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1.My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.
I planned to be observant and silent so that nobody would notice that I was a freshman.
2.Popularity was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival.
It didn’t matter whether you were widely liked or not: you did not have to follow other people so as to be accepted by everybody else.
3.This was my big chance to do my own thing, be my own woman----if I could get past my preoccupation
with doing everything perfectly.
College offered a great chance for me to do my own thing and have my own style so long as I could give up the attempt to be perfect in everything.
1.He didn’t realize how hard his maxim hit. It often returns to haunt and rebuke me by raising the critical
problem of priorities.
He did not realize how much impact his works had on me. They often come to my mind and make me think of the important problem of priorities, and this is always the time I feel quite uneasy.
2.But in the light of time’s perspective their deceptive prominence fades; with a sense of loss we recall the
important tasks pushed aside.
But as time passes, the urgent things gradually lose their seemingly importance, and at the same time we suffer from a sense of loss as we recall the important tasks that are left undone.
1.Food to my countrymen is one of the ecstasies of life, to be thought about in advance; to be smothered
with loving care throughout its preparation; and to have time lavished on it in the final pleasure of eating. Food to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life: It is thought about before being prepared; it is treated with lots of love and care while being prepared; and when it is ready, it is enjoyed with excessive amount of time.
2.It is this increased sensuality and the desire for great freedom age-bound habits in the West, combined
with the inherent sensual concept of Chinese food, always quick to satisfy the taste buds, that is at the root of the sudden and phenomenal spread of Chinese food throughout the length and breadth of the Western World.
The main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of Chinese food throughout the whole Western world lies in two facts: One is the increased desire for sensual pleasures and freedom from age-old customs in the West; the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chinese food which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater.
1. But it did list his“survivors”quite accurately.
But the obituary did list the family members of the dead man quite accurately.贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷。
2. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home.
It was the boy who made efforts to divert his father’s affection from work.蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘。
1. Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely買鲷鴯譖昙膚
if it is inherently impossible of achievement.
It would be unwise to pursue a goal that is bound to fail though it might be 綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴。
noble to do so.
2. I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now.
I think the essence of wisdom is to free oneself from the confinement of the 猫虿驢绘燈鮒诛髅貺庑。
physical world and the emotional world and look beyond.锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔。
1. One way was to step up the level of danger or licentiousness or alcohol or drag consumption 構氽頑黉碩饨
so that you could be sure that, no matter what, you would manage to have a little fun.輒峄陽檉簖疖網儂號泶。
In order to have a little fun under the stress of modern life, people indulged themselves even more intensively in dangerous adventures and excessive sex,尧侧閆繭絳闕绚勵蜆贅。
alcohol and drugs.
2. The god of mirth is paying us back for all those years of thinking fun was everywhere by refusing to come
to our party.识饒鎂錕缢灩筧嚌俨淒。
We have long assumed that fun was easy to have, but now we are paying a price for that shallow-mindedness, i.e., our party is hardly as much fun as it is intended to be. 凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴。
1. Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods.恥諤銪灭萦欢煬鞏鹜錦。
Children enter school with lots of questions and curiosity, but when they leave school after years of formal education, they lose all the curiosity and exploring spirit.鯊腎鑰诎褳鉀沩懼統庫。
2. Being“advanced”has its own pitfalls---among them complacency and pushing of
forcing.“Advanced” learners are likely to make some mistakes, for example, they may become excessively satisfied with their progress or on the contrary, put too much pressure on themselves to achieve further progress.硕癘鄴颃诌攆檸攜驤蔹。
1. “Psychological barriers wear down; the ability to make more distinctions can coarsen; the liar’s
perception of his chances of being caught may warp”阌擻輳嬪諫迁择楨秘騖。
One is less inhibited from lying; his ability to tell the truth from the falsehood is dulled; he may become less cautious against being caught.
2.Once they’ve become common enough, even the small untruths that are not meant to hurt encourage a
certain cynicism and loss of trust.
When it becomes common enough to tell small lies, even the small unharmful ones will induce doubt and distrust.
3.The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of
trust for the principle of caring.
Those lies that are most understandable and acceptable are based on what moralists call the principle of love and care rather than that of trust.
1.We will go through the most extraordinary contortions to save ourselves from walking.
As long as we can avoid walking, we are willing to do anything possible, however unnatural or ridiculous it may be.
2.…I was possibly the only person ever to have entertained the notion of negotiating that intersection on
…I was very likely the only person who had ever attempted to cross that
intersection on foot.
1.I thought I was a unique item, but as soon as I peeked out of my shell I found a sea of women in similar
I had thought that I was quite different from other people, but when I directed my attention from
myself to other people I found that there were so many people just like me.
2.The little child in us has grown mature and middle-aged, almost to our surprise.
To our surprise, the inner child in us has grown mature and is already middle-aged. And we realize that we are really getting old.
3.Besides the intellectual surprises, we found joy in each other’s company, and we delved in this newly
found camaraderie with an intensity we did not know we could achieve outside of love and pregnancies. We found so many surprises in school, and apart from that, we also enjoyed the company of each other very much. We appreciated this kind of friendship intensely, just like what we felt for our lovers when we were in love or for baby when we were pregnant.
1.Suddenly I saw myself as I really was, in all my horrid selfishness, and I felt sick at heart.
Suddenly I realized that sort of person I really was: I was an extremely selfish man. This made me feel very bad at heart.
2.I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years.
I was judging you by the standard for an adult of my age which was not fair to a little boy.
3. A penitent kneels at your infant shrine, here in the moonlight.鎦诗涇艳损楼紲鯗餳類。
Here in the moonlight, your father, a man with a strong sense of guilt and remorse, kneels in front of your bed. 栉缏歐锄棗鈕种鵑瑶锬。
1. It is difficult to sort out whether job satisfaction causes happiness or vice versa, but evidence suggests
that causation flows both ways.辔烨棟剛殓攬瑤丽阄应。
It is hard to find out whether job satisfaction causes happiness or happiness leads to jib satisfaction, but it is suggested that either of them has an effect on the other.峴扬斕滾澗辐滠兴渙藺。
2. There is nothing, short of terminal illness---no setback, shortcoming, difficulty, or inadequacy---that makes
happiness impossible.詩叁撻訥烬忧毀厉鋨骜。
Nothing, such as misfortune, weakness, difficulty, or insufficiency, can make it impossible for a person to achieve happiness unless he suffers from a fatal disease. 则鯤愜韋瘓賈晖园栋泷。
1. 听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到难过.
It distressed me a great deal to hear that he had suffered repeated failures.胀鏝彈奥秘孫戶孪钇賻。
2. 他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴地样子.
He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.鳃躋峽祷紉诵帮废掃減。
3. 格列佛经历了冒险奇遇,遇见了一群光怪陆离的人物.
Gulliver went through extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.稟虛嬪赈维哜妝扩踴粜。
4. 如果你再犯同样的错误,他会对你非常生气的.
He will be furious with you if you make the same mistake.陽簍埡鲑罷規呜旧岿錟。
5. 我们都被他坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引.
We were all deeply drawn by his frank views, humorous words and easygoing manner.沩氣嘮戇苌鑿鑿槠谔應。
6. 等到雷鸣般的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲.
With the thunderous applause dying down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.钡嵐縣緱虜荣产涛團蔺。
1. 他时常想起孩提时代的往事.
Memories of his childhood haunted him.
2. 需要更多的志愿者来完成这项辛苦的工作.
More volunteers are needed to accomplish the exacting work.懨俠劑鈍触乐鹇烬觶騮。
3. 住房是我首先要解决的事情.
Housing ranks first on my list of priorities.
4. 父亲责骂儿子懒惰.
Father rebuked his son for being lazy.
5. 富兰克林在《致富之路》中给了读者许多有关取得现世成功的格言.
In his <the way to wealth >, Franklin gave readers many maxims on how to achieve earthly success.謾饱兗争詣繚鮐癞别瀘。
6. 他的蛮横态度是我受不了的.
His imperious manner was more than I could hear
7. 那次火灾烧毁了森林.
The fire devoured the forest
8. 这份报纸不接受任何欺骗性的广告.
The newspaper won’t accept any deceptive advertisements.呙铉們欤谦鸪饺竞荡赚。
1. 你应该事先告诉我你将去美国深造.
You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America.莹谐龌蕲賞组靄绉嚴减。
2. 他过分宠爱他的孙辈.
He lavished too much care on his grandchildren.
3. 各种新技术产业已经兴起.
Various new technology industries have sprung up.
4. 许多英语单词由拉丁语、希腊语和法语派生而来.
Many English words derive from Latin, Greek and French words.麸肃鹏镟轿騍镣缚縟糶。
5. 一位哲学家认为矛盾对立无处不在.
A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous. 納畴鳗吶鄖禎銣腻鰲锬。
6. 他的仁慈善良是他本性中不可缺少的一部分.
His kindness is part and parcel of his nature.
7. 他具有超人的记忆力和智力.
He is possessed of phenomenal memory and intelligence.風撵鲔貓铁频钙蓟纠庙。
8. 他对吃喝穿都很有讲究.
He is fastidious about his food and clothes.
1. 我的顶头上司是一个典型的工作狂,一年到头每天工作10个小时以上.
My immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the yearround.灭嗳骇諗鋅猎輛觏馊藹。
2. 校长十分注重课外活动.他认为,课外活动有助于培养学生对外部世界的极大兴趣.
The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they willhelp to cultivate stud ents’ tremendous interest in the external world. 铹鸝饷飾镡閌赀诨癱骝。
3. 星期一早上,他总是快速冲个澡,胡乱吃个三明治,接着赶搭出租车去上班.
He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.攙閿频嵘陣澇諗谴隴泸。
4. 既然你要离开公司了,你要在本周被清算账目.
Since you are leaving the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.趕輾雏纨颗锊讨跃满賺。
5. 为了及时完成他的博士论文,他经常熬夜.
He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph.D. dissertation on time.夹覡闾辁駁档驀迁锬減。
6. 没有什么东西可以取代内心深处最深切的爱.
Nothing can replace the profoundest love in one’s heart of hearts.视絀镘鸸鲚鐘脑钧欖粝。
7. 他被认为是总裁职位的当然人选,因为他已经做了近10年出色的副总裁.
He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been an excellentvice-president for almost ten years.偽澀锟攢鴛擋緬铹鈞錠。
8. 他实在太普通了,在人群中不会被挑选出来.
He is just too common to be picked out from the crowd.緦徑铫膾龋轿级镗挢廟。
1. 结果超出了他们的预料.
The result surpasses their expectations.
2. 我们应该考虑这个项目的费用.
We should take account of the cost of the project.
3. 好天气是这次远征科学考察成功的原因之一.
The fair weather contributed to the scientific expedition. 騅憑钶銘侥张礫阵轸蔼。
4. 巴西足球明星罗纳尔多在2002年世界杯足球赛中射进好几个精彩的球.
Ronaldo, one of the football stars from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in 2002 FIFAWorld Cup.疠骐錾农剎貯狱颢幗騮。
5. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特由于对诗歌的杰出贡献而被美国许多大学授予名誉学位.
Many honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred uponRebort Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.镞锊过润启婭澗骆讕瀘。
6. 摆脱坏习惯需要耐心和毅力.
Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.榿贰轲誊壟该槛鲻垲赛。
7. 他们努力将这些新观念灌输到学生的头脑中去.
They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.邁茑赚陉宾呗擷鹪讼凑。
8. 你对员工进行评估时应该做到公正.
You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employess.嵝硖贪塒廩袞悯倉華糲。
1. 毫无疑问,莎士比亚使各个时代的剧作家相形见绌.
It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout theages. 该栎谖碼戆沖巋鳧薩锭。
2. 《了不起的盖茨比》被普遍认为是美国上世纪爵士时代的缩影.
<The Great Gatsby > is generally regarded as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century inAmerica. 劇妆诨貰攖苹埘呂仑庙。
3. 你最好不要对他去哈佛深造的热情泼冷水.
It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard.
4. 年轻人容易盲目崇拜迷人的体育和娱乐圈明星.
Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles鰻順褛悦漚縫冁屜鸭骞。
5. 他们一路闲逛,漫步来到人民广场参加国庆庆祝活动.
They traipsed all the way to the People’s Square for the National Day celebrations.穑釓虚绺滟鳗絲懷紓泺。
6. 他没有犯什么大错或大罪,不该受到如此严厉的惩罚.
He does not deserve such severe punishment as he has committed neither serious errors nor gavecrimes.隶誆荧鉴獫纲鴣攣駘賽。
7. 我每次遇到他,他总是说一大堆无聊的话.
Every time I met him, e would talk a whole lot of nonsense.浹繢腻叢着駕骠構砀湊。
8. 他说,名声是一个许多人愿意掉下去的陷阱.
He said that reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.鈀燭罚櫝箋礱颼畢韫粝。
1. 他的父母对他有很高的期望,他感到压力很大.
He felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents惬執缉蘿绅颀阳灣熗鍵。
2. 他用积极的观点来解释这件事.
He interpreted the matter in a positive light.
3. 我很讨厌他,因为他经常特别喜欢诽谤他人.
I detest him, for he often goes put of his way to slander others贞廈给鏌綞牵鎮獵鎦龐。
4. 许多宗教的教义敦促人们超越尘世的成功.
Many religious teachings urge people to transcend the mundane success.嚌鲭级厨胀鑲铟礦毁蕲。
5. 个人的主动性事促进事业发展的要素之一.
Individual initiative is one of the essen tial elements in promoting one’s career.薊镔竖牍熒浹醬籬铃騫。
6. 我认为对学生施以填鸭式教育不是一个好的教学方法.
I don’t think spoon-feeding is a good teaching method.齡践砚语蜗铸转絹攤濼。
7. 我将全力以赴在下个月之前完成这项任务,因为我不想有不遵守诺言的污名.
I will try my best to accomplish the task by the end of the next month, for I don’t want to bear
thestigma if going back on my words. 绅薮疮颧訝标販繯轅赛。
8. 我得到了许多与教育方面新政策相关的信息.
I’ve gained lots of information pertinent to the new policies in education.饪箩狞屬诺釙诬苧径凛。
1. 当哈姆雷特拿不定主意该采取什么行动时,他就装疯.
Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.烴毙潜籬賢擔視蠶贲粵。
2. 搪塞是这个商人喜欢使用的技巧之一.
Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.鋝岂涛軌跃轮莳講嫗键。
3. 真理之光有时令人炫目,因此,善意的谎话随处可见.
Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.撷伪氢鱧轍幂聹諛詼庞。
4. 美国许多妇女声称她们对自己二等公民的地位感到不满.
Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status of second-class citizens.
5. 一时冲动之下,他脱口而出了秘密.
On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.婭鑠机职銦夾簣軒蚀骞。
6. 你应该摆脱偏见,抵制诱惑,不让任何东西扭曲你的判断
You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.譽諶掺铒锭试监鄺儕泻。
7. 他是一个过于敏感和富于想象力的人,经常在头脑里编织一张复杂的网络.
Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in mind.俦聹执償閏号燴鈿膽賾。
8. 他在伙伴中很受欢迎,因为他总是设法不去麻烦别人.
He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.缜電怅淺靓蠐浅錒鵬凜。
1. 这所大学是世界上历史最悠久的高等学府之一.
The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher education in the world.骥擯帜褸饜兗椏長绛粤。
2. 如果一个人缺乏实践经验,他仅仅凭借课堂里学到的东西是难以使自己成为一个成功人士的.
If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hardly make himself a success with only what hehas acquired in class.癱噴导閽骋艳捣靨骢鍵。
3. 我为老是受到打断干扰而感到恼怒,因为我不得不在本周内完成这篇专题文章.
I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by the
endof this week.鑣鸽夺圆鯢齙慫餞離龐。
4. 他认为用旧文体来写一个当代的主题是滑稽可笑的.
He feels that it is ludicrous to write about a contemporary topic in an ancient style.榄阈团皱鹏緦寿驏頦蕴。
5. 上海的外滩在上世纪70年代和80年代是年轻情侣喜欢来谈情说爱的地方.
The bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples liked to come to coo in the 70’s and the 80’sof the last century. 逊输吴贝义鲽國鳩犹騸。
6. 作为一个10岁左右的孩子,他的女儿是非常恬静的,因为她喜欢读书胜于嬉戏.
His daughter is very sedate for a girl of about ten, for she likes reading more than playing.
7. 当第一抹阳光洒向大地的时候,这对情人手拉手,在乡村的大道上散步.
The couple strolled hand in along the country road when the sun in its first splendor steeped theearth.誦终决懷区馱倆侧澩赜。
8. 这个诗人在在世时被普遍认为是一个怪癖的浪漫天才.
The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when alive.医涤侣綃噲睞齒办銩凛。
1. 昨天晚上我们看电影看到很晚.
We stay up (late) to see a film last night.
2. 当我们周围有人的时候你最好不要讲这件事.
I’d rather you don’t mention it when we’re in company.舻当为遙头韪鳍哕晕糞。
3. 在怀孕的最初几个月里,大部分妇女早上都会恶心.
Most women feel sick in the mornings during their first months of pregnancy.鸪凑鸛齏嶇烛罵奖选锯。
4. 我喜欢这份工作,而且更让人开心的是单位离家很近.
I love the job, and it’s bonus that it’s close to home.筧驪鴨栌怀鏇颐嵘悅废。
5. 我曾想我会试着自己酿酒.
I thought I’d have a shot at making my own wine.
6. 在上中学的时候她的智力开发比较慢,直到进了大学,她的才能才展露出来.
At school she was a late bloomer, and it wasn’t until she went to university that her talents becameapparent.韋鋯鯖荣擬滄閡悬贖蘊。
1. 当他得知儿子被绑架时,一种毛骨悚然的恐惧从心头掠过.
When he learnt that his son had been kidnapped, a terrible fear swept over him.涛貶騸锬晋铩锩揿宪骟。
2. 这位严厉的父亲对女儿很晚才回家感到十分生气.
The strict father was very cross about his daughter staying out so late.钿蘇饌華檻杩鐵样说泻。
3. 他由于积习成癖的懒惰和迟到而遭到严厉责备.
He was reprimanded for his habitual laziness and lateness.戧礱風熗浇鄖适泞嚀贗。
4. 英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯所强调的要点之一是在静谧中涌上的自发情感.
One of the points Wordsworth, an English romantic poet, stresses is the spontaneous emotionrising in tranquility.購櫛頁詩燦戶踐澜襯鳳。
5. 他是一个成功的领袖,因为当他表现出决心的时候,总是考虑到种种困难.
He is a successful leader, for he always takes into consideration all sorts of difficulties
6. 小姑娘们经常把天使想象成纯洁、仁慈,并带有翅膀的天上的孩子.
7. 他带他的女友去听音乐会,以努力弥补自己对她的粗鲁态度.
8. 他承认他曾经想做海盗,这使我大吃一惊.
1. 张教授的发言强调英国学习中坚实基础的重要性.
2. 人们认为,抽烟和肺癌之间有着相互联系.
3. 应该承认,他有着我们都没有的勇气的毅力.
4. 我们应该努力如实地来观察事物.
5. 我信任他,因为他总是言行一致.
6. 尽管他们两人年龄悬殊,但是却非常融洽.
7. 不管是什么年龄,什么性别,什么肤色,每个人都有幸福的权利.
8. 与纽约城相比,这个海边城镇是很小的.。