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1【keep track of sb/sth】掌握线索,保持对...的了解。

比如,想要保持对高中好友的情况的了解是很困难的,可以说:It is hard to keep track of high school friends.
2【slippery slope】滑坡,走下坡路。

比如你最近学习成绩不理想,需要勤奋努力避免继续走下坡路就可以说:I have to work hard to keep myself from the slippery slope of poor marks. 3【kick off】开始某项事件,原意是足球比赛中kick the ball表示比赛开始。

电影中的俱乐部的才艺秀在一个夜晚开始了,如果作为主持人,可以讲: We are kicking off the talent show on this beautiful night
4【run and run】发展形势好。

比如,从市场角度看这个项目,他的发展会很好,可以说As for the market,this project will run and run
5【Ward off】有避开,挡住灾难,危险的事物或人意思。

比如头痛了,吃点药去去风:She took vitamins to ward off head colds
6【get one's hands on】占有;得到,找到; 染指。

比如说你想得到最新的iphone5你可以说:I’d love to get my hands on the new iphone5!
7【be unaccounted for】表示下落不明的,未予解释的。

如:在报道一些海难时,常可以听到这样的表达:Some passengers are still unaccounted for.
8【in times of】在…的时刻;在…的时期。

比如教徒遇到困难时都会祈祷,可以这样说:In times of difficulty, the believers of a religion pray for an oracle to guide them.
9【buy something】指相信某事。

比如你朋友说自己游泳很厉害,你不相信就可以说I just don't buy the idea that you can swim that far.
10【Fall under sb’s spell】指被某人迷住,好像被他/她下了一个咒语(spell)一样。

比如Laurel和Sarah同时迷上了Oliver,两人曾对他都很着迷,就可以说They both fell under his spell.
11【talk one's ear off】表示喋喋不休,注意这里的ear用单数。

如:对于Sheldon一聊上火车就停不下来,我们可以说: Sheldon talked my ear off about trains.
12【pull strings】此处指幕后操纵。


如果有人跟你说他可以凭借关系帮你搞定,但你不相信可以说You have some strings to pull? I don’t believe you
13【bottle up】压抑,抑制(强烈的情感)。

比如你生闷气时有人跟你这样说:Don't bottle up your anger; Let it out
14take a rain check】最初指棒球赛因下雨延期举行时观众得到的“未来入场券”,即“雨票”,后引申为口语中的改天,延期。

比如当你拒绝了别人的邀请Thanks for the invitation, but I’ll have to take a rain check on it
15【catch up on something】指赶做、补做。

比如我因事请假几天,工作落下很多,就可以对别人说I have some work to catch up on.
16【Hold a grudge】心怀怨恨。



I would hold a grudge against myself for the rest of my life.
17【you are on】表示同意某事的发生,一言为定。

比如,A:I'll give you 50$ for your bike .50刀买你车。

B: you're on.成交。

18【Get a little tense】这里a little修饰形容词tense,意为(气氛、心情)变得稍微有点紧张了。

参加过大大小小的比赛、已步入各行各业的职业考场或是看见帅哥美女依旧脸不红心不跳的童鞋们,求支招,What would you do when you get tense?
19【Hang oneself】指自缢,上吊自杀,同义的有neck oneself,kill oneself by hanging. 生活处处有不和谐因素,比如无意中听到一首《忐忑》,当魔音穿耳,你或许会想:I'm so sick of this fucking music that I think I'll hang myself.
20【be great with】be great with sb/sth 对某人或者做某事很拿手。

比如当你去应聘幼儿园老师的时候可以说I'm great with kids.
21【Through doing sth】through doing sth表示不再干某事了狐朋狗友们劝我爬墙去玩:I'll get dismissed once caught,i'm through doing that shit.
22【a means to an end】表示的是为了某种目的而去做某事,往往并不情愿这么作。

比如,Caroline doesn't like klaus,dating him is just a means to an end.芭比娃娃也很讨厌克劳斯啊,但是得把他支走。

23【in spades】坦率地;肯定;非常。

比如夸赞某人时,你可以说:He is a good guy in spades.
24【one's territory】某人的地盘,territory本意是“领土,版图”,引申为口语用途亦可。

比如,厨房大多是妈妈的地盘,妈妈就可以说Kitchen is my territory,leave me alone and just wait for a great meal.
25【feel up to sth.】本意是感觉自己能胜任某事,也可以表示有意愿去做某事。

当你不想出门又懒得解释的时候,就可以说I just don’t feel up to going out today.
26【Be up to】这个句子是用来询问近况的很地道的用法。

比如,老朋友见面了得寒暄几句:What've you been up to?
27【throw good money after bad】throw good money after bad 想补偿损失反而损失更多。

比如股市下跌你决定放弃:I will never invest money in stocks. It's throwing good money after bad.
28【take advantage of】吃某人豆腐,占某人便宜,利用某人。

比如有些上司真的很可恶把事情都扔给下属做,自己却翘着二郎腿喝茶He is just taking advantage of you,leaving all the work to you and enjoying tea in his office instead.
29【take some heat off sb./sth】在这里的意思是“少生点某人的气”,可以把heat理解成注意力、关注度,再根据句意理解具体含义。

比如要表达我真的想减轻一点压力,I really wish some of the heat were taken off me
30【off one’s face】是指喝醉酒或者吸了毒之后不清醒的状态。

比如,昨天晚上喝多了,神志不清:I must have been completely off my face!
31【stick with】坚持,继续做;stick with the timetable 按照原来的计划安排。

比如你想劝别人继续努力不要放弃,持之以恒:It's easy to do anything if you stick with it.
32【crack the code】解密,理解。

比如你和几位朋友在一起聊天,有人说了一件你不理解的事,你就可以问身边的人,Could you crack the code?

你丫的居然把我小抄给弄丢了,I bloody need them!
34clear the air】正统地翻译是:以正视听。


Eg1. I want to clear the air once and for all!我就澄清这一次!
35【threw a party】办一场派对。

比如你想为他办一场派可以说:I want to threw a party for him.
36【level a charge against sb.】表示(由于某项罪行)控告某人,如:对于整天制造噪音扰民的邻居,We can level a disturbance of the peace charge against our annoying neighbors
37【walk a line】译为小心行事。

Eg1: She knows she has to walk a line when it comes to the criminal.她知道面对那个罪犯的时候一定得小心行事。

38【dwell in the past】沉迷于过去,dwell in 居住。

比如你想劝别人不要总会在过去向前看:Don't dwell in the past and don't worry about the future.
39【the silver lining】一线希望,短语来源于Every cloud has a silver lining.字面理解就是乌云也有银边(在天快放晴的时候),引申为黑暗中的一丝光明。

例如:我们可以鼓励绝望的朋友We still have the silver lining.
40【take some doing】表示有点难度,得花点功夫。

无法在限期内完成工作可以向上司解释说:Getting it finished by the deadline will take some doing.
41【mark my words】意思是“记住我说的”,通常表示对未来一定会发生的某些事情的语气的强调。

如:对别人说狠话时,可以说:Mark my words, you'll regret this in the future.
42【on the outs】指与某人不合,有纠纷。

比如你的朋友又吵架了,可以说:They were on the outs again.再比如Michael与Owen一直不合,就可以说:Michael is always on the outs with Owen.
43【lead a life of sth. 】这其实是一个常见同时也很好用的短语,译为过着什么样的生活。

比如“我生活在无休止的痛苦之中”可以用两种表达方式:1.I’ve been leading a life of endless misery.2.My life has been an abyss of misery
44【hold sb at arm's length】保持距离。

比如你劝解朋友远离某人就可以说:You should hold him at arm’s length.
45【give away the ending】(提前)说出了结尾。

假设你以前没有看过《老友记》第九季的时候,一个朋友告诉你最后的结尾时,你可以说How can you give away the ending?因为这样我们就没有新鲜感了
46【measure out (sb/sth)】这里表示测量,量出,评估。

如:论功行赏时,我们可以说:We should measure out rewards according to merits.
47【stand by】这个词组有很多意思,在这里表示坐视不管,袖手旁观。

比如Alex后来一定要参与行动,就可以说:Although she’s injured,she’s not gonna stand by
48【right on cue】right on cue 果不其然,表示不出人所料。

on cue 恰好在这个时候。

假如你描述某人雪中送炭就可以说:He helped us on cue.
49【let sth slip】说漏嘴,泄露秘密。

比如你精心为妈妈准备一个生日派对作为惊喜,但爸爸去说漏了嘴,妈妈知道了,就可以这样说:Although my father let the surprise party slip,my mother pretend not to know anything.
50【fool around 】这里表示无意义地闲逛或者沉湎于一些无意义的琐碎活动。

如:当有人试图观察并修好一台接近报废的的旧车时,可以说:He was fooling around with the old car in hopes of fixing it.
51【overplay one’s hand】意思是因不自量力毁掉胜机,错估形势。

比如有人在比赛中放松警惕而导致失败,就可以说:He thought he could win,but he actually overplayed his hand. 52【obsession with】obsession with 对••••••的执着,沉迷。

假如你喜爱美剧就可说:I have an obsession with US TV series
53【find one’s feel 】意思是适应一个新的环境。

比如你离开家到一个新的地方可以说:I was lonely when I first left home,but I am finding my feet now.
54【pull (one's) punches】表示(尤其是在批评.评论时)手下留情,其中one's在否定语境中常用any代替。

比如在希望朋友客观的评价时,可以说:Just tell me what you think and don't pull your punches
55【hold down the···fort】交给……来处理,照顾。

假如在工作中你让同事放松,工作交给自己就可以说:Have fun, guys, I'll hold down the fort
56【(come) out of left field】(尤指对于一个进退两难的困境)出现了意想不到的状况。

如:工作中突然出现了意想不到的新问题,可以说This new problem came out of left field
57【catch one’s breath】在这里指短暂休息一下,喘口气。

的时候总是很慌乱,Reese就会安抚他,可以说:Catch your breath and think about the next move
58【pull through】坚持下去渡过逆境。

比如你遇到困难了,可以这样给自己加油:I think I can pull through.
59【knock out】knock out 击倒,击昏。

比如盗贼打昏警察后逃逸就可以说:The robber knocked out the policeman and ran away
60【in a daze 】表示很茫然,心不在焉,神志不清的状态。

比如你不小心撞到别人时,可以说:“Sorry I wasn't paying attention. I was in a daze
61【It’s all the rage.】指正合潮流的,风行一时的。

比如POI和其他诸如钢铁侠等影视剧都展现出了一种潮流:现在超级富豪都喜欢拯救世界,可以说Millionaires saving the world is all the rage.
62【run around】四处奔忙;东奔西跑。

比如T om做事总是瞎忙,可以这样说他:T om always tends to run around in circles.run around
63【all over the map 】这里指举止、行为变化无常。

比如讨论某个非常善变的同事时,可以说:I can’t stand working with her anymore. She is all over the map all the time
64【gossip rags】gossip 都知道是什么意思了,rag在俚语里有报纸的意思,所以合起来就是那种闲话小道消息的八卦小报.they are always on the gossip rags.他们经常出现在八卦小报的头版上
65【Make oneself at home】在别人家的时候感觉好像在自己家里一样。

比如家里来客人了,可以招呼他们随便坐,放轻松,说Have a seat and make yourself at home. I’ll go get some coffee.
66【call off】取消。

比如雨太大了不能进行足球赛了可以这样说:It rained so heavily that they had to call off the soccer game.
67【one's ass is on the line】形容一个如果出错就会遭殃的处境,如We must succeed this time, my ass is on the line! 这一次我们必须成功,我已经没有退路了.相近的词是put one's ass on the line,即冒很大的险,也可以理解为为某件事两肋插刀.
68【break one’s balls】意思是折磨,欺压某人或者开某人的玩笑。

(balls的意思你懂得…) 比如HR老是不放过Fusco警探,就可以说: That HR guy is always breaking Fusco’s balls. 69【stick together】团结一致;互相支持。

比如比赛的时候可以这样给队友加油:We've got to stick together!
70【a big fan of】喜欢。

比如说很喜欢美剧就可以说:I am a big fan of American dramas.比如说不是很热衷于运动就可以说:Not a big fan of sports.
71【pipe dream】指白日梦,这个词组中的pipe(管子)指的是吸鸦片的烟管。

比如家长责备孩子不切实际的梦想就会说: Becoming a movie star is just a pipe dream. Forget about it.
72【boss around】颐指气使;把 ... 呼来唤去。

比如你受不了某人总是对人颐指气使,可以这样说:It really gets to me when she bosses people around.
73【stick around】stick around 逗留,在附近徘徊。

学校规定放学后不要在校园里逗留就可以说:Don't stick around campus after school
74【pan out】表示按计划进行,取得成功。

比如在讨论某个问题的解决方案时,可以说:I thought it was a good idea, but I don't think it will pan
75【lose track of】忘记(失去 ... 的线索)。

比如Helen是一个没有时间观念的人可以这样描述她:Helen is a girl who always loses track of time.
.76【have a lot of...going on】还有……要做。

on! We still have a lot of things going on.
77【have a crush on sb.】表示迷恋某人,对某人有好感。

比如聊八卦的时候可以说:I bet you have a crush on him。

78【on the straight and narrow】循规蹈矩的意思。


例:He's making an effort to get back on the straight and narrow.他在努力回归安分守已的生活.
79【have sb's back】帮助支持。

假如你感谢父母或是朋友一直以来的支持,就可以说:Thanks for having my back all the time!
80【Have got one’s balls in a vice】ot sb’s balls in a vice:把蛋放在老虎钳里面,表示逼迫某人服从。

比如说劫匪绑架孩子进行勒索,就可以说:They’ve got parents’ balls in a vice. 81【stave off】避开;延缓。

比如盗贼逃脱了警察的追捕就可以说:Robbers staved the police off.
82【hop on】hop是跳的意思,这个短语很容易理解,跳上车的意思,很口语化。

例:In Moscow, you hop on the subway and you’re everywhere, she said. In Gaithersburg, it was just terrible.在莫斯科,你跳上地铁哪儿都能去,她说,在盖瑟斯堡,真是太糟了。

83【Flip a coin】flip a coin表示抛个硬币来做决定,在电影中B调侃的语气可翻译成"我瞎猜的"。

比如说你有选择困难症那就可以flip a coin咯。

84【be fixated on】过分迷恋,十分迷恋。

比如有个人一直很想环游世界,可以这样说他:He seems to be fixated on this idea of travelling around the world.
85【Take the fall】take the fall表示代人受罪比如有的贪官犯罪了可能会找人来take the fall for him. 或者你被人冤枉了就可以说:I don’t wanna take the fall.
86【Have pull】Give a good pull字面意义是推了一把,表示帮助很大,在口语中一般用的是have pull或者have pull with sb. 比如说你的老板是个非常有权利的人就可以说My boss has quite some pull.
87【on second thought】change one's opinion意思是转念一想,改变主意。


例:Let’s go to the cinema. No,wait,on second thought,I would rather just go for a walk. 咱们去看电影吧,结果转念一想,我想我们还是散散步算了。

88【dredge up】提起(不愉快的往事);挖掘。

比如别人在回忆伤心事时,你可以这样劝他:Don't dredge up old hurts from the past.
89【have sth up one's sleeve】意思是秘而不宣的(阴谋或对策),字面上是藏在袖子里的,联想一下就能知道衍生意是出人意料的事情,让人防不胜防。

例:I trust Shaun has another genius scheme up his sleeve? 我能相信肖恩还会有什么高明过人的对策?
90【Ground is shrinking beneath one's feet】字面意思是脚下的路开始摇晃了,意译为灾难要到来了。

所以如果杀人犯被抓到了:Then the ground would be shrinking beneath his feet.
91【lay off】停止做(某种不快的事)。

比如你劝别人戒酒:I think you'd better lay off alcohol for a while.
92【for the long haul】意思是在漫长的过程中(一直坚持),haul是拖,拉的意思。

例:《新闻编辑室》里Charlie嘲笑Will教化大众的任务进行的怎么样,Will说:"Theprogress is slow,but I'm in it for the long haul."进展是很缓慢,但我打算打持久战。

93【get back at sb】报复,向…报仇。

比如有人打架打输了,他想报复可以这样说:He cannot accept the defeat--He wants to get back
94Be shot】Caroline:I mean, weren't you shot as a baby? 你不是婴儿时期就中过弹了吗?Max:No, I told you I drank shots as a baby.My mother hated to drink alone. 我是说我婴


95have sb wrapped around one's finger】意思是牢牢掌控,这个短语很形象,感觉就是孙悟空逃不出五指山的感觉。

比如《吸血鬼日记》里Katherine知道John邀请Isbel进屋后对Isbel说:"You obviouly have John wrapped under you finger."很明显你把John收拾的服服帖帖的。

96【in the dark】指对某事一无所知,在黑暗中所以什么都看不见,因此这个说法应该还是比较形象的。

Don't kept me in the dark about their plans.别把他们的计划瞒着我。

They made a decison in the dark. 他们秘密做出了决定。

97Stick one’s nose in】插手不该插手的事,乱管闲事,stick是插入的意思。

比如别人问你不想回答的隐私问题,把你惹毛了,你就说:“Stop sticking your nose in my world!”
98【Hold that thought】当你不愿意继续对方的话题的时候,可以使用。

大学教授被同学的问题难住时就会说: Hold that thought. Let's discuss it later
99【tell on sb.】表示告发某人。

Eg: I'll tell the teacher on you! 我要去告诉老师。

100【work out】有好几个意思,比如完成(工作),解题,找出(解决方法)等等。

但是在这里的work out有达成恋爱关系的意思。

I'm sorry you two didn't work out.真遗憾你们俩没成。

101【load off】表示卸下负担,也就是放轻松。

Eg: It's a load off my mind to know that father's arrived safely. 得知我老爸安全抵达之后我就放心了。

102【Stuck in the middle】字面译为卡在中间,指某种情况下左右为难。


比如你的一个好朋友和另一个好朋友撕破脸,你找人倾诉时就可说:“They are in a fight, I am stuck in the middle.她们在吵架,这情况让我左右为难。

103【Keep something from somebody】就是对某人隐瞒某人。

比如有一天爸爸走到你面前神秘地说了一句There were certain things that your mother and I decided to keep from you.
104【stop by】拜访,串门的意思,用于朋友邻居之间的互相访问。

Sorry to bother you. Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood.抱歉打扰了。


105【You've got dibs】我让给你dibs:n.零钱,权利. 在这里是权力的意思,Max的意思就是我批准你了你有权力去追他啦!有一个很常用的短语哟:call dibs on 有权要求做某事。
