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Abide by/comply with 遵守the law/ related rules
Acquire 获取kno wledge/ skills
Afford 提供job opport unity
a sense of achieveme nt
Allocate 分配allocate mon ey/resources to Boost 提升,增加efficie ncy/crop yield
Censor 审查films/books
Tackle/combat/address 解决 a problem/a situati on
Con serve 节约使用resources/ fresh water
Foster/ nu rture/cultivate 培养creativity/skills/i nterest
Curb 遏制crime/nu clear weap on
Curtail 削减expe nse/budgets
Demolish 拆掉buildi ngs
Display 展现tale nt/abilities/pote ntial Dissem in ate/propagate 传播ideas/thought
Draw on 借鉴the experie nee of other
coun tries
Raise/heighte n/elevate 提高citize ns ' aware ness the sta
ndard of livi ng
Elimi nate 消除poverty/injustice
Enhan ce/Better 增进,美化The cityscape / in frastructure En large 扩大The market for products
Enrich 丰富one' s knowledge/ biodiversity En sure 确保social stability/ eth nic un ity Establish 建立 a system / an in stituti on
Expand 扩大one' s outlook / domestic dema
Exploit/utilise 开采,使用,开发Natural resources/one
pote ntial
Explore 探索outer space/ other cultures
Fulfil 实现,完成fulfil one ' s potential
fulfil one ' s dream/ task
Gen erate (大规模地)产生employme nt
opport un ities/electricity/tax
Impleme nt 实施 a policy
In tegrate/i ncorporate 结合
in corporate stude nts ' sue
into curriculum desi gn
Inten sify 强化regi onal cooperatio n/cultural
in teractio n
Lower 降低costs/expectati ons gesti on 's
Main tai n 维持close lin ks/social order Motivate 给... 动力motivate stude nts to think in
depe nden tly
motivate employees to work
Mould 塑造one' s character
Optimise 优化the distribution of resources the
man ageme nt of sth.
Override 比…更重要例句:at this moment, the
government ' concern about
poverty overrides its other
Perform/c on duct 从事scie ntific research
Multiply 成倍增加people ' s choice/employee
Pose 对…构成(挑战、威胁等)pose a threat/challe nge to Preserve 保护某种资源n atural resources/cultural
Promote/facilitate 促进,推动Healthy lifestyle/cultural
excha nges/susta in able
developme nt
Pursue 追求maximum profit
Recycle 循环利用waste/rubbish
Reform 改革,改造 a system/ cimi nals
Rein force/c on solidate/stre ngthe n 增强family bon ds/ec ono mic
ties/eth nic solidarity
Release 释放stress/pris oners
Relieve/ease/alleviate 减轻poverty/traffic jam Remove 消除the barrier/discrim in ati on
Safeguard 保障(后面多跟抽象概念)political and social stability n ati onal cohesi on
Shift 转移
one' s attention to focus to Accelerate/ speed up 加速pace of life/ec ono mic growth Stimulate 激发imagi nati on/creativity
Syn thesise 有机结合syn thesise the asia n and wester
n cultures
Transcend 超越(某种界限)national boundaries/races Upgrade 升级the facilities/skills
Value/treasure/cherish 珍视the cultural heritage/the local
Cause 产生,导致(雅思作文中一
般跟坏现象)Misun dersta ndin g/psychological Strai n/a vicious cycle
Corrupt 毒害The minds of childre n
Degrade 降级The quality of sth.
Deplete 消耗Natural resources/ the ozone
Disregard 无视Traditi on s/the law
Distort 歪曲Facts/truth
Disturb 扰乱Social order
Aggravate/exacerbate 导致…进一步恶化Econo mic
recessi on/environmen tal polluti
Erode 侵蚀The cultural ide ntity of a n ati on
One's con fide nee
Fuel 激化An tago ni sm/c on flicts
Give rise to 导致(某种广泛存在的负面
现象)Un employme nt/in flati on/ debate/alie nati on from one ano ther
Hin der/impede/obstruct 阻碍The developme nt of …
Impose 把某事物强加于某人Impose their own will on their
childre n
Impose high tax on
Infringe on 侵犯Citizen ' rights/ intellectual
property rights
In volve 涉及Un certa in ties/ the recog niti on
that …
Isolate 孤立,隔绝 A nation/ prisoners
Jeopardize/un derm ine 危及,破坏(后跟抽象宾
语)One's future/ econo mic prospects
Puni sh/pe nalise 惩罚Criminal acts
Restrict/c on strain 限制One's freedom
Rethi nk 反思Their policy/their strategy
Sap/dampe n 消弱(自信等抽象名词)One's con fide nee/ one's en thusiasm/ the market dema nd
Seek 谋求Hegem ony/opport un ities Spoil 破坏(原本很好的东西)The cityscape
Stifle 扼杀Creativity/pote ntial/ec ono mic
and social reform
Stretch 过度使用
Stretch…to limit (是固搭)
Stretch n atural resources to the
Succumb to 屈从于Temptati on/ peer pressure
Tarnish 玷污One's reputati on/one's image Violate 侵犯The law/citizens ' r ights
Appeal to 对…?有吸引力These TV shows are desig ned to
appeal mainly to viewers aged
between 16 and 25.
Bring about 带来Together these factors brought
about the Greek finan cial crisis. Carry out 实施,从事Due to the growing public
concern, more research on the
green house effect has been
carried out.
Clash with 与…冲突The latest report clashed with the
media coverage of the eve nt last
Cope with 应对,处理=ha ndle In some bus in esses, employees
find it difficult to cope with the
stress at work.
Dispose of 处理掉We forget that this is a source
polluti on and difficult to dispose
of; therefore, gover nments n eed
to raise this awareness in the gen
eral public.
Draw on 借鉴
Those who have spent some time
traveling to other places have a
boarder view of life and better
personal resources to draw on.
Give priority to 把…放在优先位置The government should give
priority to the development of the
economy rather tha n to the n ati
onal defe nee.
The city government has been Grapple with 努力解决某个冋题
grapple with un employme nt.
Supervisors should try not to let In terfere with 干扰,干涉
their personal worries interfere
with their work.
Lose track of 对…失去了解,控制Those who get addicted to junk
food tend to lose track of their
Make sense 合理In today' media, some reports
simply do not make any sense.
Interestingly, people just keep
liste ning to or readi ng them.
Make up for 弥补To the master, no amount of
money can make up for the death
of a pet.
Opt for sth./ opt to do sth. 选择(去做某事)Due to the stiff competition at
work, an increasing number of
people have opted for early
retireme nt.
Participate in 参与Pare nts should en courage their
children to participate in group
discussions as that will make
childre n more co-operative in
Refrain from 克制(不去做某事)
It would be difficult for childre n to
refrain from playing a video game
once they get addicted to it.
Differ from 与…不同This product differs from other
products in cost and
performa nee.。