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姓名____________ 班级 ______________ 分数 ___________
1. Miss Gree n is my favorite teacher. _________ is kind and
outgo ing.
A. He _________________________________
B. His
C. She ________________________________
D. Her
2. We usually haveSportsClubafter school _________ Mo ndays.
A. i n _____________________________
B. at
C. of _________________________________________
D. On
3. Hurry up, ______ we will miss the school bus.
A. but ________________________________
B. or
C. and __________________________________
D. so
4. — ____ do you go to the library?
—Once a week.
A. How often ___________________
B. How far
C. How much _____________________________
D. How long
5. The air in these mon ths is much ______________ tha n the air
last wi nter.
A. good _________________________________
B. well
C. better
D. the best
6. —Lin da, _______ you make a model pla ne?
—Yes, lea n.
A. A.may ____________________________ B . can
C. need _________________________________
D. must
7. Be quiet!The students ____ a rest in the classroom now.
A. have __________________________________
B. Havehad
C. had
D. are hav ing
8. We ________ in our middle school for about 3 years.
A. study _________________________________
B. studied
C. have studied ____________
D. will study
9. Spoke n En glish test for stude nts _________ in 2018.
A. hold __________________________________
B. holds
C. were held _____________________
D. will be held
10. —Can you tell me ________ ?
—Last month.
A. whe n theycame ________________
B. whe n did theycome
C. whe ntheywill come
D. whe n will theycome
11. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,
An Hon estly Fun Camp
Bill couldn ' t wait for September when school would start.
It was early August, and he was at the same summer .He has bee n there five times. Whe n his dad was a boy,he wen t to the same camp and loved it.Bill did n
dad by telling him about that.
By the middle of August, Bill really wanted to_ ______________ _ _.
He had enough of the horses, enough of the baseball games and enough of the bad camp food. He wrote to his mom and asked her if she would _ _him up early, but he
didn ' t want
his mom to tell
his dad. She wrote back in
I can ' t do
that. I am always
honest with your dad. will talk to him about
Bill was still too __________ _ about disappointing his dad, so
he wrote back to his mom that he would _______________ _ _for the last two weeks and try to make the best of it. He asked his mom if she would make his favorite meal when he got home. During that last week, Bill was looking forward to the meal his mom would be making. Every time,he ate a camp meal he
_ he was eati ng his mom ' s cooking. All of a
sudden, the food didn ' t taste as bad as before.
Bill decided to be honest with his camp coach. He told the coach that he wasn ' t _ with the horse he
been given and he wanted to change. The coach asked Bill which horse he might feel better riding. Bill was then given to another horse for the last week, and he started to like horse back riding. Bill never liked playing __________ _ because he didn ' t like
playing 1st base. He told the coach, and the coach asked him to play catcher. Bill started to actually
like it.
When B ill ' s parents came to pick him up from camp, he said to them in all honesty, “ This was the best summer at camp ever. Because I tried to express myself ______ _so that others can understand me better. I enjoyed it a lot. ”
1. A.camp _______________________ B.house _________________________
C.holiday ___________________
2. A.visit ____________________ B.hear _________________________ C.like _______________________ D.mind
3. A.study ___________ B.leave ___________________ C.walk ___________________________ D.run
4. A. put ______________________ B.warm ___________________ C. ________________________________ make D.pick
5. A.surprised _________ B.angry ______________ C.worried ________________ D sad
6. A.work ____________________ B.stay ______________________ C.call ___________________________ D.live
it at all. But he didn
t want to disappoint his
a letter which said,
If you really want to leave, I it.
7. A.noticed ___________ B.accepted ___________
C.realized __________________
8. fortable B.friendly ____________ C.patient __________
9. A.games ___________________ B.baseball ___________
C.horses _____________________
10. _________________ A.honestly ______________ B.proudly C.happily
_____________ D.Seriously
12. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B C D四个选项中,选择
Friends around the word
The sun shines on new friends in new places. Some of the places are similar to the places where you live and some are not. But all of these friends love to sing and play.
A Friend in Korea
Hi, I ' m Chang —Yong, and I ' m 15 year old. My family lives in an apartment in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The spring here is warm and beautiful. On special days, I dress in a silk jacket called Hanbok.
A Friend in Australia
Hi, John is my name. I ' m an Aboriginal Australian,
Aborigines have lived in Australia for many years. I live with our mother in the country. My favorite season is autumn. I t ' s cool. We often wear T —shirts.
A Friend in Tanzania
Hello, my name is Manka, and I live in Tan zania. It ' s always hot here. Most of us live in wooden huts (小屋)with grass roofs. My father takes care of the cattle. Cattle are very important for us.
A Frie nd in Can ada
Hi, I am called Kipa nik . We live in n orthe rn Can ada .n ear
the North Pole. I t is snowy and cold most of the time
here. So I ofte n wear a heavy coat. My family ofte n uses
a dog sled to travel through areas covered with snow.
1. On special days,Cha ng-Y ong wears ______ .
A. a silk jacket ___________________
B. a T- shirt
C. a dress __________________________________
D. a coat
2. Joh n is from _______ .
A. Korea
B. Australia
C. Tanzania ___________________________________
D. Can ada
3. Most of people in Tanzania live in ________ .
A. apartme nt ____________________________
B. the country
C. woode n huts _______________________
D. the NorthPole
4. The weather in n orther n Can ada is ______ .
A. warm
B. hot
C. cool
D. cold
13. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B C D四个选项中,选择
Blue Ribb ons ofHonor
A teacher in New York decided to honor her stude ntsby telli ng them the differe nee they each made. First she than ked to each of them how they made a differe nee to her and the class. Then she gave each stude nt three blue ribb ons with gold letter s readi ng, “ Who I Am Makes a
Differen ce. ” The stude nts went out to find somebody to honor. The pers on would keepa ribb on and give the extra ones to a third pers on to keep it going.
One boy went to a man ager in a n earby compa ny and honored him for help ing him with his career pla nning. Later
that day the man ager went in to see his boss. He told
him that he deeply admired him for being a creativetale nt.
He gave the surprised boss the last extraribb on and asked him to find somebody else to honor.
That night the boss went home to his 14-year-old son. He
tol d the boy what had happened and said, “ I want to honor
you, son. My days are really busy andwhen I come home I don' t pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes I shout at you for not getting good enough grades in school and for your bedroom being a mess, but somehow tonight, I just want to let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You ' re a great kid and I love you! ”
Hearing this, the boy started to cry and couldn ' t stop. He looked up at his
father and said through his tears, “ I was planning on leaving home tomorrow , Dad, because I didn ' t think you loved me. Now I don ' t need to. ”
1. What did the teacher give to the students to honor them?
A. Career planning. __________________
B. Blue ribbons.
C. Special prizes. _______________________
D. Goldmedals.
2. How did the boss feel about what the manager said and did?
A. He was sad. _________________________________
B.He was angry.
C.He was pleased. ______________________
D.Hewas surprised.
3. ___________________________________________________ Before the boss talked to his son, the boy was planning to ______________________________ .
A. leave his home ___________________________
B. pay attention to
his father
C. clean his room _______________________
D. get goodgrades in school
4. ____________________________________________ From the story, we give others blue ribbons for _____________________________________ .
A. showing theirsuccessin career
B. givingthem ourkindness in return
C. admiring theircreativity and talent
D. honoring the differences they made
14. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B C D四个选项中,选择
Travel Far, but Think Local
Author Elizabeth Becker says we have a responsibility to respect the places we visit. Some basic rules still hold, such as not travelling at busy times and taking fewer trips but making them longer. The best and easiest way to be a responsible traveler is to use common sense and go local. Respect traditions. Read about the culture and traditions of
the places you visit. Un dersta nd the local culture and customs to avoid making any mistakes or upsett ing the local people. For example, dress properly whe n you visit temples and don ' t eat or talk loudly in religious(宗教的)sites . It ' s
also importa nt to respect the local en vir onment. If you visit a beach, leave seashells where you find them and try
not to catch fish while swimmi ng.
Lear n the Ian guage. Nobody expects you to become flue nt, but
try to learn some basic phrases such as “please ”and
“thank you ” . You ' ll be amazed at how much nicer and
more helpful people will be if they know you ' re making an
effort to get in volved with their culture.
Spend local. Stay away from intern ati onal hotels and
restaura nts run by foreig ners. By using local guides, buying
local products and staying in family run hotels, you ' re not
only giv ing back to the com muni ty, but you also get a real sense of the country you ' re staying in and the
people who live there.
Barga in fairly .Always be polite whe n you try to get a lower price. Sometimes goods at a local market can seem overpriced. Nobody likes to be cheated and it may be fun to barga in, but remember that for the local people barga ining it may not be a game. For some of them, their bus in ess is their only source of in come. So try not to be too rude whe n barga ining.
Don' t litter . In some coun tries, gett ing rid of waste is
a big problem, so don ' t throw rubbish on the ground.
Doing so is harmful to the en vir onment and un pleasa nt for others. Hold on to your rubbish un til you find a bin.
Save water .Eve n in some of the most developed coun tries, water shortages are
a reality. Tourists who take 10-minute showers and leave the taps running aren ' t making things any better.
1. From the passage,to un dersta nd the local culture better, we should
A. respect traditi ons _______
B. barga in fairly
C. save water ____________________________
D. Not litter
2. To help the local people, we ' d better ____________ .
A. spe nd in intern ati onal hotels and restaura nts
B. have a barga ining game with local people
C. keep the rubbish and throw it in the bin
D. have some local food in religious sites
3. What ' s the purpose of the passage?
A. To advise us to be polite to the local people.
B. To in troduce the way to lear n the Ian guage.
C. To tell us how to be a resp on sible traveler.
D. To help the people of your travel place.
15. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B C D四个选项中,选择
Go to your local public library, and you will find an unu sual activity is appeari ng more and more: Practici ng readi ng with trained dogs. How would you feel about tak ing time once a week to read aloud to a dog?
Each dog in a readi ng program experie nee a special training sessi on. The train ers also receive tra ining; they lear n how to in teract(互动)with the stude nts and the dogs. Each program
has high sta ndards. There have bee n many studies of the in teract ions betwee n huma ns and dogs that show dogs lower people' s blood pressure and heart rate. People become more relaxed and calm and will completely forget what they are scared of whe n they have a dog n earby.
Un like at school, where stude nts sit at desks or tables, stude nts and dogs sit together on special readi ng mats. Some stude nts lie n ext to the dogs. Each stude nt reads to one dog, so there is a quiet din of voices in the room.
The dog has bee n taught a comma nd to pay atte nti on to the reader. So whe n the trainer says somethi ng to the dog, it focuses on the studentat once. But sometimes, the students read the dogs to sleep!
The dog ' s trainer is also present. He or she watches the dog carefully to make sure that the dog behaves. Sometimes, the trainer gives the dog a break when the dog becomes restless. While the trainer doesn ' t help with the reading, the trainer talks to the student about the dog and explains how to take care of pets and how to be safe around animals.
Students who read to dogs show the benefits of this interaction. They are calmer and can avoid worrying about getting all the words correct. The dog just wants to hear the story. As students learn more about the dogs they read to, they also learn that they have gained a new friend.
Not only do students change their reading habits with the dogs during the program, but they also change their school habits. Their reading skills increase by twelve to twenty percent. They start raising their hands and answering questions more often. They pay more attention in class. Some students start arriving at school earlier and are absent less often.
Dogs are not just for playing fetch with anymore. Now they can help people become better readers. Next time you visit your local library, be on the lookout for four-legged creatures (生物) who want to hear a good story.
1. The underlined word “ comman”d in Paragraph 3 probably means
A. lesson ______________________________
B. order
C. language _______________________
D. rule
2. ____________________________________________________ F rom the passage, we can learn that this activity can _________________________________
A. help students be more helpful and clever
B. help increase reading speed by 8 percent
C. make the trained dogs fall asleepquickly
D. make students be more active in school
3. The writer wants to tell us that ______ .
A . the students can benefit from readi
B . the dogscan
to understand the story
C . the students can be taught to train dog
D. the trainers help students to read correctly 4.What is probably the best title for this passage?
A. Why do we need dogs?
B. Where can we read books?
C. Who can help us read books?
D. How do we cha nge the habits?
16. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项每个选项只能用一次。
Music for the Clouds
Once upon a time, t here was a country. It didn ' t rain
for a long time. The people there started to go hungry because the crops died duri ng the long drought(干旱).
A group of musicia ns were travelli ng the coun try, tryi ng to
make a livi ng from their music shows. 1. .Because there were
so many problems in the land.
“ We believe music can help solve all the problems, ” said
the musicia ns. But no one paid any atte nti on. 2. . It was very stra nge, because the sky was cloudy.
“ It has bee n cloudy like this for many mon ths, but not
a si ngle drop of rain has falle n, ” people there told them.
“ 3. , ” the musicians said, and they began practicing for
the concert on the top of the moun tai n. Every one who heard
the music was surprised and went up the mountain . 4. .There
were ti ny and in terest ing no tes (音符)from their in strume nts.
They rose and rose in to the clouds. The music was so beautiful, happy and fun.
And the no tes started play ing with the clouds and the
whole sky turned in to an amaz ing amuseme nt park. Before long, the large clouds were thun deri ng with laughter.
The musicia ns con ti nued play ing, and a few minu tes later
the clouds started crying with laughter. 5. , and they brought great happ in ess to all.
And in memory of that musical rai n, every one in the land learned how to play an in strume nt. They took turns to go up the mountain, and bring joy to the clouds with their beautiful son gs.
A. o the musicia ns wan ted to do somethi ng for help
B. Whe n they got there, the musicia ns bega n to play
C. Don ' t worry, we ' ll bring rain to the country
D. But no one felt like listening to music
E. The country was full of tears of joy
17. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。
Do you know what time it is? If you do, you probably
are look ing at a clock or Long ago, people did n clocks or watches like you do. Whe
n the sun rose, they got up and whe n the sun went dow n, they went to bed.
They told timeby the positi on of the sun in the sky.
People discovered that they could use a stick and the sun to tell time. This was called a shadow clock. They put a stick in the ground, pointing straight up. The directi on of the stick
' s shadow and how Ion g or shortit was told them the time.
A better kind of shadow clock was called a sun dial.
Sun dial had a poin ter and a base. The poin ter cast a shadow on marks around the base. People could tell time by readi ng the marks.
But shadow clocks were not good for telli ng time on cloudy days or at ni ght.
One kind of clock that didn ' t need the sun was a water clock. A water
clock was container with a tiny hole in
the bottom. Water would steadilydropout of the hole. Marks on the in side of the container
showed the time. It took one hour for the water to go dow n one mark.
can dle clock. You would know the time by how much of the can dle had melted (熔
化).The can dle had marks dow n its
side to show the hours.
Sometimes people used can dle clocks as alarm clocks. They put a n ail (钉子)in the can dle at the time they wan ted to wake up, hanging a shoe on the n ail. Whe n the can dle melted dow n, the n ail fell outa nd the shoe hit the floor with a BANG! Now there are all kinds of timepieces, from tall gran dfather clocks to watches we wear on our wrists 腕) . Most clocks run on
electricity from batteries. There are many more types of clocks, too. Clocks hang in and on buildi ngs. Clocks are
1. Did people have clocks or watches like you do long ago?
2. What did sun dial have?
3. How long did it take for the water to go dow n one mark in water clock?
4. How would you know the time whe n you use a can dle clock?
5. What does the writer want to tell us?
18. 文段表达,从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于
请不要写出 你的校名和姓名。
假如你是李华,你和同学们准备为小明举办一个生日聚会,打算邀请你们的好朋友一美 国交换生 Peter 参加。
请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他聚会的时间和地点,活动内容, 以及需要准备什么。
提示词语: hold, activity, get together, sing, eat, game, gift,
t n eed the sun was a (
that did n
提示问题:• When and where are you going to celebrate
XiaoMing's birthday?
•What are you going to do at the party?
•What do you advise Peter to prepare for Xiao Ming 's birthday?
Dear Peter,
How is it going?
I 'm writing to invite you to Xiao Ming 's birthday party.
I 'm looking forward to yourearly reply.
Li Hua
19. 假如你是李华,你们学校正就“感恩父母,从我做起”这一话题开展大讨论。
提示词语:think, bring up, work, make money, support, housework,
cook, clean, wash, happy, proud
提示问题:• Why is it importa nt for you to tha nk pare nts?
•What do you usually do for them in your spare time?
•How do you feel?
At my school, we are talking about what we can do to thank parents .
提示词语:hold, activity, get together, sing, eat, game, gift,
提示问题:• Whe n and where are you going to ce lebrate
XiaoMing's birthday?
•What are you going to do at the party?
•What do you advise Peter to prepare for Xiao Ming 's
第1 题【答案】
试題岔析h 辺議 榕牀老湮岸我最畳强姥师,她善良并且外向。
根据句意及题干分析此题应用人称代 第2题【答案】
试题分析:句青:拥砸常在周一放学后举办体肓倶乐亂具体到某一天要用介词叫故选叽 第3题【答案】
试题分析;耳 C ■ Hov jnuch - 第5题【答案】
试題分析;句意:这几个月的空气比去年冬天的空气好多了〜句中有连词所臥用比较级,故选 C 0
鱷意及语境 電黯血翱魏贻馳如A 沁是,虫.餉葩匚罰 D+ so i B* How £ai 多远$ 话句意曳语
碍中时间状语坯耐s E可™5
土做書鬣蹩鏗書裁辭療r 熔丁鸞打豐哼鸞鸞籃同 and loved 讥・可知贝尔;走在一个夏令言丿故选A 。
蕩輕噺霭酥灑噩船融嗨翳觀龜侖甥踵常鬆贝尔F 也
解o A. Cont£oxtable 舒服的歹B. Friendly 友好的,C ・Patient 耐心的; :他告诉教练他对他昌箭訥匹马虧到不舒服养且血想换一下。
亲翳滴S 卷船r®晶豔龍H 豁關轟蔦鬣贰句嵐贝尔从来
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. E
7. D
8. A
9.B 10. A
【解析】 攀翥鎭春齡追诚实地说出了自己的想法,从而做 奈融辉HW 騒嗨擁经够够 '•呻聘礙寰他给妈妈
Bo £o A. VorkT: B. stay 停留,待 j C. call 扛电话;D. Li 化住。
齢考查形養诃吕活 D ・popular 流彳丁
此题应迭A 。
2. B
3. C
4. D
根据文中信息ihm sLc gave each studcnl tkwu blue ribbons vith fold letters xs«din£] rr fho I Am Hake a Di££»«u;e»;J可知老卩帀给了学生蓝色的塑带丿故选B *
3 ■谑田予理解题。
很据文中信息He looliecl up at liis f ather and said through his tears, ;i I ivas
P Ivanin耳on leaving houi© twn□匸工o可】Dad? because I didn" t think yvu lovsd an虽N PT I t need tm "句知蔻辰I、勇我计划离赢出走』故选航
1. A
2. C
3. C
氓据文中信息Read al out the culture and tiaditions of the places you visit, tand ihe 1。
匚wl uultwo and cvstsms to avoid 汕处i話窝any 川i第or ting the locsl people.可知此题应选Ao
'文中信鳥;Ihm io^ lias been tau^kt. a conunarud to pay attsuticn to the 會歳也细一
个翕令去注意读书的人,)可那环单词闵意思昱命李 故选哄
2・D 推理判断証根擔文中信息描述可拓这种活动^使学生在学檢里更积极主动,故选哄 I 主旨大意题。
作者主要想吉诉我们学生通过彳巩阅读能获益匪澤 故迭眼 第16题【答案】
D 根1S 上下文及日色亡如1岂色were so irtany prabL&n.s iti the land.可知当地人们不想听音乐’故 抚D., "a believe nvusic can help solve all the problemEj " said the musicians ・ 可知 価一些事情来帮助
3. c 根据T 文音乐家们在山顶上为音乐会练习可知他们安慰当地居民,故选s
4. B 根据上文EveryTjne who he^crd the music vras surprised and. wnt up the mount 可扣此句应 选B J l.D
5・ E
1. No. / -they diJn7匕
2, Apointear and i base.
3・Sim tiouz.
4. By how much of the candle had melted.
5・The uhan雷uh/ typ^sof the clo^k*
1*根据文中信息Log ago, people dicin' t have clocks or 'Matches like you io.可知很久以前人“诛襪我们一样有轴衰或羊姜,紡以答案罡;No. / No, they didn J t.
2■根据文中信息Sundial had a pointer and a base*可規日屡有一^指针和地盘,所以答案是
:Apointei and i base.
工根据文中信息It took one hour fox the water to go down one mark,可知此題的答秦是O UE hour-
,魁無文田信息Fou vould know the time by how much cf the candle kad melted '熔化>*可知此趣的答案疋By hour much of the candle had melled»
Hov is it going?
1? m writing to invite you io Xiao Ming :' s birthday party* 11 1 sgaing t D be held at Ci :00p* m, this Sunday evening in his home. First, we ? 11 get to^athei to eat a birthday cake and give our best iriihes to Kiao Ming. And then i#e are soing to give our gifts to him. So, I -think you' d better prepare sojnethin^ meaningful as a present ・ Fitiallyj vre can. enjoy ourselves by seeing a film, together .
11 be very Kappy if you 匚an come.
I ; m Looking forwaid to youx early isply.
Li Hua
驾霧讓尸雉航站态运应蹴細除示的内豪述虑窗1 析
臭一晁 认用有 处正 童一 文有 •責 豐 ,文■M 面廩 ®
I want to -thank my parents because they give me a. lot of lo^e. To bring me up and support our faini ly ? they work so hard to make money.
I txy to do some thing to help them in my spare t ime. I often do soane hous ewoxk Like cleaning and washing. On. -weekends ; I learn to cook for 七hem. I also like to tell them some funny stoiies happened at school to make them laugh after hard worl:. It is so happy to see sniles on their faces.
I ; m vexY proud to have such a family full o£ joy and love! 帚作聲攀壑I 題讓食叙事清楚,词汇及时态运用正确,能朔巴提示的內容叙述清楚,语句通
亩# 用 认涯咲
示曹 槨及 读
的写 真合无 认用有 占
一、 ,文
i 意。
s 和龙 1
真 太住 寸页 QB 彩 囂。