



msp430 介绍
MSP430 系列芯片一般外搭两颗晶振:一颗主频晶振,通常在4~16Mhz 中选择;另外一颗时钟晶振,即32.768Khz 晶振,早期选用直插封装的,现在大部分采用贴片封装的产品,其一便于贴装,其二追求产品的稳定性和品

通常MSP430 芯片的主频晶振一般选择4Mhz 的整数倍,即4Mhz、
8Mhz、16Mhz、32Mhz 等。

早期电路设计的时候一般选择成本较低的49S 封装产品,现阶段越来越倾向于稳定性更好、体积更小、便于贴装的贴片3225 封装产品,上海唐辉电子代理的日本KDS 大真空公司推出的DSX321G 和DSX320G\DSX320GE 产品。

1、工业级、消费类产品用DSX321G 8Mhz,如下图:
该型号产品封装为3.2mm*2.5mm,体积不到传统直插型49S 封装的1/5,精度可达到20PPM,工作温度达到-40+85 度C 的工业级,完全能够满足客户的要求。












由BCSCTL1寄存器设置DIV A相应位来决定分频因子。








SMCLK由2个时钟源信号提供,他们分别是XT2CLK 和DCO。













Abstract:Aiming at low accuracy of most of the existing electronic compass,a 3-axis electronic compass measuring system was designed by using giant magneto-resistive(GMR)sensors. In this system,geomagnetic field vector was measured by 3-axis GMR sensors,the pitch and roll angle were measured by accelerometer,the MSP430 microcontroller was used for attitude conversion and heading calculating,and the heading angle data were transmitted from the MCU to the computer through the RS232 interface. Sources causing errors that affecting measurement accuracy of magnetic compass were analyzed,and then related automatic calibration and magnetic field compensation methods were proposed. Three-dimensional rotation calibration was used to get high accuracy under external field interference. The results indicate that,there is an external field or not,the accuracy of a compass can reach 1.5° through calibrated compensation,which demonstrates that the magnetic interference can be effectively compensated. Key words: electronic compass accuracy; giant magneto-resistance(GMR); 3-axis electronic compass; compensation algorithm; measuring system



msp430简介MSP430是德州公司新开发的一类具有16位总线的带FLASH 的单片机,由于其性价比和集成度高,受到广大技术开发人员的青睐.它采用16位的总线,外设和内存统一编址,寻址范围可达64K,还可以外扩展存储器.具有统一的中断管理,具有丰富的片上外围模块,片内有精密硬件乘法器、两个16位定时器、一个14路的12位的模数转换器、一个看门狗、6路P口、两路USART通信端口、一个比较器、一个DCO内部振荡器和两个外部时钟,支持8M 的时钟.由于为FLASH型,则可以在线对单片机进行调试和下载,且JTAG口直接和FET(FLASH EMULATION TOOL)的相连,不须另外的仿真工具,方便实用,而且,可以在超低功耗模式下工作对环境和人体的辐射小,测量结果为100mw左右的功耗(电流为14mA左右),可靠性能好,加强电干扰运行不受影响,适应工业级的运行环境,适合与做手柄之类的自动控制的设备.我们相信MSP430单片机将会在工程技术应用中得以广泛应用,而且,它是通向DSP系列的桥梁,随着自动控制的高速化和低功耗化, MSP430系列将会得到越来越多人的喜爱.一、IO口(一)、P口端口寄存器:1、PxDIR 输入/输出方向寄存器(0:输入模式 1:输出模式)2、PxIN 输入寄存器输入寄存器是只读寄存器,用户不能对其写入,只能通过读取该寄存器的内容知道I/O口的输入信号。

3、PxOUT 输出寄存器寄存器内的内容不会受引脚方向改变的影响。

4、PxIFG 中断标志寄存器(0:没有中断请求 1:有中断请求)该寄存器有8个标志位,对应相应的引脚是否有待处理的中断请求;这8个中断标志共用一个中断向量,中断标志不会自动复位,必须软件复位;外部中断事件的时间必须>=1.5倍的MCLK的时间,以保证中断请求被接受;5、PxIES 中断触发沿选择寄存器(0:上升沿中断 1:下降沿中断)6、PxSEL 功能选择寄存器(0:选择引脚为I/O端口 1:选择引脚为外围模块功能)7、PxREN 上拉/下拉电阻使能寄存器(0:禁止 1:使能)(二)、常用特殊P口:1、P1和P2口可作为外部中断口。



MSP430混合信号微控制器数据手册产品特性●低电压范围:2.5V~5.5V●超低功耗——活动模式:330μA at 1MHz, 3V——待机模式:0.8μA——掉电模式(RAM数据保持):0.1μA●从待机模式唤醒响应时间不超过6μs●16位精简指令系统,指令周期200ns●基本时钟模块配置——多种内部电阻——单个外部电阻——32kHz晶振——高频晶体——谐振器——外部时钟源●带有三个捕获/比较寄存器的16位定时器(Timer_A)●串行在线可编程●采用保险熔丝的程序代码保护措施●该系列产品包括——MSP430C111:2K字节ROM,128字节RAM——MSP430C112:4K字节ROM,256字节RAM——MSP430P112:4K字节OTP,256字节RAM●EPROM原型——PMS430E112:4KB EPROM, 256B RAM●20引脚塑料小外形宽体(SOWB)封装,20引脚陶瓷双列直插式(CDIP)封装(仅EPROM)●如需完整的模块说明,请查阅MSP430x1xx系列用户指南(文献编号:SLAU049产品说明TI公司的MSO43O系列超低功耗微控制器由一些基本功能模块按照不同的应用目标组合而成。









SLAS632 -- DECEMBER 2008
functional block diagram
SLAS632 -- DECEMBER 2008
description (continued)
The MSP430F2618 is a microcontroller configuration with two built-in 16-bit timers, a fast 12-bit A/D converter, a comparator, dual 12-bit D/A converters, four universal serial communication interface (USCI) modules, DMA, and up to 64 I/O pins. Typical applications include sensor systems, industrial control applications, hand-held meters, etc.
Copyright 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated
D Brownout Detector D Bootstrap Loader D Serial Onboard Programming,



关键 词 : 宇监控 ; 线传输 ; P 3 F 6 8 C 2 2 楼 无 MS 4 0 2 1 ; C 5 0 中 图分类 号 :P 7 . T 24 4 文献 标识 码 : B
The W i e e s Bu l i g M o io i g S s e s r l s id n n t rn y tm
Ba e n M S 3 F2 8 a d CC2 2 sd o P4 O 6 n 1 5 0
LI La , U n HE Na, LU i - a M ng y n
( c ol f lc i E g er g U i r t o o t C ia H ny n , u a 2 0 1 C ia S h o o etc ni ei , nv s y f uh hn , eg a g H n n4 10 , hn ) E r n n e i S
is c v r g fsnge p i p t 0 —3 0 m ,h r n f rr t f25 b , ewo k n d s t o e a e o i l ontu o 5 0 t e ta se ae o 0 k ps n t r o e o 5 t e wo kng tme f o l 0 ms,he s ft o 8 i f2 6,he n t r i i o n y 3 t a ey f 1 b t AES, r l s t r 2 wiee s newo k n d sb i o e y usng DSS d lto e hn q e,h a g s o r ta s si n o d S mo u a in t c i u t e l r e t p we r n miso f5 Bm , e r・ c i e s nstv t f 一9 ev e i iyo i 8 dBm : 3 V o rs p l c re t2 ~40 mA ;hen t r a o t 3. p we u p y, u r n 5 t e wo k ly u a d i tlai n a e v r l x b e a d t e s se c n b mb d e n a v rey o q i — n nsa lto r ey fe i l n h y tm a e e e d d i a i t fe u p



目录摘要 (2)绪论 (3)1、电子系统设计任务书 (4)2、总体方案设计 (5)2.1设计要求 (5)2.2选题背景 (5)2.3设计方案选择及论证 (6)2.3.1芯片方案一 (6)2.3.2芯片方案二 (6)2.3.3传感器方案一 (7)2.3.4传感器方案二 (7)3、系统硬件设计 (7)3.1硬件总体框图 (7)3.2主要器件介绍 (8)3.2.1 MSP430F149单片机 (8)3.2.2 AD590传感器 (10)3.3 设计过程论述 (12)3.3.1 设计原理分析 (12)3.3.2 软件程序设计 (14)3.3.3 数据分析计算 (15)3.3.4 硬件调试 (15)3.4 设计结果分析及总结 (16)3.4.1 设计结果分析 (16)3.4.2 设计总结 (16)4、致谢 (17)5、附录 (18)5.1 附录一(PCB图) (18)5.2 附录二(实物图) (19)5.3 附录三(程序) (19)6、参考文献 (21)摘要为了完成课题任务,设计了一种基于低功耗MSP430单片机的数字温度计。









msp430简介MSP430是德州公司新开发的一类具有16位总线的带FLASH 的单片机,由于其性价比和集成度高,受到广大技术开发人员的青睐.它采用16位的总线,外设和内存统一编址,寻址范围可达64K,还可以外扩展存储器.具有统一的中断管理,具有丰富的片上外围模块,片内有精密硬件乘法器、两个16位定时器、一个14路的12位的模数转换器、一个看门狗、6路P口、两路USART通信端口、一个比较器、一个DCO内部振荡器和两个外部时钟,支持8M 的时钟.由于为FLASH型,则可以在线对单片机进行调试和下载,且JTAG口直接和FET(FLASH EMULATION TOOL)的相连,不须另外的仿真工具,方便实用,而且,可以在超低功耗模式下工作对环境和人体的辐射小,测量结果为100mw左右的功耗(电流为14mA左右),可靠性能好,加强电干扰运行不受影响,适应工业级的运行环境,适合与做手柄之类的自动控制的设备.我们相信MSP430单片机将会在工程技术应用中得以广泛应用,而且,它是通向DSP系列的桥梁,随着自动控制的高速化和低功耗化, MSP430系列将会得到越来越多人的喜爱.一、IO口(一)、P口端口寄存器:1、PxDIR 输入/输出方向寄存器(0:输入模式 1:输出模式)2、PxIN 输入寄存器输入寄存器是只读寄存器,用户不能对其写入,只能通过读取该寄存器的内容知道I/O口的输入信号。

3、PxOUT 输出寄存器寄存器内的内容不会受引脚方向改变的影响。

4、PxIFG 中断标志寄存器(0:没有中断请求 1:有中断请求)该寄存器有8个标志位,对应相应的引脚是否有待处理的中断请求;这8个中断标志共用一个中断向量,中断标志不会自动复位,必须软件复位;外部中断事件的时间必须>=1.5倍的MCLK的时间,以保证中断请求被接受;5、PxIES 中断触发沿选择寄存器(0:上升沿中断 1:下降沿中断)6、PxSEL 功能选择寄存器(0:选择引脚为I/O端口 1:选择引脚为外围模块功能)7、PxREN 上拉/下拉电阻使能寄存器(0:禁止 1:使能)(二)、常用特殊P口:1、P1和P2口可作为外部中断口。



第 2 章MSP430 单片机原理与 C 语言基础MSP430系列超低功耗单片机有200多种型号,TI公司用3~ 4位数字表示其型号。



最后1~2 位数字表示存储容量,数字越大表示RAM 和ROM 容量越大。

430 家族中还有针对热门应用而设计的一系列专用单片机。

如SP430FW4xx 系列水表专用单片机、MSP430FG4xx 系列医疗仪器专用单片机、MSP430FE4xx 系列电能计量专用单片机等。




单片机选型基本方法是选择功能模块最接近项目需求的系列,然后根据程序复杂程度估算存储器和RAM 空间,并留有适当的余量,最终决定选用的单片机型号。


2.1 MSP430F249单片机基本结构与原理2.1.1MSP430F249的主要结构特点供电电压范围1.8V~3.6V 。




时钟频率达到16MHz ;具有内部振荡器;可外接32kHz 低频晶振;外接时钟输入。



16 位定时器B,7 个捕获/比较寄存器。








注意的是:在焊接的时候先不要焊接电容C_RST. 还有就是复位电阻和电容匹配的问题。


分别外接MSP的P5.4,5.5,5.6 五.按键中断



二. 与TI开发板不同之处:“
1. 按键:
TI 共有7个按键:joystick-up ,down,left,right,push;和b1,b2 Up:p4.5 down:p4.4 left:p4.6 right:p4.7 push:p6.7 B1:p2.4 b2:p2.5
我的btton p4.1。


微控网为你准备的 MSP430F 单片机入门必修课
MSP430F1XX 系列时钟模块图 时基模块结构如上图:
MSP430 系列单片机基础时钟主要是由低频晶体振荡器,高频晶体振荡器,数字控制 振荡器(DCO),锁频环(FLL)及 FLL+等模块构成。由于 430 系列单片机中的型号不同, 而时钟模块也将有所不同。虽然不同型号的单片机的时基模块有所不同,但这些模块产 生出来的结果是相同的.在 MSP430F13、14 中是有 TX2 振荡器的,而 MSP430F11X,F11X1 中是用 LFXT1CLK 来代替 XT2CLK 时钟信号的.在时钟模块中有 3 个(对于 F13,F14)时钟 信号源(或 2 个时钟信号源,对于 F11X、F11X1):
BCSCTL1 基本时钟系统控制寄存器 1
3 XT5V
Rsel.2 Resl.1 Resl.0
XT2OFF 控制 XT2 振荡器的开启与关闭。 TX2OFF=0,XT2 振荡器开启。 TX2OFF=1,TX2 振荡器关闭(默认为 TX2 关闭)
句:_BIS_SR(LMP3_bits)和_BIC_SR(LPM3 bits) LPM3 和 LPM3_EXIT
它们的定义是一样的。这里说明在 C 语言环境中有些定义的函数是不可见的。但你可以 从 in430.h 文件看到它们的定义。



目录1 引言 (1)1.1 直流电机调速技术的发展 (1)1.2 PWM调速技术 (1)1.3 双闭环控制系统简介 (2)1.4 论文研究的内容及章节安排 (2)2 MSP430系列单片机概述与直流电动机调速方式简介 (3)2.1 MSP430系列单片机简介 (3)2.2 MSP430的原理及性能特点 (3)2.3 直流电机的主要结构 (4)2.4 直流电动机的调速方式 (5)3 直流电机双闭环调速控制系统设计 (7)3.1 系统组成原理图 (7)3.2 外围电路介绍 (8)3.3 转速、电流双闭环直流调速系统 (11)3.3.1 电流、转速双闭环控制器设计 (12)3.3.2 调速系统控制单元的确定和调整 (13)4 系统软件设计 (15)4.1 数字PI调节器的设计 (15)4.1.1 数字PI调节器的控制算法 (15)4.1.2 数字PI调节器的控制程序 (16)4.2 A/D转换控制程序的设计 (18)4.2.1 ADC12转换器的性能及特点 (18)4.2.2 ADC12转换器的控制程序 (19)5 总结 (23)谢辞 (25)参考文献 (25)基于MSP430的直流电机PWM调速双闭环控制系统设计摘要直流电机传统的调速方法调节精度低、能源利用率低、调速不稳定、可控性较差;而脉宽调制(PWM)直流调速技术,具有调速精度高、响应速度快、调速范围宽和损耗低等特点,不仅实现了对电机速度的实时调节,而且还体现了节约能源,经济实用的特点。







超低功耗微控制器MSP430F40xi n de s i g n x31xLCD92x32xLCD84ADC14x33xLCD120Timer_A USART MPY8-bit T/Cx11x1Comp_AX12x USARTi n de s i g n F13xTimer_B ADC12USART Comp_AF14xTimer_B ADC122 USART MPY Comp_ANewNewF41xi n de s i g n F42xi n de s i g n F44xi n de s i g nUltra -low power design withM S P430August 00 / 11FLASH 型的时钟系统(F13x,F14x)2 个晶振, 1 个DCO, 适应不同频率需要采样/转换控制可编程参考源选择片内温度传感器Ultra -low power design withM S P430August 00 / 34F11x 应用实例)Floating Point Package)Starter Kit MSP-STK430X320TI 软件包仿真器评估板TI 软件库C-编译器编程器)TI Programming AdapterAugust 00 / 37New电源的高效率y电池缩减/ 电池寿命延长y电源电路简化/ 可远程供电硬件简化y外部元件极少y集成实时钟y集成LCD 驱动电路y集成ADC加速产品开发y用Flash 或OTP 型可快速制作样机y用Flash 型可作现场更新y容易学习和设计程序y代码效率高廉价的微控制器MSP430和开发工具FET/sc/docs/products/micro/msp430E-mail: lierda@ (wzptt)/sc/docs/products/micro/msp430E-mail: lierda@ (wzptt)。

msp430 百科介绍

msp430 百科介绍

MSP430MSP430系列单片机是美国德州仪器(TI)1996年开始推向市场的一种16位超低功耗的混合信号处理器(Mixed Signal Processor)。


1、MSP430 单片机的发展MSP430 系列是一个16 位的、具有精简指令集的、超低功耗的混合型单片机,在1996 年问世,由于它具有极低的功耗、丰富的片内外设和方便灵活的开发手段,已成为众多单片机系列中一颗耀眼的新星。

回忆MSP430 系列单片机的发展过程,可以看出有这样三个阶段:开始阶段从1996 年推出MSP430 系列开始到2000 年初,这个阶段首先推出有33X 、32X 、31X 等几个系列,而后于2000 年初又推出了11X 、11X1 系列。

MSP430 的33X 、32X 、31X 等系列具有LCD 驱动模块,对提高系统的集成度较有利。

每一系列有ROM 型( C )、OTP 型(P)、和EPROM 型( E )等芯片。

EPROM 型的价格昂贵,运行环境温度范围窄,主要用于样机开发。

这也表明了这几个系列的开发模式,即:用户可以用EPROM 型开发样机;用OTP型进行小批量生产;而ROM 型适应大批量生产的产品。

2000 年推出了11X/11X1 系列。

这个系列采用20 脚封装,内存容量、片上功能和I/O 引脚数比较少,但是价格比较低廉。

这个时期的MSP430 已经显露出了它的特低功耗等的一系列技术特点,但也有不尽如人意之处。

它的许多重要特性,如:片内串行通信接口、硬件乘法器、足够的I/O 引脚等,只有33X 系列才具备。

33X 系列价格较高,比较适合于较为复杂的应用系统。

当用户设计需要更多考虑成本时,33X 并不一定是最适合的。

而片内高精度A/D 转换器又只有32X 系列才有。

寻找突破,引入Flash技术随着Flash 技术的迅速发展,TI 公司也将这一技术引入MSP430 系列中。



Part Number价格(美元)ADS1115IDGST 2.55 ADS1130IPW 2.55 ADS1146IPW 3.25 ADS1148IPW 4.75 ADS1174IPAPT 6.9 ADS1246IPW 4.15 ADS1248IPW 5.95 ADS1271IPW7.6 ADS1274IPAPT15.45 ADS7818P 2.5 ADS7863IDBQ 5.8 ADS7882IPFBT 2.9 ADS7883SBDBVT 2.5 ADS7950SDBT 2.8 ADS803E11.25 ADS805E11.9 ADS807E13.3 ADS828E12.9 ADS8317IDGKT 5.75 ADS8318IDGST8.05 ADS8319IDGST 6.9 ADS831E 4.75 ADS8326IDGKT 5.75 ADS8331IBPW7.3 ADS8361IDBQ10.5 ADS8504IBDW12.5 ADS8505IDW14.95 ADS8508IBDW11.95 ADS8509IDW11.95 BUF634P 3.5 BUF634U 4.2 CDCE62002RHBT7.6 CDCE925PW 2.35 CDCM61002RHBT 5.75 CDCM7005RGZT11 CSD17307Q5A0.406 CSD17312Q5 1.3 CSD25302Q20.207 DAC5662IPFB12.75 DAC5672IPFB15.7 DAC7611P 4.05 DAC7612U 3.75 DAC7811IDGS 3.1 DAC7821IPW 3.15 DAC7822IRTAT 4.4 DAC8552IDGKT 3.7 DAC8801IDGKT 5.3 DAC8802IPW7.35 DAC8805QDBT7.35 DAC8806IDB 6.6 DAC8811IBDGKT8.25 DAC8812IBPW10.1 DAC8820IBDB10.2 DAC8822QBDBT10.4 DAC902E8.1DAC904E10 DRV592VFP 2.25 DRV593VFP12.3 DRV8332DKD 5.65 DRV8801PWP 1.5 DRV8811PWP 2.2 DRV8812PWP 1.95 DRV8828PWP 1.95 INA118P 4.8 INA122PA 2.45 INA128PA 3.05 INA133UA 1.4 INA134PA 1.05 INA143UA 1.3 INA2133UA 1.8 INA2134PA 1.7 INA2143UA 1.7 INA271AID0.48 INA282AID 1.4 INA333AIDGKT 2.1 IVC102U 5.45 LM3S8962-IQC50-A2 6.45 LM3S9B92-IQC80-C57.95 LOG112AID9.5 LOG114AIRGVT 5.2 LP2951D0.333 MC33063AP0.252 MSP430F249TPM 4.35 MSP430F2618TPM 6.35 MSP430F449IPZ 5.15 MSP430F5438AIPZ 4.85 MSP430FG4618IPZ8.35 OPA134PA 1.1 OPA140AID 1.9 OPA1611AID 2.1 OPA1612AID 3.3 OPA1632D 2.1 OPA209AID 1.15 OPA2134PA 1.25 OPA2209AID2 OPA2227PA 1.85 OPA2228PA 1.85 OPA2234UA 2.25 OPA2251PA 1.95 OPA227PA 1.1 OPA228PA 1.1 OPA2330AID0.8 OPA234UA 1.25 OPA2365AID 1.15 OPA251PA 1.15 OPA2684ID 2.45 OPA2691ID 2.75 OPA2695ID 2.6 OPA2727AID 1.2 OPA2830ID0.95 OPA2889ID 1.45OPA2890ID 1.45 OPA300AID0.9 OPA330AID0.55 OPA355UA0.85 OPA365AID0.8 OPA453TA 2.55 OPA454AIDDA 3.3 OPA4872ID 2.6 OPA548FKTWT 6.9 OPA549T12 OPA561PWP 3.35 OPA564AIDWP 3.3 OPA567AIRHGT 2.65 OPA569AIDWP 4.7 OPA615ID 6.05 OPA656U 4.3 OPA684ID 1.6 OPA690ID 1.6 OPA691ID 1.75 OPA692ID 1.4 OPA692ID 1.4 OPA694ID 1.5 OPA695ID 1.6 OPA735AID 1.5 OPA820ID 1.1 OPA830ID0.6 OPA842ID 1.8 OPA843ID 1.85 OPA847ID 2.4 OPA860ID 2.9 OPA890ID0.9 PCM1753DBQ 1.25 PCM1803ADB 1.35 PCM1804DB 4.75 PGA112AIDGST 1.15 PGA113AIDGST 1.15 PGA202KP7.75 PGA203KP7.75 PGA280AIPW 3.5 RCV420JP 3.55 REF200AU 3.1 SN10501D0.85 SN10502D 1.45 SN65HVD1050D0.55 THS3001HVIDGN 6.6 THS3001ID 4.05 THS3091DDA 3.4 THS3092DDA 6.1 THS3201D 2.55 THS4012ID 3.65 THS4031ID 2.25 THS4032ID4 THS4032ID4 THS4151ID 6.1 THS4271D 2.7 THS4501ID 4.45THS4503ID 4.85 THS4521ID 1.35 THS4631D 4.3 TL1963ADCQT 1.35 TL2575HV-ADJIKV 1.15 TLC04ID 1.4 TLC372IP0.389 TLV3501AID 1.2 TLV5638ID6 TMP275AID 1.5 TMS320F2808PZA11.6 TMS320F2812PGFA15.75 TMS320F28335PGFA15.65 TPS28225D0.75 TPS2828DBVT0.7 TPS2829DBVT0.7 TPS40200D0.9 TPS40210DGQ 1.2 TPS40211DGQ 1.2 TPS54160DGQ 2.3 TPS5430DDA 2.25 TPS54331D 1.65 TPS5450DDA 2.7 TPS60400DBVT0.38 TPS61029DRCT 1.3 TPS61085PW 1.15 TPS61087DRCT 1.85 TPS61175PWP 2.2 TPS61200DRCT 1.3 TPS62040DGQ 1.7 TPS62110RSAT 1.55 TPS63000DRCT 1.75 TPS63700DRCT 1.9 TPS70302PWP 2.8 TPS74901KTWT2 TPS75901KTTT 3.7 TPS78001DDCT0.397 TPS78601KTTT 1.8 UAF42AP7.55 UC3846N 1.9 UC3854AN 1.65 UCC25600D0.85 UCC27200D 1.6 UCC27201D 1.6 UCC27321P 1.3 UCC27322P 1.3 UCC27323P0.95 UCC27324P0.95 UCC27325P0.95 UCC28019AP0.9 UCC28060D 1.45 UCC28220D 2.4 UCC28600D0.48 UCC3808N-1 1.2 UCC3808N-2 1.2 UCC384DP-ADJ 2.35UCC38C43P0.85 UCD7100PWP 1.2 UCD7201PWP 1.75 VCA810ID7.4 VCA820ID 3.4 VCA821ID 3.4 VCA822ID 3.4 VCA824ID 3.4 VFC32KP 4.8 XTR105PA 4.6 XTR106PA4 XTR111AIDGQT0.75 XTR115UA 1.5 XTR116UA 1.25 XTR300AIRGWT 2.2Simple Description具有集成 MUX、PGA、比较器、振荡器和参考的 16 位 ADC用于桥传感器的 18 位模数转换器用于温度传感器的 16 位模数转换器用于温度传感器的 16 位模数转换器四路 16 位同步采样模数转换器低噪音、精密 24 位模数转换器具有集成低噪声 PGA(增益为 128 时偏移仅为 48nV)的精密 24 位 ADC24 位 105kSPS 工业 Δ-Σ ADC四路、128kHz、24 位同步采样 Σ-Δ ADC12 位高速低功耗采样模数转换器双路、2MSPS、12 位、3+3 或 2+2 通道、同步采样模数 SAR 转换器具有 Ref 引脚的 2.7V-5.25V 数字、5V 模拟 12 位 3MSP 并行 ADC2.7V-5.5V 12 位 3MSPS 串行 ADC12 位、1MSPS、4 通道、单端、微功耗、串行接口、SAR ADC12 位 5MSPS ADC,具有内部/外部基准、2 至 5Vpp 之间的灵活 I/P、超出范围指示信号和引脚兼容12 位 20 MSPS ADC,具有内部/外部参考、2 至 5Vpp 之间的灵活 I/P、超出范围指示信号和引脚兼容12 位 53MSPS ADC,具有单端/差动输入、2 到 3Vpp 范围、内部/外部参考和超出范围指示10 位 75MSPS ADC,具有单端/差动输入、内部/外部参考、可可编程 i/p 范围和断电功能,并与 ADS822/3/5/6 兼容16 位、准双极、全差动输入、250kSPS 串行输出、2.7V 到 5.5V 微功耗采样 ADC16 位单极差动输入 500kSPS 串行输出的 4.5V 至 5.5V 微功耗采样 ADC采用 MSOP-10 封装的16 位精密 SAR8 位 80MSPS ADC,具有单端/差动输入、内部基准和可编程输入范围16 位伪差动输入 250kSPS 串行输出的 2.7V 至 5.5V 微功耗采样 ADC2.7V-5.5V 16 位 500KSPS 低功耗串行 ADC4 通道串行输出 16 位 500kSPS 2 ADC具有并行接口的 12 位 250kHz CMOS 模数转换器,2.5V 内部参考16 位 250kHz CMOS 模数转换器,具有串行接口和 2.5V 内部参考具有串行接口的 12 位 250kHz CMOS 模数转换器,2.5V 内部参考16 位 250kHz CMOS 模数转换器,具有串行接口和 2.5V 内部参考250mA 高速缓冲器250mA 高速缓冲器具有集成双路 VCO 的 4 路输出时钟发生器/抖动消除器具有 2.5V 或 3.3V LVCMOS 输出的可编程 2-PLL VCXO 时钟合成器1:2 超低抖动晶体时钟发生器高性能、低相位噪声、低偏移的时钟同步器(使参考时钟与 VCXO 同步)30V N 通道 NexFET™ 功率 MOSFET30V N 通道 NexFET™ 功率 MOSFETP 通道 NexFET™ 功率 MOSFET12 位 200MSPS 双 DAC数模转换器12 位串行输入数模转换器双路 12 位串行输入数模转换器12 位串行输入乘法数模转换器12 位串行输入乘法 DAC双路 12 位串行输入乘法 DACDAC8552:16 位双路电压输出数模转换器14 位单通道串行接口乘法数模转换器14 位双通道串行接口乘法数模转换器Dual, Parallel Input, 14-Bit, Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter14 位单通道并行接口乘法数模转换器16 位串行输入乘法数模转换器16 位、双串行输入乘法数模转换器16 位并行输入乘法 DACDual, Parallel Input, 16-Bit, Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter12 位 165MSPS SpeedPlus(TM) DAC,可伸缩电流输出在 2mA 与 20mA 之间可伸缩电流输出在 2mA 与 20mA 之间的 14 位 165MSPS SpeedPlus(TM) DAC高效 H 桥(需要外部 PWM)+/-3A 高效 PWM 功率驱动器三相 PWM 电机驱动器全桥电机驱动器步进电机控制器 IC双路桥接电机控制器 ICH 桥接电机控制器 IC精密低功耗仪表放大器单电源微功耗仪表放大器精密低功耗仪器放大器高速精密差动放大器音频差动线路接收器,0dB (G=1)高速精密 G = 10 或 G = 0.1 差动放大器高速精密差动放大器音频差动线路接收器,0dB (G=1)高速精密 G = 10 或 G = 0.1 差动放大器Voltage Output High-Side Measurement Current-Shunt Monitor宽共模范围、双向、高准确度电流并联监控器低功耗精密仪表放大器精密交换式集成器互阻抗放大器Stellaris 微处理器Stellaris 微处理器片上电压参考为 2.5V 的精密对数和对数比放大器具有 2.5V 参考和非约束输出运算放大器的精密高速对数放大器单路输出 LDO、100mA、固定电压 (3.3V) 宽输入电压范围1.5A 峰值升压/降压/反向开关稳压器16 位超低功耗微控制器,具有 60KB 闪存、2KB RAM、12 位 ADC、2 个 USCI 和 HW 乘法器16 位超低功耗 MCU,具有 116KB 闪存、8KB RAM、12 位 ADC、双路 DAC、2 个 USCI、HW 乘法器和 DMA 具有 60kB 闪存、2048B RAM、12 位 ADC、2 个 USART、HW 乘法器和 160 段 LCD 的 16 位超低功耗微处理器16 位超低功耗微控制器,256KB 闪存、16KB RAM、12 位 ADC、4 个 USCI、32 位 HW 乘法器16 位超低功耗 MCU,116KB 闪存、8KB RAM、12 位 ADC、双 DAC、DMA、3 个 OPAMP 和 160 段 LCD SoundPlus(TM) 高性能音频运算放大器11MHz 单电源、低噪声、精密轨至轨输出 JFET 放大器1.1nV/√Hz 噪声、低功耗精密运算放大器1.1nV/√Hz 噪声、低功耗精密运算放大器全差动 I/O 音频放大器2.2nV/rtHz、18MHz、36V RRO 精密运算放大器SoundPlus(TM) 高性能音频运算放大器2.2nV/rtHz、18MHz、36V RRO 精密运算放大器高精度、低噪声运算放大器高精度低噪声运算放大器低功耗、精密单电源运算放大器单电源、微功耗运算放大器高精度、低噪声运算放大器高精度低噪声运算放大器1.8V、35µA、微功耗、精密、零漂移 CMOS 运算放大器低功耗、精密单电源运算放大器2.2V、50MHz 低噪声单电源轨至轨运算放大器单电源、微功耗运算放大器双路低功耗电流反馈运算放大器具有禁用功能的双路宽带电流反馈运算放大器具有禁用功能的超宽带电流反馈运算放大器电子微调 20MHz 高精度 CMOS 运算放大器二路、低功耗、单电源宽带运算放大器Low Power, Wideband, Voltage Feedback OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER with Disable具有禁用功能的双路低功耗宽带电压反馈运算放大器高速低噪声单电源 CMOS 运算放大器1.8V、35µA、微功耗、精密、零漂移 CMOS 运算放大器具有关断状态的 2.5V 200MHz 的 GBW CMOS 单路运算放大器2.2V、50MHz 低噪声单电源轨至轨运算放大器80V 50mA 运算放大器高电压 (100V) 和高电流 (50mA) 运算放大器,G = 1 稳定4:1 高速多路复用器高电压大电流运算放大器,出色的输出摆幅高电压大电流运算放大器,出色的输出摆幅大电流运算放大器2A, 24V, 4MHz Power Operational Amplifier轨至轨 I/O 2A 功率放大器2A 输出电流时输出信号摆幅在 200mV 轨之内的功率运算放大器宽带 DC 恢复电路宽带单位增益稳定 FET 输入运算放大器具有禁用功能的低功耗电流反馈运算放大器具有禁用功能的宽带电压反馈运算放大器具有禁用功能的宽带电流反馈运算放大器具有禁用功能的宽带固定增益缓冲放大器具有禁用功能的宽带固定增益缓冲放大器宽带、低功耗、电流反馈放大器具有禁用功能的超宽带电流反馈运算放大器最大漂移 0.05uV/℃单电源 CMOS 零漂移系列运算放大器单位增益稳定低噪声电压反馈运算放大器OPA830:低功耗单电源运算放大器宽带低失真单位增益稳定的电压反馈运算放大器宽带低失真中等增益的电压反馈运算放大器具有关断状态的宽带超低噪声电压反馈运算放大器宽带运算跨导放大器和缓冲器Low-Power, Wideband, Voltage Feedback Operational Amplifier with Disable 106dB SNR 立体声 DAC(软件控制)具有单端输入的 103dB SNR 立体声 ADC具有差动输入的 112dB SNR 立体声 ADC具有 MUX 的零漂移、可编程增益放大器具有 MUX 的零漂移、可编程增益放大器数字控制的可编程增益仪器放大器数字控制的可编程增益仪器放大器零漂移、HV 可编程增益放大器4mA 至 20mA 精密电流环路接收器双路电流源/电流吸入器低失真高速轨至轨输出运算放大器低失真高速轨至轨输出运算放大器高速 EMC 优化 CAN 收发器420MHz 电流反馈放大器420MHz 电流反馈放大器单路高压低失真电流反馈运算放大器双路高压低失真电流反馈运算放大器1.8GHz 电流反馈放大器290MHz 双路低失真电压反馈放大器100MHz 低噪声电压反馈放大器双路 100MHz 低噪声电压反馈放大器双路 100MHz 低噪声电压反馈放大器全差动输入/输出高转换率放大器超快超低失真高速放大器高速全差动放大器,+/-5V高速全差动放大器极低功耗轨至轨输出全差动放大器高速 FET 输入运算放大器单路输出 LDO、1.5A、可调节(1.21V 至 20V)、快速瞬态响应具有输出使能端的 1A 简易步降电压可调节开关稳压器巴特沃思带开关电容器滤波器双路通用 LinCMOS(TM) 差动比较器采用 Microsize 封装的 4.5ns 轨至轨高速比较器12 位、1 或 3.5us DAC,具有串行输入、双路 DAC、可编程内部参考和稳定时间、功耗0.5C 数字输出温度传感器具有闪存的 32 位数字信号控制器具有闪存的 32 位数字信号控制器Delfino 微处理器8 引脚高频 4A 吸入电流同步 MOSFET 驱动器反向高速 MOSFET 驱动器同向高速 MOSFET 驱动器宽输入非同步降压 DC/DC 控制器宽输入范围电流模式升压控制器宽输入范围电流模式升压控制器具有 Eco-Mode™ 的 3.5V 至 60V、1.5A 降压 SWIFT™ 转换器5.5V 至 36V 输入,3A 降压转换器具有 Eco-Mode™ 的 3A 28V 570kHz 降压 SWIFT™ DC/DC 转换器5.5V 至 36V、5A、500kHz 降压 SWIFT™ 转换器具有可变切换频率的 60mA 充电泵电压反向器采用 QFN-10 封装的可调节、1.8A 开关、96% 高效升压转换器,具有降压模式具有强制 PWM 模式的 18.5V、2A、650kHz/1.2MHz 升压 DC-DC 转换器具有强制 PWM 模式的 18.5V、3.2A、650kHz/1.2MHz 升压 DC-DC 转换器具有软启动和可编程开关频率的 3A 高压升压转换器采用 3x3 QFN 封装、具有 1.3A 开关和“降压模式”的 0.3V 输入电压升压转换器可调节 1.2A 95% 效率步降转换器,静态电流 18uA,采用 MSOP-10 封装采用 QFN-16 封装的可调节 1.5A、17V 输入电压步降转换器采用 3x3 QFN 封装,具有 1.8A 电流开关的 96% 升压降压转换器采用 3x3 QFN 封装的可调节 -15V 输出反向 DC/DC 转换器具有上电顺序的 1A/2A 双输出 LDO 稳压器用于分压,可调节输出 1.22V - 5.5V单路输出 LDO、3.0A、可调节(0.8 至 3.6V)可编程软启动单输出 LDO、7.5A、可调节电压(1.22 至 5.0V)、快速瞬态响应、低静态电流单路输出 LDO、150mA、可调节(1.22V 至 5.25V)、500nA 静态电流单输出 LDO、1.5A、可调节电压(1.2 至 5.5V)、低噪声、高 PSRR通用有源滤波器电流模式 PWM 控制器增强型高功率因数前置稳压器8 引脚高性能谐振模式控制器120-V Boot, 3-A Peak, High Frequency, High-Side/Low-Side Driver120-V Boot, 3-A Peak, High Frequency, High-Side/Low-Side Driver具有使能端的单 9A 高速低侧 MOSFET 驱动器具有使能端的单路 9A 高速低侧 MOSFET 驱动器双 4A 峰值高速低侧电源 MOSFET 驱动器双 4A 峰值高速低侧电源 MOSFET 驱动器双 4A 峰值高速低侧电源 MOSFET 驱动器8 引脚持续传导模式 (CCM) PFC 控制器双相自然交错转换模式 PFC 控制器具有可编程最大占空比的双路交错 PWM 控制器UCC28600 准谐振反向控制器低功耗电流模式推拉 PWM低功耗电流模式推拉 PWM单输出 LDO、500mA、可调节电压(15 至 1.25V)、低静态电流、宽输入电压范围BiCMOS 低功耗电流模式 PWM 控制器具有电流感应的数字控制兼容单输出低侧 +/- 4A MOSFET 驱动器具有单个公共电流感应的数字控制兼容双低侧 +/- 4A MOSFET 驱动器高增益可调节范围宽带压控放大器具有 dB 线性可变增益控制放大器的 150MHz BW宽带、大于 40dB 调节范围、dB 线性可变增益放大器宽带、大于 40dB 增益调节范围、V/V 线性可变增益放大器宽带 420MHz 大于 40dB 增益调节范围、V/V 线性可变增益放大器压频转换器和频压转换器具有传感器激励和线性化的 4-20mA 电流发送器具有电桥激励和线性化的 4-20mA 电流发送器Precision Voltage-to-Current Converter/Transmitter4-20mA 电流环路发送器4-20mA 电流环路发送器工业级模拟电流/电压输出驱动器重点推荐PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P PP P P P P P PP PP P PP P P PP P P P P P P P P PP P P P P PP P P PP P PP P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PPP P PPP。


MSP430 任何系列的仿真器只要接口方式一致都是兼容的,比如 FG461X,可以使用标准的带 TEST 的四 线 JTAG,而 F22X4 也可以使用带 TEST 的四线 JTAG,当然 F22X4 还可以选择使用 SBWJTAG,它支持两种 JTAG 接口。如果不是 TI 标准的 430 系列用 JTAG 仿真器那就不行了,应该是不兼容的,不是什么“很多仿真 器和编程器都不支持”,而是专用。
MSP430 相关 Q&A
Question & answer
版本号:V1.0 提交人:MSP430 项目组 整理时间:2009 年 02 月
Q12 : 装了 MSP-FET430UIF 仿真 器 , 但 是 在 AQ430 的 Options 中, 无 法 找 到 该 仿 真 器 , 正 常 应 该 有 LPT1/LPT2/LPT3/TIUSB 四个选项,为什么看不到 TIUSB? A12:先看看硬件管理器中有没有那个硬件,有则先用 IAR 试试.
公司地址:杭州市登云路 425 号杭州利尔达科技大厦 Tel:0571-88800000 Fax:0571-89908519
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Q1:我自己做了一块 MSP430F149 的试验板,以前用下载线进行调试没有出现过问题,但是,最近我每次 make 后用下载线调试时,总是弹出一个窗口,给我提示:Could not find target status. 然后就死到那儿了,请问这是 什么问题呢? A1:检查 Jtag 口线是否连接正常,如果 JTAG 口线连接正常,可能是供电不足,目标板加电再测试。



什么是MSP430?德州仪器(TI) 的超低功率16 位RISC 混合信号处理器的MSP430 产品系列为电池供电测量应用提供了最终解决方案。

作为混合信号和数字技术的领导者,TI 创新生产的MSP430,使系统设计人员能够在保持独一无二的低功率的同时同步连接至模拟信号、传感器和数字组件。


MSP430 主要特性和产品系列可被纳入世界上功耗最低的微处理器系列。

MSP430 可提供200 多种超低功耗微处理器器件。

每个器件都具有灵活的时钟系统,启用了多达7 种低功率模式(LPM),可提高优化性能。

如果配以低于1us 的即时唤醒时间以及各种中断源,MSP430 可确保您的应用仅使用手动执行任务时所需的相应时钟和外设。

主要的超低功耗度量标准:∙各种低功耗工作模式o超低功耗工作模式:最低120 µA/MHz @ 2.2Vo待机模式,具有自我唤醒功能、RAM 保持模式(LPM3):最低0.7µA @ 2.2Vo待机模式,具有自我唤醒功能(LPM4):最低低于100nA @ 2.2Vo停机模式,具有RAM 保持模式(LPM3.5):最低低于100nA @ 2.2V∙低功率模式下低于1us 的即时唤醒时间∙始终接通的零功耗掉电复位∙了解更多有关MSP430 在超低功耗方面的领导地位信息高性能16 位架构。

采用冯诺依曼架构,通过通用存储器地址总线(MAB) 和存储器数据总线(MDB) 将16 位RISC CPU、多种外设和灵活的时钟系统进行完美结合。

MSP430 通过将先进的CPU 与模块化内存映像模数外设相结合,为当今和未来的混合信号应用提供了解决方案。

返回页首MSP430 架构一应俱全的系列。

MSP430 平台内包括五代超低功耗、高度集成的微处理器产品,涵盖了200 多款器件。


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Than 1μsD 16-Bit RISC Architecture,62.5-nsInstruction Cycle Time D Three-Channel Internal DMAD 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D)Converter With Internal Reference,Sample-and-Hold,and Autoscan FeatureD Dual 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog (D/A)Converters With Synchronization D 16-Bit Timer_A With Three Capture/Compare Registers D 16-Bit Timer_B With SevenCapture/Compare-With-Shadow Registers D On-Chip ComparatorDFour Universal Serial Communication Interfaces (USCIs)--USCI_A0and USCI_A1--Enhanced UART Supporting Auto-Baudrate Detection --IrDA Encoder and Decoder --Synchronous SPI --USCI_B0and USCI_B1--I 2C t --Synchronous SPINo External Programming Voltage Needed Programmable Code Protection by Security FuseDFamily Members Include:--MSP430F2416:92KB+256B Flash Memory,4KB RAM --MSP430F2417:92KB+256B Flash Memory,8KB RAM --MSP430F2418:116KB+256B Flash Memory,8KB RAM --MSP430F2419:120KB+256B Flash Memory,4KB RAM --MSP430F2616:92KB+256B Flash Memory,4KB RAM --MSP430F2617:92KB+256B Flash Memory,8KB RAM --MSP430F2618:116KB+256B Flash Memory,8KB RAM --MSP430F2619:120KB+256B Flash Memory,4KB RAM D Available in 80-Pin Quad Flat Pack (QFP)and 64-Pin QFP (See Available Options)DFor Complete Module Descriptions,See the MSP430x2xx Family User’s Guide ,Literature Number SLAU144†The MSP430F241x devices are identical to the MSP430F261x devices,with the exception that the DAC12modules and the DMA controller are not implemented.descriptionThe Texas Instruments MSP430family of ultralow-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications.The architecture,combined with five low-power modes is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications.The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU,16-bit registers,and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency.The calibrated digitally controlled oscillator (DCO)allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1μs.The MSP430F261x/241x series are microcontroller configurations with two built-in 16-bit timers,a fast 12-bit A/D converter,a comparator,dual 12-bit D/A converters,four universal serial communication interface (USCI)modules,DMA,and up to 64I/O pins.The MSP430F241x devices are identical to the MSP430F261x devices,with the exception that the DAC12and the DMA modules are not implemented.Typical applications include sensor systems,industrial control applications,hand-held meters,etc.Copyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.I C is a registered trademark of Philips Incorporated.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty.Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.AVAILABLE OPTIONSPACKAGED DEVICEST APLASTIC80-PIN LQFP(PN)PLASTIC64-PIN LQFP(PM)--40°C to105°C MSP430F2416TPNMSP430F2417TPNMSP430F2418TPNMSP430F2419TPNMSP430F2616TPNMSP430F2617TPNMSP430F2618TPNMSP430F2619TPNMSP430F2416TPMMSP430F2417TPMMSP430F2418TPMMSP430F2419TPMMSP430F2616TPMMSP430F2617TPMMSP430F2618TPMMSP430F2619TPMpin designation,MSP430F241x,80-pin packagepin designation,MSP430F241x,64-pin packagepin designation,MSP430F261x,80-pin packagepin designation,MSP430F261x,64-pin packagefunctional block diagram,MSP430F241x,80-pin packagefunctional block diagram,MSP430F241x,64-pin packagefunctional block diagram,MSP430F261x,80-pin packagefunctional block diagram,MSP430F261x,64-pin packageTerminal FunctionsTERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 80PINI/O DESCRIPTIONAV CC6480Analog supply voltage,positive terminal.Supplies only the analog portion of ADC12and DAC12. AV SS6278Analog supply voltage,negative terminal.Supplies only the analog portion of ADC12and DAC12. DV CC111Digital supply voltage,positive terminal.Supplies all digital parts.DV SS16379Digital supply voltage,negative terminal.Supplies all digital parts.DV CC252Digital supply voltage,positive terminal.Supplies all digital parts.DV SS253Digital supply voltage,negative terminal.Supplies all digital parts.P1.0/TACLK/CAOUT1212I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,clock signal TACLK input/Comparator_A outputP1.1/TA01313I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,capture:CCI0A input,compare:Out0output/BSL transmit P1.2/TA11414I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,capture:CCI1A input,compare:Out1outputP1.3/TA21515I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,capture:CCI2A input,compare:Out2outputP1.4/SMCLK1616I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/SMCLK signal outputP1.5/TA01717I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,compare:Out0outputP1.6/TA11818I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,compare:Out1outputP1.7/TA21919I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,compare:Out2outputP2.0/ACLK/CA22020I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/ACLK output/Comparator_A inputP2.1/TAINCLK/CA32121I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,clock signal at INCLKP2.2/CAOUT/TA0/CA42222I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,capture:CCI0B input/Comparator_A output/BSL receive/Comparator_A inputP2.3/CA0/TA12323I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,compare:Out1output/Comparator_A input P2.4/CA1/TA22424I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,compare:Out2output/Comparator_A inputP2.5/Rosc/CA52525I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/input for external resistor defining the DCO nominal frequency/Comparator_A inputP2.6/ADC12CLK/DMAE0†/CA62626I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/conversion clock–12-bit ADC/DMA channel0external trigger/Comparator_A inputP2.7/TA0/CA72727I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_A,compare:Out0output/Comparator_A inputP3.0/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK2828I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI B0slave transmit enable/USCI A0clock input/outputP3.1/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA2929I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI B0slave in/master out in SPI mode,SDA I2C data in I2C mode P3.2/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL3030I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI B0slave out/master in in SPI mode,SCL I2C clock in I2C mode P3.3/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE3131I/O General-purpose digital I/O/USCI B0clock input/output,USCI A0slave transmit enableP3.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO3232I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCIA transmit data output in UART mode,slave data in/master out in SPI modeP3.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI3333I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI A0receive data input in UART mode,slave data out/master in in SPI modeP3.6/UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO3434I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI A1transmit data output in UART mode,slave data in/master out in SPI modeP3.7/UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI3535I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCIA1receive data input in UART mode,slave data out/master in in SPI modeMSP430F261x devices onlyTerminal Functions(Continued)TERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 80PINI/O DESCRIPTIONP4.0/TB03636I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI0A/B input,compare:Out0outputP4.1/TB13737I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI1A/B input,compare:Out1outputP4.2/TB23838I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI2A/B input,compare:Out2outputP4.3/TB33939I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI3A/B input,compare:Out3outputP4.4/TB44040I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI4A/B input,compare:Out4outputP4.5/TB54141I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI5A/B input,compare:Out5outputP4.6/TB64242I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,capture:CCI6A input,compare:Out6outputP4.7/TBCLK4343I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer_B,clock signal TBCLK inputP5.0/UCB1STE/UCA1CLK4444I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI B1slave transmit enable/USCI A1clock input/outputP5.1/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA4545I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI B1slave in/master out in SPI mode,SDA I2C data in I2C mode P5.2/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL4646I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/USCI B1slave out/master in in SPI mode,SCL I2C clock in I2C mode P5.3/UCB1CLK/UCA1STE4747I/O General-purpose digital I/O/USCI B1clock input/output,USCI A1slave transmit enableP5.4/MCLK4848I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/main system clock MCLK outputP5.5/SMCLK4949I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/submain system clock SMCLK outputP5.6/ACLK5050I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/auxiliary clock ACLK outputP5.7/TBOUTH/SVSOUT5151I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/switch all PWM digital output ports to high impedance--Timer_B TB0to TB6/SVS comparator outputP6.0/A05975I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A0–12-bit ADCP6.1/A16076I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A1–12-bit ADCP6.2/A26177I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A2–12-bit ADCP6.3/A322I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A3–12-bit ADCP6.4/A433I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A4–12-bit ADCP6.5/A5/DAC1†44I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A5–12-bit ADC/DAC12.1outputP6.6/A6/DAC0†55I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input A6–12-bit ADC/DAC12.0outputP6.7/A7/DAC1†/SVSIN66I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/analog input a7–12-bit ADC/DAC12.1output/SVS input P7.054I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.155I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.256I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.357I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.458I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.559I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.660I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP7.761I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP8.062I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP8.163I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP8.264I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP8.365I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin†MSP430F261x devices onlyTerminal Functions(Continued)TERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 80PINI/O DESCRIPTIONP8.466I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP8.567I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinP8.6/XT2OUT68O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT2P8.7/XT2IN69I General-purpose digital I/O pin/Input port for crystal oscillator XT2.Only standard crystals can be connected.XT2OUT52O Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT2XT2IN53I Input port for crystal oscillator XT2RST/NMI5874I Reset input,nonmaskable interrupt input port,or bootstrap loader start(in flash devices).TCK5773I Test clock(JTAG).TCK is the clock input port for device programming test and bootstrap loader start. TDI/TCLK5571I Test data input or test clock input.The device protection fuse is connected to TDI/TCLK.TDO/TDI5470I/O Test data output port.TDO/TDI data output or programming data input terminal.TMS5672I Test mode select.TMS is used as an input port for device programming and test.Ve REF+/DAC0†1010I Input for an external reference voltage/DAC12.0outputV REF+77O Output of positive terminal of the reference voltage in the ADC12V REF--/Ve REF--1111I Negative terminal for the reference voltage for both sources,the internal reference voltage,or an external applied reference voltageXIN88I Input port for crystal oscillator XT1.Standard or watch crystals can be connected. XOUT99O Output port for crystal oscillator XT1.Standard or watch crystals can be connected.†MSP430F261x devices onlyGeneral-Purpose Register Program Counter Stack Pointer Status Register Constant Generator General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register PC/R0SP/R1SR/CG1/R2CG2/R3R4R5R12R13General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register R6R7General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register R8R9General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register R10R11General-Purpose Register General-Purpose RegisterR14R15short-form descriptionCPUThe MSP430CPU has a 16-bit RISC architecture that is highly transparent to the application.All operations,other than program-flow instructions,are performed as register operations in conjunction with seven addressing modes for source operand and four addressing modes for destination operand.The CPU is integrated with 16registers that provide reduced instruction execution time.The register-to-register operation execution time is one cycle of the CPU clock.Four of the registers,R0to R3,are dedicated as program counter,stack pointer,status register,and constant generator,respectively.The remaining registers are general-purpose registers.Peripherals are connected to the CPU using data,address,and control buses,and can be handled with all instructions.instruction setThe instruction set consists of 51instructions with three formats and seven address modes.Each instruction can operate on word and byte data.Table 1shows examples of the three types of instruction formats;the address modes are listed in Table 2.Table 1.Instruction Word FormatsDual operands,source-destination e.g.,ADD R4,R5R4+R5------>R5Single operands,destination only e.g.,CALL R8PC ---->(TOS),R8---->PC Relative jump,un/conditionale.g.,JNEJump-on-equal bit =0Table 2.Address Mode DescriptionsADDRESS MODES DSYNTAX EXAMPLE OPERATION Register D D MOV Rs,Rd MOV R10,R11R10---->R11IndexedD D MOV X(Rn),Y(Rm)MOV 2(R5),6(R6)M(2+R5)---->M(6+R6)Symbolic (PC relative)D D MOV EDE,TONI M(EDE)---->M(TONI)Absolute D DMOV &MEM,&TCDAT M(MEM)---->M(TCDAT)Indirect D MOV @Rn,Y(Rm)MOV @R10,Tab(R6)M(R10)---->M(Tab+R6)Indirect autoincrement D MOV @Rn+,Rm MOV @R10+,R11M(R10)---->R11R10+2---->R10ImmediateDMOV #X,TONIMOV #45,TONI #45---->M(TONI)NOTE:S =sourceD =destinationoperating modesThe MSP430has one active mode and five software selectable low-power modes of operation.An interrupt event can wake up the device from any of the five low-power modes,service the request,and restore back to the low-power mode on return from the interrupt program.The following six operating modes can be configured by software:D Active mode(AM)--All clocks are active.D Low-power mode0(LPM0)--CPU is disabled.ACLK and SMCLK remain active.MCLK is disabled.D Low-power mode1(LPM1)--CPU is disabled.ACLK and SMCLK remain active.MCLK is disabled.DCO’s dc-generator is disabled if DCO not used in active mode.D Low-power mode2(LPM2)--CPU is disabled.MCLK and SMCLK are disabled.DCO’s dc-generator remains enabled.ACLK remains active.D Low-power mode3(LPM3)--CPU is disabled.MCLK and SMCLK are disabled.DCO’s dc-generator is disabled.ACLK remains active.D Low-power mode4(LPM4)--CPU is disabled.ACLK is disabled.MCLK and SMCLK are disabled.DCO’s dc-generator is disabled.Crystal oscillator is stopped.interrupt vector addressesThe interrupt vectors and the power-up starting address are located in the address range0x0FFFF to0x0FFC0.The vector contains the16-bit address of the appropriate interrupt-handler instruction sequence.If the reset vector(0x0FFFE)contains0xFFFF(e.g.,flash is not programmed),the CPU enters LPM4after power-up.INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT FLAG SYSTEM INTERRUPT WORD ADDRESS PRIORITYPower-upExternal ResetWatchdogFlash Key ViolationPC out of range(see Note1)PORIFGWDTIFGRSTIFGKEYV(see Note2)Reset0x0FFFE31,highestNMIOscillator FaultFlash memory access violationNMIIFGOFIFGACCVIFG(see Notes2and6)(Non)maskable(Non)maskable(Non)maskable0x0FFFC30Timer_B7TBCCR0CCIFG(see Note3)Maskable0x0FFFA29Timer_B7TBCCR1to TBCCR6CCIFGs,TBIFG(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFF828Comparator_A+CAIFG Maskable0x0FFF627 Watchdog timer+WDTIFG Maskable0x0FFF426 Timer_A3TACCR0CCIFG(see Note3)Maskable0x0FFF225Timer_A3TACCR1CCIFGTACCR2CCIFGTAIFG(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFF024USCI_A0/USCI_B0receive USCI_B0I2C status UCA0RXIFG,UCB0RXIFG(see Notes2and4)Maskable0x0FFEE23USCI_A0/USCI_B0transmit USCI_B0I2C receive/transmit UCA0TXIFG,UCB0TXIFG(see Note2and4)Maskable0x0FFEC22ADC12ADC12IFG(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFEA210x0FFE820 I/O port P2(eight flags)P2IFG.0to P2IFG.7(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFE619 I/O port P1(eight flags)P1IFG.0to P1IFG.7(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFE418USCI_A0/USCI_B1receive USCI_B1I2C status UCA1RXIFG,UCB1RXIFG(see Notes2and4)Maskable0x0FFE217USCI_A1/USCI_B1transmit USCI_B1I2C receive/transmit UCA1TXIFG,UCB1TXIFG(see Notes2and5)Maskable0x0FFE016DMA DMA0IFG,DMA1IFG,DMA2IFG(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFDE15DAC12DAC12_0IFG,DAC12_1IFG(see Notes2and3)Maskable0x0FFDC140x0FFDA130to00FFC0to0,l tReserved(see Notes7and8)Reserved0x0FFC0lowest NOTES: 1.A reset is executed if the CPU tries to fetch instructions from within the module register memory address range(0x00000to0x001FF) or from within unused address ranges.2.Multiple source flags.3.Interrupt flags are located in the module.4.In SPI mode:UCB0RXIFG.In I2C mode:UCALIFG,UCNACKIFG,ICSTTIFG,UCSTPIFG.5.In UART/SPI mode:UCB0TXIFG.In I2C mode:UCB0RXIFG,UCB0TXIFG.6.(Non)maskable:The individual interrupt-enable bit can disable an interrupt event,but the general-interrupt enable cannot.7.The address0x0FFBE is used as bootstrap loader security key(BSLSKEY).A0x0AA55at this location disables the BSL completely.A zero disables the erasure of the flash if an invalid password is supplied.8.The interrupt vectors at addresses0x0FFDA to0x0FFC0are not used in this device and can be used for regular program code ifnecessary.special function registersMost interrupt enable bits are collected in the lowest address space.Special-function register bits not allocated to a functional purpose are not physically present in the device.This arrangement provides simple software access.interrupt enable1and2Address7654321000h ACCVIE NMIIE OFIE WDTIErw--0rw--0rw--0rw--0Interrupt Enable Register1WDTIE Watchdog timer interrupt enable.Inactive if watchdog mode is selected.Active if watchdog timer is configured as general-purpose timer.OFIE Oscillator-fault-interrupt enableNMIIE Nonmaskable-interrupt enableACCVIE Flash memory access violation interrupt enableAddress7654321001h UCB0TXIE UCB0RXIE UCA0TXIE UCA0RXIErw--0rw--0rw--0rw--0Interrupt Enable Register2UCA0RXIE USCI_A0receive-interrupt enableUCA0TXIE USCI_A0transmit-interrupt enableUCB0RXIE USCI_B0receive-interrupt enableUCB0TXIE USCI_B0transmit-interrupt enableinterrupt flag register1and2Address7654321002h NMIIFG RSTIFG PORIFG OFIFG WDTIFGrw--0rw--(0)rw--(1)rw--1rw--(0)Interrupt Flag Register1WDTIFG Set on watchdog timer overflow or security key violationReset on V CC power-on or a reset condition at the RST/NMI pin in reset mode OFIFG Flag set on oscillator fault7PORIFG Power--on interrupt flag.Set on V CC power up.RSTIFG External reset interrupt flag.Set on a reset condition at RST/NMI pin in reset mode.Reset on V CC power up.NMIIFG Set via RST/NMI pinAddress7654321003h UCB0TXIFG UCB0RXIFGUCA0TXIFGUCA0RXIFGrw--1rw--0rw--1rw--0Interrupt Flag Register2UCA0RXIFG USCI_A0receive-interrupt flagUCA0TXIFG USCI_A0transmit-interrupt flagUCB0RXIFG USCI_B0receive-interrupt flagUCB0TXIFG USCI_B0transmit-interrupt flagmemory organizationMSP430F2416 MSP430F2616MSP430F2417 MSP430F2617MemoryMain:interrupt vector Main:code memorySizeFlashFlash92KB0x0FFFF--0x0FFC00x18FFF--0x0210092KB0x0FFFF--0x0FFC00x19FFF--0x03100RAM(total) Extended Mirrored SizeSizeSize4kB0x020FF--0x011002kB0x020FF--0x019002kB0x018FF--0x011008kB0x030FF--0x011006kB0x030FF--0x019002kB0x018FF--0x01100Information memory SizeFlash256Byte0x010FF--0x01000256Byte0x010FF--0x01000Boot memory SizeROM1KB0x00FFF--0x00C001KB0x00FFF--0x00C00RAM(mirrored at0x18FF to0x01100)Size2KB0x009FF--0x002002KB0x009FF--0x00200Peripherals16-bit8-bit8-bit SFR 0x001FF--0x001000x000FF--0x000100x0000F--0x000000x001FF--0x001000x000FF--0x000100x0000F--0x00000MSP430F2618MSP430F2418MSP430F2619MSP430F2419MemoryMain:interrupt vector Main:code memorySizeFlashFlash116KB0x0FFFF--0x0FFC00x1FFFF--0x03100120KB0x0FFFF--0x0FFC00x1FFFF--0x02100RAM(total) Extended Mirrored SizeSizeSize8kB0x030FF--0x011006kB0x030FF--0x019002kB0x018FF--0x011004kB0x020FF--0x011002kB0x020FF--0x019002kB0x018FF--0x01100Information memory SizeFlash256Byte0x010FF--0x01000256Byte0x010FF--0x01000Boot memory SizeROM1KB0x00FFF--0x00C001KB0x00FFF--0x00C00RAM(mirrored at0x18FF to0x01100)Size2KB0x009FF--0x002002KB0x009FF--0x00200Peripherals16-bit8-bit8-bit SFR 0x001FF--0x001000x000FF--0x000100x0000F--0x000000x001FF--0x001000x000FF--0x000100x0000F--0x00000bootstrap loader(BSL)The MSP430BSL enables users to program the flash memory or RAM using a UART serial interface.Access to the MSP430memory via the BSL is protected by a user-defined password.For complete description of the features of the BSL and its implementation,see the application report Features of the MSP430Bootstrap Loader,literature number SLAA089.BSL Function PM,RTD Package PinsData Transmit13-P1.1Data Receive22-P2.2flash memoryThe flash memory can be programmed via the JTAG port,the bootstrap loader,or in-system by the CPU.The CPU can perform single-byte and single-word writes to the flash memory.Features of the flash memory include:D Flash memory has n segments of main memory and four segments of information memory(A to D)of64bytes each.Each segment in main memory is512bytes in size.D Segments0to n may be erased in one step,or each segment may be individually erased.D Segments A to D can be erased individually,or as a group with segments0to n.Segments A to D are also called information memory.D Segment A contains calibration data.After reset,segment A is protected against programming or erasing.It can be unlocked,but care should be taken not to erase this segment if the calibration data is required.D Flash content integrity check with marginal read modesperipheralsPeripherals are connected to the CPU through data,address,and control buses and can be handled using all instructions.For complete module descriptions,see the MSP430x2xx Family User’s Guide,literature number SLAU144.DMA controllerThe DMA controller allows movement of data from one memory address to another without CPU intervention.For example,the DMA controller can be used to move data from the ADC12conversion memory to ing the DMA controller can increase the throughput of peripheral modules.The DMA controller reduces system power consumption by allowing the CPU to remain in sleep mode without having to awaken to move data to or from a peripheral.oscillator and system clockThe clock system in the MSP430x241x and MSP43x261x family of devices is supported by the basic clock module that includes support for a32768-Hz watch crystal oscillator,an internal very low power,low frequency oscillator,an internal digitally-controlled oscillator(DCO)and a high frequency crystal oscillator.The basic clock module is designed to meet the requirements of both low system cost and low-power consumption.The internal DCO provides a fast turn-on clock source and stabilizes in less than1μs.The basic clock module provides the following clock signals:D Auxiliary clock(ACLK),sourced from a32768-Hz watch crystal,a high frequency crystal,or a verylow-power LF oscillatorD Main clock(MCLK),the system clock used by the CPUD Sub-Main clock(SMCLK),the subsystem clock used by the peripheral modulesThe DCO settings to calibrate the DCO output frequency are stored in the information memory segment A.calibration data stored in information memory segment ACalibration data is stored for the DCO and for the ADC12.It is organized in a tag-length-value(TLV)structure.TAGS USED BY THE ADC CALIBRATION TAGSNAME ADDRESS VALUE DESCRIPTIONTAG_DCO_300x10F60x01DCO frequency calibration at VCC=3V and T A=25°C at calibrationTAG_ADC12_10x10DA0x10ADC12_1calibration tagTAG_EMPTY--0xFE Identifier for empty memory areasLABELS USED BY THE ADC CALIBRATION TAGSLABEL CONDITION AT CALIBRATION/DESCRIPTION SIZE ADDRESS OFFSET CAL_ADC_25T85INCHx=0x1010;REF2_5=1,T A=85°C word0x000ECAL_ADC_25T30INCHx=0x1010;REF2_5=1,T A=30°C word0x000C CAL_ADC_25VREF_FACTOR REF2_5=1,T A=30°C word0x000A CAL_ADC_15T85INCHx=0x1010;REF2_5=0,T A=85°C word0x0008CAL_ADC_15T30INCHx=0x1010;REF2_5=0,T A=30°C word0x0006 CAL_ADC_15VREF_FACTOR REF2_5=0,T A=30°C word0x0004 CAL_ADC_OFFSET External V REF=1.5V,f ADC12CLK=5MHz word0x0002 CAL_ADC_GAIN_FACTOR External V REF=1.5V,f ADC12CLK=5MHz word0x0000 CAL_BC1_1MHz--byte0x0007CAL_DCO_1MHz--byte0x0006CAL_BC1_8MHz--byte0x0005CAL_DCO_8MHz--byte0x0004CAL_BC1_12MHz--byte0x0003CAL_DCO_12MHz--byte0x0002CAL_BC1_16MHz--byte0x0001CAL_DCO_16MHz--byte0x0000 brownout,supply voltage supervisor(SVS)The brownout circuit is implemented to provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power on and power off.The SVS circuitry detects if the supply voltage drops below a user selectable level and supports both supply voltage supervision(the device is automatically reset)and supply voltage monitoring(SVM,the device is not automatically reset).The CPU begins code execution after the brownout circuit releases the device reset.However,V CC may not have ramped to V CC(min)at that time.The user must ensure that the default DCO settings are not changed until V CC reaches V CC(min).If desired,the SVS circuit can be used to determine when V CC reaches V CC(min).digital I/OThere are up to eight8-bit I/O ports implemented—ports P1through P8:D All individual I/O bits are independently programmable.D Any combination of input,output,and interrupt conditions is possible.D Edge-selectable interrupt input capability for all eight bits of ports P1and P2.D Read/write access to port-control registers is supported by all instructions.D Each I/O has an individually programmable pullup/pulldown resistor.D Ports P7/P8can be accessed word wise.watchdog timer+(WDT+)The primary function of the WDT+module is to perform a controlled system restart after a software problem occurs.If the selected time interval expires,a system reset is generated.If the watchdog function is not needed in an application,the module can be configured as an interval timer and can generate interrupts at selected time intervals.hardware multiplierThe multiplication operation is supported by a dedicated peripheral module.The module performs16×16, 16×8,8×16,and8×8bit operations.The module is capable of supporting signed and unsigned multiplication as well as signed and unsigned multiply and accumulate operations.The result of an operation can be accessed immediately after the operands have been loaded into the peripheral registers.No additional clock cycles are required.universal serial communication interface(USCI)The USCI modules are used for serial data communication.The USCI module supports synchronous communication protocols such as SPI(3pin or4pin)or I2C,and asynchronous combination protocols such as UART,enhanced UART with automatic baudrate detection(LIN),and IrDA.The USCI A module provides support for SPI(3pin or4pin),UART,enhanced UART,and IrDA.The USCI B module provides support for SPI(3pin or4pin)and I2C.。
