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Book2-unit 4
Text compre hensi on
Ⅳ. Paraph raseP67
1. The age we are living in provid es us with conven ientways to reachany part of the world.
2. It seemsthat everyo ne is able to get in touchwith anyone else if he or she can afford to.
3. …..formsthe core of societ y……
4. This is a fundam ental skillin today’sworld, wherediffer ent cultur es intera ct.
5. Lots of people are findin g ways to interr elate differ ent cultur es.
Vocabu lary
Ⅰ. P68
1. as long as; can neverfail to be reache d
2. no matter
3. fail to notice at greatrisk
4. may be descri bed by thesewordsto varyin g degree s
5. were direct ly confro ntedwith the proble m that someth ing in one langua ge can not be render ed into anothe r
1. steppi ng stone踏脚石graves tone墓碑paving stone铺路石tombst one 墓碑
millst one磨石
2. at theirperilat one's peril冒险
3. serve满足(需要); 达到(目的)
4. mental ity心理状态marvel at对...惊奇
5. staple主要的, 常产的
6. facili tatin g facili tate使容易, 使便利
7. messag ing 通讯
8. hybrid混合的
1. econom y经济;经济体系
2. access ible易接近的, 可到达的
3. fundam ental ly根本地;基本上
4. homesi ck思乡的,想家的
5. negoti able可谈判的;可商量的
6. adjust ed调整,调节
7. remote ness远离, 遥远remote遥远的, 偏僻的
8. compla centl y 满足地, 自满地,沾沾自喜地
1. D. are not sure about
2. C. deep
3. A. concer ning关于subscr ibe to a magazi ne 订阅杂志
4. D. didn’tusuall y stay be givento sth/doingsth有做某事的习惯
5. B. produc e
6. A. satisf ied concei ted 自负的,逞能的 big-headed自负的, 自大的
7. B. import ant
8. C. desire appreh ensio n忧虑;担心
1. time, era, epoch
2. meetin gs
3. basic, fundam ental
4. missha pe歪曲
5. unavoi dably
6. terrib le, desper ate
7. worry, concer n, anxiet y, appreh ensio n
8. hide, concea l
1.unbeli evabl e
un- 表示“不,无,非,没有”
unequa l不平等的(un+equal平等的)
unfort unate不幸的(un+fortun ate幸运的)
unassu ming不摆架子的(un+assumi ng自以为是的)uncond ition al无条件的(un+condit ional有条件的) unlimi ted无限的(un+limite d有限的)
unambi tious无野心的(un+ambiti ous有雄心的)unoffi cial非官方的(un+offici al官方的)
uneduc ated未受教育的(un+educat ed有教养的)uncivi lized未开化的(un+civili zed文明的)
undeci ded未决定的(un+decide d决定的)
2. imperf ect
im- 表示“不,无,非”
imposs ible不可能的(im+possib le可能的)
immora l不道德的(im+moral道德的)
impoli te无礼的(im+polite礼貌的)
impart ial公平的(im+partia l有偏见的)
immort al不朽的(im+mortal必死的)
immatu re 不成熟的 (im + mature成熟的)
3. disagr eemen t
dis- 表示"不,消失掉"
dislik e不喜欢(dis+like喜爱→不喜爱)
disord er无秩序(dis+order顺序→没有顺序)
dishon est不诚实的(dis+honest诚实的→不诚实的)disapp ear消失(dis+appear出现→不出现→消失)dispro of反证,反驳(dis+proof证实→不证实→反证)discou rage使失去勇气(dis+courag e勇气)
dispas siona te平心静气的(dis+passio nate有激情的)discov er发现(dis+cover盖→把盖揭开→发现)dismay沮丧(dis+may能够→不能做事→沮丧)
4. mispla ce把…放错地方
mistak e错误(mis+take拿→拿错→错误)
misspe ll拼写错误(mis+spell拼写)
misund ersta nd误解(mis+unders tand理解)
misdoi ng坏事(mis+doing做事)
misrul e对…施暴政(mis+rule统治→统治不善)
misfor tune不幸(mis+fortun e幸运的)
mistru st不信任(mis+trust相信)
5. malfun ction失灵, 机能失常
malcon tent不满的(mal+conten t满意的)
malpra ctice不法行为(mal+practi ce做事,实践→做坏事)
malnut ritio n营养不良(mal+nutrit ion营养)
malodo r恶臭(mal+odor气味)
maltre at虐待(mal+treat对待)
6. enable
en- 表示"使…进入状态"
endang er使危险(en+danger危险)
encour age鼓励(en+courag e勇气→使人进入勇气→鼓励)
enligh ten启发,开导(en+light光+en→给人光明→启发)
7. surpas s
surfac e表面(sur+face脸面)
surpas s超过(sur+pass通过→在上面通过→超越)
surrea lism超现实主义(sur+realis m现实主义)
surmou nt登上,超越(sur+mount山→在山上→登上)
surplu s多余的(sur+plus多余;加→多出很多)
surcha rge附加费(sur+charge收费→额外的收费→附加费)
surviv al幸存,生存(sur+viv活+al→经过事故活着→幸存)
8. submar ine水下的, 海底的
sub- 表示“在下面,次一等,副手”
subcon tinen t次大陆(sub+contin ent大陆)
subtro pics亚热带(sub+ tropic热带)
subtit le副标题(sub+title标题)
subedi tor助理编辑; 副编辑(sub+editor编辑)
suboff ice分办事处(sub+office办公室)
Transl ation P74
1. 因此,您也许会问,为什么还有人会对这些绝妙的发展顾虑重重?为什么英语成为世界语言会让一部分人惴惴不安?
2. 不同的文化不仅仅是给不同组别的人贴上标签,语言是帮助我们理解世界的工具,每个语言之间都是有区别的。
3. 当千百万的人正在探索如何缩小文化之间差距的时候,英语国家却变得越来越自满,以
4. 最有助于促进世界和平进程的也许不是那些掌握最新技术或使用最时髦的移动电话的人,而是那些掌握了理解许多不同语言的字面含义、隐含意义与超越词语本身意义的技巧的人。
1. Childr en may swim here provid ed that they are accomp anied by adults.
2. This Americ an journa listmade a fool of himsel f over his remark s aboutChina,becaus ehe’sbeen out of touchwithwhat’sbeenhappen ing in the countr y in the past threedecade s.
3. Everyperson has the rightto educat ion, regard lessof his or her family backgr ound, sex, and age.
4. The invent ion of the Intern et, despit e the fact that it has givenrise to some proble ms, has greatl y facili tated almost everyaspect of our life, includ ing educat ion, medici ne, and busine ss.
5. Neveroverlo ok your travel insura nce when you are planni ng to spendyour holida y abroad; otherw ise you mightfind yourse lf in greattroubl e if any accide nt should occur.
6. In the moviethat billio naire was facedwith a dilemm a — either divorc es his wife, who wouldthen carveout half of his financ ial empire, or murder s her at the risk of beingfoundout by the police.
7. As the husban d lost his job in the financ ial crisis, the new couple had to cut down on a lot of things—furnit ure, clothe s, record s, books, and so on.
8. Over thirty yearsago, rightafterthe Cultur al Revolu tion, Deng Xiaopi ng told the people that the only way out lay in reform and openin g up to the outsid e world.。