道康宁PV-804 中性密封胶
• 结构性应用,包括与工厂或工地组装的玻璃和金属材料间的装配,完全 固化后,此密封胶层形成耐久,具有弹性的防水界面。
• 密封胶在结构接口内的性能可采用 ASTMC1135 的测试方法模仿得知。
规格制定者:以下数值不可用于制订规格。制订本产品规格之前,请联系当 地的道康宁销售处或道康宁全球联络处。
固化后—在温度 25℃,湿度 50%情况下施工后七天
ASTM D2240 硬度,邵 A
所用于工程上的材料或工地样品必 须提供给道康宁公司以便进行粘结 性和相容性试验。
2009 年 11 月 04 日 Ref No.:63-1074-40
硅酮结构性接口设计必需由专业设 计人员依据建筑业的一般设计指导 通则来准备。
典型的硅酮结构性接口设计(见图 2)基本的设计通则包括了:
金属,玻璃和塑料必须用溶剂依据 两块抹布清洁法清理,在所有情况 下,溶剂必需用干净,不脱绒的白 布擦试。不可用清洁剂或肥皂加水 的方法处理。
使用底涂液 使用道康宁 995 硅酮结构密封胶一 般都不需用底漆,然而如果粘结性 试验指出需使用底漆时则在施打密 封胶前用干净不脱绒的布将底漆在 接口表面涂抹上薄薄的一层并待其
道康宁 导热胶
单组份;低流动性;灰色 单组份;低流动性;灰色 两组份;灰色;1:1 混合比率;中等粘度 两组份;灰色;1:1 混合比率
两组份;半流动性 单组份;灰色 单组份湿气固化粘合剂 单组份湿气固化粘合剂
单组份;灰色 流动性;单组份湿气固化粘合剂
快速加热固化;高热传导性 快速加热固化;高热传导性 加热固化;良好的流动性 快速加热固化;较长的适用期;优异的流动 性;自粘合 较长的适用期;快速加热固化;自粘合 加热固化;中等热传导性;精炼型 可流动并具有中等的热传导性;快速表干 高粘度并具有中等的热传导性;UL 94V-1 等级;快速表干 加热固化;高热传导性 可流动并具有良好的热传导性,精炼型 (D4-D10 < 0.002);快速表干 室温固化;中等热传导性;UL 94 V-0 等 级;精炼型;快速表干 较长的适用期;快速加热固化;自粘合
热传导性,瓦特/米-K/平方厘米 磅/平方英寸 MPa 公斤力/平方厘米 延伸率,% 线性热膨胀系数 , 微米/米 摄氏度或百万分之一 伏特/密耳 千伏/毫米 介电常数在100 赫兹 介电常数在100 千赫兹 损耗因子在100 赫兹 损耗因子在100 千赫兹 体积电阻系数,欧姆-厘米 产品在室温下,由生产日期 起的保质期,月
外观 流动性液体;固化成柔性弹性体
特性 恒定的固化速率,与灌封厚度或密封程度无关;无需 后固化
可考虑的应用范围 灌封高电压变压器及传感器;安装基材与散热器;作为热 源和散热器之间的间隙充填材料
热传导复合物 类别 不固化;热传导硅酮膏
特性 高热传导性;低渗油率;高温稳定性
可考虑的应用范围 热源和散热器之间的间隙充填材料
客户:产品品牌:道康宁产品名称:可注塑有机硅产品料号:MS 1002客户品番:客户承认签章:长旭科技有限公司sales@金源大厦B栋3层中国 江苏 无锡新区 湘江路总机: 86(510)8522 6581传真: 86(510)8521 0148纳入式样书编号:道康宁中国区代理商长旭科技有限公司制作日期:纳 入 式 样 书制图审核Product InformationLED MaterialsDow Corning® MS-1002 MoldableSiliconeFEATURES•Good transparency•Medium viscosity for injection molding•Good mold flow for excellent feature reproductionBENEFITS•Lighter than glass•Easily molded into complex shapes •Better heat resistance than plastic •Less yellowing than some plastic COMPOSITION •Polydimethylsiloxane MS-1002 is a medium viscosity, high Shore A hardness, two-part, 1:1 ratio, fast curing optical molding resin for producing fine detail with good resistance to environmental aging.APPLICATIONS-Injection or compression molding for primary or secondary lenses, light pipes, light guides and other optic devicesTYPICAL PROPERTIESSpecification Writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please contact your local Dow Corning sales office or your Global Dow Corning Connection before writing specifications on this product.Property Unit ResultOne or Two Part - 2Viscosity (Part A) cPmPa-secPa-sec389503895039Viscosity (Part B) cPmPa-secPa-sec182501825018.3Viscosity (Mixed) cPmPa-secPa-sec262502625026.3Durometer Shore A - 74Refractive Index @ 632.8 nm - 1.41Working Time at 25ºC (Pot Life -hours)hr 48Tensile Strength psiMPakg/cm2162511.2112Elongation % 80Dielectric Strength volts/milkV/mm47519Volume Resistivity ohm*cm 4.5 e+15Linear CTE (by TMA) ppm/ºC 275Specific Heat @ 25C Btu/lb*ºFJ/gºCcal/gmºC0.3271.370.327Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.2011, November 16 XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.Form No. 11-2089-01© 2011 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.2Typical Properties (continued)PropertyUnitResultSpecific Heat @ 50CBtu/lb*ºF J/gºC cal/gmºC 0.337 1.41 0.337 Transmission @ 450 nm, 3.2 mm thick % 91 Transmission @ 760 nm, 3.2 mm thick%94DESCRIPTIONDow Corning ® brand Optical Molding materials are designed to meet the challenging needs of the Optical market; high purity, moisture resistance, thermalstability and optical transmittance. Injection moldable optical silicone materials from Dow Corning are two-part, heat-cure silicone resins that are especially suitable for precision molding applications, as micrometer-sized features can be replicated on the lens surface to direct light output. Silicone optical molding materials can be molded into complex shapes, withstand heat and resistyellowing better than plastic, and are lighter than glass. Parts have been fabricated using a variety of techniques, including injection molding, casting or cavity molding, transfer molding, and others.MIXING AND DE-AIRINGDow Corning silicone 1:1 Optical Molding materials are supplied in two parts that do not require lot matching. The 1:1 mix ratio, by weight or volume, simplifies the proportioning process. To ensure best properties Parts A and B must each be thoroughly mixed,inadequate mixing and may result in incomplete cure or reduced physical properties. Automated meter, mix and dispenseequipment may be utilized. In applications or molds that are sensitive to air entrapment, de-airing or vacuum application in the mold may be helpful.PROCESSING/CURINGThese products are compatible with commercially available equipment and industry standard processes. These materials can be pumped, meter mixed and molded similarly to Liquid Silicone Rubber. Mix at 1:1 ratio. They are lower in viscosity thantraditional LSR materials but they are not shear thinning as the LSR’s are. This allows forreduced pressure in the pumping and mixing areas but similar performance in the injection unit compared to LSR’s. In the mold the heat does thin the material dramatically allowing for good flow and reproduction in the mold cavity. Dow Corning ® brand OS Fluids are recommended to clean cured or uncured silicone residue from application equipment.POT LIFE AND CURE RATECure reaction begins with the mixing process. Initially, cure is evidenced by a gradual increase in viscosity, followed by gelation and conversion to a solid elastoplastic material. Pot life is defined as the time required for viscosity to double after Parts A and B (base and curing agent) are mixed and is highly temperature dependent. Please refer to the data table. The cure time depends on the thickness and the cure temperature used.USEFULTEMPERATURE RANGESFor most uses, siliconeencapsulants and resins should be operational over a temperature range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F) for long periods of time. However, at both the low- and high-temperature ends of the spectrum, behavior of the materials and performance inparticular applications can become more complex and require additional considerations. For low-temperature performance, thermal cycling to conditions such as -55°C (-67°F) may be possible, but performance should be verified for your parts or assemblies. Factors that may influence performance areconfiguration and stress sensitivity of components, cooling rates and hold times, and prior temperature history. At the high-temperature end, the durability of the cured silicone encapsulants and resins is time and temperature dependent. As expected, the higher thetemperature, the shorter the time the material will remain useable.COMPATIBILITYCertain materials, chemicals, curing agents and plasticizers can inhibit the cure of addition cure molding materials. Most notable of these include: Organotin and other organometallic compounds, Silicone rubber containing organotin catalyst, Sulfur,polysulfides, polysulfones or other sulfur containing materials, unsaturated hydrocarbonplasitcizers, and some solder flux residues. If a substrate or material is questionable with respect to potentially causing inhibition ofDow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.2011, November 16 XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.Form No. 11-2089-01© 2011 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.3cure, it is recommended that a small scale compatibility test be run to ascertain suitability in a given application. The presence of liquid or uncured product at the interface between the questionable substrate and the cured material indicates incompatibility and inhibition of cure.USABLE LIFE AND STORAGEShelf life is indicated by the “Use Before” date found on the product label. Dow Corning two-part products should be stored at or below 25°C (77°F). Containers should be kept tightly closed at all times to extend shelf life. Check the product label for specific storage conditions.LIMITATIONSThis product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSPRODUCT SAFETYINFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFOREHANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ANDCONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION. THEMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB SITE AT, ORFROM YOUR DOW CORNING REPRESENTATIVE, OR DISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING YOUR GLOBAL DOW CORNING CONNECTION.HEALTH ANDENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONTo support Customers in theirproduct safety needs, Dow Corning has an extensive ProductStewardship organization and a team of Product Safety andRegulatory Compliance (PS&RC) specialists available in each area. For further information, please see our Web site, or consult your local Dow Corning representative.LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLYThe information contained herein is offered in good faith and isbelieved to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution forcustomer’s tests to ensure that our products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent.Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that our products will meet the sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment.Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price orreplacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNINGSPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.FOR MORE INFORMATIONTo learn more about these and other products available from Dow Corning, please visit the Dow Corning Electronics web site at /electronics. We help you invent the future. ™Page No.: ˄˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART Ainformation is below)!1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND OF THE COMPANY1.1Product Name:DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART A information is below)1.2 Product Code:040929101.3 Chemical Classification:Silicone resin.1.4 Recommended Product Usage and Limited Use:EncapsulantOptical communication applications1.5 Company DetailsManufacturer/Supplier:Dow Corning (China) Holding Company LimitedAddress:1077 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, P.R.C, Postal Code: 201203Telephone Number: 400 880 7110 Fax Number: (86 21) 50796552 Email Address:@ Emergency Telephone Number:(86 512) 56732049 1.6 First Issuing Date:2010/05/242. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION2.1Hazard Classification:Not hazardous.2.2Label Elements Including Precautionary StatementsSymbol:None.Signal Word:None.Hazard Risk Statement:Not hazardous.Precautionary Statement:Avoid contact with skin and eyes.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.2.3 Other Hazard: None known.3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1Chemical characterization:Mixture3.2Hazardous IngredientsChemical NameCAS No.% (w/w)Dimethylvinylated and trimethylated silica68988-89-630 - 60Page No.: ˅˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART Ainformation is below)!Tetra (trimethylsiloxy) silane3555-47-3<10Ethylbenzene100-41-4<14. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1First Aid MeasuresEyes: Immediately flush with water. Skin:No first aid should be needed. Inhalation: No first aid should be needed. Oral:Get medical attention. Comments: Treat symptomatically.4.2 Important Symptoms and Hazard Effects:No significant adverse effects from normal use. 4.3 Personal Protection for First Aid or Rescue PersonnelRespiratory Protection:No respiratory protection should be needed. Eye Protection:Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum. Skin Protection:Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.4.4 Note to physicians:Treat symptomatically. For further information, the medical practitioner should contact Dow Corning (China) Holding Company Limited.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES5.1Suitable ExtinguishingMedia:On large fires use dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires use carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers. 5.2 Unsuitable Extinguishing Media:None established. 5.3 Specific Hazards:None. 5.4 Special Fire FightingProcedures:Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. 5.5 Special protectiveequipment for the FireFighters:Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in fighting large fires involving chemicals.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1Personal Precautions:Avoid eye contact. Do not take internally.Page No.: ˆ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART Ainformation is below)!6.2 EnvironmentalPrecautions:Prevent from spreading or entering into drains, ditches or rivers by using sand, earth orother appropriate barriers.6.3 Methods for Cleaning up:Determine whether to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Observe all personal protective equipment recommendations described in this MSDS. If diked material can be pumped, store recovered material in appropriatecontainer. Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable absorbant. Clean area as appropriate since spilled materials, even in small quantities, may present a slip hazard. Final cleaning may require use of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispose of saturated absorbant or cleaning materials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Laws and regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which laws and regulations are applicable.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1Handling Precautions:Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid eye contact. Do not take internally. Exercise good industrial hygiene practice. Wash after handling, especially before eating, drinking or smoking.7.2 Storage Conditions: Use reasonable care and store away from oxidizing materials.7.3 Unsuitable PackagingMaterials: None established.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1Industrial Hygiene Standards:IngredientsCAS No. Exposure LimitsDimethylvinylated and trimethylated silica68988-89-6Dow Corning guide: 5 mg/m3 Ceiling (as dust).Tetra (trimethylsiloxy) silane3555-47-3None established.Ethylbenzene100-41-4China: TWA 100 mg/m3. STEL 150 mg/m3. Possible human carcinogen..OSHA PEL (final rule): TWA 100 ppm, 435 mg/m3. ACGIH TLV: TWA 20 ppm, STEL 125 ppm.8.2 Engineering ControlsLocal Ventilation:None should be needed. General Ventilation:Recommended.8.3 Personal Protective Equipment for Routine HandlingRespiratory protection: No respiratory protection should be needed.Suitable Respirator: None should be needed.Eye protection: Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum.Page No.: ˇ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART Ainformation is below)!Hand protection: No special protection needed.Skin protection: Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.Hygiene Measures:Exercise good industrial hygiene practice. Wash after handling, especially before eating, drinking or smoking.8.4Personal Protective Equipment for SpillsRespiratory protection: No respiratory protection should be needed.Eye protection: Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum. Skin protection:Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.Precautionary Measures: Avoid eye contact. Do not take internally. Use reasonable care.ʳComments:If this product is heated to > 150 degrees C, trace quantities of formaldehyde may be released, and adequate ventilation is required.Note:These precautions are for room temperature handling. Use at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions. For further information regarding aerosol inhalation toxicity, please refer to the guidance document regarding the use of silicone-based materials in aerosol applications that has been developed by the silicone industry () or contact the Dow Corning customer service group.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1Physical Form:Viscous Liquid9.2 Color:Clear to slightly hazy, colorless9.3 Odor:Almost odorless 9.4 pH:Not determined. 9.5 Melting Point:Not determined. 9.6 Boiling point/range:> 65 °C9.7 Flash Point:150 °C(Closed Cup)9.8 Explosive Limit:Not determined. 9.9 Vapor Pressure @ 25°C:Not determined. 9.10 Vapour Density (air=1):Not determined. 9.11 Specific Gravity:1 g/cm39.12 Water Solubility:Not determined. 9.13 Partition Coefficient(n-Octanol/Water):Not determined.9.14 Autoignition temperature:Not determined. 9.15 DecompositionTemperature :Not determined. 9.16 Odor Threshold:Not determined. 9.17 Evaporation Rate: Not determined.Page No.: ˈ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART Ainformation is below)!9.18 Flammability (Solid, Gas):Not applicable.The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications. Contact Dow Corning before writing specifications.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1Stability:Stable. 10.2 Possibility of HazardousReactions:Hazardous polymerization will not occur. 10.3 Conditions to Avoid:None.10.4 Materials to Avoid:Can react with strong oxidising agents.10.5 Hazardous DecompositionProducts:Carbon oxides and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds. Silicon dioxide. Formaldehyde.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1Route of Exposure:Inhalation, skin contact and accidental ingestion.11.2 Signs and Symptoms ofOverexposure:No significant adverse effects from normal use.11.3 Acute Toxicity:Chemical NameCAS No.LD50 (Oral)LD50 (Dermal)LC50 (Inhalation)Tetra (trimethylsiloxy) silane3555-47-3> 2,000 mg/kg (Rat)> 2,000 mg/kg (Rat)> 2350 PPM (Rat; 4hr vapor)Ethylbenzene100-41-43,500 mg/kg (Rat)15,354 mg/kg (Rabbit)17.2 mg/l (Rat; 4hr vapor)3961 ppm (Rat; 4hr vapor)Eyes: Direct contact may cause temporary redness and discomfort.Skin:No significant irritation expected from a single short-term exposure. Ingestion: Low ingestion hazard in normal use.Inhalation:No significant effects expected from a single short-term exposure.11.4 Chronic ToxicitySkin:No known applicable information.Ingestion: Repeated ingestion or swallowing large amounts may injure internally. Inhalation: No known applicable information.11.5Other Health Hazard Information:No known applicable information.The above listed potential effects of overexposure are based on actual data, the results of studies performed upon similar compositions, component data, and/orPage No.: ˉ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART Ainformation is below)!expert review of the products.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1Aquatic and Terrestrial EcotoxicityEcotoxicity Effects:Acute:No adverse effects on aquatic organisms. Chronic:No adverse effects on aquatic organisms.Fate and Effects in WasteWater Treatment Plants:No adverse effects on bacteria. Removed > 90% by binding onto sewage sludge. The siloxanes in this product do not contribute to the BOD.12.2 Persistence and DegradabilityDegradation:In soil, siloxanes are degraded.12.3 Bioaccumulative PotentialBioaccumulation:No bioaccumulation potential.12.4 Mobility in Soil: Siloxanes are removed from water by sedimentation or binding to sewage sludge.12.5 Additional EnvironmentalInformation: Additional environmental information on the silicone component is available on request.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1Product Disposal:Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.13.2 Packaging Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION14.1Road and Rail TransportNot applicable.14.2Sea Transport (IMDG)Not subject to IMDG code.14.3Air Transport (IATA)Not subject to IATA regulations.14.4Special Requirements and Additional Information :None.Dow Corning (China) Holding Company LimitedMaterial Safety Data SheetPage No.: ˊ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/03/15Version No.: GHS 1.3DOW CORNING(R) MS-1002 MOLDABLE SILICONE PART A (PART A information is below)!15. REGULATORY INFORMATION15.1 Applicable Laws:Provisions of the Regulations for the Safe Handling of Chemicals in the WorkplaceGeneral rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals [GB13690-2009]15.2 Chemical Inventories EINECS: All ingredients listed or exempt.TSCA: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from listing on theTSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances.AICS: All ingredients listed or exempt.IECSC: All ingredients listed or exempt.ENCS/ISHL: All components are listed on ENCS/ISHL or its exempt rule.KECL: All ingredients listed, exempt or notified.DSL: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from the DSL.PICCS: Not determined.HSNO:Not determined.16. OTHER INFORMATION16.1Contact Point:Technical Information Center 400 880 7110 16.2 Prepared by:Dow Corning (China) Holding Company LimitedLegend:- No specific information availableThis information is offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. No warranty, expressed or implied, is hereby made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate.(R) indicates Registered Trademark。
产品的安全资料不包括在此文件。操作前,请阅读产品 和材料的安全资料表、容器标签,以保证安全使用及防 止健康危害。物品安全资料表可在道康宁公司网站 得到,也可向道康宁公司代表、 分销商索取,或致电道康宁公司全球客户服务部、或致 电 (989) 496-6000。
储存条件和保质期(“在…前使用”日期)标示在产品 的标签上。
表面应清洁干燥,推荐的清洁方法包括:道康宁 ® OS 液 体、石脑油、溶剂油、甲基乙基酮肟 (MEK) 或其它 合适的溶剂。粗糙的表面有助于促进硅酮与其它表面的 粘合。
道康宁 LED 材料被特别设计用于常用的 LED 基材, 特别的表面处理如化学酸洗或电浆处理,有时可以提供 活性表面以及促进这类基材的粘合。
有关道康宁® LED 产品的信息
硅酮长期以来一直被作为耐用的介电绝缘体,可以起到 抵御环境中污染物的屏障作用,以及对冲击和振动所产 生应力的吸收作用,并可在广泛的温度、湿度及恶劣环 境条件下保持其物理特性和电学特性。
利用这些基本的特性,道康宁 ® 硅酮 LED (发光二极 管) 灌封胶被设计成用来满足LED市场的需要,包括: 高粘合、高纯度、耐湿气、高温稳定性及光透射比。
660/630 (A/B)
>16小时@ 25°C
>16小时@ 25°C
>23小时@ 25°C
>168小时@ 25°C
>336小时@ 25°C
>672小时@ 25°C
•符合国标GB/T 14683 及JC/T 882 的20LM 等级。
当贮存在30°C 或更低的温度下,
DOWSIL 718 密封胶保质期为制造
日期后12 个月内。
DOWSIL 718 密封胶以300 毫升胶
管包装,每箱24 支,适用于普通打胶枪。
道康宁700CN 防火胶——上海连宝典型物性规格制定者:以下数值不可用于制订规格。
特性和优点 容易使用—以普通打胶枪施用,单组分无需混合大多数气温下均可使用—在任何季节中,均可施用于干燥、无霜的清洁表面 优良的耐候性—不受阳光、雨水、风雪、臭氧及极端温度的影响可靠的耐久性—固化后的密封胶于-50°C 到 150°C 温度内保持弹性并不会变硬、龟裂及碎裂合理的操作时间—令施工人员更好的掌握施打及整平时间,从而可令施打后的密封胶接缝外观更光滑不垂流—可用于垂直及较宽的接口密封 接缝位移能力±25%防火时效最高可达 3 小时耐久、具弹性的硅酮胶密封材料应用用于密封防火结构的伸缩缝为需要伸缩缝幕墙、建筑表面或隔墙提供防火系統标准 参数 单位 数值供货时—气温 25°C, 相对湿度 50%时测试 GB134771 流动,下垂或垂流 mm 无GB13477 操作时间 分钟 10 左右 GB13477 表干时间 分钟 40 左右 深层固化 mm/天 1–2固化后 7 天在气温 25°C, 相对湿度 50% GB13477 硬度,肖氏A 23 GB13477 极限抗张强度 MPa 1.6温度稳定性 °C -50 至+150 GB13477 位移能力 % ±25 GB238642防火密封耐火性能 小时 3描述DOWSIL™ FIRESTOP 700(CN) 防火有机硅密封胶是低模量、单组分、中性固化 、防火有机硅密封胶。
颜色DOWSIL™ FIRESTOP 700(CN) 防火有机硅密封胶有 3 种颜色可供选择:黑色、白色和灰色。
技术标准DOWSIL™ FIRESTOP 700(CN) 防火有机硅密封胶符合甚至超越以下规范要求:GB23864-2009 A3GB/T14683-2017防火时效防火测试数据显示,DOWSIL™FIRESTOP 700(CN)防火有机硅密封胶在指定接缝中可达 3 小时的防火时效。
0137A 0137A 0249 0114
D412 D412 D257 D149
断裂伸长率 模量 (100%) 体积电阻率 介电强度
% MPa Ohms/cm Volts/mm kV/mm
150-200 1.2-1.5 1.0179 x10+14 434.3 17.1
UL 1703 用于太阳能组件的密封和接线盒灌封 的胶材料的要求
适合于组件密封,接 线盒粘结等应用
• 使组件符合TUV, UL认证
•高初始强度(Green Strength)
•减少去下一道工序前 • 增加产量 的等待时间 •减少硅胶溢出现象及 • 更方便的结合设备的使用从而 组件清洁工作 提高产能及产品质量 •方便施工
PV-8007 MS双组分 单组分脱肟硅胶
105° C 单组分胶泵 (容易维护与操作) 环境友好,无刺激性气味
环境影响 腐蚀性
50° C 双组分胶泵 (较难维护与操作,需要定时检测比 例) 无刺激性气味
• 单组分设备低故障率 • 单组分设备低维护要求
往返式涂胶 循环上料方式 涂胶节拍约36秒每组 年产能100MW
固瑞克供胶泵,保证连续稳定的供胶 闭环流量控制系统,保证稳定一致的胶量 优化涂胶程序,消除大头及蛇尾现象 摆动轴式拨插传送机构,定位精准
PV-8007UL 等级及其与其它产品的比较
堵漏密封胶种类1. 引言堵漏密封胶是一种能够填补和密封各种缝隙、裂缝和孔洞的高效材料。
2. 丙烯酸密封胶丙烯酸密封胶是一种常见的堵漏密封材料。
3. 硅酮密封胶硅酮密封胶是一种使用广泛的堵漏密封材料。
4. 聚氨酯密封胶聚氨酯密封胶是一种高强度的堵漏密封材料。
5. 双组分密封胶双组分密封胶是由两种不同的胶液混合而成的一种堵漏密封材料。
道康宁_ 塑料和复合材料用添加剂产品指南
与Z-6032相似,但经过了预水解, 有-中文 有助于帮助客户提高生产率,减 少终端客户产品质量的不稳定性。 与印刷电路板用环氧树脂、聚烯 烃及所有聚合物类型相容。 应用于环氧模塑料EMC,处理二 氧化硅。 有助于提高环氧模塑料EMC与芯 片和印刷电路板金属框架之间的 粘结性。此外,还可以作为偶联 剂,提高硫化弹性体与无机填料、 玻璃纤维以及表面的粘结力。与 环氧、聚硫化物、聚氨酯、丁基 合成橡胶和三元乙丙橡胶相容。 无
Z-6040 EG 硅烷
电子级缩水甘油醚基丙基三 甲氧基硅烷;CH2(O)CHCH2O C3H6-Si(OCH3)3 3-巯丙基三乙氧基硅烷; HS(CH2)3Si(OMe)3
环氧/烷氧基 硅烷 巯基/烷氧基 硅烷
Z-6062 硅烷
= 主要应用
= 次要应用
电子 材料
热固性 材料
无 无
二甲基含氢氯硅烷(CH3) 2HSICl
= 主要应用
= 次要应用
有限保证信息–请仔细阅读 此处提供的信息准确无误。然而,由于使用本公司产品的条件和方法非我们所能控制,本信息不能取代客户为确保道康宁产品安全、有 效,并完全满足于特定的最终用途而进行的测试。我们所提供的使用建议,不得被视为侵犯任何专利权的导因。 道康宁的唯一保证,是产品满足发货时的道康宁销售说明。 若道康宁违反该保证,您所能获得的补偿,仅限于退还购货价款或替换不符合保证的任何产品。 道康宁特别声明,不作任何其他明示或暗示对特定目的适用性或适销性的保证。 道康宁声明不对任何间接或附带性的损害负责。 Dow Corning是道康宁公司的注册商标。 全心助您创未来TM是道康宁公司的商标。 © 2011道康宁公司版权所有。
dow corning pv -804 MSDS
Page No.: ˄˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACK1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND OF THE COMPANY1.1 Product Name:DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACKCode:040903511.2 ProductClassification:Silicone elastomer1.3 ChemicalSealant and adhesive1.4 Recommended Product Usageand Limited Use:Details1.5 CompanyManufacturer/Supplier:Dow Corning (China) Holding Company LimitedAddress:1077 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, P.R.C, Postal Code:201203TelephoneNumber: 400 880 7110Fax Number:(86 21) 50796552 Address: @EmailEmergency Telephone Number: (86 512) 567320491.6 First Issuing Date: 2010/02/052. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION2.1 Hazard Classification:Not hazardous.2.2 Label Elements Including Precautionary StatementsSymbol: None.Word: None.SignalNot hazardous.Statement:RiskHazardAvoid contact with skin and eyes.Statement:PrecautionaryIF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, ifpresent and easy to do. Continue rinsing.IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.Hazard: None known.2.3 Other3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 Chemical characterization: Mixture3.2 Hazardous IngredientsChemicalName CAS No.% (w/w)Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane556-67-2<1Page No.: ˅˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACK4. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 First Aid MeasuresEyes: Immediately flush with water.Skin: Wash off with soap and water.Inhalation: No first aid should be needed.Oral: Get medical attention.Comments: Treat symptomatically.4.2 Important Symptoms andHazard Effects:No significant adverse effects from normal use.4.3 Personal Protection for First Aid or Rescue PersonnelRespiratoryProtection: No respiratory protection should be needed.EyeProtection: Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum.SkinProtection: Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.4.4 Note to physicians: Treat symptomatically. For further information, the medical practitioner should contactDow Corning (China) Holding Company Limited.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Suitable ExtinguishingMedia:On large fires use dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires use carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers.5.2 UnsuitableExtinguishingMedia:None established.5.3 SpecificHazards:None.5.4 Special Fire FightingProcedures:Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool.5.5 Specialprotectiveequipment for the FireFighters:Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in fighting large fires involving chemicals.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal Precautions: Avoid skin and eye contact. Do not take internally.6.2 EnvironmentalPrecautions:Do not allow large quantities to enter drains or surface waters.6.3 Methods for Cleaning up: Observe all personal protective equipment recommendations described in this MSDS. Ifdiked material can be pumped, store recovered material in appropriate container. Wipeup or scrape up and contain for salvage or disposal. Clean area as appropriate sincePage No.: ˆ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACKspilled materials, even in small quantities, may present a slip hazard. Final cleaningmay require use of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispose of saturated absorbant orcleaning materials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Laws andregulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materialsand items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which lawsand regulations are applicable.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Handling Precautions: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid skin and eye contact. Do not take internally.Exercise good industrial hygiene practice. Wash after handling, especially before eating,drinking or smoking.7.2 StorageConditions: Use reasonable care and store away from oxidizing materials.None established.7.3 UnsuitablePackagingMaterials:8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Industrial Hygiene Standards:LimitsIngredients CAS No. ExposureOctamethylcyclotetrasiloxane556-67-2Dow Corning guide: TWA 10 ppm.8.2 EngineeringControlsVentilation:None should be needed.LocalVentilation:Recommended.General8.3 Personal Protective Equipment for Routine HandlingRespiratoryprotection:No respiratory protection should be needed.Respirator:None should be needed.SuitableEyeprotection:Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum.protection:Chemical protective gloves should be worn if sensitive skin is a problem or for prolonged Handcontact.protection:Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.SkinMeasures:Exercise good industrial hygiene practice. Wash after handling, especially before eating, Hygienedrinking or smoking.8.4 Personal Protective Equipment for Spillsprotection:No respiratory protection should be needed.Respiratoryprotection:Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum.Eyeprotection:Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate.SkinPrecautionaryMeasures:Avoid skin and eye contact. Do not take internally. Use reasonable care.Note: These precautions are for room temperature handling. Use at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions.Page No.: ˇ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACK9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Physical Form:Paste9.2 Color:Black9.3 Odor:Not available9.4 pH:Not determined.Point:Not determined.9.5 Melting9.6 Boilingpoint/range:Not determined.Point:> 100 °C(Closed Cup)9.7 FlashLimit:Not determined.9.8 Explosive9.9 Vapor Pressure @ 25°C:Not determined.9.10 Vapour Density (air=1):Not determined.Gravity: 1.39 g/cm39.11 SpecificSolubility:Not determined.9.12 WaterNot determined.Coefficient9.13 Partition(n-Octanol/Water):temperature:Not determined.9.14 AutoignitionNot determined.9.15 DecompositionTemperature :Threshold:Not determined.9.16 OdorRate:Not determined.9.17 Evaporation9.18 Flammability (Solid, Gas):Not applicable.The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications. Contact Dow Corning before writing specifications.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 Stability:Stable.Hazardous polymerization will not occur.10.2 Possibility of HazardousReactions:10.3 Conditions to Avoid:None.10.4 Materials to Avoid:Can react with strong oxidising agents.Decomposition Carbon oxides and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds. Metal oxides.10.5 HazardousPage No.: ˈ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACKProducts:Silicon dioxide. Formaldehyde.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Route of Exposure:Skin contact and accidental ingestion.No significant adverse effects from normal use.11.2 Signs and Symptoms ofOverexposure:Toxicity:11.3 AcuteChemicalName CAS No.LD50 (Oral)LD50 (Dermal)LC50 (Inhalation) Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane556-67-2> 4,800 mg/kg (Rat)> 2.5 ML/KG (Rabbit)2975 PPM (Rat; 4hr vapor)Eyes:Direct contact may cause temporary redness and discomfort.Skin:May produce an allergic reaction.Ingestion:Low ingestion hazard in normal use.Inhalation:No significant effects expected from a single short-term exposure.Toxicity11.4 ChronicSkin:Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause irritation.Ingestion:Repeated ingestion or swallowing large amounts may injure internally.Inhalation:No known applicable information.No known applicable information.11.5 Other Health HazardInformation:The above listed potential effects of overexposure are based on actual data, the results of studies performed upon similar compositions, component data, and/or expert review of the products.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 Aquatic and Terrestrial EcotoxicityEffects:EcotoxicityAcute: No adverse effects on aquatic organisms are predicted.No adverse effects on aquatic organisms are predicted.Chronic:No adverse effects on bacteria are predicted.Fate and Effects in WasteWater Treatment Plants:12.2 Persistence and DegradabilityWater: Solid material, insoluble in water.Potential12.3 BioaccumulativeBioaccumulation: No bioaccumulation potential.12.4 Mobility in Soil:This product is a solid and does not contain significant concentrations of water solubleconstituents that may be leached from the product. It is therefore not likely to present aPage No.: ˉ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACKdanger to terrestrial organisms.No specific information is available.Environmental12.5 AdditionalInformation:13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1 Product Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.13.2 Packaging14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION14.1 Road and Rail TransportNot applicable.14.2 Sea Transport (IMDG)Not subject to IMDG code.14.3 Air Transport (IATA)Not subject to IATA regulations.None.14.4 Special Requirements andAdditional Information :15. REGULATORY INFORMATION15.1 Applicable Laws: Provisions of the Regulations for the Safe Handling of Chemicals in the WorkplaceGeneral rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals [GB13690-2009]Inventories15.2 ChemicalEINECS: All ingredients listed or exempt.TSCA: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from listing on theTSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances.AICS: All ingredients listed or exempt.IECSC: All ingredients listed or exempt.ENCS/ISHL: All components are listed on ENCS/ISHL or its exempt rule.KECL: All ingredients listed, exempt or notified.PICCS: All ingredients listed or exempt.DSL: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from the DSL.HSNO: All ingredients listed or exempt.16. OTHER INFORMATION16.1 Contact Point: Technical Information Center 400 880 7110Page No.: ˊ˂ˊʳLast Revision Date: 2013/05/14Version No.: GHS 1.2 DOW CORNING(R) PV-804 SEALANT BLACKby:Dow Corning (China) Holding Company Limited16.2 PreparedLegend:- No specific information availableThis information is offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. No warranty, expressed or implied, is hereby made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate.(R) indicates Registered Trademark。
道康宁SJ-168 硅酮耐候密封胶
本产品资料说明书未包括安全使 用须知的产品安全资料。为了使 用上的安全,在操作前请仔细阅 读产品及材料安全资料说明书和 容器包装上的指示。产品及材料 安全资料说明书可向当地的道康 宁办事处或指定的代理商索取。
不需要维护保养,如果密封胶发 生损坏,只需要修补或者更换所 需的部分。道康宁SJ-168硅酮耐 候密封胶可粘合于已固化了的硅 酮密封胶,请在进行上述操作前 向道康宁技术部垂询。
具体溶剂选择请参照道康宁公司 的粘结性测试报告。
根据材料(由用户提供)粘结性 测试报告结果,可能需要使用道 康宁底涂液。可向道康宁公司或 者指定代理商索取有关道康宁公 司底涂液和使用底涂液的资料。
在接口底部使用衬垫杆(如闭孔 型聚乙烯类或开孔型聚乙烯泡沫 类)或类似材料(如用浅层连接 的低粘性聚乙烯胶带),以控制 密封胶深度。通过防止密封胶对 接口底部的粘结来避免三边粘 结。
· 合理的操作时间—令施工人
员更好的掌握施打及整平时 间,从而可令施打后的密封 胶接缝外观更光滑
· 不垂流—可用于垂直及较宽
道康宁SJ-168硅酮耐候密封胶是单组份中性固化,经济型建筑类密封 胶,在一般建筑密封及装配应用中提供长久的弹性防水密封效果。
化完成后味消失,完全固化后 的密封胶无害。
·将管口拧于胶管。 ·将胶管放于打胶枪,可使用气
Dow Corning CE 8401 乳液 独特的化学结构
Amino Silicone backbone Hair Fiber
传统的氨基硅油具有带支链的结构.带正 电荷的氨基基团吸附在受损,带负电荷的 头发区域,使头发干爽,光滑.
Polyether Hair Fiber
Dow Corning CE 8401乳液具有聚醚基团 并嵌入有机硅主链上,氨基基团在支链上, 这样不仅能使头发有干爽,光滑的感觉,而 且还能增强保湿的感觉
优秀的柔软质感,对受损 发质特别有效,良好的锁 色性能
Dow Corning AP-8087 氨基硅油
Bis-Methoxy/Hydroxy Amodimethicone
良好的锁色调理功能,柔 软质感
Aloe Moisturizing Repairing Conditioner 芦荟保湿修护润发素
保湿 定型
香波 – 有机硅乳液
• 不同粒径乳液 • 不同内相乳液
护发素: – 100%纯硅油
• • • • • 氨基 苯基 环状 硅油硅胶混合物 水溶性
– 硅油乳液
1). 硅油聚合物的类型 - 有无功能基团: 如氨Dimethicone+Amino emulsion
以下是 6 条关于玻璃胶的分类及用途的内容:
1. 酸性玻璃胶啊,那可是个厉害的角色!就像一个勇往直前的战士!比如你看,咱们在安装水槽的时候,酸性玻璃胶就可以大显身手啦,把水槽牢牢地粘在台面上!它的粘性超强,能迅速地固定住各种东西。
2. 中性玻璃胶呢,就像一个温和的伙伴呀!比如说在粘贴镜子的时候就特别好用。
3. 防霉玻璃胶,哇塞,那简直是对付潮湿环境的秘密武器啊!就好比是专门对付梅雨季节的小精灵!你想想看,在浴室这种潮湿的地方,用防霉玻璃胶来密封瓷砖缝隙,再也不用担心发霉变黑啦!这防霉玻璃胶多厉害呀,是不是该给它点个赞?
4. 耐候玻璃胶呀,这可是能经受住各种天气考验的强者哟!如同一位坚韧不拔的勇士!像在户外安装门窗的时候,耐候玻璃胶就能发挥巨大作用啦,不管风吹日晒雨淋,它都能把门窗粘得稳稳当当。
5. 结构玻璃胶,那可是建筑中的大力士啊!好比是扛起大梁的壮士!在大型玻璃幕墙的安装中,结构玻璃胶那可是绝对的主力,能让巨大的玻璃稳稳地固定在建筑上。
6. 还有自流平玻璃胶呢,就如同一条流淌的小溪!比如在铺设地板的时候,它能把缝隙填充得平平整整。
道康宁993产品说明特性· 符合欧洲行业标准ETAG 002、中国GB-16776性能标准· 对广泛的幕墙基材包括镀膜,彩釉玻璃,阳极氧化和喷涂铝材以及不锈钢等金属材料均具有卓越的粘结性· 高标准的机械物理性· 中性固化无毒且无腐蚀性· 优越的耐高低温性-50oC至1 5 0 oC 优异的结构性强度(完全固化后)· 固化后的弹性具优秀的耐候特征及优良的抗紫外线,耐高温及湿度性能· 无批号配套限制· 中性脱醇型固化,固化于室温下会散发少量乙醇。
· 结构性应用需提前将材料品及图纸送交道康宁测试及审核·应用道康宁993N结构性装配用硅酮结构密封胶设计用于结构性应用,例如在工厂装配的玻璃与金属材料间的粘结,固化后形成耐久,具弹性及防水效果的结构性密封层。
在经过欧盟技术委员会(EOTA)技术指南中规定的老化测试之后,仍展示了其持久的优良粘着性和机械性能:· 1000小时浸热水紫外光照射· 1000小时浸热水紫外光照射(ISO DIS 11431)·5000次循环剪切及拉伸试验·抗盐水喷射(ISO 9227 NSS)·抗SO2(ISO 3231)·抗清洁剂(ISO 8339)·抗极高低温(ISO 8339)·抗微有机体(ISO 846)·材料相容性说明道康宁993N结构胶对大多数镀膜及非镀膜玻璃和金属均无需底涂液且具优越的粘结性。
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产品信息 太阳能 特性
∙ 经过光伏产业验证的解决方案 ∙ 可与典型的光伏基材粘接 ∙ 保护部件免受机械冲击和热循环应力的影响 ∙ UL 94 HB ∙ UL RTI 105°C (221°F) ∙
∙ 单组分中性脱醇有机硅密封胶
道康宁® PV-804中性密封胶旨在提供持久的粘结和保护,起到防潮、抗环境腐蚀,抗机械冲击、热冲击、以及振动等作用。
道康宁® PV-804中性密封胶
高性能有机硅粘接剂/密封胶 应用
CTM 1 ASTM 2 物性 单位 数值 供货时 0176 颜色 白色或黑色
非流动膏状物 0364 D2452 挤出率3 g/minute 190 0095
50-60 物理性能 - 在23℃(75°F )和50%相对湿度下固化7天 0022 D0792 23℃(75°F )下的比重 1.4 0099 D2240 硬度,肖氏A 39 0137A D412 抗拉强度 MPa 2.6 0137A D412 断裂伸长率 % 620 0137A D624 撕裂强度 – Die B kN/m 14 电气性能 - 在23℃(75°F )和50%相对湿度下固化7天 0114 D149 介电强度 kV/mm 16
0249 D257 体积电阻率 ohm-cm
1 CTMs (公司试验方法)在大多数情况下与ASTM 标准一致。
应要求可提供CTM 副本。
ASTM – 美国试验与材料学会。
使用直径为3.18mm 的喷嘴在0.62 Mpa 的压力下测得的挤出速率。
2010年8月10日 全新助您创未来 是道康宁公司的商标。
文件号. 06-1001E-40 ©2010道康宁公司版权所有。
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放置于原始未开封的容器中在30℃(86ºF )以下的温度条件保存时,道康宁PV-804中性密封胶自生产之日起保质期为12个月。
道康宁 PV-804中性密封胶可提供筒装、提桶、以及大桶包装。
™ 。