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步法農划律 2019年第60卷第6期
文献著录格式:焦云,舒巧云,赵秀花•稀土与硅叶面肥对桃果实品质的影响[J] •浙江农业科学,2019, 60 (6): 997-999.
DOI: 10. 16178/j. issn. 0528-9017. 20190646
[34] [39 /
WU Y J, ZHOU H, ZOU ZJ, et al. A three-year in-situ study on the persistence of a combined amendment ( limestone + sepiolite) for remedying paddy soil polluted with heavy metals [J] .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , 130 : 163-170. HE H D, TAM N FY, YAO A J, et ai. Effects of alkaline and bioorganic amendments on codmium, lead, zinc, and nutrient aooumuiaton On beown eoeand yean yeid On aodOopaddyeeidi contaminated with a mixture of heavy metals [ J / . Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23 (23) : 23551-23560. LIU Y, ZHANG C B, ZHAO Y L, et al. Effects of growing seasons and genotypes on the accumulation of codmium and mineral nutrients in rice grown in cadmium contaminated soil [J]. Sciencc of the Total Environment, 2017, 579 : 1282-1288. CHEN H Y, YUAN X Y, LI T Y, et al. Characteristics of heavy metal transfer and their influencing factors in dlferent soil-crop systems of the industrialization region, China [ J / . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , 126 : 193-201. CAO FB, WANG R F, CHENG W D, et al. Genotypic and environmental vvriation in codmium, chromium, lead and copper in rice and approaches for reducing the accumulation [J/ . Sciencc of the Total Environment, 2014 , 496 : 275-281. LIU J G, QIAN M , CAI G L, et al. Uptake and translocation of
活质量的提高,消费者对果实品质和风味的要求也 日益增高,提高果实品质是果树栽培生产的首要目 标之一-然而,由于栽培生产管理不当、品种遗传
收稿日期:2019-02-20 基金项目:宁波市科技富民项目(2017C10026) 作者简介:焦云(1983—),男,副研究员,博士,从事果树分子遗传育种与栽培技术研究工作,E-mail: jyTyx@163.c3rn。
摘要:以桃品种春红、春晓、南方桃王和夏之梦为试材,对其喷施稀土和硅叶面肥后的果实品质和疮痂 病、褐腐病的发病率进行检测和调查-结果表明,叶面喷施稀土与硅肥可显著提升果实中可溶性固形物含量水
[40 / [41 / [42] [43 / [44]
Cd in different rice cultivars and the relation with Cd accumulation in rice grain [ J /. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 143 (1 j2) : 443-447. SARWAR N , SAIAULLAH , MALHI S S, et al. Roll of mineral nutrition in minimizing cadmium accumulation by plants [ J / . Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 2010 , 90 ( 6): 925-937. DU Y , HU X F , WU X H, at al. Affects of mining activities on Cd pollution ta the paddy soils and rice grain in Hunan province. Central South China [ J/ . Environmental Monitoring and Asseoment, 2013, 185 ( 12) : 9843-9856. WANG C, WANG J H, YANG Z F, et al. Characteristics of lead geochemistry and the mobility of Pb isotopes in the system of pedooenie rock-pedosphere-irrigated rivaryater-cerealatmosphere from theYangtze Rivvr delta region, China [ J / . Chemosphere, 2013, 93 (9) : 1927-1935. LIAO J B , WEN Z W, RU X, at al. Distribution and mioration of heavv metals in soit and crops affected by acid mine drainage: public health implications in Guangdong Provincc, China [ J / . Ecotoxicolooy and Environmental Safety, 2016, 124 : 460-469易亚科,周志波,陈光辉-土壤酸碱度对水稻生长及稻米镉 含量的影响[J].农业环境科学学报,2017, 36 ( 3 ): 428-436.
关键词:桃;稀土 ;硅;果实品质;发病率
中图分类号:S662. 1
桃树是蔷薇科(Rosaceae )桃属(Prunus )植 物,桃多以鲜食为主,其大小、外观、口感、香气 等指标都影响其销售途径和销售价格-随着人们生
文献著录格式:焦云,舒巧云,赵秀花•稀土与硅叶面肥对桃果实品质的影响[J] •浙江农业科学,2019, 60 (6): 997-999.
DOI: 10. 16178/j. issn. 0528-9017. 20190646
[34] [39 /
WU Y J, ZHOU H, ZOU ZJ, et al. A three-year in-situ study on the persistence of a combined amendment ( limestone + sepiolite) for remedying paddy soil polluted with heavy metals [J] .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , 130 : 163-170. HE H D, TAM N FY, YAO A J, et ai. Effects of alkaline and bioorganic amendments on codmium, lead, zinc, and nutrient aooumuiaton On beown eoeand yean yeid On aodOopaddyeeidi contaminated with a mixture of heavy metals [ J / . Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23 (23) : 23551-23560. LIU Y, ZHANG C B, ZHAO Y L, et al. Effects of growing seasons and genotypes on the accumulation of codmium and mineral nutrients in rice grown in cadmium contaminated soil [J]. Sciencc of the Total Environment, 2017, 579 : 1282-1288. CHEN H Y, YUAN X Y, LI T Y, et al. Characteristics of heavy metal transfer and their influencing factors in dlferent soil-crop systems of the industrialization region, China [ J / . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , 126 : 193-201. CAO FB, WANG R F, CHENG W D, et al. Genotypic and environmental vvriation in codmium, chromium, lead and copper in rice and approaches for reducing the accumulation [J/ . Sciencc of the Total Environment, 2014 , 496 : 275-281. LIU J G, QIAN M , CAI G L, et al. Uptake and translocation of
活质量的提高,消费者对果实品质和风味的要求也 日益增高,提高果实品质是果树栽培生产的首要目 标之一-然而,由于栽培生产管理不当、品种遗传
收稿日期:2019-02-20 基金项目:宁波市科技富民项目(2017C10026) 作者简介:焦云(1983—),男,副研究员,博士,从事果树分子遗传育种与栽培技术研究工作,E-mail: jyTyx@163.c3rn。
摘要:以桃品种春红、春晓、南方桃王和夏之梦为试材,对其喷施稀土和硅叶面肥后的果实品质和疮痂 病、褐腐病的发病率进行检测和调查-结果表明,叶面喷施稀土与硅肥可显著提升果实中可溶性固形物含量水
[40 / [41 / [42] [43 / [44]
Cd in different rice cultivars and the relation with Cd accumulation in rice grain [ J /. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 143 (1 j2) : 443-447. SARWAR N , SAIAULLAH , MALHI S S, et al. Roll of mineral nutrition in minimizing cadmium accumulation by plants [ J / . Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 2010 , 90 ( 6): 925-937. DU Y , HU X F , WU X H, at al. Affects of mining activities on Cd pollution ta the paddy soils and rice grain in Hunan province. Central South China [ J/ . Environmental Monitoring and Asseoment, 2013, 185 ( 12) : 9843-9856. WANG C, WANG J H, YANG Z F, et al. Characteristics of lead geochemistry and the mobility of Pb isotopes in the system of pedooenie rock-pedosphere-irrigated rivaryater-cerealatmosphere from theYangtze Rivvr delta region, China [ J / . Chemosphere, 2013, 93 (9) : 1927-1935. LIAO J B , WEN Z W, RU X, at al. Distribution and mioration of heavv metals in soit and crops affected by acid mine drainage: public health implications in Guangdong Provincc, China [ J / . Ecotoxicolooy and Environmental Safety, 2016, 124 : 460-469易亚科,周志波,陈光辉-土壤酸碱度对水稻生长及稻米镉 含量的影响[J].农业环境科学学报,2017, 36 ( 3 ): 428-436.
关键词:桃;稀土 ;硅;果实品质;发病率
中图分类号:S662. 1
桃树是蔷薇科(Rosaceae )桃属(Prunus )植 物,桃多以鲜食为主,其大小、外观、口感、香气 等指标都影响其销售途径和销售价格-随着人们生