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Biblioteka Baidu
❖ In bestowing their gifts on Pandora, the gods had given her a box, warning her never to open it. Her curiosity finally overcame her, however, and she opened the mysterious box, from which flew innumerable plagues for the body and sorrows for the mind. In terror, she tried to shut the box, but only Hope, the one good thing among many evils the box had contained, remained to comfort humanity in its misfortunes. According to legend, humanity was forever cursed because of Pandora’s
Unit 7 Greek Stories
Lead-in questions:
❖ 1. Can you name some of the famous heroes in Greek stories? And try to tell their stories.
❖ 2. Can you express some of the Chinese ancient fairy tales in English?
❖ Jupiter was the ruler of the Roman pantheon[ˈpænθiən] (n.万神殿,众神). He exhibited many of the characteristics of his Greek counterpart, Zeus.
❖ According to Greek mythology, Midas, the king of Crete, judged a musical competition between the gods Apollo and Pan. When he awarded Pan the victory, the enraged Apollo turned Midas’s ears into the ears of an ass.
Another story about Midas
❖ Midas, in Greek mythology, king of Phrygia in Asia Minor. For his hospitality to the satyr Silenus, Dionysus, god of wine, offered to grant Midas anything he wished. The king requested that everything he touched be turned to gold, but he soon regretted his choice because even his food and water were changed to gold. To free himself from the enchantment, Midas was instructed by Dionysus to bathe in the Pactolus River. It was said that afterward the sands of the river contained gold.
❖Eurydice, in Greek mythology, a beautiful nymph, and wife of Orpheus, the master musician.
❖Shortly after their marriage Eurydice was bitten in the foot by a snake and died.
❖ The Greek mythological figure Apollo was said to drive a golden chariot across the sky each day, representing the sun. He is depicted here with his horsedrawn chariot on a ceiling painting in the Palazzo Corsini in Florence, Italy.
Story about Pluto
❖ Pluto (mythology), in Roman mythology, god of the dead, the husband of Proserpine. The Latin counterpart of the Greek god Hades.
❖ Pluto assisted his two brothers, Jupiter and Neptune, in overthrowing their father, Saturn (ancient god of agriculture.)
❖ Grief-stricken, Orpheus descended into the underworld to seek his wife.
❖ Accompanying his song with the strains of his lyre, he begged Hades, god of the dead, to relinquish Eurydice.
❖ His music so touched Hades that Orpheus was permitted to take his wife back with him on the condition that he would not turn around to look at her until they had reached the upper air.

❖ In dividing the world among them, Jupiter (n.[罗神]朱庇特;木星) chose the earth and the heavens as his realm, Neptune [ˈneptju:n, ˈneptu:n] (n.[罗神]尼普顿(海神 ))became the ruler of the sea, and Pluto received as his kingdom the lower world, in which he ruled over the shades of the dead.
❖They had almost completed their ascent when Orpheus, overwhelmed by love and anxiety, looked back to see if Eurydice was following him. The promise broken, Eurydice vanished forever to the regions of the dead.
❖ 3. What are the significant influence of Greek stories in western countries?
Text I Orpheus and Eurydice
❖The legendary ancient Greek hero Orpheus was a musician whose singing and playing of the lyre[ˈlaiə] was so beautiful that not only humans but also animals and even inanimate objects were moved by the power of his music.
❖ Pan (mythology), in Greek mythology, god of shepherds and flocks. He was believed to be responsible for their fertility. Pan was especially fond of remote mountains and caves and was believed to be responsible for the sudden, inexplicable fear, or panic, that can overtake(突然降临于) travelers in such surroundings.
❖ The Apollo Belvedere, a marble copy of a Greek bronze from the 4th century BC, is the most important surviving representation of the god Apollo. The statue is in the Vatican’s collection in Rome.
❖ Midas was also one of the judges in a musical contest between the gods Apollo and Pan. When Midas preferred Pan's playing of the pipes to Apollo's playing of the lyre, Apollo changed Midas's ears to those of an ass. Midas was able to conceal his ears from all but his barber, who whispered the secret into a hole in the ground. When the wind blew, the reeds that grew over the hole repeated the story.
❖ Related words: Hades, Underworld, Hell 冥府,冥界,地狱
❖In Greek mythology Cerberus was a monstrous threeheaded dog that guarded the entrance to Hades, allowing no spirits to leave the underworld.
❖ Muses, in Greek mythology, nine goddesses, daughters of the god Zeus, king of the gods, the goddess of memory. The Muses were believed to inspire all artists, especially poets, philosophers, and musicians.
❖Neptune (mythology), in Roman mythology, god of the sea, son of the god Saturn.
❖ Astronomy: 海王星
❖ Styx, in Greek mythology, a river, the entrance to the underworld. It was often described as the boundary river over which the aged ferryman Charon transported the shades of the dead.
Words and expressions
❖ Pluto: (in Astronomy)冥王星; (in Roman Mythology) 冥王
proserpine:冥 Hades: The Latin counterpart of the Greek
god spell:魔力;魅力 fade away into the gloom:消逝在一片黑暗中