

商务英语写作与口译考试 选择题 64题

商务英语写作与口译考试 选择题 64题

1. What is the primary purpose of a business email?A. To entertainB. To informC. To persuadeD. To decorate2. Which of the following is an appropriate subject line for an email r egarding a meeting?A. "Hello"B. "Meeting on Monday"C. "Urgent: Need to talk"D. "I need your help"3. In a formal business letter, how should you address the recipient if you do not know their name?A. "Dear Sir/Madam"B. "Hey there"C. "To whom it may concern"D. "Hello"4. What is the correct format for a business letter's closing?A. "Sincerely yours"B. "Your truly"C. "Best regards"D. "Kindest wishes"5. Which of the following phrases is most appropriate for closing a bus iness email?A. "See you soon"B. "Take care"C. "Best regards"D. "Later"6. What does the acronym ASAP stand for in a business context?A. As Slow As PossibleB. As Soon As PossibleC. At Some Appropriate PointD. All Systems Are Positive7. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "enclosure" ina business letter?A. "Enclosed please find the report."B. "I have enclosed the report."C. "The report is enclosed."D. All of the above8. What is the purpose of a cover letter when applying for a job?A. To list your qualificationsB. To introduce yourself and explain why you are a good fit for thepositionC. To ask questions about the companyD. To negotiate salary9. Which of the following is a professional way to begin a business ema il?A. "Yo, what's up?"B. "Dear [Recipient's Name],"C. "Hey team,"D. "Greetings,"10. What is the best way to handle a complaint in a business email?A. Ignore itB. Respond defensivelyC. Apologize and offer a solutionD. Forward the complaint to someone else11. Which of the following is an example of a formal business greeting?A. "Hiya"B. "Good morning"C. "Hey"D. "Wassup"12. What is the correct way to sign off a formal business letter?A. "Yours faithfully"B. "Yours truly"C. "Best"D. "Cheers"13. Which of the following is a professional way to request information in a business email?A. "Give me the details now."B. "Could you please provide me with the details?"C. "I need the details, like, now."D. "Details, please, and hurry up."14. What is the purpose of a business memo?A. To entertain colleaguesB. To inform and communicate within an organizationC. To decorate the officeD. To persuade customers15. Which of the following is an appropriate subject line for a busines s memo?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Meeting reminder"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"16. What is the correct format for a business memo?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual17. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "cc" in a bus iness email?A. "I will cc you on the email."B. "I have cc'd you on the email."C. "The email is cc'd to you."D. All of the above18. What does the acronym FYI stand for in a business context?A. For Your InformationB. For Your ImprovementC. For Your InterestD. For Your Instruction19. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for clarificati on in a business email?A. "What do you mean?"B. "Could you please clarify this point?"C. "I don't get it."D. "Explain this to me."20. What is the purpose of a business report?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To decorate the office21. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business repor t?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Annual Sales Report"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"22. What is the correct format for a business report?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual23. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "appendix" ina business report?A. "I will appendix you on the report."B. "I have appendix'd you on the report."C. "The report is appendix to you."D. "Please find the appendix attached."24. What does the acronym CEO stand for in a business context?A. Chief Executive OfficerB. Chief Efficiency OfficerC. Chief Economic OfficerD. Chief Engineering Officer25. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for feedback ina business email?A. "What do you think?"B. "Could you please provide your feedback on this?"C. "I don't care what you think."D. "Tell me your thoughts."26. What is the purpose of a business proposal?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To decorate the office27. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business propo sal?A. "Random thoughts"B. "New Marketing Strategy Proposal"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"28. What is the correct format for a business proposal?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual29. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "budget" in a business proposal?A. "I will budget you on the proposal."B. "I have budget'd you on the proposal."C. "The proposal is budget to you."D. "Please find the budget details included."30. What does the acronym CFO stand for in a business context?A. Chief Financial OfficerB. Chief Function OfficerC. Chief Fiscal OfficerD. Chief Facility Officer31. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for a meeting in a business email?A. "Let's meet up."B. "Could we schedule a meeting to discuss this further?"C. "I need to talk to you."D. "Meet me now."32. What is the purpose of a business plan?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To decorate the office33. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business plan?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Five-Year Business Plan"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"34. What is the correct format for a business plan?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual35. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "strategy" ina business plan?A. "I will strategy you on the plan."B. "I have strategy'd you on the plan."C. "The plan is strategy to you."D. "Please find the strategy outlined."36. What does the acronym COO stand for in a business context?A. Chief Operating OfficerB. Chief Optimization OfficerC. Chief Organizational OfficerD. Chief Official Officer37. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for a review ina business email?A. "Check this out."B. "Could you please review this document?"C. "I need you to look at this."D. "Review this now."38. What is the purpose of a business presentation?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To decorate the office39. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business prese ntation?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Annual Sales Presentation"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"40. What is the correct format for a business presentation?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual41. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "agenda" in a business presentation?A. "I will agenda you on the presentation."B. "I have agenda'd you on the presentation."C. "The presentation is agenda to you."D. "Please find the agenda attached."42. What does the acronym HR stand for in a business context?A. Human ResourcesB. Human RelationsC. Human RightsD. Human Research43. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for a recommend ation in a business email?A. "Tell me who to hire."B. "Could you please recommend someone for this position?"C. "I need a recommendation."D. "Recommend someone now."44. What is the purpose of a business contract?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To establish legal obligations45. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business contr act?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Service Agreement"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"46. What is the correct format for a business contract?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual47. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "clause" in a business contract?A. "I will clause you on the contract."B. "I have clause'd you on the contract."C. "The contract is clause to you."D. "Please review the clauses included."48. What does the acronym IP stand for in a business context?A. Intellectual PropertyB. Internal ProtocolC. International PolicyD. Industrial Process49. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for a signature in a business email?A. "Sign this."B. "Could you please sign and return the document?"C. "I need your signature."D. "Sign now."50. What is the purpose of a business newsletter?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To keep stakeholders updated51. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business newsl etter?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Monthly Company Update"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"52. What is the correct format for a business newsletter?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual53. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "subscription " in a business newsletter?A. "I will subscription you on the newsletter."B. "I have subscription'd you on the newsletter."C. "The newsletter is subscription to you."D. "Please find the subscription details included."54. What does the acronym CRM stand for in a business context?A. Customer Relationship ManagementB. Customer Resource ManagementC. Customer Revenue ManagementD. Customer Research Management55. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for a subscript ion in a business email?A. "Subscribe now."B. "Could you please consider subscribing to our newsletter?"C. "I need you to subscribe."D. "Subscribe here."56. What is the purpose of a business blog?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To provide industry insights57. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business blog post?A. "Random thoughts"B. "The Future of Digital Marketing"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"58. What is the correct format for a business blog post?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual59. Which of the following is a correct usage of the word "comment" ina business blog post?A. "I will comment you on the post."B. "I have comment'd you on the post."C. "The post is comment to you."D. "Please feel free to comment below."60. What does the acronym SEO stand for in a business context?A. Search Engine OptimizationB. Search Engine OrganizerC. Search Engine OperatorD. Search Engine Observer61. Which of the following is a professional way to ask for a comment i n a business blog post?A. "Leave a comment."B. "Could you please share your thoughts in the comments?"C. "I need your comment."D. "Comment now."62. What is the purpose of a business webinar?A. To entertain stakeholdersB. To inform and analyze dataC. To persuade stakeholders to investD. To provide online training63. Which of the following is an appropriate title for a business webin ar?A. "Random thoughts"B. "Effective Leadership Strategies"C. "What's up?"D. "I need a favor"64. What is the correct format for a business webinar?A. Informal and chattyB. Formal and structuredC. Creative and artisticD. Personal and casual答案1. B2. B3. A4. C5. C6. B7. D8. B9. B10. C11. B12. A13. B14. B15. B16. B17. D18. A19. B20. B21. B22. B23. D24. A25. B26. C27. B28. B29. D30. A31. B32. C33. B34. B35. D36. A37. B38. C39. B40. B41. D42. A43. B44. D45. B46. B47. D48. A49. B50. D51. B52. B53. D54. A55. B56. D57. B58. B59. D60. A61. B62. D63. B64. B。

商务英语 英语 本科自考 口译试题及答案 例样

商务英语 英语 本科自考 口译试题及答案 例样

广东外语外贸大学辅导资料《口译与听力》课程口译试题(一)(课程代码00602)Part One Chinese-English Interpretation (25%)Section A Sentences (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the first sentence.1.中国在控制人口增长方面取得了巨大的成就,受到了联合国的高度赞赏。





(请翻译)(间隔20秒)(叮咚声)Section B Passage (15%)Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in Chinese. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声). Now let’s begin.世界人口正在以惊人的速度增长着,现在地球上人口已超过60亿。





1. "我们计划与该公司达成一项战略合作伙伴关系。

"We plan to establish a strategic partnership with the company.2. "我们需要一份详细的市场调研报告,以了解该行业的发展趋势。

"We need a detailed market research report to understand the industry's development trends.3. "请将最新的销售数据发送给我们。

"Please send us the latest sales data.4. "我们公司致力于提供高品质的产品和卓越的客户服务。

"Our company is committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service.5. "我们将在下个月举办一次国际业务峰会,请确认您的出席及相关细节。

"We will be hosting an international business summit next month. Please confirm your attendance and provide relevant details.6. "以提高市场份额为目标,我们正在制定新的营销战略。

"With the goal of increasing market share, we are developing a new marketing strategy.7. "为了更好地满足客户需求,我们将推出一款全新的产品线。







下面是一些常见的商务会议问题及其参考答案:1. Could you please provide us with an update on the current status of the project?请您提供一下项目目前的进展情况。

2. What are the key challenges that we are currently facing?我们目前面临的主要挑战是什么?3. How do you propose to overcome these challenges?您打算如何克服这些挑战?4. What is the timeline for the completion of this project?这个项目的完成时间是多久?5. Are there any budget constraints that we need to be aware of?我们需要注意有没有预算限制?二、商务谈判商务谈判是商务活动中的核心环节,参与者需要就合作、合同和价格等问题进行协商和达成一致。

以下是一些常见的商务谈判问题及其参考答案:1. What are your expectations for this partnership?您对这次合作有什么期望?2. What is your bottom line in terms of pricing?您对价格有什么底线要求?3. How do you propose to ensure the quality of the products/services?您打算如何确保产品/服务的质量?4. Are there any specific terms and conditions that you would like to include in the contract?您有没有希望在合同中包含的特定条款?5. What is your preferred payment method?您更倾向于哪种支付方式?三、商务信函商务信函是商务活动中常用的沟通工具之一。




第一篇原文:Good morning, everyone. My name is John, and I am the sales manager of ABC Company. I would like to give you a brief introduction of our new product. It is a revolutionary smartphone that combines advanced features and elegant design. This smartphone has a large high-definition screen, a powerful processor, and a high-resolution camera. It also supports 5G network connectivity, which ensures fast and stable internet access. With its sleek and modern design, this smartphone is sure to impress both tech enthusiasts and fashion-conscious individuals. Our company has put a lot of effort into developing this product, and we are confident that it will be a big success in the market. Thank you for your attention.Questions:1. What is the speaker's name?2. What are the main features of the new smartphone?3. What kind of individuals will be interested in this smartphone?第二篇原文:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's conference on international trade. The topic of my speech is the potential impact of the recent trade tariffs on global economy. As you may know, several countries have imposed tariffs on imported goods in an attempt to protect their domestic industries. While these measures may benefit the domestic industries in the short term, they can also lead to negative consequences in the long run. Trade tariffs can escalate trade disputes between countries and hinder the growth of global trade. They can also increase the prices of imported goods, which may cause inflation and put a burden on consumers. Therefore, it is important for countries to consider the potential ramifications of trade tariffs and seek mutually beneficial solutions. Thank you.Questions:1. What is the topic of the speech?2. What are the potential consequences of trade tariffs?3. What should countries do in light of the potential ramifications of trade tariffs?第三篇原文:Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Lisa, and I am an interpreter specializing in business meetings. Today, I will share with you some tips for effective communication in international business settings. Firstly, it is essential to be well-prepared for the meeting by researching the business culture, customs, and etiquette of the target country. This knowledge will help you avoid misunderstandings and show respect to your counterparts. Secondly, always use clear and simple language to convey your ideas. Avoid using complex jargon or technical terms that might confuse non-native speakers. Thirdly, be attentive and actively listen to your counterparts. This not only demonstrates your respect but also helps you better understand their perspectives. And finally, be patient and flexible when facing cultural differences or language barriers. Remember that effective communication is key to building successful business relationships. Thank you.Questions:1. What is the speaker's occupation?2. What are some tips for effective communication in international business settings?3. Why is effective communication important in business relationships?⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯第二部分:口语口语部分共有三个对话,每个对话后有三个问题,请根据对话内容回答问题。



商务英语翻译试题一试卷及答案.doc商务英语翻译试题(一)Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2 题,每题 10 分,共 20 分)BBCCB1.该组有10 个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。


(10 分)(1) to concludeA. to give one’ s place to eachB.to end or judge after someconsiderationC. to explainD. to contain(2) to enforceA. to break or act against a lawB. to cause a law or rule tobe obeyedC. to prevent movement from happeningD. to direct something into a particular place(3) to appointA. to take back propertyB. to meet someone’s needsC. to choose someone officially for a jobD. to claim forsomething(4) to approveA. to abide byB. to comply withC. to have a positive opinionD. to come up with(5) obviateA. to violateB. to remove a difficulty,toavoidC. to allow sb to doD. to be apparent(6)to violateA.to break or act against a law, principleB.to beat or threaten someoneC. to obey a lawD. to cause a rule to be obeyed.(7) with respect toA. comply withB. in relation toC. conform toD. coincide with(8) to entertain a clientA. to cater forB. to treat sb. at the tableC. to launch a productD. to shorten a vacation(9)temptationA.trying to attract peopleB.to encourage the popularity, sales and developmentC.to allow the value of money to varyD.to judge or decide the amount(10)advanceA.to support by giving moneyB.to go or move sth. forward, to develop or improveC. to improve or increaseD. to produce or provide2.有 10 个商英英文或,下面均有或来行解,将正确出,要求英意准确,符合商英范。




We are one of the largest textile importers in our country. We have handled this commodity for more than 20 years and have connections all over the world.2、我在上次交易会上看到你们精美插图的商品目录,对你们的水果罐头颇感兴趣。


I had an opportunity to see your well-illustrated catalogues on the last fair and I am very interested in your canned fruit. Now I have come to discuss with you the possibility of importing the goods3、您可以放心,我们的食品保证符合世界卫生组织颁布的标准。

You can rest assured that our foodstuffs are guaranteed to conform to the WHO standards.4、罐头也是我们的主要出口产品,而且在其他许多国家十分畅销。

Canned goods are also among our major exports and have found a favourable reception in many other countries.5、我们产品的质量同许多其他供应商的一样好,而价格却不像他们的那样高。

The quality of our products is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not so high as theirs.6、我们认为相互理解和合作能有助于我们彼此间开展更多更好的业务。



Unit One Inquiry, Offer and Counter-offer Interpretation PracticeChinese-English Interpretation1.We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details.2.The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct」0, but we haven5t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.3.Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment ・4.We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present.5.We sent you our quotation No.44 two months ago, but we haven't received any news from you. It would be to your advisable if you could make an early decision on this matte匚6.All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount.7.Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT&T,etc. The competition is very keen・ I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services・8.Fm glad that we,ve settled the price・9.The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. Thafll be definitely rock-bottom.10.We9re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month・We have just updated our prices・ But of course I don,t mean our offer is final. As usual, we'd like to quote the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part. I hope we can do business together, and I also hope our productswill be favored by the consumers in your country.Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particula匸China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%.1.欧洲最大石油公司壳牌公司发出了自2006年以来首笔收购报价,提出以59亿加元收购一家加拿大天然气公司。





商务英语翻译练习题一、词汇翻译1. 合同 (Contract)2. 报价 (Quotation)3. 交货 (Delivery)4. 销售合同 (Sales Agreement)5. 信用证 (Letter of Credit)二、句子翻译1. 我们收到了贵公司的报价单,并对其内容进行了仔细的审查。

(Translate to English)2. 根据我们的市场研究,这种产品有很大的销售潜力。

(Translateto English)3. 请提供贵公司的详细地址和联系方式。

(Translate to English)4. 我们希望与贵公司建立长期的业务关系。

(Translate to English)5. 我们公司提供多种付款方式,以满足客户的需求。

(Translate to English)三、段落翻译1. 尊敬的客户,我们很高兴通知您,您的订单已成功下单。



(Translate to English)2. Dear Customer, we are pleased to inform you that your order has been successfully placed. We will arrange for the shipment as soon as possible and ensure that the goods arrive on time. Should you have any issues, please feel free to contact our customer service team. (Translate to Chinese)四、商务信函翻译1. 翻译以下商务信函的开头和结尾部分:尊敬的先生/女士,我们对贵公司的产品非常感兴趣,并希望建立业务关系。



Reference Key for Simulated Test of Chapter 1Section ASample TalkWhen meeting old or new customers or business partners, people seldom get directly down to business after exchanging greetings because that might be thought too business like, cold and abrupt. Both parties need a bit warming-up.So they resort to small talk, talking about impersonal topics such as weather, food, local impression, etc.,among which, the safest and most popular topic is weather. People like talking about weather for it offends nobody, yet it affects everybody’s life. It is of great concern to business people who travel a lot. Whenever they come to a new place, the first thing they notice is the weather difference.Besides weather, you can talk about local food, people or places of interest. But be sure not to touch upon sensitive political or religious issues especially when your stand is at odds with your partner. If you do, amid heated discussion, you might lose your head, lose your temper and worst of all, lose the customer!Therefore, be careful with the choice of the topics for small talk. A congenial chat may pave your way to further business discussion while improper small talk may ruin your business opportunity.Section BReference Key for Sentence Interpretation from Chinese to English:1. 您一定就是我们盼望已久的客人莫卡帕先生吧。



全国商务英语翻译统一考试初级笔译练习试题练习一Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese1.迄今为止,各国的移民政策侧重于为低技能工人设置障碍,同时鼓励高技能专业人才、工程师、科学家和企业家前来工作,甚至定居。






6.China is fielding its largest-ever Olympic team at the upcoming Beijing Games, with 639 athletes competing in all 28 sports. The Chinese team will attempt to surpass the 32 gold medals won at the Athens Olympics, four less than the United States.7.A Japanese media report says Japan and China have reached a compromise and agreed to jointly develop gas fields and share profits in disputed areas of the East China Sea.8.The number of newly laid-off U.S. workers rose last week, the latest sign that the economic downturn is affecting the job market. A report Thursday from the Labor Department said the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time rose 22–thousand, to 378–thousand.9. Chinese economy suffered only a mild setback in the first quarter of 2008, and remains resilient despiteinflation and worsening global credit crisis.10. Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs, savingon the cost of finding replacements.Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1Most Americans believe someone isn’t grown up until age 26, probably with a completed education, a full-time job, a family to support and financial independence, a survey said.But they also believe that becoming an official grown-up is a process that takes five years from about the age of 20, concluded the report from the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center. The findings were based on a representative sample of 1398 people over age 18.The poll found the following ages at which people expect the transitions to grown-up status to be completed: age 20.9 self-supporting; 21.1 no longer living with parents; 21.2 full-time job; 22.3 education complete; 24.5 being able to support a family financially; 25.7 married; and 26.2 having a child.“There is a large degree of consensus across social groups on the relative importance of the seven transitions,” said Tom Smith, director of the survey. The only notable pattern of differences is on views about supporting a family, having a child and getting married. “Older adults and the widowed and married rate these as more important than younger adults and the never-married do,” he added. “This probably reflects in large part a shift in values across generations away from traditional family values.”The most valued step toward reaching adulthood, the survey found, was completing an education, followed by full-time employment, supporting a family, financial independence, living independently of parents, marriage and parenthood.Passage 2Spend less than you earn. This is perhaps the most worn out, overused phrase in the world of personal finance. But guess what? It’s also the single most important financial lesson you’ll ever learn. No matter how hard you work and how much money you earn, you’ll never achieve financial security if you spend more than you earn, so…… do whatever it takes to make sure that this doesn’t happen. This takes self-discipline, and might require constructing a budget, but if you ever want to get to a point where you can afford all the little niceties in life, you need to make it happen.Plan for the future. I’ve been where you are, and I know that “the future” seems like it’s a million miles away. Do yourself a favor. Sit down and define short, intermediate, and long-term goals and then put together a plan for getting there. It’s not easy, and you probably won’t get it right at first but once you do this, you’ll have something concrete to work from (and to modify in the future). Start small and work your way up.Be patient. Building a solid financial foundation takes time. Don’t look for shortcuts or try to strike it richovernight with the latest hot investment tip. Likewise, don’t make major financial decisions without fully considering the ramifications. This isn’t to say that you should be paralyzed fear. Rather, you need to do your homework. Turn those unknowns into knowns, and then make an informed decision.Learn form your mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. You’re bound to make mistakes, especially when you’re just starting out. The important thing is to learn from them and move forward. If you make a bad financial decision, make a note of it and get yourself back on track. Don’t beat yourself up , and don’t throw in the towel.Part III Translate the following passages into EnglishPassage 1亲爱的布莱克先生:从您5月16日来函获知我公司销售代表敷衍草率,我深感苦恼。



商务翻译试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在商务翻译中,以下哪个词组最可能表示“合同”?A. ContractB. AgreementC. TreatyD. Covenant答案:B2. 以下哪个短语在商务翻译中表示“商业机密”?A. Business SecretB. Trade SecretC. Confidential InformationD. Secret Information答案:B3. 在商务翻译中,“合资企业”的英文表达是?A. Joint VentureB. Cooperative EnterpriseC. Partnership EnterpriseD. Shared Enterprise答案:A4. 以下哪个词组在商务翻译中表示“市场调研”?A. Market ResearchB. Market AnalysisC. Market StudyD. Market Investigation答案:A5. 在商务翻译中,“售后服务”的英文表达是?A. After-sales ServiceB. Post-sales ServiceC. Service After SaleD. Service Post Sale答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在商务翻译中,“报价单”通常翻译为________。

答案:Quotation2. 如果一个公司想要表达它提供的是“一站式服务”,在商务翻译中应该翻译为________。

答案:One-stop Service3. 在商务翻译中,“长期合同”可以翻译为________。

答案:Long-term Contract4. 表示“商业策略”的英文翻译是________。

答案:Business Strategy5. 在商务翻译中,“信用证”的英文表达是________。

答案:Letter of Credit三、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请将以下中文翻译成英文:“我们公司致力于提供高质量的产品和卓越的客户服务。




We are very honored to have invited our partners from the USA.2.这个报价是合理的,符合当前市场的价格水平。

This offer is reasonable and is in line with the current market price.3.期望我的介绍能让大家更好地了解本公司。

Hopefully, my introduction can help you gain a better understanding of our company.4.我们情愿成为你们产品在中国的独家代理。

We shall be pleased to act as the sole agent in China for your products.5.对于企业来说,盈利永久是最重要的。

Making profits is always the most important thing for an enterprise.6.假设真是这样,我也只好承受你们提出的支付方式。

If it is really the case, I have to agree to your payment terms.7.我们公司成立于两年前,总部设在中国深圳。

Our company was founded two years ago with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China .8.这款打印机经济实惠,而且很少发生故障。

This model of printer is economical and reliable.9.有了您的参与,我对这个工程的成功布满信念。

With your participation, I am fully confident of the success in this project.10.我们先就佣金达成协议,再谈运输问题。


14. 去年我们产品的市场占有率超过了45%。 The market share of our products exceeded 45% last year.
15. 我们的工厂接近原料供应地,产品价格很有竞 争力。 Our factory is close to the sources of raw materials, so our products are very competitive in terms of price.
An outstanding corporate culture is the key to an enterprise’s success.
7. 本地政府很有远见,营造了有利投资的环境。
The local government is far-sighted and has created a favorable environment for investment. 8. 我们的采购量通常很大,每次订货量在10000箱 以上。
We usually purchase in large quantities and each order is more than 10,000 cases.
9. 我们的产品享誉国际,畅销30多个国家。 Our products enjoy a good reputation in the world and sell well in more than 30 countries.
10. 我们已经谈妥了支付条款,接下来谈运输 条款吧。 We have agreed on payments. Let us move on to transportation terms.





Our company is planning to dispose of the stocks at a discount.If your company places an order for more than US$30,000, we will allow you a 10% discount.我们公司一直谋求在河南发展业务,希望开拓新的市场。


Our company has been expanding our business into He’nan in order to develop a new market. If you make cash payment in advance, we can drop the price to 100 US dollars.我们可以为你们公司建设网站,介绍你们的主要产品。


We can build a website for your company, with descriptions of your major products.We require full payment within 40 days, with a 3% discount for cash payment in advance.我们公司拥有最好的系列产品,并致力于提供优质服务。


Our company has the best product line and is dedicated to quality service.Since the agreed delivery date has passed, please tell us the exact shipping date.很抱歉,我们刚刚发了一大批货,目前没有存货了。



商务口译复习题Unit One Inquiry, Offer and Counter-offer Interpretation PracticeChinese-English Interpretation1. We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details.2. The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct.10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.3. Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment .4. We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present.5.We sent you our quotation No.44 two months ago, but we haven't received any news from you. It would be to your advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter.6. All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount.7. Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT&T, etc. The competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services.8. I’m glad that we’ve settled the price.9. The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That'll be definitely rock-bottom.10. We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we ho pe that you can keep it open till the end of this month.We have just updated our prices. But of course I don’t mean our offer is final. As usual, we’d like to quote the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part. I hope we can do business together, and I also hope our products will be favored by the consumers in your country.Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%.1.欧洲最大石油公司壳牌公司发出了自2006年以来首笔收购报价,提出以59亿加元收购一家加拿大天然气公司。



《商务现场口译1》复习试题汉译英1. 今晚没什么安排,吃过饭您就在酒店休息,明天早上我们接您去工厂,看看样品,参观生产线,下午谈谈合同的细节,后天观光旅游。

您觉得这安排怎么样?You are free this evening and can have a good rest in the hotel after dinner. Tomorrow morning, we will take you to the factory so that you can have a look at some samples and the production lines. In the afternoon, we will talk about the details of the contract. The day after tomorrow is for sightseeing. How does that suit you?2. 很荣幸应邀到普林斯顿大学参加你们的研讨会。



I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country,3. 虽然我们两国地理上相距万里,但在日常生活中却非常相近。



Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China.4.这次旅行非常有意义,也非常有收获。






一、词汇题1. 请解释以下商务术语的含义:- B2B- ROI- KPI- CRM- IPO2. 请用英文解释以下中文商务术语:- 供应链管理- 营销策略- 市场调研- 产品定位- 企业文化二、听力题1. 请听下面的对话,回答问题:A: Excuse me, could you tell me the current exchange rate for the US dollar? B: Sure, the current exchange rate is 1 US dollar to 6.8 Chinese yuan.Question: What is the current exchange rate for the US dollar?2. 请听下面的短文,回答问题:In today's meeting, the CEO announced that the company's revenue has increased by 20% compared to the same period last year. He also mentionedthat the company plans to expand its overseas market and is currently negotiating with potential partners in Europe and Asia. The CEO emphasized the importance of innovation and encouraged employees to come up with new ideas to stay competitive in the market.Question: What is the CEO's main focus for the company's future development?三、口译题请根据以下商务对话进行口译:A: 你好,我是来自美国的采购经理。













在对话中,主要注意以下几个方面:1. 高度还原真实情景:尽可能地使对话接近真实商务交流的情景,包括语速、音调、表情等。

2. 注意准确表达:尽量使用准确的翻译词汇,避免出现夸张或不严谨的表达。

3. 正确处理口译难点:在对话中可能涉及到一些口译难点,如特定行业术语、缩略语的翻译等。




在进行商务会议记录时,我们需要注意以下几点:1. 提前了解会议议程:对于即将进行商务会议记录的场合,我们应提前了解会议议程,并对相关话题进行准备,以便更好地理解和记录会议内容。

2. 注意正确表达:商务会议中,往往会涉及到复杂的专业术语和相关实务。


3. 注意会议过程中的意见冲突:商务会议中,不同观点和意见的冲突是常见现象。




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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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《商务现场口译1》复习试题汉译英1. 今晚没什么安排,吃过饭您就在酒店休息,明天早上我们接您去工厂,看看样品,参观生产线,下午谈谈合同的细节,后天观光旅游。

您觉得这安排怎么样?2. 很荣幸应邀到普林斯顿大学参加你们的研讨会。



3. 虽然我们两国地理上相距万里,但在日常生活中却非常相近。









6. 在公元前221年的时候,秦始皇统一中国以后,他把各段长城连接起来,并把它加长。


7.孔夫子说过,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?” 这次布郎先生和夫人从大洋彼岸不远万里光临我们公司,我感到非常高兴。

8. 在过去几年里,我们两家公司已经建立了卓有成效的合作关系。






12. 下午两点,我们将前往参观深圳知名企业华为和康佳集团,并与企业管理层分别举行半小时的座谈。








16. 广交会的历程表明她是有中国特色、符合国家对外贸易实际的,是中国同世界各国、各地区进行贸易行之有效的方式。



18. 自1919年京剧艺术大师梅兰芳先生东渡日本演出至今,京剧的足迹遍及全球,对促进中西文化交流、人民友好往来,增进团结、友谊作出了卓越的贡献。




20. 中国欢迎世界各国参与中国发展、分享中国发展机遇,将不断拓展新的开放领域和空间,以自己的发展促进地区和世界发展,同世界各国人民共享繁荣。




23. 30年间,中国创造的巨大财富,不仅使13亿中国人基本解决了温饱,基本实现了小康,而且为世界的和平与发展做出了贡献。

24. 几年来,在亚洲各国以及国际社会的支持下,博鳌亚洲论坛不断发展,在区域性合作进程中发挥着日渐显著的作用,向世界展示了亚洲人民寻求合作共赢得热切愿望。

25. 亚洲继续是全球最具发展活力的地区之一,也继续是全球贸易的重要增长点之一。


26. 中国的发展离不开亚洲,亚洲的繁荣也需要中国。





29. 我们真诚地希望,各国各地区的企业和其他各界人士,抓住历史机遇,积极来华开展投资贸易合作与交流,携手共创美好未来。



31. 西湖犹如西子,无论晴雨,无论四季更迭,都有着美丽的容颜。



33. 我们这家合资企业走过了10年的奋斗历程。




35. 丝绸之路沿途的大批历史文物、引人入胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化,使这一长途远游成了世界上最精彩的旅游项目之一。











英译汉1. The Great Wall is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is said to be the only man-made structure anyone planned on the earth that we can see from the moon with a naked eye.2. I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you three possible policies that could be used in developing countries to stop this pattern of uncontrolled urbanization we’ve been discussing.3. The reasons why farmers want to go into the cities is because they are not able to grow enough food on their farms in order to feed their families on the one hand and to earn a living on the other.4. Earth Day was started in 1970. It was set to help raise the general public’s environmental awareness. It provides a special day to remind people to take care of the earth.5.It is true that we are losing millions of hectares every year to housing and roads. But there is still a lot of undeveloped land that could be used for both farming and housing.6.I would like to take this chance to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Wang for inviting us and for all the hard work and thought you have given to the arrangements for our visit.7.You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations. We are especially thankful to you for arranging the banquet and everything that you have done on our account.8.I hope that Mr. Wang and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the chance to be host and return some of your kindness.9. These meetings will surely help enhance the understanding and friendship between us. I hope this will pave the way for further business relations between our two parties.10. Sydney Opera House is home to Australia’s opera, bal let and theatre companies. It must be one of the most recognizable and photographed images of the modern world.11. This is the first time we welcome a group of students from China, and we are pleased to have the opportunity of receiving you and learning from you about your great country.12. On behalf of the company, I’d like to say a big “thank you”to all of our suppliers, customers, employees and business associates that are here in attendance with us today.13.Studies have shown that teachers don’t expect girls to be good at maths. Even female maths and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often.14.Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need to keep healthy varies a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount and sleeping longer often gives you a headache.15. The UK education system is good for students who know that they want to do from a young age. The US system might be better for those who really don’t know what they want to do.16.According to a recent study by the World Health Organization, the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed.17.Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use. Most of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.18.Advertisers buy space in newspaper and magazines to publish their advertisements. They buy time on television and radio to broad cast their commercials.19. Some animals shall be treated as our friends and measures should be taken to protect them, while other animals shall be brought under control and some of them should even be killed.20. In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you ou must arrive ahead of time for the interview, so that you can give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins.21.China’s fast development has caught the world’s attention and the world powers begin to realize that important international affairs need China’s participation.22. China highly values the UN’s ro le in maintaining world peace and development, believing that the UN plays an indispensable part in international affairs.23.Some international scholars ranked China as the country with the 10th most serious obesity problem. Experts have calculated that more than 30 percent of Chinese are overweight.24.I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. I’m deeply grateful to you and appreciate all you have done for me.25.For many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a mark of social position, and for the young people, having a car is a sign of becoming an adult.26.I would like to extend our official invitation to the mayor of shanghai. We would like Mr. Mayor to visit our city, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception we enjoy here.27.It is our sincere wish that we continued to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.28.I’m very impressed by the hospitality and warmth by which you have received us. You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations.29.We really enjoy the delicious wine and food served here. The music is also perfect. I like everything here. I enjoy meeting and talking with you, sharing memorable time together.30. Our joint venture had a remarkable sales growth. I hope we will be able to maintain this practical cooperative relationship and make this year a more fruitful year.31. China holds its national census every 10 years. The previous one, in 2000, showed that the world's most populous country had 1.29 billion people.32.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization. This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.33.It is with great pleasure to exchange views and information, and reach common ground here. And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the further days.34. This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop. Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception.35. Thanks to the politeness and warmth of Chinese students, I conquered my fear of speaking in public and became more self-confident. Most importantly, I made numerous excellent friends.36.I’ve heard a saying that went something like, if you stay in a country for three weeks you can write a book, three months a postcard, and three years nothing!37.It’s a very precious trip to me. I am very impressed with the rapid growth of Guangdong since my last visit here. It’s very amazing.38.This is my second visit to Guangdong. My fellow delegates and I are amazed to find that so many changes have taken place here in the last 3 years.39.The trade and economic relationship between china and the United States has developed during the 20-year period, especially since the 1980s, due to the mutual efforts of both sides.40. Many changes are taking place in American food styles. The United States is traditionally famous for the food of meat and potatoes. Now, we have different alternatives to choose from.。
