




下列做法不符合这一宗旨的是A. 农村推广用沼气作燃料B. 大力推广新能源汽车,减小碳排放C. 将废电池回收后深埋,防止其污染表层土壤D. 对煤和石油等燃料进行脱硫处理【答案】C【解析】A、沼气的主要成分是甲烷,是一种清洁能源,农村推广用沼气作燃料符合“践行绿色发展理念,建设漂亮中国”的宗旨,选项A正确;B、. 大力推广新能源汽车,减小碳排放符合“践行绿色发展理念,建设漂亮中国”的宗旨,选项B正确;C、将废电池回收后深埋,会污染土壤,不符合“践行绿色发展理念,建设漂亮中国”的宗旨,选项C错误;D、对煤和石油等燃料进行脱硫处理,削减二氧化硫排放削减酸雨形成,符合“践行绿色发展理念,建设漂亮中国”的宗旨,选项D正确;答案选C。

2. 下列叙述不正确的()A. 金属材料分为黑色金属材料和有色金属材料B. 活泼金属在空气中易与氧气反应,表面生成一层氧化膜均能爱护内层金属C. 硅是一种亲氧元素,在自然界中它总是与氧相互化合的D. 氯是最重要的“成盐元素”,主要以NaCl的形成存在于海水和陆地的盐矿中【答案】B【解析】试题分析:A、正确;B、镁、铝、锌等能生成爱护膜,但更活泼的金属钠、钾等不行,错误;C、硅是一种亲氧元素,自然界中的以二氧化硅和硅酸盐形式存在,正确;D、正确。


3.下列说法不正确的是A. 电解水生成氢气和氧气时,电能转变成化学能B. 煤燃烧时可以将化学能转变成热能C. 绿色植物光合作用过程中把太阳能转变成化学能D. 白炽灯工作时电能全部转变为光能【答案】D【解析】分析:A.电解池是将电能转换为化学能的装置;B.煤燃烧时会产生大量的热量;C.光合作用时,太阳能转化为化学能;D.电能转化为光能和热能。

详解:A.电解装置将水电解生成氢气和氧气时,电能转化为化学,选项A正确; B.煤燃烧时会产生大量的热量,化学能主要转化为热能,选项B正确;C.绿色植物进行光合作用时,太阳能转化为化学能在生物体内储存,选项C正确;D.白炽灯工作时,电能转化为光能和热能,选项D错误。



200 ´ (45% - 30%) = 30 ,A 正确; 由条形图知高一学生在前 200 名中,前 100 和后 100 人数相等,因此高一人数为
1 ;
成绩前 50 名的 50 人中,高一人数为 200´ 45%´ 0.2 = 18 ,因此高三最多有 32 人,C 正确;
6.气象意义上从春季进入夏季的标志为“连续 5 天,每天的日均气温都不低于 22℃ ”. 已知甲,乙,丙,丁四个地区某连续 5 天日均气温的数据特征如下: 甲地
中位数为 27℃ ,平均数为 26℃. 乙地 第 60 百分位数为 24℃,众数为 22℃ . 丙地
最高气温为 31℃,平均数为 25℃,标准差
面 PAD 所成角的正弦值. 20.在锐角 VABC 中,内角 A,B,C 的对边分别为 a,b,c,若 a2 + c2 - ac = 4 , b = 2 . (1)求角 B 的大小; (2)求 a 的取值范围.
c 21.如图,在四棱锥 P - ABCD 中,底面 ABCD 是菱形, ÐABC = 60o , AB = 2 ,

五、解答题 19.如图,四棱锥 P - ABCD 中,底面 ABCD 为矩形, PA ⊥平面 ABCD , E 为 PD 的 中点.
试卷第51 页,共33 页
(1)证明: PB / / 平面 AEC ;
2 3

3 ,求直线 PC 与平
四、双空题 18.传说古希腊数学家阿基米德的墓碑上刻着一个圆柱,圆柱内有一个内切球,这个








在每个小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的1.甲、乙两名同学八次数学测试成绩的茎叶图如图所示,则甲同学成绩的众数与乙同学成绩的中位数依次为( )A .85,85B .85,86C .85,87D .86,862.已知a ,b 为不同的直线,α为平面,则下列命题中错误的是( ) A .若//a b ,b α⊥,则a α⊥ B .若a α⊥,b α⊥,则//a b C .若a α⊥,b α⊂,则a b ⊥ D .若a b ⊥,a α⊥,则b α⊥3.式子22cos cos sin sin 3636ππππ-的值为( ) A .12-B .0C .1D .34.为了得到函数sin(2)3y x π=+,(x ∈R )的图象,只需将sin(2)3y x π=-( x ∈R )的图象上所有的点( ). A .向右平移6π个单位 B .向左平移6π个单位 C .向右平移3π个单位 D .向左平移3π个单位 5.在ABC △中,3AB =1AC =,π6B =,则ABC △的面积是( ). A .3B 3 C 33D 336.在ABC ∆中,内角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,且()cos 4cos a B c b A =-,则cos2A =( )A .78B .18C .78-D .18-7.已知25sin (0)52παα=<<,则tan()4πα-=( )A .-3B .13- C .13D .38.若直线与直线平行,则的值为( )A .7B .0或7C .0D .49.若a b ,是函数()()200f x x px q p q =-+>>,的两个不同的零点,且2a b -,,这三个数可适当排序后成等差数列,也可适当排序后成等比数列,则p q +的值等于( ) A .1B .5C .9D .410.米勒问题,是指德国数学家米勒1471年向诺德尔教授提出的有趣问题:在地球表面的什么部位,一根垂直的悬杆呈现最长(即可见角最大?)米勒问题的数学模型如下:如图,设,M N 是锐角ABC ∠的一边BA 上的两定点,点P 是边BC 边上的一动点,则当且仅当PMN ∆的外接圆与边BC 相切时,MPN ∠最大.若()()0,1,2,3M N ,点P 在x 轴上,则当MPN ∠最大时,点P 的坐标为( )A .61,0)B .(16,0)-±C .(17,0)-±D .71,0)二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。













在A、B、C 三点中()A.场强最小的点是C点,电势最高的点是B点B.场强最小的点是A点,电势最高的点是C点C.场强最小的点是A点,电势最高的点是B点D.场强最小的点是C点,电势最高的点是A点2、(本题9分)如图所示,圆弧形拱桥半径为r,质量为m的汽车在拱桥顶端时速率为v,以下说法正确的是( )A.无论v多大,汽车都能安全通过拱桥=时,汽车一定能安全通过拱桥B.当v rg=时,汽车在桥顶端时对桥的压力大小为mgC.当v rg=时,汽车在桥顶端时对桥的压力大小为零D.当v rg3、(本题9分)两个质量均匀的球体,相距,它们之间的万有引力为10-8N,若它们的质量、距离都增加为原来的2倍,则它们间的万有引力为: A .4×10-8N B .2×10-8N C .10-8N D .10-4N4、 (本题9分)汽车由静止开始运动,若要使汽车在开始运动一小段时间内保持匀加速直线运动,则A .不断增大牵引力和牵引力的功率B .不断减小牵引力和牵引力的功率C .保持牵引力不变,不断增大牵引力功率D .不能判断牵引力功率怎样变化5、(本题9分)在沙坑的上方H 高处,将质量为m 的铅球以速度v 竖直向上抛出。



2022-2023学年高一下数学期末模拟试卷注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置. 3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符. 4.作答选择题,必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分。

在每个小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的1.已知过点)A的直线l 的倾斜角为60︒,则直线l 的方程为( )A .40y +-=B 20y --=C 40y ++=D 20y -+=2.设定义域为R 的奇函数()f x 是增函数,若()2cos 2(2sin 2)0f m f m θθ-+-<对R θ∈恒成立,则实数m 的取值范围是( )A .(1)∞B .[1)-∞C .1,2⎛⎫-+∞ ⎪⎝⎭D .1,2⎡⎫-+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭3.设平面向量(1,2)a =,(2,)b y =-,若a b ⊥,则a b +等于( )A .BCD4.若关于x 的不等式220x ax +->在区间[]1,5上有解,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .23,5⎛⎫-+∞ ⎪⎝⎭B .23,15⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦C .()1,+∞D .23,5⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦5.数列{}n a 中,若*11,sin ,2n n a a a a n N π+⎛⎫==∈ ⎪⎝⎭,则下列命题中真命题个数是( )(1)若数列{}n a 为常数数列,则1a =±; (2)若()0,1a ∈,数列{}n a 都是单调递增数列; (3)若a Z ∉,任取{}n a 中的9项()19129,,1k k a a k k k <<<<构成数列{}n a 的子数{}n k a (1,2,,9n =),则{}n k a 都是单调数列.A .0个B .1 个C .2个D .3个6.若3,2θππ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,直线:tan 1l y x θ=⋅+的倾斜角等于( ) A .θπ-B .θC .2πθ-D .πθ+7.圆心为()1,1-且过原点的圆的一般方程是 A .222210x y x y ++-+= B .222210x y x y +-++= C .22220x y x y ++-=D .22220x y x y +-+=8.已知圆心为C (6,5),且过点B (3,6)的圆的方程为( ) A .22(6)(5)10x y -+-= B .22(6)(5)10x y +++= C .22(5)(6)10x y -+-=D .22(5)(6)10x y +++=9.如图,一船自西向东匀速航行,上午10时到达一座灯塔P 的南偏西75°距塔64海里的M 处,下午2时到达这座灯塔的东南方向的N 处,则这只船的航行速度为( )海里/小时.A .6B .46C .86D .16610.如果连续抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子100次,那么第95次出现正面朝上的点数为4的概率为( ) A .1920B .16C .120D .195二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。





1.设i 为虚数单位,复数满足,则复数的虚部是( )A .B .C .3iD .32.某汽车生产厂家用比例分配的分层随机抽样方法从A ,B ,C 三个城市中抽取若干汽车进行调查,各城市的汽车销售总数和抽取数量如右表所示,则样本容量为( )城市销售总数抽取数量A 420m B 28020C 700nA .60B .80C .100D .1203.某校文艺部有4名学生,其中高一、高二年级各2名,从这4名学生中随机选2名组织校文艺汇演,则这2名学生来自不同年级的概率为( )A.B .C .D .4.设是两条不同的直线,是两个不同的平面,给出下列说法,其中正确的是( )A .若,则B .若,则C .若,则D .若,则5.如图,在三棱锥中,分别是,的中点,则异面直线所成角的余弦值为()z ()i 142i z +=+z i-1-16131223,m n ,αβ,,m n m n αβ⊥⊥∥αβ⊥,m m αβ⊥∥αβ⊥,,m n m n αβ⊥⊂⊂αβ⊥,,m n m n αβ⊥⊂⊥αβ⊥A BCD -6,4,,AB AC BD CD AD BC M N ======AD BC ,AN CMA.B .C .D .6.有一组样本数据:,其平均数为2024.由这组数据得到一组新的样本数据:,那么这两组数据一定有相同的( )A .极差B .中位数C .方差D .众数7.已知正四棱台上底面边长为1,下底面边长为2,体积为7,则正四棱台的侧棱与底面所成角的正切值为( )ABCD .8.已知三棱锥中,平面,底面是以为直角顶点的直角三角形,且,三棱锥,过点作于,过作于,则三棱锥外接球的体积为()A .BCD .二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。



2024届福建省师大附中物理高一下期末考试模拟试题 注意事项:1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。





一、选择题:(1-6题为单选题7-12为多选,每题4分,漏选得2分,错选和不选得零分)1、 (本题9分)玻璃杯从同一高度落下,掉在石头上比掉在草地上容易碎,这是由于玻璃杯与石头的撞击过程中( )A .玻璃杯的动量较大B .玻璃杯受到的动量变化较大C .玻璃杯的动量变化率较大D .玻璃杯受到的的冲量较大2、 (本题9分)如图所示,一物体在与水平方向成夹角为α的恒力F 的作用下,沿直线运动了一段距离x .在这过程中恒力F 对物体做的功为( )A .sin Fx αB .cos Fx αC .sin Fx αD .cos Fx α3、如图,B,C,D 是以+Q 为圆心的圆周上的三个点,将一试探电荷从圆内A 点分别移到B,C,D 各点时,电场力做的功( )A .W AB > W ACB .W AD >W ABC .W AC > W AD D .W AB = W AC4、如图所示,以O 点为圆心,以R =0.20 m 为半径的圆与坐标轴交点分别为a 、b 、c 、d ,该圆所在平面内有一匀强电场,场强方向与x 轴正方向成θ=60°角,已知a 、b 、c三点的电势分别为4V、4 V、V,则下列说法正确的是()A.该匀强电场的场强E=V/mB.该匀强电场的场强E=80 V/mC.d点的电势为VD.d点的电势为-4 V5、(本题9分)如图所示,半圆形轨道位于竖直平面内,O为圆心,OP水平、PQ竖直,现将A、B、C三个小球分别从O、P、Q三点同时水平抛出,三球都落在M点,空气阻力忽略不计,则以下说法错误的是A.A、B两球同时到达M点B.C球抛出的初速度最大C.小球C的飞行时间最长D.整个飞行过程中小球C的速度变化量最大6、(本题9分)关于静电场,以下叙述中正确的是( )A.点电荷是理想化物理模型,通常体积小的带电体都可以看成是点电荷B.电场强度是标量,运算时不满足平行四边形定则C.某点电场强度的方向,与该点负电荷所受电场力方向相反D.电场线分布越密的地方电场强度越小7、如图所示,质量为m的小球套在倾斜放置的固定光滑杆上,一根轻质弹簧一端固定于O点另一端与小球相连,弹簧与杆在同一竖直平面内,将小球沿杆拉到弹簧水平位置由静止释放,小球沿杆下滑,当弹簧位于竖直位置时,小球速度恰好为零,此时小球下降的竖直高度为h,若全过程中弹簧始终处于伸长状态且处于弹性限度范围内,下列说法正确的是()A.弹簧与杆垂直时,小球速度最大B.弹簧与杆垂直时,小球的动能与重力势能之和最大C.小球下滑至最低点的过程中,合外力的冲量为零D.小球下滑至最低点的过程中,弹簧的弹性势能增加量等于mgh8、(本题9分)一带负电的粒子只在电场力作用下沿x轴正向运动,其电势能E随位移x变化的关系如图所示,其中0~x2段是对称的曲线,x2~x3段是直线,则下列说法正确的是()A.x1处电场强度为零B.x1、x2、x3处电势φ1、φ2、φ3的关系为φ1>φ2>φ3C.粒子在0~x2段做匀变速运动,x2~x3段做匀速直线运动D.x2~x3段是匀强电场9、(本题9分)在距河面高度h=20 m的岸上有人用长绳拴住一条小船,开始时绳与水面的夹角为30°,人以恒定的速率v=3 m/s拉绳,使小船靠岸,那么A.5 s时绳与水面的夹角为60°B.5 s时小船前进了15 mC.5 s时小船的速率为5 m/sD.若小船质量为20kg,则5s内物体的动能变化量为130J10、如图所示,质量为M =4kg 的木板静止在光滑水平面上,一个质量为m =1kg 的小滑块以初速度v 0=5m/s 从木板的左端向右滑上木板,小滑块始终未离开木板。










1、(本题9分)人在高h的地方,斜上抛出一质量为m的物体,物体到最高点时的速度为v1,落地速度为v2,不计空气阻力,则人对这个物体做的功为()A.12mv22﹣12mv12B.12mv22C.12mv22﹣mgh D.12mv12﹣mgh2、(本题9分)平板电容器AB带有等量异种电荷,通过如图所示的方式与静电计相连.可由静电计指针的偏转定性显示电容器两极板间的电势差.θ表示静电计指针的偏角,C表示电容器的电容.实验中,可认为极板所带电荷量不变.则下列操作中符合实验事实的是()A.把A板向右移,C变大,θ增大B.把A板向左移,C变大,θ增大C.把A板直向下移,C变大,θ减小D.把A、B板间插入一块电介质,C变大,θ减小3、(本题9分)如图所示,一轻质弹簧,两端连着物体A和B放在光滑水平面上,如果物体A被水平速度为v0的子弹射中并嵌在物体A中,已知物体A的质量为物体B的质量的34,子弹的质量是物体B质量的14.弹簧被压缩到最短时物体B的速度为()A .12v B .8v C .4v D .23v 4、已知河水的流速保持不变,小船在静水中的速度恒定且大于河水的流速。

如图所示,为使小船由河岸O 点沿虚线垂直河岸航行,船头的指向可能为图中的A .①方向B .②方向C .③方向D .④方向5、 (本题9分)设想:一张桌子放在水平地面上,桌面高为h 2,一质量为m 的小球处于桌面上方h 1高处的P 点.若以桌面为参考平面,重力加速度为g ,N 为桌面上的一点.小球从P 点下落到地面上的M 点,下列说法正确的是( ) A .小球在P 点的重力势能为mg (h 1+h 2) B .小球在桌面N 处的重力势能为mgh 2C .小球从P 点下落至M 点的过程中,重力势能减少mg (h 1+h 2)D .小球从P 点下落至M 点的过程中,克服重力做功mg (h 1+h 2)6、如图所示,三个小球从同一高处的O 点分别以水平初速度v 1、v 2、v 3抛出,落在水平面上的位置分别是A 、B 、C ,O '是O 在水平面上的投影点,且O'A :AB :BC =1:3:1.若不计空气阻力,则下列说法正确的是( )A .v 1:v 2:v 3=1:3:1B .三个小球下落的时间相同C .三个小球落地时竖直方向速度相同D .三个小球落地时的动能相同 7、 (本题9分)下列说法中正确的是 A .元电荷实质上是指电子和质子本身 B .把1.6×10 -19C 的电荷量叫元电荷C .所有带电体的电荷量一定等于元电荷的整数倍D .带电体间的距离比它们本身的大小大得多,以至于带电体的形状大小和电荷分布对它们间的相互作用力的影响可忽略不计时,带电体就可以视为点电荷8、如图所示,质量为m的小球从距离地面高度为H的A点由静止释放,落到地面上后又陷入泥潭中,由于受到阻力作用,到达距地面深度为h的B点时速度减为零不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g。




(每句1分,共20分)1.天地也!, ?为善的受贫穷更命短,造恶的享富贵又寿延。



(《雨霖铃》柳永)4. ,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。

(《念奴娇》苏轼)5. ,微冷,山头斜照却相迎。

(《定风波》苏轼)6. ,尽西风,季鹰归未?(《水龙吟》辛弃疾)7.千古江山,。

(《永遇乐》辛弃疾)8. ,,人比黄花瘦。

(《醉花阴》李清照)9. 满地黄花堆积,,?(《声声慢》李清照)10. ,,。


















1、有一台电风扇额定电压为U ,额定功率为P ,额定电流为I ,线圈电阻为R ,将电风扇接入额定电压U ,则t 秒内电风扇产生的热量为( ) A .Q =PtB .Q =I 2RtC .Q =UItD .2U Q t R= 2、 (本题9分)质量为1kg 的物体做自由落体运动,经过1s 落地.重力加速度g =10m /s 1.关于重力做功及功率,下列说法正确的是( ) A .下落过程中重力的平均功率是100 W B .下落过程中重力做的功是100 J C .落地前的瞬间物体的动能是100 J D .落地前的瞬间重力的瞬时功率是100 W3、一条水平放置的水管,横截面积S =2.0cm 2,距地面高h =0.8m 。

水从管口以不变的速度源源不断地沿水平方向射出,设管口截面上各处水速相同,水落地位置到管口的水平距离为0.8m ,则每秒内从管口流出的水的体积为?(g =10m/s 2)( ) A .200cm 3B .400cm 3C .600cm 3D .800cm 34、 (本题9分)单位制由基本单位和导出单位组成。

功是物理学中的重要物理量之一,在国际单位制中,功的单位用基本单位可表示为( ) A .JB .N·mC .kg·m 2·s -2 D .kg·m·s -1 5、 (本题9分)一台抽水机每秒能把30kg 的水抽到10m 高的水塔上,如果不计额外功的损失,这台抽水机保持输出功率不变的前提下,半小时内能做多少功(210m/s g =)( ) A .5310J ⨯ B .55.410J ⨯C .65.410J ⨯D .6310J ⨯6、 (本题9分)如图所示,质量相同的两物体从同一高度由静止开始运动,A 沿着固定在地面上的光滑斜面下滑,B 做自由落体运动,两物体分别到达地面,下列说法正确的是A .整个过程中,重力做功AB W W = B .整个过程中,重力做功A B W W >C .两物体分别到达地面时,重力的瞬时功率A B P P =D .两物体分别到达地面时,重力的瞬时功率A B P P < 7、 (本题9分)关于重力势能,以下说法正确的是( ) A .重力势能的大小是相对的B .重力势能的变化量跟物体运动路径无关C .如果一个物体克服重力做功8J ,则它的重力势能就减少8JD .如果选同一个参考平面,甲、乙的重力势能分别为9J 和-9J ,则两个重力势能的大小是相等的8、 (本题9分)如图,半径R =0.45m 的四分之一光滑圆弧面轨道竖直固定,弧面下端与一水平足够长传送带右端相切,传送带以恒定的速度v =2m/s 沿顺时针方向匀速转动。









在每个小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的1.函数()()sin f x A x =+ωϕ,()0,0A ω>>,若()f x 在区间[0,]2π上是单调函数,()()0()2ππ-==-f f f ,则ω的值为( )A .12B .2C .12或23D .23或2 2.已知直线l 的方程为sin 310x y α+-=,α∈R ,则直线l 的倾斜角范围( ) A .20,,33πππ⎛⎤⎡⎫⋃ ⎪⎥⎢⎝⎦⎣⎭ B .50,,66πππ⎡⎤⎡⎫⎪⎢⎥⎢⎣⎦⎣⎭ C .50,,66πππ⎡⎫⎛⎫⋃⎪⎪⎢⎣⎭⎝⎭D .20,,33πππ⎡⎤⎡⎫⎪⎢⎥⎢⎣⎦⎣⎭3.在某种新型材料的研制中,实验人员获得了下列一组实验数据:现准备用下列四个函数中的一个近似地表示这些数据的规律,其中最接近的一个是( )x3 4 5.15 6.126 y4.04187.512 18.01 A .()2112y x =- B .22y x =-C .2log y x =D .12log y x =4.若角的终边经过点,则( )A .B .C .D .5.函数()2+ln f x x x =的图像大致为( )A .B .C .D .6.《张丘建算经》中如下问题:“今有马行转迟,次日减半,疾五日,行四百六十五里,问日行几何?”根据此问题写出如下程序框图,若输出465S =,则输入m 的值为( )A .240B .220C .280D .2607.直线210x y ++=与直线20x y -+=的交点在( ) A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限8.若sin 2cos21θθ=+,则cos2θ=( ) A .0B .-1C .1或0D .0或-19.已知等比数列{}n a 的首项11a =,公比2q ,则2019a =( )A .20172B .20182C .20192D .2020210.已知4sin cos 3αα-=,则sin 2α=( ). A .79-B .29- C .29D .79二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。




1.关于曲线运动,下列说法正确的是( )A. 做曲线运动的物体,其速度大小一定变化B. 做曲线运动的物体,其加速度一定变化C. 在恒力作用下,物体可以做曲线运动D. 在平衡力作用下,物体可能做曲线运动2.如图所示,火车在倾斜的轨道上匀速转弯,弯道的倾角为θ,半径为r,重力加速度为g,则火车转弯时外侧车轮轮缘不对外轨产生挤压的最大速率是(设转弯半径水平)( )A. gr sinθB. gr cosθC. gr tanθD. grtanθ3.为了备战皮划艇比赛,某队员在河中进行训练。

若河岸平直,河面宽100m,水流速度大小为3m/s,皮划艇相对静水的速度大小为2m/s,当皮划艇以最短时间渡河时,其实际航程为( )A. 5013mB. 150mC. 505mD. 100m4.水平地面上放一个竖直轻弹簧,弹簧上端与一个质量为m的木块相连,木块处于静止状态。


则在木块下移ℎ的过程中( )A. W=FℎB. 木块和弹簧系统机械能守恒C. 木块克服弹簧弹力做功为WD. 弹性势能增加了W+mgℎ5.我国是能够独立设计和发射地球同步卫星的国家之一。


如图所示,轨道1、2相切于Q点,轨道2、3相切于P点,则当卫星分别在1、2、3轨道上运行时,下列说法正确的有( )A. 卫星在轨道3上的线速度大于卫星在轨道1上的线速度B. 卫星在轨道2上经过P点时的线速度小于卫星在轨道3上的线速度C. 卫星在轨道2上经过P点时的线速度大于经过Q点时的线速度D. 卫星在轨道1上经过Q点时的加速度小于它在轨道2上经过Q点时的加速度6.如图所示,小木块a和b(可视为质点)放在水平圆盘上,a的质量是2m,b的质量是m,a与转轴OOˈ的距离为L,b与转轴的距离为2L。



福建师大附中2019-2020学年下学期期末考试卷高一数学·必修4时间:120分钟满分:150分一、选择题(每小题5分,共65分;在给出的A,B,C,D 四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求) 1. 角θ的终边与单位圆交于1(,)2P y ,则sin θ=( )(A )3 (B )3 (C 3 (D )32.已知三角形的角,,A B C 的三边为,,a b c ,满足以下条件的三角形的解个数为1的是( ) A. 22,25,120a b A ===oB. 9,10,30a c A ===oC. 06,8,60a b A === D. 011,6,45a b A ===3.若a =(2,1),b =(3,4),则向量b r 在向量a r方向上的投影为( )A .52B.2C.5D.104.如图,已知3,AB a AC b BD DC a b ===u u u r r u u u r r u u u r u u u r r r, , 用、 表示AD u u u r ,则AD u u u r 等于( ) A .34a b +r r B . 3144a b +r rC .1144a b +r rD . 1344a b +r r5.0000tan 21tan 24tan 21tan 24++=( )(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 86.若O 为ABC ∆平面内一点,且满足()(2)0OB OC OB OC OA -⋅+-=u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r,则ABC ∆形状为 ( )A .钝角三角形 B.等腰三角形 C.直角三角形 D.锐角三角形 7.设函数()2sin(),f x x x ωϕ=+∈R ,其中0,||πωϕ><.若5π11π()2,()0,88f f ==且()f x 的最小正周期大于2π,则,ωϕ的值分别为( )(A )2π,312ωϕ==(B )211π,312ωϕ==-(C )111π,324ωϕ==-(D )17π,324ωϕ==8.飞机沿水平方向飞行,在A 处测得正前下方地面目标C 的俯角为30°,向前飞行10000米,到达B 处,此时测得正前下方目标C 的俯角为75°,这时飞机与地面目标的距离为( )A .5000米B .2米C .4000米D .40002米 9. 已知1sin()63πα-=,,则2cos(2)3πα+=( ) (A )79- (B )13- (C ) 13 (D )79ACD BD CAEB10.若方程cos(2)4x m π+=在区间[0,]2π上有两个实根,则实数m 取值范围为( ) (A )2[1,- (B )2(1,- (C )2[ (D) 2 11. 已知函数2()2cos 2sin cos 1f x x x x =+-①函数()f x 关于3(,0)8π对称 ②函数()f x 关于34x π=对称 ③函数()f x 最小正周期为π ④函数()f x 向左平移8π个单位后的新函数()g x 为偶函数以上四个命题中,正确的命题的序号是:( )A. ①②③B. ①③C. ②③D. ①③④ 12.已知函数()cos(),(0,)4f x x x R πωω=+>∈,若函数()f x 在区间(,)2ππ内单调递减, 则ω的取值范围为( ) (A )15[,]24 (B )13[,]24 (C )3(0,]4 (D) 3[,2)413.如图,在同一平面内,点P 位于两平行直线12,l l 同侧,且P 到12,l l 的距离分别为1,3.点,M N 分别在12,l l 上,8PM PN +=u u u u r u u u r,则PM PN u u u u r u u u r g 的最大值为( ) A.15B.12C.10D. 9二、填空题(每小题5分,共25分)14. 函数1cos 2y x =-的定义域为 . 15. 已知单位向量,a b r r 的夹角为3π,那么2a b -r u u r =16. 已知[0,]2πθ∈,11cos()313πθ+=-,那么cos θ= .17. 在ABC ∆CD BD AD ==3AB =,则=⋅_________18. 如图,在ABC ∆中,3π=C ,4=BC 时,点D 在边AC 上,DB AD =,AB DE ⊥,E 为垂足,若22=DE ,则=A cos __________三、解答题(要求写出过程,共60分) 19. (本小题满分10分)已知,a b r r 为两个不共线向量,2,1a b ==r r ,2,c a b d a kb =-=+r r r u r r r(Ⅰ)若c r ∥d u r,求实数k ;(Ⅱ)若7,k =-且c r ⊥d u r ,求a r 与b r的夹角.20.(本小题满分12分)已知向量(cos ,sin )a x x =r ,(3,3)b =-r ,记()f x a b =⋅r r(Ⅰ)求()f x 的单调增区间; (Ⅱ)若[0,]x π∈,求()f x 的值域.21. (本小题满分12分)如图所示,等腰梯形ABCD 的点C ,D 为半圆上的动点,CD ∥AB ,底边AB 为圆O 的直径,BOC θ∠=,1OB =. 设等腰梯形ABCD 的周长为y . (Ⅰ)请写出y 与θ之间的函数关系;(Ⅱ)当θ取何值时,等腰梯形ABCD 的周长最大?22.(本小题满分12分)如图,锐角三角形ABC 中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,若2cos bcosB a cosC c A =⋅+⋅(Ⅰ)求角B 的大小;(Ⅱ)若线段BC 上存在一点D 使得2AD =,且6AC =,13-=CD ,求ABC ∆的面积.23. (本小题满分14分)已知函数()2sin 2f x x =,将函数()y f x =的图像向左平移6π个单位,再向上平移1个单位,得到函数()y g x =的图像. (Ⅰ)求函数()y g x =的解析式(Ⅱ)若对任何实数x ,不等式()2()mg x m g x +≥恒成立,求实数m 的取值范围. (Ⅲ)若区间[,]a b (,a b R ∈且a b <)满足:()y g x =在[,]a b 上至少含有30个零点,在所有满足上述条件的[,]a b 中,求b a -的最小值.福建师大附中2019-2020学年下学期期末考试卷高一数学·必修4参考答案DDADA BABAB DCA [2,2],33k k k Z ππππ-++∈126,29,4619.(Ⅰ)c r Q ∥d u rc d λ∴=r u r2()a b a kb λ∴-=+r r r r2112k k λλ=⎧⇒=-⎨-=⎩ (Ⅱ)7k =-Q 7d a b ∴=-u r r r又c d ⊥r u r Q(2)(7)0a b a b ∴--=r r r r2221570a a b b ∴-+=r r r r g又2,1a b ==r rQ1a b ∴=r r g ,1cos 2a b a b θ∴==r rg r r又[0,]θπ∈Q3πθ∴=20、(Ⅰ)()3cos f x a b x x ==r rg13(sin )22))33x x x x ππ=-=-=-- (Ⅰ)322,232k x k k Z πππππ+≤-≤+∈Q∴()f x 的增区间为511[2,2],66k k k Z ππππ++∈ (Ⅱ)0x π≤≤Q2333x πππ∴-≤-≤sin()123x π∴-≤-≤()3f x ∴-≤≤()f x ∴的值域为[-21.解:(Ⅰ)∵2cos bcosB a cosC c A =⋅+⋅由正弦定理知: 2sin sin sin cos sin()sin BcosB A cosC C A A C B =⋅+⋅=+=……2分4分,2AD =∴在ADC V 中,由C CD AC CD AC AD cos 2222⋅⋅-+=,6分 又)90,0(οο∈∠C ,ο45=∠∴C ,οο75180=∠-∠-=∠∴C B BAC ………8分ABC ∆ AB=2,…………………………………10分……………………12分22.(Ⅰ)2cos 2(0)2y πθθ=+<<(Ⅱ)222sin2(12sin )222y θθ=+-+g g224sin 4sin 422θθ=-++214(sin)522θ=--+ 当1sin 22θ=时,即3πθ=时,max 5y =23.(Ⅰ)()2sin(2)f x x =,()2sin(2())12sin(2)163g x x x ππ=++=++(Ⅱ)()2()mg x m g x +≥Q(()2)()m g x g x +≥ ()20g x +≠Q()()2221()2()2()2g x g x m g x g x g x +-∴≥==-+++令()g x t =,2()12u t t =-+1()3g x -≤≤Q ,即13t -≤≤,()u t ∴在[-1,3]为增函数,max 23(3)155u ∴=-=故35m ≥(Ⅲ)1()0sin(2)324g x x x k πππ=⇒+=-⇒=-或7,12x k k Z ππ=-∈,即()g x 的零点相离间隔依次为3π和23π,故若()y g x =在[,]a b 上至少含有30个零点,则b a -的最小值为2431415333πππ⨯+⨯=.。









1、(本题9分)人乘电梯匀速上升,在此过程中人受到的重力为G,电梯对人的支持力为F N,人对电梯的压力为F N′,则()A.G和F N是一对平衡力B.G和F N′是一对平衡力C.G和F N是一对相互作用力D.G和F N′是一对相互作用力2、北京时间2019年4月10日21时,在全球七大城市同时发布由“事件视界望远镜”观测到位于室女A星系(M87)中央的超大质量黑洞的照片,如图所示。

若某黑洞半径R约为45km,质量M和半径R满足的关系为22M cR G,(其中c为光速,c=3.0×108m/s,G为引力常量),则估算该黑洞表面重力加速度的数量级为A.1010m/s2B.1012m/s2C.1014m/s2D.1016m/s23、(本题9分)2017年下半年我国发射了北斗三号卫星.北斗导航卫星的发射需要经过几次变轨,例如某次变轨,先将卫星发射至近地圆轨道1上,然后在P处变轨到椭圆轨道2上,最后由轨道2在Q处变轨进入圆轨道3,轨道1、2相切于P点,轨道2、3相切于Q点.忽略空气阻力和卫星质量的变化,则以下说法正确的是A.该卫星从轨道1变轨到轨道2需要在P处减速B.该卫星在轨道从轨道1到轨道2再到轨道3,机械能逐渐增大C.该卫星在轨道3的动能大于在轨道1的动能D.该卫星在轨道3上经过Q点的加速度小于在轨道2上Q点的加速度4、(本题9分)如图所示的圆锥摆中,摆球在水平面上作匀速圆周运动,这时摆球受到的力是A.重力、拉力和向心力B.拉力和向心力C.拉力和重力D.重力5、(本题9分)在国际单位制中,万有引力常量的单位是()A.N.m2/kg2B.kg2/N.m2C.N.kg2/m2D.m2/N.kg26、一个质量为m=50kg的人乘坐电梯,由静止开始上升,整个过程中电梯对人做功的功率随时间变化的P-t图象如图所示,取g=10m/2s,加速和减速过程均为匀变速运动,则以下说法正确的是()A.图中1P的值为1100WB.图中2P的值为900WC.电梯匀速阶段运动的速度为2m/sD.电梯加速阶段对人所做的功大于减速阶段对人所做功7、物体在运动过程中,克服重力做功为50J,则A.重力做功为50 JB.物体的重力势能一定增加了50JC.重力做了50 J的负功D.物体的重力势能一定减少了50 J8、(本题9分)老师课上用如图所示的“牛顿摆”装置来研究小球之间的碰撞,5个完全相同的小钢球用轻绳悬挂在水平支架上,5根轻绳互相平行,5个钢球彼此紧密排列,球心等高且位于同一直线上,用1、2、3、4、5分别标记5个小钢球. 当把小球1向左拉起一定高度后由静止释放,使它在极短时间内撞击其他小球,对此实验的下列分析中,正确的是()A.上述实验中,可观察到球5向右摆起,且达到的最大高度与球1的释放高度相同B.上述碰撞过程中,5个小球组成的系统机械能守恒,动量守恒C.如果同时向左拉起小球1、2、3到相同高度后,在同时由静止释放,经碰撞后,小球4、5一起向右摆起,且上升的最大高度大于小球1、2、3的释放高度D.若只用小球1、2进行实验,将它们分别向左、右各拉起一个较小的高度,且小球1的高度是小球2的两倍,由静止释放,可观察到发生碰撞后两小球均反弹并返回初始高度9、(本题9分)若一个恒力对某做直线运动的物体做负功,则下列说法正确的是A.这个力一定阻碍物体的运动B.这个物体的动能一定增大C.这个力可能与物体的运动方向相同D.这个力的方向与物体的位移方向的夹角一定大于90°10、(本题9分)图示为一质点在0~4s内做直线运动的v t 图象.由图可得()A.在1s~3s内,合力对质点做正功B.在0~1s内,合力对质点做负功C.在0~1s和3s~4s内,合力对质点做的功相同D.在0~4s内,合力对质点做的功为零二、实验题11、(4分)某小组同学为了验证动量守恒定律,在实验室找到了如图所示的实验装置.测得大小相同的a 、b 小球的质量分别为m a 、m b ,实验得到M 、P 、N 三个落点.图中P 点为单独释放a 球的平均落点.(1)本实验必须满足的条件是________.A .两小球的质量满足m a =m bB .斜槽轨道必须是光滑的C .斜槽轨道末端的切线水平D .入射小球a 每次都从斜槽上的不同位置无初速度释放(2) a 、b 小球碰撞后,b 球的平均落点是图中的_______.(填M 或N )(3)为了验证动量守恒定律,需要测量OM 间的距离1x ,还需要测量的物理量有______________、______________(用相应的文字和字母表示).(4)如果碰撞过程动量守恒,两小球间满足的关系式是______________________(用测量物理量的字母表示).12、(10分) (本题9分)在“验证机械能守恒定律”的一次实验中,质量m =1kg 的重物自由下落,在纸带上打出一系列的点,如图所示(相邻记数点时间间隔为0.02s ),那么:(1)打点计时器打下计数点B 时,物体的速度v B =______m/s (结果保留两位有效数字);(2)从起点P 到打下计数点B 的过程中物体的重力势能减少量△E P =______J ,此过程中物体动能的增加量△E k =______J ; g 取9.8m/s 2(结果保留两位有效数字)(3)通过计算表明数值上△E P >△E k ,这可能是因为_________三、计算题:解答应写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位13、(9分) (本题9分)消防战士进行模拟训练,在一竖直墙体右侧L=18m 处有一消防车,消防车水枪口距地面高h=3.2m ,水以030/v s =的速度从枪口水平向左射出,恰好击中目标,已知墙高H=30m ,取210/g m s =,空气阻力不计.求:(1)以墙角O为坐标原点,水平向右为x轴,竖直向上为y轴,目标的位置;(2)击中目标时的速度方向.14、(14分)(本题9分)从某一高度平抛一物体,当抛出2s后它的速度方向与水平方向成45°角,落地时速度方向与水平成60°角,g取10m/s2。



福建省福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考英语试卷一、阅读理解Recently, I took him for a classic English afternoon tea at The Ritz Hotel. The thought of showing him a piece of authentic British life excited me for weeks, so when we finally sat down in the Ritz’s elegant tearoom, with the sound of a pianist in the background, I was thrilled.I looked at the shiny silver tea stand topped with finely cut sandwiches, freshly baked scones (烤饼), and mouthwatering pastries and teacakes. I was ready to dig in. Then I looked at Dad and a trace of nervousness flashed across his face. He carefully copied what I ate and how to use the knife and fork, and from time to time anxiously looked up at the waiter in his bow tie who was serving our table.When we got to the scones, Dad took a big bite and remarked how delicious it was. He asked me to explain how the British eat scones, so I supplied him with details about the custom of breaking scones into small pieces, spreading cream and strawberry jam on top, before consuming each piece in one mouthful.“Oh, why did you not tell me earlier?” Dad’s face turned red in embarrassment, suddenly realizing his mistake. For the rest of the scones session, he busied himself with neatly spreading the cream and jam like an obedient (听话的) child.Suddenly, I felt a complex mixture of happiness, sadness and loneliness. Growing up, Dad was my hero, my mountain. I still remember flying into his arms after school at the kindergarten gate. Through the sound of his voice, I learned to feel and understand the world.After moving to London alone, I have learned to achieve academic grades, found a job, and started a new life all by myself. But I did not fully realize how much I had grown up, until I saw how dependent Dad was on me in London. Although he is still a mountain in my heart, I realized I have in the meantime built a strong mountain of my own. And by being away from Dad’s protective wings I have come to understand more of myself and to find my own place in the world.1.Why did the author take her father for a classic English afternoon tea?A.The food in the restaurant was delicious.B.She wanted her father to experience real British life.C.Her father was deeply attracted by the elegant tearoom.D.She intended to introduce an excellent restaurant to her father.2.Which of the following best describe the author’s father when eating scones?A.Disappointed and painful.B.Embarrassed and desperate.C.Nervous and cautious.D.Displeased and helpless.3.What did the author realize after the experience?A.She had a happy childhood.B.She had achieved a lot in academic area.C.Her father was not her mountain any more.D.She should be the person for her father to rely on.4.What can we learn from the passage?A.An eating experience changed a father.B.Eating with Dad spoiled their relationship.C.Dining environment was important for a restaurant.D.The eating experience indicated their changed roles.I am asked repeatedly why anyone would want to keep an “ugly” building or a building that is dirty and clearly in need of work. I guess you could say we preservationists (文物保护者) look at buildings through a different angle — an angle that can see the swan in the ugly duck, the story in the simple lines, and the book behind the cover.The Queen Emma Building is remembered by many as one of the ugliest buildings in town. Yet the angle from which a preservationist views the building is that it is uniquely constructed with an artistical sun shield to block the sunlight, a decorative wall designers used concrete bricks to form. Unfortunately, it was removed in 2011, making the building one of many contemporary buildings in town.Other times, when a beautiful site is replaced by a “horrible” building, people hate it and can’t get over their anger, even when that “horrible” building becomes an important part of our story. This is particularly true in San Francisco with many Victorian buildings, which are many. preservationists’ favorite. Yes, it was a tragedy that many Victorian buildings. got torn downseveral decades ago, but those losses also tell another important story. It tells the story of the 1950s and 1960s when there was hope for a more equal society with inexpensive housing for the working class. Should that history be wiped from our memories?Preservation is not just about keeping pretty, well-kept buildings, but about holding on to parts of our history — not just the history of huge events, but the story of how everyone used to go to a certain corner market. Our history cannot be told only in buildings that meet someone’s criteria of beauty; sometimes our history is painful, but no less important.5.Which section might the passage come from?A.Opinion and Views.B.Health and Well-being.C.Space and Exploration.D.Business and Finance.6.How does the author feel about removing the sun shield of the Queen Emma Building?A.It’s incredible.B.It’s regrettable.C.It’s inspiring.D.It’s entertaining. 7.Why were many Victorian buildings in San Francisco tom down?A.To wipe the history of the Victorian era.B.To make land available for cheap housing.C.To ease the deep anger of the working class.D.To revive the architecture of the Victorian era8.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A.To analyze the role of preservationists.B.To introduce buildings with historical value.C.To explain why architects make ugly buildings.D.To stress the significance of preserving “ugly” buildings.Our brains are “programmed” to learn more from people we like—and less from those we dislike. This has been shown by researchers in cognitive neuroscience (认知神经科学) in a series of experiments.Memory serves a vital function, enabling us to learn from new experiences and update existing knowledge. We learn both from individual experiences and from connecting them to draw new conclusions about the world. This way, we can make inferences about things that we don’t necessarily have direct experience of. This is called memory integration and makes learning quickand flexible.To examine what affects our ability to learn, and make inferences, Ines Bramao, associate-professor of psychology at Lund University, along with his co-workers, set up experiments where participants were tasked with remembering and connecting different objects. It could be a bowl, ball, spoon, scissors, or other everyday objects. It turned out that memory integration was influenced by who presented it. If it was a person the participant liked, connecting the information was easier compared to when the information came from someone the participant disliked. The participants provided individual definitions of “like” and “dislike” based on aspects such as political views, majors, eating habits, favorite sports, hobbies, and music.The findings can be applied in real life, according to the researchers. Ines explained: “Suppose a politician argues for raising taxes to benefit healthcare. Later, you visit a healthcare center and notice improvements have been made. If you side with the politician that wanted to improve healthcare through higher taxes, you’re likely to credit the improvements to the tax increase, even though the improvements might have had a completely different cause.”There’s already vast research describing that people learn information differently depending on the source and how that characterizes polarization and knowledge resistance. “What our research shows is how these significant phenomena can partly be traced back to fundamental principles that govern how our memory works,” says Ines. We tend to form new connections and update knowledge from information presented by groups we favor.9.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “programmed” in Paragraph 1?A.Enhanced.B.Organized.C.Desire-driven.D.Nature-decided. 10.What did the experiments in Paragraph 3 conclude?A.It’s easier to absorb favorable information.B.It’s beneficial to focus on everyday objects.C.Presenters matter in connecting information.D.Life experiences affect people’s inferences.11.How did Ines explain the application of his findings?A.By introducing a concept.B.By making an assumption.C.By employing an expert’s words.D.By referring to another experiment.12.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.How brains function in learning B.Who impacts memory integrationC.How brains learn from experiences D.What improves long-term memoryWhen you say, “You shouldn’t do that,” to a teenager, your feedback (反馈) is likely to be met with an eye roll. By the time kids turn into teens, they don’t think they need much help from adults — especially their parents. 13It’s important for your teens to be able to hear constructive criticism without automatically becoming defensive. 14 They’ll need your advice on how they can improve their chances of success. But before they can take that advice, they’ll have to be open to listening to it. 15 Every time you give your teens constructive criticism, you give them an opportunity to grow and change.If you’re offering constructive feedback, view your role as a guide. Point out what your teen did well while adding what she/he could do better next time. Besides, point out mistakes in a gentle manner. It can help them see that mistakes aren’t something they should be ashamed of.16 They can learn how to bounce back from failure.17 If your teens don’t trust you when you are giving them feedback, they won’t listen to what you have to say. Rather than thinking about how to apply your feedback to their life, they’ll invest their energy into thinking why your advice doesn’t matter. If your teens respect you, they’ll have respect for your opinion.It must be noted that after you’ve expressed your concern, ask your teens for their opinion. Showing a willingness to listen to them can go a long way toward encouraging them to listen to you.A.Listen to your teens’ opinion.B.It could help them become a better person.C.Instead, they can use it as a learning opportunity.D.Your teens need to know how to improve their social skills.E.For constructive criticism, a healthy relationship is necessary.F.Then, they’ll need to be able to be open to changing their behavior.G.However, constructive criticism can be essential to your teens’ welfare.二、完形填空Four girls. Two tents. No cellphones. A thunderstorm. One hundred and thirty hours of nonstop 18 . This was what Julia Ruelle just experienced.“It was really 19 ,” said Julia Ruelle of her recent weeklong adventure to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with three childhood friends.Earlier this year, Julia, having completed a 20 for a brain tumor (肿瘤) in April, won a writing contest and was 21 a free five-day camping adventure with up to three friends. Its aim is to get kids away from technology. She struggled to choose the final three — Anna Wander, Madeline Wilson and Julianna Torelli. No 22 are allowed, so getting their agreement was kind of 23 . Having a satellite phone and promising to check in twice during the week finally won their 24 .The four girls arrived in Ely on June 10 for training. They 25 the next day at 7:00 a. m., and quickly fit many things into their 26 — getting up early every morning, going boating by noon, then having lunch at the campsites, 27 by swinging, reading, talking, and napping.“I love how you are separated from everything in your life, especially 28 ,” Anna said. Without her phone, she said, “I’m less 29 about things.” “We got along pretty well,” said Madeline. “We were always talking before bed, about specific things and thoughts in general.” “But we might sometimes have had 30 ,” Julianna added. No one was even hungry or homesick, but they were actually nervous one night as they waited out a thunderstorm.After the adventure, Julia will continue to take physical examination every three months to make sure the tumor is gone. “Mental health can be 31 so much in the Boundary Waters. It really helps to 32 and reconnect with yourself,” said Julia. 18.A.tiredness B.happiness C.darkness D.togetherness 19.A.amazing B.terrible C.boring D.costly 20.A.competition B.treatment C.preparation D.registration 21.A.promised B.directed C.offered D.advised22.A.parents B.friends C.teachers D.guides 23.A.educating B.challenging C.satisfying D.impressing 24.A.permission B.satisfaction C.confidence D.expectation 25.A.turned out B.turned up C.set out D.set in 26.A.hobby B.project C.schedule D.solution 27.A.taught B.followed C.divided D.instructed 28.A.society B.homework C.personality D.technology 29.A.doubtful B.anxious C.curious D.unsatisfied 30.A.disappointment B.joyfulness C.arguments D.injuries 31.A.damaged B.improved C.arranged D.weakened 32.A.get away B.get back C.give up D.give away三、单词拼写33.Dissatisfied with the food, price and service in the restaurant, he is making a c to the manager and asking for a refund. (根据首字母单词拼写)34.With the support of the m of the voters, 80% to be exact, the young man was elected president of the university. (根据首字母单词拼写)35.Shenzhou 19 spaceship, to be 1 in October 2024, will dock with Tiangong Space Station where more experiments will be carried out. (根据首字母单词拼写)36.I am sure I have seen him before but I can’t remember his name; it just e me right now. (根据首字母单词拼写)37.I forgave her the moment she a because it was not easy for her to admit her mistake and say sorry. (根据首字母单词拼写)38.I am more than willing to help, so don’t h to turn to me if you are in trouble. (根据首字母单词拼写)39.Having waited for over an hour, the boy was running out of p and was no longer able to stay calm. (根据首字母单词拼写)40.It is not a good idea to i problems, because paying no attention to them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. (根据首字母单词拼写)四、语法填空41.Animal experiments had shown that after repeated failures, most animals conclude that a situation is hopeless and their control. (用适当的词填空)42.Economic progress must also be environmentally and (finance) sustainable over generations. (所给词的适当形式填空)43.He (seek) everywhere for materials to make the medicine and it proved to be very effective. (所给词的适当形式填空)44.People are in love with music (universe), because music brings us strength and happiness. (所给词的适当形式填空)45.With the wide use of smartphones and tablets, the amount of data (transmit) across mobile devices has exploded greatly. (所给词的适当形式填空)46.Many young people have a bad dietary habit, such as skipping breakfast or eating (regular) meals. (所给词的适当形式填空)47.My ten-year-old boy was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this (determine) human being with a passion and a mission. (所给词的适当形式填空)五、选词填空根据句意从方框中选出适当的动词短语并用其适当形式完成句子48.Though , David struggled to his feet and finished the race with great determination. 49.Nowadays, parents offer their children considerable praise, hoping to build their confidence.50.If you ensure that all your regular tasks are completed before bed, you are more likely to sleep well.51.Since 21st century, information technology new changes in the form and content of education.52.It is difficult a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been poorly studied.53.She didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself — she just picked herself up and . 54.She opened her eyes and cry out when she heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet.55.the way he laughed as he told the news, it was meant to be humorous.六、完成句子56.These words of Dr. Lin Qiaozhi the heart of this amazing woman, and what a life of hard choices. (根据句意填空)57.I have to admit that it in the city again. And what a city — a city that after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. (根据句意填空)58.The stores in the Chinatown souvenirs, goods, and clothing. (根据句意填空) 59.However, while such disasters brought much sadness and disappointment, the desire . (根据句意填空)60.Despite the difficulties, scientists hope that will enable the human race the future. (根据句意填空)61.The population of this district is quite diverse, with (不同国家的移民定居) here. (根据汉语提示完成句子)62.She was the first woman (被任命为) to the board, at which she felt very excited. (根据汉语提示完成句子)63.I have no choice but to bother you to correct my mistakes in the article (附在信件之后). (根据汉语提示完成句子)64.A good parent-children relationship should be set up (基于) understanding and respect. (根据汉语提示完成句子)65.He lay on his back, (双臂交叉) on his breast, and his glaring eyes looking straight upward (用with的结构). (根据汉语提示完成句子)66.Give it a try, (万一) you have a talent for it! (根据汉语提示完成句子)67.The author indicates that (在一定程度上) the hero and heroine are bothresponsible for the tragic situation in the end.(根据汉语提示完成句子)68.In my eyes, your presence(没什么比你亲自出席更好的了). (根据汉语提示完成句子)七、语法填空语法填空Tai Chi, also noted as Taijiquan, is a traditional Chinese martial art that has evolved into a popular form of exercise and meditation. 69 (originate) from China’s Fujian Province, Tai Chi has a history of over 1,000 years and is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and culture. It 70 (feature) slow, flowing movements that promote balance, 71 (flexible), and relaxation.In recent years, Tai Chi 72 (gain) worldwide recognition for its health benefits. Studies have shown that practicing Tai Chi can also be helpful for people 73 (reduce) the risk of falls in older adults.Tai Chi is often practised in classes, 74 students learn from a qualified instructor. There are many different styles of Tai Chi, each 75 (have) its own unique set of movements and techniques. Beginners are encouraged to start with the most basic movements and76 (gradual) build up their skills and knowledge over time.77 you are looking for a low-impact exercise, a way to reduce stress, or a close connection to Chinese culture, Tai Chi offers something for everyone. With regular practice, you can experience the transformative power of this ancient art form and discover 78 deeper sense of balance and harmony in your life.八、书面表达79.随着抖音短视频平台的兴起,关于它对年轻人的影响引起了广泛的讨论。

福建省福州市仓山区福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末 语文试题

福建省福州市仓山区福建师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末 语文试题










福建师大附中2024—2024学年度下学期期末考试高一物理试题(满分:100分,考试时间:90分钟)试卷说明:(1)本卷分A 、B 两卷,两卷满分各50分。

其中A 卷为模块水平测试,测试成果为模块学分评定供应参考;B 卷为综合实力水平测试,测试成果用于分析物理学习水平和教学质量。

(2)A 卷共10小题,B 卷共8小题,另有一道附加题。


(3)考试过程中不得运用计算器或具有计算功能的电子设备A 卷一、单项选择题:(本大题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分。

每题所给的选项中只有一个是正确的,选对的得4分,错选或不选的得0分)1.相同的水平恒力F 分别作用于相同的物体A 和B ,使A 沿光滑水平面从静止起先移动s 的距离,使B 沿粗糙水平面从静止起先也移动s 的距离。

则这一过程:A .恒力F 对A 、B 做的功相等B .恒力F 对A 做的功大于恒力F 对B 做的功C .恒力F 对A 做的功小于恒力F 对B 做的功D .恒力F 对A 、B 做功的平均功率相等2.在一运动过程中,若重力对物体做了正功,则物体的A .机械能肯定增加B .重力势能肯定削减C .动能肯定增加D .机械能肯定不变3.如图所示为质点P 、Q 做匀速圆周运动的向心加速度随半径变更的图线。

表示质点P 的图线是过原点的一条直线,表示质点Q 的图线是双曲线。

由图线可知A .质点P 的线速度大小不变B .质点P 的角速度大小不变C .质点Q 的角速度大小不变D .质点Q 的周期大小不变4.一轮船在水中匀速运行时所受阻力的大小与速率平方成正比,发动机功率为P 时轮船匀速运行的速率为v ,轮船匀速运行的速率为2v 时发动机的功率为A .P B.2P C.4P D.8P5.将一小球从距地面h 高处,以初速度v 0水平抛出,小球落地时速度为v ,它的竖直重量为v y 。

则下列各式中计算小球在空中飞行时间t 不.正确的是 A .gh2 B .g v y C .g v v 0- D .g v v 202-6.如图所示,a 、b 、c 是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运动的3颗人造地球卫星,下列推断正确的是:A .b 卫星加速就能追上同一轨道上的c 卫星B .b 、c 卫星的线速度相等且小于a 卫星的线速度C .b 卫星的角速度大于c 卫星的角速度D .a 卫星的周期大于b 卫星的周期ks5u7.中国闻名篮球运动员姚明在一次投篮中对篮球做功为W ,出手高度为h 1,篮筐距地面高度为h 2,球的质量为m 。


















每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



1. What ind of news are the speaers taling about?A.Travel news.B.Health news.C.Sports news.2. What does the man want to do?A.Run some tests.B.Call Sarah’s husband.C.Chec Sarah’s head again.3. What game will the speaers play?A.Soccer.B.Baseball.C.Chess.4. Where are the speaers?A. In a laundry.B.At a restaurant.C.At a clothing store.5. What are the speaers taling about?A.The recent weather events.B.The amount of water in the river.C.The local swimming pool.笫二节听下面5段对话或独白。

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福建师大附中高一年级第二学期期末考试英语试卷(完卷时间:120分钟;满分:150分钟)第一卷(共两部分,共115分)I. 听力20%第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




1. Where did the woman see the man’s book?A. Under the paper.B. On the coffee table.C. In the table.2. What does the man want to do?A. To buy computer disks.B. To sell computer disks.C. To know where the computers are.3. What are they going to do?A. To see an exhibition.B. To have a meeting.C. To listen to a lecture.4. Where do you think the conversation is taking place?A. In a library.B. In the street.C. In a hotel.5. What did the boy do before he came home?A. He played basketball.B. He watched a game.C. He went to school.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Why was the boy a little nervous?A. He didn’t prepare for the exam.B. He was afraid of getting up early.C. He was a new comer to the school.7. What must the students do before morning reading?A. Do morning exercises.B. Turn in homework.C. Copy words and expressions.8. What will the boy probably do between the first and second class?A. He will go and buy something to eat.B. He will go hungry.C. He will do morning reading.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9. Where did Jim paint the pictures?A. At home.B. In the kitchen.C. At school.10. What is not in Jim’s pictures?A. TreesB. A planeC. Jim’s mother.11. What does Jim’s mother think of Jim’s pictures?A. She thinks the pictures are beautiful.B. She can hardly understand them.C. She understands them well.听第8段材料,回答第12至13题。

12. What was the baby like at birth?A. Small and weak.B. Healthy and normal.C. Fat and unhealthy.13. What was the problem with the baby girl?A. Only its weight.B. Breathing was difficult.C. Eating a little.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。

14. What can we know about the girl?A. She worked deep into the night.B. She improved her study.C. She was lazy.15. When did the girl come around (苏醒)?A. In the evening.B. In the afternoon.C. In the morning.16. What did the man ask the girl to do?A. To take some deep breaths.B. To go to another hospital.C. To get enough sleep.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. Who wouldn’t go to the town Meryton?A. Kitty.B. Lydia.C. Mary.18. Where did the young ladies wish to find the officers?A. In the crowds of people.B. In the street.C. In the nearby store.19. Why did the ladies pretend to see something in the shop opposite?A. They wanted to go across the street.B. They wanted to talk with the gentlemen.C. They wanted to say hello to the gentlemen.20. Who will they meet in the end?A. Mr. Denny and Mr. Wickham.B. A group of army menC. A managerII. 单项填空20%请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. A cow is as a horse.A. strong as an animalB. as strong an animalC. as a strong animalD. as an animal strong22. The policeman to the bed clothes and tried to find out whom they .A. get close; belongedB. got close; belonged toC. got closely; belong toD. got closely; was belonged to23. It was Mike and Peter who the reading – room this time yesterday.A. was cleaningB. were cleaningC. cleaningD. had cleaned24. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was it.A. in honor ofB. in memory ofC. in favor ofD. in search of25. He insisted on respect.A. his being shownB. to be shownC. his showingD. showing his26. As is known to us all, traveling is , but we often feel when we are back from travels.A. interesting; tiredB. interested; tiringC. interesting; tiringD. interested; tired27. I don’t thing math .A. easily to be learnedB. easily to learnC. easy to be learningD. easy to learn28. His parents died when he was very young, so he was by his grandmother.A. brought upB. grown upC. taken upD. picked up29. The sight of it awoke the scientist my uncle.A. forB. inC. onD. with30. His brother was forced to go to Taiwan, never from again.A. heardB. to be heardC. to be hearingD. hearing31. Of all my friends is as diligent as TomA. anotherB. otherC. nobodyD. none32. In recent years, many famous people have also legal action against members of thepaparazzi.A. takenB. arisenC. receivedD. put33. the demands of his new job, Mike took a management course.A. To meetB. MeetingC. MeetD. Met34. The young pianist said that his father helped him a lot and that he his success to hisfather.A. treatedB. contributedC. owedD. sent35. Mrs. Baker had a car and often gave me a home.A. helpB. liftC. journeyD. convenience36. Because of poverty I had to of school at a young age.A. draw upB. break awayC. drop outD. give up37. How about both of us a talk with each other?A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. had38. The incident years ago has changed my life completely.A. happeningB. to happenC. that happenedD. which had happened39. We must take our children’s humor .A. strictlyB. trulyC. carefullyD. seriously40. Surely it doesn’t matter where they get their money from; what is what they do with it.A. countsB. appliesC. stressesD. functionsIII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AI was a reporter of an evening paper in London. One day I was 41 to write a series of articles on 42 in London. It was then 43 all my adventures started. I made a decision that the best way of collecting 44 was that I would go deep into the life of 45 . I used to be an actor, of course, I had learned all the skills that an actor was expected of and I could 46 make the use of 47 . Having made all necessary preparations, I placed myself in one of the 48 streets with loads of vehicles and pedestrians. At home that night I was 49 to find that I had received 50 a pound.Well, you can imagine how 51 it was to settle down to work at the 52 at two pounds a week. When I knew that I could make 53 much in a single day, I 54 my job as a reporter, though my pride was 55 . My knowledge of make – up helped me a lot and my clever answer quickly made me almost a 56 character, Day in and day out, money 57 into my cap and I received two pounds in a day 58 . In the end, I was able to have a large fantastic 59 in the country. Nobody had any 60 where my money came from! My wife only knew that I had business in London: that was all.41. A. reminded B. asked C. indicated D. attempted42. A. living B. working C. begging D. playing43. A. why B. how C. when D. that44. A. facts B. news C. money D. problems45. A. society B. country C. city D. town46. A. even B. still C. hardly D. just47. A. it B. me C. them D. myself48. A. smallest B. shortest C. longest D. busiest49. A. disappointed B. surprised C. sorry D. sad50. A. more than B. other than C. less than D. no more than51. A. easy B. interesting C. hard D. happy52. A. station B. house C. newspaper D. magazine53. A. same B. far C. too D. as54. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave out D. gave off55. A. cut B. hurt C. broken D. destroyed56. A. well – known B. well off C. curious D. open57. A. threw B. went C. ran D. poured58. A. on the average B. in detail C. in contrast D. on the contrary59. A. office B. garden C. factory D. house60. A. belief B. blame C. idea D. guessIV. 阅读理解40%ATYPINGThis course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to lean at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper.Course fee: $ 125 Materials: $ 25Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes being every two weeks.This course is taught by a number of qualified business education teachers who have successfully taught typing courses before.UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERSThis twelve – hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can’t do and how to use them.Course fee: $ 75 Jan 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, Wed. & Sat. 9 – 11:30 a. m.Equipment fee: $10Joseph Saunders is Professor of Computer Science at New Urban University. He has over twenty years of experience in the computer field.STOP SMOKINGDo you want to sop smoking? Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now it is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods? You can stop smoking, and this twelve – hour course will help you do it.Course fee: $ 30 Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, Mon. 2 – 5 p. m.Dr John Good is a psychologist who had helped hundreds of people stop smoking.61. If you chose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS course, you will have classes .A. from Monday to SundayB. from Monday to FridayC. on Wednesday and SaturdayD. on Saturday and Sunday62. Which course takes up more time?A. TypingB. Understanding ComputersC. Stop SmokingD. None of the courses63. The Typing course is given by teachers .A. with much experienceB. with good businessC. who work part timeD. who know eight skillsBArchery (射箭) may be the oldest sport in the world. There are pre – historic drawings which show that bows and arrows were used 20 000 years ago. In early times, animals were always hunted and killed with bows and arrows. Good archers were very important when country fought against country. One of the most famous legends (传奇,传奇故事) in European history is the story of William Tell. He was a Swiss who refused to work for an Austrian, and was ordered to shoot and apple on the head of his son. He hit the apple, and then shot the Austrian. Switzerland has been free since then, so the story goes.Archers shoot at targets at 30, 50, 70 or 90 meters’ distance from them. The targets are round 80 centimeters across, and have 5 circles painted round the center. Bows are made of steel, wood and strong plastic, and arrows of wood. The sport is enjoyed in the open sir in summer and in a building in winter. Archery is good for the chest, the arms and the back. Men and women can shoot together since being strong is not so important. Women usually use lighter bows. People who can’t walk or who have been ill can also enjoy it. For Zen Buddhists (佛教徒) archery is not only a sportbut also something deeper. It helps the individuals to understand themselves and the meaning of life.64. Bows and arrows were originally used .A. for a kind of sportB. to kill animalC. to make drawingsD. against aggression65. The story of William Tell is mentioned in this passage to put the stress on .A. the importance of good archersB. the long history of archeryC. the variety of prehistoric legendsD. the power of bows and arrows66. The legend says Switzerland has been free since William Tell .A. killed and AustrianB. invented a storyC. started working for an AustrianD. shot his child67. The second paragraph mainly talks about .A. what bows and arrows are made ofB. who archery is intended forC. what parts of the body archery is good forD. how archery can be done as a sport68. People following Buddhism regard archery as something .A. meaninglessB. understandableC. more than a sportD. aliveCA good teacher is many things to many people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded the most discipline (纪律) from their students.I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remember very clearly a sign on her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, “Laboratory : in this room the first five letters of the word was stressed not the last seven.”In other words, labor for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.She prepared her work very carefully and told us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the homework load would be reduced, but it continued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had read them.I think sometimes teachers who demand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit the students.69. Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?A. A patient teacher.B. An honest teacher.C. A strict teacher.D. An easy – going teacher.70. The teacher put up the sign on her classroom door .A. to remind the students that this room was a laboratoryB. to advise the students to follow the disciplinesC. to warn the students not to be carelessD. to tell the students to work hard in the classroom71. When the teacher’s arm was broken, she .A. gave her students the usual amount of homeworkB. gave her students less homeworkC. asked her students to check the homework themselvesD. gave her students more homework72. What’s the writer’s opinion of discipline?A. It makes the students dislike their teachers.B. It does good to the students in the long run.C. It’s too much for young children.D. It does more harm than good to the students.73. What’s the Chinese for the underlined word “oratory”?A. 演讲B. 讲稿C. 访谈D. 采访DLouis Armstrong had two famous nicknames (绰号). Some people called him Bag. They said his mouth looked like a large bag, Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence on the world of music.Born in 1901 in New Orleans, he grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said, “Jazz and I grew up together.”Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the cornet (短号) at a boy’s home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that traveled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal.In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale of Louis Armstrong began. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was celebrated and loved wherever be went. Armstrong had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song.His cornet playing had a deep love and warmth that caused many listeners to say, “Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over.” He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best – known and most admired people in the world. His death, on July 6, 1971, was headline news around the world.74. Armstrong was called Pops because he .A. looked like a musicianB. was a musician of much influenceC. showed an interest in musicD. traveled to play modern music75. The third paragraph is written .A. by spaceB. by examplesC. by timeD. by comparison76. Which statement about Armstrong is true?A. His tale began in New Orleans.B. He was born before jazz was invented.C. His music was popular with his listeners.D. He learned popular music at a boy’s home.77. Which would be the best title for the text?A. The Invention of the Jazz MusicB. The Father of the Jazz StyleC. The Making of a MusicianD. The Spread of Popular MusicEThe Mississippi is a dreamy river whose relationship with man goes back beyond its discovery by the Spaniards in the 16th century. Indians used the river as a highway and as a source of food, and it was they who gave it its name –“misi”, meaning “great”and “sipi”meaning “water”.When the length of the great Missouri is added to it, the Mississippi becomes the third longest river in the world. From the source of the Missouri to the tip of the delta (三角洲), it is 2,480 miles long. Its head waters have been compared to a healthy, thick – branched tree, healthy because its main branches are possible to make voyage for most of their length.The Indians went up and down the river in their canoes. The first streamer was launched in 1810. It had a single great paddle – wheel at the stern, and was known as a “paddle – wheeler.”Throughout the 19 th century these unique ships were queens of the Mississippi. They have become part of American history and American literature. The noted writer, Mark Twain, wrote about the river in his greatest novel, Huckleberry Finn, and Oscar Hammerstein sang praise of it in his song, Old Man River, which was made popular all over the world by the great black American singer and actor, Paul Robeson.78. The Mississippi was discovered by the .A. AmericansB. IndiansC. SpaniardsD. Queens79. Because most of the Mississippi’s length can be navigated, it has been compared to a .A. branchB. riverC. paddleD. tree80. During the single paddle – wheel ships were queens of the Mississippi.A. the 16 th centuryB. the 19 th centuryC. the 17 th centuryD. the 15 th century第二卷(共35分)V. 动词填空(注意动词的各种用法,构成的时态、语态、非谓语的各种形式,未必一格一词。
