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Commonly Used Terminology
in Engineering Design for Machinery Works
Aug. ~ Dec., 2005
目 录
1.基本术语 (7)
1.1一般术语 (7)
1.2生产对象 (8)
1.3工艺方法 (8)
1.4设计要素 (9)
1.5设计文件 (10)
1.6设计管理与设计质量 (11)
2.铸造 (12)
2.1一般术语 (12)
2.2熔炼 (12)
2.3造型与造芯 (13)
2.4型砂设备 (14)
2.5清理 (15)
2.6特种铸造 (15)
2.7铸造材料 (16)
2.8 铸造设备 (17)
3 锻造 (19)
3.1一般术语 (19)
3.2锻造工艺 (20)
3.3锻造设备 (21)
4.1机械加工工艺 (22)
4.2金属切削机床 (24)
4.3机床主要参数 (27)
4.4机床附件与工装 (28)
5 冲压 (28)
5.1冲压工艺 (28)
5.2冲压设备 (30)
6 焊接 (31)
6.1一般术语 (31)
6.2焊接工艺与参数 (32)
6.3焊接设备 (34)
6.4焊接材料与辅助器具 (35)
7 热处理 (35)
7.1一般术语 (35)
7.2热处理工艺 (36)
7.3热处理设备 (38)
7.4热处理材料 (39)
8 电镀 (40)
8.1电镀工艺 (40)
8.2电镀设备与材料 (41)
8.3电镀质量与检测 (42)
9.1涂装工艺 (42)
9.2涂装设备与材料 (43)
9.3涂装质量与性能 (45)
10 防锈与包装 (45)
10.1防锈 (45)
10.2包装 (46)
11 装配与实验 (47)
11.1装配 (47)
11.2实验 (48)
11.3设备 (49)
12工具与修理 (50)
12.1工具 (50)
12.2修理 (51)
13 计量与理化试验 (52)
13.1计量 (52)
13.2理化试验 (54)
14 总图与运输 (56)
14.1总图 (56)
14.2运输 (58)
14.3物流 (59)
15 技术经济 (60)
15.1固定资产投资 (60)
15.2经济评价 (61)
16 建筑与结构 (63)
16.1一般术语 (63)
16.2建筑 (64)
16.3结构与构件 (65)
17给水与排水 (66)
17.1一般术语 (66)
17.2给水 (67)
17.3排水 (68)
18供配电与自动控制 (68)
18.1一般术语 (68)
18.2供配电 (69)
18.3自动控制 (71)
18.4电气设备 (72)
19 采暖、通风与空气调节 (73)
19.1采暖 (73)
19.2通风 (74)
19.3空气调节 (75)
20 动力 (76)
20.1一般术语 (76)
20.2热负荷 (77)
20.3热网 (77)
20.4气体 (78)
21 环境保护、职业安全与卫生 (79)
21.1一般术语 (79)
21.2污水治理 (79)
21.3废气治理 (80)
21.4噪声治理与辐射防治 (81)
21.5职业安全与卫生 (82)
22 消防 (83)
22.1一般术语 (83)
22.2消防建筑构造 (83)
22.3消防设施 (84)
23 节能 (85)
23.1能源 (85)
23.2能耗 (85)
23.3节能 (86)
24 计算机 (86)
24.1一般术语 (86)
24.2程序与应用 (87)
24.3计算机与外围设备 (88)
1.1.1 工程设计 engineering design
1.1.2 建设单位 a client who invests in an engineering project 1.1.3 建设项目 engineering project
1.1.4 基本建设项目 capital construction project
1.1.5 技术改造项目 technical renovation project
1.1.6 新建项目 new construction project
1.1.7 扩建项目 expansion project
1.1.8 改建项目 reconstruction project
1.1.9 迁建项目 site moving project
1.1.10 单项工程 a single engineering project
1.1.11 单位工程 a part of an independent engineering project 1.1.12 分部工程 a component of a larger construction item
1.1.13 分项工程an element of a larger construction item
1.1.14 项目建议书project proposal ;project proposal report
1.1.15 可行性研究 feasibility study
1.1.16 初步设计 preliminary design
1.1.17 施工图设计 detail design
1.1.18 建设规模 construction scale
1.1.19 生产纲领 production program
1.1.20 代表产品 representative product
1.1.21 折合纲领 converted product program
1.1.22 折合系数 conversion rate
1.1.23 生产类型 type of production
1.1.24 生产批量 production batch
1.1.25 生产周期 production cycle
1.1.26 生产节拍 tact; pace of production
1.1.27 工作制度 operation mode
1.1.28 工作班制 number of operating shift
1.1.29 间断性生产 intermittent production
1.1.30 连续性生产 continuous production
1.1.31 短期连续 continuous production in short period
1.1.32 长期连续 continuous production in long period
1.1.33 全年连续 yearly continuous production
1.1.34 公称年时基数nominal basic data of yearly workhour
1.1.35 设计年时基数basic data of yearly workhour for design 1.1.36 工艺 technology
1.1.27 工艺设计 process design; process planning
1.1.38 工艺方案 technological scheme; technological precept 1.1.39 工艺过程 process
1.1.40 工艺路线 process route
1.1.41 工艺文件 process document
1.1.42 工艺试验 engineer test
1.1.43 工艺验证 technological verification
1.1.44 生产协作 production cooperation relationship
1.1.45 工艺协作technological cooperation; process cooperation
1.1.46 专业化协作 specialized production cooperation
1.2 生产对象
1.2.1 原材料 raw material
1.2.2 主要材料primary material; direct material
1.2.3 辅助材料auxiliary material; indirect material
1.2.4 型材 profile
1.2.5 线材 wire
1.2.6 棒料 bar
1.2.7 带料 strip
1.2.8 卷料coil; coiled strip; coil stock
1.2.9 板料sheet metal; sheet
1.2.10 毛坯 blank
1.2.11 铸件casting
1.2.12 锻件 forging
1.2.13 焊接件 welding; weldment
1.2.14 冲压件 stamping
1.2.15 工件 workpiece
1.2.16 工艺关键件 technological vital part; technological vital workpiece 1.2.17 外协件 contracting part
1.2.18 试件specimen; test specimen
1.2.19 工艺用件dummy; dumb part
1.2.20 在制品work-in-process
1.2.21 半成品semifinished product; semifinished goods; semifinal
1.2.22 成品final product; finished product
1.2.23 合格品 accepted product
1.2.24 不合格品non-confirming part; substandard part
1.2.25 废品 scrap
1.3.1 铸造 foundry; casting
1.3.2 锻造 forging
1.3.3 焊接 welding
1.3.4 热处理 heat treatment
1.3.5 表面处理 surface treatment
1.3.6 表面涂覆 surface coating
1.3.7 电镀 electroplating
1.3.8 涂装 painting
1.3.9 粉末冶金 powder metallurgy
1.3.10 注射成型 injection forming
1.3.11 机械加工 machining
1.3.12 压力加工 press working
1.3.13 切削加工 cutting
1.3.14 超精加工 superfinishing
1.3.15 抛光 polishing; buffing
1.3.16 挤压 extruding; burnishing
1.3.17 滚压 rolling; roll-bunishing
1.3.18 喷丸 shot-blasting; peening
1.3.19 喷砂 sand-blasting
1.3.20 冷作 metal fabricating
1.3.21 冲压stamping; pressing; sheet forging
1.3.22 铆接 riveting
1.3.23 粘结 gluing; adhesive-bonding
1.3.24 钳加工 bench work
1.3.25 电加工 electric machining
1.3.26 激光加工 laser beam machining
1.3.27 超声波加工 ultrasonic machining
1.3.28 高速高能成型 high-energy-rate forming (HERF)
1.4.1 劳动量labor capacity; labor consumption
1.4.2 劳动定额labor standard; labor norm
1.4.3 现行定额current quota; current standard
1.4.4 设计定额design quota; design datum
1.4.5 工(分)时 manhour
1.4.6 台(分)时 machine-hour
1.4.7 作业时间machining time; running time
1.4.8 基本时间 basic cycle time
1.4.9 辅助时间auxiliary time; non-production time
1.4.10 准备与结束时间setting-up and finishing time
1.4.11 材料利用率overall material utilization factor
1.4.12 设备负荷率 machine load rate
1.4.13 工艺设备 processing equipment
1.4.14 通用设备universal equipment; general-purpose equipment 1.4.15 专用设备special purpose equipment
1.4.16 标准设备 standard equipment
1.4.17 非标准设备non-standard equipment
1.4.18 生产设备 production equipment
1.4.19 辅助设备 auxiliary equipment; auxiliaries
1.4.20 生产工人 production worker
1.4.21 辅助工人auxiliary labor force
1.4.22 工程技术人员technician; engineering staff
1.4.23 管理人员 administrative officer; administrator
1.4.24 服务人员 service crew
1.4.25 检验人员 checker; inspector
1.4.26 建筑面积 floor space
1.4.27 生产面积production space, production area
1.4.28 辅助面积auxiliary space; auxiliary area
1.4.29 办公生活面积office and living space
1.4.30 工厂组成 factory(works, plant)composition
1.4.31 车间 workshop; shop
1.4.32 站房 utility stations
1.4.33 仓库storage; warehouse; stockhouse
1.5.1 设计文件 design document
1.5.2 图样 drawing
1.5.3 图幅 mappable unit
1.5.4 图例graphic symbol; legend
1.5.5 底图 master
1.5.6 副底图 duplicated master
1.5.7 蓝图 blue drawing
1.5.8 复印图 copied drawing
1.5.9 图样目录a detail list of engineering drawings
1.5.10 厂区位置图factory site map
1.5.11 鸟瞰图 bird′s-eye view
1.5.12 总平面布置图general layout; general arrangement; master plan 1.5.13 车间工艺平面布置图 workshop process plan
1.5.14 车间工艺剖面图section view of workshop
1.5.15 工艺流程图process flow chart
1.5.16 管道系统pipework drawings; pipeline drawing
1.5.17 管道平面图 pipeline plan
1.5.18 建筑平面图(shop) building plan view
1.5.19 建筑立面图(shop) building elevation
1.5.20 建筑剖面图(shop) building section
1.5.21 详图 detail drawings
1.5.22 配筋图 reinforcing drawings
1.5.23 标准图 standard drawings
1.5.24 建筑物与构筑物一览表list of building and construct characters 1.5.25 设备明细表 equipment list
1.5.26 主要设备明细表main equipment and material list (sheet)
1.5.27 技术档案 technical files
1.6.1 全面质量管理 total quality management
1.6.2 质量管理 quality management
1.6.3 质量方针 quality policy
1.6.4 质量策划 quality planning
1.6.5质量控制 quality control
1.6.6 质量保证 quality assurance
1.6.7 质量体系 quality system
1.6.8 质量计划 quality plan
1.6.9 质量手册 quality manual
1.6.10 质量保证模式model for quality assurance
1.6.11 质量评价 quality elevation
1.6.12 质量监督 quality surveillance
1.6.13 质量审核 quality audit
1.6.14 质量记录 quality record
1.6.15 质量要求requirements for quality
1.6.16 社会要求 requirement for society
1.6.17 合格 conformity
1.6.18 不合格 non-conformity
1.6.19 设计合同 design contract
1.6.20 设计依据 design basis
1.6.21 涉及范围 design scope
1.6.22 设计要则design principle; design precept
1.6.23 设计控制 design control
1.6.24 设计策划 design planning
1.6.25 设计输入 design input
1.6.26 设计输出 design output
1.6.27 设计评审 design review
1.6.28 设计验证 design verification
1.6.29 设计确认 design validation
1.6.30 设计更改 design changes
1.6.31 设计成品 design product
1.6.32 互体资料correlative data exchanged (during a design)
1.6.33 图样会签 countersign
1.6.34 后期服务 follow-up servicing
1.6.35 设计交底 design briefing
1.6.36 施工配合 in-site servicing
1.6.37 施工验收 completion and acceptance
1.6.38 设计回访 design return-visit
1.6.39 技术接口 technical interface
1.6.40 项目总设计师designer in charge of a project; general project designer 1.6.41 校审 check and approve
1.6.42 投标 tender
1.6.43 工程建设监理 engineering supervision
2 铸造
2.1 一般术语
2.1.1砂型铸造 sand casting process
2.1.2特种铸造 special casting process
2.1.3铸造工艺 foundry technology
2.1.4自用铸件 self-using casting
2.1.5铸件复杂程度 complexity of casting
2.1.6铸铁 cast iron
2.1.7灰铸铁grey cast iron
2.1.8可锻铸铁malleable cast iron
2.1.9球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite cast iron; nodular graphite iron
2.1.10蠕墨铸铁vermicular cast iron; compacted graphite cast iron
2.1.11合金铸铁alloy cast iron
2.1.12铸钢 cast steel
2.1.13碳素铸钢carbon cast steel
2.1.14低合金铸钢low alloy cast steel
2.1.15浇冒口系统gating and riser system
2.1.16铸件成品率 yield; casting yield
2.1.17铸造工艺图 foundry molding drawing
2.1.18分型面 mold joint
2.2.1熔炼工艺 melting technology
2.2.2熔炼 melting
2.2.3双联熔炼 duplexing
2.2.4重熔 remelting
2.2.5炉料 charge
2.2.6溶化率 melting rate
2.2.7熔炼耗损 total melting loss
2.2.8精炼 refining
2.2.9铁焦比 iron coke ratio
2.2.10炉渣粒化granulation of slag
2.2.11脱硫 desulphurization
2.2.12球化处理 spheroidization
2.2.13孕育处理 inoculation treatment
2.2.14真空熔炼 vaccum refining
2.2.15电渣熔炼 electro-slag melting
2.2.16炉外精炼 ladle refining
2.2.17盛钢桶精炼法teeming ladle refining process; molten ladle refining process 2.2.18浇注 pouring
2.2.19保护气氛浇注pouring under controlled atmosphere
2.2.20地坑浇注 pit pouring
2.2.21地面浇注 floor pouring
2.2.22浇注温度 pouring temperature
2.2.23浇注速度 pouring rate
2.3 造型与造芯
2.3.1造型工艺 molding technology
2.3.2造型 molding
2.3.3铸型 mold
2.3.4砂型 sand mold
2.3.5粘土砂型clay bonded sand molding
2.3.6湿砂型green sand mold
2.3.7干砂型dry sand mold
2.3.8表面烘干型 skin dried mold
2.3.9填砂 mold-filling
2.3.10震实 jolt ramming
2.3.11压实 squeezing ramming
2.3.12压实比压 squeeze pressure
2.3.13紧实率 compactability
2.3.14砂铁比sand metal ratio
2.3.15型砂可使用时间sand bench life; sand working time
2.3.16起模时间 stripping time
2.3.17起模 stripping
2.3.18修型 patching
2.3.19刷涂料 coating brushing
2.3.20喷涂料 coating spraying
2.3.21浸涂料 dip coating
2.3.22流涂coating flooding
2.3.23合型mold assembling; closing
2.3.24型内冷却时间inmold cooling time
2.3.25手工造型 hand molding
2.3.26机器造型 machine molding
2.3.27自动化造型 automatic molding
2.3.28砂箱造型box molding; flask molding
2.3.29无箱造型 flaskless molding
2.3.30脱箱造型removable flask molding
2.3.31组芯造型 core assembly molding
2.3.32地坑造型 pit molding
2.3.33刮板造型 sweep molding
2.3.34抛砂造型impeller ramming; sand slinging molding
2.3.35负压造型vacuum sealed molding; V-process
2.3.36自硬砂造型self-hardening sand molding
2.3.37自硬树脂造型self-hardening resin-bonded sand molding
2.3.38水玻璃砂造型water glass sand molding; sodium silicate sand molding 2.3.29二氧化碳硬化造型carbon dioxide hardening molding
2.3.40 真空置换硬化造型vacuum replacement harding (VRH)
2.3.41 酯硬化造型 ester hardening molding
2.3.42 压实造型 squeezing molding
2.3.43 震压造型 jolt molding
2.3.44 微震压实造型vibratory squeezing molding
2.3.45 高压造型 high pressure molding
2.3.46 垂直分型无箱挤压造型vertical parting flaskless molding
2.3.47 射压造型shooting and squeezing molding
2.3.48 气流冲击造型 airflow squeeze molding
2.3.49 气流静压造型 airflow squeeze molding
2.3.50 覆砂造型sand faced molding
2.3.51 造型生产线 molding line
2.3.52 造型生产率molding productive capacity
2.3.53 落砂 knock-out; shake-out
2.3.54 造芯工艺 core-making technology
2.3.55 砂芯 sand core
2.3.56 烘芯 drying core
2.4 型(芯)砂制备
2.4.1型(芯)砂制备工艺 sand preparation technology
2.4.2 混砂sand mulling; sand mixing
2.4.3 型砂(造型混合料) molding sand
2.4.4 芯砂(造型混合料) core sand
2.4.5 自硬砂 self-hardening sand
2.4.6 树脂砂 resin-bonded sand
2.4.7 水玻璃砂sodium silicate-bonded sand
2.4.8 覆膜砂 precoated sand
2.4.9 面砂 facing sand
2.4.10 背砂 backing sand
2.4.11 单一砂 unit sand
2.4.12 气力输送 pneumatic conveying
2.4.13 旧砂处理 sand reconditioning
2.4.14 旧砂再生 sand reclamation
2.4.15 干法再生dry scrubbing, pneumatic sand reclamation
2.4.16 湿法再生wet reclamation; wet method of reclamation
2.4.17 热法再生thermal reclamation; thermal method of reclamation 2.4.18 机械再生 mechanical reclamation
2.4.19 气力再生pneumatic scrubber; reclaimer
2.4.20 联合再生 combination reclamation
2.4.21 再生回收率reclamation recondition rate
2.4.22 灼热减量 loss on ignition
2.4.23 型砂性能 sand property
2.4.24 透气性 permeability
2.4.25 流动性 flowability
2.4.26 砂型硬度 mold hardness
2.4.27 保存性 preservability; bench life
2.4.28 发气性(发气量)gas evolution
2.4.29 抗吸湿性 anti-moisture absorption
2.4.30 溃散性 collapsibility
2.5 清 理
2.5.1 清理工艺cleaning technology; fettling technology
2.5.2 清砂 cleaning
2.5.3 除芯 decoring
2.5.4 去除浇冒口 degating
2.5.5 表面清理 surface cleaning
2.5.6 滚筒清理 tumbling
2.5.7 抛丸清理shot blasting; wheel blast cleaning
2.5.8 喷丸清理 shot blasting
2.5.9 精整dressing and finishing
2.5.10 铸件外观质量visual quality of casting
2.5.11 铸件内在质量internal quality of casting
2.6 特种铸造
2.6.1 熔模铸造(失蜡铸造)fusible pattern molding; lost-wax molding 2.6.2 熔模 fusible pattern
2.6.3 模料 pattern material
2.6.4 制造型壳mold shell making; shell molding
2.6.5 脱蜡 dewaxing
2.6.6 型壳焙烧shell mold sintering; shell mold firing
2.6.7 壳型铸造shell mold casting; croning process, shellmolding
2.6.8 压力铸造die casting; pressure die casting
2.6.9 真空压铸evacuated die casting; vaccum die casting
2.6.10 离心铸造 true centrifugal casting
2.6.11 金属型铸造permanent mold casting; gravity die casting
2.6.12 覆砂金属型铸造sand faced permanent molding
2.6.13 低压铸造low-pressure die casting
2.6.14 真空吸铸 suction casting
2.6.15 实型铸造(消失模铸造)full mold process; cavityless casting 2.6.16 磁型铸造(磁丸铸造)magnetic shot molding process
2.7 铸造材料
2.7.1 铸造生铁foundry pig; foundry pig iron
2.7.2 回炉料 foundry returns
2.7.3 铁合金 ferro-alloy
2.7.4 中间合金 master alloy
2.7.5 造型材料 molding material
2.7.6 铸造用砂 foundry sand
2.7.7 原砂 sand
2.7.8 水洗砂washed out sand
2.7.9 擦洗砂 scrubbing sand
2.7.10 再生砂 reclaimed sand
2.7.11 新砂 new sand
2.7.12 旧砂 used sand
2.7.13 粘结剂 binder
2.7.14 粘土 clay
2.7.15 呋喃树脂 furan resin
2.7.16 酚醛树脂 phenol-formaldehyde resin
2.7.17 脲醛树脂urea formaldehyde resin
2.7.18 耦联剂 reinforcer
2.7.19 固化剂(硬化剂) hardener
2.7.20 脂类固化剂ester base hardener
2.7.21 分型剂parting agent; stripping agent
2.7.22 溃散剂 break-down agent
2.7.23 铸造焦炭 foundry coke
2.7.24 熔剂 flux
2.7.25 孕育剂 inoculant; inoculating agent
2.8 铸造设备
2.8.1 熔炼设备 melting equipment
2.8.2 冲天炉 cupola
2.8.3 电弧炉electric arc furnace
2.8.4 直流电弧炉 direct-current arc furnace
2.8.5 工频感应熔化炉main frequency induction furnace
2.8.6 中频感应熔化炉medium frequency induction furnace
2.8.7 变频感应熔化炉frequency converted induction furnace
2.8.8 盛钢桶精炼炉teeming ladle refining furnace
2.8.9 氩氧精炼炉argon oxygen refining furnace
2.8.10 爬式加料机 skip hoist
2.8.11 单轨加料机 monorail charging device
2.8.12 浇包 ladle
2.8.13 盛钢桶teeming ladle; molten steel ladle
2.8.14 烘包器 ladle heater
2.8.15 炉渣粒化装置 slag granulation device
2.8.16 浇注机 pouring machine
2.8.17 自动浇注机 automatic pouring machine
2.8.18 倾转式浇注机tilting pouring device
2.8.19塞杆式底注浇注机stopper rod type bottom pouring machine
2.8.20气压式浇注机air pressure type pouring machine
2.8.21电磁泵式浇注机 electro-magnetic pump pouring machine
2.8.22同步浇注装置synchronous dynamic pouring machine
2.8.23 造型设备 molding equipment
2.8.24 脱箱震压造型机removable flask jolt-squeeze molding machine
2.8.25 顶箱震压造型机jolt squeezer stripper
2.8.26 翻台震实造型机roll-over jolt molding machine
2.8.27翻台微震实造型机 roll-over vibratory squeezer
2.8.28 顶箱震实造型机jolt-ram pattern draw machine
2.8.29 转台震实造型机turntable jolt molding machine
2.8.30 多触头高压造型机equalizing piston high pressure squeezer
2.8.31 水平分型脱箱压实造型机horizontal parting slip flask shooting and squeezing squeezer 2.8.32水平分型脱箱射压造型机horizontal parting slip flask molding machine
2.8.33 垂直分型无箱射压造型机vertical parting flaskless molding machine
2.8.34 气流冲击造型机air impacting molding machine
2.8.35 真空置换硬化室vacuum replacement harding cabinet
2.8.36 气动微震造型线pneumatic vibratory jolt squeeze molding line
2.8.37 多触头高压造型线equalizing piston high pressure molding line
2.8.38 气冲造型线air impacting molding line
2.8.39 翻转起模机rollover drawing machine
2.8.40 铸型输送机 mold conveyor
2.8.41 偏心震动落砂机eccentric shakeout machine
2.8.42 惯性震动落砂机inertial vibratory shakeout machine
2.8.43 滚筒落砂机 knockout barrel
2.8.44 造芯设备 coremaking equipment
2.8.45 射芯机 core shooter
2.8.46 热心盒射芯机 hot-box core shooter
2.8.47冷心盒射芯机cold-box core shooter
2.8.48 多用途射芯机 universal core shooter
2.8.49 壳芯机shell core machine
2.8.50 型(芯)烘干炉mold ore core stove
2.8.51 型(芯)砂制备设备sand preparation equipment
2.8.52 松砂设备aeration equipment; sand cutting equipment
2.8.53 碾轮式混砂机muller; batch sand mixer; rolling wheel muller
2.8.54 转子式混砂机 rotary mixer
2.8.55 连续混砂机continuous sand mixer
2.8.56 碗形混砂机 bowl type muller
2.8.57 新砂烘干设备new sand drying device
2.8.58 三回程滚筒烘干炉 tri-roller drying furnace
2.8.59 热气流烘干装置hot pneumatic tube drier
2.8.60 振动沸腾烘干冷却装置sand fluidizing drying and cooling device 2.8.61 滚筒破碎筛砂机 drum breaker screen
2.8.62 直线振动筛 straight line vibrating riddle
2.8.63 双盘冷却机double pan sand cooler
2.8.64 滚筒冷却机 drum cooler
2.8.65 震动沸腾冷却装置 sand cooling equipment
2.8.66 冷却提升机 cool elevator
2.8.67 旧砂联合处理装置sand combination reclamation system
2.8.68 旧砂再生装置 sand reclamation device
2.8.69 电磁振动给料机magnetic vibrating feeder
2.8.70 螺旋给料机 screw feeder
2.8.71 星形给料机rotary pocket feeder, rotary feeder
2.8.72 圆盘给料机plate feeder; disk feeder
2.8.73 定量器dosing device; proportioner
2.8.74 型砂水分自动控制仪automatic moisture controller
2.8.75 料位器level measurement meter
2.8.76 斗式提升机 bucket elevator
2.8.77 带式输送机 belt conveyer
2.8.78 气力输送装置 pneumatic conveyer
2.8.79 清理设备cleaning equipment; fettling equipment
2.8.80 水力清砂室hydraulic cleaning room
2.8.81 电液压清砂室electric hydraulic cleaning equipment
2.8.82 砂轮切割机 snagging grinder
2.8.83 清理滚筒 tumbling barrel
2.8.84 抛碗清理滚筒tumbling shot blast machine
2.8.85 履带式抛丸清理机apron-barrel blast machine
2.8.86 转台式抛丸清理机rotary table of blasting machine
2.8.87 转台式喷丸清理机rotary table of shooting machine
2.8.88 连续抛丸清理室continuous blast cleaning room
2.8.89 鼠龙抛丸清理机rat cage blast installation
2.8.90 压铸机 die casting machine
2.8.91 冷室卧式压铸机cold chamber horizontal die casting machine 2.8.92 热室压铸机hot chamber die casting machine
2.8.93 卧式离心铸造机horizontal centrifugal casting machine
2.8.94 立式离心铸造机vertical centrifugal casting machine
2.8.95 金属型铸造机gravity die casting machine
2.8.96 低压铸造机low-pressure casting machine
2.8.97 砂箱 flask; molding box
2.8.98 砂箱尺寸 flask size
2.8.99 模样 pattern
2.8.100 模板pattern plate core box
2.8.101 模底板 pattern mounting plate
2.8.102 芯盒 core box
3 锻造
3.1 一般术语
3.1.1 锻件图 forging drawing
3.1.2 锻件复杂程度intricacy degree of forging
3.1.3 模锻斜度(拔模斜度)draft
3.1.4 锻造缺陷forging fault; forging defect
3.1.5 模锻不足 underpressing
3.1.6 锻造流线forging flow line; grain flow
3.1.7 锻件设计design of forging
3.1.8 锻造批量forging lot quantity
3.1.9 预锻件interstate of the forging
3.1.10 终锻件 finished forging
3.1.11 自由锻件open die forging; free forging
3.1.12 模锻件 die forging
3.1.13 精密锻件 close tolerance forging
3.1.14 可锻性 forgetability
3.2 锻造工艺
3.2.1 锻造工艺 forging technology
3.2.2 锻造方案 forging design
3.2.3 热端 hot forging
3.2.4 温锻 warm forging
3.2.5 冷锻 cold forging
3.2.6 等温锻 isothermal forging
3.2.7 自由锻open die forging; flat die forging
3.2.8 胎膜锻 loose tooling forging
3.2.9 手工锻handwork forging; manual forging by hand 3.2.10 镦粗 upsetting
3.2.11 拔长drawing out; swagging
3.2.12 芯棒拔长mandrel forging; drawing out the cerebar 3.2.13 锻造冲孔 punching; piercing
3.2.14 扩孔 expanding
3.2.15 锻造弯曲 bending
3.2.16 滚圆 rolling
3.2.17 模锻 die forging
3.2.18 开式模锻closed-die forging; impression die forging 3.2.19 闭式模锻no-flash (flashless) die forging
3.2.20 多向模锻multi-ram forging; cored forging
3.2.21 预锻 preforging; blocking
3.2.22 终锻 finish-forging
3.2.23 切边cutting shoulder; trimming
3.2.24 飞边 flash
3.2.25 校正 sizing
3.2.26 精压 coining; sizing
3.2.27 粉末锻造 powder metal forging
3.2.28 挤压 extrusion
3.2.29 电热镦electric upset forging
3.2.30 摆动碾压 rotary forging
3.2.31 辊锻 roll forging
3.2.32 精密锻造precision forging; net shape forging
3.2.33 高速锻造high velocity forging process
3.2.34 径向锻造 radial forging
3.2.35 轧锻 gyroma forging
3.2.36 横轧cross rolling; transverse rolling
3.2.37 冷镦(镦锻) cold heading
3.2.38 液态模锻 melted metal squeezing
3.2.39 超塑成型 superplastic forming
3.2.40 锻造温度范围 forging temperature intervall
3.2.41 加热规范 heating specification
3.2.42 加热温度 heating temperature
3.2.43 加热时间heat time; duration of heating
3.2.44 均温时间holding time; dwelling time
3.2.45 锻造保温 soaking
3.2.46 装炉温度 charging temperature
3.2.47 预热 preheating
3.2.48 炉温 furnace temperature
3.2.49 接触加热 contact heating;
3.2.50 电阻加热 resistance heating
3.2.51 感应加热 induction heating
3.2.52 火焰加热 flame heating
3.2.53 冷却规范 refrigeration standard
3.2.54 锻件空冷 air cooling
3.2.55 堆冷cooling in leap(pile)
3.2.56 坑冷cooling in hole(box)
3.2.57 灰砂冷cooling in dust or sand
3.2.58 锻件炉冷 furnace cooling
3.2.59 高压水清理high pressure hydro-peening
3.3 锻造设备
3.3.1 火焰炉 flame furnace
3.3.2 反射炉 reverberating furnace
3.3.3 室式炉 batch-type furnace
3.3.4 推杆式炉 pusher furnace
3.3.5 转底炉rotary hearth furnace
3.3.6 振底式炉shock bottom furnace
3.3.7 步进式炉 stepwise hearth furnace; setp-by-step hearth furnace 3.3.8 缝式炉chink hearth furnace; slot furnace
3.3.9 感应加热炉inductive hearth furnace; inductorthermy furnace 3.3.10 炉底强度intensity of hearth
3.3.11 锻锤 forging hammer
3.3.12 落锤 drop hammer
3.3.13 夹板锤 board drop hammer
3.3.14 皮带锤 belt drop hammer
3.3.15 空气锤pneumatic hammer; air hammer
3.3.16 蒸汽锤steam forging hammer
3.3.17 蒸-空两用锻锤steam-air forging hammer
3.3.18 对击锤 counter-blow hammer
3.3.19 高速锤high energy rate forging hammer
3.3.20 液压锤 hydraulic hammer
3.3.21 机械锻压机 mechanical press
3.3.22 热模锻压力机hot forging press
3.3.23 精压机coining press; knuckle joint press
3.3.24 螺旋压力机 screw press
3.3.25 锻造自动线 automatic forging line
3.3.26 液压机 hydraulic press
3.3.27 快速锻造液压机high speed forging hydraulic press
3.3.28 多向模锻压力机 multi-cored forging press
3.3.29 平锻机horizontal forging machine
3.3.30径向锻轴机 radial forging machine
3.3.31 辊锻机 forging rolls
3.3.32 电热锻机 heating upsetter
3.3.33 冷镦机cold upsetter; cold header
3.3.34 挤压机 extrusion press
3.3.35 自动司锤装置hammer automatic operating device
3.3.36 锻造操作机manipulator for forging
3.3.37 快锻操作机 quick forging manipulator
4 机械加工
4.1 机械加工工艺
4.1.1 机械制造工艺 manufacturing technology
4.1.2 典型工艺 typical process
4.1.3 产品结构工艺性manufacturability of product design; technological efficiency of design of product 4.1.4 工艺性分析manufacturability analysis; analysis for technological efficiency
4.1.5 可加工性 machinability
4.1.6 工艺规范 process specification
4.1.7 工艺参数 process parameter
4.1.8 工艺准备technological preparation of production
4.1.9 工艺装备(工装)tooling
4.1.10 工艺加工系统 machining complex
4.1.11 成组技术group technology (GT)
4.1.12 自动化生产 automated production
4.1.13 数控加工 numerically controlled machining
4.1.14 成形加工 form curring
4.1.15 仿行加工 copying
4.1.16 粗加工 roughing cut
4.1.17 半精加工semi-finishing cut; semifinishing machining
4.1.18 精加工 finishing machining
4.1.19 精密加工(光整加工)precision machining
4.1.20 超精密加工 ultraprecision machining
4.1.21 基准 datum
4.1.22 设计基准design datum; design reference
4.1.23 工艺基准technological reference; process datum
4.1.24 工序基准procedure reference; procedure datum
4.1.25 定位基准 location reference; position reference
4.1.26 测量基准 measuring basic
4.1.27 装配基准 set-up reference
4.1.28 辅助基准 auxiliary reference
4.1.29 工序 operation
4.1.30 工序余量 operation allowance
4.1.31 工序尺寸 operation dimension
4.1.32 尺寸链 dimensional chain
4.1.33 加工总余量(毛坯余量)total allowance for machining
4.1.34 加工误差 machining error
4.1.35 加工精度 machining accuracy
4.1.36 加工经济精度economical accuracy of machining
4.1.37 工艺守则 process instructions
4.1.38 切削用量 cutting conditions
4.1.39 切削速度 cutting speed
4.1.40 切削深度depth of cut
4.1.41 进给量 feed
4.1.42进给速度 feed speed
4.1.43 切削力 cutting force
4.1.44 切削功率 cutting power
4.1.45 切削热heat in metal cutting
4.1.46 切削温度 cutting temperature
4.1.47 产量定额standard output; rated output
4.1.48 时间定额 standard time
4.1.49 车间分工明细表workshops duty dividing sheet
4.1.50 工艺路线表sheet of process route; route sheet; master route sheet 4.1.51 工艺过程卡片 process sheet
4.1.52 工艺卡片 process chart
4.1.53 车削 turning
4.1.54 铣削 milling
4.1.55 刨削 planning; shaping
4.1.56 钻削 drilling
4.1.57 铰削 reaming
4.1.58 锪削spotting; spot facing; counterboring; countersinking
4.1.59 镗削 boring
4.1.60 插削 slotting
4.1.61 拉削broaching; pull broaching
4.1.62 推削 push broaching
4.1.63 铲削 relieving; backing-off
4.1.64 刮削 scraping
4.1.65 磨削 grinding
4.1.66 研磨 lapping
4.1.67 珩磨 honing
4.1.68 锯削 sawing
4.1.69 配重mass-balance weight; counterpoising
4.1.70 去重 weight removing
4.1.71 配研 spotting-in; running-in
4.1.72 铣齿 gear milling
4.1.73 刨齿 gear planning
4.1.74 插齿 gear shaping
4.1.75 滚齿gear hobbing; hobbing
4.1.76 剃齿 gear shaving
4.1.77 珩齿 gear honing
4.1.78 磨齿 gear grinding
4.1.79 研齿 gear lapping
4.1.80 拉齿 gear broaching
4.2 金属切削机床
4.2.1 金属切削机床metal-cutting machine; machine tool
4.2.2 通用机床 general purpose machine
4.2.3 专门化机床 specialized machine
4.2.4 专用机床special purpose machine
4.2.5 普通机床plain machine; general accuracy machine
4.2.6 精密机床 precision machine
4.2.7 高精度机床super precision machine; high accuracy machine
4.2.8 半自动机床 semi-automatic machine
4.2.9 自动机床 automatic machine
4.2.10 仿形机床 copying machine
4.2.11 程序控制机床program controlled machine; PC machine
4.2.12 数字控制机床numerically controlled machine; NC machine
4.2.13 计算机控制的数控机床computer numerically controlled machine; CNC machine
4.2.14 自适应控制机床adaptive controlled machine
4.2.15 加工中心machining center; NC machine with automatic tool changer
4.2.16 自动生产线automatic production line; transfer machine
4.2.17 柔性制造单位flexible manufacturing cell (FMC)
4.2.18 柔性制造系统flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
4.2.19 自动线系统transfer line system
4.2.20 集成制造系统integrated manufacturing system(IMS); computer-integrated manufacturing system 4.2.21 组合机床 modular machine tool
4.2.22 单工位组合机床single station modular machine tool
4.2.23 多工位组合机床multiple station modular machine tool
4.2.24 转塔式组合机床turret type modular machine tool
4.2.25 自动换箱组合机床automatic head changing modular machine tools
4.2.26 自动换刀组合机床automatic tool changing modular machine tool
4.2.27 组合机床自动线transfer line; transfer machine
4.2.28 直线输送组合机床自动线non-pallet transfer machine; plain transfer line 4.2.29 随行夹具输送式组合机床自动线palletized transfer line;
4.2.30 车床turning machine; lathe
4.2.31 单轴自动车床single spindle automatic lathe
4.2.32 多轴自动车床multi-spindle automatic lathe
4.2.33 多轴半自动车床 multi-spindle semi-automatic lathe
4.2.34 回轮车床 drum lathe
4.2.35 转塔车床 turret lathe
4.2.36 立式车床vertical turning and boring lathe; vertical lathe
4.2.37 卧式车床horizontal lathe; parallel lathe
4.2.38 仿形车床 copying lathe
4.2.39 多刀车床multi-tool lathe; multicut lathe
4.2.40 铲齿车床relieving lathe; backing off lathe
4.2.41 多用车床 versatile lathe
4.2.42 钻床 drilling machine; drill
4.2.43 台式钻床bench drill; table drill; bench-type drilling machine
4.2.44 立式钻床vertical drill; upright drill; vertical drilling machine
4.2.45 摇臂钻床 radial drilling machine
4.2.46 铣钻床milling and drilling machine
4.2.47 深孔钻床deep hole drill; deep-hole drilling machine
4.2.48 卧式钻床horizontal drill, horizontal drilling machine
4.2.49 镗床boring machine; borer
4.2.50 坐标镗床coordinate boring machine; jig-boring machine
4.2.51 卧式铣镗床horizontal boring and milling machine
4.2.52 精镗床fine boring machine
4.2.53 深孔镗床deep-hole boring machine
4.2.54 磨床grinding machine; grinder
4.2.55 外圆磨床 cylindrical grinding machine; cylindrical grinder
4.2.56 内圆磨床internal grinding machine; internal grinder
4.2.57 无心磨床centerless grinder; centerless grinding machine
4.2.58 平面磨床surface grinding machine; surface grinder
4.2.59 砂带磨床abrasive belt grinding machine; belt sander
4.2.60 导轨磨床slideway grinding machine; slideway grinder
4.2.61 砂轮机 abrasive machine
4.2.62 珩磨机 honing machine
4.2.63 研磨机 lapping machine
4.2.64 工具磨床tool grinder; tool grinding machine; cutter grinder
4.2.65 曲轴磨床crankshaft grinding machine
4.2.66 凸轮轴磨床cam shaft machine
4.2.67 轴承磨床bearing grinding machine; bearing grinder
4.2.68 多用磨床 versatile grinder。