Toyota- localisation of production in SouthEast Asia [case study]
丰田生产模式(1) 4
• 丰田公司的自动化自然包括“用机器代替人工”的技术, 但它更主要是一种发现并且纠正产生异常的技术。更确切 他说,丰田的自动化是一种发现异常和发现质量缺陷的技 术手段,是一种当异常或质量缺陷发生时,能使生产线或 者机器自动停止工作的技术装置。 • 丰田公司的自动化,即“自动化缺陷控制”,是通过三个 主要的技术手段来实现的,这就是: 自动化检测 异常情况下的自动化停机 异常情况下的自动化报警。
• 设备的快速装换调整为满足后工序频繁领取零部件制品的生产要求和 “多品种、小批量”的均衡化生产提供了重要的基础。 • 生产工序的合理设计和生产设备的合理布置是实现小批量频繁运输和 单件生产单件传送的另一个重要基础。 • 传统的生产车间设备布置方式是采用“机群式”布置方式,即把功能 相同的机器设备集中布置在一起 • 丰田公司采用了“U”型单元式布置方式,即按零件的加工工艺要 求,把功能不同的机器设备集中布置在一起组成一个一个小的加工单 元。 • U型单元连结而成的“组合U型生产线”,可以简化运输作业,使得单 位时间内零件制品运输次数增加,但运输费用并不增加或增加很少, 为小批量频繁运输和单件生产单件传送提供了基础。
1、不必要的过量生产 2、不必要的业务等待 3、不必要的库存 4、不必要的搬运 5、不必要的动作 6、不必要的作业设计 7、不必要的再加工
很多人都把丰田生产方式称为看板管理,其实这是错误的。丰田生产方 式是产品的制造方式,是一种生产制度,而看板管理则是实现准时化生 产的一种手段。 看板管理,是对生产过程中各工序生产活动进行控制的信息系统。通 常,看板是一张在透明塑料袋内的卡片。经常被使用的看板主要有两 种:取料看板和生产看板。取料看板标明了后道工序应领取的物料的数 量等信息,生产看板则显示着前道工序应生产的物品的数量等信息。准 时化生产方式以逆向“拉动式”方式控制着整个生产过程即从生产终点 的总装配线开始,依次由后道工序从前进工序“在必要的时刻领取必要 数量的必要零部件”,而前道工序则“在必要的时刻生产必要数量的必 要零部件”,以补充被后道工序领取走的零部件。这样,看板就在生产 过程中的各工序之间周转着,从而将与取料和生产的时间、数量、品种 等有关的信息从生产过程的下游传递到了上游,并将相对独立的工序个 体联结为一个有机的整体。
TPS丰田生产方式中文版完整版精品课件(二)- TPS丰田生产方式简介TPS是丰田生产方式(Toyota Production System)的缩写,是一种以精益生产为核心的生产方式。
- TPS的五大原则TPS的核心是五大原则:价值流思维、精益思维、流程改善、人员培养、标准化作业。
- 价值流思维价值流思维是指从客户的角度出发,以价值流为基础,通过精益生产的方式,最大限度地提高价值流的流畅度和效率。
- 精益思维精益思维是指以最小化浪费为目标,通过精细化生产、精益化管理、精益化设计等手段,实现高效率、高质量、低成本的生产。
- 流程改善流程改善是指通过价值流分析、流程分析等手段,找出生产过程中的瓶颈和浪费,从而对生产流程进行优化和改进。
- 人员培养人员培养是指通过培训、教育、激励等手段,提高员工的技能和素质,使其能够更好地适应精益生产的要求。
- 标准化作业标准化作业是指通过制定标准化流程、标准化操作等手段,确保生产过程的稳定性和可控性。
- TPS的优点TPS的优点在于可以实现高效率、高质量、低成本的生产,从而提高企业的竞争力。
- TPS的应用TPS已经被广泛应用于汽车制造、电子制造、机械制造等领域。
トョタ生产方式(中文版)概论TOYOTA生产方式的目标指向一、彻底排除MUDA的降低成本将必要的东西、在必要的时候、只生产必要的量好物品 更便宜终极目的在经降低成本而产生利益丰田生产是制造产品的一种合理方法。
Process 1 工序
INV 在制品
Process 2 工序
INV 在制品
Process 3 工序
What is the waste caused by overproduction? 过度生产会造成何种浪费?
Handling 周转 Storage space 储存场地 Shortages 短缺 Critical capacity 关键能力 Design change 设计更改
• Making mufflers 制消
Value Add 9 TIME 3
10% Non-Value Add-
Necessary 非增值但却必要
No added value
but must be done
under the present
work conditions. 非增值但目前还 必须做
Business as Usual 循规道距式经营
Waste 浪费
Time 时间
Lean Manufacturing 精益制造
not add to the value of the product itself.消耗资源 (时间, 人
Product Leadtime 产品交付周期
Value Added Time is only a very small percentage of the Leadtime.
Lean Land Laboratory Co., Ltd.
例子: 标准化的流程, 标准化的管理角色及其
实践, 标准化的保养维修实践
新项目开发 生产 质量 成本 交货 安全 士气
衡量 生产前
均衡化,客户需求节拍 (T/T) 并行工程
管理的目的( 快速的现金流)
公司范围的 质保
按订单 生产
Jidoka 自动化
质量( 自动化 )
5 S, WPO (工作场 的整理)
一件流 拉平的生产
小批量 1
位置 (存储)
T/T 生产 标准化的工作
Inform Man Logi ation Opera Man stic
tor ager
One Touch Set-Up
Small Box
Toyota’s high quality has made our15.Seal Cap13.Washer14.Plate12.Spring5.Frame 17.Wiring Harness2.Motor3.Gear A18.Screw6.Plate End10.Shaft16.Circuit Plate 1.Plate Outer 4.Gear B 7.Gear C8.Gear D11.Plate Clutch9.Gear EPower Seat AdjusterWorm Gear (Steel)Connected Power MotorHelical Gear (Plastic)•Designers lead•Active discussion about Changed Points(1) FMEA by Designer(Failure Mode & Effects Analysis)(2) Discussion Result in Design Review•Good DR by engineers from design, evaluation, supplier, materials, etc•Fill out the appropriate information about the author (designer), program, system, and component.•List “Component Name”and “Changed Point”•Enter the system or part function(s) as fully as possible.•Consider the environment in which the part will be used (from the perspective of the customer)•Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?• A “customer”is not only the end user but also…–interfacing parts•List the C/Ms implemented and engineering studies performed at the design stage to eliminate the causes and factors behind concerns.•List specific actions design engineering should•List items the evaluation department should focus on and the specific tests and conditions.•List items that manufacturing should focus on and the specific actions they should take.•For each action item decided during the DRBFM, enter what was done, when, and the results of the item.rank sheet as a technical communication toolFMEA“DR”Directionby Manager。
车辆制造 皇冠 作文题目
车辆制造皇冠作文题目英文回答:When it comes to the topic of vehicle manufacturing, one model that stands out is the Toyota Crown, or as it is known in Chinese, 皇冠. The Toyota Crown is a luxury sedan that has been in production since 1955, making it one of the longest-running models in Toyota's lineup. Its popularity and reputation as a reliable and comfortable car have made it a favorite among car enthusiasts and professionals alike.One of the reasons why the Toyota Crown has been so successful is its attention to detail and quality. From the exterior design to the interior features, every aspect of the car is meticulously crafted to provide a premiumdriving experience. The sleek and elegant design of the Crown gives it a sophisticated look, while the spacious and well-appointed interior ensures comfort for both the driver and passengers.In terms of performance, the Toyota Crown does not disappoint. It is equipped with a powerful engine that delivers smooth acceleration and responsive handling. Whether you are driving on the highway or navigating through city streets, the Crown offers a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Additionally, the car is equipped with advanced safety features such as lane departure warning and adaptive cruise control, ensuring the safety of everyone on board.Another aspect that sets the Toyota Crown apart is its advanced technology and innovative features. The car is equipped with a state-of-the-art infotainment system that includes a touchscreen display, Bluetooth connectivity, and smartphone integration. This allows the driver to easily access navigation, music, and other apps while on the go. Furthermore, the Crown offers a range of driver-assistance features such as blind-spot monitoring and parking assist, making it a breeze to maneuver in tight spaces.中文回答:说到车辆制造,有一个车型非常出色,那就是丰田皇冠。
• Waste of Production site
• Factors of production site that will increase the cost. For example, over-staffed labors ,equipment, and excessive inventory can raise the production cost. • Waste of Overproduction • Waste of manpower, financial capability, equipment and caused by overproduction will produce a vicious spiral, thus hindering the survival and development of enterprises
• The core of lean production. Supplying the required parts in hour of need according to the required quantity to each process.
The Backward Production Process
• Idle Time That Is Produced When Two Dependent Variables Are Not Fully Synchronized
• Any movement which does not contribute value to the product or service
The original seven muda
• • • • • • • Transport Inventory Motion Waiting Overproduction Over Processing Defects
• As a result,from 2005 to 2009,when Toyota expand rapidly,it is also the time that Toyota fluently recalled their cars,which give all the customers worldwide a bad effet and also make its reliability drop from the first to the third according to the Ameiican Consumer Reports.
❖environmental and security 环保与安全
the beginning of recalling
2007.1 2007.11
2007.12 2008.4 2008.5 2008.9 2008.9 2008.12
47万 21.5万
15.6万 54万 9万 47万 8万 12.2万
• In 1984, Toyota joint venture with General Motors and begin produce their cars in the USA.In 2009, it became the world’s largest car-maker , based on sales and number of automobiles produced, for the very first time.
• Firstly,increase forecasters’ efficiency. 高预报的效率
TPS(Toyota Production System)丰田生产方式北京三立车灯有限公司袁乃岭编辑第一部总体系——丰田生产方式的构思第一章丰田生产方式的体系本章目的丰田生产方式由丰田汽车公司开发、推广,1973年石油危机之后被众多的日本公司所采用。
(二)、消除制造过剩的浪费降低成本图1.1 消除浪费降低成本的过程丰田生产方式,主要着眼于消除浪费降低成本。
丰田英文的设计理念是什么Toyota's design philosophy is rooted in the principles of "kaizen" and "monozukuri," which emphasize continuous improvement and craftsmanship. The company believes that a well-designed car is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, safe, and environmentally friendly.One of the key principles of Toyota's design philosophy is kaizen, which means continuous improvement. Toyota constantly strivesto improve its designs, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The company believes that even incremental improvements can make a big difference in the overall quality of the car. This philosophy is evident in Toyota's commitment to research and development, as well as its focus on developing innovative technologies to enhance the performance, safety, and comfort of its vehicles.Another important aspect of Toyota's design philosophy is monozukuri, which refers to the art of craftsmanship. The company believes that every car it produces should be a reflection of its commitment to quality and attention to detail. Toyota's designers are trained to pay meticulous attention to every aspect of a car's design, from the shape and lines of the exterior to the materials and finishes used in the interior. The company also values the collaboration and input of its engineers, who work closely with the designers to ensure that each car meets the highest standards of craftsmanship.In addition to kaizen and monozukuri, Toyota's design philosophy is also guided by three key principles: simplicity, purposefulness,and uniqueness. Simplicity is important because Toyota believes that a car should be easy to use and understand. The company strives to create designs that are intuitive and user-friendly, with controls and technology that are well-placed and easy to operate. Purposefulness means that every aspect of a car's design should serve a specific function or purpose. Toyota believes that a well-designed car should not only look good but also be practical and efficient. Lastly, uniqueness is valued because Toyota aims to create designs that stand out from the competition. The company seeks to create cars that have a distinct character and identity, while still maintaining a timeless appeal.Toyota's design philosophy also emphasizes sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company is committed to reducing its environmental footprint and creating cars that are eco-friendly. Toyota incorporates sustainable materials and manufacturing processes into its designs, as well as developing alternative fuel and hybrid technologies. By considering the entire lifecycle of a car, from design to production to disposal, Toyota aims to create cars that are not only beautiful and functional but also sustainable.In conclusion, Toyota's design philosophy is rooted in the principles of continuous improvement, craftsmanship, simplicity, purposefulness, uniqueness, and sustainability. The company believes that a well-designed car should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also functional, safe, and environmentally friendly. By embracing these principles, Toyota aims to create cars that are of the highest quality and provide a superior driving experience to its customers.。
Speech by Fujio Cho,President of Toyota Motor CorporationToyota – PSA Peugeot Citroën Press ConferenceBrussels — July 12th,2001It is a significant honor for me to have, together with Mr.Folz, this opportunity to report to you about our joint project with PSA Peugeot Citroën.Now, having heard Mr.Folz’s remarks, I would like to briefly provide a summary of the joint development and production aspects of this project.Let me first provide an overview of the project itself.The model we plan to produce will be a passenger car for European markets that is one rank smaller in size and lower in price than the T oyota Y aris.Concerning the production volume, we are planning a combined PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota output of approximately 300,000 units per year.I am happy to report that Europe has been chosen as the production site.A specific location will be finalized by year-end.We are projecting the start of production at the beginning of 2005.The joint venture company will be capitalized on a 50/50 basis.T otal investment will come to approximately 1.5 billion euros (159 billion yens).Turning to allocation of responsibilities between PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota,Toyota will take the lead role in development and production, and PSA Peugeot Citroën in procurement.Having said that, let me stress that this is only the basic principle, and in actual practice, we are committed to fully sharing our expertise and capabilities in these respective areas and to carrying out studies in a cooperative manner.In other words, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota will make the best use of the strength and distinctive quality of each company, and create a brand new model.I have already said that T oyota will lead in development.As we all know, PSA Peugeot Citroën has outstanding development capabilities, especially in terms of entry level cars.And engineers from both companies have been exchanging views and opinions on this project, welcoming many creative and constructive ideas from PSA Peugeot Citroën based on their experience.As for production, we intend to introduce a production system based on the T oyota Production System.At the same time PSA Peugeot Citroën’s procurement strengths and production know-how including logistics - accumulated in Europe over a long period of time - are and will be indispensable in our study.As for our future timeline, we will proceed with the study of this project further, aiming for the conclusion of this joint venture contract by the end of this year to establish the joint venture company.Next,let me move on to the background of the project.Thinking back, it was last year that we received an initial proposal from Mr.Folz.Actually, at that time T oyota had already started to study developing a smaller and less expensive model than the Y aris and we were facing issues which seemed very difficult to overcome.Such a model would need to achieve lower costs and better fuel economy through reduction in size and weight and, additionally, to secure safety and interior space without compromise.When Mr.Folz proposed the idea, I became encouraged and convinced that with PSA Peugeot Citroën’s technology and expertise in procurement and production in Europe and with combined production volume of PSA and T oyota, this project would have significant potential for success.Then, a series of discussions were initiated between PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota.The negotiations, at times, were challenging, which you can probably appreciate given the rich differences in culture, language and corporate culture found at our two great companies.Being here today for the signing of the memorandum and the agreement is the result of both sides having realized the importance of this project and making valuable contributions for a successful outcome.At this point I would like to talk about what this project means for Toyota.First, we believe that the key to the success of our business in Europe lies in what our new joint project achieves.The reason for this is clear:•The entry-level car market in Europe is expected to expand further in the coming years, and automakers are heading toward intense competition with each other in this promising marketplace.•We further believe this project is indispensable in the view of pursuing T oyota’s environmental strategies, such as being actively engaged in meeting the voluntary fuel economy standards of Europe.Second, we place particular emphasis on being a “good corporate citizen”in Europe.•Toyota has been manufacturing in various parts of the world based on its basic philosophy to “build where sold and grow with the local economy.”•In Europe, for example, we already have car assembly plants in the U.K.and France, as well as a transmission plant in Poland.The joint venture with PSA Peugeot Citroën will be our fourth such undertaking in Europe.•We hope to develop our European business further with the ultimate aim of deepening our local roots as “a good corporate citizen”in Europe.Third, T oyota has always had deep respect for the spirit of cooperation and competition.•With this spirit in mind, we have established collaborative relationships with many auto makers in the world, and it is our great pleasure and privilege that we now have PSA as our good partner.•I am convinced that combining the strengths of PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota will lead to numerous benefits in many areas for both sides.This conclusion of the MOU and the joint development agreement, today, at last marks the full-scale start of the project.On the occasion of this important milestone, I have renewed my personal pledge with Mr.Folz to work in earnest to make this project a real success.It is the sincerest hope of both PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota that this project will bring substantial benefits to our customers in Europe and make more than just a little contribution to European prosperity.We sincerely look forward to your support of this new project.Speech by Jean-Martin Folz,Chairman of PSA Peugeot CitroënPSA Peugeot Citroën – Toyota Press ConferenceBrussels — July 12th,2001I am very pleased to announce that PSA Peugeot Citroën and T oyota have entered today a major cooperation to develop a new platform and jointly produce small cars, mainly for the European market:Mr.Cho and I signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Joint Development Agreement here in Brussels.Mr.Cho will discuss the different aspects of our cooperation in a few minutes, but first I would like to answer three questions about these agreements.They concern our cooperation strategy, our vision of changes in the European market and how to respond to them, and our choice of a partner.1st question:Why does PSA Peugeot Citroën enter into cooperation agreements? Everyone familiar with our Group knows that our commitment to forging cooperation agreements is long-standing, dating back more than 30 years.Following our first two historic agreements with Renault, to develop and produce mechanical components, and with Fiat, to design and produce commercial vehicles and MPVs, we recently signed an agreement with Ford to cooperate in the area of diesel engines.In each case, the decision was based on the need to find a fast, low-cost response to changing expectations in the marketplace, such as strong anticipated growth in specific segments, like commercial vehicles and MPVs, or increasing demand for certain components, like automatic transmissions and diesel engines.We feel now, more than ever, that this kind of partnership between independent carmakers is the right way to meet the challenges of global markets and customers’changing demand. Cooperation agreements allow us to share development costs and expertise and resources.They also provide the economies of scale we need to remain competitive.PSA Peugeot Citroën has acquired extensive experience in this type of relationship.A successful cooperation agreement between two groups must meet three criteria:a similar need, a common time frame, and a mutual vision of how the cooperation should work are necessary for the two partners to share the same benefits.Our agreement with T oyota fully satisfies all three of those requirements.2nd question:Why have we decided to cooperate in very small cars?The approach taken by PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota is fully in line with the vision I have just described.We have clearly identified emerging demand for a new type of vehicle in an expanded Europe.The European market is undergoing major changes, driven by customer demand for cars that are better equipped, more functional and more comfortable.As a result, there is a trend toward bigger cars, with each new generation larger than the one it replaces.By way of example, I would mention two of our new models, the Citroën C5 and the Peugeot 307.Alongside this demand from certain customers for bigger cars, European demand for compacts remains as strong as ever and is expected to increase in the years ahead.This is why we feel thetime has come to introduce a new type of automobile, positioned below current entry-level models.At present, the market offers no cars to meet this demand.Obviously, we are not talking about a low-end vehicle.Instead, this car will be a lean, modern four-seat model that features the most advanced technologies in the areas of safety, reliability and environmental protection.Equipped with the latest generation of 1.0-liter gasoline engines and 1.4-liter diesel engines, it will be especially fuel efficient.The new model will feature a high-performance transmission fitted with a computer-controlled gearbox.And it will be priced below current B segment smallest cars such as the Peugeot 106 and the Citroën Saxo.The new car will extend both carmakers’current model ranges.Particularly well suited for urban mobility, it will target buyers who currently shop for used vehicles or for basic or outdated models.In order to satisfy this new demand from an upcoming market that is developing alongside the traditional market, it appealed to PSA Peugeot Citroën and T oyota to join forces.And to meet our highly ambitious cost-reduction goals, we need to share our development resources and plan for a common plant, where the new range can be produced in large volumes.3rd question:Why did we decide to cooperate with Toyota?PSA Peugeot Citroën and T oyota have both chosen to pursue their growth while remaining independent.Because this commitment is fundamental to both partners’strategic vision, we were able to reach an understanding quickly.I would also like to express my immense satisfaction at the prospect of working with a carmaker whose technical and industrial development skills are recognized worldwide.Through its various models, T oyota has also demonstrated expertise in small cars.These assets will provide us with a competitive advantage critical to the project’s success.T ogether, I am confident that we will be able to design the new platform efficiently and to produce the new cars at low cost.And, in the end, the ultimate beneficiary of our joint project will be the European car buyer.Thank you very much.。
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Question 1: Why did Toyota establish a regional production network in Southeast Asia? Identify and justify three key drivers. Once you have identified these drivers, consider what managerial and operational challenges a regional production network presents. Identify and justify three key issues.The three key drivers of Toyota establishing a regional production network in Southeast Asia are as follows:1.“Sales of Hilux pickup truck had been steadily declining in Japan”, soToyota decided to “design affordable yet high quality pickup trucks and MPVs for growth markets, mainly in emerging economies including East Asia”. The decline of sales in the domestic market was one of the drivers for Toyota to expand the East Asia market.2.The decision mentioned above was “further compatible with theoverall strategy of increasing Toyota’s global market share of auto production and sales”. Also as mentioned in the case that “Toyota was (and remains) committed to increasing overseas production”, so when facing sales pressure in domestic market, the commitment and overall strategy of capturing global market was the second driver of its establishment of regional production network in Southeast Asia.3.The Asian Financial Crisis forced “a critical re-revaluation of Toyota’straditional st rategy of local assembly by using components… from Japan”. Toyota’s manufacturing model is dependent on close suppliernetworks. To relocate its production overseas, it needed to establish production network as well.So in conclusion, the declining sales of Hilux pickup truck, the compatible overall strategy and the Asian Financial Crisis were the three key drivers. When the sales decrease domestically, Toyota decided to boost it by expanding overseas market in emerging economies, which is compatible with its overall strategy. The Asian Financial Crisis made them change their strategy from local assembly using components from Japan, to relocate its production network to Southeast Asia.The challenges in this case were much because of the manufacturing model of Toyota.1.The leitmotif of Toyota is kaizen and consistent quality so manychallenges would associate with replicating the Japanese model overseas and they are magnified in developing countries such as in Southeast Asia.2.The application of lean manufacturing is dependent on closelycoordinated supplier networks but the Asian Financial Crisis presented an urgent economic rationale to increase localisation of component sourcing especially with depreciation of Thai Baht.3.The pressure from competitors were twofold. Toyota need to offerattractive models utilising the latest technology instead of oldermodels in developing countries but also maintaining a competitive price.Question 2: Critically analyse the concept of localization. Use this case as an example.For analysing the concept of localisation, I assume that the question is askingwhat localisation means in the case and whether itis good or bad for the business.Localisation in this case means customising the fir m’s products to match the needs in a different region, replicating the manufacture model to a different region to produce standard components and assemble locally to reduce the costs and also localisation of staff and management.There are two strategies involving localisation of the first meaning: multi-domestic strategy and transnational strategy. In the case of Toyota, I believe they are using the transnational strategy because they have both high cost pressure from competitors and high pressure to respond to the market.Toyota specifically chose five models with three body styles to meet the needs of the market. The models share a common platform to reduce the design and production costs so that Toyota can be competitive in price while maintain high quality. The platform is designed for the challengingdriving environment, and the various models are to satisfy the diverse demand of Southeast Asian consumers, considering their different level of income and tastes. There is also R&D centre which can handle the localisation of design. The localisation of model design both lowers the costs and better meets the needs of the customers.Localisation in this case also reflects on production. Toyota centred the production of IMV vehicles in Thailand and Indonesia.All production occurs outside Japan and the localisation rate is reported as 97% in Thailand. The localisation of production network is necessary sincethe depreciated Thai Baht made the using of components produced in Japan expensive. The localised production greatly reduces costs and allows Toyota to compete both on price and quality. ASEAN gives Toyota advantages of supplier networks in the region, which helps replicating its lean manufacturing model. The IMV production bases of Toyota in Southeast Asia is producing a growing units of products, comprising almost 10% of its total production and some of the products are even exported.To better manage the localisation, Toyota also adjusted its organisation structure. It established RHQ in Singapore to manage human resources and supply chains for regional management.。