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List of compositions by Igor Stravinsky
∙1 Oper a/T heatr e
∙2 Ballet
∙3 Or chestr al
∙4 Concer tante
∙5 Choral
∙6 Vocal
∙7 Band
∙8 Chamber/Instr umental
∙9 P iano
∙10 Player-P iano
1. Oper a/T heatr e
∙The Nightingale (Le Rossignol), 3-a ct opera (1914)
∙Renard, a burlesque for 4 pantomimes and chambe r orche stra (1916)
∙Histoire du soldat (The Soldier's Tale), for chamber ensemble and three speakers (1918)
∙Mav ra, one-act opera (1922)
∙O edipus rex, 2-act opera-oratorio (1927)
∙Perséphone, mélodrame for speaker, soloists, chorus and o rchestra (1933)
∙The Rake's Progress, 3-act opera (1951)
∙The F lood, telev ision opera (1962)
2. Ballet
∙The F irebird (L'O iseau de feu) (1910, rev. 1919/1945)
∙Petrushka (1911, rev. 1947)
∙The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du printemps) (1913, rev. 1947/1967)
∙Les noces(The Wedding), for soloists, cho ir, four pianos and percussio n (1914-17; 1919-23)
∙Pulcinella, for chamber orchestra and soloists (1920)
∙A pollo (A pollon musagète), for string orchestra (1928, rev. 1947)
∙Le baiser de la fée (The F airy's Kiss) (1928, rev. 1950)
∙Jeu de cartes (C ard Game) (1936)
∙Danses concertantes fo r chamber o rchestra (1942)
∙Scènes de ballet (1944)
∙O rpheus, for chamber orchestra (1947)
∙A gon (1957)
3. Or chestr al
∙Sy mphony in E flat major, O p.1 (1907)
∙Scherzo fantastique, O p.3 (1908)
∙F eu d'artifice (F irew orks), O p.4 (1908)
∙Le chant du rossignol (Song of the Nightingale) (1917)
∙Sy mphonies of Wind Instruments(1920, rev. 1947)
∙Suite from Pulcinella (1920)
∙Suite No. 2 for chamber orchestra (1921, arrangement of Trois pièces facile s and C inq pièces faciles No. 5) ∙Suite No. 1 for chamber orchestra (1925, arrangement of C inq pièces faciles Nos. 1-4)
∙Q uatre études, for orchestra (1928, arrangement of Three Pieces for String Q uartet and Etude pour Pianola) ∙Div ertimento (Suite from Le Baiser de la fée, 1934)
∙C oncerto in E flat Dumbarton O aks, for chamber orchestra (1938)
∙Sy mphony in C (1940)
∙C ircus Polka for orchestra (1942)
∙F our Nor w egian Moods for orchestra (1942)
∙O de for orchestra (1943)
∙Scherzo à la russe for orchestra (1944, also a v ersion for Paul Whiteman's band)
∙Sy mphony in Three Mov ements (1945)
∙C oncerto in D, for string orchestra (1946)
∙Tango for chamber orchestra (1953, arrangement of 1940 w ork for piano)
∙Greeting Prelude for orchestra (1955)
∙8 Instrumental Miniatures for 15 Play ers (1963, orchestration of Les C inq Doigts)
∙Variations (A ldous Huxley in Memoriam) (1963/1964)
∙C anon on a Popular Russian Tune (1965)
4. Concer tante
∙C oncerto for Piano and Wind Instruments (1923-24/1951)
∙C apriccio for Piano and O rchestra (1929/1949)
∙V iolin C oncerto in D (1931)
∙Mov ements for Piano and O rchestra (1958/1959)
5. Choral
∙Le roi des étoiles (The King of the Stars), for men's choir and o rchestra (1912)
∙Pater Noster (1926, rev. 1949)
∙Sy mphony of Psalms, for chorus and orchestra (1930, rev. 1948)
∙C redo (1932, rev. 1964)
∙Ave Maria (1934, rev. 1949)
∙Babel (1944)
∙Mass (1944-48)
∙C antata, for mezzo-soprano, teno r, female chorus, 2 flutes, oboe, English horn, and cello (1951-52)
∙C anticum Sacrum (1955)
∙Threni (1958)
∙A Sermon, a Narrativ e and a Pray er (1961)
∙A nthem (The dov e descending breaks the air), for chorus a cappella (1962)
∙Introitus (1965)
∙Requiem C anticles (1966)
6. Vocal
∙Romance for V oice and Piano (1902)
∙F aun and Shepherdess, for mezzo-soprano and o rchestra, O p.2 (1907)
∙Pastorale, for v ocalise soprano and piano (1907, arranged for soprano and w ind quintet 1923)
∙Tw o Melodies, for mezzo-sopra no and piano, O p.6 (1908)
∙Deux poèmes de Paul V erlaine, for baritone and piano, O p.9 (1910, arranged for ba ritone and o rchestra 1951)
∙Tw o Poems of K. Balmont, for v oice and piano (1911, arra nged for v oice and small orchestra 1954)
∙Three Japanese Ly rics (Trois poésies de la ly rique japonaise), for v oice and piano or chamber orchestra (1913)
∙Trois petites chansons, for v oice and piano (1913, arranged for v oice and small orchestra 1930)
∙Pribaoutki, for v oice, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, v iolin, v iola, cello, double bass (1914)
∙Berceuses du chat, for contralto and three clarinets (1916)
∙Three Tales for C hildren, for v oice and piano (1917)
∙F our Russian Peasant Songs, for female v oice unaccompanied (1917)
∙Berceuse, for v oice and piano (1918)
∙Q uatre chants russes, for v oice and piano (1918-19)
∙Petit ramusianum harmonique, for single v oice or v oices (1938)
∙Three Songs from William Shakespeare, for mezzo-soprano, flute, cla rinet, and v iola (1953)
∙F our Russian Songs, for mezzo-soprano, flute, ha rp and guita r (1954, arrangement of Q uatre chants russes Nos. 1 & 4; Three Tales for C hildren Nos. 1 & 2) ∙In Memoriam Dy lan Thomas (Dirge-canons and song), for tenor, string qua rtet, and four trombones (1954)
∙A braham and Isaac, a sacred ballad for baritone and orchestra (1963)
∙Elegy for J.F.K., for baritone or mezzo-soprano and three clarinets (1964)
∙The Ow l and the Pussy Cat, for soprano and piano (1966)
7. Band
∙Preludium for Jazz Band (1936/37)
∙Ebony C oncerto for clarinet and jazz band (1945)
8. Chamber/Instr umental
∙Three Pieces for String Q uartet (1914)
∙Pour Pablo Picasso, piece for clarinet (1917)
∙C anon for Tw o Horns (1917)
∙Ragtime for Elev en Instruments (1917-18)
∙Duet for Tw o Bassoons (1918)
∙Suite from Histoire du soldat, for v iolin, clarinet, and piano (1919)
∙Three Pieces for C larinet (1919)
∙C oncertino, for string quartet (1920)
∙O ctet for Wind Instruments (1923)
∙Suite on themes, fragments and pieces by Giambattista Pergolesi, for v iolin and piano (1925)
∙Duo C oncertant for V iolin and Piano (1932)
∙Suite italienne (from Pulcinella), for cello and piano (1932/33) (in colla boration w ith Gregor Piatigorsky)
∙Pastorale, for v iolin and piano or v iolin and w ind quintet (1933)
∙Suite italienne (from Pulcinella), for v iolin and piano (1934) (in colla boration w ith Samuel Dushkin)
∙Elegy, for solo v iola (1944)
∙Septet for clarinet, horn, bassoon, v iolin, v iola, cello, and piano (1953)
∙C oncertino, for small ensemble (1953) (a rrangement of 1920 w ork for string quartet)
∙Epitaphium, for flute, clarinet and harp (1959)
∙Double C anon, for string qua rtet 'Raoul Dufy in Memoriam' (1959)
∙Monumentum pro Gesualdo di V enosa (arrangement), for chamber ensemble (1960)
∙Lullaby, for tw o recorders (1960) (arrangement of item from The Rake's Progress, 1951)
∙F anfare for a New Theatre, for tw o trumpets (1964)
9. P iano
∙Tarantella (1898)
∙Scherzo (1902)
∙Piano Sonata in F sharp minor (1903-4)
∙Q uatre etudes, O p.7 (1908)
∙The F irebird (L'O iseau de feu) (1910)
∙Petrushka (1911)
∙The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du printemps), for one piano, four hands (1913)
∙Valse des fleurs, for tw o pianos (1914)
∙Trois pièces faciles, for four hands (1915)
∙Souv enir d'une marche boche(1915)
∙C inq pièces faciles, for four hands (1917)
∙Valse pour les enfants (1917)
∙Piano-Rag-Music (1919)
∙C horale (1920)
∙Les cinq doigts(1921)
∙Trois mouv ements de Petrouchka (1921)
∙Piano Sonata (1924)
∙Serenade (1925)
∙C oncerto for Tw o Pianos (1935)
∙Tango (1940)
∙Sonata for Tw o Pianos (1943)
∙Tw o Sketches for a Sonata (1967)
10. Player-P iano
NB: This is not a list of all the piano rolls of Strav insky's music, but only of those w hich w ere compose d or re-w ritten for the play er-piano by the composer himself. The dates are of publicatio n.
∙Etude pour pianola (Study for Pianola) - A eolian C ompany, London, Themodist T967 (1921)
∙Pulcinella Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 8421 - 8428 (1921)
∙The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du printemps) - Pley el, Paris, Pleyela 8429 - 8437 (1921)
∙The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du printemps) - A eolian C ompany, London, Themodist T24150 - T24153 (1921)
∙Piano-Rag-Music - Pley el, Paris, Pleyela 8438 (1921)
∙Ragtime - Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 8450 (1921)
∙Petrushka - Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 8441 - 8447 (1922)
∙Le chant du rossignol (Song of the Nightingale) - Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 8451 - 8453 (1922/3)
∙Three Tales for C hildren - Pley el, Paris, Pleyela 8454 (1922/3)
∙Q uatre chants russes (F our Russian Songs) - Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 8455 (1922/3)
∙C oncertino - Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 8456 (1923)
∙Les noces (The Wedding) - Pley el, Paris 8831 - 8834, 8861 (1923)
∙The F irebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Pley el, Paris, Pley ela 10039 - 10045 (1926)
∙The F irebird (L'oiseau de feu) - A eolian C ompany, London, Duo-A rt D759 - D769 (1929)。
