因此可见人们对科学避孕和计划生育的需求是很强烈的,这种需求自古就有,可追溯的从公元前421年亚里士多德和希波克拉底提出的植物避孕到公元前2世纪希腊医生提出的运动避孕理论,一直发展到George pincus发现雌激素可以抑制兔子排卵,诞生了真正意义的避孕药,发展到1987年孕激素的成熟使避孕药进入了一个全新的时代,20012年最高标准的避孕药也在中国上市了。
X Complete loss of pressurisation
21-52 X X
Uncontained failure of high speed
21-53 X
rotating component (air cycle machine
22-10 X X X
Flight Management (FM) -
49-10 X
49-30 X
49-40 X 49-60 X 49-70 X 49-90 X
Uncommanded shut down
Significant overspeed / over EGT
Uncontained burst (compressor /
turbine cooling fan)
Main Fuel Pump System 28-21 X X X
28 - Fuel
APU Fuel Pump System Cross-feed System
28-22 X 28-23 X
Cross feed system defect (detected X either by
flight or maintenance crews)
Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer (FCMC)
28-40 X
Indication difficulties (FQI freeze,
X over-read,
28-51 X X
Engine Driven Pumps (G) 29-11 X X
• 南航从1997年开始使用B777-200飞机执行 ETOPS运行,执飞广州-洛杉矶航线。
• 目前ETOPS机队包括了777(180分钟ETOPS)、 757(120分钟ETOPS)、A330(120分钟 ETOPS)三种机型。
• 延伸航程进入点(EEP):是指在飞机离场航路上距可用机场的距离等 于飞机以经批准的一台发动机不工作的巡航速度飞行(在标准条件下静 止大气中)1小时的一个点。 EEP点标志着ETOPS航段的开始。
ETOPS型号设计批准的要求(续) • 货舱灭火系统具备改航时间加15分钟的持续灭火能力。
• 设备冷却系统需经评估测试以证明在改航过程中能保证持 续冷却电子设备。
• 通过分析证明各种部件的失效不会影响ETOPS运行安全。
• 制造商需要向局方证明,有程序监控世界机队的运行情况, 对ETOPS运行事件以及关键系统故障能及时报告并处理。
一、ETOPS(续) • 2008年6月发布的FAA咨询通告AC120-42B将具有两台以
上发动机的飞机运行于改航时间超过180分钟以上的运行 也规定为ETOPS运行。并将ETOPS定义为Extended Operations(延伸航程运行)。
• 根据改航时间的不同,ETOPS可分为75、90、120、180、 207、240、240以上等几种。
• ETOPS关键系统—其失效将会对 ETOPS运行安全带来不利影响的系 统或部件,例如发动机、IDG、气 象雷达等。
• 右侧所附列表是南航ETOPS手册中 列出的777关键系统清单。
• 飞机制造商需获得该型号机体/发动机组合 的型号设计批准。
ETOPS签派培训课程运行控制中心系统运行部课程提纲●ETOPS简介●ETOPS 运行ETOPS简介定义历史沿革中国民航的实践早在1936年,联邦航空局(FAA)第一个限制航路上到合适机场距离不超过100英里。
60' RULE最初的FAA 60分钟规定订立于1953年。
ETOPS 签派运行●放行天气标准●起飞后至EEP前●进入ETOPS 运行放行天气标准云高(英尺)能见度(米)精密进近(仅一条跑道)单套ILS进近设备双套ILS进近设备(相对方向)取较高值DH+400600取较高值PM+16003200精密进近双套(含)以上双条跑道或交叉跑道ILS进近设备(不同独立跑道)取较高值DH+200400取较高值PM+8001600非精密进近取较高值MDH+400(英尺)800取较高值PM+1600 3200放行天气标准A300-600R机型着陆最大侧风标准最大侧风报告的刹车效应报告的刹车系数等同跑道条件32kt(1)好0.40以上130kt好/中0.39-0.36125kt中0.35-0.302/320kt中/差0.29-0.262/315kt差0.25或以下3/45kt不可靠不可靠4/5(1)在干/湿跑道上通过计算并验证的最大侧风能力12345干潮或积水小于3mm的湿跑道融雪覆盖跑道干雪覆盖跑道有滑水风险的积水跑道或湿雪跑道有较大滑水风险的跑道一发失效侧风标准:以上侧风标准减5海里/小时SABRE ETOPS飞行计划格式●EEP、ETP和EXP的预计飞行时间、经纬度●计划所选的一对ETOPS备降机场及其所需的有效时限●等时点改航信息●ETOPS 计划举例所需备降机场有效时限●预计到达备降机场前一个小时至后一个小时●●AIRPORT SUITABILITY WINDOW ●--------------------------●KIX 1259Z -1748Z●GUM 1548Z -1804Z最低放行天气标准备降机场跑道/导航设备PM/DH(米)/ (英尺)云高(英尺)能见度(米)大阪RJBB ILS-06800/200`取较高值DH+400600600取较高值PM+160032003200那霸ROAH ILS-36800/250`取较高值DH+400600700取较高值PM+160032003200关岛PGUM ILS-6L800/200`取较高值DH+400600600取较高值PM+160032003200塞班PGSN ILS-7800/200`取较高值DH+400600600取较高值PM+160032003200返回起飞后至EEP前●检查ETOPS航路合适备降场的天气预报(云高和能见度) 在预计到达备降场的有效时段内不低于该机场最低天气标准●一旦飞机起飞,不再执行起飞前对该机场进行ETOPS放行时的最低天气标准而执行该机场进近程序的最低天气标准起飞后至EEP前●如果有关ETOPS航路合适的备降机场的天气预报低于最低天气标准或无法获得该机场的天气预报,必须重新选择符合ETOPS运行要求的其他备降机场●如果重新选择的合适的备降机场不在批准的最大备降时间的ETOPS运行区域内,必须在签派部门的帮助下重新选择飞行航路经过航空管制(ATC)批准,执行新的飞行航路起飞后至EEP前●如果在ETOPS航路中合适的备降机场的使用范围无法选择一条符合ETOPS运行区域的航路,机组应该返航或备降●如果机组无法取得任何信息和资料机长有权决定继续飞行或返航备降起飞后至EEP前●下列情况下由机长决断做改航备降或继续飞行并为此承担责任:●飞机在ETOPS进入点之前●(1) 合适的备降机场的天气最低条件低于公司规定的最低天气标准或低于该机组资格所要求的最低天气标准●(2) 该机场因某种原因不具备合适的备降机场的条件●(3) 没有航路上ETOPS运行的合适备降机场可以重新选择或替换,改变计划航路将超出ETOPS运行区域和允许偏离的有关政策返回进入ETOPS 运行 进入ETOPS飞行运行区域即使航线备降机场的天气降至低于正常运行进近程序最低天气标准以下,飞行仍可按计划继续进行进入ETOPS 运行为了确保执行ETOPS飞行的机组在遇到可能发生系统或发动机故障时,在航路合适的备降机场进行备降具有较高的安全裕度,公司确定执行ETOPS的机组在起飞前选用航路合适的备降机场时,该机场使用的天气标准必须高于沿航路可用备降机场通常I类ILS仪表进近的最低天气标准.进入ETOPS 运行●飞行机组在进行改航备降.选择备降机场时必须遵守的原则:●飞向最近的合适的备降机场●飞向可以保持等效安全水平的机场X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E N R O U T E W I N D A N D T E M P E R A T U R E S U M M A R Y X X X X X X X X X X X X XR O F O R Z S P D/P G S N/001W X P R O G D A Y/H O U R2206P O I N T F L100F L2X L O W E R F L1X L O W E R F L P L A N N E D F L1X H I G H E RS H Y132007P1025252008M1527236008M2030215007M2734325001M37D087G132007P1025251008M1527235008M2030213007M2734352001M37N I N A S131007P1025249008M1527231007M2030208007M2734028002M37L A S A N129008P1025248007M1527229007M2030204007M2734043002M37B O N G I128007P1125251007M1527231007M2030203007M2734041003M37B O L E X125007P1125257007M1527236006M2030202006M2734039004M37X E R E N128007P1125275007M1627250005M2030200004M2734027005M37L A M E N126007P1125286007M1627267005M2030206003M2734006005M37S A D L I115007P1021289005M0823294008M1225293007M1629263003M26N I R A T109007P1021294006M0823295008M1225296008M1629307004M26O N I K U106006P0921300006M0823298008M1225300009M1729315006M26P O T E T102006P0925305009M1627310008M2129316008M2631337009M30F U054004P0925325011M1727323012M2129321013M2631329014M30O L E032006P0925340010M1727335011M2229332013M2631338014M31T A I M E027007P0925354010M1727347011M2229341013M2631346015M31F UG E N028008P0926356011M1928348013M2430346014M2932351015M34H I N A G030008P0926002012M1928353013M2430350015M2932354016M34S A S I K032008P0926004013M1928356013M2430352015M2932356016M34I S A M I036009P1026013015M1928006015M2430004016M2932007017M34H K C037009P1026014015M1928009015M2430006016M2932009018M34K I N K O038010P1025021017M1727018017M2229015017M2631016019M31T O Z A K040011P1025022018M1727020018M2229018018M2631018020M31T G E046012P1025022019M1727021020M2229021021M2731020023M32A G I K A045014P1025022022M1727022024M2229023025M2731020029M32M I M O D052013P0925020024M1727021026M2229022029M2731019032M32B I X A K067015P0925023025M1827017030M2329012036M2731011040M32E E P065014P0925018021M1827013028M2329010035M2831008039M33S A B G U060005P0925317017M1927321020M2429324023M2931317021M33E T P332004P0925270014M1727274018M2229277021M2831272021M33O M G O X329004P0925267013M1727272016M2229275020M2731269020M32P A K D O251005P1025250009M1727253010M2229256011M2731244016M32M E N D E246004P1025199022M1727195022M2229192021M2731200017M32E X P242005P1025195023M1727189023M2229184023M2831192018M33M I X S S226004P1025130017M1827121019M2329115022M2831114022M33F L A S H082004P0925109022M1827108025M2329107028M2831111028M33B U Y E R080005P0925109023M1827108025M2329107027M2831111028M33U N Z069011P0825107028M1827107028M2329106028M2831106029M32D E S C E N T W I N D F L0701********10008100161102411026X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E N D O F P L A N X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X返回F L T589/21A U G06-P L A N I D8L102103-P AG E8O F8。
北约候任秘书长斯托尔滕贝格在北约峰会上英语演讲稿Thank you so much, Anders, thank you for the kind introduction.It is really a great honour to be elected as the next Secretary General of NATO, this uniqueAllian . And I will do my utmost to live up to that honour and to follow the great examplewhich you, Anders, have set over the past five years.Because you have shown strong leadership of the Allian . And you have developed the Allian into an even more capable organisation providing security, providing stability, and alsobuilding the bonds between Europe,United States, Canada – the transatlantic bonds. So we are all grateful for that and we thankyou for the leadership you have shown for so ny years in NATO.As we all know, NATO is not just a security Allian . It is a family of values which reachesacross the Atlantic and defends almost one billion citizens of our Allied countries.And we must continue to stand up for those values. This Summit has provided an importantplatform and an important direction for the future. We need to invest politically and financiallyinto the Allian .And I look forward to taking up the post on the 1st of October. And I look forward to workingwith all 28 Allies to keep our Allian strong into the future.Thank you so much and I look forward to working together with all of you after the 1st October.模板,内容仅供参考。
ETOPS课件最新1.1【民用航空器 维修人员精品资料】
延程运行航段(ETOPS Segment):
是指计划航路上处在延程运行区域中的部分。 一条延程运行航线上可能存在多段延程运行航段。
每一段延程运行航段都是由前后两个延程运行 指定备降机场来确定的。
延程运行区域(ETOPS area of operation) 指下列区域之一:
(1)对以双发涡轮发动机为动力的飞机,延程运行区域 是指在标准条件下静止大气中以一台发动机不工作 的巡航速度飞行时间超过60分钟才能抵达一个合适 机场的区域;
延程运行进入点(ETOPS Entry Point) (EEP):
延程运行等时点(ETOPS Equal-time Point)(ETP):
延程运行航路中的一点,考虑到预计飞行高度 和预报风的影响,自该点以经批准的一台发动机不 工作的巡航速度飞向相邻两个延程运行指定备降机 场的计划飞行时间是相等的。
W ashington
St Johns
Val D'or
Chicago Houston
Goose Bay
Lisbon Madrid
Copenhagen Rome Stockholm
1-2:Good afternoon, everyone. Today, my topic is about the Eurojust, a judicial cooperation unit. I will give my presentation from four perspectives: the first part is the history of Eurojust, the second is its legal framework and structure, the third is about its task and cooperation with other institutions, and in the last I will briefly introduce the achievements and developments of Eurojust.3:In October 1999, at a European Council Meeting, Heads of state and government discussed that, in order to reinforce the fight against trans-border crime, a unit should be set up for strengthening cooperation among authorities.In December 2000, on the initial of four Member States, Pro-Eurojust was established, this is the forerunner of Eurojust.4: Later in February 2002, Eurojust is formally set up.This is the logo, the sword and the balance symbolize justice, and these stars represent the European Union. This is the building, situated in Hague , Netherlands.5:The legal framework of Eurojust contains multi-levels:(1)Article 85 of TFEU defines its mission, Article 86 is about the establishment of EPPO, but so far the EPPO hasn’t been set up.(2)Till now, Eurojust has signed many Memorandum of Understanding or agreements with EU Partners, International Organizations and Third States.6:This is the structure of Eurojust. The heart of Eurojust is the red ones: College of Eurojust is composed of 28 National Members, they are seconded according to national legal systems. Eurojust could fulfill its tasks through one or more National Members or as a College.The Administrative Director is the head of Administration, and is under the supervision of Presidency. He is responsible for day-to-day administration.The yellow ones are the composition of Administration. These Secretariat, each of them forms part of the staff of Eurojust and functions as a separate Unit.What we should pay attention to is The Joint Supervisory Body (JSB). It is an independent supervisor. Its task is to monitor Eurojust's activities especially when they are concerned with personal data process.7:As to its task, generally speaking, Eurojust does not have power to investigate or prosecute crimes, but aims to coordinate and assist investigations and prosecutions when dealing with cross-border crimes. So, how is the cooperation going? Representatives of the EU Institution can take part in the strategic meeting of Eurojust, Eurojust could also participate in the work of Council Preparatory bodies.8: (1) Europol and Eurojust are both created to support the fight against organised serious cross-border crime, Europol could participate Eurojust’s strategic and coordination meetings.(2) OLAF and Eurojust both aim to protect the financial interests of the EU, and OLAF is responsible for carrying out administrative investigations of specific crime and transmitting information to Eurojust.(3)EJTN is responsible for seconding practising judges and prosecutors from Member States,(4) and the CEPOL cooperate with Eurojust in training police and prosecutors.9:During past years, Eurojust has been a key player in the fight against cross-border crime. This is a graph in a s report, we could see that the quantity of cases is growing smoothly, but the proportion of cases that are closed in a year is decreasing. And in this graph, among these crime types, organized crime groups is the largest part, second is swindling and fraud, third is drag trafficking. (THB means “trafficking in human beings”) These cases show that Eurojust’s work has been quite important and effective.10: Recently, Eurojust is carrying out reforms on its framework and mission,the new legal framework will be adopted by means of a regulation, thus, the provisions could be directly applicable in the Member States. Besides, it is planning to establish EPPO to enhance the fight against crimes that affect EU’s financial interests.If you want to know more about the Eurojust, you can click on this website.That’s all, Thank you !。
• 概述 • 批准 ETOPS 运行 • 定义和缩写 • ETOPS 运行
Extended Range Operation with Two-Engine Airplanes ETOPS
Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 121.161
Suitable Airport
延伸航程运行飞机构形的维修与程序 (CMP)标准:该标准是为使机体与发动 机的组合适合于延伸航程运行,局方认为 应当符合的特定飞机构形最低要求,包括 任何特殊的检查、硬件寿命限制、主最低 设备清单(MMEL)限制和维修常规。
低标准,需要更改航路,或者返航。 • ETOPS 进入点之后,如果航路备降场天气变差,
低于正常的最低标准,不需要更改正常的飞行航 路。
• 经FAA批准的MMEL,包含有ETOPS的相关内容。 • 在MMEL中用ER表示ETOPS。 • 航空公司自己的MEL标准可以比MMEL严格,但
• 运行程序 • 维护程序
ETOPS operations apply to all flights conducted under FAR part 121, JAR Ops1 or equivalent, in a twin-engine aircraft over a route that contains a point further than 60 minutes flying time from an adequate airport at the selected one-engineout diversion speed schedule in still air and ISA conditions. It is based on single-engine flying time to an adequate airport (up to 180 minutes).
(3)滑油消耗率监控程序 发动机/APU性能的下降有可能通过滑油 的消耗率反映出来。滑油耗量监控方案 将用来监控ETOPS飞机每个航段的发动 机/APU滑油的消耗量,确认它是否已超 过设定的警戒限制值或具有明显上升的 不利趋势,并限制带有问题特征的飞机 作ETOPS飞行,直至故障被纠正或确认 不影响飞行。
双发飞机的运行因为被限制在距离可用机场60 分钟飞行距离内,不仅限制了运行的区域,同 时也导致了飞行距离、时间以及燃油消耗的增 加。 因此,在充分考虑到风险及对安全潜在的影响, 以及高涵道比涡扇发动机可靠性的情况下, ETOPS的概念被提了出来。
ETOPS是ICAO(国际民航组织)创造的一个缩写, 即 Extended range Two-engine Operations,双发飞 机延伸航程运行。是指双发飞机在其飞行航路上至少 有一点距离可用机场的距离超过飞机以经批准的一台 发动机不工作的巡航速度(在标准条件下静止大气中) 飞行一小时的航程的飞行。 执行延伸航程运行使双发飞机的运行区域得到了扩大, 不仅节约了燃油和飞行时间,还可以允许双发喷气式 飞机在60分钟法则下不能航行的航线上进行运营见图1 和图2的对比。
(4)发动机性能监控程序 发动机状态监控方案的目的是为了持续 监控发动机性能和在必要的时候着手采 取纠正措施,以确保发动机各参数具有 一定的裕度以免飞机在作单发延伸航程 运求 上述程序的制定和执行是为了保证飞机 不仅具备ETOPS运行的初始适航条件, 而 且 满 足 ETOPS 的 持 续 适 航 要 求 。 ETOPS运营批准并不是一种永久的认可, 当航空公司的ETOPS运营可靠性不满足 要求时,就会被撤回。
要获得ETOPS批准,要分两个步骤。首先, 飞机制造商必须从适航当局获得机体/发动机组 合的型号设计批准。制造商必须证明:某一机 型的机体/发动机组合在运行中具有足够高的可 靠性,并满足安全实施延伸航程运行的要求。
最后一个延程运行指定备降场 延程运行指定备降场
延程运行退出点 延程运行进入点
对于每一延程运行指定备降机场,假设飞机飞抵 前一个相关等时点,然后以经批准的一台发动机 不工作的巡航速度直线飞抵该机场的时刻。
对于每一延程运行指定备降机场,假设飞机飞抵 下一个相关等时点以经批准的一台发动机不工作 的巡航速度直线飞抵该机场的时刻。
是指列入了合格证持有人的运行规范, 并且考虑到当时的状况,在签派或飞行 放行时预计可以供延程运行改航备降使 用的。
在签派或飞行放行中指定的航路备降机场。这一定义 适用于飞行计划,并不限制机长在最终改航备降决策 时根据实际情况选择其它的备降机场。
CCAR-121- CCAR-121- ETOPS咨询 公司飞行
是指从最早预计到达时刻之前一个小时开始,至 最晚预计到达时刻之后一个小时之间的时间范围。
ETP120EF YPAD - 1650Z+0100 ..... YPDN - 1647Z-0100 .....
ETP120EF YPDN - 1949Z+0100 ..... RPVM - 1949Z-0100 .....
W/C TO YPDN P004 W/C TO RPVM M007 改ET航E关0注1:5时5间DI段VE为R
FUEL 016623
• 运行的区域和航线
• ETOPS运行的机型
运行指挥中心(SOC)制定的飞行计划必须符合 ETOPS 运行的要求,并对按计算机飞行计划实施ETOPS 运行的 整过程进行监控。
欧盟难民政策英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,。
Today, I am here to talk about the refugee policy of the European Union. The issue of refugees has been a pressing concern for the EU in recent years, as the region has faced an unprecedented influx of people fleeing conflict, persecution, and poverty. The EU's response to this crisis has been a topic of much debate and controversy, and it is important for us to understand the complexities of the situation and the policies that have been put in place to address it.First and foremost, it is crucial to recognize the humanitarian dimension of the refugee crisis. The EU has a moral and legal obligation to provide protection and assistance to those who are forced to flee their homes due to violence and persecution. This is enshrined in international law and reflects the values of compassion and solidarity that the EU stands for. As such, the EU's refugee policy is guided by the principles of human rights and the protection of vulnerable individuals.At the same time, it is important to acknowledge the practical challenges and limitations that the EU faces in managing the refugee crisis. The sheer scale of the influx of refugees has put significant strain on the resources and infrastructure of many EU member states. This has led to concerns about the ability of these countries to provide adequate support and integration services for refugees, as well as the potential impact on social cohesion and public services.In response to these challenges, the EU has implemented a range of policies and initiatives aimed at managing the refugee crisis. This includes the establishment of a common European asylum system, which seeks to ensure a more equitable distribution of responsibility for hosting and supporting refugees among EU member states. The EU has also provided financial assistance to countries hosting large numbers of refugees, in order to help alleviate the burden on their national systems.Furthermore, the EU has sought to address the root causes of forced displacement through its external action and development policies. By investing in conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and sustainable development in countries of origin, the EU aims to create conditions that enable people to live in safety and dignity in their own communities. This long-term approach is essential for addressing the underlying drivers of the refugee crisis and promoting stability and prosperity in the regions affected.In conclusion, the refugee policy of the European Union is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive and coordinated response. It is a reflection of the EU's commitment to upholding human rights and providing protection to those in need, while also recognizing the practical challenges and limitations that must be addressed. By working together with member states and international partners, the EU is striving to find sustainable solutions to the refugee crisis and uphold its values of solidarity and compassion.Thank you for your attention.。
关于传递火炬的演讲稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,。
It is my great honor to stand before you today to talk about the significance of passing on the torch. The act of passing on the torch represents the continuity of a legacy, the sharing of knowledge and experience, and the inspiration of future generations. It is a symbol of hope, unity, and progress.The tradition of passing on the torch dates back to ancient times, when it was used as a means of communication and as a way to signal important events. In the modern context, passing on the torch has taken on a new meaning, symbolizing the transfer of knowledge, values, and responsibilities from one generation to the next.As we look back on the history of passing on the torch, we are reminded of the Olympic Games, where the torch is lit in Olympia, Greece, and then carried by a series of runners to the host city of the games. This tradition symbolizes the unity of nations and the spirit of competition, as well as the passing of the Olympic ideals from one generation to the next.In our own lives, passing on the torch can take many forms. It can be as simple as sharing a piece of wisdom with a friend or as significant as mentoring a young person in their career. It can also involve passing on traditions, values, and cultural heritage to future generations.The act of passing on the torch is not only important for preserving the past, but also for shaping the future. By sharing our knowledge and experience with others, we can inspire and empower them to carry on the torch and make their own contributions to the world. It is through this process of passing on the torch that we ensure the continuity of our legacy and the progress of our society.In conclusion, passing on the torch is a timeless tradition that holds great significance in our lives. It is a symbol of continuity, unity, and progress, and it is a responsibility that we all share. As we pass on the torch to the next generation, let us do so with wisdom,grace, and a sense of purpose, knowing that we are shaping the future and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.Thank you.。
AC 120-42B ETOPS
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Advisory CircularSubject: Extended Operations (ETOPS and Polar Operations) Date: 6/13/08Initiated by: AFS-220AC No: 120-42BChange:FOREWORDThis advisory circular (AC) provides certificate holders with guidance for obtaining operational approval to conduct Extended Operations (ETOPS) under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121, § 121.161. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) may authorize ETOPS with two-engine airplanes over a route that contains a point farther than60 minutes flying time from an adequate airport at an approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air (adequate airport is defined in part 121, § 121.7 and Appendix 1 of this AC). The FAA may also authorize ETOPS with passenger-carrying airplanes with more than two engines over a route that contains a point farther than 180 minutes flying time from an adequate airport at an approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air. This AC provides guidance for obtaining authorization to conduct operations under part 121 in Polar Areas as well.This AC provides an acceptable means of complying with the regulations; however, it is not the only means of compliance. When this AC uses mandatory language (e.g., “must” or “may not”) it is quoting or paraphrasing a regulatory requirement or prohibition. When this AC uses permissive language (e.g., “should” or “may”), it describes an acceptable means, but not the only means, of obtaining operational approval to conduct ETOPS under § 121.161 of the regulations. ORIGINAL SIGNED byJames J. BalloughDirector, Flight Standards ServiceAC 120-42B 6/13/08CONTENTSParagraph Page CHAPTER 1. GENERAL (1)100. Applicability (1)101. Cancellations (1)102. Related Regulations (1)CHAPTER 2. BACKGROUND ON ETOPS (3)200. ETOPS Regulatory Requirements (3)201. Evolution of ETOPS (3)202. ETOPS Applicability to All Passenger-Carrying Airplanes Flown in Long-Range Operations (5)203. “Extended Operations” (6)204. Preclude and Protect (7)205. ETOPS Areas of Operation (8)206. ETOPS Alternate Requirements (10)207. ETOPS In-Service Experience Requirements (11)208. Operational Reliability and Systems Suitability Requirements (11)CHAPTER 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR ETOPS AUTHORIZATION (13)300. ETOPS Requirements (13)301. Maintenance Requirements for Two-Engine ETOPS Authorization (13)302. ETOPS Maintenance Training Requirements (23)303. ETOPS Flight Operations Requirements (24)304. Flight Operations Training Requirements (35)CHAPTER 4. APPLICATIONS TO CONDUCT ETOPS (37)400. ETOPS Qualifications (37)401. Application for ETOPS Authorization (38)402. ETOPS Authorities (38)403. ETOPS Authorization Requirements (39)404. Validation Flight(s) (42)405. Required Demonstration on a Validation Flight (43)CHAPTER 5. FAA ETOPS APPROVAL (45)500. Final ETOPS Operating Authority (45)501. ETOPS OpSpecs (45)502. Changes to Approved ETOPS Operations, Maintenance and Training Procedures (45)503. Processes after Receiving ETOPS Authority (45)CHAPTER 6. POLAR OPERATIONS (47)600. Background (47)601. Defintion (47)602. Applicability (47)603. Polar Requirements (47)604. Validation before Approval (50)120-42B 6/13/08 AC 605. FAA Polar Area Approval (50)APPENDIX 1. DEFINITIONS (3 pages) (1)APPENDIX 2. ETOPS APPROVALS (10 pages) (1)APPENDIX 3. ETOPS APPROVAL METHODS (6 pages) (1)120-42BAC6/13/08CHAPTER 1.GENERAL100.APPLICABILITY. This advisory circular (AC) concerns those certificate holdersapplying for approval to conduct Extended Operations (ETOPS) under Title 14 of the Code ofFederal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121, § 121.161, as well as those certificate holders applyingfor approval to conduct flights where a portion of which traverse either the North or South PolarAreas, as defined in part 121, § 121.7. This AC also provides guidance in resolving operationalissues to certificate holders currently conducting such operations.101.CANCELLATIONS. The following AC’s and policy letters are canceled:•AC 120-42A, Extended Range Operation with Two-Engine Airplanes, datedDecember 30, 1988•ETOPS Policy Letter (EPL) 95-1, 138-Minute ETOPS Operational Approval Criteria,dated December 19, 1994•EPL 20-1, 207-Minute ETOPS Operational Approval Criteria, dated March 21, 2000•Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Policy Letter, Guidance for Polar Operations,dated March 5, 2001102.RELATED REGULATIONS. 14 CFR part 21, § 21.4; part 25, § 25.1535; part 121,§§ 121.7, 121.97, 121.99, 121.106, 121.135, 121.161, 121.162, 121.191, 121.197, 121.374,121.410, 121.415, 121.565, 121.624, 121.625, 121.631, 121.633, 121.646, 121.687, 121.689,121.703, 121.704, and 121.705; and part 121, appendix P (/ecfr).120-42BAC6/13/08CHAPTER 2.BACKGROUND ON ETOPS200.ETOPS REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS.a.All two-engine airplanes and three- and four-engine passenger-carrying airplanesoperated under part 121 are required to comply with § 121.161. This regulation imposes specialrequirements for ETOPS for these airplanes. These operations are defined as:(1)Two-Engine Airplanes. These are flights whose planned routing contains a pointfarther than 60 minutes flying time from an adequate airport at an approved one-engineinoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air.(2)Passenger-Carrying Airplanes with More Than Two Engines. These are flightswhose planned routing contains a point farther than 180 minutes flying time from an adequateairport at an approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air.b.To conduct ETOPS, the specified airplane-engine combination must be certificated tothe airworthiness standards of transport-category airplanes and be approved for ETOPS. Airplanecertification guidance for ETOPS can be found in §§ 121.162 and 25.1535. As with all otheroperations, a certificate holder requesting any route approval must first show that it is able tosatisfactorily conduct operations between each required airport as defined for that route or routesegment, and any required en route alternate airport. Certificate holders must show that thefacilities and services specified in §§ 121.97 through 121.107 (domestic and flag operations) and§§ 121.113 through 121.127 (supplemental and commercial operations) are available andadequate for the proposed operation. In addition, the certificate holder must be approved forETOPS under part 121. This AC provides the additional guidance for certificate holder approvalfor ETOPS.201.EVOLUTION OF ETOPS.a.Section 121.161 has an extensive historical basis, which began as early as 1936. Beforeobtaining approval for operation in 1936, an applicant operating an airplane with two pistonengines were required to show that intermediate fields available for safe takeoffs and landingswere located at least at 100-mile intervals along the proposed route. In 1953, § 121.161 imposedthe 60-minute rule on two- and three-engine airplanes. In 1964, three-engine airplanes wereexempted, leaving the restrictions only on two-engine airplanes based on the lack of satisfactoryengine reliability in the operation. In response to improvements in engine design and reliability,and responding to the needs of industry, the FAA has provided guidance for deviations from therule that have allowed two-engine operations to expand incrementally beyond the initial60-minute restriction. Currently, engine reliability has improved to a level where the safety of theoperations is not impacted so much by the number of engines, but by other factors that affectoperations of all airplanes whose routings take them great distances from adequate airports.Throughout the evolution of the current § 121.161, the following factors have remained constant:(1)The rule has always applied to all areas of operation, and has not been limited tooverwater operations.AC 120-42B 6/13/08(2)Any additional restrictions imposed or, alternatively, any deviations granted to operate in excess of the basic requirements, were based on a finding by the Administrator that adequate safety would be provided in the proposed operation and current levels of safety would be maintained when all factors were considered. This finding was never limited to engine reliability alone.(3)The airports used in meeting the provisions of the rule must be adequate for the airplane used (that is, available for safe landings and takeoff with the weights authorized).(4)Adequate levels of safety within the operation are to be maintained. Operations over increasingly remote areas and the possibility of increased diversion lengths have a potentially negative impact on the safety of the diversion, and thus the operation as a whole. Additional regulatory requirements are intended to ensure that this potential increase in risk is mitigated and that adequate levels of safety within operations are retained.(5)When considering the impact of operating at greater distances from airports, the certificate holder must show that the operation can be conducted at a level of reliability that maintains an acceptable level of risk.b.In June of 1985, responding to the industry’s desire to take advantage of the increased reliability and capabilities of two-engine airplanes, the FAA issued AC 120-42. This AC provided guidance on one means of obtaining deviation authority from § 121.161 to allowtwo-engine airplanes to operate on routes up to 120 minutes from an adequate airport after demonstration of specific levels of in-service experience and systems reliability. The FAA amended this AC in 1988 (AC 120-42A) to permit two-engine airplanes to operate up to180 minutes from an adequate airport. These ACs introduced the term “ETOPS” for those specific Extended Operations and addressed airplane and engine design aspects, maintenance programs, and operations. Both of these ACs encompassed the following precepts:(1)Reliance on a two-step approval that included type design of the airplane-engine combination and approval of the certificate holder’s operation.(2)Risk, as measured by diversion length, is mitigated by application of regulations and guidance reflecting current best practices that address the type certification of the ETOPS airplane and its systems as well as the operational environment of such operations.(3)ETOPS can be managed successfully, and the level of safety can be maintained, by up-to-date regulations and guidance that articulate quantifiable standards of reliability and experience.c.The original guidance for extended-range operations with two-engine airplanes inAC 120-42 allowed an increase of up to 15 percent to the maximum diversion time of120 minutes. This provision was eliminated with the release of the guidance in AC 120-42A, providing for operations up to 180 minutes. Recognizing a need for ETOPS diversion authority between 120 and 180 minutes, the FAA reinstated the 138-minute provision by issuing EPL 95-1 in 1994. In March of 2000, at the request of the industry, the FAA issued ETOPS Policy Letter (EPL) 20-1, 207 Minute ETOPS Operation Approval Criteria. This document provided a similar120-42BAC6/13/0815 percent increase in the 180-minute maximum diversion time and gave limited relief to ETOPScertificate holders in the specific case of North Pacific Operations.d.Since the advent of the original § 121.161, extended two-engine airplane operationshave been governed by this rule, and the process of evolving and progressive guidance hasreflected the successful and ever-increasing experience of the industry. As capable as this bodyof guidance has been in the past, it became increasingly clear that a need existed to codify all thedisparate documents into a single body of rules, and to update the existing rules to reflect all theindustry improvements such progress has used as its basis. Consequently § 121.161 was revisedto expand two-engine operational authority under successful ETOPS processes and requirecertain operations of all passenger-carrying part 121 airplanes to adopt ETOPS requirements.This AC reflects current § 121.161 regulatory requirements.202.ETOPS APPLICABILITY TO ALL PASSENGER-CARRYING AIRPLANESFLOWN IN LONG-RANGE OPERATIONS.a.AC 120-42 in 1985, and AC 120-42A in 1988, recognized the increasing reliability ofturbojet engines and helped to establish type design and operational practices for safe andreliable long-range operations with two-engine airplanes. As the technology and reliability oftwo-engine airplanes continued to improve, due in large measure to the requirements of thesedocuments, such operations became compatible with those long-range operations typicallyassociated with three- and four-engine airplanes. At the same time this technology broughttwo-engine airplanes to the arena of long-range operations, the infrastructure to support suchoperations was changing. Political and funding priorities forced the closure or reduction in basicservices of a number of airports, military and civilian, in remote areas that historically had beenused as diversion airports for routes over oceanic and/or desolate land areas. The increasing useof polar flights, while creating economic benefits, has also brought new challenges to theoperation. The risks associated with these areas’ remoteness, harsh climate and terrain, and theirunique operational issues, needed to be addressed to maintain an equivalent level of safety in theoperation.b.These issues began to significantly impact the viability of all long-range two-engineairplane operations under current regulations, and likewise began to erode the basic safety netthat long-range operations in three- and four-engine airplanes had relied on. Because of thesepressures and the increasing commonality of all long-range operations, the data began to showthat ETOPS requirements and processes are generally applicable to all long-rangepassenger-carrying operations, including those by three- and four-engine airplanes, and wouldimprove the safety and viability of such operations. All long-range passenger-carrying airplanes,regardless of the number of engines, needed a viable diversion airport in the case of onboard fire,medical emergency, or catastrophic decompression. Ensuring availability of en route alternateairports, adequate fire fighting coverage at these airports, and fuel planning to account fordepressurization are sound operational practices for all airplanes, including three- andfour-engine airplanes. Likewise, planning for the maximum allowable diversion and worst-casescenarios should account for all airplane time-critical systems.c.Unlike the ETOPS guidance provided for two-engine airplanes, there has been noregulatory framework governing the long-range operations of three- and four-engine airplanes.AC 120-42B 6/13/08 For example, in emergencies such as loss of cabin pressure, current regulations require adequate oxygen supplies but do not require the operator to consider the amount of extra fuel necessary to reach a diversion airport.(1)An analysis of operational data shows that between 1980 and 2000, 33 of the 73 cruise depressurization events on one manufacturer’s airplanes occurred on airplanes with more than two engines.(2)A study conducted by this manufacturer using a modern four-engine aircraft carrying normal route planning fuel reserves raises issues about the adequacy of the current fuel planning requirements in the event of a diversion.d.Operational data shows that the diversion rate for all airplane-related and non-airplane-related causes are comparable between two-engine airplanes and airplanes with more than two engines. Consequently, the FAA has found that there is a need for all passenger carrying operations beyond 180 minutes from an adequate airport to adopt many of the ETOPS requirements that have been based on sound safety principles and successfully proven over many years of operations. Accordingly, the FAA revised § 121.161 to include passenger-carrying airplanes with more than two engines in these long-range operations.203.EXTENDED OPERATIONS.a.Since 1985, the acronym, ETOPS, has been defined as “extended twin-engine operations” and has been limited to part 121 airplanes with only two engines. Current regulations have extended these applications to all passenger-carrying airplanes operating in both 14 CFR parts 121 and 135, and the acronym has now been redefined to mean “extended operations.” This is to acknowledge the similarity of certain long-range passenger-carrying operations of all airplanes operating today, and the common issues that impact such operations.b.Since 1988, the ETOPS limit for two-engine airplanes has been 180 minutes from an adequate airport at an approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air (excluding the limited authority in the North Pacific given under EPL 20-1, 207-Minute ETOPS Operational Approval Criteria, dated March 21, 2000). Service experience has shown that although limited, this authority has satisfactorily supported the vast majority of the world’s current aviation routes.c.Those areas not supported within 180-minute diversion authority tend to be routes over remote areas of the world that are uniquely challenging to the operation. These areas include the South Polar Region, a small section in the South Pacific, the southern South Atlantic Ocean between South America and Africa, the southern Indian Ocean and the North Polar area under certain winter weather conditions. The additional operational challenges of these routes are equally demanding of all airplanes, regardless of the number of engines, and include such issues as extremes in terrain and meteorology, as well as limited navigation and communications infrastructure. Support of a necessary diversion and subsequent recovery in such areas demands added training, expertise, and dedication from all certificate holders. The development of ETOPS requirements is intended to address all these issues.d.Even though for continuity with current two-engine ETOPS the existing acronym ETOPS is retained, the ETOPS acronym has been re-defined. ETOPS has been expanded to include all passenger-carrying airplane operations where a proposed flight plan includes any point that is greater than 180 minutes from an adequate airport (at an approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air).204.PRECLUDE AND PROTECT.a.The whole premise of ETOPS has been to preclude a diversion and, if it were to occur, to have programs in place to protect the diversion. Under this concept, propulsion systems are designed and tested to ensure an acceptable level of in-flight shutdowns (IFSD), and other airplane systems are designed and tested to ensure their reliability. Two-engine airplane maintenance practices are enhanced to better maintain and monitor the condition of the engines and systems significant to ETOPS. The design of these enhanced practices has been a major factor in the joint development of the FAA’s and industry’s aggressive steps to develop a foundation to resolve problems with airplane systems and engines in order to minimize the potential for procedural and human errors, thereby precluding a diversion.b.However, despite the best design, testing, and maintenance practices, situations occur that may require an airplane to divert. Regardless of whether the diversion is for technical (airplane system- or engine-related) or non-technical reasons, the certificate holder must have a flight operations plan to protect that diversion. For example, such a plan must include ensuring that pilots are knowledgeable about diversion airport alternates and weather conditions(§ 121.631), have the ability to communicate with the certificate holder’s dispatch office and air traffic control (ATC) (§§ 121.99 and 121.122), and have sufficient fuel to divert to the alternate (§ 121.646). Under the “preclude and protect” concept, various failure scenarios need to be considered. For example, during the design of the airplane, time-limited systems such as cargo compartment fire suppression/containment capability are considered. Fuel planning must account for the possibility of decompression or the failure of an engine with considerations for in-flight icing conditions. Best options under these scenarios should be provided to the pilot before and during the flight.c.This philosophy has been critical to the success of two-engine ETOPS in the past and has been applied to these airplanes in operations beyond 60 minutes from an adequate airport. This application is based on the requirements of § 121.161 and the engine inoperative diversion requirements of § 121.565. In-service data shows that all airplanes, regardless of the number of engines, divert from time to time for various causes. All passenger-carrying operations conducted where there are a limited number of en route airports, where the support infrastructure is marginal, or where there are challenging weather conditions should adopt many of the same elements of the same preclude and protect concept. If certificate holders plan to operate passenger-carrying airplanes with more than two engines in areas where en route airports are farther away than 180 minutes, these operations are also required to meet certain standards defined under ETOPS to ensure that all efforts are made to preclude a diversion, and if a diversion does occur, that procedures are in place to protect that diversion.Par 203 Page 7205.ETOPS AREAS OF OPERATION.a.ETOPS areas of operation are defined by § 121.7 to be areas beyond a certain distance from adequate airports measured by an airplanes one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air. Because of the impact such distances might have on the diversion time of an airplane, regulatory guidance has been established for the planning, operational, and equipage requirements for such operations. A certificate holder must apply to the FAA for approval to operate in an ETOPS area using the methodologies in this AC or other means approved by the FAA. When approval is granted, the ETOPS authority for a specific ETOPS area of operations will be noted in the certificate holder’s operations specifications (OpSpecs).b.Most ETOPS authorities for two-engine ETOPS beyond 180 minutes are limited to a specific geographical region. Historically, ETOPS authorities for two-engine airplanes up to 180 minutes were developed based on a specific need in a particular operating area. Limiting expanded ETOPS authority beyond 180 minutes (for two-engine airplanes) serves several purposes.(1)The primary importance is the preclusion of an arbitrary use of diversion authority beyond that necessary to complete the operation safely and efficiently. Because it is accepted that increased diversion times potentially increase the risk of the operation a certificate holder must make every effort to plan ETOPS with a maximum diversion distance of 180 minutes or less, if possible.(2)It should be a goal of all two-engine airplane flight planning to operate to the shortest diversion time that provides the widest range of options in the event of a diversion while recognizing the economic benefits of a more direct route and the safety benefits of diverting to an airport that is well equipped. Tying increased diversion authority to specific areas of operation accomplishes this goal while sufficiently addressing the operational needs of the industry.(3)Likewise, this focus on specific needs and areas of operation does not add impetus to any perceived rationale for further degradation in the availability or capabilities of en route alternates in remote areas of the world. Although the industry has no direct authority to affect the actions of sovereign nations, it is reasonable to base operations on the value of en route alternate availability at reasonable diversion distances.(4)In consideration of the successful history of three- and four-engine airplane operations and the reliability and redundancy of current engines used in this operation, ETOPS for these airplanes does not have similar restrictions and ETOPS authorities are not limited to geographic areas. However, like twin-engine operators, the three- and four-engine operator is required to designate the nearest available ETOPS alternate along the planned route of flight and must remain within a 240 minute diversion time if possible.c.In its application for ETOPS authority, the certificate holder will typically request a specific ETOPS area of operation based on an analysis of proposed routings and the availability of airports sufficient to support the operational requirements of the ETOPS regulations. Because the operating rules distinguish between ETOPS up to 180 minutes, and ETOPS beyond 180 Page 8 Par 205minutes, the requested level of ETOPS authority in a certificate holder’s application will necessarily have to be assessed differently for ETOPS beyond 180 minutes.(1)Two-Engine Airplanes up to 180-Minute ETOPS and 207-Minute ETOPS Authority in the North Pacific Area of Operations. The ETOPS area of operation is the area bounded by distance circles representing the approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air chosen by the applicant. The actual flight plan must comply with the fuel supply requirements in § 121.646(b) and must therefore account for wind. However, the flight planning limitations of § 121.633(a) for airplane systems do not require the operator to account for wind in such calculations for flight planning and for determining the ETOPS area of operations in these cases. This allows the applicant to choose an operating authority in his or her application that is based on the “ETOPS area of operation” determination. In other words, the distance from alternates in a certificate holder’s route planning exercise will be the same value used to determine the type design criteria for the airplane-engine combination used in the operation, and the ETOPS approval necessary to fly the route under all flight planning conditions.(2)ETOPS Beyond 180 Minutes (Two-Engine Airplanes and All Passenger-Carrying Airplanes With More Than 2 Engines). As required by § 121.633(b), for ETOPS beyond 180 minutes for all airplanes, the ETOPS operation must account for the effects of wind and temperature on the calculated distances. Consequently the planning for an ETOPS flight beyond 180 minutes is more complex.(a)The certificate holder should first conduct a route planning exercise for each planned city pairing to determine the diversion authority needed in still air conditions. If the route or segments of the route exceed 180 minutes based on one engine inoperative speed and still air, then a secondary planning exercise (that may be required seasonally) should be conducted that factors in expected winds and temperatures on that route. The distance between adequate alternate airports on the route is converted into time (minutes) computed for all engine cruise speed, as well as engine inoperative speed. The number of minutes cannot exceed the time-limited system certified capability (cargo fire suppression and the other most limiting system)that is identified in the Configuration Maintenance Procedures (CMP) or Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) (or any other FAA-approved manufacturer’s document) less the 15-minute pad. The operator needs to determine how much system capability is required for the planned route and equip its airplane to have sufficient margins. Finally, for the actual flight, the operator’s flight planning must be within the airplane systems capability for the selected ETOPS alternate airports on the planned route based on diversion times that are calculated using known or forecast winds and temperature conditions.(b)As a minimum, the certificate holder must ensure that the time-limited systems requirements of § 121.633(b) are met at the equal-time points between ETOPS alternates determined by the most limiting en route fuel supply requirements of § 121.646(b), commonly referred to as the ETOPS critical fuel scenario. Certificate holders flying three- and four engine airplanes, prior to the established installation time and certification time requirements of the regulation for these systems and their airplanes, are exempt from these flight planning limitations.Par 205 Page 9。
这就是街舞准备演讲稿英文As we all know, street dance has become increasingly popular in recent years. It has evolved from its origins in the underground urban culture to a mainstream form of entertainment and art. Today, I want to talk about what makes street dance so unique and why it has such a powerful impact on people around the world.First and foremost, street dance is a form of self-expression. It allows individuals to communicate their emotions, thoughts, and experiences through movement. Whether it's through breaking, popping, locking, or krumping, each style of street dance has its own distinct vocabulary that enables dancers to convey their stories and feelings. This ability to express oneself is what makes street dance so captivating and relatable to audiences of all ages and backgrounds.Furthermore, street dance is a celebration of diversity and inclusivity. It transcends cultural and social boundaries, bringing people together from different walks of life. In the world of street dance, there are no barriers – only a shared passion for movement and rhythm. This sense of unity and acceptance is what makes street dance a powerful force for social change and empowerment.In addition, street dance is a reflection of the urban environment and the experiences of those who inhabit it. It draws inspiration from the streets, the music, the fashion, and the attitudes of the city. Street dance is a living, breathing art form that constantly evolves and adapts to the ever-changing landscape of urban life. It is a testament to the resilience and creativity of the human spirit.Moreover, street dance is a form of physical and mental discipline. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to push oneself beyond one's limits. Dancers must train rigorously to master their craft, honing their skills and developing their own unique style. This commitment to excellence is what sets street dancers apart and earns them the respect of their peers and audiences alike.In conclusion, street dance is more than just a form of entertainment – it is a cultural phenomenon that has the power to inspire, unite, and transform. It is a testament to the human spirit and the universal language of movement. As we continue to embrace and celebrate the art of street dance, let us remember its ability to connect us, to move us, and to remind us of the beauty and diversity of the world we live in. Thank you.。
ETOPS机务部分的操作程序 ppt课件
ppt课件 13
任何中国东方航空公司的飞机要加入ETOPS机队,首 先应按照飞机制造厂家提供给东航的现行有效的构型维 护程序(CMP)手册要求,完成ETOPS构型确认的工作, 同时,还必须完成CAAC所要求的工作及对CMP的修订工 作,并且还必须完成随后由适航部门颁发的适航指令或 由厂家发出的有关ETOPS的服务通告或其它相应文件。 所有有关ETOPS的服务通告和适航指令等文件都列入 东航的CMP中。CMP中列出了东航飞机有关ETOPS的构型 状态。
ETOPS运行构型介绍 飞机型号数据单确认: 根据AIRBUS 最新TCDS A.004(TYPE-CERTIFCATE DATA SHEET)文件,东航A330-200/300 机型和所 安装的RR Trent 772B-60 型发动机组合是符合180 分钟ETOPS 运行的许可 2. 飞机构型确认:根据AIRBUS 最新A330 ETOPS PARTS LIST 文件中所列的ETOPS 最低设备放行清 单,对东航A330-200/300 机型机载设备进行评估 和确认,经查这些设备在东航A330-200/300 飞机 上都已符合ETOPS 最低设备放行清单的标准; 3. 飞机发动机确认:根据AIRBUS 最新TCDS E.042 ( TAYE-CERTIFCATE DATA SHEET)文件,东航 A330-200/300 机型安装的RR Trent 772B-60型发 动机是满足ETOPS 运行的要求; 4. 飞机APU 确认:根据AIRBUS 最新A330 ETOPS CMP Document 文件内容,东航A330-200/300 机型所安 装的GTCP331-350C 型APU 是符合180 分钟ETOPS 运行的要求;
奥运会吉祥物 Olympic Mascot
• 是一届奥运会的独特标志和最有代表意义的纪念 品。Is a symbol of the Olympic Games and the most meaningful souvenirs.
世界各地的运动员每四年参加一次奥林 匹克运动会。夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会 都是每四年一次。冬季奥运会通常是在 夏季奥运会之前两年举行。
2008奥运火炬 The 2008 Olympic torch
古代奥运会的3个阶段 The ancient Olympic Games in three stages
起跑姿式 Starting position
美国运动员托马斯· 布克(左二)赢得奥运会第一个百米 冠军,他这种现在看起来很平常的起跑姿式,在当时却 引起不少观众的嘲笑。
下一页:双杠团体赛 目 录 返 回
The Olympic
奥林匹克运动 Olympic Games
Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.Both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held every four years.The Winter Olympic Games are usually held two years before the Summer Olympic Games.
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The airline ETOPS maintenance program should endeavor
to contain the standards, guidance and direction necessary
to support the ETOPS operation.
Legal Commitment
Regulatory Requirements - Task identification
Flag or Segregate ETOPS Tasks MPD Task n° - 282300-01-1 (ET) Extended Range Operations Significant Task. Refer to CMP document. If Extended Range Operations are undertaken, task must be performed at an interval not exceeding .... (e.g. Daily / Weekly / xxx FH / xxx Ldgs / xx Cycles)
ETOPS Maintenance
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 7
ETOPS 维修政策
法律 义务
规章 要求
风险 最小化
程序 手册
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 10
Legal Commitment
Regulatory Requirements - Documentation
The Airline is required to identify ETOPS related items within its maintenance documentation Maintenance documentation furnished by the aircraft manufacturer to be updated for ETOPS: Maintenance Line Check List
ETOPS program.
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 11
规章要求 – 概述
航空公司ETOPS维修计划应该尽力包含支持ETOPS 运行的标准、必要的指导和方向。
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 15
规章要求 – 任务识别
旗标记或隔离的 ETOPS 任务 MPD 任务号 - 282300-01-1 (ET) 延程操作重要任务。参阅CMP文件。 如果采取延程操作,执行任务的间隔一定不能超过 .... (例如:每日 / 每周 / xxx 飞行小时 / xxx 着陆 / xx 起落)
Maintenance Dispatch
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 3
政策 Policies
法律 义务
规章 要求
ETOPS maintenance Coordinator
ETOPS Briefing
forward all the change proposal to the local Authority implement changes after approval
Oil Consumption Program
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 5
Hale Waihona Puke 政策服务 检查定义 内容 执行服务 检查
构型 控制
部件 采购
可靠性 控制
报告 标准 服役 报告
缺陷和 趋势
回顾 程序 重要 部件 验证 计划 性能 监控
技术 记录本
部件 要求
发动机 / APU 可靠性 部件 MTBUR/ MTBF
滑油消耗 计划
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 6
Legal Commitment
Regulatory Requirements - Change to procedures/processes
Substantial changes to maintenance and training is only made with the approval of the local Authority. This will generate changes to the ETOPS maintenance procedure manual. Before incorporation, these changes will have to be approved by the local Authority as well. However it is foreseen that purely technical changes approved by the JAA to the CMP, MMEL, AFM, may require a quicker incorporation and therefore a procedure to cover this situation should be developed and agreed between the operator and the local authority.
AND / OR notes:
If Extended Range Operations are undertaken, it should be noted that the task has been identified as ETOPS significant.
维修 计划 人为 因素 在并行的系统 工作
风险 最小化
程序 手册
维修 签派
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 4
ETOPS Maintenance
ET PS Briefing
ETOPS Maintenance
Policies and Procedures
ETOPS Briefing
简介 ET PS Briefing
ETOPS Briefing
ETOPS Maintenance
Maintenance and personnel involved in the operation should be made ETOPS aware and have the knowledge, skills and ability to accomplish the requirements of the
政策 Policies
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 8
ETOPS Maintenance Policies
Legal Commitment
Regulatory Requirements
Minimizing the Risk
Procedures Manual
ETOPS Briefing
Maintenance Policies & Procedures - Ref AI/EA-O 418.0343 / AI/SE-M3 955.1720/2001- 9
和 / 或说明:
如果采取延程操作,应该注意的是任务要按照ETOPS的重要性来 确定。