英语听力教程LTW2 Unit3

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1. ( T ) Sam has an examination tomorrow. 2. ( F ) He thinks he will do well in the exam. 3. ( T )At the moment he feels worried. 4. ( F )He thinks his father will be sympathetic if he does badly in the exam. 5. ( T)Sam wants to quit the exam because he is afraid that he would let his
_R__e_a_d_t_h_ro_u_g_h_ quickly first to get an idea of _w_h_a_t_i_t’_s_a_b_o_u_t_, and don’t _ta_k_e__n_o_te_s_.
Not __s_u_re__ if the writer is being _s_e_r_io_u_s__ or not.
*consultant 咨询顾问 *business management 企业管理 *copying out 复制,拷贝 *was supposed to 应该,被期望 *speed reading 速度,快速阅读
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Problems
_R__e_ly_ too much on _d_ic_t_io_n_a_r_y.
Listen This Way Book 2
Unit 3 Seize the School Days
Part I Getting ready Part II The teacher I remember best Part III Children of a decade Part IV More about the topic: School Report Part V Memory test: Study Habits Part VII Watch and enjoy
Part I Getting ready Education denotes the methods by which a society hands down from one generation to the next its knowledge, culture, and values. The individual being educated develops physically, mentally, emotionally, morally, and socially. The work of education may be accomplished by an individual teacher, the family, a church, or any other group in society. Formal education is usually carried out by the school.
C. You are going to hear several dialogues describing problems in reading English. Listen carefully and complete the following chart with all the problems and advice mentioned.
7. What course did the music teacher's wife give us? _C__o_n_ve_r_s_a_ti_o_n_c_l_a_s_s.____________
8. What did I use to do during the summer holidays? _V_i_si_t _F_r_a_n_ce_.__________________
at chess.
9. ( F )At the end Sam says that the counselor does not understand his problem.
*2. *He doesn’t feel that he is ready for the exam. *4. He thinks his father will get angry and feel let down if he does badly in the exam. *7. He got knocked out in the first match. *8. Before the competition, Sam’s father told his friends how good Sam was at chess. *9. Sam thinks what the counselor says is exactly how he feels.
1. Which teacher do I remember best? _T_h_e__F_r_e_n_ch__te_a_c_h_e_r_. __________
2. How long did I study French with him? __F_o_r _fi_v_e_y_e_a_r_s._______________
Audioscript Homepage
Part II The teacher I remember best The American educator Horace Mann once said: “As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated.”Education is the process through which people endeavor to pass along to their children their hard-won wisdom and their aspirations for a better world. The most important role played in education is the teacher.
Try to read a text without using a __d_ic_t_io_n_a_r_y_ the __fi_rs_t_ time you read it.
Can’t find the __m__a_in_p_o_i_n_t_ in an _a_rt_ic_le_ or a _p_a_r_a_g_ra_p_h_.
1. counselor: 顾问,辅导老师 2. make the grade: 成功,达到规定标准 3. quit: 放弃,离开 4. goody-goody: 老好人 5. emblazon: 颂扬,用纹章装饰 6. go to pieces: 崩溃,垮掉 7. potter about: 磨磨蹭蹭地做点琐碎的事,游荡 8. regulate: 调节,节制 9. plough through: 费力地阅读,吃力地钻研 10. small hours: 下半夜,午夜以后
B. A school counselor in a high school is trying to understand exactly what Sam’s problem is. Listen to their conversation and
decide whether the following statements are True or False. Put “T” or “F” in the brackets.
*denotes 表示,意思是 *hands down 传承,流传 *physically 身体上地 *mentally 精神上地,内心地 *morally 道德上地 *accomplished 达成,完成,实现
A. The following words and phrases will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions.
Read _a_s_m__u_c_h_a_s_ possible.
4 Read too _s_lo_w__ly_.
Set yourself a __ti_m_e__li_m_it__ and try to read a_s__m_u_c_h__a_s you can within the _ti_m_e_.
5. What kinds of exercises did the teacher give us? _G_r_a_m_m__a_r_a_n_d__v_o_ca_b_u_l_a_ry_.______
6. What kinds of facilities were unavailable in those days? _V_id_e_o__a_n_d_c_a_s_s_e_t_te_s_.__________
*As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated. 正如苹果没有成熟前就不成其为苹果,一个人没有受教育之前就不 成其为人。 *endeavor 努力,尽力做到 * hard-won wisdom 来之不易的智慧 * aspirations 抱负,志向
A. You are going to hear someone telling you his most memorable teacher. Listen to the first part of the monologue. While listening for the first time, add more key words in the lefthand column. After the second listening, answer each of the following questions in no more than three words or numbers.
3. How old was I when I met the teacher? _1_3_y_e_a_r_s_o_l_d_. ________________
4. What languages did I study at the university? _F_r_e_n_c_h_a_n_d__G_e_r_m_a_n_.__________
father down again.
6. ( T )Sam once entered a chess competition. 7. ( F )He won the competition. 8. ( F )After the competition, Sam’s father told his friends how good Sam was
*memorable 难忘的
French strict grammar vocabulary video cassettes films wife of music teacher conversation class in spite of
*cassettes 录音带 *in spite of 尽管 *facilities 设施,设备 *unavailable 难以获得 的,不能利用的