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Introduction 21
Accuracy and precautions for use
21Water resistance
23“1000 Hours Control” test
25Use of the Mechanical Model
27Use of the Quartz Model
29International Guarantee
33Limited Warranty
36(United States of America and Canada)
Guarantee for Australia
40Customer Service 45
3 Crown 20
E N G L I S H 21
We would like to thank you for the confi-dence you have placed in Jaeger-LeCoultre. Our Maison has applied all its expertise and e xacting standards to the cre ation of this model.
We invite you to consult the operating ins-tructions and hope your Jae ge r-Le Coultre timepiece brings you great joy. ACCURACY AND
Th e accuracy of watch mod e ls with me chanical move me nts is de te rmine d by the balance wheel. This oscillates at a rate of 21,600 vibrations pe r hour. De spite all the care that the maste r watchmake rs of the Jae ge r-Le Coultre Manufacture have lavishe d on building and asse mbling your
watch, its accuracy is subje ct to the in-flue nce of gravity, magne tic fie lds, acci-dental impacts, and the ageing of the oils.
The accuracy of a watch is measured by its regularity of rate in various positions.
Y our individual activities could be the cause of slight irre gularitie s in the working of your timepiece. If you observe a discrepan-cy in the way your watch runs, we advise you to entrust it to an authorised Jaeger- LeCoultre retailer who will make the neces-sary adjustme nts. Watche s with me cha-nical move me nts must not be use d for sports involving significant risk of impact or abrupt actions, such as golf or tennis.
Quartz models are accurate to wit-
hin 2 to 3 minute s a ye ar. Jae ge r-
LeCoultre quartz watches contain a battery and electronic components. When pe rforming a mainte nance se rvice, your Jae ge r-Le Coultre authorise d T e chnical As-sistance Ce ntre or your authorise d Jae ge r-
E N G L I S H 23Le Coultre re taile r will re cove r such com-ponents and ensure they are disposed of in accordance with the standards in force.WATER RESISTANCE
Your Jae ge r-Le Coultre watch is wate r- resistant to 3 bar. Its water resistance can be ide ntifie d by the symbol and/or the e ngraving: “3 bar” on the case back. This me ans that your mode l has be e n tested at an overpressure of 3 bar, corre-sponding to an immersion pressure of 30 metres (1 bar = ±10 metres).
In accordance with the ISO 22810/NIHS 92-20 standard, in order to guarantee the durability of the watch’s characte ristics over time, and as water resistance may be affected by certain activities, it is recom-mended that you:
- have the watch’s water resistance checked by an authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre retailer at least once every two years. It is essen-tial to have such a check carried out each
time your watch is opened, and before any period in which it is liable to undergo pro-
longed and/or regular immersions.
- check when making the purchase that the bracelet is suitable for the intended use.
- avoid subjecting the watch to excessively abrupt temperature changes.
- protect the watch from being dropped or suffe ring othe r accide ntal impacts, and have the wate r re sistance che cke d afte r any severe impact.
- avoid using the controls, push-pie ce, or time-se tting crown while unde r wate r, or outside the water, if the watch is not yet dry after immersion.
- re store the time-se tting crown and the
push-pieces to their normal positions, (or whe re applicable, close the compre ssion keys) after every manipulation.
- rinse the watch with fresh water after use in sea water.
25Y ou may use your watch while swimming as long as you do not exceed the immer-sion pre ssure and do not e ngage in any wate r sports that could cause impacts. This watch is not a piece of diving equip-ment and should not be used as such. Also, note that leather straps are not suited for aquatic activities.
The Jae ge r-Le Coultre Manufacture pays close atte ntion to the quality and to the final checks of its watches.
The 1000 Hours Control is a series of in-te rnal qualification te sts for e ach of the models in our collection, as well as inter-nal tests on the production of your watch, which go be yond official timing te sts. The se te sts include che cks of the move -me nt be fore and afte r be ing case d up in the watch and cove r the whole watch
once it has been assembled, in the condi-tions closest to daily wear.
The “1000 Hours Control” le ge nd, or the “” se al e ngrave d on the back of the watch ce rtifie s that e ach of the mode ls from our collection has successfully under-gone all of the qualification tests, and that your watch has succe ssfully unde rgone all of the production te sts. The se e nsure regularity of rate, resistance to variations in temperature and atmospheric pressure, ability to withstand shocks and magnetic fields, as well as water resistance.
- Manually wound mechanical movement, Calibre 822A/2
- 21,600 vibrations/hour
- Power reserve: approximately 42 hours
Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 822A/2
The watch is wound by turning the crown clockwise. It is fully wound when the crown locks.
Do not attempt to wind a manually wound watch beyond the locking point.
T o e nsure good ope rating accuracy, it is advisable to wind your watch regularly, at least once a day.
E N G L I S H 29
SETTING THE HOUR AND MINUTES Pull the crown out to position 1.
Move the hands clockwise until the de -sired time is displayed.
When the operation is complete, push the crown back into position 0.
- Quartz movement, Calibre 657
- 32,768 Hz
- The battery reference is 364
31Move the hands clockwise until the de -sired time is displayed.
When the operation is complete, push the crown back into position 0.
In orde r to be ne fit from the Inte rnation-al Guarante e and/or the Limite d War-ranty and/or the Manufacture r’s Guar-ant e e for Australia, Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e
products must be purchase d e xclusive ly from authorise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre re tail-
e rs or from Jae ge r-Le Coultre Boutique s.
Maintenance and repair work must be en-trusted to an authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre re taile r, a Jae ge r-Le Coultre Boutique, or an authorise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre Se rvice Ce ntre. If the se conditions are not me t, the manufacture r’s guarante e doe s not apply. Ple ase contact Jae ge r-Le Coultre to obtain the list of authorise d Jae ge r- LeCoultre retailers across the world.
T he International Guarantee applies to Jaeger-LeCoultre products sold or pre-sented for guarantee repairs in all coun-tries, except the United States of Ameri-ca and Canada (for these two countries, see the Limited Warranty) and Australia (for this country, refer to the Guarantee for Australia).
Your Jae ge r-Le Coultre watch is guaran-teed to protect against all manufacturing defects for two years from the date of pur-chase, subject to the following conditions. Any part found by our technical services to be defective as a result of a manufac-turing defect will, at the sole discretion of Jaeger-LeCoultre, be repaired or replaced fre e of charge. The Jae ge r-Le Coultre In-
te rnational Guarante e is valid only if the guarante e ce rtificate e nclose d with this booklet has been duly completed, dated, stampe d, and signe d by the authorise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre re taile r or the Jae ge r- LeCoultre Boutique, which sold you your watch.
The Jaeger-LeCoultre International Guar-ante e doe s not cove r de fe cts re sulting from accidents, mishandling, or incorrect, abusive use (for e xample, knocks, de nts, crushing, excessive temperatures, power-ful magne tic fie lds), the use of or e ffe ct of using batte rie s othe r than those de s-ignate d by Jae ge r-Le Coultre, unauthor-ised alteration or repair, the consequences of normal wear and ageing of the watch, strap, or glass, the loss of water resistance after two years from the date of purchase, if your watch is water-resistant, or any de-fe ct re sulting from contact with wate r, if your watch is not water-resistant.
Jae ge r-Le Coultre wate r-re sistant watche s can be identified by the symbol and/or
35by “3, 5, 10, or 20 bar” (or another number de pe nding on the mode l) e ngrave d on the case back. The ir wate r re sistance is guarante e d for two ye ars from the date of purchase, provided that the glass, bez-el, back, middle part, and crown have not be e n damage d. It is ne ve rthe le ss e sse n-tial to have the wate r re sistance of your watch che cke d at le ast once e ve ry two years, and in any event, prior to any period of inte nsive use , e ithe r by an authorise d Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e r e tail e r, a Ja e g e r- Le Coultre Boutique , or an authorise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre Se rvice Ce ntre (for further information please see your User Manual).
For quartz watche s, this guarante e doe s not cover the battery life.
As a consumer, you may have legal rights under applicable national legislation gov-erning the sale of consumer goods; those rights are not affected by this guarantee.
The following Limited Warranty applies to Jaeger-LeCoultre products sold or pre-sented for warranty repairs in the United States of America and Canada only.
Your Jae ge r-Le Coultre watch is guaran-teed against all manufacturing defects for two years from the date of purchase, sub-je ct to the following conditions. Any part found by our technical services to be de-fective as a result of a manufacturing de-fect will, at the sole discretion of Jaeger- LeCoultre, be repaired or replaced free of charge. The Jaeger-LeCoultre Limited War-ranty is valid only if the warranty certificate
e nclose d with this bookle t has be e n duly 36
37completed, dated, stamped, and signed by the authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre retailer or the Jaeger-LeCoultre Boutique, which sold you your watch.
This Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e Limit e d Warranty does not cover defects resulting from ac-cidents, mishandling, or incorrect, abusive use (for example, knocks, dents, crushing, xce ssive te mpe rature s, powe rful mag-ne tic fie lds), the use of or e ffe ct of using batte rie s othe r than those de signate d by Jae ge r-Le Coultre , unauthorise d alte ration or repair, the consequences of normal wear and age ing of the watch, strap, or glass, the loss of water resistance after two years from the date of purchase , if your watch is wate r-re sistant, or any de fe ct re sulting from contact with wate r, if your watch is not water-resistant.
Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e wat e r-r e sistant watch-
e s can be ide ntifie d by the symbol
and/or by “3, 5, 10, or 20 bar” (or anothe r numbe r de pe nding on the mode l) e n-graved on the caseback. Their water resist-
ance is guaranteed for two years from the date of purchase, provided that the glass, be ze l, back, middle part, and crown have not be e n damage d. It is ne ve rthe le ss e s-sential to have the water resistance of your watch che cke d at le ast once e ve ry two ye ars, and in any eve nt, prior to any pe-riod of intensive use, either by an author-ise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre re taile r, a Jae ge r- L Coultr Boutiqu, or an authoris d Jaeger-LeCoultre Service Centre (for fur-the r information ple ase se e your Use r Manual).
For quartz watche s, this guarante e doe s not cover the battery life.
Except insofar as prohibited by applica-ble law, this Limited Warranty shall be the exclusive manufacturer warranty. Nei-ther this Limited Warranty nor any other warranties, whether expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for any particular purpose, shall extend
beyond the period of two years from the date of purchase.
The liability of Jaeger-LeCoultre is limited solely and exclusively to repair or replace-ment under the terms and conditions stat-ed herein. Jaeger-LeCoultre shall not be liable, by virtue of this Limited Warranty or otherwise, for any loss or damage aris-ing out of the use of or inability to use this watch nor for any incidental or consequen-tial damages relating in any way to this watch.
Some States, Provinces, and T erritories do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or ex-clusions may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty grants you specific legal rights, in addition to which you may have other legal rights that vary from one Country, State, Province, or Territory to another.
T his Guarantee for Australia applies to Jaeger-LeCoultre products purchased or presented for guarantee repairs in Australia only.
Mandatory Statutory Rights. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be ex-cluded under the Australian Consumer Law. Y ou are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compe nsation for any othe r re asonably fore se e able loss or damage. Y ou are also entitled to have the goods re paire d or re place d, if goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
This Ja g r-L Coultr Guarant giv s you additional rights and re me die s un-
any othe r laws in re lation to the goods. Eve ry Jae ge r-Le Coultre product is made and te ste d to me e t the Jae ge r-Le Coultre quality standards. N e v e rth e l e ss, should your Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e product prov e d f ctiv , pl as contact th Ja g r- L Coultr r tail r or Ja g r-L Coultr Boutique indicate d on your guarante e c e rtificat e ; only authoris e d Ja e g e r- L e Coultr e r e tail e rs or Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e Boutique s are e ntitle d to provide a guar-ante e se rvice as de fine d in this Jae ge r- Le Coultre Guarante e . In orde r to be ne fit from this guarante e , you will be re quire d to pr e s e nt this Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e guar-ante e ce rtificate duly comple te d, date d, stampe d, and signe d by an authorise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre re taile r or a Jae ge r- LeCoultre Boutique.
This Ja e g e r-L e Coultr e Guarant e e cov-e rs de fe cts of mate rials or workmanship of your Jae ge r-Le Coultre product. Sub-je ct to your Mandatory Statutory Rights
Jaeger-LeCoultre will remedy these identi-fied defects free of charge for up to two (2) years from the date of purchase. Thereafter, Jae ge r-Le Coultre will re pair any de fe ctive product or part subject to a service charge. The Jae ge r-Le Coultre Guarante e doe s not cove r de fe cts and damage cause d by ac-cide nt, imprope r use (including knocks, dents, crushing, etc.), normal wear and tear, alte ration, dismantling, re pair by pe rsons oth r than authoris d Ja g r-L Coultr
re pair spe cialists, the use of compone nts other than those recommended by Jaeger- LeCoultre, watches with the serial number removed, the strap or glass altered, the loss of water resistance after two years from the date of purchase, if your watch is wate r- resistant, and any defect resulting from the contact with wate r, if your watch is not water-resistant.
Jae ge r-Le Coultre wate r-re sistant watch-e s can be ide ntifie d by the symbol and/or by “3, 5, 10, or 20 bar” (or anoth-
er number depending on the model) en-grave d on the case back. The ir wate r re -sistance is guaranteed for two years from the date of purchase , provide d that the glass, bezel, back, middle part, and crown have not been damaged. It is essential to have the water resistance checked by an authoris d Ja g r-L Coultr r tail r, a Jaeger-LeCoultre Boutique, or an author-ise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre Se rvice Ce ntre at le ast e ve ry two ye ars, and in any e ve nt, prior to any period of intensive use. Please refer to the operating instructions for fur-ther details. For quartz watches, this guar-antee does not cover the battery life.
Subj ct to your Mandatory Statutory Rights unde r the Australian Consume r Law, if you make a claim under this Jaeger- Le Coultre Guarante (inste ad of your Mandatory Statutory Rights) you may be re sponsible for transportation costs, in-cluding but not limited to postage, insur-ance and packing materials.
In Australia, a claim unde r the Jae ge r- Le Coultre Guarante may be se nt to Riche mont Australia Pty Ltd, provide r of the guarantee service, at the address be-low or as specified above:
Richemont Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 4780
Sydney, NSW 2001
T el: +1 800 71 0665
Email: @jaeger-
A Jae ge r-Le Coultre time pie ce is a high- pre cision instrume nt that ope rate s 24 hours a day, or 8,760 hours a year. There-fore, it is essential to have it serviced reg-ularly in order to guarantee its good work-ing orde r and its durability. If significant variations occur in the settings, it may be necessary to have the movement serviced.It is also necessary to have the water re-sistance of the watch checked once every two ye ars, or prior to any pe riod during which it will be subje cte d to prolonge d and/or regular immersion.
Maintenance and repair work must be en-trusted to an authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre re taile r, a Jae ge r-Le Coultre Boutique , or an authorise d Jae ge r-Le Coultre Se rvice Ce ntre. The list of our points of sale and service centres is available on our website: www.jae ge r-le coultre .com. You will also find this information at the e nd of this docume nt, unde r the he ading “Whe re to
entrust my timepiece for maintenance?”Our authorised Service Centres are staffed by watchmake rs traine d at the Jae ge r- L Coultr Manufactur, and hav th workshops, tools, and parts re quire d for the re pair and mainte nance of Jae ge r- LeCoultre watches and clocks.
In ce rtain case s, e spe cially for ope rations requiring special tools and parts, the Ser-vice Ce ntre s will se nd your watch to the Jae ge r-Le Coultre Manufacture in Switze r-land to have the ne ce ssary work carrie d out.。
