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英语单词是由音节组成的单音节词 和多音节词
英语词汇注重形式上的完整和正确,较少 对称的结构。 He went to the party although it was rainning. He started to do his homework as soon as he came back.
汉语的四字结构,即成语和新组成的词语 如:叶公好龙、自得之趣、改革开放 英译汉时,应注意选用适当的四字结构, 而汉译英时则不应刻意追求形式上的对等: Magnificent 美不胜收 Extremely hard 艰苦卓绝 Interesting 引人入胜
英译汉中的一条基本原则是词汇的选择需 要注意汉语的内在节律性: China is a vast country with rich natural resources and a large population. 中国地大物博,人口众多。 She was eighteen and beautiful. 她年方18,天生丽质。
英译汉时讲究对称,但汉译英时,若刻意追求对 称可能会产生适得其反的效果,如: 当风和日丽时,举目远望,佘山、金山、崇明岛 隐隐可见。 On a day of gentle breeze and bright sun, the observation deck commands an indistinct view of Mount Sheshan,Jinshan and Chongming Island. On a fine day, one can even see Mount Sheshan, Jinshan and Chongming Island, although not very clearly.
汉语词汇的对称性 和 英语词汇的非对称性
骈偶性:汉语词汇的一个最显著的特征 用户之上,质量第一 Priority to our clients and our product quality / clients and quality first 现代汉语偏爱两字词 word词 单词;cake糕 蛋糕、饼子 现代汉语偏爱两字、成对关联词 因为/所以;不但/而且;尽管/但是;……
The end Thank you!
泰城依山而建,山城相依,风光秀丽,环境优美,是 “ 国家卫生城市 ” 和 “ 中国优秀旅游城市 ” 。境内的 泰山,景观雄伟壮丽,内涵博大精深,是首批世界自然与 文化双遗产,被誉为 “ 五岳独尊 ” 、 “ 东方历史文化 宝库 ” ,近期又被评为国家地质公园。 译文: Taian city is a mountainous and scenic city at the foot of Mount Tai; it had been honored “National Sanitary City” and “National Excellent Tourist City”. Mount Tai, with splendid scenery, and long history, has been honored “World Natural and Cultural Heritage”, is famous for “the Head of the Five Sacred Mountains Historical and Cultural Treasure” and “Oriental -house”, recently it was honored “National Geological Garden”.