A Brief Introduction to pragmatics(revised)

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• 根据不同的侧重点或不同的视角来给语用 学下定义自然会有各种不同的结果,试图 去比较各种不同的定义之间的优势是没有 意义的,因为它们的差别只不过是个侧重 面和措辞的问题,它们的共同点是都围绕 了语言交际中的意义这一中心。各种不同 的定义的存在有利于加深我们对语用学这 门学科的理解。
语用学的狭义和广义理解: • 狭义:把pragmatics这个词置于语言研究这个 特定的范围里所作的理解。 • 广义:指的是对人类有目的的行为所作的研 究,因为pragma-这一拉丁词根具有‘做’、 ‘行动’的意思。从这一点上理解,或许应 该把“语用学”称作“行为学”更为恰当。
• An example:
Mike, Annie and Mike’s cat, Felix, are in Mike’s kitchen. What did Annie mean?
Mike: What happened to that bowl of cream? Annie: Cats drink cream.
• 语用学形成的大致脉络: a. Saussure (1857-1913)
langue(语言) VS parole(言语) 语言时一个受一定规则制约的体系,而言语不是,只 有语言才经得起严谨的、科学的分析,而言语则不能。
b. Bloomfield (1887-1949)
分析语言的音系和形态,把音位和词素作为语言分析 的单位,在他(们)看来,语言的句法结构十分抽象,语言 学研究难以揭示它的奥秘。(致力于语言本身的研究,把 语言的使用排除在外)
• However, generally speaking, SEMANTICS concentrates on meaning that comes from purely linguistic knowledge, while PRAGMATICS concentrates on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account knowledge about the physical and social world.
• 语用学常被人比作是几十年前语义学家的废纸 篓,语义学家把传统语义学无法解释的现象都 扔进了这只废纸篓。 • There is a dog at the gate既表达了可以判别其 真实与否的思想——即“门口有条狗”,又可 能具有警告或恫吓听话人这样的感情意义,实 际上这句话有两重功能。
• 语义学和语用学的共同特点在于它们都是对 意义的研究,但它们是在两个不同层面上对 意义进行的研究,这两种意义研究的关联性 是十分明显的。应该说语义学对意义的研究 是基本的,没有这一层面的研究,很难进行 第二个层面(即语用层面)的研究。语用意义不 能脱离语言本身固有的内在意义。语义学是 对抽象语言能力的研究,但是不应该忘记, 言语行为是语言能力的具体表现。
• What is pragmatics? —through examples
• What do these children still need to learn about using language? A little boy comes in the front door. Mother: Wipe your feet, please. He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feet on the doormat.
• The problem is that the children appear to have understood what the words meant but not what their parent meant. As adults, we usually arrive at the speaker’s meaning so effortlessly that we tend to be unaware of the considerable amount of skill and knowledge that we used to accomplish this.
• The children’s knowledge of vocabulary and grammar does not appear to be the problem. When the little boy’s mother asked him to wipe his feet, that is exactly what he did. The little girl explained why her father was not participating in the underwear show with perfect grammar and quite impeccable logic.
20世纪的语言学发展,可以粗略地归纳为“形 态—句法—语义—语用”这几个发展阶段。语用 研究的崛起可以说是对Chomsky句法中心论的一 种反动,它标志着语言学研究进入了一个新的阶 段。语言学从20世纪初的一门只对人类语言的声 音形态资料进行研究的、比较狭窄的学科,逐渐 发展成一门纵贯语言形式、意义和语境的、研究 范围较广的学科。
• Now things have become considerably more complicated. We are no longer talking simply about what words or sentences mean, but what a person means as well. We have entered the realm of pragmatics and yet another meaning of meaning. It seems to me that in addition to saying that cream is drunk by cats, Annie is also accusing Felix of the crime (I would imagine that you came up with a similar answer). We can make these layers of meaning explicit by providing separate paraphrases for the semantic meaning (a semantic paraphrase or SP) and the pragmatic meaning (a pragmatic paraphrase or PP):
A Brief Introduction to Pragmatics
• 语用学的定义 • Sentence meaning VS utterance meaning 句子意义和话语意义 • Pragmatics VS semantics • Context • Speech act theory • Principle of conversation
c. 20世纪50年代后期,Chomsky的语言 理论,即如何生成合乎句法规则的句子,对于解释 语言的句法结构是颇有说服力的,但这种以句法为 中际中用以表达意义的工具,局限于研究 语言的句法结构只能从一个侧面去描绘解释语言, 却无法解释复杂的语言现象。于是一些语言学家 开始设法把对语义的研究结合到以句法为中心的语 言理论中去。
d. 20世纪70年代初,有些语言学家试图把 语义研究作为语言学研究的基础,来取代 句法的中心地位,或是在这两种研究途径 中寻找某种中间道路。对语言意义的研究 在语言学研究中开始占有一席之地,语义 学迅速地发展起来。
随着语义学研究的深入,越来越多的语言学家意 识到了语境(context)在意义研究中的重要性,正是因 为对于实际使用的语言来说,意义不是抽象的,而 是和一定的语境紧密联系的,离开了使用语言的时 间、地点、场合、使用语言的人,以及使用语言的 目的等语言因素,便不能确定语言的具体意义,对 语义的研究便算不上全面。于是,在语义研究中, 人们开始考虑语境的因素。语境因素一旦进入了语 义研究的范围,便为语用研究开辟了道路,语用研 究进而迅速发展成一门相对独立的学科。
• Semantics and pragmatics are the two main areas of linguistic study that look at the knowledge we use both to extract meaning when we hear or read, and to convey meaning when we speak or write. Within linguistic itself, the dividing line between these two disciplines is still under considerable debate.
note:在学术界首先使用pragmatics这一术语的不是 语言学家,而是哲学家。
• 在哲学研究中最早使用pragmatics这个术语的是20世纪 的美国哲学家Morris和Carnap。他们在对符号学 (semiotics)的研究中介绍了这一术语。符号学是系统地 研究语言符号和非语言符号的学科,他们总结了语言符 号的逻辑——哲学研究方法,划分了符号学研究的三个 分支:符号关系学(syntactics)、语义学(semantics)和语 用学(pragmatics)。
Linguists often make the distinction between a SENTENCE and an UTTERANCE. This distinction can be useful for two reasons: First, pragmatics analyses language in use and many of the utterances we use do not consist of full sentence yet are entirely understandable in context: Jane: Coffee? Steve: Sure! Jane: White? Steve: Black.
A father is trying to get his 3-year-old daughter to stop lifting up her dress to display her new underwear to the assembled guest. Father: We don’t DO that. Daughter: I KNOW, Daddy. You don’t WEAR dresses.
• 语用学是一门科学地研究语言使用的学科。 • 这个定义无懈可击,但却是高度概括、抽象的。
• 定义要有概括性,但同时也要有一定的具体性, 过于概括或者具体都会使定义失去意义。
• 语用学所研究的是说话人(或写作者)所传递的和听话 人(或读者)所理解的意义。 • 语用学是从使用者的角度出发去进行研究的语言科学。 • 语用学是对互动意义的研究。 • 语用学是对‚使用中的意义‛或‚语境中的意义‛的研 究。 • 语用学是对那些语义理论未涉及的意义方面的研究。 ……
Cats drink cream. SP: Domestic felines consume the liquid fat of milk. PP: Felix probably drank the cream. Did you notice that when we are talking about what a particular speaker means, our paraphrases can be rather different from the literal meaning of the sentence that was uttered?