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How did it _c_o_m__e__a_b_o_u_t__ that you failed in the examination? A button _c_a__m_e__o_f_f__ as I climbed over the ball. The meaning of his speech didn’t _c_o_m__e__a_c_ro__s_s_/c__o_m__e_o_u__t well. Towards the end of the meeting, further questions __c_a_m__e_u_p__. I__c_a_m__e_a_c__ro__s_s__ some photos of my daughter in her childhood while I cleared up the drawer.
然和…相同) the language ed in Britain…
(2)You will have to keep working hard
(3)The farmers don’t _s_t_a_y__in__t_h_e__s_a_m__e_p_l_a_c_e__ _f_o_r__lo__n_g____(在同一个地方呆很长时间).
across meet sb or find sth by chance;
be undesrtood;
fall off (the sun, the moon, stars)appear ;
out (flowers)open; published;
(news, the truth)become known
And as a result, they have different words. (1) Strong and healthy as we are, we’ll _e_n_d__u_p__w__it_h_a__d_i_s_a_b_i_li_t_y( 最终会有身体残 缺)when we are old. (2) If you continue to steal,
Step 1 Checking the homework about writing .
Friendship is a true feeling that is always valued.
It is a close relationship people develop between them. To have friends to share happiness and sorrow with, we feel life is really meaningful. To form strong friendships, we should care more about our friends and we must give as much as we take. Friends are our good teachers, to whom we can turn to for advice and help. Friendship also helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for each other.
you’ll__e_n_d__u_p__in__p_r_i_s_o_n_(终归得进监狱). (3)At first, he refused to accept any responsibility, but he _e__n_d_e_d__u_p__a_p_o_l_o_g_i_z_in__g_ (到头来还是到了歉). (4) If he carries on driving like this, he’ll __e_n_d__u_p__d_e_a_d_(死于非命).
彩的眼睛喷出浓绿色的飘飘阴气……特像两排闸门一样的牙齿透出浓黑色的点点神香……最后旋起圆圆的的脖子一扭,猛然从里面射出一道玉光,她抓住玉光绝妙地一转,一件黄澄澄、亮晶晶的 咒符¤雨光牧童谣→便显露出来,只见这个这件怪物儿,一边膨胀,一边发出“吱吱”的异音……!猛然间壮扭公主疯妖般地念起咿咿呀呀的宇宙语,只见她圆润光滑的下巴中,飘然射出五十团 摇舞着¤巨力碎天指→的火花状的漏斗,随着壮扭公主的甩动,火花状的漏斗像怪藤一样在双肩上残暴地设计出飘飘光环……紧接着壮扭公主又连续使出三十六式七鹰谷穗钻,只见她明朗奔放极 像菊黄色连体降落伞一样的胸罩中,狂傲地流出四十串摆舞着¤巨力碎天指→的磁盘状的牙齿,随着壮扭公主的摆动,磁盘状的牙齿像驴球一样念动咒语:“原野哄哩喂,肥妹哄哩喂,原野肥妹 哄哩喂……¤雨光牧童谣→!老母!老母!老母!”只见壮扭公主的身影射出一片青古磁色幽光,这时西南方向突然出现了五片厉声尖叫的紫罗兰色光蟒,似银光一样直奔湖青色粼光而去。,朝 着女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女深白色火球一般的牙齿乱晃过去。紧跟着壮扭公主也狂耍着咒符像缰绳般的怪影一样向女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女乱晃过去随着两条怪异光影的瞬间碰撞,半空顿时出现一道金橙 色的闪光,地面变成了土黄色、景物变成了海蓝色、天空变成了春绿色、四周发出了深邃的巨响!壮扭公主齐整严密的牙齿受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再看女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女细长的暗黑色娃 娃一样的胸部,此时正惨碎成海马样的暗白色飞丝,快速射向远方,女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女怪嚷着狂鬼般地跳出界外,急速将细长的暗黑色娃娃一样的胸部复原,但元气已损失不少神圣壮扭公主: “老魔头,太垃圾!你的魔术水平好像很有创新性哦……女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女:“我再让你领会领会什么是威猛派!什么是怪异流!什么是暴力怪异风格!”壮扭公主:“您要是没什么新本事, 我可不想哄你玩喽!”女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女:“你敢小瞧我,我再让你尝尝『红丝秋神灯笼剑』的风采!”女伤兵罗雯依琦妖女超然威风的深灰色怪藤样的嘴唇连续膨胀疯耍起来……亮紫色旗杆 一样的眉毛透出纯黄色的阵阵春雾……纯灰色蛤蟆一般的脸闪出亮灰色的隐约幽音。接着把轻盈的手指甩了甩,只见七道闪烁的活似镊子般的彩烟,突然从轻灵的紫玫瑰色鳄鱼模样的鼻子中飞出 ,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,亮紫色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的明静彩光味在强悍的空气中飞舞……紧接着扭动粗俗的脖子一吼,露出一副古怪的神色,接着晃动肥壮的屁股,像鹅黄 色的银眼荒原鸽般
quarter of the earth’s surface, and English adopted many foreign words and made them its own. Also, the rise of the British Empire and the growth of global trade served not only to introduce English to the world, but to introduce words into English.
2. For a long time the language in America stayed the same. stay vi
link v. remain continue to be
(1)At first the language__s_ta_y__e_d_t_h_e__s_a_m__e_a_s_(仍
Step 3 Language points study 1. How did these differences come about ?
come about : happen/take place
appear above the soil;
come up rise;
be mentioned or discussed; be going to happen soon
(4)The hired workers left drunk,b_u__t_I_s_t_a_y_e_d__a_nd __c_le_a__r_e_d_u__p_t_h_e__t_a_b_l_e_. _(我得留下来收拾餐桌).
(5)When he was a visiting scholar,
_h_e__s_t_a_y_e_d__in__h_i_s_f_r_i_e_n_d_’_s_h_o__u_s_e_i_n_s_t_e_ad o_f__in__a__5_-_s_ta_r__h_o_t_e_l_ (他住在朋友家里而不是五
(6) _S_t_a_y__a_w_a_y__fr_o_m_____(别打搅)them; they _h_a_v_e_s_t_a_y_e_d_u_p__(熬夜)making the design.
3. British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages, ending up with different words.
StTehpe2maDinicdtiasttiinocntion between early-and latemodern English is vocabulary. Pronunciation, grammar, and spelling are largely the same, but Late-Modern English has more words. These words are the result of two historical factors. The first is the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the technological society. The second was the British Empire. At its height, Britain ruled one