petrol filling station





英文名称:automobile LPG filling station。








城镇燃气设计规范 GB50028-2006第1章总则1.0.1 为使城镇燃气工程设计符合安全生产、保证供应、经济合理和保护环境的要求,制定本规范。

1.O.2 本规范适用于向城市、乡镇或居民点供给居民生活、商业、工业企业生产、采暖通风和空调等各类用户作燃料用的新建、扩建或改建的城镇燃气工程设计。

注:1 本规范不适用于城镇燃气门站以前的长距离输气管道工程。

2 本规范不适用于工业企业自建供生产工艺用且燃气质量不符合本规范质量要求的燃气工程设计,但自建供生产工艺用且燃气质量符合本规范要求的燃气工程设计,可按本规范执行。


3 本规范不适用于海洋和内河轮船、铁路车辆、汽车等运输工具上的燃气装置设计。

1.O.3 城镇燃气工程设计,应在不断总结生产、建设和科学实验的基础上,积极采用行之有效的新工艺、新技术、新材料和新设备,做到技术先进,经济合理。

.4 城镇燃气工程规划设计应遵循我国的能源政策,根据城镇总体规划进行设计,并应与城镇的能源规划、环保规划、消防规划等相结合。

.5 城镇燃气工程设计,除应遵守本规范外,尚应符合国家现行的有关标准的规定。

第2章术语2.0.1 城镇燃气city gas从城市、乡镇或居民点中的地区性气源点,通过输配系统供给居民生活、商业、工业企业生产、采暖通风和空调等各类用户公用性质的,且符合本规范燃气质量要求的可燃气体。


2.O.2 人工煤气 manufactured gas以固体、液体或气体(包括煤、重油、轻油、液体石油气、天然气等)为原料经转化制得的,且符合现行国家标准《人工煤气》GB 13612质量要求的可燃气体。


2.0.3 居民生活用气gas for domestic use用于居民家庭炊事及制备热水等的燃气。

2.0.4商业用气 gas for commercial use用于商业用户(含公共建筑用户)生产和生活的燃气。



Filling stationA petrol station, filling station, gas station, fueling station, service station, garage, gasbar, petrol pump or petrol bunk (India) is a facility which sells fuel and lubricants for motor vehicles. The most common fuels sold are petrol (known as gasoline in the United States and Canada, although the term petrol is also understood in Canada) or diesel fuel.Fuel dispensers are used to pump petrol/gasoline, diesel, CNG, CGH2, HCNG, LPG, LH2, ethanol fuel, biofuels like biodiesel, kerosene, or other types of fuel into vehicles. Fuel dispensers are also known as bowsers (in some parts of Australia).[1], petrol pumps (in Commonwealth countries), or gas pumps (in North America).Many filling stations also have small convenience stores, and some also sell propane or butane and have added shops to their primary business. Conversely, some chain stores—supermarkets, discount superstores, warehouse clubs, and traditional convenience stores—offer filling stations on premises.The term "gas station" is mostly used in the US and in Canada, where the fuel is known as "gasoline" or "gas". In some regions of Canada, the term "gas bar" is used. Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, mainly in the Commonwealth, the fuel is known as "petrol", and the term "petrol station" or "petrol pump" is used. In the United Kingdom and South Africa "garage" is still commonly used, even though the petrol station may have no service/maintenance facilities which would justify this description. Similarly, in Australia, the term service station ("servo") describes any petrol station. In Japanese English, it is called a "gasoline stand". In Indian English, it is called a petrol pump or a petrol bunk. In some regions of America and Australia, filling stations have a mechanic on duty, but this is uncommon in other parts of the world.Most filling stations are built in a similar manner, with most of the fueling installation underground, pump machines in the forecourt and a point of service inside a building. Single or multiple fuel tanks are usually deployed underground. Local regulations and environmental concerns may require a different method, with some stations storing their fuel in container tanks, entrenched surface tanks or unprotected fuel tanks deployed on the surface. Fuel is usually offloaded from a tanker truck into the tanks through a separate valve, located on the filling station's perimeter. Fuel from the tanks travels to the dispenser pumps through underground pipes. For every fuel tank, direct access must be available at all times. Most tanks can be accessed through a service canal directly from the forecourt.Older stations tend to use a separate pipe for every kind of available fuel and for every dispenser. Newer stations may employ a single pipe for every dispenser. This pipe houses a number of smaller pipes for the individual fuel types. Fuel tanks, dispenser and nozzles used to fill car tanks employ vapor recovery systems, which prevents releases of vapor into the atmosphere with a system of pipes. The exhausts are placed as high as possible. A vapor recovery system may be employed at the exhaust pipe. This system collects the vapors, liquifies them and releases them back into the lowest grade fuel tank available.The forecourt is the part of a filling station where vehicles are refueled. Fuel dispensers are placed on concrete plinths, as a precautionary measure. Additional elements may be employed, including metal barriers. The area around the fuel dispensers must have a drainage system. Since fuel sometimes spills on the ground, as little of it as possible should penetrate the soil. Drainage canals in the vicinity of the fuel pumps drain all fluids into a waste container.If a filling station allows customers to pay at the register, the data from the dispensers may be transmitted via RS232 or ethernet to the point of sale, usually inside the filling station's building, and fed into the station's cash register operating system. The cash register system gives a limited control over the fuel dispenser, and is usually limited to allowing the clerks to turn the pumps on and off, though the process is usually automatic. A separate system is used to monitor the fuel tank's status and quantities of fuel. With sensors directly in the fuel tank, the data is fed to a terminal in the back room, where it can be downloaded or printed out. Sometimes this method is bypassed, with the fuel tank data transmitted directly into an external database.Some filling stations include tire air pump and automatic car wash facilities with vacuum cleaners.2008年北京奥运会的举行让全中国老老少少都兴起了学英语的热潮,而时隔两年之后,正在举行的上海世博会让全国人名学英语的热情再一次被点燃。


two weeks
full stop(punctuation)
fossil fuel in gaseous state used to heat & cook
gaol, prison, jail
chest of drawers
(French) fries
cigarette; fag(slang)
cigarette or cigaret(in the US fag or faggot means homosexual man (rude, offensive)
fizzy drink
pop, soda, coke
flat('apartment' is sometimes used in formal written documents)
attorney, lawyer
bathtub, tub
bill (restaurant)
cookie, cracker



灯具行业专业术语翻译户外照明系列专业词汇、专业术语:光源(lighting source):白炽灯(incandescent)卤钨灯(tungsten halogen lamp)荧光灯(fluorescent)节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯)(compact fluorescent)金属卤化物灯(metal halide lamp)(metal halogen lamp)陶瓷金卤灯(ceramic metal halide lamp)石英金卤灯(quartz metal halide lamp)高压钠灯(high pressure sodium lamp)低压钠灯(low pressure sodium lamp)无极灯(electrodeless lamp)LED灯(Light-Emitting-Diode)户外灯具(outdoor luminaires)luminaire:路灯(street lamp)庭院灯(garden lamp)泛光灯(flood lamp)隧道灯(tunnel lamp)埋地灯(buried lamp)投光灯(projector lamp)水下灯(underwater lamp)洗墙灯(wall washer lamp)草坪灯(lawn lamp)景观灯(landscape lamp)壁灯(wall lamp)高天棚天(high-ceiling lamp)油站灯(petrol filling station)匝道灯(ramp lamp)筒灯(down lamp)灯带(LED Strip)护栏路灯(rail guarding road lamp)灯杆(lamp pole)灯头(lamp cap)照明光学术语:光通量(luminous flux)勒克斯(lux)照度(illuminance)(illumination)流明(lumen)光强(luminous intensity)坎德拉(candela)光效(luminous efficacy of light source)(luminous efficiency of light source)色温(color temperature)显色指数(CRI:color rendering index)平均寿命(averagy life)经济寿命(economic life)眩光(glare)配光曲线图(photometric data)(light distribution curve) 光束角(beam angle)户外照明常用电器:额定功率(rated power)功率因数(power factor)输入功率(input power)输入电压(input power)输入电流(input current)触发器(ignitor)(trigger)电容(capacitor)电感镇流器(inductive ballast)(rectifier)电子镇流器(electronic ballast)电缆(electric wire)户外照明常用配件:防护等级(IP: International Protection) (protection grade) 灯壳(lampshell)灯罩(lamp shade)(housing)遮光罩(light shield)连接件(joint)堵头(end cap)底座(base)导轨(mounting)装饰环(decorative ring)防护网(grid guard)灯体(lamp body)压铸件(dei-casting fitting)反光罩(reflector)铝氧化反光罩(alum-oxidized reflector)呼吸器(respirator)地埋筒/预埋件(buried barrel)支架(carrier)(bracket)面盖(cover)面罩(diffuser)钢化玻璃(tempered glass)灯座(lamp holder)灯座线(wiring to lamp holder)电源线(supply wire)地线(grounding wire)火线(live line)零线(neutral line)热缩管(heat shrinkable tubes)玻纤管(glass fiber sleeves)扎线带(tie)护线套(bushing)奶嘴(wire connector)接线端子(terminal)接线座(terminal block)旋钮端子(twist-on type wire connector)螺丝(screw)螺母(nut)平垫(washer)螺栓(bolt)销钉(pin)铆钉(rivet)平垫(flat washer)菊花介子(tooth washer)外菊花介子(external tooth lock washer)内菊花介子(internal tooth lock washer)自攻螺丝(self-tapping screw)十字螺丝(philips screw)铁(iron)钢(steel)不锈钢(stainless steel)铝(aluminum)防水(waterproof)防尘(dustproof)绝缘(insulation)陶瓷配件(ceramic fitting)五金配件(hardware fitting)亚克力(acryl)亚克力配件(acrylic fitting)(acryl)塑胶配件(plastic fitting)橡胶(rubber)常见表面处理工艺(surface treatment)焊接(welding)镀锌(galvanization)热镀锌(hot dip galvanization)喷塑(plastic coating)镀镍(nickel-plating)电镀(plating)抛光(polish)。



UDC中华人民共和国国家标准GBP GB 50156-2012汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范Code for design and construction of filling station2012-06-28 发布2013-03-01 实施中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部联合发布中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局中华人民共和国国家标准汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范Code for design and construction of fillingstationGB50156-2012主编部门:中国石油化工集团公司批准部门:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部施行日期:2013年 3 月 1 日中国计划出版社2012 北京前言本规范是根据住房和城乡建设部《关于印发<2009年工程建设标准规范制订、修订计划>的通知》(建标[2009]88号)的要求,中国石化工程建设公司会同有关单位对原国家标准《汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范》GB50156-2002(2006年版)进行修订的基础上编制完成的。


本规范共分13章和3个附录,主要内容包括:总则、术语、符号和缩略语、基本规定、站址选择、站内平面布置、加油工艺及设施、LPG加气工艺及设施、CNG 加气工艺及设施、LNG和L-CNG加气工艺及设施、消防设施及给排水、电气、报警和紧急切断系统、采暖通风、建筑物、绿化和工程施工等。

与原国家标准《汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范》GB50156-2002(2006年版)相比,本规范主要有下列变化:1. 增加了LNG(液化天然气)加气站内容。

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第86课

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第86课

Lesson 86 Out of control 失控【New words and expressions】(11)swing (swung ,swung)v. 转向speedboat n. 快艇desperately adv. 绝望地companion n. 同伙,伙伴water ski (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水buoy n. 浮标dismay n. 沮丧tremendous adj. 巨大的petrol n. 汽油drift v. 漂动,漂流gently adv. 缓慢地,轻轻地一.單詞講解:★ swing (1)v. 转向、突然轉向、轉變方向、轉變思想(swung ,swung)eg:I wanted to swing round and shout at him . 我想转向他吼叫。

eg:That bicycle will swing around the corner .那輛自行車將在轉彎處轉彎。

eg:It’s impossible to swing a car in such a narrow path like this .這樣一個狹窄的道路上不可能掉轉汽車方向的。

no room to swing a cat =no enough room to swing a cat無轉身之地、過於狹窄(2)v. 擺動、使擺動eg:It’s bad manners to awing your legs while eating .吃飯時晃動雙腳是不禮貌的。

eg:The monkey is swinging itself from tree to tree.猴子在樹上從這棵樹蕩到那棵樹。

(3)n. 擺動、振動eg:The swing of the ship makes me sick .船的晃動讓我感到想吐。

(4)n.鞦韆eg:There are some swings in the park . 公園裡有許多鞦韆。



城镇燃气设计规范GB50028-2006第1章总则1.0.1 为使城镇燃气工程设计符合安全生产、保证供应、经济合理和保护环境的要求,制定本规范。

1.O.2 本规范适用于向城市、乡镇或居民点供给居民生活、商业、工业企业生产、采暖通风和空调等各类用户作燃料用的新建、扩建或改建的城镇燃气工程设计。

注:1 本规范不适用于城镇燃气门站以前的长距离输气管道工程。

2 本规范不适用于工业企业自建供生产工艺用且燃气质量不符合本规范质量要求的燃气工程设计,但自建供生产工艺用且燃气质量符合本规范要求的燃气工程设计,可按本规范执行。


3 本规范不适用于海洋和内河轮船、铁路车辆、汽车等运输工具上的燃气装置设计。

1.O.3 城镇燃气工程设计,应在不断总结生产、建设和科学实验的基础上,积极采用行之有效的新工艺、新技术、新材料和新设备,做到技术先进,经济合理。

1.O.4 城镇燃气工程规划设计应遵循我国的能源政策,根据城镇总体规划进行设计,并应与城镇的能源规划、环保规划、消防规划等相结合。

1.0.5 城镇燃气工程设计,除应遵守本规范外,尚应符合国家现行的有关标准的规定。

第2章术语2.0.1 城镇燃气city gas从城市、乡镇或居民点中的地区性气源点,通过输配系统供给居民生活、商业、工业企业生产、采暖通风和空调等各类用户公用性质的,且符合本规范燃气质量要求的可燃气体。


2.O.2 人工煤气 manufactured gas以固体、液体或气体(包括煤、重油、轻油、液体石油气、天然气等)为原料经转化制得的,且符合现行国家标准《人工煤气》GB 13612质量要求的可燃气体。


2.0.3 居民生活用气gas for domestic use用于居民家庭炊事及制备热水等的燃气。

2.0.4 商业用气 gas for commercial use用于商业用户(含公共建筑用户)生产和生活的燃气。

牛津高中英语模块5Unit2 p38

牛津高中英语模块5Unit2  p38

Unit2 p38-39under `way having started and making progress 已经开始并进行着: The project is now well under way. 这一项目现正顺利进行. * be/get under way, ie (esp of a ship) move/start to move through the water (尤指船)在航行中[启航].f an activity is under way, it has already started. If an activity gets under way, it starts. An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened...The conference gets under way later today with a debate on the family.conservation/ ˏkɔnsəˈveɪʃn; ˏkɑnsɚˋveʃən/ n [U]prevention of loss, waste, damage, destruction, etc 保存; 保护; 避免损失﹑浪费﹑破坏﹑损坏等: the conservation of forests, water resources, old buildings, etc 对森林﹑水源﹑古老建筑等的保护* wildlife conservation 对野生动物的保护* (physics 物) the conservation of energy, ie the principle that the total quantity of energy in the universe never varies 能量守恒.preservation of the natural environment 对自然环境的保护: She is interested inconservation. 她对保护环境这个问题十分关心.> conservationist / -ʃənɪst; ˏ-ʃənɪst/ n person who is interested in conservation(2) 关心环保问题的人; 自然环境保护论者.# conser`vation area (Brit) area protected by law from changes that would damage its natural or architectural character 保护区(受法律保护维持其原有的自然风貌或建筑特色的地区.dolphin/ ˈdɔlfɪn; ˋdɑlfɪn/n mammal that looks like a large fish and lives in the sea 海豚.in/with regard to sb/sth; in this/that/one regard in connection with sb/sth; in this/that connection; concerning sb/sth 关於某人[某事物]; 在这[那]点上: I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints. 对於你的投诉, 我无可奉告. * He is very sensitive in this regard, ie concerning this. 他在这方面非常敏感. * We have succeeded in one crucial regard: making this scandal public. 我们办成了一件大事: 将这件丑事公之於众. appreciate/ əˈpriːʃɪeɪt; əˋpriʃɪˏet/ v[Tn] understand and enjoy (sth); value highly 理解并欣赏(某事物); 赏识; 高度评价:You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓. * I really appreciate a good cup of tea. 有好茶一杯, 我就真乐在其中了. * Your help was greatly appreciated, ie We were grateful for it. 非常感谢你的帮助.[Tn, Tf, Tw] understand (sth) with sympathy 体恤, 体念, 体谅(某事物): I appreciateyour problem, but I don't think I can help you. 我理解你的困难, 但却爱莫能助. * I appreciate that you may have prior commitments. 我体谅你可能事先已另有承诺. * You don't seem to appreciate how busy I am. 你似乎不能体念我多麽忙.[I] increase in value 增值; 涨价: Local property has appreciated (in value) since theybuilt the motorway nearby. 自从附近修建了高速公路, 本地的地产(价值)已经增值.> appreciative / əˈpriːʃɪəɪtɪv; əˋpriʃɪˏetɪv/ adj ~ (of sth) feeling or showingunderstanding or gratitude 有欣赏力的; 表示赏识的; 感激的: an appreciative letter, audience, look 感谢信﹑表示欣赏的观众(或听众)﹑赏识的神情* I'm most appreciative of your generosity. 我对你的慷慨感激之至. appreciatively adv.climate/ ˈklaɪmɪt; ˋklaɪmɪt/ n(a) regular pattern of weather conditions (temperature, rainfall, winds, etc) of aparticular region 气候: Britain has a temperate climate. 英国气候温和. (b) area or region with certain weather conditions 有某种天气情况的地区: She moved to a warmer climate. 她迁往气候较温暖的地方.general attitude or feeling; atmosphere 一般的态度或感觉; 风气; 思潮; 倾向: aclimate of suspicion 怀疑的风气* the present political climate 当前的政治气候* the current climate of opinion, ie the general or fashionable attitude to an aspect of life, policy, etc 目前的舆论气氛(对生活﹑政策等方面).(idm 习语) a change of air/climate => change2.> climatic / klaɪˈmætɪk; klaɪˋmætɪk/ adj of climate 气候的. climatically / -klɪ; -klɪ/ adv. climatology / ˏklaɪməˈtɔlədʒɪ; ˏklaɪməˋtɑlədʒɪ/ n [U] science or study of climate 气候学. dioxide/ daɪˈɔksaɪd; daɪˋɑksaɪd/ n [U] (chemistry 化) oxide formed by combining two atoms of oxygen and one atom of another element 二氧化物: carbon dioxide二氧化碳.let sb off (with sth) not punish sb (severely) 不(严厉)惩罚某人: She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 没让她入狱, 而是罚款了事. * Don't let these criminals off lightly, ie Punish them severely. 不要轻易放过这些罪犯. let sb off (sth) not compel sb to do (sth) 不强迫某人做(某事物): We've been let off school today because our teacher is ill. 今天学校放假, 因为我们的老师病了. let sth off fire sth off; explode sth 放枪炮﹑烟火等: The boys were letting off fireworks. 男孩子在放烟火.vehicle/ ˈvɪəkl; US ˈviːhɪkl; ˋvihɪkl/ n(esp fml 尤作文雅语) conveyance such as a car, lorry or cart used for transportinggoods or passengers on land 陆上交通工具; 车: motor vehicles, ie cars, buses, motor cycles, etc 机动车辆* [attrib 作定语] vehicle licensing laws, eg for motor vehicles 机动车驾驶执照法* a space vehicle, ie for carrying people into space 宇宙飞船.~ (for sth) (fig 比喻) means by which thought, feeling, etc can be expressed 表达思想﹑感情等的工具或手段: Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda. 艺术可用作宣传工具. * The play was an excellent vehicle for the actress's talents. 那出戏给了那位女演员一个大好机会一展才华.> vehicular / vɪˈhɪkjulə(r); viˋhɪkjəlɚ/ adj (fml 文) intended for or consisting of vehicles供车辆使用的; 车辆的: vehicular access 车辆驶入口* The road is closed to vehicular traffic. 此路不准车辆通行.petrol/ ˈpetrəl; ˋpɛtrəl/(US gasoline, gas) n [U] inflammable liquid obtained from petroleum by arefining process and used as a fuel in internal-combustionengines 汽油: fill a car up with petrol 给汽车的油箱灌满汽油* an increase in the price of petrol汽油价格的提高.# `petrol bomb device (often a bottle) filled with petrol that explodes when it hits something 汽油弹(常为瓶中注入汽油者).`petrol station (also `filling station, `service station)(US `gas station) place beside a road where petrol and other goods are sold to motorists 汽车加油站. Cf 参看garage 2.`petrol tank container for petrol in a motor vehicle (机动车的)汽油箱. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii.engine/ ˈendʒɪn; ˋɛndʒən/ nmachine with moving parts that converts energy such as heat, electricity, etc intomotion 发动机; 引擎: This car has a new engine. 这辆汽车的发动机是新的. * asteam/diesel/petrol engine蒸汽[柴油/汽油]发动机.(also locomotive) machine that pulls or pushes a railway train 机车; 火车头: I preferto sit (ie in a railway carriage) facing the engine. 我喜欢面朝机车坐(在火车车厢里). (arch古) machine or instrument 机器; 工具: engines of war, eg cannons 战争工具(如大炮)* siege engines攻城器械.# `engine-driver n (Brit) (US engineer) person who drives a railway engine 火车司机. electrical/ ɪˈlektrɪkl; ɪˋlɛktrɪkl/ adj of or concerned with electricity 电的; 与电有关的: electrical engineering 电机工程* This machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障. > electrically / -klɪ; -klɪ/ adv: an electrically powered drill电钻.plant1/ plɑːnt; US plænt; plænt/ n[C] (a) living organism that is not an animal, which grows in the earth and usu has astem, leaves and roots 植物: Plants need light and water. 植物需要光和水. * [attrib 作定语] `plant life植物. (b) any of the smaller kinds of these as distinct from shrubs or trees 花草: garden plants * a `strawberry plant 一株草莓* plants flowering in the window-box 窗口花坛中开着花的花草.(a) [U] machinery, equipment, etc used in an industrial or a manufacturing process (用於工业生产中的)机器﹑设备等: The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备. * [attrib 作定语] `plant hire, ie renting of machines or equipment 机器租赁. (b) [C] piece of machinery or equipment 机器; 设备: The farm has its own `power plant. 这家农场自己有发电设备.[C] (esp US) place where an industrial or a manufacturingprocess takes place; factory工厂: a `chemical plant 化工厂* a nuclear re`processing plant 核燃料後处理工厂. =>Usage at factory用法见factory.[C] (infml 口) (a) thing placed deliberately so that its discovery willmake an innocentperson appear guilty; false or misleadingevidence 栽赃物; 伪证: He claimed that the stolen jewellery found in his house was a plant. 他声称在他家中发现的那些失窃的珠宝是有人给他栽赃. (b) person who joins a group of criminals, conspirators, etc in order to spy on them for others (在犯罪﹑阴谋等集团中卧底的)眼线, 坐探: They discovered that he was a police plant. 他们发现他是警方的眼线.plant2/ plɑːnt; US plænt; plænt/ v(a) [Tn,] put (plants, seeds, etc) in the ground to grow 种植; 栽种: plant flowersaround the pool 在池子周围栽花* We planted beans and peas in the garden. 我们在花园中种菜豆和豌豆. * Plant in rows two feet apart. 每隔两英尺种一行. (b) [Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) put bushes, trees, flowers, etc in (a garden, flower-bed, etc) 在(花园﹑花圃等)中栽种花草树木: plant a garden 在花园中种花* plant the border with spring flowers 在边上种上春天开花的植物* mountain slopes planted with conifers栽有松柏的山坡. Cf 参看sow2.[] (a) place (sth) in position firmly or forcefully 牢固地或用力地安放(某物): Heplanted his feet firmly on the ground. 他在地上双脚站得很稳. * He stood with his feet planted wide apart. 他两脚叉开很大距离站着. (b) (infml 口) position (oneself) 使(自己)处於某一位置: plant oneself in a chair in front of the fire坐到炉前的椅子上.[Tn,] (infml 口) (a) ~ sth (on sb) hide sth where it will be found in order todeceive sb or make an innocent person seem guilty 给某人栽赃: plant stolen goods on sb 把赃物栽给某人* He claimed that the weapons had been planted (on him). 他称那些武器是别人(给他)栽的赃. (b) ~ sb (in sth) cause sb to join a group secretly, esp to spy on its members 使某人秘密加入一集团; (尤指)安插眼线或坐探: The police had planted a spy in the gang. 警方在那团伙中安插了一名坐探. * The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly. 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者; 他们使劲给他鼓掌.[] ~ sth in sth fix or establish (an idea, etc) in sb's mind 给某人灌输(某思想等):Who planted that idea in your head? 是谁给你灌输的这种思想? * His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity. 他那些怪话使我们心中生疑, 不知他精神是否正常.[] deliver (a blow, etc) with deliberate aim 给以(一击等): plant a kiss on sb'scheek 在某人的面颊上吻一下* plant a blow on the side of sb's head 向某人头侧一击* plant a knife in sb's back把刀插入某人的背上.(phr v) plant (sth) out place (plants) in the ground so that they have enough room togrow 移栽, 移植(植物): plant out tomato seedlings把西红柿移栽到地里.> planter n1 person who grows crops on or manages a plantation 农场的种植者或经管者: a`sugar-planter, `tea-planter, `rubber-planter, etc糖料作物﹑茶﹑橡胶等的种植者.2 machine for planting (plant2 1) 种植机.3 (esp US) container in which plants are grown, esp in a house as an ornament 花盆(尤指室内的).fuel/ ˈfjuːəl; ˋfjuəl/ n[U] (a) material burned to produce heat or power, eg wood, coal, oil, etc 燃料: Whatsort of fuel do these machines need?这些机器需要哪种燃料? (b) material that producesnuclear energy 核燃料.[C] any particular type of fuel 任何类型的燃料.[C] (fig 比喻) thing that increases anger or other strong feelings (使愤怒或其他激情增强的)刺激因素: His indifference was a fuel to her hatred. 他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油.(idm 习语) add fuel to the flames => add.> fuel v (-ll-; US -l-)1 [I] take in fuel 给(某物)加燃料; 供给(某物)燃料: All aircraft must fuel before a long flight. 所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行.2 [Tn] supply (sth) with fuel: fuelling a car with petrol 给汽车加汽油* (fig 比喻) inflation fuelled by big wage increases.consume/ kənˈsjuːm; US -ˈsuːm; kənˋsum/ v [Tn](a) use (sth) up 用尽, 消耗, 花费(某事物): consume resources, time, stores, etc 耗尽资源﹑时间﹑存物等* The car consumes a lot of fuel. 这辆汽车很费汽油. * (rhet 修辞) He soon consumed his fortune, ie spent the money wastefully. 他很快就把财产挥霍殆尽. (b) destroy (sb/sth) by fire, decay, etc (因火烧﹑衰败等)毁掉(某人[某物]): The fire quickly consumed the wooden hut. 火焰很快地吞噬了那所小木屋. * (fig比喻) be consumed (ie filled) with envy, hatred, greed, etc 心中充满了忌妒﹑仇恨﹑贪慾等. (fml 文) eat or drink (sth) 吃或喝(某物).> consuming adj [attrib 作定语] that obsesses or dominates sb 使人着迷的; 支配某人的: Building model trains is his consuming passion. 制作模型火车是他废寝忘食的爱好.particular/ pəˈtɪkjulə(r); pɚˋtɪkjəlɚ/ adj[attrib 作定语] relating to one person or thing rather than others; individual 个别的; 个人的: in this particular case 在此个别情况中* his particular problems 他个人的问题* Is there any particular colour you would prefer?你有什麽特别喜欢的颜色吗?[attrib 作定语] more than usual; special; exceptional 非一般的; 特别的; 特殊的: amatter of particular importance 特别重要的事情* for no particular reason 无特殊原因* She took particular care not to overcook the meat. 她特别小心不把肉烹调过火. * He is a particular friend of mine. 他是我的特殊朋友.~ (about/over sth) giving close attention to detail; difficult to please; fussy 非常讲究的; 难以满足的; 挑剔的; 吹毛求疵的: She's very particular about what she wears. 她对衣着很讲究. * She's a very particular person. 她这个人很挑剔. * particular about cleanliness, money matters, one's appearance对清洁﹑钱财﹑个人仪表很认真. (idm 习语) in par`ticular especially or specifically尤其; 特别: The whole meal wasgood but the wine in particular was excellent. 整顿饭都很好, 尤其是葡萄酒更好. * `Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner?' `No, nothing in particular.' ‘正餐你有什麽特别喜欢的菜吗?‘没有, 什麽都行. ’> particular n (often pl常作复数) piece of information; detail; fact 信息; 细节; 事项: Her account is correct in every particular/all particulars. 她的帐目笔笔无误. * He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他详细列出全部被盗的财物. * The policewoman wrote down his particulars, ie his name, address, etc. 女警记下了他的个人资料. particularity / pəˏtɪkjuˈlærətɪ; pɚˏtɪkjəˋlærətɪ/ n [U] (a) quality of being individual orparticular(1) 个别的特性; 个性. (b) attention to detail; exactness 仔细; 精细; 详细; 精确.particularize, -ise / pəˈtɪkjuləraɪz; pɚˋtɪkjələˏraɪz/ v [I, Tn] name or state (sth) specially or one by one; specify (items) 逐一列举或具体说明(某事物). particularization,-isation / pəˏtɪkjuləraɪˈzeɪʃn; pɚˏtɪkjələrəˋzeʃən/ n [U].particularly adv especially 尤其; 特别地; 特殊地: I like all her novels, but her latest is particularly good. 她的小说我都喜欢, 最新的一部尤其好. * Be particularly careful when driving at night. 晚上开车要特别小心. * I particularly want to see that film. 我特别想看那部电影.absorb/ əbˈsɔːb; əbˋsɔrb/ v [Tn](a) take (sth) in; suck up 吸收(某事物); 吸进: absorb heat 吸热* Plants absorboxygen. 植物吸收氧气. * Dry sand absorbs water. 乾沙吸水. * Aspirin is quickly absorbed by/into the body. 阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了. * (fig 比喻) Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 聪明孩子容易吸收知识. (b) include (sth/sb) as part of itself or oneself; incorporate; merge with 将(某物[某人])合并; 并吞; 同化: The larger firm absorbed the smaller one. 那大公司并吞了那小公司. * The surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city. 周围的村庄已经并入了那不断扩展的城市.reduce the effect of (an impact, a difficulty, etc) 减轻(冲击﹑困难等的)作用或影响:Buffers absorbed most of the shock. 缓冲器使震动减少了许多.hold the attention or interest of (sb) fully 完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣: Hisbusiness absorbs him. 他专心致志地处理业务.> absorbed adj with one's attention fully held 精神集中的: absorbed in her book埋头读她的书.absorbent / -ənt; -ənt/ n, adj (substance) that is able to take in moisture, etc 能吸收水分等的(物质): absorbent cotton wool脱脂棉.absorbing adj holding the attention fully 十分吸引人的: an absorbing film引人入胜的影片.absorption / əbˈsɔːpʃn; əbˋsɔrpʃən/ n [U] ~ (by/in sth) absorbing or being absorbed 吸收; 专心致志; 全神贯注: His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport. 他热中於运动而影响了工作.oxygen/ ˈɔksɪdʒən; ˋɑksədʒən/n [U] chemical element, a gas without colour, taste or smell, present in the air and necessary for all forms of life on earth氧; 氧气: There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain. 该山顶上缺氧. * She died from lack of oxygen. 她缺氧致死. =>App 10 见附录10.> oxygenate / -eɪt; -ˏet/ (also oxygenize, -ise / -aɪz; -ˏaɪz/) v [Tn] supply, treat or mix (sth) with oxygen 供(某物)氧; 用氧处理(某物); 使(某物)与氧混合.# `oxygen mask mask placed over the nose and mouth through which a person can breathe oxygen, eg in an aircraft or hospital 氧气面具; 氧气罩: Oxygen masks are used in aircraft only in emergencies. 飞机上的氧气面具只用於紧急情况.`oxygen tent small tent or canopy placed over the head and shoulders of a sick person who needs an extra supply of oxygen 氧幕; 氧气帐: They placed the child in an oxygen tent when he had difficulty in breathing. 那孩子呼吸困难时, 他们把他放进氧幕里.decade/ ˈdekeɪd; ˋdɛked/n period of ten years 十年: the first decade of the 20th century, ie 1900-1909 20世纪最初的十年(1900-1909).part1/ pɑːt; pɑrt/n (often without a when singular 用作单数时, 常不用冠词a)[C] ~ (of sth) some but not all of a thing or number of things 部分: We spent (a) partof our holiday in France. 我们假期一段时间是在法国度过的. * The early part of her life was spent in Paris. 她早年住在巴黎. * She had a miserable holiday she was ill for part of the time. 她假日过得很不痛快--因为病了一段时间. * The film is good in parts. 这部影片有些部分还不错. * Parts of the book are interesting. 这部书有些地方写得很有趣. * We've done the difficult part of the job. 我们已把工作中的困难部分做完了. * The police only recovered part of the stolen money. 警方只追回了部分赃款. * Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 建筑物有一部分已烧毁.[C] ~ (of sth) (a) distinct portion of a human or animal body or of a plant (人或动植物可区分的)部分: the parts of the body 身体各部* Which part of your leg hurts?你腿上哪儿痛? (b) (usu essential) piece or component of a machine or structure (机器或结构的)部件, (通常指)组成部分: lose one of the parts of the lawn-mower 丢失刈草机上的一个零件* the working parts of a machine 机器的操作部件* spare parts备件. (c) area or region of a country, town, etc (国家﹑市镇等的)地区, 区域: Which parts of France have you visited? 你去过法国哪些地方? * Which part of London do you come from? 你是伦敦什麽地方的人? * Do come and visit us if you're ever in our part of the world. 什麽时候到我们这一带来, 一定来和我们见见面. (d) member of sth 成员: We'd like you to feel you're part of the family. 希望你能感到像一家人一样. * work as part of a team作为小组中一员进行工作.[C] division of a book, broadcast serial, etc, esp as much as is published or broadcast atone time (书﹑广播连续节目等)部, 集(尤指长短适合於一次出版或播出者): a TV serial in 10 parts, ie instalments 十集电视连续剧* an encyclopaedia published in 25 weekly parts 每周出一次, 分25个星期出齐的一套百科全书* Henry IV, Part II《亨利四世?第二部分》.[C] each of several equal portions of a whole (整体的若干等份中的)一部分: a sixtiethpart of a minute 一分钟的六十分之一* She divided the cake into three parts. 她把饼分成三份.[C usu sing通常作单数] ~ (in sth) person's share in an activity; role (活动中的)个人部分, 作用, 本分: Everyone must do his part. 大家都要做好分内的事. * He had no part in the decision. 他并未参予那一决定. * I want no part in this sordid business. 我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何瓜葛.[C] (a) role played by an actor in a play, film, etc (戏剧﹑电影等中的)人物, 角色: Hetook/played the part of Hamlet. 他去哈姆雷特这个角色. * He was very good in the part. 这个角色他扮演得十分出色.* (fig 比喻) He's always acting/playing a part, ie pretending to be what he is not. 他老是装模作样. (b) words spoken by an actor playing a particular role 角色的台词: Have you learnt your part yet?你的台词背熟了吗?[C] (music音) melody or other line of music given to a particular voice or instrument 部;声部; 段: sing in three parts 三部合唱* the piano, violin, cello, etc part钢琴﹑小提琴﹑大提琴等部.parts [pl] region or area 地区; 地域: She's not from these parts. 她不是这一带的人. *He's just arrived back from foreign parts. 他刚从国外归来.[C] (US) =parting 2.(idm 习语) the best part of sth most of sth (esp a period of time) (某事物的)绝大部分(尤指一段时间): I spent the best part of an hour trying to find my car keys. 我花了近一个小时找汽车钥匙. * You must have drunk the best part of a bottle of wine last night. 你昨天晚上喝了准有一瓶葡萄酒. the better part of sth more than half of sth (某事物的)大半, 多半: We've lived here for the better part of a year. 我们在这里住了多半年了. discretion is the better part of valour => discretion. for the `most part on the whole; usually; mostly 整体上; 通常; 多半: Japanese TV sets are, for the most part, of excellent quality. 日本电视机大多质量优良. for `my part as far as I am concerned 就我来说: For my part, I don't mind where we eat. 对我来说, 到哪儿吃饭都无所谓. the greater part of sth => great. in `part to a certain extent; partly 在某种程度上; 部分地: His success was due in part to luck. 他成功的部分原因是运气好. look the part wear clothes or have an appearance suitable for a job, role, position, etc 在什麽场合就有什麽扮相: At her wedding the new princess certainly looked the part. 王妃在婚礼上还挺是那麽回事. a man/woman of (many) `parts person with many skills or talents 多面手; 多才多艺的人. on the part of sb/on sb's part made or done by sb 由某人做出: It was an error on my part. 那是我的过失. * The agreement has been kept on my part but not on his, ie by me but not by him. 我一直遵守协议, 但他并不遵守. part and parcel of sth an essential part of sth 主要部分; 重要部分: Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job. 我的工作主要是记帐. play a part (in sth) (a) be involved in an activity 参加某活动: She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动. (b) make a contribution to sth; have a share in sth 对某事起作用﹑有贡献; 参与: She played a major part in the success of the scheme. 她对该计画的成功起了重要作用. * We all have a part to play in the fight against crime. 在与犯罪活动的斗争中人人有责. * Economic factors have played a significant part in Britain's decline as a world power. 英国在世界强国中的地位逐渐衰弱, 主要是经济因素造成的. take sth in good `part react to sth in a good-natured way; not be offended by sth 对某事物往好处想; 不计较; 不介意: He took the teasing in good part. 他认为逗弄他并无恶意. take part (in sth) have a share or role in sth with others; be involved in sth; participate in sth 参加, 参与(某事物): take part in a discussion, demonstration, game, fight, celebration 参加讨论﹑游行﹑比赛﹑战斗﹑庆祝* How many countries will be taking part (in the World Cup)?有多少国家要参加(世界杯赛)? take sb's `part support sb (eg in an argument) 支持某人(如在辩论中): His mother always takes his part. 他母亲总是站在他一边. > part adv partly 部分地: She is part French, part English. 她有法国血统, 也有英国血统. * The dress is part silk, part wool. 这件连衣裙是丝毛混纺的. * Her feelings were part anger, part relief. 她既感愤怒又觉宽慰. partly adv to some extent 在一定程度上: She was only partly responsible for the accident. 这次事故她只有几分责任. * It was partly her fault. 有一部分是她的错.# ,part-ex`change n [U] method of buying sth in which an article (eg a car) is given as part of the payment for a more expensive one 部分抵价交易法(用旧物抵一部分价款购买较昂贵同类物品的方法, 如将旧汽车作价): offer/take sth in part-exchange以部分抵价交易法出售[购买]某物.,part of `speech (grammar) one of the classes into which words are divided in grammar, eg noun, adjective, verb, etc 词类(如名词﹑形容词﹑动词等).,part-`owner n person who shares the ownership of sth with sb else 共有者(与他人共同所有某事物者): Tim is part-owner of the flat. 蒂姆有该居住单位的部分产权. ,part-`ownership n [U].`part-singing n [U] singing part-songs 多声部合唱.`part-song n song with three or more parts (part1 7) 合唱曲.,part-`time adj, adv for only a part of the working day or week (一天或一星期中)部分时间工作的; 兼职的:,part-time `work/em`ployment 兼职工作[非全职雇佣] * She's looking for a ,part-time `job. 她在寻找兼职工作. * ,part-time `workers 兼职工作人员* work part-`time兼职工作. ,part-`timer n part-time worker 兼职工作者. Cf 参看full-time (full).part2/ pɑːt; pɑrt/ v[I, Ipr, Tn,] ~ (from sb); ~ sb (from sb) (cause sb to) go away or separatefrom sb (使某人)离开或与某人分离: I hope we can part (as) friends, ie leave one another with no feeling of anger or resentment, eg after a quarrel. 希望我们能像朋友般和气分手. * They exchanged a final kiss before parting. 他们最後相互亲吻而分离. * She has parted from her husband/She and her husband have parted, ie started to live apart. 她和丈夫已分居了. * The children were parted from their father. 孩子们和父亲分开了.[I, Tn] (cause sb/sth to) divide or form separate parts (使某人[某物])分开, 分成部分: Her lips parted in a smile. 她绽唇微笑. * The crowd parted to let them through. 人群分开好让他们通过. * The clouds parted and the sun shone through. 云开日出. * The police parted the crowd. 警察驱散了人群.[Tn] separate (the hair of the head) along a line and comb the hair away from it 将(头发)梳成分头: He parts his hair in the middle. 他的头发是中分的.(idm 习语) a fool and his money are soon parted => fool1. part `company (withsb/sth) (a) go different ways or separate after being together 分手; 各奔东西; 各奔前程: We parted company at the bus-stop. 我们在公共汽车站分手了. * He and his agent have parted company/He has parted company with his agent. 他和他的代理人散伙了. * (joc 谑) Her blouse had parted company with her skirt, ie become untucked. 她的上衣从裙子里出来了. * (fig 比喻) It is on political questions that their views part company, ie are different. 他们在政治问题上见解不同. (b) disagree with sb 与某人意见不合: I'm afraid I have to part company with you there. 看来在这一点上我不敢苟同.(phr v) part with sth give away or relinquish sth 放弃或出让某物: Despite his poverty,he refused to part with the family jewels. 他尽管贫穷, 却不肯变卖家中的珠宝. * He hates parting with (ie spending) his money. 他很不喜欢花钱.。



灯具行业专业术语翻译户外照明系列专业词汇、专业术语:光源lighting source:白炽灯incandescent卤钨灯tungsten halogen lamp荧光灯fluorescent节能灯紧凑型荧光灯compact fluorescent金属卤化物灯metal halide lampmetal halogen lamp 陶瓷金卤灯ceramic metal halide lamp石英金卤灯quartz metal halide lamp高压钠灯high pressure sodiumlamp低压钠灯low pressure sodium lamp无极灯electrodeless lampLED灯Light-Emitting-Diode户外灯具outdoor luminairesluminaire:路灯street lamp庭院灯garden lamp泛光灯 flood lamp隧道灯 tunnel lamp埋地灯 buried lamp投光灯 projector lamp水下灯 underwater lamp洗墙灯 wall washer lamp草坪灯 lawn lamp景观灯 landscape lamp壁灯 wall lamp高天棚天 high-ceiling lamp油站灯 petrol filling station匝道灯 ramp lamp筒灯down lamp灯带 LED Strip护栏路灯rail guarding road lamp灯杆lamp pole灯头lamp cap照明光学术语:光通量luminous flux勒克斯lux照度illuminanceillumination流明lumen光强luminous intensity坎德拉candela光效luminous efficacy of light sourceluminous efficiency of light source 色温color temperature显色指数CRI:color rendering index平均寿命averagy life经济寿命economic life眩光glare配光曲线图photometric datalight distribution curve光束角beam angle户外照明常用电器:额定功率rated power功率因数 power factor输入功率input power输入电压input power输入电流input current触发器ignitortrigger电容capacitor电感镇流器inductive ballastrectifier电子镇流器electronic ballast电缆electric wire户外照明常用配件:防护等级IP: International Protection protection grade 灯壳lampshell灯罩lamp shadehousing遮光罩light shield连接件joint堵头end cap底座base导轨mounting装饰环decorative ring防护网grid guard灯体lamp body压铸件dei-casting fitting反光罩reflector铝氧化反光罩alum-oxidized reflector 呼吸器respirator地埋筒/预埋件buried barrel支架carrierbracket面盖cover面罩diffuser钢化玻璃tempered glass灯座lamp holder灯座线wiring to lamp holder电源线supply wire地线grounding wire火线live line零线neutral line热缩管heat shrinkable tubes玻纤管glass fiber sleeves扎线带tie护线套bushing奶嘴wire connector接线端子terminal接线座terminal block旋钮端子twist-on type wire connector 螺丝screw螺母nut平垫washer螺栓bolt销钉pin铆钉rivet平垫flat washer菊花介子tooth washer外菊花介子external tooth lock washer 内菊花介子internal tooth lock washer 自攻螺丝self-tapping screw十字螺丝philips screw铁iron钢steel不锈钢stainless steel铝aluminum防水waterproof防尘dustproof绝缘insulation陶瓷配件ceramic fitting五金配件hardware fitting亚克力acryl亚克力配件acrylic fittingacryl塑胶配件plastic fitting橡胶rubber常见表面处理工艺surface treatment 焊接welding镀锌galvanization热镀锌hot dip galvanization喷塑plastic coating镀镍nickel-plating电镀plating抛光polish。


Owner 擁有人 Owner Code (CC) 擁有人代碼 Area 區域 Hong Kong Island 香港 Hong Kong Island 香港 District
地區 Station Name 油站名稱 Station Address 油站地址
Station Code (SSS) 油站代碼
Chevron Hong Kong Limited 雪佛龍香港有限公司
New Territories 新界
Fanling 粉嶺
Caltex - Fanling Filling Station 加德士 - 粉嶺加油站 Caltex - Jockey Club Road Filling Station 加德士 - 馬會道加油站 Caltex - Kau Lung Hang Filling Station 加德士 - 粉嶺九龍坑
Causeway Bay Caltex - Waterfront Filling Station 銅鑼灣 加德士 - 海旁加油站
Chevron Hong Kong Limited 雪佛龍香港有限公司
Chai Wan 柴灣
Caltex - Chai Wan Filling Station 加德士 - 柴灣加油站
Chevron Hong Kong Limited 雪佛龍香港有限公司
Repulse Bay 淺水灣
Chevron Hong Kong Limited 雪佛龍香港有限公司
New Territories 新界
Sai Kung 西貢
Caltex - Repulse Bay Filling Station R.B.L. No. 868, South Bay Road, HK. 加德士 - 淺水灣加油站 淺水灣 (南灣道口) LOT 233 DD 229, Clearwater Bay Road, NT. Caltex - Clearwater Bay Filling Station 清水灣道坑口村(舊無線電視城入 加德士 - 清水灣加油站 口) Caltex - Shatin Height Filling Station 加德士 - 沙田嶺加油站 Caltex - Yuen Chau Kok Filling Station 加德士 - 圓洲角加油站 DD 189 Lot 1465 &1466, Tai Po Road, NT 大埔道 (近大圍沙田茵) STTL No. 231 Sha Tin Town, NT. / 20 Kong Pui Street, Shatin (New) 圓洲角路 (近麗豪酒店) New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 6006, Tai Hang Tung, KLN. 大坑東道 (又一村道口)



Filling Station是一个英文词汇,指加油站。









总之,Filling Station是一个重要的场所,为驾驶员提供了必要的服务,并确保他们能够安全地行驶他们的车辆。



Filling Station(加油站)1. IntroductionIn this article, we will explore the concept of a filling station, also known as a gas station or petrol station. Filling stations play a vital role in our daily lives by providing fuel for vehicles. They are typically equipped with pumps, tanks, and other infrastructure to store and dispense various types of fuel. Let’s delve deeper into the different aspects of a filling station.2. History of Filling Stations2.1 Early Fuel Dispensing MethodsBefore the invention of filling stations, early motorists had to rely on a range of alternative fuel sources. These included purchasing fuel from general stores, obtaining oil from pharmacies, or even carrying fuel in cans. As the number of vehicles increased, the need for dedicated fuel stations became apparent.2.2 The Rise of Filling StationsThe first modern filling station is believed to have been established in the late 19th century. These stations primarily supplied kerosene for lamps and stoves, as the early automobiles used this type of fuel. As gasoline-powered cars gained popularity, more filling stations started offering gasoline as well.3. Functions of a Filling Station3.1 Fuel DispensingThe primary function of a filling station is to dispense fuel to customers. They provide different types of fuel such as gasoline, diesel, and sometimes alternative fuels like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or compressed natural gas (CNG). Filling stations are designed with pumps and nozzles that allow vehicles to be fueled safely and efficiently.3.2 Fuel StorageFilling stations feature large underground tanks to store fuel. These tanks are carefully constructed and equipped with safety measures to prevent leaks and other hazards. The tanks are regularly monitored and filled by fuel transport trucks to ensure a continuous supply of fuel.3.3 Additional ServicesMany modern filling stations offer additional services to attract customers. These services may include a convenience store, car wash, or even a small restaurant. Some filling stations also provide amenitieslike air pumps for tires, free water for windscreen washing, and restrooms for customers’ convenience.4. Operational Considerations4.1 Safety and Environmental RegulationsRunning a filling station comes with various safety and environmental considerations. Station owners must adhere to regulations regarding fuel storage, handling, and disposal. Safety measures like fire extinguishers, spill containment systems, and protective equipment for employees are essential to mitigate any potential risks.4.2 Maintenance and UpkeepTo ensure safe and efficient operations, filling stations requireregular maintenance. This includes inspecting fuel tanks for leaks, checking pump accuracy, and keeping the premises clean and well-maintained. Routine maintenance helps detect and address any issues promptly, preventing accidents or disruptions in service.4.3 Transportation and LogisticsFilling stations rely on fuel transport trucks to replenish their fuel storage tanks. Efficient logistics and coordination between suppliersand station owners are crucial to ensuring a continuous fuel supply.This involves scheduling deliveries, monitoring inventory levels, and optimizing routes for transportation.5. Future OutlookFilling stations have been an integral part of our transportation infrastructure for many years. However, with the rise of electric vehicles and the increasing focus on renewable energy, the future of filling stations may change. As electric charging infrastructure expands, traditional filling stations might need to adapt to meet the evolving needs of the market.6. ConclusionFilling stations serve as a vital link between fuel suppliers and consumers. They provide a convenient and essential service of fuel dispensing, while also ensuring safety and adhering to environmental regulations. As we look towards the future, filling stations maycontinue to evolve to accommodate new technologies and alternativeenergy sources.。




2. Petrol station:英式英语中常用的词汇,与Gas station 同义。

3. Fuel station:更加通用的一种表达方式,可以指售卖汽油、柴油、天然气等不同种类燃料的站点。

4. Service station:除了售卖燃料以外,还提供汽车维修、保养、换胎等服务的加油站。

5. Filling station:这个词汇在英语中已经不太常见,但在一些老电影中还能看到,比如《加油站的恋人》。

6. Gas pump:指加油站中用来加油的机器。

7. Fuel dispenser:类似于Gas pump,但更加正式和专业的术语。

8. Gasoline:指汽油,用于加油站中售卖的燃料。

9. Diesel:指柴油,也是加油站中常见的一种燃料。

10. Nozzle:指用来将汽油或柴油加入车辆油箱中的管子。

11. Tanker truck:指负责将燃料从储存区运输到加油站的油罐车。

12. Fuel gauge:指车辆上的油量计,用于显示油箱内剩余的燃料量。




花园景观词汇接龙3stage lighting 舞台灯光wall slot lighting 耳光front lighting 面光side lighting 侧光projection booth, projection room 放映室projection port 放映孔observation port 观察窗back stage 后台dressing room, make up room 化妆室rehearsal room 排练厅green room 演员休息室stage manager's room 舞台监督室light control room 灯光控制室sound control room 音响控制室foyer 前厅box office 售票处emergency exit 疏散出口又称“太平门”。

emergency exit 人流疏散道路recreation building 娱乐建筑recreation center 娱乐中心又称“游憩中心”。

ballroom 舞厅clubhouse 俱乐部night club 夜总会dancing floor 舞池medical building 医[疗]卫[生]建筑hospital 医院general hospital 综合医院mental health hospital 精神病院dental hospital 口腔医院gynaecologic hospital 妇科医院obstetric hospital 妇产医院pediatric hospital 儿科医院contagious disease hospital 传染病院tumour hospital 肿瘤医院ophthalmologic hospital 眼科医院sanatorium 疗养院emergency care center 急救中心rehabilitation center 康复中心traditional Chinese medical hospital 中医院medical station 医疗站health center 卫生所health and quarantine station 防疫站outpatient department 门诊部emergency department 急诊部又称“急诊室”。

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第86课

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第86课

Lesson 86 Out of control 失控【New words and expressions】(11)swing (swung ,swung)v. 转向speedboat n. 快艇desperately adv. 绝望地companion n. 同伙,伙伴water ski (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水buoy n. 浮标dismay n. 沮丧tremendous adj. 巨大的petrol n. 汽油drift v. 漂动,漂流gently adv. 缓慢地,轻轻地一.單詞講解:★ swing (1)v. 转向、突然轉向、轉變方向、轉變思想(swung ,swung)eg:I wanted to swing round and shout at him . 我想转向他吼叫。

eg:That bicycle will swing around the corner .那輛自行車將在轉彎處轉彎。

eg:It’s impossible to swing a car in such a narrow path like this .這樣一個狹窄的道路上不可能掉轉汽車方向的。

no room to swing a cat =no enough room to swing a cat無轉身之地、過於狹窄(2)v. 擺動、使擺動eg:It’s bad manners to awing your legs while eating .吃飯時晃動雙腳是不禮貌的。

eg:The monkey is swinging itself from tree to tree.猴子在樹上從這棵樹蕩到那棵樹。

(3)n. 擺動、振動eg:The swing of the ship makes me sick .船的晃動讓我感到想吐。

(4)n.鞦韆eg:There are some swings in the park . 公園裡有許多鞦韆。





加油站的英语说法1:gas station加油站的英语说法2:filling station加油站的相关短语:自动加油站 self-serve station汽油加油站 gas station ; gasoline filling station ; petrol station 打劫加油站 Tanker Commander车辆加油站 vehicle gas station连锁加油站 Petrol station chains加油站管理 management of gas station加油站的英语例句:1. You might try the gas station down the street.你可以到街那头的加油站试试。

2. Don't forget to stop by at the gas station.别忘了到加油站顺便加油.3. After a long journey, we got to a petrol station at last.一场长途跋涉后, 我们终于赶到了加油站.4. There is a ban on smoking in petrol stations.加油站禁止吸烟.5. We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline.我们在加油站停下来,因我们需要加油.6. This corner would make a good location for a gas station.这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点.7. Frank rented out his gas station.弗兰克把他的加油站租了出去.8. His car drew up before the oil - filling station.他把车停在加油站前面.9. He is a garage mechanic.他是一名加油站技工.10. Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas.要牢记一点:在比较偏远的地方加油站很少见。




∙To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty. = Be careful, slippery floor.(小心路滑。

)[1]∙To put out Xuanda Expressway(北京四环路). To put in Jingzhang Expressway.(京张高速公路)= You are now leaving Xuanda Expressway. You are now entering Jingzhang Expressway.∙Decimbing path. = Descent.(下坡路。

)∙Rain or snow day. Bridge, slow-driving.(下雨或雪天。


河北省所有高速公路)= Slow down on bridge in case of rain or snow.(在雨天或雪天时过桥请减速行驶。

)∙Oil gate. / Into. = Filling station 或 Petrol Station 或 Gas Station.(加油站。

)/ Entrance.(进口。

)∙Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(字面意义:如果你被罚50元的话吸烟不被允许。

)= Smoking is prohibited; offenders will be fined 50 yuan.(不可吸烟,违反者将被罚款50元。

)∙Please come down from your bicycle.= Please dismount from your bicycle.(请从您的自行车上下来。

)∙If you have trouble ask for the policeman.或If in trouble find police = In case of emergency call the police.(遇到紧急情况时请报警。

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