

NI USB-622x、625x、628x OEM User Guide

NI USB-622x、625x、628x OEM User Guide

USER GUIDENI USB-622x /625x /628x OEMM Series USB-6221/6225/6229/6251/6255/6259/6281/6289 OEM DevicesThis document provides dimensions, pinouts, and informationabout the connectors, switch, LEDs, and chassis ground of the National Instruments USB-6221 OEM, USB-6225 OEM, USB-6229 OEM,USB-6251 OEM, USB-6255 OEM, USB-6259 OEM, USB-6281 OEM, and USB-6289 OEM devices. It also explains how to modify the USB device name in Microsoft Windows.CautionThere are no product safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), orCE marking compliance claims made for the USB-622x /625x /628x OEM devices. Conformity to any and all compliance requirements rests with the end product supplier.Caution(USB-628x Devices) Exercise caution when placing USB-628x OEM devices insidean enclosure. Auxiliary cooling may be necessary to keep the device under the maximum ambient temperature rating of 45 °C, as specified in the NI 628x Specifications .Figure 1 shows the USB-6221/6251/6281 OEM and USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289 OEM devices.Figure 1. USB-622x /625x /628xOEM DevicesRefer to the NI 622x Specifications document for USB-6221/6225/6229specifications, the NI 625x Specifications document forUSB-6251/6255/6259 specifications, and the NI 628x Specificationsdocument for USB-6281/6289 specifications. Refer to the M Series UserManual for more information about USB-622x/625x/628x devices.You can find all documentation at /manuals. DimensionsFigure2 shows the dimensions of the USB-6221/6251/6281 OEM device. NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User Figure 2. USB-6221/6251/6281 OEM Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters)© National Instruments Corporation3NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User GuideFigure3 shows the dimensions of the USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289OEM device.Figure 3. USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289 OEM Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User I/O Connector PinoutsFigures4 through9 show the connector pinouts for the USB-6221 OEM,USB-6225 OEM, USB-6229 OEM, USB-6251 OEM, USB-6255 OEM,USB-6259 OEM, USB-6281 OEM, and USB-6289 OEM devices.Refer to the M Series User Manual at /manuals for moreinformation about USB-622x/625x/628x signals and how to connect them.© National Instruments Corporation5NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User GuideFigure 4. USB-6221 OEM Connector PinoutNI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User Figure 5. USB-6225 OEM Connector Pinout© National Instruments Corporation7NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User GuideFigure 6. USB-6229 OEM Connector PinoutNI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User Figure 7. USB-6251/6281 OEM Connector Pinout© National Instruments Corporation9NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User GuideFigure 8. USB-6255 OEM Connector PinoutNI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User Figure 9. USB-6259/6289 OEM Connector PinoutDefault Counter/Timer PinoutsBy default, NI-DAQmx routes the counter/timer inputs and outputs to thePFI pins, shown in Table1.Table 1. NI-DAQmx Default Counter/Timer PinsCounter/Timer Signal Default Terminal NameCTR 0 SRC PFI 8CTR 0 GATE PFI 9CTR 0 AUX PFI 10CTR 0 OUT PFI 12CTR 0 A PFI 8CTR 0 Z PFI 9CTR 0 B PFI 10CTR 1 SRC PFI 3CTR 1 GATE PFI 4CTR 1 AUX PFI 11CTR 1 OUT PFI 13CTR 1 A PFI 3CTR 1 Z PFI 4CTR 1 B PFI 11FREQ OUT PFI 14Attaching External LEDsUSB-622x/625x/628x OEM devices have two LEDs that reflect the devicestate. The green READY LED indicates when the device is powered on andconfigured as a USB device. The yellow ACTIVE LED indicates USB busactivity.Three connectors on the device allow you to connect an external LEDcircuit to the device, as shown in Figure10. To connect an external READYLED, use E1 as the positive connection (+3.3 V) and E2 as the negativeconnection. To connect an external ACTIVE LED, use E1 as the positiveconnection and E3 as the negative connection. E1 is current limited witha100 Ω resistor to the 3.3V internal supply. This configuration limitsthe current to approximately 16mA into a single external LED orapproximately 8 mA each when both LEDs are lit. You also can limit thiscurrent further by using external resistors, also shown in Figure10.Figure 10. Schematic for External LED CircuitsPower SwitchThe power switch on the USB-622x/625x/628x OEM device powers thedevice on and off. Figure11 shows the pins on the power switch andcircuitry.Figure 11. Schematic for the Power SwitchPin1, VDC In, is connected to VDC through the fuse (reference designatorXF1). The VDC is the voltage provided by the power supply through thepower connector (reference designator J4/J6/J81) and must be 11–30VDC,20W.Pin2, VDC Out, provides power to the circuitry on the device. When theswitch is in the On position, the VDC power supply from pin1 is routed topin2.Pin3, 100 kΩ to Ground, connects pin2 to ground through a 100kΩresistor when the switch is in the Off position.1 The power connector is designated as J4 on USB-6225/6255 OEM devices, J6 on USB-6221/6229 OEM devices, and J8 on USB-6251/6259/6281/6289 OEM devices.Connecting the USB-622x /625x /628x OEM Device to Your ChassisThe USB-622x /625x /628x OEM device includes several plated mounting holes that are designed for customer grounded connections, as shown in Figure 12.CautionDo not use the holes labeled A in Figure 12 as mounting holes.Figure 12. Customer Mounting Holes (USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289OEM Shown)Caution(USB-628x Devices) Exercise caution when placing USB-628x OEM devices insidean enclosure. Auxiliary cooling may be necessary to keep the device under the maximum ambient temperature rating of 45 °C, as specified in the NI 628x Specifications.Replacing FusesUSB-622x /625x /628x OEM devices have a replaceable T 2A 250V (5×20mm) fuse that protects the device from overcurrent through the power connector.(USB-628x Devices Only) USB-628x OEM devices also have a replaceableF 2A 125V fuse that protects the device from overcurrent through the +5 V terminal(s).Replacement fuse information can be found in Table 2. To replace a broken fuse in USB-622x /625x /628x OEM devices, complete the following steps.1.Power down and unplug the device.2.Replace the broken fuse while referring to Figure 13 for the fuse locations.Figure 13. USB-622x /625x /628x OEM Fuse Locations1T 2A 250V (5 x 20 mm) F us e2F 2A 125V F us e on U S B-628x OEM DevicesDevice ComponentsTable2 contains information about the components used for interfacingand interacting with the USB-622x/625x/628x OEM device.Table 2. USB-622x/625x/628x OEM ComponentsComponent Reference Designator(s) on PCB Manufacturer Manufacturer Part NumberLEDs DS1Dialight553-033234-pin connectors(USB-6221/6251/6281 OEM) J13M N2534-6002RB(USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289OEM) J1, J250-pin connectors(USB-6221/6251/6281 OEM) P13M N2550-6002UB(USB-6225/6229/6255/6259/6289OEM) P1, P2USB connector J3AMP787780-1 Power connector(USB-6221/6229OEM) J6Switchcraft722RA(USB-6225/6255OEM) J4(USB-6251/6259/6281/6289OEM) J8Power switch SW1ITT Industries,CannonE101J1A3QE2 T 2A 250V fuse XF1Littelfuse218.002XPF 2A 125V fuse(USB-6281/6289OEM) F1Littelfuse045300268-pin connectors*(USB-6221 OEM) J8Honda PCS-E68RLMD1+ (USB-6225/6229/6255 OEM) J7, J8(USB-6251/6281OEM) J7(USB-6259/6289OEM) J6, J7* Optional mass termination connectors. These are not populated by default.Modifying the USB Device Name in Microsoft WindowsYou can change how the USB-622x/625x/628x OEM device name appearswhen users install the device in both the Found New Hardware Wizard thatappears when the device is initially installed and in the Windows DeviceManager.Windows Vista/XP UsersFigure14 depicts how a USB-6251 OEM device name appears in theFound New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager.Figure 14. USB-6251 OEM Device in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows Vista/XP)To modify the device name in the Found New Hardware Wizard andWindows Device Manager in Microsoft Windows Vista/XP, complete thefollowing steps.Note You must have NI-DAQmx 8.7 or later installed on your PC.1.Locate the OEM x.inf file in the y:\WINDOWS\inf\ directory,where x is the random number assigned to the INF file by Windows,and y:\is the root directory where Windows is installed.NoteNew security updates to Microsoft Vista and NI-DAQ 8.6 or later create random INF files for NI hardware. Windows assigns random file numbers to all INF files, which causes the user to search through several INF files until the correct file is located.If you want to revert back, save a copy of this file as OEM x _original.inf in a different location.2.Edit the device INF file by opening OEM x .inf with a text editor. At the bottom of this file are the descriptors where Windows looks to identify the device. Locate the two lines of text that contain in quotes the descriptors for the device name you are modifying. Change the descriptor on both lines to the new device name, as shown in Figure 15.Figure 15. INF File Descriptors Changed to “My Device” (Windows Vista/XP)3.Save and close the INF file.4.Go to the Windows Device Manager.(Windows Vista) In the Device Manager, notice that the OEM device now appears as My Device , as shown in Figure 16.(Windows XP) In the Device Manager, right-click the OEM device underData Acquisition Devices, and select Uninstall . Power down the OEMdevice and disconnect the USB cable from your PC.Original FileModified FileWhen you reconnect and power on the device, it appears as My Device inthe Found New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager, as shownin Figure16.Note When the device is initially installed, the Windows alert message may display the following: Found New Hardware: M Series USB 62xx (OEM). This message appears for a few seconds until the custom name appears and the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched. This alert message device name cannot be changed.Figure 16. “My Device” in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager(Windows Vista/XP)Note Modifying the INF file will not change the USB-622x/625x/628x OEM device name in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).© National Instruments Corporation 21NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User GuideWindows 2000 UsersFigure 17 depicts how a USB-6251 OEM device name appears in theFound New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager.Figure 17. USB-6251 OEM Device in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows 2000)To modify the device name in the Found New Hardware Wizard andWindows Device Manager in Windows 2000, complete the following steps.Note You must have NI-DAQmx 8.7 or later installed on your PC.1.Locate the nimioxsu.inf file in the x :\WINNT\inf\ directory,where x :\ is the root directory where Windows is installed.If you want to revert back, save a copy of this file asnimioxsu_original.infin a different location.2.Edit the device INF file by opening nimioxsu.inf with a text editor.At the bottom of this file are the descriptors where Windows looks toidentify the device. Locate the two lines of text that contain in quotesthe descriptors for the device name you are modifying. Change thedescriptor on both lines to the new device name, as shown in Figure18.Original FileModified FileFigure 18. INF File Descriptors Changed to “My Device” (Windows 2000)3.Save and close the INF file.4.Go to the Windows Device Manager, right-click the OEM device underData Acquisition Devices, and select Uninstall.5.Power down the OEM device and disconnect the USB cable fromyour PC.NI USB-622x/625x/628x OEM User National Instruments, NI, , and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information about NationalInstruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or tradenames of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to theappropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or/patents .© 2006–2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.371910E-01Jun08When you reconnect and power on the device, it appears as My Device inthe Found New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager, as shownin Figure 19.Note When the device is initially installed, the Windows alert message may display the following: Found New Hardware: M Series USB 62xx (OEM). This message appears for a few seconds until the custom name appears and the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched. This alert message device name cannot be changed.Figure 19. “My Device” in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows 2000)Note Modifying the INF file will not change the USB-622x /625x /628x OEM device namein Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).。

NI PXI6259接线说明

NI PXI6259接线说明

“模拟信号 1”的高电位端子(红色)接 6259 接线板的 AI0(68#)端子, “模 拟信号 1”的低电位端子接(黑色)6259 接线板的 AI8(34#)端子,假如线缆有屏 蔽线(黄色),将屏蔽线接 AI GND(67#)端子。
选择 6259
图 2 -NI MAX 界面
图 3- 6259 接线端子图
NI PXIE6259 接线说明
V2 NI 的 PXIE6259 是一款专为 PCI Express 而设计的高速 M 系列多功能 DAQ 模 块,拥有 16 位模数转换器,单通道采样最大速率 1.25MS/s,多通道扫描采样速 率 1MS/s,具有 32 路模拟输入通道,能采样差分和单端电压信号。
蔽线(黄色),将屏蔽线接 AI GND(32#)端子。 更多端子接线类似。
如您觉得有帮助,请随意打赏至支付宝:15882445087 提供单片机、电路板、控制器、工控测控传感自动化系统、仪器仪表、软件 EXE 编程、安卓 APP 开发设计定制等优质服务(QQ2531263726)。
参考资料: 【1】数据采集--信号输入(单端输入、差分) https:///view/a7e8545e3c1ec5da50e270ef.html
线端子图接线即可。 一般电压信号分为单端信号和差分信号,主要区别是采集多通道模拟信号时, 单端信号是所有输入信号以共同的地线为基准,判断信号与 GND 的电压差【1】, 也就是地线端是接在一起的,也就是共地,差分信号是判断两个信号的电压差, 每个信号都有自己的基准地线【1】,参考地线端在运行过程中有可能电势不相等, 可能不共地。 单端信号和差分信号在 6259 上的接线有部分差异,介绍如下: 单端信号接线 如图 4,是 2 个单端模拟电压信号的接线例子。 “模拟信号 1”的高电位端子(红色)接 6259 接线板的 AI0(68#)端子, “模 拟信号 1”的低电位端子接(黑色)6259 接线板的 AI GND(67#)端子。 “模拟信号 2”的高电位端子(红色)接 6259 接线板的 AI1(33#)端子,“模 拟信号 2”的低电位端子(黑色)接 6259 接线板的 AI GND(32#)端子。 更多信号端子接线类似。 差分信号接线 如图 5,是 2 个差分模拟电压信号的接线例子。



NI-DAQmx支持下列设备:NI 9201 C系列8通道,±10 V,12位模拟输入模块NI 9201 (DSUB)NI 9203 C系列8通道,±20 mA,16位模拟输入模块NI 9205 C系列32通道,16位模拟输入模块,带增益和模拟触发(仅限于AI、PFI)NI 9206 C系列32通道,16位模拟输入模块,燃料电池(仅限于AI、PFI)NI 9211 C系列12 S/s,24位热电偶模拟输入,4通道扫描模拟输入模块NI 9213 C系列16通道热电偶输入模块NI 9215 100 kS/s,16位,4通道隔离SMIO模拟输入模块NI 9215 (BNC)NI 9217 C系列4通道,24位100 欧姆RTD模拟输入模块NI 9219 C系列4通道,24位通用模拟输入模块NI 9221 C系列8通道,±60 V,12位模拟输入模块NI 9221 (DSUB)NI 9225 C系列3通道,±300 Vrms,24位同步模拟输入模块NI 9227 C系列模拟输入模块NI 9229 C系列4通道,±60 V,24位同步模拟输入模块NI 9229 (BNC)NI 9233 C系列50 kS/s,24位,4通道动态信号采集模块NI 9234 C系列4通道,51.2 kS/s,24位软件可选IEPE和AC/DC模拟输入模块NI 9234B C系列模拟输入模块NI 9235 C系列8通道,24位四分之一桥模拟输入模块NI 9236 C系列8通道,24位四分之一桥模拟输入模块NI 9237 C系列4通道,24位半/全桥模拟输入模块NI 9237 (DSUB)应变模块NI 9239 C系列4通道,±10 V,24位同步模拟输入模块NI 9239 (BNC)NI 9263 C系列4通道模拟输出模块NI 9263 (BNC)NI 9264 C系列16通道,±10 V,16位模拟电压输出模块NI 9264 (DSUB) AO模块NI 9265 C系列4通道,0-20 mA,16位模拟电流输出模块NI 9401 C系列8通道,双向,半字节可配置数字I/O模块NI 9402 C系列4通道,LVTTL,数字I/O模块NI 9403 C系列32通道,TTL数字输入/输出模块NI 9411 C系列6通道,差分或TTL数字输入/输出模块NI 9421 C系列8通道,24 V 数字输入模块NI 9421 (DSUB)NI 9422 C系列8通道,24 V,漏极/源极字输入模块NI 9423 C系列8通道,24 V,高速数字输入模块NI 9425 C系列32通道,24 V,漏极数字输入模块NI 9426 C系列32通道,24 V,源极数字输入模块NI 9435 C系列4通道,AC/DC通用数字输入模块NI 9472 C系列8通道,24 V 数字输出模块NI 9472 (DSUB)NI 9474 C系列8通道,24 V,高速,源极数字输出模块NI 9475 C系列8通道,60 V,高速,源极数字输出模块NI 9476 C系列32通道,24 V,高速,源极数字输出模块NI 9477 C系列32通道,5-60 V,漏极数字输入/输出模块NI 9478 C系列16通道,0-50 V,漏极数字输入/输出模块,可编程电流限制NI 9481 C系列4通道,A型SPST继电器数字输出模块NI 9485 C系列8通道稳态继电器,60 V直流/30 Vrms,750毫安模块NI BNC-2096 TEDS设备NI cDAQ-9172 CompactDAQ机箱NI cDAQ-9174 CompactDAQ机箱NI cDAQ-9178 CompactDAQ机箱NI DAQCard-6024E 200 kS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI DAQCard-6036E 200 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI DAQCard-6062E 500 KS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道设备NI DAQCard-6715 PCMCIA接口1 MS/s 12位模拟输出设备NI DAQCard-DIO-24 PCMCIA接口24通道5V/TTL/CMOS数字I/O设备用于USB接口的NI DAQPad-6015(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)用于USB接口的NI DAQPad-6015(BNC) (不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)用于USB接口的NI DAQPad-6015(Mass终端)(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)用于USB接口的NI DAQPad-6016(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI ELVIS II教学设计和原型开发平台NI ELVIS II+教学设计和原型开发平台(包含高速数字化仪)NI ENET-9205模拟输入模块NI ENET-9206模拟输入模块NI ENET-9211 14 S/s,24位热电偶模拟输入,4通道扫描模拟输入模块NI ENET-9213 16通道,75 S/s,24位热电偶输入模块NI ENET-9215 100 kS/s,16位,4通道隔离SMIO模拟输入模块NI ENET-9219 4通道,24位通用模拟输入模块NI ENET-9234 4通道,51.2 kS/s,24位软件可选IEPE和AC/DC模拟输入NI ENET-9237 4通道,24位半/全桥模拟输入模块NI ENET-9421 8通道,24 V数字输入模块NI ENET-9421(DSUB) 8通道,24 V数字输入模块NI ENET-9472 8通道,24 V数字输出模块NI ENET-9472(DSUB) 8通道,24 V数字输出模块NI ENET-9481 4通道,A型SPST继电器数字输出模块NI PCI-4461 204.8 kS/s,24位,2模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道动态信号采集TEDS设备NI PCI-4021开关控制器NI PCI-4462 24位,4模拟输入通道动态信号采集TEDS设备NI PCI-4472 102.4 kS/s,24位,8模拟输入通道动态信号采集设备NI PCI-4474 102.4 kS/s,24位,4模拟输入通道动态信号采集设备NI PCI-6010 16模拟输入通道设备(不支持NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI PCI-6013 200 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备(不兼容NI-DAQmx 仿真设备)NI PCI-6014 200 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2条计数器/定时器设备(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI PCI-6023E 200 kS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6024E 200 kS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道,2条模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6025E 200 kS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,32条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6031E 100 kS/s,16位,64模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6032E 100 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6033E 100 kS/s,16位,64模拟输入通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6034E 200 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6035E 200 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6036E 200 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6052E 333 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6071E 1.25 MS/s,12位,64模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6110 5 MS/s,12位,4通道设备NI PCI-6111 5 MS/s,12位,2通道设备NI PCI-6115 10 MS/s,12位设备NI PCI-6120 800 KS/s,16位,4模拟输入同步采样设备NI PCI-6122 500 kS/s,16位S系列设备NI PCI-6123 500 kS/s,16位,8通道S系列设备NI PCI-6132 4通道,32 MB S系列设备NI PCI-6133 3 MS/s,14位,8模拟输入通道S系列设备NI PCI-6143 250 KS/s,16位,8模拟输入通道S系列设备NI PCI-6154 4模拟输入通道,4模拟输出通道,16位隔离S系列设备NI PCI-6220 16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6221(68针)16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6221(37针)16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6224 32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6225 80模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6229 32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6230组隔离,8模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6232 250 KS/s,16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道隔离S系列设备NI PCI-6233 250 KS/s,16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道隔离S系列设备NI PCI-6236 250 kS/s,4差分模拟输入(电流输入)通道M系列设备NI PCI-6238 250 kS/s,8差分模拟输入(电流输入)通道隔离M系列设备NI PCI-6239 250 kS/s,8差分模拟输入(电流输入)通道隔离M系列设备NI PCI-6250 16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6251 16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6254 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6255 80模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6259 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCI-6280 16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PCI-6281 16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PCI-6284 32模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PCI-6289 32模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PCI-6503 24通道5V/TTL/CMOS数字I/O设备NI PCI-6509工业96通道5V/TTL/CMOS数字I/O设备高电流(24 mA)NI PCI-6510数字I/O设备NI PCI-6511数字I/O设备NI PCI-6512数字I/O设备NI PCI-6513数字I/O设备NI PCI-6514数字I/O设备NI PCI-6515工业32路源极/漏极数字输入,32路漏极数字输出组隔离数字I/O设备NI PCI-6516数字I/O设备NI PCI-6517数字I/O设备NI PCI-6518数字I/O设备NI PCI-6519数字I/O设备NI PCI-6520继电器板NI PCI-6521继电器板NI PCI-6527 24路数字输入,24路数字输出,通道对通道隔离数字I/O设备NI PCI-6528工业24路数字输入,24路数字输出通道对通道隔离数字I/O设备NI PCI-6533 (DIO-32HS) 32通道5 V TTL/CMOS高速数字I/O和握手设备NI PCI-6534 32通道5 V TTL/CMOS高速数字I/O和握手设备,板载内存NI PCI-6601计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6602计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6624工业8通道,通道对通道隔离计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-6703 16位模拟输出设备NI PCI-6704 16位模拟输出设备NI PCI-6711 1 MS/s,12位,4通道模拟输出设备NI PCI-6713 1 MS/s,12位,8通道模拟输出设备NI PCI-6722 13位,8通道模拟输出设备NI PCI-6723 13位,32通道模拟输出设备NI PCI-6731 1 MS/s,16位,4通道模拟输出设备NI PCI-6733 1 MS/s,16位,8通道模拟输出设备NI PCI-DIO-96 96通道并行数字I/O设备NI PCI-MIO-16E-1 (PCI-6070),12位,1.25 MS/s,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-MIO-16E-4 (PCI-6040E) 500 kS/s(1通道),250 kS/s(多通道),12位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-MIO-16XE-10 (PCI-6030E) 100 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCI-MIO-16XE-50 20 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2个计数器/定时器设备NI PCIe-6251 16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCIe-6259 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PCIe-6320 16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6321 16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6323 32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6341 16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6343 32模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6351 16模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6353 32模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6361 16模拟输入通道,2 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6363 32模拟输入通道,2 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PCIe-6535 10 MHz,5.0/3.3/2.5V 高速I/O设备NI PCIe-6536 25 MHz,5.0/3.3/2.5V 高速I/O设备NI PCIe-6537 50 MHz,5.0/3.3/2.5V 高速I/O设备NI PXI-1010 PXI背板8个插槽,SCXI背板机箱4个插槽NI PXI-1011 PXI背板4个插槽,SCXI背板机箱8个插槽NI PXI-2501 FET多路复用器NI PXI-2503继电器多路复用器NI PXI-2510 68通道,2A 故障注入单元NI PXI-2512 7通道,10A 故障注入单元NI PXI-2514 7通道,40A 故障注入单元NI PXI-2515 高速数字I/O设备信号注入开关NI PXI-2531 512交叉点矩阵NI PXI-2527 32x1 继电器多路复用器NI PXI-2529 128交叉点继电器矩阵NI PXI-2530 128通道舌簧继电器多路复用器/矩阵NI PXI-2532 512交叉点矩阵NI PXI-2533 256交叉点4x64 SSR矩阵NI PXI-2534 256交叉点8x32 SSR矩阵NI PXI-2535 544交叉点4x136 FET矩阵NI PXI-2536 544交叉点8x68 FET矩阵NI PXI-2545 2.7 GHz 4x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2546 2.7 GHz 双4x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2547 2.7 GHz 8x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2548 2.7 GHz 4-SPDT 50欧姆继电器模块NI PXI-2549 2.7 GHz 2-SPDT 50欧姆继电器模块NI PXI-2554 2.5 GHz 4x1 75欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2555 2.5 GHz 4x1 75欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2556 2.5 GHz 双4x1 75欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2557 2.5 GHz 8x1 75欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2558 2.5 GHz 4-SPDT 75欧姆继电器模块NI PXI-2559 2.5 GHz 2-SPDT 75欧姆继电器模块NI PXI-2564 16-SPST继电器模块NI PXI-2565 16-SPST继电器模块NI PXI-2566 16-SPDT继电器模块NI PXI-2567 64通道继电器驱动器NI PXI-2568 31通道SPST继电器模块NI PXI-2569 100通道SPST继电器模块NI PXI-2570 40-SPDT继电器模块NI PXI-2575 196x1 继电器多路复用器NI PXI-2576多组多路复用器NI PXI-2584高电压多路复用器NI PXI-2585 10通道多路复用器NI PXI-2586 10通道SPST继电器模块NI PXI-2590 1x4 1.3 GHz多路复用器NI PXI-2591 1x4 4 GHz多路复用器NI PXI-2593 500 MHz双路8x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI PXI-2594 1x4 2.5 GHz多路复用器NI PXI-2595 1x4 5.5 GHz多路复用器NI PXI-2596 双1x6 26.5 GHz多路复用器NI PXI-2597 1x6 26.5 GHz终端多路复用器NI PXI-2598双路26.5 GHz传输开关NI PXI-2599双路26.5 GHz SPDTNI PXI-4021开关控制器NI PXI-4200集成信号调理模块NI PXI-4204 8通道100 V数字输入模块NI PXI-4220 2通道高速应变模块NI PXI-4224信号调理模块NI PXI-4461 204.8 kS/s,24位,2模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道动态信号采集设备NI PXI-4462 24位,4模拟输入通道动态信号采集TEDS设备NI PXI-4472 102.4 kS/s,24位,8模拟输入通道动态信号采集设备NI PXI-4472B 102.4 kS/s,24位,8模拟输入通道动态信号采集设备NI PXI-4495 204.8 kS/s 24位16 AI通道动态信号采集设备NI PXI-4496 204.8 kS/s 24位16 AI通道AC耦合IEPE DSA设备NI PXI-4498 16模拟输入通道,204.8 kS/s,24位,AC耦合,IEPE动态信号采集设备NI PXI-6025E 200 kS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,32条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6030E 100 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6031E 100 kS/s,16位,64模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6040E 500 kS/s (1通道),250 kS/s(多通道),12位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6052E 333 kS/s,16位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6070E 1.25 MS/s,12位,16模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8条数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6071E 1.25 MS/s,12位,64模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,8数字I/O线,2计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6115 10 MS/s,12位设备NI PXI-6120 800 KS/s,16位,4路模拟输入同步采样设备NI PXI-6122 500 kS/s,16位S系列设备NI PXI-6123 500 kS/s,16位,8通道S系列设备NI PXIe-6124 4 MS/s,16位,4模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道S系列设备NI PXI-6132 4通道,32 MB S系列设备NI PXI-6133 3 MS/s,14位,8模拟输入通道S系列设备NI PXI-6143 250 KS/s,16位,8模拟输入通道S系列设备NI PXI-6220 16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6221 (68针)16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6224 32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6225 80模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6229 32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6230 组隔离,8模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6232 250 KS/s,16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道隔离S系列设备NI PXI-6233 250 KS/s,16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道隔离S系列设备NI PXI-6236 250 kS/s,4差分模拟输入(电流输入)通道M系列设备NI PXI-6238 250 kS/s,8差分模拟输入(电流输入)通道隔离M系列设备NI PXI-6239 250 kS/s,8差分模拟输入(电流输入)通道隔离M系列设备NI PXI-6250 16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6251 16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6254 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6255 80模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6259 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXI-6280 16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PXI-6281 16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PXI-6284 32模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PXI-6289 32模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI PXI-6508 96通道5V/TTL/CMOS数字I/O设备NI PXI-6509工业96通道5V/TTL/CMOS数字I/O设备高电流(24 mA)NI PXI-6511 数字I/O设备NI PXI-6512 数字I/O设备NI PXI-6513 数字I/O设备NI PXI-6514工业32源极/漏极数字输入,32源极数字输出组隔离数字I/O设备NI PXI-6515工业32源极/漏极数字输入,32漏极数字输出组隔离数字I/O设备NI PXI-6520继电器板NI PXI-6521继电器板NI PXI-6527 24路数字输入,24数字输出通道对通道隔离数字I/O设备NI PXI-6528工业24数字输入,24数字输出通道对通道隔离数字I/O设备NI PXI-6529工业48路数字输入,隔离数字I/O设备NI PXI-6533 32通道5 V TTL/CMOS高速数字I/O和握手设备NI PXI-6534 32通道5 V TTL/CMOS高速数字I/O和握手设备,板载内存NI PXI-6602计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6608计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6624计数器/定时器设备NI PXI-6704 16位模拟输出设备NI PXI-6711 1 MS/s,12位,4通道模拟输出设备NI PXI-6713 1 MS/s,12位,8通道模拟输出设备NI PXI-6722 13位,8通道模拟输出设备NI PXI-6723 13位,32通道模拟输出设备NI PXI-6733 1 MS/s,16位,8通道模拟输出设备NI PXIe-2512 7通道,10A 故障注入单元NI PXIe-2514 7通道,40A 故障注入单元NI PXIe-2515 数字I/O 信号注入开关NI PXIe-2527 32x1 继电器多路复用器NI PXIe-2529 128交叉点继电器矩阵NI PXIe-2531 512交叉点矩阵NI PXIe-2532 512交叉点矩阵NI PXIe-2569 100通道SPST继电器模块NI PXIe-2575 196x1 继电器多路复用器NI PXIe-2593 500 MHz 双路8x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI PXIe-4496 16模拟输入通道,204.8 kS/s,24位,AC耦合,IEPE动态信号采集设备NI PXIe-4498 16模拟输入通道,204.8 kS/s,24位,AC耦合,IEPE动态信号采集设备NI PXIe-6251 16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXIe-6259 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI PXIe-6341 16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6356 8模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6358 16模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6361 16模拟输入通道,2 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6363 32模拟输入通道,2 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6366 8模拟输入通道,2 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6368 16模拟输入通道,2 MS/s,16位X系列设备NI PXIe-6535 10 MHz,5.0/3.3/2.5V 高速I/O设备NI PXIe-6536 25 MHz,5.0/3.3/2.5V 高速I/O设备NI PXIe-6537 50 MHz,5.0/3.3/2.5V 高速I/O设备NI SC-2350 TEDS设备NI SCXI-1000 4插槽机箱NI SCXI-1000DC 4插槽直流机箱NI SCXI-1001 12插槽机箱NI SCXI-1100 32通道模拟输入模块NI SCXI-1102热电偶放大器模块NI SCXI-1102B/C放大器多路复用器模块NI SCXI-1104/C多路复用器模块NI SCXI-1112热电偶放大器模块NI SCXI-1120/D隔离放大器模块NI SCXI-1121隔离放大器,带激励模块NI SCXI-1122隔离多路复用放大器模块NI SCXI-1124模拟输出模块NI SCXI-1125隔离放大器模块NI SCXI-1126隔离频率输入通道模块NI SCXI-1127 32通道继电器多路复用器/矩阵NI SCXI-1128 32通道继电器多路复用器/矩阵NI SCXI-1129 256交叉继电器矩阵NI SCXI-1130 256通道舌簧继电器多路复用器/矩阵NI SCXI-1140跟踪和保持模块NI SCXI-1141低通滤波器模块NI SCXI-1142低通滤波器模块NI SCXI-1143低通滤波器模块NI SCXI-1160 16-SPDT通用继电器模块NI SCXI-1161 8-SPDT电源继电器模块NI SCXI-1162数字I/O设备NI SCXI-1162HV数字I/O设备NI SCXI-1163数字I/O设备NI SCXI-1163R 32通道固态继电器NI SCXI-1166 32-SPDT继电器模块NI SCXI-1167 64通道继电器驱动程序NI SCXI-1169 100通道SPST继电器模块NI SCXI-1175 196x1 继电器多路复用器NI SCXI-1190 1.3 GHz 四路4x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI SCXI-1191 4 GHz 四路4x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI SCXI-1192 18 GHz 8-SPDT 50欧姆继电器模块NI SCXI-1193 2.7 GHz 8x1 50欧姆多路复用器NI SCXI-1194 四路1x4 2.5 GHz多路复用器NI SCXI-1195 四路1x4 5.5 GHz多路复用器NI SCXI-1314T TEDS设备NI SCXI-1502热电偶放大器模块NI SCXI-1503 16通道RTD输入模块NI SCXI-1520应变计输入模块NI SCXI-1521/B信号调理模块NI SCXI-1530模块(用于加速计和麦克风)NI SCXI-1531模块(用于加速计和麦克风)NI SCXI-1540线性差动变压器(LVDT)模块NI SCXI-1581电率激励模拟输出模块NI SCXI-1600 USB模块(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-4431 24位4模拟输入1模拟输出设备NI USB-4432 24位5模拟输入设备NI USB-6008(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-6009(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-6210 250 KS/s,16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道M系列设备NI USB-6211 250 KS/s(总),16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道M系列设备NI USB-6212 400 kS/s(总),16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,32位I/O通道M系列设备NI USB-6212 BNC,16模拟输入通道,400 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI USB-6212 Mass终端M系列设备NI USB-6215 250 KS/s(总),16位,16单端或8差分模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道隔离M系列设备NI USB-6216 400 kS/s(总),16位,16单端或8路差分模拟输入通道,2模拟输出通道,32位I/O通道隔离M系列设备NI USB-6216 BNC,16模拟输入通道,400 kS/s,16位隔离M系列设备NI USB-6216 400 kS/s Mass终端隔离M系列设备NI USB-6218 250 KS/s(总),16位,32单端或16差分模拟输入通道,4模拟输出通道隔离M系列设备NI USB-6218 BNC,32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位隔离M系列设备NI USB-6221 BNC,16模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI USB-6221螺栓端子NI USB-6225 Mass终端80模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-6225螺栓端子NI USB-6229 BNC,32模拟输入通道,250 kS/s,16位M系列设备NI USB-6229螺栓端子NI USB-6251 BNC,16模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI USB-6251 Mass终端NI USB-6251螺栓端子NI USB-6255 Mass终端80模拟输入通道,1.25 MS/s,16位M系列设备(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-6255螺栓端子NI USB-6259 BNC 32模拟输入通道,1 MS/s,16位M系列设备NI USB-6259 Mass终端NI USB-6259螺栓端子NI USB-6281 Mass终端16模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI USB-6281螺栓端子NI USB-6289 Mass终端32模拟输入通道,500 kS/s,18位M系列设备NI USB-6289螺栓端子NI USB-6501(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-6509工业96通道5V/TTL/CMOS数字I/O设备高电流(24毫安)NI USB-6525(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)NI USB-9201 250 KS/s,12位,8模拟输入通道S系列设备NI USB-9211A 12 S/s,24位热电偶模拟输入,4通道扫描模拟输入设备NI USB-9213 热电偶输入设备NI USB-9215A 100 kS/s,16位,4通道隔离SMIO模拟输入设备NI -9219 C系列4通道,24位通用模拟输入模块NI USB-9221 8路通道扫描模拟输入设备NI USB-9229 C系列4通道,±60 V,24位同步模拟输入模块NI USB-9229(BNC接口)NI USB-9233 50 kS/s,24位,4通道动态信号采集设备NI USB-9237 4通道,24位半/全桥模拟输入模块NI USB-9239 C系列4通道,±10 V,24位同步模拟输入模块NI USB-9239(BNC接口)NI USB-9263 10 V模拟输出模块NI USB-9264 16通道,±10 V,16位模拟电压输出模块NI USB-9265 4通道,0-20 mA,16位模拟电流输出模块NI USB-9421 8通道,数字输入模块NI USB-9472 8通道,数字输出模块NI USB-9481 4通道,A型SPST继电器数字输出模块NI WLS-9206 802.11 b/g无线模拟输入模块NI WLS-9206 802.11 b/g无线模拟输入模块NI WLS-9211 14 S/s,24位热电偶模拟输入,4通道扫描802.11 b/g 无线模拟输入模块NI WLS-9213 16通道,75 S/s,24位热电偶输入802.11 b/g 无线模块NI WLS-9215 100 kS/s,16位,4通道隔离SMIO 802.11 b/g无线模拟输入模块NI WLS-9219 4通道,24位通用802.11 b/g无线模拟输入模块NI ENET-9234 4通道,51.2 kS/s,24位软件可选IEPE和AC/DC 802.11 b/g无线模拟输入NI WLS-9237 4通道,24位半/全桥802.11 b/g无线模拟输入模块NI WLS-9421 8通道,24 V 802.11 b/g无线数字输入模块NI WLS-9421(DSUB) 8通道,24 V 802.11 b/g无线数字输入模块NI WLS-9472 8通道,24 V 802.11 b/g无线数字输出模块NI WLS-9472(DSUB) 8通道,24 V 802.11 b/g无线数字输出模块NI WLS-9481 4通道,A型SPST继电器,802.11 b/g无线数字输出模块SensorDAQ(不兼容NI-DAQmx仿真设备)。

[NI技术]基于NI PXI的 汽车零部件多性能测 试

[NI技术]基于NI PXI的 汽车零部件多性能测 试

[NI技术]基于NI PXI的汽车零部件多性能测试"完美集成了超过 10种NI软硬件"- 陈群,The Challenge:在50秒内测量产品超过10项的性能,期间需要和多种设备采用不同协议通信,比如CAN, Profibus, RS232等。

The Solution:该项目主要测试汽车中某部件的多项性能,包括电流,电压,温度/压力传感器,马达特性等。

首先利用 Profibus建立现场Master PLC 和 Slave PXI computer通信,实现测试过程传递和测试结果交互,通过8461 CAN interface 实现与ECU通信,从而通过 ECU控制该汽车部件的动作,并且通过 6229多功能数据采集模块捕捉整个动作过程中需要测量的物理量。

采用 TestStand 可以非常方便的搭建测试流程及保留各步骤测试结果。

典型的PXI系统Author (s):陈群 -引言现代化的工厂车间批量生产装配的产品,除了要进行各项原材料检查外,还要在装包发货之前模拟成品功能进行整体性能检查,以确保送到客户手中的产品都是合格件。

针对特定产品,我们利用NI公司的 PXI控制系统和 TestStand 和LabView软件构建了一套完整的包含电压,电流,电阻,温度,气压等综合性全自动测试平台。

测试平台示意图如图 1所示,包含如下测试功能:1.检查产品内部温度传感器是否正确2.检查产品内部压力传感器是否正确3.测试产品电流,电阻4.测试产品流量5.测试产品内部泵的工作能力图1 测试示意图系统总体设计框图该测试平台主要包括:PLC, PXI controller, ECU, 待测件,以及外围的测试电路及气路。


图2 系统设计框图该性能测试台属于自动化生产线的一部分,PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)作为Master,负责与前后邻居工作台通信,并且负责本工作台测试前的准备工作,比如气缸动作等,控制自动测试的起停,并将测试结果传递给服务器。












数据采集卡研华PCI-1713模拟量输入卡:该板卡具有32 路单端或16 路差分模拟量输入,或组合输入方式,12位A/D转换分辨率,A/D转换器的采样速率可达100 kHz,每个输入通道的增益可编程,卡上有4K采样FIFO缓冲器,2500VDC 隔离保护,支持软件、内部定时器触发或外部触发。

研华PCI-1720U模拟量输出卡:该板卡具有四路12 位D/A 输出通道,多种输出范围。





NI PXIe-1078

NI PXIe-1078
21.6 cm 8.1 cm 13 cm 5 °C 50 °C 0 °C , 55 °C 2000 m
NI PXIe-4353
32通道, 24位, 热电偶输入模块
• 32路热电偶输入通道; 8路内置冷端温度补偿通道; 0.3 °C精度 • 90 S/s/通道的采样率 (高速模式); 1 S/s/通道的采样率 (高分辨率模式) • 300 Vrms CAT II通道-地面接地安全隔离 • 自动调零通道用于偏移误差补偿; 热电偶开路检测 • 借由PXI Express, 实现多设备触发和同步 • NI-DAQmx驱动软件和NI LabVIEW SignalExpress LE交互式数据记录软件
NI PXIe-1078
配有交流的9槽3U PXI Express机箱 - 高达1 GB/s
• 5个混合插槽, 3个PXI Express插槽 • 0 °C到50 °C的温度下, 总功率达300 W • 中等性能 – 每插槽高达250 MB/s的带宽和1 GB/s的系统带宽 • 8.43英寸 (214.2 mm) 低深度机箱 - 适用于机架以及台式应用 • 与PXI、PXI Express、CompactPCI和CompactPCI Express模块兼容
双核处理器有两个核心或称计算引擎,配置于同一个处理器中。双核处理器可同时执行两个计算任务,该优势可在多任务环境下得到体 现,例如:允许多个应用程序同时运行的Windows XP。两个应用程序可以同时分别进入处理器的两个核心,从而提高系统整体性能。此 外,双核处理器是NI LabVIEW软件等多线程应用程序的理想选择,应用程序能够将各个任务分为多个线程执行。一个双核处理器可同时 执行众多线程中的两条。 如需配置一个基于NI PXIe-8108的完整PXI Express系统,请访问/pxiadvisor。



NI622x SpecificationsSpecifications listed below are typical at 25°C unless otherwise noted. Refer to the M Series User Manual for more information about NI 622x devices.Analog InputNumber of channelsNI 6220/6221..............................8 differential or16single ended NI 6224/6229..............................16 differential or32single ended NI 6225.......................................40 differential or80single endedADC resolution...............................16 bits DNL................................................No missing codesguaranteed INL..................................................Refer to the AI AbsoluteAccuracy TableSampling rateMaximum...................................250 kS/s single channel,250 kS/s multi-channel(aggregate)Minimum....................................No minimumTiming accuracy.........................50 ppm of sample rate Timing resolution.......................50 nsInput coupling.................................DCInput range......................................±10V, ±5V,±1V,±0.2V Maximum working voltage for analog inputs(signal + common mode)................±11 V of AI GND CMRR (DC to 60 Hz).....................92 dB Input impedanceDevice onAI+ to AI GND......................>10 GΩ in parallelwith100 pFAI– to AI GND.......................>10 GΩ in parallelwith100 pF Device offAI+ to AI GND......................820 ΩAI– to AI GND.......................820 ΩInput bias current.............................±100 pACrosstalk (at 100 kHz)Adjacent channels.......................–75 dBNon-adjacent channels................–90 dB1Small signal bandwidth (–3 dB)......700 kHzInput FIFO size................................4,095 samplesScan list memory.............................4,095 entriesData transfersPCI/PXI devices..........................DMA (scatter-gather),interrupts,programmed I/O USB B Signal Stream,programmed I/O1 For USB-6225 devices, channel AI<0..15> crosstalk to channel AI <64..79> is –71 dB; applies to channels with 64-channel separation, for example, AI (x) and AI(x + 64).Overvoltage protection (AI <0..79>, AI SENSE, AI SENSE2) Device on....................................±25 V for up totwo AI pinsDevice off...................................±15 V for up totwo AI pinsInput current duringovervoltage condition......................±20 mA max/AI pinSettling Time for Multichannel Measurements Accuracy, full scale step, all ranges±90 ppm of step (±6 LSB)..........4 μs convert interval±30 ppm of step (±2 LSB)..........5 μs convert interval±15 ppm of step (±1 LSB)..........7 μs convert interval Typical Performance GraphsNI 622x Analog OutputNumber of channelsNI 6220/6224 0NI 6221/6225 (2)NI 6229 (4)DAC resolution...............................16 bits DNL................................................±1 LSB Monotonicity...................................16 bit guaranteedMaximum update rate1 channel.....................................833 kS/s2 channels...................................740 kS/s per channel3 channels...................................666 kS/s per channel4 channels...................................625 kS/s per channel Timing accuracy.............................50 ppm of sample rate Timing resolution............................50 nsOutput range...................................±10 VOutput coupling..............................DCOutput impedance...........................0.2 ΩOutput current drive........................±5 mAOverdrive protection.......................±25 VOverdrive current............................10 mAPower-on state.................................±20 mV1Power-off glitch..............................400 mV for 200 ms Output FIFO size............................8,191 samples sharedamong channels usedData transfersPCI/PXI devices.........................DMA (scatter-gather),interrupts,programmed I/O USB B Signal Stream,programmed I/OAO waveform modes:•Non-periodic waveform•Periodic waveform regeneration mode from onboard FIFO •Periodic waveform regeneration from host buffer including dynamic update Settling time, full scale step15 ppm (1 LSB)...............................6 μsSlew rate..........................................15 V/μsGlitch energyMagnitude...................................100 mVDuration......................................2.6 μsCalibration (AI and AO) Recommended warm-up time.........15 minutesCalibration interval..........................1 year1 For all USB-6221/6229 Screw Terminal devices, when powered on, the analog output signal is not defined until after USB configuration is complete.© National Instruments Corporation3NI 622x SpecificationsNI 622x Specifications4A I A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y T a b l eN o m i n a l R a n g eR e s i d u a l G a i n E r r o r (p p m o f R e a d i n g )G a i n T e m p c o (p p m /°C )R e f e r e n c e T e m p c oR e s i d u a l O f f s e t E r r o r (p p m o f R a n g e )O f f s e t T e m p c o (p p m o f R a n g e /°C )I N L E r r o r (p p m o f R a n g e )R a n d o m N o i s e , σ (μV r m s )A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y a t F u l l S c a l e 1 (μV )S e n s i t i v i t y 2 (μV )P o s i t i v e F u l l S c a l e N e g a t i v e F u l l S c a l e 10–10752552057762443,10097.65–5852552060761221,62048.81–1952552579763036012.00.2–0.21352558017576131125.2A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y = R e a d i n g · (G a i n E r r o r ) + R a n g e · (O f f s e t E r r o r ) + N o i s e U n c e r t a i n t y G a i n E r r o r = R e s i d u a l A I G a i n E r r o r + G a i n T e m p c o · (T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t I n t e r n a l C a l ) + R e f e r e n c e T e m p c o · (T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t E x t e r n a l C a l )O f f s e t E r r o r = R e s i d u a l A I O f f s e t E r r o r + O f f s e t T e m p c o · (T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t I n t e r n a l C a l ) + I N L _E r r o r 1 A b s o l u t e a c c u r a c y a t f u l l s c a l e o n t h e a n a l o g i n p u t c h a n n e l s i s d e t e r m i n e d u s i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g a s s u m p t i o n s :T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t E x t e r n a l C a l = 10°C T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t I n t e r n a l C a l = 1°C n u m b e r _o f _r e a d i n g s = 100C o v e r a g e F a c t o r = 3 σF o r e x a m p l e , o n t h e 10 V r a n g e , t h e a b s o l u t e a c c u r a c y a t f u l l s c a l e i s a s f o l l o w s :G a i n E r r o r = 75 p p m + 25 p p m · 1 + 5 p p m · 10G a i n E r r o r = 150 p p m O f f s e t E r r o r = 20 p p m + 57 p p m · 1 + 76 p p m O f f s e t E r r o r = 153 p p mA b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y = 10 V · (G a i n E r r o r ) + 10 V · (O f f s e t E r r o r ) + N o i s e U n c e r t a i n t y A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y = 3,100 μV2 S e n s i t i v i t y i s t h e s m a l l e s t v o l t a g e c h a n g e t h a t c a n b e d e t e c t e d . I t i s a f u n c t i o n o f n o i s e .A c c u r a c i e s l i s t e d a r e v a l i d f o r u p t o o n e y e a r f r o m t h e d e v i c e e x t e r n a l c a l i b r a t i o n .N o i s e U n c e r t a i n t y R a n d o m N o i s e 3⋅100-----------------------------------------=F o r a c o v e r a g e f a c t o r o f 3 σ a n d a v e r a g i n g 100 p o i n t s .N o i s e U n c e r t a i n t y 244 μV 3⋅100--------------------------=N o i s e U n c e r t a i n t y 73 μV=© National Instruments Corporation5NI 622x SpecificationsA O A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y T a b l eN o m i n a l R a n g eR e s i d u a l G a i n E r r o r (p p m o f R e a d i n g )G a i n T e m p c o (p p m /°C )R e f e r e n c e T e m p c oR e s i d u a l O f f s e t E r r o r (p p m o f R a n g e )O f f s e t T e m p c o (p p m o f R a n g e /°C )I N L E r r o r (p p m o f R a n g e )A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y a t F u l l S c a l e 1 (μV )P o s i t i v e F u l l S c a l eN e g a t i v e F u l l S c a l e10–10901054051283,2301 A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y a t f u l l s c a l e n u m b e r s i s v a l i d i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w i n g i n t e r n a l c a l i b r a t i o n a n d a s s u m e s t h e d e v i c e i s o p e r a t i n g w i t h i n 10°C o f t h e l a s t e x t e r n a l c a l i b r a t i o n .A c c u r a c i e s l i s t e d a r e v a l i d f o r u p t o o n e y e a r f r o m t h e d e v i c e e x t e r n a l c a l i b r a t i o n .A b s o l u t e A c c u r a c y = O u t p u t V a l u e · (G a i n E r r o r ) + R a n g e · (O f f s e t E r r o r )G a i n E r r o r = R e s i d u a l G a i n E r r o r + G a i n T e m p c o · (T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t I n t e r n a l C a l ) + R e f e r e n c e T e m p c o · (T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t E x t e r n a l C a l )O f f s e t E r r o r = R e s i d u a l O f f s e t E r r o r + A O O f f s e t T e m p c o · (T e m p C h a n g e F r o m L a s t I n t e r n a l C a l ) + I N L _E r r o rDigital I/O/PFIStatic CharacteristicsNumber of channelsNI 6220/6221 (68-pin)/6225.......24 total8 (P0.<0..7>)16(PFI<0..7>/P1,PFI<8..15>/P2) PCI-6221 (37-pin).......................10 total2 (P0.<0, 1>)8(PFI<0..7>/P1) NI 6224/6229..............................48 total32 (P0.<0..31>)16(PFI<0..7>/P1,PFI<8..15>/P2) Ground reference.............................D GNDDirection control..............................Each terminalindividuallyprogrammableas input or outputPull-down resistor............................50 kΩ typical,20 kΩ minimumInput voltage protection1.................±20 V on up to two pinsWaveform Characteristics (Port0Only) Terminals usedNI 6220/6221 (68-pin)/6225.......Port 0 (P0.<0..7>)PCI-6221 (37-pin).......................Port 0 (P0.<0, 1>)NI 6224/6229..............................Port 0 (P0.<0..31>)Port/sample sizeNI 6220/6221 (68-pin)/6225.......Up to 8 bitsPCI-6221 (37-pin).......................Up to 2 bitsNI 6224/6229..............................Up to 32 bitsWaveform generation (DO) FIFO...2,047 samplesWaveform acquisition (DI) FIFO....2,047 samplesDO or DI Sample Clockfrequency2........................................0 to 1 MHz Data transfersPCIPXI devices..........................DMA (scatter-gather),interrupts,programmed I/O USB B Signal Stream,programmed I/ODO or DI Sample Clock source3.....Any PFI, RTSI,AI Sample orConvert Clock,AO Sample Clock,Ctr n Internal Output,and many other signalsPFI/Port 1/Port 2 Functionality4 Functionality...................................Static digital input,static digital output,timing input,timing outputTiming output sources....................Many AI, AO, counter,DI, DO timing signalsDebounce filter settings..................125ns, 6.425μs,2.56ms, disable;high and low transitions;selectable per input1 Stresses beyond those listed under Input voltage protection may cause permanent damage to the device.2 Performance can be dependent on bus latency and volume of bus activity.3 The digital subsystem does not have its own dedicated internal timing engine. Therefore, a sample clock must be provided from another subsystem on the device or an external source.4 Port 2 is not available on PCI-6221 (37-pin) devices.NI 622x Recommended Operation Conditions PCI/PXI devicesUSB devices Electrical CharacteristicsLevel Min Max Input high voltage (V IH) 2.2 V 5.25 V Input low voltage (V IL)0 V0.8 V Output high current (I OH)P0.<0..31>PFI<0..15>/P1/P2——–24 mA–16 mAOutput low current (I OL)P0.<0..31>PFI<0..15>/P1/P2——24 mA16 mALevel Min Max Input high voltage (V IH) 2.2 V 5.25 V Input low voltage (V IL)0 V0.8 V Output high current (I OH)P0.<0..15>P0.<16..31>PFI<0..15>/P1/P2———–24 mA–16 mA–16 mAOutput low current (I OL)P0.<0..15>P0.<16..31>PFI<0..15>/P1/P2———24 mA16 mA16 mALevel Min MaxPositive-going threshold (VT+)— 2.2 VNegative-going threshold (VT–)0.8 V—Delta VT hysteresis (VT+–VT–)0.2 V—I IL input low current (V in=0V)I IH input high current (V in=5V)——–10 μA250 μA© National Instruments Corporation7NI 622x SpecificationsDigital I/O CharacteristicsNI 622x General-Purpose Counter/TimersNumber of counter/timers (2)Resolution.......................................32 bitsCounter measurements....................Edge counting,pulse,semi-period,period,two-edge separation Position measurements...................X1, X2, X4 quadratureencoding withChannel Z reloading;two-pulse encoding Output applications.........................Pulse, pulse train withdynamic updates,frequency division,equivalent time sampling Internal base clocks.........................80 MHz,20MHz,0.1MHzExternal base clock frequency........0 MHz to 20 MHzBase clock accuracy........................50 ppm Inputs..............................................Gate, Source, HW_Arm,Aux, A,B, Z, Up_Down Routing options for inputs..............Any PFI, RTSI,PXI_TRIG,PXI_STAR,analog trigger,many internal signals FIFO................................................2 samplesData transfersPCI/PXI devices.........................Dedicated scatter-gatherDMA controller for eachcounter/timer;interrupts;programmed I/O USB B Signal Stream,programmed I/OFrequency GeneratorNumber of channels (1)Base clocks.....................................10 MHz, 100 kHzDivisors...........................................1 to 16Base clock accuracy........................50 ppmOutput can be available on any PFI or RTSI terminal.Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)Number of PLLs (1)Reference signal..............................PXI_STAR,PXI_CLK10,RTSI<0..7>Output of PLL.................................80 MHz Timebase;other signals derivedfrom 80MHz Timebaseincluding 20 MHz and100kHz TimebasesExternal Digital Triggers Source..............................................Any PFI, RTSI,PXI_TRIG,PXI_STARPolarity............................................Software-selectable formost signalsAnalog input function......................Start Trigger,Reference Trigger,Pause Trigger,Sample Clock,Convert Clock,Sample Clock TimebaseAnalog output function....................Start Trigger,Pause Trigger,Sample Clock,Sample Clock TimebaseCounter/timer functions...................Gate, Source, HW_Arm,Aux, A,B, Z, Up_Down,Digital waveform generation(DO) function..................................Sample ClockDigital waveform acquisition(DI) function....................................Sample Clock© National Instruments Corporation9NI 622x SpecificationsNI 622x Specifications Device-To-Device Trigger BusPCI devices......................................RTSI <0..7>1PXI devices......................................PXI_TRIG <0..7>,PXI_STAR USB devices....................................NoneOutput selections.............................10 MHz Clock; frequencygenerator output; many internal signals Debounce filter settings...................125 ns, 6.425 μs,2.56 ms, disabled;high and low transitions;selectable per inputBus InterfacePCI/PXI devices..............................3.3 V or 5 V signalenvironment USB B 2.0 Hi-Speed orfull-speed 2DMA channels(PCI/PXI devices)............................6, analog input,analog output, digital input, digital output, counter/timer 0, counter/timer 1USB Signal Stream(USB devices)..................................4, can be used for analoginput, analog output, digital input, digital output, counter/timer 0, counter/timer 1All PXI-622x devices support one of the following features:•May be installed in PXI Express hybrid slots •Or, may be used to control SCXI in PXI/SCXI combo chassisPower RequirementsCurrent draw from bus during no-load condition 3+5 V............................................0.02 A 4+3.3 V.........................................0.25 A 4+12 V..........................................0.15 ACurrent draw from bus during AI and AO overvoltage condition 3+5 V............................................0.02 A 4+3.3 V.........................................0.25 A 4+12 V..........................................0.25 ACaution USB-622x devices must be powered with NI offered AC adapter or a National Electric Code (NEC) Class 2 DC source that meets the power requirements for the device and has appropriate safety certification marks for country of use.1 In other sections of this document, RTSI refers to RTSI <0..7> for PCI devices or PXI_TRIG <0..7> for PXI devices.2 If you are using a USB M Series device in full-speed mode, device performance will be lower and you will not be able toachieve maximum sampling/update rates.Table 1. PXI/SCXI Combo and PXI Express Chassis CompatibilityM SeriesDevice M Series Part Number SCXI Control in PXI/SCXI Combo ChassisPXI Express Hybrid Slot CompatiblePXI-6220191332B-04No Yes PXI-6221191332B-03No Yes 191332B-13Yes No PXI-6224191332B-02No Yes PXI-6225192227A-01No Yes PXI-6229191332B-01No Yes 191332B-11Yes No Earlier versions of PXI-6220/6221/6224/6229191332A-0xYesNo3 Does not include P0/PFI/P1/P2 and +5 V terminals.4 PCI-6221 (37-pin) devices do not use +3.3V from the bus. The 3.3V current draw, shown in the Power Requirements section,comes from the +5V instead.USB power supply requirements....11 to 30 VDC, 20 W,locking or non-locking power jack with 0.080” diameter center pin, 5/16–32 thread for locking collarsPower LimitsCaution Exceeding the power limits may cause unpredictable behavior by the device and/or PC/chassis.PCI devices+5 V terminal (connector 0).......1 A max 1+5 V terminal (connector 1).......1 A max 1PXI devices+5 V terminal (connector 0).......1 A max 1+5 V terminal (connector 1).......1 A max 1P0/PFI/P1/P2 and +5Vterminals combined....................2 A max USB devices+5 V terminal..............................1 A max 1P0/PFI/P1/P2 and +5Vterminals combined....................2 A max Power supply fuse......................2 A, 250 VPhysical RequirementsPrinted circuit board dimensionsPCI-6220/6221/6224/6225/6229...................................9.7 cm × 15.5 cm(3.8in.×6.1in.)PXI-6220/6221/6224/6225/6229...................................Standard 3U PXI Enclosure dimensions (includes connectors)USB-6221/6225/6229Screw Terminal..........................26.67 × 17.09 × 4.45 cm(10.5×6.73 × 1.75in.)USB-6221/6229 BNC.................28.6 × 17 × 6.9 cm(11.25×6.7× 2.7in.)USB-6225 Mass Termination.....18.8 × 17.09 × 4.45 cm(7.4×6.73× 1.75in.)USB-6221/6225/6229 OEM.......Refer to theNI USB-622x/625x OEM User GuideWeightPCI-6220.....................................91 g (3.2 oz)PCI-6221 (68-pin).......................92 g (3.2 oz)PCI-6221 (37-pin).......................95 g (3.3 oz)PCI-6224.....................................99 g (3.5 oz)PCI-6225.....................................103 g (3.6 oz)PCI-6229.....................................101 g (3.5 oz)PXI-6220.....................................158 g (5.5 oz)PXI-6221.....................................162 g (5.7 oz)PXI-6224.....................................170 g (5.9 oz)PXI-6225.....................................174 g (6.1 oz)PXI-6229.....................................171 g (6.0 oz)USB-6221 Screw Terminal.........1.2 kg (2 lb 10 oz)USB-6225/6229Screw Terminal...........................1.24 kg (2 lb 11 oz)USB-6225 Mass Termination.....907 g (2 lb)USB-6221 OEM.........................131 g (4.6 oz)USB-6225/6229 OEM................162 g (5.7 oz)I/O connectorPCI/PXI-6220/6221 (68-pin)......1 68-pin VHDCI PCI/PXI-6224/6225/6229...........2 68-pin VHDCI PCI-6221 (37-pin).......................1 37-pin D-SUB USB-6221 Screw Terminal.........64 screw terminals USB-6225/6229Screw Terminal...........................128 screw terminals USB-6221 BNC..........................20 BNCs and30screw terminals USB-6229 BNC..........................30 BNCs and60screw terminals USB-6225 Mass Termination.....2 68-pin SCSIUSB-6221/6225/6229 Screw Terminal/USB-6221/6229 BNC screw terminal wiring......................16–28 AWGMaximum Working Voltage 2NI 6220/6221/6224/6225/6229Channel to earth ..............................11 V,Measurement Category ICaution Do not use for measurements within Categories II, III, or IV .1Has a self-resetting fuse that opens when current exceeds this specification.2 Maximum working voltagerefers to the signal voltage plus the common-mode voltage.EnvironmentalOperating temperaturePCI/PXI devices..........................0 to 55 °CUSB devices................................0 to 45 °CStorage temperature.........................–20 to 70 °C Humidity..........................................10 to 90% RH,noncondensing Maximum altitude...........................2,000 mPollution Degree(indoor use only) (2)Shock and Vibration (PXI Devices Only) Operational shock............................30 g peak, half-sine,11ms pulse(Tested in accordancewith IEC-60068-2-27.Test profile developedin accordance withMIL-PRF-28800F.)Random vibrationOperating....................................5 to 500 Hz, 0.3 g rmsNonoperating..............................5 to 500 Hz, 2.4 g rms(Tested in accordancewith IEC-60068-2-64.Nonoperating test profileexceeds the requirementsof MIL-PRF-28800F,Class 3.)SafetyThis product is designed to meet the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1•UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1Note For UL and other safety certifications,refer to the product label or visit /certification, search by model number orproduct line, and click the appropriate link in theCertification column.Electromagnetic CompatibilityThis product is designed to meet the requirements of the following standards of EMC for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:•EN 61326 EMC requirements; Minimum Immunity •EN 55011 Emissions; Group 1, Class A•CE, C-Tick, ICES, and FCC Part 15 Emissions; Class ANote For EMC compliance, operate this devicewith shielded cables.CE ComplianceThis product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as amended for CE marking, as follows:•73/23/EEC; Low-V oltage Directive (safety)•89/336/EEC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)Note Refer to the Declaration of Conformity(DoC) for this product for any additional regulatorycompliance information. To obtain the DoC for thisproduct, visit /certification, search bymodel number or product line, and click theappropriate link in the Certification column.Environmental ManagementNational Instruments is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial not only to the environment but also to NI customers.For additional environmental information, refer to the NI and the Environment Web page at /environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as any other environmental information not included in this document.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)EU Customers At the end of their life cycle, allproducts must be sent to a WEEE recycling center.For more information about WEEE recyclingcenters and National Instruments WEEE initiatives,visit /environment/weee.htm.⬉ ѻ ∵ ㅵ⧚ ⊩˄Ё RoHS˅Ё National Instrumentsヺ Ё ⬉ѻ Ё䰤 Փ⫼ ѯ ⠽䋼 Ҹ (RoHS)DŽ ѢNational InstrumentsЁ RoHS 㾘 ˈ䇋ⱏ /environment/rohs_chinaDŽ(For information about China RoHS compliance,go to /environment/rohs_china.)Figure 1. PCI/PXI-6220 PinoutFigure 2. PCI/PXI-6221 (68-Pin) PinoutFigure 3. PCI-6221 (37-Pin) PinoutFigure 4. USB-6221 Screw Terminal PinoutFigure 5. USB-6221 BNC Top Panel and PinoutFigure 6. PCI/PXI-6224 PinoutFigure 7. PCI/PXI-6225 PinoutFigure 8. USB-6225 Screw Terminal PinoutFigure 9. USB-6225 Mass Termination Pinout© National Instruments Corporation21NI 622x SpecificationsFigure 10. PCI/PXI-6229 PinoutNI 622x Figure 11. USB-6229 Screw Terminal Pinout© National Instruments Corporation23NI 622x SpecificationsNational Instruments, NI, , and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information about NationalInstruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or /patents .© 2004–2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.371290G-01Jun07Figure 12.USB-6229 BNC Top Panel and Pinout。

LabVIEW 故障解决方法

LabVIEW 故障解决方法


解决办法:1. 右键点击“我的电脑”中的“管理”,看其中的“设备管理器”能否识别“NI”的两张板卡(低速卡:NI 4351 for PCI 高速卡:PCI-6229)。


2. 在确认已识别到板卡前提下,运行“Measurement & Automation”程序。

在Data Neighborhood中检查高、低速卡是否都已识别成功(即采集通道正常)。

3. 点击左上角file菜单中的“Import”,加载F:\chen\CONFIG070417 6229.NCE,然后点击该对话框中的“Import”按钮。

4. 点击PCI-6229: “Dev 3”后面的“<Select>”选项,并指定“New NI-DAQmx Simulated Devices”,于是,便会在“NI-DAQmx Devices”中新生成一个“Dev 3”。

5. 右键点击“Dev 3”选择“Delete”,并选择“Retarget … to another device”,再指定到原来存在的“Dev 1”即可。

NI 数据采集卡使用入门一、安装与配置:1. 在安装板卡之前,请首先安装NI-DAQ驱动程序软件。


另外,NI公司的网站上也提供这个驱动程序软件的免费下载:/softlib.nsf/websearch/90B60D5899BCCCDB86256FC700581B89?opendocument&node=132070_US如果您使用LabVIEW或LabWindows/CVI 等软件来进行编程,需要在安装驱动软件之前先安装开发平台LabVIEW或LabWindows/CVI等软件。


NI PXIe-6739 64通道高密度模拟输出设备规格说明说明书

NI PXIe-6739 64通道高密度模拟输出设备规格说明说明书
AO waveform modes • Nonperiodic waveform • Periodic waveform regeneration mode from onboard FIFO • Periodic waveform regeneration from host buffer including dynamic update
Power-on state...................................................±200 mV
Power-on/off glitch ...........................................2.5 V peak for 100 ms
Static Characteristics
Number of channels.......................................... 20 total, 4 (P0.<0..3>), 16 (PFI <0..7>/P1.<0..7>, PFI <8..15>/P2.<0..7>)
Channel crosstalk ..............................................-65 dB with SHC68-68-A2 cable (generating a 10 V, 100 point sinusoidal at 100 kHz on the reference channel)
Noise .................................................................1.0 mVrms, DC to 1 MHz

NI PXI数字模式仪器说明书

NI PXI数字模式仪器说明书

CONTENTSPXI Digital Pattern InstrumentsDetailed View of PXIe-6571 Digital Pattern Instrument Key FeaturesNI-Digital Pattern Application Programming Interface (API) Digital Pattern Editor Application SoftwarePlatform-Based Approach to Test and MeasurementPXI InstrumentationHardware ServicesPXI Digital Pattern Instruments PXIe-6570, PXIe-6571•Software: Includes Digital Pattern Editor for pattern development and debugging, APIsupport for LabVIEW and text-based languages, shipping examples, and detailed help files•32-channel, 100 MHz vector rate with 39.0625 ps of edge placement resolution•Digital voltage -2 V to 6 V, and PPMU force voltage -2 V to 7 V •Up to 200 Mb/s data rate and 160 MHz clock generation•Combine multiple modules to create digital subsystems with up to 512 channels •Dedicated source, capture, and history memory resources for up to eight parallel test sitesSemiconductor ATE-Class Digital on the Open PXI PlatformPXI Digital Pattern Instruments deliver ATE-class digital to the industry-standard PXI platform for testing a broad range of RF and mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs). The NI PXI platform and NI Semiconductor Test System (STS) are an ideal platform for characterization and production test of RF and mixed-signal ICs from RF front ends and power management ICs to transceivers and Internet of Things systems on chip with built-in connectivity and sensors.The PXIe-6571 is the highlight of NI’s offering for digital production and characterization test of semiconductor devices. For basic digital signals and interfaces, consider PXI Digital I/O Modules or PXI Reconfigurable Digital I/O Modules.Table 1. PXI Digital Pattern Instruments are built for the testing of semiconductor devices.Module Width 2 slots 1 slotActive Load 24 mA 16 mAChannels32 per module256 maximum in a synchronized subsystem 512 maximum in a synchronized subsystemPin ElectronicsDigital: -2 V to +6 V, 32 mA PPMU measure voltage: -2 V to +6 V, 32 mA PPMU force voltage: -2 V to +7 V, 32 mAMaximum Vector Rate 100 MHz (10 ns minimum vector period) Maximum Data Rate 200 Mb/sMaximum Clock Generation 160 MHz**Pattern Timing31 time sets39.0625 ps edge placement resolutionDrive Formats Non-return (NR), return to low (RL), return to high (RH) (100 MHz max),surround by complement (SBC) (50 MHz max)Vector Memory Depth 128 M/ChannelOpcode Support Flow control, sequencer flags and registers, signal, source and capture, subroutineSource and Capture Engines Broadcast or site-unique Serial or parallel8 per instrumentSource and Capture Memory 256 Mbit source memory, 1 MSample capture memoryFrequency Counters 5 kHz to 200 MHz, per pinHistory RAM (8,192/N sites) -1 cyclesSCAN Support Flattened SCAN patterns, up to 128 M* Note that the PXIe-6571 requires a chassis with 82 W slot cooling capacity, such as the PXIe-1095. For more on PXI power and cooling, see this white paper.** Clock rates >133 MHz will have a non-50% duty cycle.Detailed View of PXIe-6571 Digital Pattern InstrumentKey FeaturesHardware OverviewPXI Digital Pattern Instruments have several types of vector and dynamic pattern memory and feature pin electronics. The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the instruments’ functional hardware components.Figure 1. PXI Digital Pattern Instruments offer advanced ATE memory features like history, source, and capturememory with the right levels of user abstraction.Timing and ExecutionPXI Digital Pattern Instruments burst digital data based on patterns that are made up of individual vectors. The time set includes the period of the vector in time, a drive format for the pin, and placement of the digital edges.The drive formats, or vector formats, supported by these instruments are non-return, return to low, return to high, and surround by complement. Having the ability to use all of these formats gives engineers the ability to make the most efficient digital interface with as few vectors as necessary.Figure 2. The combination of drive format and pattern value will determine what the digital waveform looks like. Each time set for a PXI Digital Pattern Instrument has a defined period, up to six drive edges, and a compare strobe. The time sets for a PXI Digital Pattern Instrument have up to six drive edges and a compare strobe to act on the formats defined above. Drive on and drive off are edges that determine when the pin drivers will enable and disable. Drive data and drive return define when the pin driver will assert a high or low level. The drive return edge is only used in return vector formats. The compare strobe specifies the time in a vector when the pin comparator determines if the pin is at a high, low, or midband voltage level based on defined thresholds.Pin ElectronicsPin electronics provide the electrical interface to the DUT and allows the engineer to drive or receive digital data and emulate the conditions of other loads and components interacting with the device.In a drive state, the pin driver of the pin electronics is engaged and forces the voltage on the pin to be low or high as determined by a 0 or 1 in the pattern. A pin driver will source or sink up to 32 mA to achieve the defined high or low value on the pin when enabled. Digital pattern instruments use 0 and 1 to represent drive pin states.Compare states are non-drive states that use the comparators of the pin electronics to assess incoming data against predefined thresholds. Comparators are included in pin electronics and have settable levels for high and low voltages that are made in context to the DUT. To represent the different non-drive states that a pin can take, L, H, X, V, E, and M are all used.Figure 3. Pin drivers and comparators within the pin electronics use defined voltage levels for drive and comparestates in the digital pattern.NI STS Integration and Digital System SynchronizationPXI Digital Pattern Instruments make up the digital test subsystem of the STS. The instruments are supported in all STS software and are calibrated using a timing calibration load board and a DC calibration load board, both from NI. The diagnostic software and calibration tools ensure high reliability and uptime of the system. It also gives a single system the ability to have many unified digital test resources.Figure 4. With PXI Digital Pattern Instruments, more test engineers can take advantage of the STS, a PXI-based,open platform semiconductor production test system. Synchronization and IntegrationPXI Digital Pattern Instruments can be synchronized together within a single PXI chassis using a PXI timing and synchronization module and the NI-Sync device driver. This synchronization can be done both within the STS and in a stand-alone PXI chassis. By synchronizing multiple instruments, a single digital subsystem can have up to 512 synchronized channels that achieve a specified edge placement accuracy performance. A unified digital subsystem can span single sites and combine match and failed conditions across multiple digital pattern instruments.Figure 5. PXI Digital Pattern Instruments can be synchronized using a PXI Timing and Synchronization module tocreate a digital subsystem of many unified channels.Digital Pattern Editor Application SoftwareThe Digital Pattern Editor is an interactive tool for importing, editing, or creating test patterns. The editor also includes tools like Shmoo plots to provide a deeper understanding of DUT performance across variation, as well as debug tools like overlaying pattern failures on a pattern or using digital scope to get an analog view of the pin data. Features like multisite and multi-instrument pattern bursting empower the engineer to expand from development into production leveraging the same workflow. All of the sheets developed in the Digital Pattern Editor can be reused by the API in LabVIEW, C, or .NET languages, as well as in the TestStand Semiconductor Module.Pattern Development and FormatA pattern file is a collection of vectors, with each vector containing time sets, labels, opcodes, pin states, and comments. The Digital Pattern Editor has development sheets for all of these items as well as debug tools for refining patterns, time sets, and specifications. A compiled, binary version of the pattern file is required to edit or burst. Engineers can compile an ASCII text pattern file format (.digipatsrc) into a binary version using the Digital Pattern Editor or a command line process. The ASCII form can be used to convert existing patterns by following the well-defined pattern file format. Design simulation and SCAN files generated by EDA tools can be cyclized and targeted to the NI format using existing customer in-house EDA workflows or third-party cyclizing tools.Figure 6. The Digital Pattern Editor is powerful development and debug software for semiconductor digital tests. The window can be configured to view development sheets and debugging tools all at the same time.History RAM Overlay Feature and History RAM ViewEngineers can view the History RAM in two ways: using the History RAM overlay feature in the pattern document and looking at the History RAM view. The History RAM overlay displays the subset of burst results that corresponds to vectors in the current pattern based on the settings specified in the History RAM and signal setup pane. The History RAM view includes the corresponding time sets, labels, opcodes, pattern names, vectors/cycles, pin data, and comments. Rebursting a pattern overwrites the data in the History RAM overlay mode and in the History RAM view.Digital ScopeTo aid engineers in debugging patterns, the digital scope tool displays a progressively updated two-dimensional plot of the actual analog levels of the digital waveform along with the expected data from the pattern.Shmoo PlotThe Shmoo tool displays a dynamically updated intensity plot of pass and fail values for a sweep of two variables. The Shmoo executes on multiple sites and engineers can switch the plot results displayed from site to site during the operation without hindering the sweep’s completion.The Shmoo can sweep up to two variables including levels, voltages, currents, edges, or specifications at a time. The Shmoo operation can execute in sweep, zigzag, progressive resolution, or edge traversal mode.Figure 7. PXI Digital Pattern Instruments and the Digital Pattern Editor give semiconductor test engineers the featuresand tools they need in characterization and production.NI-Digital Pattern Application Programming Interface (API)The NI-Digital Pattern Driver includes a best-in-class API that works with a variety of development options such as LabVIEW, C, and .NET languages. To ensure long-term interoperability of PXI Digital Pattern Instruments, the NI-Digital Pattern Driver API is the same API used for all past and current PXI Digital Pattern Instruments. The driver also provides access to help files, documentation, and ready-to-run shipping examples you can use as a starting point for your application.Platform-Based Approach to Test and MeasurementWhat Is PXI?Powered by software, PXI is a rugged PC-based platform for measurement and automation systems. PXI combines PCI electrical-bus features with the modular, Eurocard packaging of CompactPCI and then adds specialized synchronization buses and key software features. PXI is both a high-performance and low-cost deployment platform for applications such as manufacturing test, military and aerospace, machine monitoring, automotive, and industrial test. Developed in 1997 and launched in 1998, PXI is an open industry standard governed by the PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA), a group of more than 70 companies chartered to promote the PXI standard, ensure interoperability, and maintain the PXI specification.Integrating the Latest Commercial TechnologyBy leveraging the latest commercial technology for our products, we can continually deliver high-performance and high-quality products to our users at a competitive price. The latest PCI Express Gen 3 switches deliver higher data throughput, the latest Intel multicore processors facilitate faster and more efficient parallel (multisite) testing, the latest FPGAs from Xilinx help to push signal processing algorithms to the edge to accelerate measurements, and the latest data converters from TI and ADI continuallyincrease the measurement range and performance of our instrumentation.PXI InstrumentationNI offers more than 600 different PXI modules ranging from DC to mmWave. Because PXI is an open industry standard, nearly 1,500 products are available from more than 70 different instrument vendors. With standard processing and control functions designated to a controller, PXI instruments need to contain only the actual instrumentation circuitry, which provides effective performance in a small footprint. Combined with a chassis and controller, PXI systems feature high-throughput data movement using PCI Express bus interfaces and sub-nanosecond synchronization with integrated timing and triggering.OscilloscopesSample at speeds up to 12.5 GS/s with 5 GHz of analog bandwidth, featuring numerous triggering modes and deep onboard memoryDigital InstrumentsPerform characterization and production test of semiconductor devices with timing sets and per channel pin parametric measurement unit (PPMU)Frequency Counters Perform counter timer tasks such as event counting and encoder position, period, pulse, and frequency measurementsPower Supplies & Loads Supply programmable DC power, with some modules including isolated channels, output disconnect functionality, and remote senseSwitches (Matrix & MUX) Feature a variety of relay types and row/column configurations to simplify wiring in automated test systemsGPIB, Serial, & Ethernet Integrate non-PXI instruments into a PXI system through various instrument control interfaces Digital MultimetersPerform voltage (up to 1000 V), current (up to 3A), resistance, inductance, capacitance, and frequency/period measurements, as well as diode testsWaveform Generators Generate standard functions including sine, square, triangle, and ramp as well as user-defined, arbitrary waveformsSource Measure Units Combine high-precision source and measure capability with high channel density, deterministic hardware sequencing, and SourceAdapt transient optimizationFlexRIO Custom Instruments & Processing Provide high-performance I/O and powerful FPGAs for applications that require more than standard instruments can offerVector Signal Transceivers Combine a vector signal generator and vector signal analyzer with FPGA-based, real-time signal processing and controlData Acquisition Modules Provide a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O, counter/timer, and trigger functionality for measuring electricalor physical phenomena©2019 National Instruments. All rights reserved. LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, NI TestStand, and are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. The contents of this Site could contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or out-of-date information. Information may be updated or changed at any time, without notice. Visit /manuals for the latest information.10 December 2019 Page 11 | | PXI Digital Pattern Instruments Hardware ServicesAll NI hardware includes a one-year warranty for basic repair coverage, and calibration in adherence to NI specifications prior to shipment. PXI systems also include basic assembly and a functional test. NI offers additional entitlements to improve uptime and lower maintenance costs with service programs for hardware. Learn more at /services/hardware .Program Duration 1, 3, or 5 years 1, 3, or 5 years Length of service programExtended Repair Coverage ● ● NI restores your device’s functionality and includes firmware updates and factory calibration.System Configuration, Assembly, and Test 1 ● ● NI technicians assemble, install software in, and test your system per your custom configuration prior to shipment.Advanced Replacement 2 ● NI stocks replacement hardware that can be shipped immediately if a repair is needed.System Return Material Authorization (RMA)1 ● NI accepts the delivery of fully assembled systems when performing repair services.Calibration Plan (Optional)Standard Expedited 3 NI performs the requested level of calibration at the specified calibration interval for the duration of the service program. 1This option is only available for PXI, CompactRIO, and CompactDAQ systems. 2This option is not available for all products in all countries. Contact your local NI sales engineer to confirm availability. 3Expedited calibration only includes traceable levels.PremiumPlus Service Program NI can customize the offerings listed above, or offer additional entitlements such as on-site calibration, custom sparing, and life-cycle services through a PremiumPlus Service Program. Contact your NI sales representative to learn more.Technical SupportEvery NI system includes a 30-day trial for phone and e-mail support from NI engineers, which can be extended through a Software Service Program (SSP) membership. NI has more than 400 support engineers available around the globe to provide local support in more than 30 languages. Additionally, take advantage of NI’s award winning online resources and communities .。



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National Instruments(美国国家仪器有限公司,简称 NI)作为虚拟仪器技术的开创者和领导者,在不断推出全球数据 采集先锋产品的同时,面向国内的广大用户设计出一系列高品质,低价位的通用数据采集产品。
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USB 总线
现Hale Waihona Puke ,您只要花费 RMB 1509 就能得到 NI 最新 USB-6008 数据采集设备,它体积小,易于连接,已经成为进行诸如
数据采集记录和环境监测等工作的理想设备。USB-6008,USB-6009 这两种设备都通过 USB 总线驱动,所以并不需要外接 电源,他们包含可拆卸的接线端,使您可直接连接信号源,并设有为外部传感器和外部设备供电的一个板上参考电压。另外, 四层板的设计有效降低了噪声,提高了精度,并在模拟输入线上有高达± 35V 的过压保护。



个数 1
处理器:2.53 GHz Intel C ore 2 Duo
T9400 双核处理器
RAM: 标准配置为 1 GB, 最大为 4 GB
操作系统: Windows, 配有基于硬盘的修

选件: 扩展温度, 24/7, 固态硬盘
16 位, 250 kS/s, 16 路模拟输入
2 路 16 位模拟输出 (833 kS/s)
NI 配置清单
名称 机箱
型号 NI PXI-1044
NI PXI-8108
多功能板卡 NI PXI-6221
PWM/IO 板卡 NI PXI-6602 模拟输出 NI PXI-6722
插槽总数: 14 外围插槽数: 13 系统带宽: 132 MB/s 操作温度: 0 到 55 &ordm;C 声压级别: 49 dBA 兼容模块: PXI, C ompactPC I
高达 24 路数字 I/O; 32 位计数器; 数字触

NIST 校准认证书以及 70 多个信号调理选

关联(C orrelated)DIO (8 条时钟线, 1
另有 5 倍采样速率的高速 M 系列和 4 倍分
辨率的高精度 M 系列可供选择.EW
SignalExpress 交互式数据记录软件
8 通道,32 位加减计数器/定时器模块
32 条数字 I/O 线(5V/TTL)--8 条专用,
另 24 条与其他计数器/定时器共用
3 种同步高速 DMA 转换能力
80MHz 最大源频率(使用预定标度可达
8 通道模拟输出,8 路数字 IO

NI PXI6259接线说明

NI PXI6259接线说明

图 1 -PXIE6259 外形 本文主要介绍一下 6259 的接线方式,如有错误欢迎反馈。 假如工控机上已经安装 NI MAX,并且已经连接安装好 6259,打开 NI MAX 后 将会显示图 2 中的界面。 获取 6259 接线图的一种方法如下: (1) 单击选择界面左侧的“NI PXIE6259”设备; (2) 双击打开界面中部的“设备引脚”,弹出图 3 的接线端子图,按照接
蔽线(黄色),将屏蔽线接 AI GND(32#)端子。 更多端子接线类似。
如您觉得有帮助,请随意打赏至支付宝:15882445087 提供单片机、电路板、控制器、工控测控传感自动化系统、仪器仪表、软件 EXE 编程、安卓 APP 开发设计定制等优质服务(QQ2531263726)。
参考资料: 【1】数据采集--信号输入(单端输入、差分) https:///view/a7e8545e3c1ec5da50e270ef.html
线端子图接线即可。 一般电压信号分为单端信号和差分信号,主要区别是采集多通道模拟信号时, 单端信号是所有输入信号以共同的地线为基准,判断信号与 GND 的电压差【1】, 也就是地线端是接在一起的,也就是共地,差分信号是判断两个信号的电压差, 每个信号都有自己的基准地线【1】,参考地线端在运行过程中有可能电势不相等, 可能不共地。 单端信号和差分信号在 6259 上的接线有部分差异,介绍如下: 单端信号接线 如图 4,是 2 个单端模拟电压信号的接线例子。 “模拟信号 1”的高电位端子(红色)接 6259 接线板的 AI0(68#)端子, “模 拟信号 1”的低电位端子接(黑色)6259 接线板的 AI GND(67#)端子。 “模拟信号 2”的高电位端子(红色)接 6259 接线板的 AI1(33#)端子,“模 拟信号 2”的低电位端子(黑色)接 6259 接线板的 AI GND(32#)端子。 更多信号端子接线类似。 差分信号接线 如图 5,是 2 个差分模拟电压信号的接线例子。




PXI将PCIExpress集成到PXI标准中,可以满足更...PXI中引入了PXI Express技术,显著提高了总线带宽。

PXI将PCI Express集成到PXI标准中,可以满足更多的应用需求。

PCI Express 技术可以集成到背板中,同时维持与现有系统的后向兼容性。

除了x1、x4和x8 PCI Express链路外,系统控制器插槽还支持高达x16的PCI Express链路,可以为PXI Express背板提供最高6GB/s的带宽。

利用PCI Express 技术,PXI Express将PXI中的可用带宽提高了45倍多,即从132MB/s提高到6GB/s;与此同时,还可以维持与PXI模块间的软件、硬件兼容性。


图1. PCI Express技术提供每槽专属的更高带宽硬件架构PXI系统由三个基本部分组成——机箱、系统控制器和外围模块。

图2. 标准的8槽PXI机箱中,包括一个嵌入式系统控制器和七个外围模块PXI机箱PXI机箱为系统提供了坚固的模块化封装,通常为4槽、6槽、8槽、14槽或18槽的3U或6U机箱。

U(rack unit)是一种测量单位,用来描述安装在19或23英寸(指宽度)机架上的设备的高度。




很多PXI Express 机箱中都可以容纳PXI和PXI Express外围设备,而有些具有混合插槽的机箱(如NI PXIe-1075),还可以容纳PXI Express外围设备或者兼容混合插槽的PXI设备。


国家仪器NI PXIe-6361 63 March 2017设备说明书

国家仪器NI PXIe-6361 63 March 2017设备说明书

Manufacturer: National InstrumentsVolatile MemoryTarget Data Type Size BatteryBackupUser1AccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureNoneNon-Volatile Memory (incl. Media Storage)Target Data Type Size BatteryBackupUserAccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureDevice configuration∙Device information ∙Calibration metadata ∙Calibration data2EEPROM 2 KB NoNoYesNoYesYesYesNoneProcedure 2None1 Refer to Terms and Definitions section for clarification of User and System Accessible2 Calibration constants that are stored on the device include information for the device’s full operating range. Any implications resulting from partial self-calibration can be eliminated by running the full self-calibration procedure.ProceduresProcedure 1 – Board Assembly Part Number identification:To determine the Board Assembly Part Number and Revision, refer to the “P/N” label applied to the surface of your product as shown below. The Assembly Part Number should be formatted as “P/N: ######a-vvL” where “a” is the letter revision of the Board Assembly (eg. A, B, C…X) and the “vv” is the type definition (01 = 6363, 03 = 6361).Procedure 2 – Device Configuration EEPROM (Calibration Metadata):The user-accessible areas of the Device Configuration EEPROM are exposed through a calibration Applications Programming Interface (API) in LabVIEW. To clear the Calibration Metadata area, complete the following steps:1.To clear the calibration password, use the DAQmx Change External Calibration tooverwrite the current password of the device you wish to clear.2.The user-accessible area of the Device Configuration EEPROM can be cleared using the NI DAQmxAPI. For instructions on how to clear these areas, go to /info and enter info codeDAQmxLOV.Terms and DefinitionsCycle Power:The process of completely removing power from the device and its components and allowing for adequate discharge. This process includes a complete shutdown of the PC and/or chassis containing the device; a reboot is not sufficient for the completion of this process.Volatile Memory:Requires power to maintain the stored information. When power is removed from this memory, its contents are lost. This type of memory typically contains application specific data such as capture waveforms.Non-Volatile Memory:Power is not required to maintain the stored information. Device retains its contents when power is removed.This type of memory typically contains information necessary to boot, configure, or calibrate the product or may include device power up states.User Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable such that a user can store arbitrary information to the component from the host using a publicly distributed NI tool, such as a Driver API, the System Configuration API, or MAX. System Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable from the host without the need to physically alter the product. Clearing:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “clearing” is a logical technique to sanitize data in all User Accessible storage locations for protection against simple non-invasive data recovery techniques using the same interface available to the user; typically applied through the standard read and write commands to the storage device.Sanitization:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “sanitization” is a process to render access to “Target Data” on the media infeasible for a given level of effort. In this document, clearing is the degree of sanitization described.。



【摘要】美国国家仪器有限公司(National Instruments,NI)推出M系列数据采集设备系列的两块最新的低价位产品NIPCI-6225和PXI-6225,将可用I/O 功能扩展到80路16位模拟输人通道,并将采样率提升至250kS/s。


1.NI发布业界首款PCI Express数据采集设备,继续引领数据采集行业的革新!NI 将最新的插入式PC总线带入NI M系列数据采集技术 [J], 美国国家仪器有限公司
2.全新NI M系列数据采集设备现提供80路模拟输入通道 [J],
3.NI公司新一代M系列数据采集产品设定新标准 [J], 陈磊
4.提供80路模拟输入通道的数据采集设备 [J],
5.NI全新M系列数据采集设备现提供80路模拟输入通道 [J],

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RMB 2,475.00 0
RMB 655.00
RMB 1,315.00 0
RMB 820.00
RMB 2,475.00 1
RMB 3,470.00 0 RMB 2,890.00 0 RMB 3,305.00 0 RMB 2,890.00 0
RMB 2,475.00 0
RMB 655.00
RMB 1,315.00 0
NI PXI-6229
16位, 250 kS/s, 32路模拟输入
• 4路16位模拟输出 (833 kS/s) • 高达48路数字I/O; 32位计数器; 数字触发 • NIST校准认证书以及70多个信号调理选项 • 关联(Correlated)DIO (32条时钟线, 1 MHz) • 另有5倍采样速率的高速M系列和4倍分辨率的高精度M系列可供选择. • NI-DAQmx驱动软件和NI LabVIEW SignalExpress交互式数据记录软件
RMB 820.00
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CB-68LPR - 非屏蔽
8 - 10
* 您已选择中国作为产品使用地。 您曾于2010/01/09日打印本文,因此报价可能已经改变。 请访问/china,查看当前报价。
步骤 4: 提交订单或取得报价 在线订购或传真订购
RMB 2,475.00 1
RMB 3,470.00 0 RMB 2,890.00 0 RMB 3,305.00 0 RMB 2,890.00 0
M系列设备可在多种操作系统上使用,有三个驱动软件可供选择,包括NI-DAQmx、NI-DAQmx Base和测量硬件DDK。 浏览资源栏,了 解驱动软件的更多信息或下载驱动程序。 NI M系列设备与传统的NI-DAQ(Legacy)驱动程序不兼容。
每个M系列数据采集设备均包含一份NI LabVIEW SignalExpress的副本,使您无需编程即可快速采集、分析并显示数据。 除了LabVIEW SignalExpress,M系列数据采集设备还与下列NI应用软件版本(或更高版本)兼容——LabVIEW 7.x、LabWindows™/CVI 7.x、或 Measurement Studio 7.x;或带LabVIEW实时模块7.1的LabVIEW。 NI M系列数据采集设备也与Visual Studio .NET、C/C++和Visual Basic 6兼容。
SCB-68 - 屏蔽 NI推荐
19 - 27
BNC 端子
BNC-2090A - 屏蔽, 机架式接线盒
8 - 10
BNC-2110 - 屏蔽
8 - 10
BNC-2120 - 屏蔽
8 - 10
BNC-2111 - 屏蔽
SHC68-68-EPM Cable (2m) NI推荐
SHC68-68-EPM Cable (1m)
192061-0R5 192061-10
SHC68-68-EPM Cable (0.5m) SHC68-68-EPM Cable (10m)
192061-05 非屏蔽
RMB 21,520.00
4 16 bits 10.0 V 10.0 , -10.0 V 0.003 V 10.0 , -10.0 V 0.003 V 833000 S/s 5.0 mA
48 0 0 48 , 0 , 0 Software , Hardware 1000000.0 Hz TTL Sinking , Sourcing Sinking , Sourcing Yes Yes 24.0 mA 1000.0 mA No No Yes 5.0 , 0.0 V 5.0 , 0.0 V
对完整的 PXI 系统进行配置和询价 »
步骤 1: 确认所选产品和数量
产品 编号
NI PXI-6229 NI推荐
NI PXI-6229 for SCXI Control in PXI/SCXI Combination Chassis
32 , 16 32 16 16 bits 250000.0 S/s 10.0 V 10.0 , -10.0 V 0.003 V 9.76E-5 V 200.0 , -200.0 V 1.12E-4 V 5.2E-6 V 4 No 4095.0 B
Analog Output 通道数 分辨率 最大模拟输出电压 最大电压范围 最大电压范围的精度 最小电压范围 最小电压范围的精度 频率范围 单通道电流驱动能力 Digital I/O 双向通道 仅输入通道 仅输出通道 通道数 定时 最大时钟速率 逻辑电平 输入电流 输出电流 可编程输入滤波器 支持可编程上电状态? 单通道电流驱动能力 总电流驱动能力 看门狗定时器 支持握手I/O? 支持模式I/O? 最大输入范围 最大输出范围 Counter/Timers
8 - 10 12 - 17 12 - 17 12 - 17
12 - 17 12 - 17 12 - 17
RMB 1,070.00 1
RMB 820.00
RMB 820.00
RMB 1,815.00 0
RMB 1,400.00 0
RMB 490.00
RMB 405.00
RMB 405.00
8 - 10
8 - 10 12 - 17 12 - 17 12 - 17
12 - 17 12 - 17 12 - 17
RMB 1,070.00 1
RMB 820.00
RMB 820.00
RMB 1,815.00 0
RMB 1,400.00 0
RMB 490.00
RMB 405.00
RMB 405.00
• 详细规格说明 (2) • 产品说明书 (英文版)
• 详细规格
Specifications Summary
PXI-6229 Multifunction Data Acquisition
PXI Platform
操作系统 / 对象 LabVIEW RT支持 +3.3V导轨的供电要求 +5V导轨的供电要求 +12V导轨的供电要求 -12V导轨的供电要求 第二槽模块 模块宽度 与MXI兼容 DAQ产品家族 测量类型 与RoHS指令的一致性 Analog Input 通道数 单端通道 差分通道 分辨率 采样率 最大模拟输入电压 最大电压范围 最大电压范围的精度 最大电压范围的敏感度 最小电压范围 最小电压范围的精度 最小电压范围的敏感度 量程数 同步采样 板上存储量
螺丝端子 776844-01
BNC 端子 779556-01 777643-01 777960-01 779347-01
螺丝端子 779475-01 777145-01 777141-01
777145-02 连接器 1
SCB-68 - 屏蔽 NI推荐
BNC-2090A - 屏蔽, 机架式接线盒 BNC-2110 - 屏蔽 BNC-2120 - 屏蔽 BNC-2111 - 屏蔽
SCC-68 - 非屏蔽 CB-68LP - 非屏蔽 TBX-68 Unshielded, I/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting - 非屏蔽 CB-68LPR - 非屏蔽
19 - 27
8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 12 - 17
8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10
计数器/定时器数目 DMA通道数 缓冲操作 短时脉冲干扰消除 GPS同步 最大量程 最大信号源频率 最小输入脉冲宽度 脉冲生成 分辨率 时基稳定度 逻辑电平
选择以下选项, 对产品进行配置和询价:
选择以下模块和附件 »
2 2 Yes Yes No 5.0 , 0.0 V 80.0 MHz 1.25E-5 ms Yes 32 bits 50.0 ppm TTL
LabVIEW应用程序生成器 12 - 17 (Windows版) (英语)
LabVIEW应用程序生成器 12 - 17 (Linux版)
用于Microsoft Office的NI 12 - 17 LabVIEW报告生成工具包
RMB 21,520.00
RMB 21,520.00
NI LabVIEW完整版开发 系统 (Windows版) (简体 中文)
12 - 17
NI LabVIEW完整版开发 8 - 9 系统 (Windows版) (英语)
LabVIEW完整版开发系统 12 - 17 (Linux版)
LabVIEW应用程序生成器 12 - 17 (Windows版) (简体中 文)
NI PXI-6229是一款低价位多功能M系列数据采集(DAQ)板卡,经优化适用于需要控制成本的应用。 您也可考虑具有5倍采样速率的高速 M系列设备或具有4倍分辨率和出众测量精度的高精度M系列设备。