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33. Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 9 (reproduced below)?

Sometimes the employer does not listen fully to suggestions from employees this can make workers feel undervalued. (A) (As it is now) (B) When sometimes they do not listen fully to suggestions from employees, this can make (C) Because the employers had not listened fully to suggestions from employees, they made (D) An employer who does not listen closely to suggestions of employees, making (E) Sometimes an employer does not listen closely to suggestion from employees, making
What is the best way to revise the underlined portion of sentences 5 and 6 (reproduced below)? (P958.31) What Otis managed to do in 1854 was to demonstrate an elevator with a built-in safety device. So that the elevator would not plunge to the bottom if the rope used to raise and lower it broke. (A) device, by which the elevator would not plunge (B) device, and the elevator would not plunge (C) device because an elevator plunges (D) device to prevent the elevator from plunging (E) device, it prevented elevators from plunging

(B) that was thought of
(C) that they have previously come up with (D) to which there are proposals (E) that has been proposed
In context, what is the best way to deal with sentence 4 reproduced below)?(P958.30) They had actually been in use for half of his lifetime. (A) Delete it. (B) Switch it with sentence 5. (C) Change “They” to “Such elevators”. (D) Change “his” to “Otis”. (E) Insert “supposedly” after “lifetime”
SAT语法IP题型总共是6道小题,主要是对于逻辑的考查,大家最恼火 的也许就是时间问题,最好预留给这部分7分钟,其中2分钟快速浏览 文章,特别是开头句,明白大概讲的是什么,然后5分钟用于答题。 这部分主要是由两种类型的题目组成:语法题和文章题。
(1) 划线修改: 分成两部分,划线部分有连接词的和划线部 分没连接词的。 有连接词的题目,通常考查的是上下句的逻辑,也就是需 要学生根据上下文的连接词的汉语意思来找出正确选项;无 连接词的题目,更类似于IS 题目,选项中只有一个语法正 确。

(1) Many critics consider modern film remakes of classical works disrespectful and a waste of time and money. (2) A recent version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet drew harsh reviews from purists, they are people who expect filmmakers to follow the original text exactly.(3) The only positive ones expressed relief that Shakespeare was not around to feel the insult. 31. In context, which of the following is the best word to use instead of "ones" in sentence 3 ? (A) scenes (B) instances
难点:阅读题 (1) 中心思想 (2) 在文章最前端或者最末端添加句子 ——关于文章的中 心思想的概括 (3) 文章中间加句子 a. 从语法角度考,如代词指代不明; b. 做某个概念的解释和说明。 (4) 概括和举例之间的关系
文章修改(Improving Paragraphs)中的题型一共有3大类,分 别是处置一个句子(reproduce a single sentence),合并 句子(reproduce two sentences)和主旨题。 如同阅读一样,主旨题要放在最后去做。处置一个句子的 题目中,一个句子只有一个错误,并且不用考虑选项中的 修改是否正确,只需要看选项修改的是不是原句中真正出 错的位置。只要正确地挑出错误,就是正确答案。合并句 子一般都是在两句中间添加关系词或连接词,使它变成一 个长句。 跨段之间不能指代,每段的开头绝不可以用代词开头。

31. Which of the following is the best way to phrase the underlined portion of sentence 4 (reproduced below) ? Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to every solution that they think of. (A) (as it is now)

(C) reviews
(D) remakes (Eones”的指代对象,故此处必须换成具体名词,综合(2) 句意思,应该为reviews.
1) A significant problem all across our state is garbage. (2) Our landfills are full. (3) It seems that we must either find new sites for landfills or employ other methods of disposal, like incineration. (4) Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to every solution that they think of.

(2) 二合一体 考点: a. 语法结构; b. 从平行并列的两个句子中,找出两个句子的重心; c. 从句意上,考两个句子的连接词。 难点:题目出得很长 单句>从句>分词>平行句
(3) 代词的指代 通常不难,也分成两类,第一小类是单纯的IS,根据代词 的汉语意思,去寻找相关的指代项;第二小类是用一个名词 来指代整个句子,有时候也可以是同位语的形式。 (4) 不划线修改 有错改错,没错删整句。 (5) 添加或删减句子 解题的技巧分两类,一是根据上下文的提示词,比如 despite such findings,另一类是注意句子的代词,连接词 和上下文相近的词。

单纯就逻辑而言,C is good. 表示“由于雇主不认真听取雇员的建议,前者 让后者感觉不受重用。”因果关系很明显。实际上呢?E才是答案。原因是C 的时态错了,因为整篇文章反映的是工作中的一种客观情况,应该用一般现 在时。补充一点,E的结构是SVO, doing。(doing是SVO的结果状语,也能 体现出因果关系,语法常考!) 此例表明只看逻辑忽视语法(时态)是不行的。