

Schools Wise up to Ways of High中英翻译

Schools Wise up to Ways of High中英翻译

Unit 6 Text1 Schools Wise up to Ways of High-techCheatsGeorge Mason University instructor Anne Marchant calls them “patchwork plagiarists”—the students who copy and paste together passages from articles they’ve found on the Internet, then turn in t he work as their own. She catches at least one such student every semester in their computer-science class, she said. She even discovered such plagiarism in her computer ethics course. “Certainly, cheating is persavise,” Marchant said. “It’s usually deadly obvious. The introduction will be written in broken English; then it will have this flawlessly written, almost doctoral-quality body, then a conclusion that goes back to broken English.”乔治梅森大学讲师安妮·马钱特所谓的“拼凑剽窃者”----是指学生从因特网上找到文章,经过复制、粘贴,然后把它当作自己的作业上交,她每个学期在她的计算机课上至少抓住一名这样的学生,她说,甚至在计算机道德教育课上也发现这样的“剽窃者”。






As they entered the 21st century, people could not help looking back to the past 20 years when they managed to cope with a new threat– the computer. By the year of 1980, computers had become a fact of life. They were, the magazine DISCOVER noted that December, “in cars, offices, schools and homes, toys and watches. In some airplanes, pilots need not handle the controls; they are‘flight managers’ who watch the computer manage the flight and landing. On the way are voice-driven typewriters, robots that can ‘see’, and hand-held computers that can over the contents of the Library of Congress.”But at the same time, observed the writer John Leo, a large number of Americans were “computerphobes” (电脑恐惧者) and “techno-peasants”, who fe ared that computers were “designed to destroy privacy, eliminate jobs, carry the TV generation even further away from literacy, read few words on food boxes so that the grocer can cheat his customers more easily, and allow World War III to be launched entirely by technical error.”Some executives especially hated computers, Leo reported. They worried that they would lose status – and their assistants –if they were seen at keyboard. Publishers and journalists, he continued, were frightened that the printed word would be eliminated. “True, the newspaper travels well–you can not put a computer under your arm while rushing for a train,” he wrote, “Not now, but a more advanced and complicated portable version, about the size of a hand-held electronic game, may not be far off.”Today those same executives and journalists who feared computers wouldn’t be found without having their portable computers on their laps. The widespread fear of computers seems a thing of the past–a shift that Leo correctly predicted.”Every one will accept computers,” he wrote, “because there is no alternative.”2.1.1 The magazine listed the uses of computers in the following fields EXCEPT _____D_____.A educationB transportationC publicationD medicine2.1.2 Some executives did not like computers in that ___A_______.A they might lose their importance and respectB they had to learn how to use computersC they had to hire more assistantsD they had to buy expensive portable computers2.1.3 Which of the following is NOT what the computer phobes are expecting?___D___A More privacy.B More jobsC More literacy.D More world wars.2.1.4 Today the same executives and journalists can be found to ____C______.A dislike computersB fear using computersC use computers frequentlyD use computers rarely2.1.5 When the author says:“…there is no alternative” in the last sentence of the passage, he means that ____B______.A computers provide no choiceB computers are to be acceptedC computers offer no help to pilotsD more complicated computers have to be made in factories2.2阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。

1 Logics for Knowledge Representation

1 Logics for Knowledge Representation

Logics for Knowledge RepresentationBernhard NebelAlbert-Ludwigs-Universit¨a t Freiburg,Germany1IntroductionKnowledge representation and reasoning plays a central role in Artificial Intelli-gence.Research in Artificial Intelligence(henceforth AI)started off by trying to identify the general mechanisms responsible for intelligent behavior.However,it quickly became obvious that general and powerful methods are not enough to get the desired result,namely,intelligent behavior.Almost all tasks a human can per-form which are considered to require intelligence are also based on a huge amount of knowledge.For instance,understanding and producing natural language heavily relies on knowledge about the language,about the structure of the world,about social relationships etc.One way to address the problem of representing knowledge and reasoning about it is to use some form of logic.While this seems to be a natural choice,it took a while before this“logical point of view”became the prevalent approach in the area of knowledge representation.Below,we will give a brief sketch of how thefield of knowledge representation evolved and what kind logical methods have been used. Int.Encyc.Social and Behavioral Sciences27February2001In particular,we will argue that the important point about using formal logic is the logical method.2Logic-Based Knowledge Representation:A Historical AccountMcCarthy(1968)stated very early on that mathematical,formal logic appears to be a promising tool for achieving human-level intelligence on computers.In fact, this is still McCarthy’s(2000)vision,which he shares with many researchers in AI.However,in the early days of AI,there were also a number of researchers with a completely different opinion.Minsky(1975),for example,argued that knowl-edge representation formalisms should beflexible and informal.Moreover,he ar-gued that the logical notions of correctness and completeness are inappropriate in a knowledge representation context.While in those days heated arguments of the suitability of logic were exchanged,by the end of the eighties,the logical perspective seem to have gained the upper hand (Brachman1990).During the nineties almost all research in the area of knowledge representation and reasoning was based on formal,logical methods as demonstrated by the papers published in the bi-annual international conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,which started in1989.It should be noted,however,that two perspectives on logic are possible.Thefirst perspective,taken by McCarthy(1968),is that logic should be used to represent knowledge.That is,we use logic as the representational and reasoning tool insidethe computer.Newell(1982)on the other hand proposed in his seminal paper on the knowledge level to use logic as a formal tool to analyze knowledge.Of course, these two views are not incompatible.Furthermore,once we accept that formal logic should be used as a tool for analyzing knowledge,it is a natural consequence to use logic for representing knowledge and for reasoning about it as well.3Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Their SemanticsSaying that logic is used as the main formal tool does not say which kind of logic is used.In fact,a large variety of logics(Gabbay,Hogger and Robinson1995)have been employed or developed in order to solve knowledge representation and rea-soning problems.Often,one started with a vaguely specified problem,developed some kind knowledge representation formalism without a formal semantics,and only later started to provide a formal ing this semantics,one could then analyze the complexity of the reasoning problems and develop sound and complete reasoning algorithms.I will call this the logical method,which proved to be very fruitful in the past and has a lot of potential for the future.3.1Description LogicsOne good example for the evolution of knowledge representation formalisms is the development of description logics,which have their roots in so-called struc-tured inheritance networks formalisms such as KL-ONE(Brachman1979).These networks were originally developed in order represent word meanings.A conceptnode connects to other concept nodes using roles.Moreover,the roles could be structured as well.These networks permits for,e.g.,the definition of the concept of a bachelor.Later on,these structured inheritance networks were formalized as so-called con-cept languages,terminological logics,or description logics.Concepts were inter-preted as unary predicates,roles as binary relations,and the connections between nodes as so-called value restrictions.This leads for most such description logics to a particular fragment offirst-order predicate logic,namely,the fragment.In this fragment only two different variable symbols are used.As it turns out,this is a decidable fragment offirst-order logic.However,some of the more involved description logics go beyond.They con-tain,e.g.,relational composition or transitive closure.As it turns out,such descrip-tion logics can be understood as variants of multi-modal logics(Schild1991),and decidability and complexity results from these multi-modal logics carry over to the description logics.Furthermore,description logics are very close to feature log-ics as they are used in unification-based grammars.In fact,description logics and feature logics can be viewed as members of the same family of representation for-malisms(Nebel and Smolka1990).All these insights,i.e.,determination of decidability and complexity as well as the design of decision algorithms(e.g.Donini,Lenzerini,Nardi and Nutt1991),are based on the rigorous formalization of the initial ideas.In particular,it is not justone logic that it is used to derive these results,but it is the logical method that led to the success.One starts with a specification of how expressions of the language or formalism have to be interpreted in formal terms.Based on that one can specify when a set of formulae logically implies a formula.Then one can start tofind similar formalisms(e.g.modal logics)and prove equivalences and/or one can specify a method to derive logically entailed sentences and prove them to be correct and complete.3.2Nonmonotonic LogicsAnother interesting area where the logical method has been applied is the devel-opment of the so-called non-monotonic logics.These are based on the intuition that sometimes a logical consequence should be retracted if new evidence becomes known.For example,we may assume that our car will not be moved by somebody else after we have parked it.However,if new information becomes known,such as the fact that the car is not at the place where we have parked it,we are ready to drop the assumption that our car has not been moved.This general reasoning pattern was used quite regularly in early AI systems,but it took a while before it was analyzed from a logical point of view.In1980,a special issue of the Artificial Intelligence journal appeared,presenting different ap-proaches to non-monotonic reasoning,in particular Reiter’s(1980)default logic and McCarthy’s(1980)circumscription approach.A disappointing fact about nonmonotonic logics appears to be that it is very difficult to formalize a domain such that one gets the intended conclusions.In particular,in the area of reasoning about actions,McDermott(1987)has demonstrated that the straightforward formalization of an easy temporal projection problem(the“Yale shooting problem”)does not lead to the desired consequences.However,it is pos-sible to get around this problem.Once all underlying assumptions are spelled out, this and other problem can be solved(Sandewall1994).It took more than a decade before people started to analyze the computational com-plexity(of the propositional versions)of these logics.As it turned out,these log-ics are usually somewhat more difficult than ordinary propositional logic(Gottlob 1992).This,however,seems tolerable since we get much more conclusions than in standard propositional logic.Right at the same time,the tight connection between nonmonotonic logic and belief revision(G¨a rdenfors1988)was noticed.Belief revision–modeling the evolution of beliefs over time–is just one way to describe how the set of nonmonotonic consequences evolve over time,which leads to a very tight connection on the formal level for these two forms of nonmonotonicity(Nebel1991).Again,all these results and insights are mainly based on the logical method to knowledge representation.4OutlookThe above description of the use of logics for knowledge representation is nec-essarily incomplete.For instance,we left out the area of qualitative temporal and spatial reasoning completely.Nevertheless,one should have got an idea of how log-ics are used in the area of knowledge representation.As mentioned,it is the idea of providing knowledge representation formalisms with formal(logical)semantics that enables us to communicate their meaning,to analyze their formal properties, to determine their computational complexity,and to devise reasoning algorithms.While the research area of knowledge representation is dominated by the logical approach,this does not mean that all approaches to knowledge representation must be based on logic.Probabilistic(Pearl1988)and decision theoretic approaches, for instance,have become very popular lately.Nowadays a number of approaches aim at unifying decision theoretic and logical accounts by introducing a qualita-tive version of decision theoretic concepts(Benferhat,Dubois,Fargier,Prade and Sabbadin2000).Other approaches(Boutilier,Reiter,Soutchanski and Thrun2000) aim at tightly integrating decision theoretic concepts such as Markov decision pro-cesses with logical approaches,for instance.Although this is not pure logic,the two latter approaches demonstrate the generality of the logical method:specify the formal meaning and analyze!BibliographyAllen,J. A.,Fikes,R.and Sandewall, E.(eds):1991,Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning:Proceedings of the2nd International Conference(KR-91),Morgan Kaufmann,Cambridge,MA.Benferhat,S.,Dubois,D.,Fargier,H.,Prade,H.and Sabbadin,R.:2000,Decision, nonmonotonic reasoning and possibilistic logic,in Minker(2000),pp.333–360. Boutilier,C.,Reiter,R.,Soutchanski,M.and Thrun,S.:2000,Decision-theoretic,high-level agent programming in the situation calculus,Proceedings of the17th National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence(AAAI-2000),MIT Press,Austin,TX.Brachman,R.J.:1979,On the epistemological status of semantic networks,in N.V.Findler (ed.),Associative Networks:Representation and Use of Knowledge by Computers, Academic Press,New York,NY,pp.3–50.Brachman,R.J.:1990,The future of knowledge representation,Proceedings of the8th National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence(AAAI-90),MIT Press,Boston,MA,pp.1082–1092.Donini,F.M.,Lenzerini,M.,Nardi,D.and Nutt,W.:1991,The complexity of concept languages,in Allen,Fikes and Sandewall(1991),pp.151–162.Gabbay,D.M.,Hogger,C.J.and Robinson,J.A.(eds):1995,Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming–Vol.1–5,Oxford University Press, Oxford,UK.G¨a rdenfors,P.:1988,Knowledge in Flux—Modeling the Dynamics of Epistemic States, MIT Press,Cambridge,MA.Gottlob,G.:1992,Complexity results for nonmonotonic logics,Journal for Logic and Computation2(3),397–425.McCarthy,J.:1968,Programs with common sense,in M.Minsky(ed.),Semantic Information Processing,MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,pp.403–418.McCarthy,J.:1980,Circumscription—a form of non-monotonic reasoning,Artificial Intelligence13(1–2),27–39.McCarthy,J.:2000,Concepts of logical AI,in Minker(2000),pp.37–58. McDermott,D.V.:1987,A critique of pure reason,Computational Intelligence3(3),151–160.Minker,J.(ed.):2000,Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence,Kluwer,Dordrecht,Holland. Minsky,M.:1975,A framework for representing knowledge,in P.Winston(ed.),The Psychology of Computer Vision,McGraw-Hill,New York,NY,pp.211–277. Nebel,B.:1991,Belief revision and default reasoning:Syntax-based approaches,in Allen et al.(1991),pp.417–428.Nebel,B.and Smolka,G.:1990,Representation and reasoning with attributive descriptions, in K.-H.Bl¨a sius,U.Hedtst¨u ck and C.-R.Rollinger(eds),Sorts and Types in Artificial Intelligence,V ol.418of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Springer-Verlag, Berlin,Heidelberg,New York,pp.112–139.Newell,A.:1982,The knowledge level,Artificial Intelligence18(1),87–127.Pearl,J.:1988,Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems:Networks of Plausible Inference,Morgan Kaufmann,San Francisco,CA.Reiter,R.:1980,A logic for default reasoning,Artificial Intelligence13(1),81–132. Sandewall,E.:1994,Features and Fluents,Oxford University Press,Oxford,UK. Schild,K.:1991,A correspondence theory for terminological logics:Preliminary report, Proceedings of the12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91),Morgan Kaufmann,Sydney,Australia,pp.466–471.。



高三英语信息技术单选题50题6.She often _____ documents in the office software.A.editsB.makesC.createsD.designs答案:A。




7.He _____ a new folder to store his files.A.buildsB.makesC.createsD.forms答案:C。



8.She _____ a file by mistake and had to restore it.A.deletedB.removedC.lostD.discarded答案:A。



9.He _____ the file to another location.A.movedB.shiftedC.transferredD.carried答案:C。







() 答:对问:严格来说,我们现代所说的“科学”是中国自古就有的东西。













根据队的先入先出(FIFO)原则,为了操作上的方便,使用一个( )和( )。






2024年研究生考试考研英语(一201)复习试卷与参考答案一、完型填空(10分)Part A: Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below. There are twenty blanks in the passage. Each blank has four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.The rise of the Internet has 1 a significant impact on the way people 2 information. With just a few clicks, one can access a vast array of resources and 3 from around the world. However, this 4 in information access has also brought about challenges. Here is a story that illustrates the complexities of our digital age.In a small town, a young girl named Lily was 5 her studies. She was particularly 6 in learning about the world beyond her village. One day, while browsing the Internet, she stumbled upon an article about climate change. The article 7 her curiosity and she began to research further.Lily found a website that offered a variety of 8 on environmental issues. She spent hours reading about the effects of global warming and the importanceof sustainable practices. As she learned more, she felt 9 to make a difference in her community.10, Lily organized a local clean-up drive. She 11 her friends and neighbors to join her, and together they collected trash and cleaned up the local park. The event received 12 from the community, and it inspired others to take action.Despite the positive outcome, Lily realized that there was still much work to be done. She 13 to join a local environmental group to 14 her knowledge and skills. The group organized workshops and community outreach programs to educate people about environmental issues.As Lily continued her journey, she 15 that technology could be a double-edged sword. While it provided access to information, it also 16 distractions and could lead to 17 attention spans. She learned to balance her use of the Internet with other activities and discovered that 18 the right balance was crucial.One day, while 19 the news, Lily read about a global initiative to reduce plastic waste. She 20 the opportunity to participate and reached out to her environmental group. Together, they organized a campaign to promote the use of reusable bags and educate people about the impact of single-use plastics.1.A. A. resulted inB. B. contributed toC. C. led toD. D. caused2.A. gatherB. B. acquireC. C. searchD. D. seek3.A. experiencesB. B. perspectivesC. C. knowledgeD. D. insights4.A. increaseB. B. expansionC. C. surgeD. D. boost5.A. dedicated herself toB. B. immersed herself inC. C. focused onD. D. involved herself in6.A. enthusiastic aboutB. B. fascinated byC. C. interested inD. D. excited about7.A. sparkedB. B. ignitedC. C. arousedD. D. stimulated8.A. articlesB. B. resourcesC. C. materialsD. D. publications9.A. motivatedB. B. determinedC. C. inspiredD. D. encouraged10.A. SubsequentlyB. B. ConsequentlyC. C. EventuallyD. D. Immediately11.A. invitedB. B. encouragedC. C. persuadeD. D. asked12.A. supportB. B. recognitionC. C. enthusiasmD. D. appreciation13.A. decidedB. B. volunteeredC. C. attemptedD. D. agreed14.A. enhanceB. B. expandC. C. improveD. D. develop15.A. recognizedB. B. realizedC. C. acknowledgedD. D. admitted16.A. offeredB. B. providedC. C. causedD. D. resulted in17.A. shorterB. B. briefC. C. conciseD. D. limited18.A. findingB. B. maintainingC. C. achievingD. D. striking19.A. watchingB. B. listening toC. C. readingD. D. scanning20.A. seizedB. B. grabbedC. C. tookD. D. embracedAnswers:1.A. resulted in2.B. acquire3.C. knowledge4.C. surge5.A. dedicated herself to6.B. fascinated by7.A. sparked8.B. resources9.C. inspired10.C. Eventually11.A. invited12.B. recognition13.B. volunteered14.A. enhance15.B. realized16.C. caused17.A. shorter18.D. striking19.C. reading20.D. embraced二、传统阅读理解(本部分有4大题,每大题10分,共40分)First QuestionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:The Role of Technology in EducationEducation has always been a fundamental factor for societal development. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, it’s becoming increasingly clear that traditional methods of teaching are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of today’s digital natives. The integration of technology into education is not just about equipping students with computer skills; it’s also about transforming the way we teach and learn.One of the most significant benefits of technology in education is its ability to personalize learning experiences. Adaptive learning software cantailor educational content to the specific needs of each student, ensuring that every learner gets the support they require. Furthermore, online platforms provide access to a wealth of information and resources that would otherwise be unavailable to many students, particularly those in remote or underprivileged areas.However, critics argue that an over-reliance on technology might lead to a loss of essential human interaction and the development of social skills. There is also concern about the potential for increased screen time to have negative effects on children’s health and well-being. Despite these concerns, proponents of educational technology believe that if used correctly, it can enhance rather than detract from the educational experience.As technology continues to evolve, so must our approach to education. It is clear that there is a need for a balanced integration of traditional teaching methods with modern technological tools. Only by embracing this hybrid model can we ensure that future generations are adequately prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.Questions:1、What is the main argument presented in the passage regarding technology in education?A)Technology should replace traditional teaching methods.B)Technology should complement traditional teaching methods.C)Technology is detrimental to the educational process.D)Technology has no place in the classroom.Answer: B) Technology should complement traditional teaching methods.2、According to the passage, what is one of the advantages of using technology in education?A)It increases the amount of homework students receive.B)It personalizes learning experiences for individual students.C)It makes traditional teaching methods obsolete.D)It decreases the need for teachers in the classroom.Answer: B) It personalizes learning experiences for individual students.3、What concern does the passage mention regarding the use of technology in education?A)It may cause a decrease in the use of textbooks.B)It might result in a lack of social interaction among students.C)It could lead to an increase in physical activity among students.D)It ensures that all students have equal access to information.Answer: B) It might result in a lack of social interaction among students.4、How does the passage suggest that technology affects access to information?A)It limits access to information only to those who can afford it.B)It provides broader access to information for students in remote areas.C)It restricts the types of information available to students.D)It has no impact on how students access information.Answer: B) It provides broader access to information for students in remote areas.5、What does the passage imply about preparing future generations?A)They should rely solely on technology for learning.B)They should reject modern educational tools in favor of traditional ones.C)They should be taught using a combination of traditional and modern methods.D)They should focus exclusively on developing social skills without technology.Answer: C) They should be taught using a combination of traditional and modern methods.第二题Reading PassageIn the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in the way people lived and worked. This period of rapid industrialization led to the development of factories, the mass production of goods, and a shift from an agrarian society to an urban one. The following article discusses the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society and the environment.The Impact of the Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, was a period of profound economic and social change in Europe and North America. It was marked by the transition from hand production methods to machines, and by the introduction of new chemical, iron, steel, and coal industries. This transition had a profound impact on the lives of people, and it brought about both positive and negative consequences.One of the most significant impacts of the Industrial Revolution was the urbanization of society. As factories were built in cities, people moved fromrural areas to urban centers in search of work. This led to the growth of cities and the creation of slums, where many workers lived in poor conditions. The overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in these areas contributed to the spread of diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis.Another consequence of the Industrial Revolution was the degradation of the environment. The burning of coal and the release of pollutants into the air and water led to air and water pollution, which had serious health implications for people and animals. The deforestation and soil erosion that resulted from the expansion of industrial activities also had a detrimental effect on the natural landscape.Despite these negative impacts, the Industrial Revolution also brought about many positive changes. The mass production of goods led to a significant increase in the standard of living for many people. The development of new technologies, such as the steam engine and the telegraph, improved communication and transportation, making the world a smaller place. Additionally, the Industrial Revolution led to the rise of the middle class, which had a profound impact on social and political structures.Questions:1、What was one of the most significant impacts of the Industrial Revolution on society?A. The decline of agricultureB. The urbanization of societyC. The decrease in populationD. The increase in unemployment2、Why did people move to urban centers during the Industrial Revolution?A. To pursue higher educationB. To enjoy the culture of the citiesC. To seek better job opportunitiesD. To avoid the diseases prevalent in rural areas3、What was a negative consequence of the Industrial Revolution on the environment?A. The increase in agricultural productivityB. The improvement of air qualityC. The reduction of deforestationD. The decline in water pollution4、How did the Industrial Revolution affect the standard of living for many people?A. It led to a decrease in living standardsB. It resulted in a significant increase in living standardsC. It had no significant impact on living standardsD. It caused a mixed impact on living standards5、What was one of the social and political impacts of the Industrial Revolution?A. The strengthening of the monarchyB. The rise of the middle classC. The fall of the aristocracyD. The abolition of slaveryAnswers:1、B2、C3、D4、B5、B第三题Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived an old man named Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was a kind-hearted and wise man, known throughout the village for his stories and his ability to solve problems with a unique perspective. The villagers would often gather at his house after the day’s work to listen to his tales, which were always filled with lessons and moral values.One evening, a young man named Tom approached Mr. Brown. Tom had heard about Mr. Brown’s wisdom and sought his advic e on a difficult situation. Tom was facing a choice between a lucrative job offer in a big city and staying close to his family and friends in the village.Questions:1、What is the main topic of the passage?A. The beauty of the villageB. The wisdom of Mr. BrownC. The challenges of modern lifeD. The importance of family2、Why did Tom go to see Mr. Brown?A. To ask for help with his studiesB. To discuss the village’s problemsC. To seek advice on a difficult decisionD. To compete with Mr. Brown in a storytelling contest3、What was the young man’s main dilemma?A. Whether to move to the city or stay in the villageB. How to become a successful businessmanC. What to do with his old houseD. How to improve the village’s economy4、What is the purpose of Mr. Brown’s stories in the passage?A. To entertain the villagersB. To teach moral values and lessonsC. To promote tourism in the villageD. To showcase his own wisdom5、According to the passage, what does Mr. Brown represent to the villagers?A. A source of entertainmentB. A mentor and counselorC. A competitor in storytellingD. A symbol of wealth and powerAnswers:1、B2、C3、A4、B5、B第四题Passage:In recent years, the rise of e-books has sparked a debate about the future of traditional books. While many argue that e-books will eventually replace printed books, others believe that the traditional book format will continue to thrive. This article explores the arguments on both sides and examines the potential impact of e-books on the publishing industry.1.The article mentions that the debate over e-books versus traditional books is a topic of great concern. What is the main reason for this debate?A. The declining sales of printed booksB. The increasing popularity of e-readersC. The potential impact on the publishing industryD. The environmental concerns of paper usage2.The passage states that some people believe e-books will eventually replace printed books. What is the primary reason for this belief?A. The convenience of e-booksB. The lower cost of e-booksC. The environmental benefits of e-booksD. The potential for interactive content in e-books3.According to the article, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential disadvantage of e-books?A. The lack of tactile experienceB. The potential for screen fatigueC. The ease of copying and distributing contentD. The limited availability of e-books in some regions4.The article discusses the role of traditional books in the education system. What does the author suggest about the importance of physical books in education?A. They are becoming less importantB. They are essential for learningC. They are being replaced by digital resourcesD. They are being ignored by modern students5.The author concludes the article by discussing the future of the publishing industry. What does the author imply about the industry’s ability to adapt to the rise of e-books?A. The industry will struggle to adaptB. The industry will thrive regardless of e-booksC. The industry will adapt and evolveD. The industry will disappear due to e-booksAnswers:1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C三、阅读理解新题型(10分)Passage:The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way we shop and conduct business. Online shopping has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, variety, and competitive prices. As a result, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are facing stiff competition and are forced to adapt to the digital world. This essay explores the impact of e-commerce on the retail industry and discusses the challenges and opportunities it presents.Questions:1.What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of online shoppingB) The decline of traditional storesC) The impact of e-commerce on the retail industryD) The challenges faced by brick-and-mortar stores2.According to the passage, why is online shopping becoming more popular?A) It is more expensive than shopping in physical stores.B) It is only available during specific hours.C) It offers a wider variety of products.D) It requires customers to physically visit a store.3.What is the main challenge that traditional stores are facing?A) The lack of competitive prices.B) The limited selection of products.C) The stiff competition from e-commerce.D) The difficulty in adapting to digital technology.4.The passage suggests that traditional stores need to do what in order to survive?A) Offer the lowest prices.B) Close their physical locations.C) Embrace e-commerce and digital technology.D) Focus solely on online sales.5.How does the passage conclude the impact of e-commerce on the retail industry?A) E-commerce will eventually replace all traditional stores.B) Traditional stores will need to adapt to e-commerce or risk extinction.C) The impact of e-commerce on the retail industry is negligible.D) E-commerce will only benefit large corporations and not small businesses.Answers:1.C) The impact of e-commerce on the retail industry2.C) It offers a wider variety of products.3.C) The stiff competition from e-commerce.4.C) Embrace e-commerce and digital technology.5.B) Traditional stores will need to adapt to e-commerce or risk extinction.四、翻译(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)第一题Translate the following paragraph into English.中文段落:研究生考试是许多中国学生梦寐以求的机会,它不仅为他们提供了一个深造和提升自身能力的机会,而且也是实现个人职业目标的重要途径。





A:错B:对答案 al就是 and others的意思。

A:对B:错答案:A4.下面哪些选项是学术英语写作的原因?A:To discuss a subject of common interest and give the writer’s view;B:To answer a question the writer has been given or chosen;C:To synthesize research done by others on a topic.D:To report on a piece of research the writer has conducted;答案:ABCD5.学术英语写作中的一般文本特征包括:A:sentenceB:headingC:sub-titleD:titleE:phraseF:paragraph答案:ABCDEF第二章测试1.在细化主题时,需要考虑你的写作目的是什么以及预期读者是谁。

A:对B:错答案:A2.My Most Embarrassing Moment是一个可以写的论文题目。


A:错B:对答案:A4. 1. 在本章中,提到的四个写作技巧是:A:BrainstormingB:Work ScheduleC:Research LogD:Mental Inventory答案:ABCD5.计划书包含下面哪些内容?A:your topic and your thesisB:any special aspects of your projectC:the problems you anticipateD:the kinds of sources you plan to consult答案:ABCD第三章测试1.在进行互联网搜索时,需要注意的规则是:A:to remain your curiosity of the research topic.B:to remain focused on the research topic.C:to review the source, point of view, and completeness of all documents rela ted to the research topic.D:to resist the temptation to be distracted by unrelated sites.答案:BCD2.当你进行批判性阅读时,下面哪些是需要考虑的?A:Do I agree with the writer’s views?B:What are the key ideas in this?C:Does the evidence presented seem reliable, in my experience and using common sense?D:Does the author have any bias (leaning to one side or the other)?E:Are the examples given helpful? Would other examples be better?F:Does the argument of the writer develop logically, step by step?答案:ABCDEF3.浏览和搜索的结合可以帮助你认识到你的研究主题是否过于宽泛,需要缩小范围,并且和单独的浏览或者搜索相比,它更能找到更完整的相关资源。



2024年教师资格(初级中学)-英语知识与教学能力(高中)考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点押密题库(共100题)1.(单项选择题)(每题2.00 分)His___________in alcohol mined his whole life.A. indulgenceB. habitC. engagementD. addiction2.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary__________.A. happensB. happenC. would happenD. will happen3.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work?______.A. guessing gameB. story tellingC. information-gapD. drama performance4.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage?A. Reading the passage in detail.B. Reading to sequence the events.C. Reading to fill in the charts.D. Reading the first and last sentences of the passage and the paragraphs.5.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) To our surprise, the stranger______to be an old friend of my mother’s.A. turned outB. turned upC. set outD. setup6.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) new buildings will be built in my hometown.A. A great deals ofB. A lots ofC. A plenty ofD. A great number of7.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) 请阅读Passage2,完成下列小题.Passage 2We had been wanting to expand our children‘s horizons by taking them to a place that was unlike anything wed been exposed to during our travels in Europe and the United States. In thinking about what was possible from Geneva,where we are based, we decided on a trip to Istanbul a two-hour plane ride from Zurich.We envisioned the trip as a prelude to more exotic ones, perhaps to New Delhi or Bangkok later this year, but thought our 11- and 13-year-old needed a first step away from manicured boulevards and pristine monuments.What we didn’t foresee was the reaction of friends, who warned that we were putting our children “in danger",referring vaguely, and most incorrectly, to disease, terrorism or just the unknown. To help us get acquainted with the peculiarities of Istanbul and to give our children a chance to choose what they were particularly interested in seeing, we bought anexcellent guidebook and read it thoroughly before leaving. Friendly warnings didn’t change our planning:although we might have more prudently checked with the U.S. Department’s list of troublespots. We didn’t see a lot of children among the foreign visitors during our six-day stay in Istanbul, but we found the tourist areas quite safe, veryinteresting and varied enough even to suit our son, whose oft-repeated request is that we not see “every single” church and museum in a given city.Vaccinations werent needed for the city, but we were concerned about adapting to the water for a short stay. So we used bottled water for drinking and brushing our teeth, a precaution that may seem excessive, but we all stayed healthy.Taking the advice of a friend, we booked a hotel a 20-minute walk from most of Istanbul’s major tourist sites. This not only got us some morning exercise, strolling over the Karakoy Bridge, but took us past a colorful assortment of fishermen, vendors and shoe shiners. From a teenager and preteens view. Istanbul street life is fascinating since almost everything can be bought outdoors. They were at a good age to spend time wandering the labyrinth of the Spice Bazaar, where shops display mounds of pungent herbs in sacks. Doing this with younger children would be harder simply because the streets are so packed with people; it would be easy to get lost.For →our two←, whose buying experience consisted of department stores and shopping mall boutiques, it was amazing to discover that you could bargain over price and perhaps end up with two of something for the price of one. They also learned to figure out the relative value of the Turkish lira, not a small matter with its many zeros.Being exposed to Islam was an important part of our trip. Visiting the mosques, especially the enormous Blue Mosque, was our first glimpse into how this major religion is practiced. Our children’s curiosity already had been piqued by the five daily calls to prayer over loudspeakers in every comer of the city, and the scarves covering the heads of many women. Navigating meals can be troublesome with children, but a kebab, bought on the street or in restaurants, was unfailingly popular. Since we had decided this trip was not for gourmets, kebabs spared us th e agony of trying to find a restaurant each day that would suit the adults’ desire to try something new amid children’s insistence that the food be served immediately. Gradually, we branched out to try some other Turkish specialties. Although our son had studied Islam briefly, it is impossible to be prepared for every awkward question that might come up, such as during our visits to the Topkapi Sarayi, the Ottoman Sultans9 palace, no guides were available so it was do-it-yourself, using our guidebook, which cheated us of a lot of interesting history and anecdotes that a professional guide could provide. Next time, we resolved to make such arrangements in advance.On this trip, we wandered through the magnificent complex, with its imperial treasures, its courtyards and its harem. The last required a bit of explanation that we would have happily left to a learned third party.Whom does“our two”in PARAGRAPH 5 refer to? ______ .A. the coupleB. the kidsC. the gourmetsD. local-style markets8.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Which of the following statements is NOT a way of presenting new vocabulary?____.A. definingB. using real objectsC. writing a passage by using new wordsD. giving explanations9.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Exceptional children are different in some significant ways from others of the same age, for the same age, for these children to develop to their full adult potential; their education must be adapted to those differences.Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society5s understanding the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.“All men are created equal.” We’ve heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this countrys founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children—the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children—disabled or not —to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.From its passage we learn that the educational concern for exceptional children______.A. is now enjoying legal supportB. disagrees with the tradition of the countryC. was clearly stated by the country’s foundersD. will exert great influence over court decisions10.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)What stage can the following grammar activity be used at?The teacher asked students to arrange the words of sentences into different columns marked subject, predicate, object, object complement, adverbial and so on.A. Presentation.B. Practice.C. Production.D. Preparation.11.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)According to Britain linguist F. Palmer, there are no real synonyms. Though"cast" and"throw" are considered synonyms, they are different in__________.A. styleB. collocationC. emotive meaningD. regions where they are used12.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)What advantage do the new generation Latino writers have over LatinAmericanwriters according to the passage?A. The former are able to write in two different languages.B. The former can translate their works into different languages.C. The former are able to express ideas from a bi-cultural perspective.D. The former can travel freely across the border between two countries.13.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) It is not so much the language______the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understanD.A. asB. butC. likeD. nor14.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is apresupposition?A. Ede caught a trout. (Edecaught a fish.)B. Don' t sit on Carol' s bed. (Carol has a bed.)C. This blimp is over the house. (The house is under the blimp.)D. Coffee would keep me awake all night. (I don' t want coffee.)15.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discusseD. Which one does not belong to them?______.A. deductive methodB. inductive methodC. guided discovery methodD. productive method16.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should______.A. listen as much as possibleB. input regardless of students5 abilityC. tolerate small errors in continuous speechD. read more English materials17.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Which of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading?A. drawing a diagram to show the text structureB. giving the text an appropriate titleC. transforming information from the text to a diagramD. finding out all the unfamiliar words18.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Which of the following teacher‘s instruction could serve the purpose of eliciting ideas?A. Shall we move on?B. Read after me, everyoneC. What can you see in this picture?D. What does the world "quickly" mean?19.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)Which of the following is suggested in the last paragraph?A. The quality of writing is of primary importance.B. Common humanity is central to news reporting.C. Moral awareness matters in editing a newspaper.D. Journalists need stricter industrial regulations.20.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)What is the best title for this passage?A. Creativity. and InsightsB. Insights and Problem SolvingC. Where Do Insight Moments Come?D. Where Do Creativity Moments Come?21.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) —Where did you find the wallet?—It was at the stadium______I played football.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. there22.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce large volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are poisonous. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensifieD. This will involve even increasing quantities of agriculture chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be lesseneD. The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazarD. This involves the processing of solid wastes prior to disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the water or best reduce pollution upon final disposal.A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients containeD. Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries,such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste production into marketable byproducts. Other industries have potential economic uses for their waste products.The phrase “prior to”(ParA. 2) probably means______.A. afterB. duringC. beforeD. beyond23.(单项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) 请阅读passage2,完成下列小题。









(分数:1.00)A.前进出现B.改革诞生C.演化创生√D.存在驱动解析:[解析] 先看第一空,填入的词应与“运动”前后并列,“改革”与“运动”不存在并列关系,排除B项。








(分数:1.00)A.一点一滴磨灭B.无可挽回湮灭√C.彻彻底底破灭D.确确实实毁灭解析:[解析] 第一空对应文段“能量只能不可逆转地沿一个方向转化”,“不可逆转”对应“无可挽回”,答案为B项。



(分数:1.00)A.相得益彰√B.相辅相成C.相伴而生D.相差无几解析:[解析] 本题为成语辨析题。


make notes during lectures for reference ater on

make notes during lectures for reference ater on

make notes during lectures for reference ater on【实用版】目录1.为什么要在讲座中做笔记2.如何在讲座中做有效笔记3.讲座后如何利用笔记进行复习正文在讲座中做笔记是一种非常有效的学习方法,可以帮助我们更好地理解和记忆讲座内容。




















The person who has had the most profound influence on me is my high school English teacher,Mr.Smith.His teaching style was not only engaging but also inspiring, and it had a significant impact on my approach to learning and my passion for the English language.Mr.Smith was a firm believer in the power of language to open doors to new worlds and cultures.He would often share stories about his travels and experiences,which sparked my curiosity and desire to explore the world through the lens of English.His enthusiasm was contagious,and it motivated me to immerse myself in the language.One of the key lessons I learned from Mr.Smith was the importance of practice.He would encourage us to practice our English skills outside the classroom,whether it was through reading books,watching movies,or engaging in conversations with native speakers.He believed that consistent practice was the key to mastering any language. Another aspect of Mr.Smiths teaching that I found particularly impactful was his emphasis on the importance of grammar.He would often say,Grammar is the backbone of any language.He made learning grammar enjoyable by incorporating it into our daily lessons and showing us how it could enhance our communication skills.Mr.Smith also had a unique way of making vocabulary lessons interesting.He would create word games and quizzes to help us memorize new words and their meanings.This not only made the learning process fun but also helped us to retain the information better. Moreover,Mr.Smith was a great mentor who always encouraged us to express our thoughts and opinions in English.He would create a safe and supportive environment in the classroom where we could practice speaking without fear of making mistakes.This helped me to gain confidence in my English speaking abilities.In addition to his teaching skills,Mr.Smith was also a role model in terms of his work ethic and dedication.He would always go above and beyond to ensure that his students understood the material and were engaged in the learning process.His commitment to teaching was evident in the way he prepared for each class and the effort he put into creating lesson plans that were both informative and enjoyable.In conclusion,Mr.Smith has had a lasting impact on my life and my approach to learning English.His passion for the language,his innovative teaching methods,and his dedication to his students have inspired me to pursue my own journey in mastering the English language.I am grateful for the lessons he has taught me,both in terms oflanguage skills and life skills,and I will always remember the influence he has had on my personal and academic growth.。

my hero大学英语作文

my hero大学英语作文

My hero is not a celebrity or a historical figure,but someone who has made a significant impact on my life.This person is my high school English teacher,Mr.Smith. He has been a guiding light,a mentor,and a source of inspiration for me.Mr.Smith is a tall,gentle man with a kind smile and a passion for teaching.He has a unique way of making English classes engaging and enjoyable.He uses a variety of teaching methods,from interactive games to thoughtprovoking discussions,to ensure that every student is actively involved in the learning process.One of the most memorable lessons I learned from Mr.Smith was the importance of perseverance.During a particularly challenging English literature assignment,I felt overwhelmed and ready to give up.But Mr.Smith encouraged me to keep trying, reminding me that every great work of literature was once just an idea in the mind of its author.He helped me break down the task into smaller,manageable steps and guided me through each one.Mr.Smith also taught me the value of empathy and understanding.He often shared stories from his own life,showing us that everyone has their own struggles and challenges.He encouraged us to be kind and compassionate towards others,and to always strive to see things from different perspectives.What sets Mr.Smith apart from other teachers is his genuine care for his students.He takes the time to get to know each one of us individually,understanding our strengths and weaknesses.He is always available for extra help,whether its staying after school for tutoring sessions or answering questions via email.In addition to being an outstanding teacher,Mr.Smith is also a role model.He is dedicated to his profession,constantly seeking ways to improve his teaching methods and stay uptodate with the latest educational trends.His passion for English is contagious, inspiring many of his students to develop a love for the language as well.In conclusion,Mr.Smith is my hero because he has not only taught me valuable academic skills but also important life lessons.His unwavering support,dedication,and compassion have had a profound impact on my life.I am grateful for the time I spent in his classroom and will always remember the lessons he taught me.。




When I was in college, I remember hearing about a book titled “Looking Out for Number One”. I never read the book, but the title has always stuck with me. I think it was because the title turned me off. I hadn’t been taught to be so selfish that I should be focused on only me . I thought I needed to be helping others and, along the way, I would also be helping myself. Now, I realize I should have at least considered learning more about looking out for number one. Over 30 years after seeing the book about looking out for number one I’m realizing number one, me, is the person I should be concerned about first.Jeffrey Gitomer asks the question, “Who is the most important person in the world?” Most people answer, t he customer. He then asks, if there were only two people left in the world, the customer and you, who would you want to survive ? Now the answer is me.It makes me sense that if we can’t help ourselves first, we will never be prepared to help others. We all need to learn to control our lives and make the best decisions for ourselves. That will put us in a position to help others in the future . But many of us are slow to understand this.It has been said that happiness will bring success, but success doe sn’t always bring happiness. We all want to be happy and successful. For some of us can be very happy when our basic needs are met and our family are safe. Others will seek high levels of success thinking that will bring happiness. I’m sure we can think of a person who is very successful, according to the world’s standards (标准), but they don’t appear to be happy at all. This is because they have been so busy working for somebody else’s goals that they haven’t considered their own needs.1. Who does the writer think is the most important person in the world now? (细节理解题)A. OthersB. HimselfC. The customerD. Jeffrey Gitomer2. The underlined words“turned me off” in Paragraph 1 probably mean “_____”.(词义猜测题)A. made me excitedB. made me boredC. made me surprisedD. made me pleased3. From the third paragraph we can learn ________. (推理判断题)A. we should help others instead of ourselvesB. we need help others make the best decisionsC. helping others can help control our livesD. actually few of us understand this idea earlier4. Why do some successful people not feel happy at all? (细节理解题)A. Because they don’t believe success always brings happiness.C .Because they seek for too high levels of success.D. Because they haven’t been working for their own goals.5. The best title for the passage is “______________”. (主旨大意题)A. Considering Our Own Needs FirstB. The Most Important in the WorldC. Helping Others FirstD. Happiness and Success参考答案1--5 BBDDA二、教材语法聚焦1. when 和while引导的时间状语从句(八下Unit 5)【基本用法】when从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。


In short, the robot is such a useful invention, isn’t it?
The secret of success is constancy of purpose
3b Imagine you are a business person. Write a description of your new invention. Try to sell the invention to the class. Write it like this:
The secret of success is constancy of purpose
I want to invent...
The secret of success is constancy of purpose
Good morning, everyone! I’m Chen Ming. I’d like to introduce a robot to you.
The secret of success is constancy of purpose
2. Problem: ___g_e_tt_i_n_g_u_p__e_a_r_ly____________ New invention: __a_s_p_e_c_ia_l_c_l_o_c_k_________ What it is used for: _w__a_k_in_g__m_e__u_ccess is constancy of purpose
Ha, I want to invent a special broom.
It’s made of stainless steel.
The secret of success is constancy of purpose





一起去了解一下这位“万维网之父”吧!Most people have never heard of Tim Berners-Lee.He is not nearly as rich or famous as Marc Andreessen,who is the founder of Netscape,or Bill Gates,whose name has become a well-known word.Berners-Lee,who works in a small office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,is the creator of the World Wide Web.The creation of the Web is so important that some people compare Berners-Lee to Johann Gutenberg,who invented printing by movable type(活字)in the fifteenth century.Berners-Lee was born in England in 1955.His parents,who helped design the world's first commercially available computer,gave him a great love of mathematics and learning.In 1980,Berners-Lee went to work at CERN,a physics laboratory in Geneva,Switzerland,where he had a lot of material to learn quickly.He had a poor memory for facts and wanted to find a way to help him keep track of things he couldn't remember.He invented a software programme that allowed him to create a document that had links to other documents.He continued to develop his idea through the 1980s.He wanted to find a way to connect the knowledge and creativity of people all over the world.In 1991,his project became known as the World Wide Web.The number of Internet users started to grow quickly.However,Berners-Lee is not completely happy with the way the Web has developed.He thinks it has become a passive tool for so many people,not the tool for creativity that he had imagined.【词海拾贝】1.creator n.创造者2.commercially adv.商业地3.track n.轨道 n.软件5.passive adj.被动的;消极的【问题思考】阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。


C. "Deep reading"—as opposed to the often superficial reading we do on the Web—is an endangered practice, one we ought to take steps to preserve as we would a historic building or a significant work of art. Its disappearance would cause damage to the intellectual and emotional development of generations growing up online, as well as the perpetuation of a critical part of our culture: the novels, poems and other kinds of literature that can be appreciated only by readers whose brains, quite literally, have been trained to understand them.
University of Nottingham, recently argued in the New York Times that we ought not to claim that literature improves us as people, because there is no "convincing evidence that suggests that people are morally or socially better for reading Tolstoy" or other great books.



备战2020年高考英语女主角在伦敦地铁里藏书外刊精读与精练教案Harry Potter star's books on the Tube《哈利·波特》女主角在伦敦地铁里藏书语篇导读:为什么一位电影演员会在伦敦地铁里藏书呢?为了鼓励大众多读书,电影《哈利·波特》的女主角扮演者艾玛·沃森在伦敦地铁里藏了一百本书供众人去发现并浏览阅读。

“地铁图书”(Books On The Underground)活动计划在英国首都伦敦的交通系统里放成千上万本书供乘客阅读。


Step 1 Vocabulary 词汇表a turn-up for the books 意想不到的事情,出乎意料的事a bookworm 书虫,书迷based on 以……改编的a novel 小说fictional 虚构的to leaf through 略读,浏览to bury oneself (in something) 把自己埋在(某物)中a tome 巨著to dip into 随便翻翻to skim 粗略地浏览a volume 书;卷,册an edition 版本to pore over 仔细阅读hand-written 手写的an inscription 题赠,题词a classic (书)经典作品to devour 如饥似渴地阅读an essay 散文,短文a book club 读书俱乐部to take a leaf out of someone's book 以某人为榜样,向某人学习read阅读Step 2 Reading and understandingNow here's what I call a turn-up for the books - a film star's been giving away free books on the London Underground. If you're a bookworm, a Harry Potter fan and a London Underground user then it's been an exciting month for you.Emma Watson, who starred in films based on the novels about a fictional schoolboy wizard, has been hiding books on the Tube for passengers to leaf through.It's part of the Books On The Underground movement, which has a simple aim: to get more people burying themselves in literature. And the way they do it is to leave tomes on trains for commuters to pick up,dip into and then leave for another lucky reader to skim.The movement started out in 2012 and drops off about 150volumes a week in stations across the UK's capital. Talking about Watson's participation in the project, the manager of Books On The Underground, Cordelia Oxley, said, "The reaction has been phenomenal. It must be a mixture of how much everyone adores Emma, and how exciting it is to find something as wonderful as a new book on your journey."The 100 or so editions Watson left for passengers to pore over were even more special because she left a hand-written inscription. The paperbacks were copies of Kaya Angelou's Mom & Me & Mom.One person who discovered a copy of the book on the Tube said she felt like the character Charlie Bucket – a boy who finds a golden ticket to the world's greatest chocolate factory – in the Roald Dahl classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.Watson became a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in the summer of 2014 and has since started devouring as many books and essays on equality and feminism as possible. She has also started her own book club.So, why not take a leaf out of Emma Watson's book and leave a copy of your favourite book on a train? It could make a stranger's life richer.Step 3测验与练习Task 1 阅读课文并回答问题。

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Storage partitions on RAID arrays (other than 2-disk RAID-1) are still misaligned in many cases
Often from older systems that have been upgraded Are not “re-aligned” during an upgrade to a newer OS Still have to be deleted and recreated 2048 (512-byte) sector starting offset is a compatible value with a tiny loss of disk space (1 MB). Performance penalty for misaligned partitions up to 30% (not anecdotal) Source: Jimmy May
Storage Management Is A Mixed Bag
Proprietary vendor tools Expensive vendor tools
“Yes we have that, but you didn’t buy that, you bought this”
Mixed OS support
Partition alignment still a big problem Storage management issues Storage performance issues Storage realities “Growing pains” Tools Wish list Futures
Notes and Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer © 2010 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Native infrastructure is basic, and vendors still implement their own methods
Notes and Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer © 2010 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Notes and Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer © 2010 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Storage Performance Challenges (2)
Performance issues difficult to diagnose
“The SAN is performing fine”
What is “The SAN”…the array, the fabric, or both? Performance results not shared “The “SAN” is performing fine”. Performance results difficult to disseminate Analyzers nearly out of the question, and even then, takes a very experienced analyst to disseminate Not many (ANY???) vendor neutral tools
Notes and Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer © 2010 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Storage Realities
Hardware refresh pushed out
Performance issues difficult to diagnose
Multiple groups involved Multiple vendors involved “The Tool” not purchased (Sales team might more strongly assert value of even rudimentary tools) Storage performance more of an art than a science, and not taught widely
Storage Management Is A Mixed Bag
SAN group doesn’t always interact I need 250 GB, 2500 IOPS, 80/20 read/write, 9 KB Average Request Size,10 ms”…. “Here’s your LUN” (250 GB, unknown performance capability), sometimes shared, sometimes virtualized at more than 1 layer
Notes & Lessons Learned from a Field Engineer
Robert M. Smith, Microsoft
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The material contained in this tutorial is copyrighted by the SNIA. Member companies and individual members may use this material in presentations and literature under the following conditions:
Any slide or slides used must be reproduced in their entirety without modification The SNIA must be acknowledged as the source of any material used in the body of any document containing material from these presentations.
This presentation is a project of the SNIA Education Committee. Neither the author nor the presenter is an attorney and nothing in this presentation is intended to be, or should be construed as legal advice or an opinion of counsel. If you need legal advice or a legal opinion please contact your attorney. The information presented herein represents the author's personal opinion and current understanding of the relevant issues involved. The author, the presenter, and the SNIA do not assume any responsibility or liability for damages arising out of any reliance on or use of this information.
Notes and Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer © 2010 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Notes and Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer © 2010 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.
Notes & Lessons Learned: Overview
Storage Performance Challenges
Performance decisions made by purchasing dept. Performance decisions dictated by GB
Example: 300 GB disk-drives, RAID 1+0, 6 disks, == 900 GB, but only 540 IOPS*
Controller batteries failing! No new firmware update
Persistent Reserve support
Still using basics…nothing exotic Customers NOT using performance tools at all, or to their potential Critical Situations often invoke a circular blame-game
Notes & Lessons Learned From a Field Engineer
This session is a collection of storage related topics based on firsthand experiences with various customer interactions over the past 5 years. The customer base covered in this presentation ranges from manufacturing to government contractors where constraints such as budget and down-level customer requirements drive storage realities.