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1、Immediate, Existing Social Problems
Nowadays, society is undergoing many social problems; they affect person or many members directly or indirectly, mainly related to our living conditions and moral values. On the one hand, the rapid increasing in human population recently has raised public concerns that we are overpopulate the Earth, because such large numbers of human beings has exceeded the carrying capacity of the Earth. Our population expansion and increasing usage of resources poses great threatens to the ecosystem. On the other hand, there are certain racial groups denied rights or benefits; they are constantly suffering from racial discrimination. In a survey from MIT, researchers found that when an applicant’s name seems to sound as “Black”, he is probably rejected from getting the job. Not only does the discrimination exist, it also causes social instability for there are countless demonstrations every year around the world. Other social problems like sexism, suicide, ageism, crime and health care, are also urgent problems which need to be solved.
2、Animal Protection
For their fur and feathers, for food and innards, human have killed a number of animals, nowadays, thousands of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Human have long ignored the crucial notion that animals are not the resources of us, but a significant part to balance the ecosystem. Fortunately, we have had already taken efforts to save these animals on the verge of extinction. Some people established communities, and government enacted laws to protect animals.
3、Sweden Welfare
Welfare is related to national economic, political policies and the general condition of its society.
Sweden is a permanent neutral country, thus need not much money to improve its military force. The people there live a stable life.
4、Abortion 堕胎(法律、伦理)
England has enacted laws to prohibit abortion since 1967, however, some doctors claimed that these
laws would do harm to women who have birth incidentally. Then, the law has changed slightly, allowing doctors who were permitted to do that.
5、Egypt Upheaval 埃及动乱(社会问题)
A recent insurgence in Egypt exhibits the consequence of the government setting people’s concerns
aside. Most Egyptians can merely make the ends meet according to the statistics from the United Nations;
their salaries per capita are only 50 dollars per month in 2010. However, the Egyptian government and president Mubarak still gives a large amount of its money to the arts, which is characterized by the recent construction of art museums and the restoration of the Egypt Museum. As a result, the poor went to the Egypt Museum furiously destroyed precious art works dating from the times of Pharaohs. Had the Egyptian government showed generosity and consideration for the need of its people, there would not necessarily have been any social turmoil.
6、Murthy 穆尔蒂(领导者的原则)
Murthy was the founder of Infosys Company, which is the most significant IT Company of India.
Gandhi has greatly influenced him when he was young, and then he formed his own moral standard and value system. During his management of Infosys Company, he stuck to his principles all the time, such as no bribing, honesty, generosity, making the best out of his employees and so on. It is his high quality of moralities that make him successful in his career.
7、Van Gogh 梵高(坚持的精神、依靠兴趣坚持下去、后人的评价才客观)
Van Gogh, Dutch painting, whose still life paintings are marked an unprecedented price for 50 million, sold only one of his paintings during his entire life.Van Gogh was not accepted by the people of world in his time and his work was considered no artistic value until hundreds of years after he had died. Van Gogh is a Dutch postimpressionist painter whose early works, such as The Potato Eaters (1885), portray peasant life in somber, dark colors. His later works, including numerous self-portraits, a series of sunflower paintings (1888), and Starry Night (1889), are characterized by bold, rhythmic brush strokes and vivid colors.
His long struggle with depression ended in suicide.
8、Copernicus 哥白尼(后人的评价才客观)
Copernicus`s heliocentric theory was not accepted until hundreds of years after he had been persecuted by government to death.
9、Bernard Madoff 伯纳德·麦道夫(领导不好,对社会无益)
United States Wall Street legend, NASDAQ Stock Market’s former chairman, Bernard Madoff is rich and successful. However, he cheated investors rather than made a contribution to society, resulting in being arrested by police. He conducted the greatest hoax.
10、Max Schuschny 舒施尼(争议的发明,意外发明)
Schuschny invented plastic bag in 1902 which brought much convenience to people at that time and even awarded Nobel Prize. But later on, “white pollution” has caused widely concerns, and his invention was regarded as the most notorious one.
11、Genus Achatinella 夏威夷蜗牛(动物自然灭绝)
Genus Achatinella is one of the world twelve endangered animals, a beautiful snail in Hawaii. However, their fascinating appearance has made them on the verge of extinction. Because of the appearance, they are exposed to his natural enemy without anything to hide themselves. It is clearly that, if we do nothing to protect them, they are bound to be disappearing from the earth in the future.




5)各种领域:政治领域politics or political science、经济领域economics、科学领域science、艺术

6)一些basic morals:勤奋diligence、节约thrift、诚信sincerity、奉献dedication、友善friendship、

7)生物多样性的重要性:基因或医药来源genetic and medical resources、生态体系稳定性ecosystem

8)The value of ecosystem services on one New Zealand island has been imputed to be as great as the
GDP of that region。


犯罪cyber crime。

10)美国每4年换届选举general election,但是可以连任re-elected。

1、Hawking 霍金
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942) is a British theoretical physicist. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He is known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes, and his popular works in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general. These include the runaway popular science bestseller A Brief
History of Time, which stayed on the British Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.
His key scientific works to date have included providing, with Roger Penrose, theorems regarding singularities in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation, which is today known as Hawking radiation, or sometimes as Bekenstein-Hawking radiation.
His scientific career spans over 40 years and his books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity and world-renowned theoretical physicist. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Science. Hawking is disabled by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The illness has progressed over the years and he is now almost completely paralyzed.
2、Nazism 纳粹(过于热爱自己国家的历史为带来灾难)
One apt illustration of this point involves the Nazism. In retrospect, many ethnic Germans felt deeply committed to the goal of creating the greater Germany, which some believe required the use of military force to achieve. To a certain extent, the Second World War stems from the Germen’s exorbitant respect to the history of their nation and the origin of their race.
3、Nicolas Chauvin 愚忠
Nicolas Chauvin, a French soldier and patriot who famous for his love and devotion for Napoleon has been wounded seventeen times in his nation’s service resulting his severe disfigurement and maiming, but it has earned him only ridicule and derision in Restoration France.
4、Swiss Guard 忠诚好
Swiss Guard is the Swiss soldiers who served as bodyguards. They have a high reputation for discipline and loyalty to their employers. On May 6, 1527, 189 guards including their commander involve in a battle near German Graveyard and 147 of them died in the battlefield in order to help the pope escape during Sack of Rome.


2)服饰只能反映一个人的衣着品味dress sense及个人爱好,有时会反映一个人所从事的事业:
常年工作在办公室的人,一般会西装Western-style clothes笔挺;而运动员会穿运动服;演艺人员的穿着通常比较fashionable。


从走路的姿势可以看出一个人大致的性格特点:自信的人走路的时候昂首挺胸walk with his head held high,内向的人两眼看地。

从吃的东西可以看出地域特点:吃辣的人居住环境比较冷,草原grassland上的人吃牛羊肉beef and mutton。

1、The Purpose of Education

There are three basic purposes of education. Firstly, education should lay the foundation for students;
impart them with the skills which allow them to assimilate any wisdom that will occur to them. Secondly, education serves to provide the society with conscientious, thoughtful and enterprising residents. This arduous purpose requires deep understanding of morals, values, ethics, and politics for individuals who educate. Thirdly, any process in various fields needs full-capable students with creative ideas. Education is a means to foster such students.
2、Integrated Development of Students

Too much emphasis is placed on academic knowledge nowadays. Admittedly, it is crucial for students to master basic thinking and reasoning skills and specific knowledge relevant to his or her major. But the
society has seen its side-effects. Students can publish papers with high quality, but lacking the ability of communicating; they tend to live alone, thus give rise to the decrease in interpersonal contact. They can easily decipher other’s private album online, but without a se nse of morality, they simply upload it to the network. Therefore, priority should be given to establish them with a value system, from which they understand how to behave in a society; with a standard, from which they know how to judge their performance and revise it. Other abilities like leadership, corporation, and tenacious psychological quality should not be ignored either.

In the rapidly growing society, every subject does rely on others to some extent for no one can exist alone. It is favorable for students to study courses other than that of their own major. Philosophy is the foundation of every subject, providing basic thinking and reasoning skills to solve almost every problem.
With proficient mastery of Mathematics, we can better improve our research in the fields of engineering or economics which need much computing and analyzing. Computer science makes it possible for biologists to observe the microcosmic structure of DNA, and analyze large amounts of data.

In my opinion, skepticism is indispensible for individuals in two aspects. Firstly, skepticism helps individuals better understand the existing knowledge. It is well understandable, as in common sense, if an individual can cast doubt upon a given fact; he or she is bound to be more involved in the process of thinking and reasoning. Therefore, more effectively and deeply they learn from such fact. Secondly, skepticism also helps them form a thinking pattern which is crucial for them to deal with any problems that may occur to them. Continually absorbing existing knowledge without criticizing, they would lose themselves when faced with a problem which has no correct answer.

In my opinion, skepticism is indispensible for societies in two aspects. Firstly, skepticism revises existing theories or even long established ones. It is said that there is no right theory, for human beings observe the world form their own perspectives, more or less a reflection of their own values, experiences.
So, any theory, including generally accepted one, need to be questioned in order to further reach its goals and bring benefits to society. Secondly, skepticism expedites the emergence/advent of new ideas. With fierce ideological collision between two different opinions, new ideas would probably come out as a consequence. This in turn, would make our society more prosperous.

However, overemphasize the importance of skepticism is the same as not consider it. If we do so, then an individual may criticize other’s idea without a thoroughly analysis of it with basic reasoning skills. Such skepticism is irrational and improper, which need to be eliminated by imbue them with academic knowledge, social values, moral standard, corporation, altruism etc.
5、Interest for Education

Interest is a valuable motivation in inspiring students. When students pursuit something that interest them, they learn with higher efficiency. Because they are more involved in it and thus improve their initiatives and creativity. Interest is not only important for education, but also plays a significant role in society. De Broglie and Einstein are both interested in physics thus lay the foundation of two crucial theories. However, overemphasize the importance of interest for education is the same as not consider it.
Education should never rely on students’ interests because as the inevitable process of t heir growing up, education must provide them with basic knowledge, the way of thinking and reasoning and ultimately, the value of our society. Without such skills, however interested they are in a particular field, they would
achieve less.
6、Archimedes 阿基米德(家庭的影响)
As ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, physicist Archimedes was immersed in family while he was a child, the range of his knowledge was very wide, and found the Archimedes’ principle when having
a bath.
7、Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦(年幼的时候应该把所有的孩子进行集中训练;任何据称是事实的信息
Einstein was somewhat stupid in his boyhood. Later on, he showed an extreme interest in physics and queried Newton’s classic mechanics. After years of researching, he put forward Theory of Relativity. After
a few years, he also gave a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect and won Noble Prize for
Physics in 1921.
8、Leonardo de Vinci 达芬奇(所有学生都应该被要求学习理科,尽管有人对理科不感兴趣;想象力
De Vinci was a mathematician, architect, sculpture, and artist; apply the knowledge of other disciplines into painting. There has never been an artist who was more fittingly, and without qualification, described as
a genius. Like Shakespeare, Leonardo came from an insignificant background and rose to universal
9、Churchill 丘吉尔(童年成绩差、没上过大学而自学成才、毅力、坚定的信念)
Churchill was always hailed for his speeches which gave courage to an entire nation and inspired allied forces. Yet, it’s unimaginable that he was suffering from the stammer during his childhood.
10、Ebbinghaus 艾宾浩斯




11、Descartes 笛卡尔(质疑权威社会才会进步、学术领域都需要独立思想家的领导、家庭影响深、
Descartes is a famous philosopher, mathematician, and physicist in France; at the same time, having made a lot of study in such disciplines as meteorology, biology and is the founder of analytic geometry. He also proposed the principle of generally suspecting. “I think, therefore, I am”





















Honesty, persistence, probity, kindness and so on. 22)社会化就是由自然人到社会人的转变过程,每个人必须经过社会化才能使外在于自己的社会



1、The Purpose of Science and Technology

The ultimate purpose of science and technology is to observe nature and remake it; then bring benefits to human beings. In order to reach this goal, people do scientific research to answer unknown questions, to give further evidence to show the exactness of our previous ideas, and to correct our wrong ideas.
2、The Positive Side of Technology

Technology has greatly enhanced our living conditions. If we look back to history, we will have a sense of superiority; our means of transportation changes from carriage to automobiles, trains, and airplanes, with which we can travel around the world. By simply a click on mouse, we know the immediate news of the world; while in ancient time, it’ll take a lot of time for the leader to send out even a short message to his people. What’s more, technology helps us fight ignorance and superstition; we don’t believe there is someone who dominates us anymore, and eventually, we take control of our own fate.
3、The Negative Side of Technology

Technology has brought out countless problems to our society. The most common one we may think of is contamination. Nowadays, many facilities invented by modern science would cause damages to our
environment, for example, cars, refrigerators and air conditioners. The worst thing is, even though we have realized that they are deleterious, we still can’t live without them. Here comes another problem: our lives are so heavily depended on these facilities that our physical condition, even metal health, goes from bad to worse. Although we have advanced medical technology, our healthy life style will never come back.
4、The Impact of Computer and Internet. (☆信息化的优缺点)

Computer and Internet are regarded as one of the most successful inventions in the history. From my own perspective, they are indispensible for three reasons. Firstly,they become the major sources of information and knowledge. It is easy to find the biography of a celebrity we are interested in. Materials relevant to our majors are already there for us to acquire. But in retrospect, the only way is through reading books which are sometimes not easy to obtain and which can hardly keep up with the changing world.
Secondly, computer and internet have revolutionarily changed our everyday life. We can book ticket for our summer trip without going to the booking hall; we can chat with our friends freely even in different nations;
we can send e-mails to others instead of spending times in traffic tools. Thirdly, computer and internet help improvement of nations. Government changed their way of handling political affairs, which make them more efficient. Also, computer and internet help the assimilation of different nations, which in turn, greatly help a certain nation to thrive.

However, they are not without their problems. Firstly, people prefer to seek answers from the internet rather than think by themselves due to the accessible of knowledge, which will make a person far from being an independent one in the long term. Secondly, there is an increasing trend for people, especially students, to stay before computer; their interpersonal skills are less developed compared with their academic skills. Thirdly, internet is replete with violence, pornography and attracting games. People, especially students, can hardly control themselves, and they may waste their money, give up their study, damage their
health; eventually result in distorted personality.
5、Influence of Technology

Technologies have revolutionarily changed our daily life, no matter in communication, culture, or politics. Firstly, due to the rapid development of communication technology, we are able to contact with the colorful outside world with a computer connected to Internet instead of stepping out of the house. Besides, it is entirely possible to prevent culture relic from damages even reproduce some damaged antique by modern technology. Thirdly, technology has also changed the traditional operating way of government office. By taking advantage of “electronic government”, the officials can organize and h andle government affairs with higher efficiency and accuracy.
6、Ordinary Technology and Modern Technology


With the development of modern technology, some ordinary technologies suffer from a loss in application. It was not until the appearance of cell phone that pager becomes out of date; it was the emergence of cars that carriages are no longer used; it was the advent of computer that TV is not widely prevalent. However, there are still some important inventions that should not be ignored. Paper, for example, will never be replaced with computer or video camera. It is not only because paper is less expensive, but also convenient for people to express their implicit feelings. Moreover, paper has documented almost every culture existed in the world; undoubtedly, people have a strong emotion toward it.
7、Technology and Ethnic

There is no right and wrong in technology; it all depends on how we use them. Clone is one of the fascinating areas for many scientists. With this technology, human can make agricultural products more
powerful to withstand drought and pests, dramatically increase the overall output of food. In addition, species on the verge of extinction can be duplicated by Clone, because human have successfully cloned some animals. However, the debate that whether clone conforms to our definition of ethnic never comes to an end. In my opinion, it is understandable if we use it to preserve precious plants and animals; but if it is applied to duplicate humans, we are strongly broken up our ethnic in deed.
8、Stem Cells 干细胞(技术正影响、政府支持、政府限制、技术与伦理)
In recent years, stem cells project has become a matter of concern for growing number of scientists.
Stem cells are called the “seed” of human, compared to the seed of p lants. With stem cells, we can easily cure some serious diseases which are incurable in the early years. Moreover, human are expected to live longer than nowadays by replacing our aging cells with stem cells. It is possible for us to reach the theoretical average age—120. 技术正影响。

But the research of stem cell has once been suspended by the United States government because it has caused debates of ethnic. Without the support of government, the research can hardly move forward. As a result, many scientists charged the government for suspending it.

Considering these facts, government enacted a law to limit the research of stem cells, including prohibiting take out embryo from infants, and continue to invest on it.政府限制、技术与伦理。

9、Biochemical Weapon 生化武器(技术负影响)
In the 20th century, the world has made unremitting efforts to prohibit the widespread of biochemical weapon, and saw a little progress. However, nowadays, many nations resume their researches on it for the sake of the so-called “National Security”. In retrospect, Japan’s widespread usage of biochemical weapon toward China during World War II had caused thousands of people died. What’s more, until now, the impact of these weapons are still existed. In 2003, estimated 2 million bombs with lethal bacteria were found in Jilin province. If not disposed properly, countless residents, farm lands and animals would be killed, greatly destroy the balance of ecosystem there.
10、Clone 克隆(技术影响、技术与伦理)
Clone is one of the fascinating areas for many scientists. With this technology, human can make agricultural products more powerful to withstand drought and pest, dramatically increase the overall output of food. In addition, species on the verge of extinction can be duplicated by Clone, because human have successfully cloned some animals.
11、Lacking Scientists 缺少科学家(政府支持)
In its earliest months, the administration had taken heat for failing to fill key science-related positions—a gap that became particularly obvious after September 11 and the anthrax incidents.
12、Waste Plastics 废弃塑料(技术负影响)
It will take hundreds of years for nature to degrade waste plastics, so how to dispose it becomes a major problem for many nations. If we cast it into natural environment, it will provide a hotbed for mosquitoes, flies and bacteria to breed; if we bury it in the ground, it will hinder the growth of plants, destroy the soil and pose a threaten to crop harvest; if we burn it by fire, it will produce a lot of poisonous air. “White Pollution” has become one of the most serious environmental concerns.
13、Polar Bear 北极熊(科学解决现实问题)
With the growing temperature of the sea, ices in the North Pole are decreasing rapidly, it is estimated that one day in the future, all of the ices there will disappear. Scientists have proposed a strange, but unavoidable method to protect polar bear: we should transport by plane from North Pole to South Pole.
Not mention the feasibility of the method first, it is possible that animals in the South Pole may be greatly eaten by polar bear, thus break the ecosystem there. However dangerous it is, scientists claim that we have no choice.
14、Anthrax Incident 炭疽事件(技术负影响,政府,媒体)













12)电子商务(electronic transaction)。

13)太阳能solar energy,风能wind energy。

1、The Purpose of Learning

The ultimate purpose of learning is to obtain the skill of how to study in the future. As we may note, nearly everything we have ever learnt, from science to philosophy, can hardly be applied in reality directly.
However, there is always someone who can distinguish itself, that’s because he or she has grasped the
purpose of learning—not only learn the knowledge in textbooks, but also take a look at their process of learning. Finally, he/she generalized the best way to assimilate any possible wisdom that may occur to him.
2、Competition or Corporation

Competition is indispensible for individuals, institutes or even the whole society in that it enhances the participants’ motivation and improves their activity efficiency. When someone is involved in a competition, he becomes more interested in it and thus strengthens his will to solve problems. In addition, with the growing concern of a successful result, he is tent to be well-prepared for anything that may occur to him. Under this circumstance, competition undoubtedly plays a significant role in benefiting us.
However, it is not without its problem. Over-emphasize competition may make people stressed, despair of life, or even commit suicide. This may sound somewhat ridiculous, but such incidents have already existed in some nations. At this time, we should notice the notion of corporation. Corporation can expedite the advent of innovative ideas by continually questioning and answering. Moreover, with the help and encouragement of our partner, we will have a sense of self-satisfaction, which makes us further improve our own ability.
3、Studying Alone or By Group

Studying alone is a basic skill for everyone in any democratic society. Firstly, we cannot always relay on others. Our parents taught us how to walk and how to dress ourselves; our teacher taught us how to write and how to compute. However, when we grow up, we will eventually face with the society; at this time, one would expect to teach himself because there is no longer a teacher. Secondly, from studying alone, one can form a value system of himself, which he will contrast with the society latter on. When one has the basic。
