

英语考试作文-GRE写作ISSUE重点常考题目举例分析 社会问题

英语考试作文-GRE写作ISSUE重点常考题目举例分析 社会问题






GRE逻辑阅读烧脑难题怎么做?一、社会与自然:Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.社会应该努力拯救濒危物种,只要这些物种的灭绝是人类活动的结果。

GRE写作如何让举例论证更有说服力?The speaker claims that society should make efforts to save endangered species only caused by human activities.I agree with the speaker insofar as saving endangered species is the responsibility of human beings. After all, human beings are the ruler of nature. But, in my perspective, merely focusing on saving those endangered species only caused by human activities is unilateral.1. The variety of plant and animal is important to practical utilization.1) Discovering the order of evolution;2) Valuable gene pool and raw material drug: traditional Chinese medicine.3) Technological imitation from the specious: sonar as a result of imitating dolphin.2. Human should do so even from a moral position.1) Plant and animal is the most important components of nature. When all ...die out, the day will come soon.2) Human beings as the ruler of nature should take the responsibility to help other species. Let alone those endangered species because of human activities.3) Men have the responsibility to rescue: pollution,environments destroy, catching and killing excessively causing the plant and animal to die out much faster. For example: tiger and whale;3. However, some kinds of1) “Survival of fittest”: some animals do have their lethal shortages and would decline even without humans, saving those species which are biological elimination is against the nature and of no help.2) When we save a kind of animal, we may do harm to another kind. Thus the proper way is that human should try their best to keep the balance of nature as it is rather than change the nature as humans’purpose. Human and Nature should perform their own functions respectively.3) Instead of saving, the restrictions on human ourselves are more important: pollution, environmental destroy, catching and killing excessively.4) The extinction of species is the warning of the deterioration of the environment which would early or late threaten human beings.Conclusion:No matter from the position of practical utilization or morality, human both should ... However, it should benoticed that... Therefore, we should find out the real reason of dying out. Furthermore, we should pay more a...to二、社会传媒:Claim: It is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.Reason: The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.结论:当今任何社会已经不再可能将任何在世的人标榜为英雄人物。

英语考试作文-GRE写作全段落完整提纲整理方法讲解 列好提纲才能理顺思路写出高分作文

英语考试作文-GRE写作全段落完整提纲整理方法讲解 列好提纲才能理顺思路写出高分作文




1. 总共要写几段。

2. 每段的写作中心点。

3. 每段内容中需要用到的例子素材。




























不要记出来的摘要最后自己还要辨析几分钟||| 建议在平时列提纲的时候就有意识的做一下限定时间练习,看2-3分钟能不能把大体的框架列出来。






GRE考试写作专题解析及作文提纲(14)GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目:95"People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requi res cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does."GRE写作精讲之提纲解析:95 承认合作的作用,但组织不好也会起负面影响1、合作产生的 productivity(商业、科学研究,相互建议,创新)share the work, m ore efficient, enlighten2、合作给人精神鼓励,比竞争更积极 learning3、合作的成员会有相互依赖思想,责任不明确时效果差95 服从一直在某种程度上意味着合作,对于经济的成功有着重要作用,尤其对于复杂的经济实体,比如大的零售商;例如,现代经济市场中强调的所谓供应链管理 supply chain management,它整合和优化了供应商、制造商、零售商的效率,形成了强大的资金,信息,物流 logistics 的支持,可以获得更高的利润方面随着社会的发展,人们的需求越来越趋于个性化、多样化;另一方面,从供应者角度,产品差异化是保持竞争的有效手段;如 Dell电脑的客户定制服务可以针对消费者需要组合电脑的硬件与软件的配置,更适合个体消费者的需要,给戴尔带来了很大的市场份额与盈利;个性意味着创新,有助于在今天竞争日益激励的经济社会里取得优势;比如福特创新发明了 flow production line在经济上,新的投资利润往往很高,但是随着知道这个投资的人越来越多,利润会逐渐变少,直到没有。






GRE写作提纲举例指导32A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts.32 不同意1、不同学科教师要付出的努力程度不同,需要根据其付出给予不同报酬大学,热门专业学生数量多,冷门专业学生少;中学主要课程课时多,辅助课程课时少;因而老师的工作量不同,同样的工资是unfair2、大学教师承担研究任务,不同学科教师对社会、对学校的贡献不同,根据贡献给予相应报酬科研成果也形成社会价值,价值高的自然应该报酬多,计算机和哲学科研成果给学校带来荣誉,荣誉高的自然报酬多;同样的工资教师会缺乏积极性3、还要参考教师在学生中的受欢迎程度来决定报酬,而不仅仅看专业有的老师对教学工作认真,上课质量高,效果好,受学生欢迎有的老师不认真上课,即使专业受欢迎,也不应该有高报酬这样可以督促老师提高教学质量高分GRE写作提纲举例指导33Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.33 部分同意1、承认形象确实很重要,增强吸引力广告和包装影响产品销售;政治家的形象影响当选机会2、本质很好,形象很差,也不容易被接受鞋子质量很好,样子不好看,销售不好;应聘者形象不佳会影响成功;食物味道很好但样子不好影响食欲3、但如果本质不好,良好形象终究会被破坏伪劣产品;豆腐渣工程33T Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image..在当今社会,引人的表面现象比现象背后的本质重要得多① 实际生活中确实是这样并且是有道理的。



GRE 写作 Issue 问题题库分析与提纲第一类社会2."Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimentalto society." 归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。

Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress in society.1.Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress insociety.2.In democratic countries, when parties and candidates competefor power, the public benefits.3.Admittedly, when competition gets out of the controlof mores and laws, society will suffer.竞争对于社会的优点和缺点------------------------------3."It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that mighthelp future generations." 与其花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上。

Humanity should take into account both long-term interestsand short-term interests when making budgets.1.Naturally, each generation is most concerned aboutsolving problems that immediately confront them.2.However, what differentiates human beings from otheranimals is that humans have a sense of future and aremorally responsible for the well-being of their descendents. 3.Therefore, as beneficiaries of previous generations,each generation should make its own contribution for thewell-being of future generations.当务之急和百年大计的关系------------------------------9."Academic disciplines have become so specialized inrecent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrowaudience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, theirideas will have little use."近些年来,学科已经细化到了相当的程度以至于学者们的理念只影响小范围的人群。



2022年GRE考试写作专题解析及作文提纲(1)新东方金牌直冲高分!2022年GRE考试全程课程火热开售中>> GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目:93"The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."GRE写作精讲之提纲解析:93 同意个人行为受到外界力气的影响,但更重要的是引导人们对自己的行为负责,从而产生个人责任1、个人责任的重要性有责任感,think over before action; avoid irrevocable consequences; fewer crime; fewer trafficaccidents;2、承认外因影响人的行为,无论是负责任的行为()还是不负责任的行为(古代帝王)3、外因驱动下的负责行为不是长期的,需要转化为内因,形成个人责任93. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must holdindividuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not oftheir own making."翻译:个人责任的概念是一种很必要的虚构。










GRE ISSUE作文大体要2-3分钟,ARGU怎么都要3分钟。










GRE写作高分范文:多媒体教育GRE写作题目:Although innovations such as video,computers,and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students,these technologies all too often distract from real learning.尽管诸如电视、电脑和互联网这样的发明似乎给学校教育提供了进步的手段,但是所有这些技术往往也是在偏离真正的学习。



传统文化与现代化之间存在着复杂的互动关系。现代化进程必然 会对传统文化产生影响,但同时也需要保留和传承传统文化的精 髓。如何平衡传统文化与现代化的关系,既能促进社会发展,又 能保持文化传承,是当代社会面临的重要课题。
在探讨传统文化与现代化的关系时,需要关注文化的多样性与包 容性。现代化并非要完全摒弃传统,而是要在传承中创新,在借 鉴中发展。
环境保护与经济发展并非相互矛盾,两者 可以相互促进。
保护自然环境是可持续经济发展的基石, 我们要重视生态保护的长期效益。
发展绿色科技,可以有效减少环境污染, 促进经济绿色转型。
ISSUE高频话题:平等机会与 社会公正
平等机会和社会公正一直是人类社会关注的重要议题。GRE写作中经常出现探 讨这两者的关系。本节将探讨平等机会与社会公正的内涵,分析两者之间的 关系,并举例说明如何运用相关论证进行写作。
社会稳定是改革成功的基础,为改革创造 良好的外部环境。
在改革过程中,要注重改革的力度和节奏 ,确保社会稳定,避免剧烈动荡。
解释逻辑 3
选择相关例子 1



社会类1(2). "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。

竞争对于社会的优点和缺点Topic:同意,"Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."1)“物竞天择,适者生存”是自然界的普遍规律。










gre 高频issue及提纲范文

gre 高频issue及提纲范文

1.To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.这道题可以考虑分不同情况来写,可将政府官员的行为分为履行职务时的行为和私生活。




- 防止腐败与滥用权力- 给下属做榜样、取得下属信任、团队效率- 制订符合伦理道德的政策政府官员的私生活可以有更多元化的道德标准- 消防员在非执行任务时看到火警也不必去救- 官员驾驶私家车超速应该和普通人受到同样的处罚- 官员通过某些手段合理避税也不应受到谴责有人认为私生活不检点会导致民众不信任官员不信任会导致官员无法正常履行职务但是官员的隐私应该受到保护与公职无关的私生活信息不应该被媒体传播如果民众不了解官员的私生活自然无从质疑但前提是官员不会因为私生活的问题二影响公职2.Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.Are leaders created by demands placed on them? In most institutional settings, leaders are not created by the demands because a person can become a leader before meeting any demands if s/he masters strong communication skills, holds suitable qualifications and has extensive experiences. Nevertheless, in certain exceptional circumstances, usually in emergencies, ordinary people may become leaders in response to the demands.Without being tested by demands for leadership, people often assume leadership positions by demonstrating strong communication skills that are important for dealing with situations in which they have to lead others to solve problems. In the field of academic researches, for example, senior researchers have to communicate their research findings and the vision about how the discipline would advance clearly and persuasively to the fellow researchers in order to take up leadership positions such as editors of top journals and chairpersons of the academic societies. They also need to demonstrate their willingness to listen to other members of the research community and understand their ideas and concerns about the field. Such strong communication skills would enable them to become leaders in the field and help others to meet the challenges.In addition to communication skills, leaders also have to receive relevant training to acquire the professional qualifications and expertise that are necessary for the leadership positions. Referring to the examples of leaders in academic research field again, it is clear that anyone interested in joining an editorial board of a top journal or becoming the chairperson of an academic association must, in addition to holding a PhD in relevant fields, have published influential papers in the field and accumulated extensive administrative experiences. Usually with such publication records and relevant experiences, the person will be able to get the jobs as the leaders. In other words, taking the leadership roles in an institution does not necessarily relate to the demands for leadership.On the other hand, there are exceptional circumstances in which ordinary people may become leaders while trying to address the demands at the moment. On September 11, 2001, after three planes were hijacked and crashed to WTO twin towers and the Pentagon, the passengers of United AirlineFlight 93 revolted against the hijackers and successfully diverted the airplane from the route to Washington D.C. where the hijackers planned to crash the airplane to the White House. We do not have details about the passengers’ heroic acts but it is safe to believe that some courageous passengers and crew members had responded to the emergency demands for leadership after knowing the terrorist attacks that had happened earlier that day. These ordinary men and women became leaders of a historical anti-terrorist mission without any prior training and experiences. Their leadership was created by the demands placed on them and will be remembered in history.In conclusion, in most institutional settings, leaders are not created by demands but selected based on the candidates’ communication skills, qualifications and experiences. Nevertheless, under exceptional circumstances, ordinary people may become leaders in response to the demands for leadership.3. Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.With the development of modern mass media, scandals are almost ubiquitous. Hardly can a day go by without some news reporting scandals involving high-profiles politicians, athletes or movie stars. While it is true that scandals often attract public attention and may expose certain problems, I do not believe that they are useful in solving social problems as they often focus public attention on the wrong issues and can hardly maintain public attention for a sufficiently long time. After elaborating these two points, I will also address the argument that scandals can usefully create pressure for the government to introduce reforms.To begin with, the attention from the public after a scandal does not necessarily focus on the right issue. Take the Clinton scandal and impeachment for example. With the release of Starr report, the Clinton scandal has attracted the national and even international media attention. But the majority of American people seem to find it more interesting to talk about whether or not President Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinsky. They would even get into the debate over whether oral sex would count as sex. But the real issue that should capture public attention is whether or not the President had lied and still deserved the trust of American people. With the media always interested in reporting sensational news, the Clinton scandal failed to focus public attention on the right issue and therefore was not very useful for the development of American politics.In addition, when a scandal is involved in powerful corporation, a professional public relations team will very quickly take actions to address the crisis and divert the public attention from the right issues. The oil giant BP, for example, was responsible for the oil rig explosion in 2013 and subsequent oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. During the scandal of this ecological disaster, BP hired a sophisticated PR team to launch a massive campaign to paint themselves as victims of tort law suits and shift media attention from the aftermath of the oil spill. The large corporations like BP has the large amount of financial resources at their disposal to manipulate the media and the public opinions when necessary. As the public is often forgetful while overwhelmed by the news and scandals, it is fairly easy for them to get away from such scandals. In other words, one cannot really rely on scandals to solve problems involving big corporations.Some people may argue that scandals are still useful in creating pressure to push the government to reform. For example, after the scandal of Sun Zhigang, a Chinese university graduate who was tortured and killed in Guangzhou Center for the Homeless, Chinese government has abolished the institution of arresting the homeless in the large cities. While this case leads to some desirable outcome, it is doubtful that we should count on scandals like this to reform a nation’s legal and social infrastructure. To fix the numerous problems in a modern society, the best solution is to educate the people about their rights so people can speak up against injustice when their rights are violated. We cannot just overlook the injustice in our daily life and wait for scandals to fix the problems in our society.In conclusion, while I acknowledge that certain scandals may eventually lead to some progress in our society, most scandals are not very useful in reforming the society as the public often focus their attention on the wrong issues and the powerful corporations can easily divert public attention through their public relations campaigns. To achieve real progress in social development, we need better education to increase people’s awareness of their rights and their sense of justice.4.Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.I agree that this recommendation would be beneficial for students specialising in certain disciplines such as foreign languages, international trade and comparative politics. Yet, students in other fields such as national language and literature, history and archeology would find the requirement unnecessary. Moreover, students with limited financial resources or abilities to adapt to the new environment may not benefit from the recommendation.I agree that this recommendation would be beneficial for students specialising in certain disciplines such as foreign languages, international trade and comparative politics.句子的功能:针对题目的建议提出立场,指出这个建议对某个群体的学生是有益的。




高分GRE写作提纲举例指导2 、Competition is ultimately more benefici al than detrimental to society..意,防止不良竞争1、经济领域,竞争可以提高产品质量,促进创新更好的质量、服务、创新的动力,消费者受益2、政治领域,竞争可以选出最有力量的领导者,人民受益竞争中,领导者承诺福利,个人力量;防止无能政府3、不良竞争对社会带来问题,如压力,不正值竞争,同学成果竞争;工作岗位竞争;immoral 竞争,slag off behind the back2T Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。


A 同事之间竞争B优胜劣汰①增加社会福利。



如:超出法律和道德的界限①导致社会上人们普遍压力增大Through competing, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not competent as he or she.While, on the other hand, if a competition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economy.高分GRE写作提纲举例指导3 、It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than tospend it on long-term research that might help future generations..期问题长远讨论都要重视1、诚然,我们应当把钱用在当前的社会问题上,如:进展经济,解决失业、犯罪poverty, disease, war等,由于这些社会问题可能严峻危害人们的生命、财产平安;vaccinate the children in poor African coutri es where hygiene conditions are unqualified2、然而,我们同时也应当将钱用于长期的讨论许多问题不能立刻解决,用于长期讨论才能根治,如环境问题,需要植树造林为将来长远规划,环境才能从根本上得以改善;如科学讨论不是一朝一夕的事long-term research devotes to resolving or prev enting social problems that might occur to our descendants; preserve the environment from deteri oration is easier than resolving those already emerged enironmental problems which jeopardize the ecosystem.果只顾眼前,不顾将来,对后代生活造成严峻影响,不搞节能讨论,能源问题Immediate, existing problems 好比急性疾病对于人体一样经常关系到社会的稳定,经济的运行,国家的存亡,解决不好后果非常严峻。



2017年GRE考试写作专题解析及作文提纲(1)GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目:93"The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."GRE写作精讲之提纲解析:93 同意个人行为受到外界力量的影响,但更重要的是引导人们对自己的行为负责,从而产生个人责任1、个人责任的重要性有责任感,think over before action; avoid irrevocable consequences; fewer crime; fewer trafficaccidents;2、承认外因影响人的行为,无论是负责任的行为()还是不负责任的行为(古代帝王)3、外因驱动下的负责行为不是长久的,需要转化为内因,形成个人责任93. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must holdindividuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not oftheir own making."翻译:个人责任的概念是一种很必要的虚构。




2017年GRE考试写作专题解析及作文提纲(7)GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目:83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."GRE写作精讲之提纲解析:83 wilderness areas受到human civilization 威胁,政府需要保护1、环境破坏已经对生态平衡造成很大影响,环境破坏影响人类,迫切需要保护since the humans arrived in Australia, the species there have decreased sharplyThe significance of preservation has already been seen in Australia, where lots of regulations havebeen set by the government to protect the wilderness areas, its wildlife have been preserved andthrived significantly.2、边远地区的环境破坏也会影响到更大环境(整体性),Take the depletion of ozone layer in Antarctica as example.Due to the wildly use of refrigerator, a lotof gases spread to the atmosphere and thus leads to a thinner Ozone Layer. The Ozone Layer helpsprevent unwanted ultraviolet radiation ,hence the temperature of the world is not too high. However,because of the depletion of Ozone Layer in Antarctica, the temperature in this area rises ,therefore theiceberg in this area thaw out and consequently result in a higher level of Ocean, which means adisaster to human beings.3、政府有责任undeniable mission保护环境,个人的力量有限,政府可以采取更有效措施Tibetan Antelope Tibetan pleatueThere is a long-standing non-governmental organization called wild yak team. Although they domany thing to combat with those evil strugglers, their efforts are slim. The first difficulty is that theyhave no right to punish those evil strugglers. The only thing they could do is try to prevent those evilstruggles. However their strength is too weak compared to thestrugglers. Another difficulty they faceto is that they even can’t ensure their survival. They can’t get money from the wild yak team,meanwhile most of their time are spent on protecting Tibetan Antelope and could not do other thingsto earn money.ISSUE83政府应该保护那些荒野地带(主要与生态环境有关)1 荒野地带对生态环境有很大影响biological diversity natural balance2 荒野地带对科研有很大作用3 适当的利用83 这些地方往往是具有生态价值,保护这些地方有利于生态的平衡,如果被破坏则很难恢复。



GRE写作提纲举例指导I. IntroductionA. Hook: Start with an interesting fact or statistic related to the topic.B. Background information: Briefly explain the importance and relevance of the topic.C. Thesis statement: State your main argument or viewpoint on the topic.II. Body Paragraph 1: Supporting Argument 1A. Topic sentence: Introduce the first supporting argument.B. Explanation: Provide a detailed explanation or example to support the argument.C. Evidence: Use statistics, data, or research findings to further strengthen your argument.D. Analysis: Discuss the significance or implications of the evidence.E. Transition: Link the first supporting argument to the next paragraph.III. Body Paragraph 2: Supporting Argument 2A. Topic sentence: Introduce the second supporting argument.B. Explanation: Provide a detailed explanation or example to support the argument.C. Evidence: Use statistics, data, or research findings to further strengthen your argument.D. Analysis: Discuss the significance or implications of the evidence.E. Transition: Link the second supporting argument to the next paragraph.IV. Body Paragraph 3: Counterargument and RefutationA. Topic sentence: Present a counterargument or opposing viewpoint related to your topic.B. Refutation: Provide evidence or arguments to refute the counterargument.C. Explanation: Explain why the counterargument is not valid or relevant.D. Analysis: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the counterargument and how your argument prevails.E. Transition: Prepare the reader for the conclusion of the essay.V. ConclusionA. Restate thesis: Reiterate your main argument or viewpoint.B. Summary of main points: Briefly summarize the supporting arguments presented in the essay.C. Closing statement: End with a thought-provoking or memorable statement related to the topic.Here is an example using the provided outline:I. IntroductionA. Hook: Did you know that over 150,000 tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean each year?B. Background information: The issue of plastic pollution has gained significant attention in recent years due to its detrimental effects on marine life and ecosystems.C. Thesis statement: The excessive use of single-useplastics and the improper disposal of plastic waste are responsible for the alarming increase in plastic pollution, and urgent action needs to be taken to mitigate this problem.II. Body Paragraph 1: Supporting Argument 1A. Topic sentence: The widespread use of single-use plastics is a significant contributor to plastic pollution.C. Evidence: According to a study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, about 40% of plastics produced are used for packaging, most of which are discarded after a single use.D. Analysis: The convenience of single-use plastics has resulted in their overconsumption, contributing to the growing problem of plastic pollution in landfills and oceans.E. Transition: Despite the impact of single-use plastics on plastic pollution, improper disposal practices exacerbate this problem.III. Body Paragraph 2: Supporting Argument 2A. Topic sentence: Improper disposal of plastic waste is a key factor in the escalation of plastic pollution.B. Explanation: Inadequate waste management systems in many regions result in plastic waste being improperly disposed of, leading to its penetration into ecosystems.C. Evidence: The World Economic Forum estimates that approximately 32% of plastic waste is not adequately managed, often ending up in rivers, lakes, and oceans.D. Analysis: The negligent disposal of plastic waste can have detrimental consequences, including the entanglement or ingestion of plastic by marine animals, causing harm and death.E. Transition: The counterargument that individuals should be responsible for proper disposal may arise; however, it is important to acknowledge the need for systemic changes in waste management.IV. Body Paragraph 3: Counterargument and RefutationA. Topic sentence: Some argue that individual responsibility for proper disposal of plastic waste is sufficient to address the plastic pollution crisis.B. Refutation: While individual actions are essential, relying solely on individual responsibility is not enough to solve the magnitude of the plastic pollution problem.C. Explanation: Without effective waste management systems and regulations that prioritize the reduction and recycling of plastics, even well-intentioned individuals may struggle to make a significant impact.D. Analysis: By acknowledging the limitations of individual responsibility, society can focus on implementing policies and practices that address plastic pollution at a systemic level.V. ConclusionA. Restate thesis: The excessive use of single-use plastics and the improper disposal of plastic waste are responsible for the alarming increase in plastic pollution.。


























不要记出来的摘要最后自己还要辨析几分钟||| 建议在平时列提纲的时候就有意识的做一下限定时间练习,看2-3分钟能不能把大体的框架列出来。

其他:我觉得如果正确掌握提纲的写法和时间分配问题,将是对于AW 的核心实力的一种提高。



2017年GRE考试写作专题解析及作文提纲(3)GRE作文题目:86"Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition."GRE写作精讲之提纲解析:86 同意1、immediate fame and recognition counterproductivezhang 1022、长远目标对自身对社会都有好处Bill Gates making his decision to drop out from Harvard is an appropriate instance. Now when we lookback Gates successful experiences, we have to admit that his resolutely dropping out from Harvard atop university, and not even caring too much of the result is a bold and wise decision. What does itmean a man who can graduate from Harvard? It means, as everybody knows, a well earning jobawaits you, and at least be a leaguer of middle class. Gates notonly gave up a diploma of the world'sNo.1 university but also refused a designed bright future. I think Gate's reason is simple and clear.Because he noticed PC's rapid development in the future. According to long views, if Gates did not quitat that time, albeit I am sure there would be a operation system similar to MS-DOS and Windowstoday, probably neither Gates would be the richest man in the world, nor Microsoft was today'ssoftware giant.3、社会应创造环境鼓励追求长远目标,现实并非如此影视明星,overnight success。

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1. 科技的影响:
23."Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual information. As a result, people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives."
88."Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
114. "Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity."
135 "While most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems."
166. "Over the past century, the most significant contribution of technology has been to make people's lives more comfortable."
196. "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
219. "Now that computer technology has made possible the rapid accessing of large amounts of factual information, people are less likely than ever to think deeply or originally. They feel unable to compete with -- much less contribute to -- the quantity of information that is now available electronically."
237."Computers and video technology can make facsimiles of original works such as paintings and historical documents available to everyone. The great advantage of this new technology is that it will enable anyone-not just scholars-to conduct in-depth research without having access to the original works."
7 "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."
66. "As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate."
124 "Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of the se recent developments are designed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before."
以上就是关于GRE写作话题之社会类提纲辅导,参加GRE考试的考生,在备考GRE 写作的时候,可以多加练习提纲的构思,对于提高写作水平会有所帮助的,预祝大家在GRE考试中取得好成绩。
