 板球
28. Golf 高尔夫
29. Rowing 划船
30. Fishing 钓鱼
Aactively/ 'æktɪvlɪ /积极地afraid/ əˈfreɪd /害怕all/ɔ:l] /所有;全部also/ ˈɔ:lsəʊ /也;同样answer/ˈɑ:nsə/回答arm/a:m/胳膊art club美术(艺术);俱乐部ask/a:sk/问Bbad/ bæd /严重的;厉害的basketball/ˈbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l /篮球bike/ baɪk /自行车boat/ bəʊt /小船borrow/ˈbɒrəʊ /(向某人、从某人)借borrow books借书bing/ bɪŋ /带来bus/ bʌs /公共汽车buy/ baɪ /买Ccan/ kæn /能car/ka:/小汽车child(children)/ tʃaɪld /孩子(复数) chocolate /ˈtʃɒklət/巧克力class/kla:s/班clean the room 打扫房间clothes/ kləʊðz /衣服coach/ kəʊtʃ /长途旅游车coat/ kəʊt /大衣cousin /ˈkʌzn/表(堂)兄弟表(堂)姐妹Ddear/ dɪə /亲爱的do housework做家务do the high jump跳高do the long jump跳远dragon fruit火龙果Eear/ɪə /耳朵eat/i:t/吃English lesson英语课Fface/feIs/脸favourite/ˈfeɪvərɪt /最喜欢的feel/fi:l/感觉foot(feet)/ fʊt /脚(复数) football/ˈfʊtbɔ:l /足球for/ fɔ:/为了…;给Ggame/geIm/比赛;游戏get up起床get-well card康复卡go home回家go home late晚回家go to bed去睡觉Hhave/ hæv /有have a bad cold重感冒have a cough咳嗽have a fever发烧have a headache头痛have a meeting开会have a stomachache胃痛have a toothache牙痛head /hed/头help/help/帮助help old people帮助老人here/ hɪə /这里;在这里high jump跳高Iill/Il/有病Jjeep/ dʒi:p /吉普车Kkeep off the grass不要进入草地keep your room clean保持房间清洁Llanguage lab语言实验室late/leIt/晚;迟到library/ˈlaɪbrəri /图书馆like/ laɪk /喜欢litter/ˈlɪtə /乱丢杂物long jump跳远look at the picture看图片Mmake/meIk/制造;做make a call打电话make noise喧闹,制造噪音many/ˈmeni/许多meet/ˈmi:t/相遇;开会meeting room会议室Miss/mIs/小姐motorbike/ ˈməʊtəbaɪk /摩托车Mr/ˈmIstə/先生Mrs/ˈmIsIz/太太Ms/mIz/女士music club音乐俱乐部Oour/ aʊr /我们的Ppaint a picture(用颜料)绘画people/ˈpi:pl/人;人们pick flowers摘花pane/pleIn/飞机play badminton打羽毛球play baseba‖打棒球play basketbal‖打篮球play footba‖踢足球play on the street在街道上玩耍play ping-pong打乒乓球lay tennis打网球play the guitar弹吉他play the piano弹钢琴play the piano弹钢琴play the violin拉小提琴play volleyball打排球playground/ ˈpleigraund/操场please/pli:z/请Qquestion/ ˈkwestʃən /问题quiet/ ˈkwaɪət /安静的Rread in bed在床上看书run/ rʌn /跑;跑步run fast跑得快Sscience lab科学实验室science lesson科学课s hip/∫Ip/轮船short pants短裤sing a song唱歌sit/sIt/坐;坐下sport/ spɔ:t] /运动stand/ stænd /站立Ttake/teIk/拿;乘坐take a good rest好好休息take good care of young children 照看好儿童take some medicine吃点儿药talk about谈论…taxi/ ˈtæksi/出租车think/θɪŋk /想toy/ tɔɪ /玩具toy boat玩具小船toy plane玩具飞机toy ship玩具轮船toy train玩具火车train/treIn/火车trousers/ ˈtraʊzəz /裤子; 长裤try/traI/试Vvery much非常;很Wwait/ˈweit/等待want/ wɒnt /想;想要wash the clothes洗衣服watch the games观看比赛way/weI/路;道路we/wi:/我们welcome/ˈwelkəm /欢迎with/ wɪð /和……一起worry/ˈwʌri /担心,着急write an email写电子邮件wrong/ rɒŋ /错的Yyoung/ jʌŋ /年轻的。
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以下是整理给大家的关于打羽毛球的英语单词,希望能给大家带来帮助!打羽毛球的英语单词集锦:Aabnormal flight(球)飞行不正常accuracy of placement落点的准确性ace①得分球②打得漂亮的球③直接得分的发球alley①单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带②单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带alternate courts交换发球区alternate in serving①换发球②双打中一方轮流发球anchor fingers紧握球拍的三指(中指、无名指、小指) around-the-head stroke绕头顶挥拍击球ascent(球)上升attacking clear比较平直的高远球Bback alley单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带back boundary line端线(单打后发球线)backcourt后场backcourt boundary端线backcourt player后场球员backhandbackhand court 左场区backhand grip反手握法back room端线外的空地backswing往后撤拍(准备击球) badminton羽毛球运动balk发球时一方扰乱对方band网顶白布条base中心位置base line端线basic strokes基本技术bat②击(球)battledore羽毛球拍(旧称)battledore and shuttlecock羽毛球运动(旧称)broken shuttle坏球Ccarrying持球centre line中线change courts交换场地change ends交换场地change service courts互换左右发球区,互换方位choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权choice of “setting”选择“再赛”权clear高远球combination court 单打、双打合用的球场cork base(球)底托corners of backcourt 后场两角court球场court-covering守住全场cross-court①斜线②斜线球crown of feathers羽毛圈cut切球Ddeception假动作decoying tactics引诱战术deep high service发高远球deep shot深球(打到对方端线附近的球) delivery of service发球动作descent(球)下降deuce局末平局(如男子单打的13平) diagonal system(双打)斜对角配合打法diagonal teamwork(双打)斜对角配合打法double hit连击doubles court双打球场doubles service court双打发球区doubles service line双打发球线draw(用故意留出空当等办法)引诱对方进攻drive平抽球driven clear平抽高球driven service发平球(比高远球要低些)driver善于抽球的队员drop shot吊网前球Eend半场even number of points双数分数Fface of racketfacet八角形拍把上的一个平面fault①失误②犯规faulty serving发球违例feather羽毛feather tip羽毛顶尖fingering the grip击球时握指的变动finishing shot决定得分的一击first inning第一轮,第一次发球权first server(双打)第一次发球员flat serviceflexible wrist灵活的手腕flick甩腕击球flight(球)飞行foot fault脚部犯规forecourt前场forecourt player 前场球员forehand正拍forehand court 右场区forehand grip 正手握拍法foul hit击球犯规frame of racketfront and back双打中一前一后的站法front service line前发球线full strike全力击球full swing全力挥拍Ggame局game ball一局中的决胜分game bird一局中的决胜分game point一局中的决胜分get抢救险球getter抢救险球的队员good return合法还击good service合法发球grip①握拍法②握拍的地方gut羊肠线Hhairpin shot“夹发针”球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球) half-court shot半场球(对付一前一后防守的打法)hand-in有发球权handle of racket拍柄hand-out无发球权,失发球权headroom室内球场上无障碍物的空间high backhand stroke 高反拍击球high clear高远球hogging the court (双打)抢打同伴的球home position中心位置Iice-cream point一场中的决胜分in①有发球权②(球)在界内inning一方保持发球权的时间"in" side 掌握发球权一方inside side line单打边线intercept截击Kkill扣杀Llanding(球)落地left court左场区left court player(双打)在左场区接发球的球员left service court左发球区let发球擦网后重发lift近网挑球linesman司线员lob高球long high serve发高远球long service发远球long service line双打后发球线loss of service失发球权"Love all ,play!" “零比零,开始比赛!”love game一方得零分的一局love match一方得零局的一场low shot低球Mmain string(球拍)直线match场match point一场中的决胜分mid court中区mid court line中线miss击球未中miss on service发球时未打中球mix up不断变换打法money bird一场中的决胜分(西方称法) Nnet game网前打法net man(双打)打网前位置的球员net play网前打法net payer(双打)打网前位置的球员net post网柱net tape网顶白布条nylon尼龙弦Oodd number of points单数分数one down(双打)失去第一次发球权one hand(双打开始时)一次发球权one hand out(双打)失去第一次发球权one out(双打)失去第一次发球权one-shotter只会一种打法的球员option of "setting" 选择“再赛”权order of service发球次序out①无发球权②(球)在界外out-of-hand service撒手发球法(用手指抓着羽毛,一撒手就将球打出去) out of position站错位,离开了基本位置"out " side不掌握发球权一方outside side line双打边线overdrive把球打出对方端线overhand stroke高手击球overhead stroke打头上球overrun接球时跑过头Ppace①球的速度②比赛的速度pairing(双打)配对partner(双打)同伴pass超身球passing shot超身球pass shot超身球place找落点place-hitter善于找落点的球员placement落点好的球placer善于找落点的球员plastic shuttle塑料羽毛球players’positions队员方位play for an opening促使对方出漏洞的打法play safe打保险球poacher(双打)抢打同伴的球poaching(双打)抢打同伴的球poona羽毛球运动(因此项运动发源于印度浦那而得名) pop up近网挑球过高(对方容易扣杀)preliminary feint(发球时的)假动作press球拍夹子Rracket球拍racket head球拍前部(包括拍框和拍面)racket head above the hand 拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规) racquet球拍rally为争夺一分的往返拍击,一个回合rear service line后发球线receiving side接发球一方referee裁判员retired side失去发球权的一方retrieve救球return还击return of service接发球right court右场区right-court player(双打)在右场区接发球的球员right service court右发球区right to serve发球权rotation system(双打)轮转配合打法"rough" (球拍)粗面round-the-head stroke 绕头顶扣杀rubber三打二胜制runback端线外的空地rushing①冲上网②扑rush-up①冲上网②扑Sscore cancelled得分无效second server(双打)第二发球员"Second server!"(双打)“第二发球员发球!”serve deep发深球serve from the wrong-service court发球站错方位serve out of turn发球次序错误serve with both feet in a stationary position 两脚立定发球service ace发球得分service court发球区service judge发球裁判员"Service over!"(单打)“换发球!”serving above the waist 高于腰部的发球serving form发球姿势serving position发球位置serving side发球方setting再赛"Set 2 points!" “再赛两分!”set-up机会球shaft拍柄轴short短球short low service发短低球short service发短球short service line前发球线shoulder-high drive与肩齐高的平抽球shuttle羽毛球shuttlecock羽毛球shuttler羽毛球运动员side alley单打边线和双打边线之间的细长地带side-arm stroke侧手球side boundary line边线side by side双打中一左一右的站法side line边线side room边线外的空地side stop场边围栏singles court单打球场singles service court 单打发球区sliding step滑步sling持球smash扣球"smooth" (球拍)滑面soft service发短球speed of shuttle flight 球的速度spin a racket转球拍(抽签方法之一)spread of the feather 羽毛圈直径stance站立姿势straight直线球strike击(球)striker-out接发球的球员swing of the arm摆臂swing of the body 身体旋转swing of the racket 挥拍Ttake the net上网thought action经过思考的动作throat拍颈throw持球thumb-up拇指贴把top and back双打中一前一后的站法top line of the net网的上缘toss service抛球发球法touch the net触网trim缠绕拍线交叉地方的细绳two双打队员two hands两次发球权Uumpire副裁判unclean hit有拖带动作的击球underhand stroke低手击球uneven number of points 单数分数unsight an opponent挡住对方视线up and back双打中一前一后的站法variation of shots打法变化velocity of shuttle flight 球的飞行速度Wwell-rounded game全面的技术Western grip西方式握拍法white tape网顶白布条wide球打出边线wild shot乱打,野球winner得分球wooden shot木球羽毛球运动术语:shuttlecock 羽毛球badminton racket 羽毛球拍net 球网court 球场left court 左场right court 右场forecourt 前场back court 后场doubles court 双打球场change courts 交换场地umpire 裁判serve 发球right to serve 发球权return 回球net ball 落网球let ball 擦网球fault 失误deuce 平分advantage 优势分forehand 正拍backhand 反拍single 单打doubles 双打mixed doubles 混双long serve 长发球short serve 短发球clear 高远球drop 吊球carry 持球defence and fight back 防守反击switch position 轮换位置grudge match 旗鼓相当的比赛smash 扣球rushing 扑drive 平抽driver 善于抽球的球员return of service 接发球striker-out 接发球的球员serving side 发球方long high serve发高远球double hit 连击order of service 发球次序service court 发球区first server 一发球员broken shuttle 坏球cork base (球)底托balk 发球时一方干扰对方backhand 反拍backhand grip 反手握法combination court 单打、双打合用的球场cut 切球face of racket 拍面finishing shot 决定得分的一击hand-out 无发球权,失发球权linesman 司线员lob 高球game point 一局中的赛点rally 为争夺一分的往返拍击,一个回合love game 一方得零分的一局touch the net 触网top and back 双打中一前一后的站法top line of the net 网的上缘toss service 抛球发球法two hands 两次发球权看过"打羽毛球的英语单词"的人还。