广东高考英语听说考试Part A 模仿朗读汇总(2019-2022年)

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广东高考英语听说考试Part A 模仿朗读汇总(2019-2022年)

2022 Test A

Everyone has their own routine and personal habits. Although it is difficult to change them, sometimes it’s a good idea to try something different, like Rodman and Gina. They’re adopting a greener family lifestyle for a TV show called Urban Conversion. Rodman doesn’t care much about the environment. But his wife, Gina, is in favour of a life that is environmentally responsible and closer to nature. Rodman has promised to learn how to live a more eco-friendly life, but he’ll have to step outside his comfort zone to succeed. So what is stopping us from trying new things?

2022 Test B

A week has passed. The elephants are still searching for water. They’ve survived so far by draining the last drops from dried-up water holes. The oldest member of the herd must lead them to water soon. With a mental map formed over decades, she’s brought the family to an ancient seep. It’s a hidden lifeline in times of drought. The elephants can smell the water through the earth, and they know that to get to it, they must dig. For the adults, it’s easy. But fo r calves, it’s more of a challenge. They won’t have tusks to dig with until they’re two years old.

2022 Test C

Dickens was born into a comfortable middle class family and as a child he loved books and reading. But in 1823, his father got into debt. The family were locked up in Marshalsea /'mɑːʃ(ə)lsiː/ prison, and 12-year-old Charles was sent out to work. He found himself in a blacking factory by the river Thames, putting labels on bottles of shoe polish. Dickens never forgot these experiences and through his novels he showed the dark side of 19th century society. He wrote about what he saw: the huge houses of the rich and the terrible conditions that the poor lived in.

2022 Test D

Do you ever wake up and think, is today going to be a good day or a bad day? Well, the ancient Maya believed they could answer that question. The Maya lived here, in parts of Mexico and Central America. They are famous for their complex calendars. In Mayan cities, they closely watched the movement of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. They built their king’s tombs under rays of sunlight. And they waited for the moon to pass here above the palace before they got the crops out of the fields. Their knowledge of the sun and moon helped them make their calendar.

2021 Test A

In recent years, more and more ice has been melting. And for one animal, this is a critical issue. A mother bear and her cub rest on a small piece of sea ice. With the melt, they’re forced to swim greater distances to hunt for seals. Their Arctic home is vulnerable to climate change, and this year there has been even less ice than normal. If future ice melts are as
