06-A Histogram Modification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement







文献[2]中将JPEG 比特流加密成适当的有序结构,通过修改加密的比特流来隐藏秘密信息。

在图像中进行信息隐藏会使得图像的PSNR 值降低,因此,产生了多种提高图像PSNR 值的算法。



Lai 和Tsai 在文献[5]中提出了一种新的秘密图像隐藏算法,根据图像的相似度将秘密图像隐藏到载体图像中。

Lee 和Tsai 在文献[6]中对之前Lai提出的算法做了进一步的改进,在图像分块之后,将秘密图像块与载体图像块进行相似度的比较和颜色的转换,最终将秘密图像转换成载体图像,进一步提高了秘密图像的安全性。



概率(几率)probability·方差variance·分散维修decentralized maintenance·动态试验dynamic test·动力设备设施管理power facilities management·除尘、防护设备管理duct—proof and protective equipment managemen t ·抽样调查sampling investigation·备件国产化管理domestic production management of imported spare parts ·标准偏差standard deviation·安装预算budget of installation·包机制machine contracting system·班前检查与润滑制度regulation of check and lubrication before on shift ·[设备]交接班制度shift relief system·《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《Equipment Management Regulation》·[设备]修理repair·[设备]维修maintenance (and repair)·重点调查key-point investigation·重点设备管理management of key—point equipment·重点设备key—point equipment·责任事故liability accident·指数分布exponential distribution·直方图histogram·预付与托收承付prepayment and collection·预防性试验prophylactic test·预防为主prevention first·正交设计法(正交试验法)orthogonal design·正态分布normal distribution·运输车辆管理制度transportation vehicle management system·质量“三包” three guarantees of quality·质量事故accident due to quality·压力容器管理制度management regulation of pressure vessel·无故障运行时间mean time to failure·威布尔分布Weibull distribution·闲置设备管理制度idle equipment management·闲置设备idle plant·统计分析statistical analysis·维修性maintainability·维修信息管理maintenance information management·维护与计划检修相结合combination of service and planned maintenance ·随机事件random event·数控设备管理numerical control (NC)equipment management·三级保养制three-level service system·数学期望mathematical expectation·数学模型mathematical model·数理统计mathematical statistics·生产技术装备technical facilities in production·生产设备production equipment·寿命周期费用life cycle cost (LCC)·润滑油库管理制度mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse·商检(商品检验)commodity inspection·设计、制造与使用相结合combination of design, manufacturing and operation ·设备调研investigation on plant·设备的可靠性与可靠度reliability reliability theory·设备的节能性energy saving property of plant·设备的检查评比facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant ·设备点检制度plant check system·设备的成套性complete set of plant·设备的安全性safety of plant·设备的生产率productivity of plant设备的耐用性durability of plant·设备的灵活性flexibility of plant·设备状态监测与诊断技术管理equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage·设备状态管理制度equipment condition management systen·设备综合管理total plant management·设备资产动态管理制度dynamic management system of plant assets·设备租赁plant leasing·设备修前准备制度preparation system before equipment repair·设备修理工时定额man—hours quota for equipment repair·设备修理费用定额expense quota for equipment repair·设备修理材料定额material quota for equipment repair·设备修理质量验收制度acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality·设备型号equipment model·设备型式type of equipment·设备经济寿命economical life of equipment·设备经营管理制度operation and business management system·设备技术档案technical document of plant·设备技术状况technical conditions of equipment·设备技术状态管理technical condition management of plant·设备技术资料管理制度management system for technical document and file of plant·设备技术性能technical properties of plant·设备技术寿命technical life of equipment·设备检修专业化协作specialized cooperation of plant maintenance·设备检修计划管理制度planning and management regulation of plant maintenance·设备检修计划plant maintenance plan·设备检修规程plant maintenance specification·设备检修质量plant maintenance quality·设备基础设计与施工design and construction of equipment foundation·设备合同管理management of equipment order contract·设备规划可行性分析feasibility studies of plant project设备规划investment plan of plant·设备功能(效能)performance of plant·设备工作能力operational capability of plant·设备管理考核制度examination and check systems of plant management·设备管理经济责任制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management ·设备管理岗位标准post standard of plant management·设备管理制度plant management systems·设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)downtime quota for equipment repair·设备管理现代化plant engineering modernization·设备管理plant management,plant enginerring·设备固定资产管理制度fixed plant assets management systems·设备故障equipment failure·设备更新管理制度plant renewal management·设备更新plant renewal·设备更换plant replacement·设备岗位责任post responsibility of plant management·设备改造管理制度equipment modification management system·设备改造plant reconstruction,plant modernization·设备分级管理classified management of plant·设备定人定机、凭证操作规定operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq·设备操作的“五项纪律” “five disciplines”of plant operation·设备操作规程operation specification of equipment·设备备品配件管理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts·设备备件库房管理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory·设备报价to quote plant price·设备报废discard of plant·设备安装管理equipment installation management·设备安装equipment installation·设备巡回检查制度tours system to inspect plant·设备询价to enquire plant price设备选型plant model selection·设备验收交接制度acceptance check and reception systems of plant·设备统计报表制度statistic-reporting system of plant·设备维修技术资料technical document and date for plant maintenance·设备维修技术管理制度management regulation of plant maintenance technology ·设备维修定额equipment maintenance quota·设备维护规程equipment service specification·设备台帐unit account of plant·设备完好标准equipment perfectness norm·设备完好plant in good condition·设备索赔claims for equipment·设备使用规程specifications of usage·设备使用初期信息反馈管理information feedback management in initial operation period of pl·设备使用与维护管理制度management regulation for operation and service of equipment·设备全过程管理life—cycle management of plant·设备寿命life of equipment·设备润滑管理制度lubrication management regulation of plant·设备润滑“五定” “five fixation” of lubrication·设备事故管理制度accident management regulation of plant·设备事故“三不放过” three do not let pass of plant accident·设备事故plant accident·设备区域维修负责制region responsibility system of plant maintenance·设备前期管理和后期管理fore period and later period management of plant·设备前期管理规定regulation of fore period management of plant·设备磨损补偿wear compensation for plant·设备老化plant ageing·算术平均值(均值)arithmetic mean·强制保养制coercionary service system·投资效果系数effect coefficient of investment·设备经济管理制度economic management system of plant设备管理评优活动excellence selection activity in plant management·排列图(帕累托图)Pareto chart·负荷试验load test·故障停机时间breakdown time·工艺适应性technological adaptability·工程设备监理supervision of engineering facilities·工序控制点设备管理management of proccess—control—point equipment·合同变更与解除contract change and cancellation·混合维修combined maintenance·回归分析regression analysis·检查间隔期interval between inspections·检修社会化socialization of maintenance·集中维修centralized maintenance·技术先进性technical advancement·技术管理与经济管理相结合combination of technical management and economic management·计算机辅助设备管理computer—aided plant management·计划预修制度(ЛЛP)planned preventive maintenance system·进口设备离岸价FOB of imported equipment·进口设备管理imported equipment management·进口设备到岸价CIF of imported equipment·精、大、稀设备precise,large scale,rare plant·精、大、稀设备管理management of precise,large scale,rare equipment·精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定” “five fixed” of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme·经济性economy·静态试验static test·开箱检查open—case inspection·平均偏差average deviation·平均等待时间mean waiting time,MWT·修理周期repair cycle·修理周期结构structure of repair cycle修理、改造与更新相结合combination of repair, modernization and renewal·修理复杂系数complexity coefficient of repair·修理间隔期time between repairs·租赁设备管理制度leased equipment management system·资金的时间价值time value of fund·自然事故natural accident·自制设备self-made equipment·自制设备管理制度management system for selfmade equipment·自制备件管理制度self—made spare parts management system·专业管理与群众管理相结合combination of professional management and mass management·转让设备(设备调剂)transfer of facility·典型调查typical investigation·地区(部门)修理中心areal (departmental)repair center·废油回收率recovery ratio of used oil·动力设备完好率perfectness ratio of power plant·定期保养完成率fulfillment ratio of periodic service·大修理平均停歇天数mean downtime(days)due to overhaul·重点设备完好率perfectness ratio of key—point equipments·一次交验合格率qualification ratio under first acceptance check·在用设备可利用率availability of plant in use·已安装设备利用率utilization ratio of installed equipments·万元固定资产年创利润率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets·万元产值占用维修费用maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value ·实有设备安装率installation ratio of owned equipments·设备综合利用率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant·设备资产增值率added value rate of plant assets·设备资产投资回收期capital investment recovery period of plant·设备新度newness degree of plant·设备净资产创利润率profit ratio vs net book value of plant·设备计划台时利用率utilization ratio of planned time of plant设备构成比constitution ratio of plant·设备负荷率load rate of plant·设备返修率back repair rate·设备制度台时利用率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant·设备闲置率idelness ratio of plant·设备投资回收报率plant capital investment recovery ratio·设备投资产出比capital investment recovery period of plant·设备完好率perfectness ratio of plant·设备日常保养完成率plant daily service fulfillment ratio·设备事故频率incident frequency·设备利用率utilization ratio·事故[故障]停机率down time ratio to accident (failure)·清洗换油计划完成率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan·每个修理复杂系数平均大修理成本mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair·每个复杂系数占用维修费用maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient·每万元固定资产创工业增加值率industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets·故障强度failure intensity·故障频率failure frequency·关键设备完好率perfectness ratio of critical equipments·精大稀设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments ·可利用率(有效利用率)availability·平均停机时间mean down time,MDT·平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间mean time between failture·修理计划完成率fulfillment ratio of repair plan废润滑油再生(废油再生)regeneration of waste lubricating oil·防泄漏管理leak prevention management·二级保养second level service·定期精度调整periodic accuracy adjustment·定人定机制度system of fixed machine and operator·额定载荷rated load·超负荷试运行commissioning under overload·初步试运行preliminary commissioning·操作工人的“四会” four basic skills for operator·参数故障parametric failure·保养计划完成率fulfilment ratio of service plan·保养规程service specification·保养“十字”作业法“ten words” method for service·保养service·安全性故障safety failure·安全规程safety procedure·[设备性能]劣化degradation (of equipment performance)·PM小组PM group·隐蔽故障hidden failure·有效性availability·有效度avaliability·有效寿命effective life·制度时间institutional time·一级保养first level service·原发故障primary failure·原始记录original record·正常负荷normal load·正常超载normal overload·治漏“八字"法“eight words” method for leakage control·运行时间operating time仪表“三率” “three rate"of meter·早(初)期故障期early failure period·永久性故障(持续性故障) permanent failure·验收试运行final commissioning·无泄露[区]标准leakless(area)standard·突发性(偶发)故障random failure·维护费service cost·危险性故障dangerous failure·误操作故障failure by misoperation·完好设备perfect facility·生产维修productive maintenance(PM)·润滑工作岗位责任制post responsibility of lubrication work·润滑管理制度lubrication management system·润滑“五定” “five fixation” of lubrication·润滑“三过滤” three—step filtration of lubricating oil·润滑站lubricating station·润滑图表lubricating diagram·试车commissioning·日常保养费daily service expenses·日常保养(日保)daily service·日历时间利用率utilzation ratio of calender time·设备的可靠性和可靠度reliability·设备的区域维护regional service of equipment·设备技术状态technical conditions of equipment·设备故障率曲线(浴盆曲线)failure rate curve of equipment,tub curve ·设备操作合格证operation licence·设备“5S"活动“5S” activity of equipment·设备隐患hidden trouble of equipment·设备运行记录operation record of equipment·设备维护的“四项要求” four requirements for plant service设备维护标准service standard of equipment·设备维护equipment service·设备使用的“三好” three well doing for use of facility·设备使用过程process of machine operation·设备三级保养three-level service system for equipment·设备日常点检routine inspection·设备清洗(清扫) cleaning of plant·设备漏油标准oil leakage standard·设备利用系数utilization factor of equipment·人身保护装置personal safety device·强制保养mandatory service·潜在故障latent filure·偶发故障期accidental failure period·磨损性故障wearout failure·例行保养(例保)routine service·密封点sealed point·劣化趋向管理degradation trend control·随机故障random failure·设备的定期维护periodic service of equipment·负荷试运行commissoning under load·故障类型failure type·故障率(失效率)failure rate·故障率基本类型basic forms of failure rate·故障模式failure mode·故障模型failure model·故障弱化failure weakening·故障树分析FTA,fault tree analysis·故障物理学physics of failure·故障停机率breakdown rate·故障征兆failure symptom·故障安全safety protection against failure·故障分析方法failure analysis method·故障机理failure mechanism·功能故障functional failure·关键设备使用维护“四定" four stipulations for operation and maintenance of critical equip·耗损(劣化)故障期exhaustion failure period·红旗设备red-flag equipment·基本故障basic failure·间断性故障intermittent failure·继发故障secondary failure·计划时间利用率utilization ratio of planned time·渐衰失效性故障local and gradual failure·渐发性(磨损)故障gradual(wear-out)failure·精、大、稀、关键设备的使用维护operation and service of precise,large scale,rare and criti·净开动时间net operating time·可使用时间up time·可用性(可利用率)availability·可靠性为中心的维修reliability centered maintenance,RCM·平均故障间隔期(平均无故障工作时间)mean time between failures,MTBF·破坏性故障catastrophic failure·起重机安全保护safety protection of crane·最大允许寿命(宣称寿命)maximum permitted life (declared life)·自显故障self-displayed failure·综合试运行total commissioning·专群结合combination of specialists and masses·调整adjustment·跟踪检查trail checkout·法定检查lawful inspection·动特性试验dynamic performance test·动态精度dynamic accuracy动态检验dynamic test·定期点检periodic fixed point inspection·定期检查periodic inspection·定期参数检查periodic parameter examination·定期润滑检查periodic lubrication check·“三位一体"点检制“three in one” fixed point inspetion system·主观(五官)判断故障subjective(sensible) failure deciding·一般目视检查general visual inspection·影响设备效率的六大损失six major losses affecting running efficiency ·正常检查normal inspection·巡回检查patrol inspection·巡回检测patrol test·无损检查non—destructive test·停机时间down time·微观组织检查examination of microscopic structure·损坏break down·缺陷defect·失效(故障) failure·容许故障率allowable failure rate·日常检查daily inspection·日常润滑检查daily lubrication check·设备点检fixed point inspection of equipment·设备检查facilities inspection·设备监测equipment monitoring·设备故障频率equipment failure frequency·设备故障管理效果评价result evaluation of plant failure management ·设备诊断技术equipment diagnostic technique·设备诊断equipment diagnosis·酸洗检查inspection with pickling·敲打检查hammering test磨损检查wearing inspection·内表面检查inner surface inspection·故障强度率failure intensity rate·故障趋于零的“四个阶段" “four steps” to zero failure·故障危害程度harm extent of failure·故障为零的五项措施five measures to zero failure·故障(停机)损失breakdown loss·故障管理程序program of railure management·故障管理信息information of failure management·故障修理troubleshooting·功能检查(功能测试)function inspection,function test·宏观组织检查examination of macroscopic structure·检定周期cycle of verification·技术维护technical service·季节性技术维护seasonal technical service·计划保全管理planned maintenance management·解体检查inspection under disassembled condition·精度检查accuracy inspection·静态精度static accurary·可靠性试验reliability test·可靠性分析reliability analysis·平均寿命时间(MTTF)mean time to failure·状态监测condition monitoring·状态检查condition inspection·点检的主要环节main items of fixed point inspection改善修理corrective maintenance·返修率back repair rate·分级修理stepped(sizing) repair·分散修理制decentralized maintenance system·废次品及返修损失waste and ungraded product and back repair loss ·非预定维修时间unscheduled maintenance time·定期修理作业periodic repair task·定期维修法periodic repair·定位精度location accuracy·传动精度transmission accuracy·大修计划修改revision of overhaul plan·大修计划考核assesment of overhaul plan·大修计划编制overhaul planning·大修计划依据basis of overhaul plan·大修计划完成率fulfilment rate of overhaul plan·大修计划实施implementation of overhaul plan·大修费用overhaul cost·大修成本构成overhaul cost·大修成本分析overhaul cost analysis·大修成本完成率fulfilment rate of overhaul cost·大修保修overhaul guarantee·大修周期interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle·大修质量保证体系guarantee system of overhaul quality·大修理质量评定overhaul quality evaluation·大修理质量控制overhaul quality control·大修overhaul,capital repair·部件修理法assembly repair·部分修理法partial repair·补偿法compensation method·备件生产计划production program of spqre parts备份或冗余系统stand—by or redundancy system·标准尺寸修理法standard-size repair method·八步法“eight steps”method·重复定位精度repeat location accuracy·中修middle repair·有可维修备份的系统system with maintainable standby parts·远距离维修remote maintenance·预防维修preventive maintenance·预定维修时间scheduled maintenance time·预知维修(状态监测维修)predictive maintenance·质量体系quality system·质量quality·逾期维修deferred maintenance·网络计划network planning·维修技术培训maintenance skill training·维修间隔(正常运行时间)maintenance interval,uptime·维修活动的经济分析economic analysis of maintenance activities ·维修工人maintenance worker·维修防护maintenance protection·维修车间maintenance shop·维修预防maintenance prevention·维修周期maintenance cycle·维修时间maintenance time·同步修理法synchronous repair·停修时间repair downtime·项修(项目修理)item repair·外委修理repair on commission·全员参加的生产维修制(TPM) total production maintenance system ·受控维修controlled maintenance·寿命周期维修life cycle maintenance热修hot repair·设备修理计划repair schedule of equipment·设备修理验收acceptance check for equipment repair·设备季度修理计划quarterly repair schedule of equipment·设备技术考核technical check of equipment·设备大修计划equipment overhaul plan·设备月度修理计划monthly repair schedule of equipment·设备维修计划equipment maintenance plan·设备维修三要素three essential factors of equipment maintenance ·设备项修计划item repair plan of equipment·设备年度修理计划annual repair schedule of equipment·事后修理breakdown maintenance·抢修first—aid repair·大修机床精度accuracy of machine tool after overhaul·滚动计划rolling (circulation) plan·管理信息系统维修MIS maintenance·工程能力指数process capacity index·工作精度working accuracy·恢复性修理recovery repair·机床旋转精度rotational accuracy of machine tool·机修车间(分厂)machine repair shop·机修技工maintenance mechanic·机械修复法mechanical repair method·机械的瞬时效率instantaneous efficiency of machinery·互换法interchange method·检验inspection·集中修理制centralized maintenance system·几何精度geometric accuracy·季节性修理seasonal repair·计划外修理repair out of plan计划维修scheduled maintenance·计划预修制(ППP)planned preventive maintenance system ·计划修理planned repair·接触精度contact accuracy·紧急修理作业emergency repair task·就地加工修配法machining and fitting method on the spot·精度指数precision index·精度标准accuracy standard·精度保持性precision retaining ability·精度储备precision reserve·精修fine repair·精修技工fine repair mechanic·经济精度economic accuracy·平衡精度等级balancing precision grade·平均修理时间mean time to repair(MTTR),mean repair time ·小修minor repair·修配法fitting method·修配环repair link·修理任务书repair specification·修理施工调度repair rasks dispatch·修理时间repair time, shutdown time·修理停歇时间定额downtime quota for equipment repair·修理用设备repair facilities·修理质量repair quality·修理质量指标repair quality index·修理质量计划repair quality plan·修理质量考核repair quality assessment·修理标识repair symbols·修理成本考核repair cost assessment·修理尺寸repair size修理定额repair quota·修理费用定额repair cost quota·修理方案repair scheme·修理工时定额repair manhour quota·修理工时考核repair manhours assessment·修理工艺repair technology·修理工程车maintenance engineering truck·修理工具maintenance tool·修理工期考核repair time limit assessment·修理考核repair assessment·修前预检inspection before repair·修前测绘measuring and drawing before repair·修前访问inquiry before repair·修后服务service after repair·最优修理周期optimum repair cycle·装配精度assembly accuracy·电修车间(分厂) electric repair shop·电修技工maintenance electrician·单台设备修理费用核算repair cost accounting for single equipment ·调整法adjustment method·调整环adjusting link覆盖件covering parts·返修品back repaired products·分散(混合)储备decentralized storage·分散生产方式decentralized production mode·分散生产分散储备decentralized production and decentralized storage ·废品损失rejection loss·废品率rejection rate·废品waste products·存放合理化storage rationalization·储备形式storage form·储备恢复周期(订货间隔期) interval between orders·储备限额storage limit·大型铸锻件large—sized casting and forging·次品substandard products·超差品over—tolerance products·常备备件runing spare parts·成品finished products·成品储备storage of finished products·成对储备conjugated storage·成对(套)件conjugated parts·部件储备storage of assembles·部件assembly·仓库面积利用率utilization ratio of storehouse area·备件的“五清” “five clear”for spare parts·备件自给率self - sufficiency rate of spare parts·备件自然失效natural failure of spare parts·备件资金的核算法accounting method of spare parts fund·备件资金占用率occupation rate of spare parts fund·备件资金周转期turnover period of spare parts fund·备件资金周转率turnover rate of spare parts fund备件考核指标assessment criteria of spare parts managment·备件卡基础资料elementary data of spare parts cards·备件卡(帐)cards of spare parts·备件库的“五五码放” “five — five tiering"for storehouse of spare parts·备件库的“三一致" “three coincidence”for storehouse of spare parts·备件库的“三清” “three clear”for stor ehouse of spare parts·备件库的“两齐” “two neatness”for storehouse of spare parts·备件库管理工作management of spare parts storehouse·备件库存供应率supply rate of spare parts inventory·备件库保管员职责responsibility of spare parts storehouse manager·备件库职责responsibilities for storehouses of spare parts·备件库storehouse for spare parts·备件经济管理economic management of spare parts·备件经常储备定额regular storage quota of spare parts·备件计划员planner responsible for spare parts·备件计算机管理computer - aided management of spare parts·备件技术员technician responsible for spare parts·备件技术失效technical failure of spare parts·备件汇总collection of spare parts·备件合用率suitability of spare parts·备件供应率supply rate of spare parts·备件管理计划工作planning work of sapre parts management·备件管理技术工作technical work of spare parts management·备件管理职责responsibility of spare parts management·备件管理spare parts management·备件范围range of spare parts·备件分类工作classifying work of spare parts·备件订货点法ordering point method of spare parts·备件订货点ordering point of spare parts·备件订货量ordering quantity of spare parts·备件定期订货法periodic ordering method of spare parts·备件定量订货法fixed - quantity ordering method of spare parts·备件定量保持法(维持定量法)fixed - quantity keeping method of spare parts ·备件储备的“三点制” “three point syste m"of spare parts storage·备件储备资金限额limit of funds for reserve spare parts·备件储备资金funds for reserve spare parts·备件储备定额storage quota of spare parts·备件储备失效寿命storage life of spare parts to failure·备件成本价格cost price of spare parts·备件采购(供应)周期delivery cycle of spare parts·备件包装法packing method of spare parts·备件拥有量possessed amount of spare parts·备件周转加速率turnover acceleration rate of spare parts·备件周转率turnover rate of spare parts·备件质量检验quality inspection of spare parts·备件图册基本内容main contents of spare parts album·备件图册质量quality of spare parts album·备件图册spare parts album·备件统计分析法statistical analysis method of spare parts·备件统计statistic of spare parts·备件消耗量consumption of spare parts·备件退库率return rate of spare parts·备件使用寿命service life of spare parts·备件双箱法(双储备法)double case method of spare parts·备件生产方式production mode of spare parts·备件寿命life of spare parts·备件名目卡(帐)item cards of spare parts·备件年平均库存金额annual average stock sum of spare parts·备件ABC管理法A,B,C management method of spare parts·备件ABC分类法A,B,C classifying method of spare parts备件spare parts·标准件standard parts·半成品储备storage of semifinished porducts·半成品semi—finished products·易损件vulnerable parts·中心备件库central storehouse of spare parts·一般备件running spare parts·液压件hydraulic parts·在制品articles being processed·循环性备件repairable spare parts·限寿机件life-limited item·特殊储备special storage·橡胶件rubber parts·替代品substitute products·维修用外购物资outsourcing materials used for maintenance·通用配件商品化commercialization of general—purpose spare parts ·微电子器件micro—electronic parts of appliances·消耗性备件consumptive spare parts·消耗定额consume quota·外协件outsourcing manufactured parts·外购备件储备定额公式storage quota formula of outsourcing spare parts·外购备件outsourcing spare parts·确定备件的结构分析法structural analysis method for determining spare parts ·润滑件lubricating parts·设备备件综合卡(帐) integrated cards of equipment spare parts·设备备件卡(帐)cards of equipment spare parts·强制更换件mandatory replacement item·每个复杂系数备件资金fund of spare parts per complexity coefficient·毛坯库storehouse for stocks·毛坯件stock毛坯储备storage of stock·密封件sealing parts·配件fittings·通用(共用)件general-purpose parts·光学系统备件parts of optical system·贵重备件valuable spare parts·管路备件spare parts for pipes·工程塑料件engineering plastic parts·关键备件critical spare parts·机械零件machine parts·机械备件mechanical spare parts·间断储备discontinued storage·集中生产(订货)分散储备decentralized storage·集中生产方式centralized production mode·集中储备centralized storage·紧固件fastenings·进口设备配件spare parts for imported equipment·精密(高精)备件precision (high precision) spare parts·经常储备regular storage·可互换件(双向互换件)interchangeable (two-way interchangeable)item ·气动元件pneumatic elements·七类关键件seven kinds of critical parts·修复件restored parts·组合件combined parts·最经济加工循环期the most economical period for processing spare parts ·自制备件homemade spare parts·自制备件生产计划production program of spre parts·自制备件制造周期manufacturing period of homemade spare parts·电器元件electrical elements·电器(气)备件eletrical spare parts电子产品备件spare parts of electronic products·低压电器low-voltage electric appliances·单向互换件one—way interchangeable item。


(Tel) Voice Information System at 800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
B. Technical Framework.................................................................................................................... 3 技术架构
III. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................... 4 适用范围
Translated from / 译自:
Guidance for Industry
Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing — Current Good Manufacturing Practice
行业指南 无菌加工生产的无菌药品 —现行的生产质量管理规范(cGMP)
II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 2 背景



G I S专业英语第一课Comprehensive:全面的,综合的,Intellectual:智力的,才智的Jargon:专业术语Terminology:专业术语Geomatique:地理信息技术Geoscience:地球科学Derivative:派生物,衍生物Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Architect:建筑师Preliminary:初步的,起始的Enumerate:列举,枚举Resemble:像,与……相似Transformation:转换第二课Automated:自动化的Equivalent:a等价的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Mylar:胶片Electronic:电子的Encode:编码Orthophotoquad:正射影像图Aerial:空中的,航空的Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Reproduction:再现,复制,繁殖Dissemination:传播,宣传,传染Counterpart:相似之物Compactness:致密性Complexity:复杂,复杂性Hamper:阻碍,束缚Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Planimeter:测面器,求积仪Phenomena:现象Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直方图,柱状图Supplementally:追加,补充Modification:修改,变型Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Hand-drawn:手绘Emergency:紧急事件Employe:雇佣,雇工Clarify:澄清,阐明Taxonomy:分类学,分类法Bifurcation:分歧,分叉Parcel:地块Conservation:保存,保持Procurement:获得,取得,采购Wildlife:野生动植物Earthquake:地震Landslide:泥石流,山崩Cadastral:地籍的,有关土地清册的Geodetic:大地测量学,最短线的Sophisticated:精致的,复杂的第三课Pervade:弥漫,遍及Aspect:坡向,方向,面貌Inevitable:必然的,不可避免的Proprietary:所有的,专利的Mineral:矿物的,矿质的Military:军队,军人Electricity:电力,电流Telecommunication:通讯,电信学Interconnect:使相互连接,相互联系Administrative:管制的,行政的Environmental:环境的,周围的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,手续Manipulation:操作,操纵,处理Historically:历史上地,Subsume:把…..归入,把…..包括在Eclipse:形成蚀,使黯然失色Visualization:可视化,Immense:巨大的,广大的Analogue:类似,相似物Conventional:常见的,惯例的Enquire:询问,打听Coniferous:松柏科的Highlight:强调,突出,Stress:强调,加压力与Derive:得到,源于Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Algorithm:算法,Interpret:说明,口译,解释Artificial:人造的,仿造的,虚伪的Geomatique:地理信息技术Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Preliminary:初步的,起始的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Encode:编码Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直方图,柱状图Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Parcel:地块Geodetic:大地测量学,最短线的Cadastral:地籍的,有关土地清册的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,手续Prime meridian:本初子午线Algorithm:算法,Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Visualization:可视化,Globe;球体Map projection地图投影Planar projection;平面投影Azimuthal projection;方位投影Characteristic,特征,特性Reference globe;参考椭球体Scale factor;比例因子Principle scale;主比例尺Equivalent projection;等积投影Equidistant;等距投影Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Gnomonic protection;中心切面投影Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级方位投影Intelligence:智力,理解力,Correlation:相关,关联Urban:城市的Agriculture:农业,农艺Adjunct:附属物,修饰语Subdiscipline:学科的分支,副学科第四课Globe;球体Illustrate;阐明Configuration;配置,结构,外形Thematic;主题的Encounter;遭遇;邂逅Map projection地图投影Cylindrical;圆柱形的Projection family;投影系Planar projection;平面投影Cylindrical projection;圆柱投影Conical projection;圆锥投影Azimuthal projection;方位投影Community,社区,团体Representation;表现,陈述Characteristic,特征,特性Retain;保持,记住Convert;使转变Reference globe;参考椭球体Principle scale;主比例尺Scale factor;比例因子Cardinal 主要的,基本的Angular conformity;角度一致Conformal;等角的Orthomorphic;正形的Equivalent projection;等积投影Fundamental;基本的Equidistant;等距投影Maintain;维持,维修,供养Standard parallel;标准纬线Vital;生死攸关的,至关重要的Preservation;保存,保留Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Shopping mall ;大卖场Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级方位投影Stereographic;立体照相的Orthographic;直角的Georeference;地理坐标参考系Universal transverse Mercator;通用横莫卡托投影Data type;数据类型,资料类型Attribute;属性,性质Vector;矢量Raster:光栅Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Topology;拓扑学Vector-raster conversion矢量-栅格转换Quadtree;四叉树Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Orthophoto;正色摄影Map algebra地图代数Forestry stand;林地,林区Inappropriate;不适当的,不相称的Quantized:量化的Legend:传奇,图例Vegetation:植物,草木Geological:地质的Spatial:空间分析技术Binary:二元的,二进制的Residence:居住,住处Variable:易变的,多变的Run-length code:长度方向编码Subsystem:子系统Pattern:样式,模式Scheme:模式,设计Database:数据库Resolution:解析,决议Entity:实体Spaghetti model:面条模型Topological model:拓扑模型Coordinate:坐标From node:终点Intersect:交叉,相交Form node:起始点Graph theory:图论Analog:模拟地图Compact:紧密的Reduction:缩减,降低Codification:编码,译成代码Shorthand:速记法Theme:题目,主题Scheme:模式,计划Gnomonic protection;中心切面投影Coordination;对等,同等第五课Georeference;地理坐标参考系Ellipsoid;椭圆,椭面Department of defence;国防部Universal transverse Mercator;通用横莫卡托投影第六课Thematic;题目的,主题的Facilitate;促进,帮助Data type;数据类型,资料类型Animation;活泼生气,激励Attribute;属性,性质Narration;叙述,讲述Vector;矢量Raster;光栅Image;影像,肖像Photograph;照片,相片Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Connectivity;连通性,互联性Topology;拓扑学Mathematical;数学的,数学上的Adjacency;毗邻,四周Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Gridcell;格网单元Tesseate;棋盘格网的Quadtree;四叉树Data volume;数据卷Cumbersome;笨重的Vector-raster conversion矢量-栅格转换Imperative;必要的,势在必行的Map algebra地图代数Modeling;造型的Distinguish;区别,区分Orthophoto;正色摄影Ancillary;辅助的,Rectify;改正Summarize;总结,概述Aesthetically;审美的Continuous;连续的,持续的Filtering;过滤,滤除Idelally;理想的,观念上Descrete;离散的,不连续的Forestry stand;林地,林区Accommodate;供应,容纳Integrity;完整性,正直Inappropriate;不适当的,不相称的第七课Quantized:量化的Coverage:覆盖Legend:传奇,图例Vegetation:植物,草木Geological:地质的Efficient:有效的,生效的Awkward:笨拙的,尴尬的Checkerboard:棋盘Similarity:类似,相似点Recreation:娱乐,消遣Residence:居住,住处Variable:易变的,多变的Primary:主要的Eliminate:消除,排除Intuitive:直觉Binary:二元的,二进制的Accomplished:熟悉的,有技巧的Retrieve:检索的Manipulation:操纵,操作Mainframe:主机,Workstation:工作台,工作站Flexibility:弹性,灵活性Transparent:透明的,显然的Strengthening:强化,加固Linkage:连接,联系Spatial:空间分析技术Maturing:成熟第八课Run-length code:长度方向编码Compacting:压缩,精简Approach:方法Subsystem:子系统Acetate:一种透明胶片Numerical:数字的,数值的Giggling :轻笑,傻笑Humility:谦逊的Workload:负载,工作量Pattern:样式,模式Scheme:模式,设计Cumbersome:笨重的,难使用的Respectively:各自的,分别的Homogeneous:各种的,相似的Quadrant:四分之一Variable:变量的,易变的Resolution:解析,决议Subdivision:细分,子部Multiple:多个的,多种的Database:数据库第九课Reminiscent:提示的,怀旧的Entity:实体Implicit:隐式的,内含的Explicit:明晰的,明确的‘Intervening:干涉的Spaghetti model:面条模型Topological model:拓扑模型Envision:预见,展望Coordinate:坐标Enormous:巨大的Plotting device:绘图设备Precalculated:预先计算好的Incorporate:集成,包含Contact:接触Intersect:交叉,相交Identification:识别Tedious:冗长的Approximate:接近,使接近Polygon:多边形From node:终点Suffer:遭受Analog:模拟地图Graph theory:图论Portrayal:描述,画像Meandering:曲折的Drawback:缺点第十课Compact:紧密的Reduction:缩减,降低Codification:编码,译成代码Scheme:模式,计划Shorthand:速记法Theme:题目,主题第十一课Majority:大多数Algorithm:算法Plotter:绘图仪Rasterisation:栅格化Vectorisation:矢量化Approximation:近视,概算Pixel:像素Boundary:边界Minimise :使……最小化Sampling:取样Jaggedness:层次不齐Aliasing:扭曲,变形Signal processing:信号处理Counteracting;反作用Continuint;连续性Increment;增长Curve;曲线Neighbouring polygon相邻多边形Allocating;分配Areal;面积的Context,上下文,环境Dominant;重要的,强大的Clipped;裁剪的Rounding;圆的Associated;联合的Predict;预测Coherence;连贯性,相关性Aberration;偏离,偏差Strategy;策略Assumption;假定,臆断。


本节还将介绍 PACS的关键技术及PACS系统结 构与功能。
第一节 PACS概念及目标
第一节 PACS概念及目标
PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication Systems)中文全称为图像存档及通信系统,它是 专门为图像管理而设计的包括图像存档、检索、 传送、显示、处理和拷贝或打印的硬件和软件的 系统。其目的是为了有效的管理和利用医学图像 资源。
第1部分 给出了标准的设计原则,定义了标准 中使用的一些术语,对标准的其它部分作了简 要概述。
第2部分 介绍了DICOM标准的一致性概念,如 何制订并描述DICOM产品。包括选择什么样 的信息对象(information object)、服务类 (service class)以及消息传递(massage transfer) 等。一致性是指遵守DICOM标准的设备能够 互相连接、互相操作的能力。
而显示技术的发展和显示质量控制软件的出现, 图像显示质量基本达到读片要求,PACS的诊断 价值开始得到临床的认可。应诊断报告和信息 保存的要求,RIS系统出现。
临床的应用使人们关注工作流的问题,即在检 查登记、图像获取、存储、分发、诊断等等的 步骤中PACS如何与RIS沟通,提高工作效率。
☺ DICOM标准被广泛接受,PACS、RIS开始与 HIS全面整合,PACS被用于远程诊断。显示 质量控制软件技术的进一步发展,新的显示 设备的出现,淡化了温度、寿命对显示器显 示质量的影响。
☺ PACS系统中引进临床专用软件,以利于辅助 诊断和治疗。
☺ 无胶片化的进程,促使人们开始研究PACS系 统的安全性。
医学数字成像和通信标准(Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine,DICOM)是由美国 放射学院(American College of Radiology ,ACR) 和美国国家电器制造学会(National Electrical Manufacturers Association ,NEMA)组成的联 合委员会,于1982年开始研制,并逐渐完善和发 展所形成的医学数字图像及传输标准。



钻井常用英语词汇1 焊条残头rod stub2 半潜平台semisubmersible rig3 甲板上/上层建筑topside /upper structure4 平焊/仰焊flat position / downhandwelding5 (搬运〕小车carrier6 (保温用的)岩棉管rock wool shell7 (单点系泊的)油克yoke8 (导管架装船的)固定seafastening / tie-downof jackets9 (对接)错皮wall offset10 (方形无压)罐tank11 (非方形有压)罐试比较 vessel12 (非方形有压)罐vessel13 (杆件的)单件图member drawing14 (杆件之间的)相碰、打架interference15 (钢板的)轧制方向rolling direction16 (管件的)段can17 (管件的)加厚段barrel18 (焊接)工艺孔access hole (for welding)= cope hole19 (焊接)工艺孔cope hole20 (焊接的)长肉(to be ) buttered21 (检验的)停点hold point22 (角焊缝)焊角高度leg of a fillet weld23 (截面较小的)圆钢方钢六角钢等bar24 (卷管的)压头edge crimping25 (抛丸用的)钢丝丸steel wire shot26 (喷砂用的)磨料abrasive27 (统计用)S曲线S-curve28 (统计用)直方图histogram29 (文件的)发放release = issue = distribution30 (污水)含油浓度oil concentration31 (验收)标准criteria32 (阳极的)电流密度current density33 (阳极的)电流容量current capacity34 (阳极的)极化电位polarization potential35 (油漆的)固化时间curing time36 (油漆的)混合期效pot life37 A-60级防火门A-60 fire door38 API 适用规范applicable API specification39 API规定的要求API specified requirements40 CO2灭火器CO2 extinguisher41 CO2气瓶组CO2 cylinder unit42 H型钢H-shape43 J形管J-tube44 K 形坡口double bevel groove45NRL 落锤试验NRL (Naval ResearchLaboratory) drop weight test46 T 型钢 "T" steel47 T、K、Y型节点T,K and Y joints48 UT用的耦合剂couplant49 U形螺栓U-bolt50 Y型三通Y-type tee51 Z向特性Z direction property52 安全阀safety valve53 安全工作荷载safe working load (SWL)54 安全帽hard hat55 安全帽safety cap56 安全帽、焊接面罩helmet57 安全区safety zone58 安全系数safety factor59 安装erection60 安装现场installation site61 按A的意愿at the option of A62按照according to = in accordancewith = in line with = as per =in the light of63 按照as per64 按照in accordance with65 按照in line with66 按照in the light of67 拔桩pile extracting68 百分表dial gauge69 百年一遇a-hundred-year return period70 扳手spanner71 板尺steel ruler72 板梁plate girder73 板式换热器plate type heat exchanger74 板桩sheet piling75 半成品semifinished /intermediateproduct76 半潜式钻井装置semisub drilling unit77 半镇静钢capped steel78 半自动焊semi-automatic welding79 伴热管线heat traced pipeline80 伴生气associated gas81 绑带buckle fastener82 包括但不限于include but not limited to83 饱和潜水saturation diving84 保护滤器guard filter85 保温insulation86 保温thermal insulation87 保温钉stud pin88 保温加伴热insulation (heat traced)89 报警蜂鸣器alarm buzzer90 报警喇叭alarm horn91 爆炸下限low explosion limit (LEL)92 备用电站stand-by power station93 背压式调节阀(自力式)backpressure regulator (selfcontained)94 被交管intersected pipe95 被交位置foot print96 苯二甲酸涂料phthalic paint97 必须(强制性的)shall98 闭/开路closed / open circuit99 闭式排放泵closed drain pump100 闭式排放罐close drain tank101 闭式排放罐closed drain tank102 壁厚wall thickness (WT) 103 避雷器spark arrester104 边界条件boundary condition105 编制和保存文件compile and maintain adocument106 编制文件develop / establish a document 107 扁钢flat bar108 扁阳极flat plate anode109 变径头swage nipple110 标高、立面图elevation (EL)111 标准试块standard test block112 表面处理surface preparation113 表面弯曲试验face bend test114 表明说话人的意志,一般为will业主行为,而非承包商行为115 驳船强度及稳性barge strength and stability 116 补焊、返修焊缝repair welding117 补强用环板ring stiffener118 捕集器slag catcher119 不等边角钢unequal angle120不间断电源uninterrupted power supply(UPS)121 不可燃物质non-combustible122 不利条件adverse condition123 不一致事项non-conformance124 布风器diffuser125 布氏硬度Ball hardness126 材料标识material identification127 材料表material list128 材料储存material storage129 材料代用material substitution130材料的接受和储存receipt and storage ofmaterials131 材料跟踪material traceability132 材料估算单material take-off133 材料交货delivery of materials134 材质、材料material135 采购purchase136采暖、通风、空调系统heating, ventilation and airconditioning system (HAV) 137 采油树Christmas tree138 残余应力residual stress139 舱底污水-消防两用泵bilge/ fire pump140 槽钢channel steel141 槽焊slot welding142 侧弯试验side bend test143 侧向荷载lateral load144 层间温度interpass temperature145 层状撕裂lamellar tearing146 插焊法兰socket weld flange147 插焊管座sockolet148 插焊式socket type149 插尖stabbing cone150 插尖stubbing cone151差压控制阀differential pressurecontrol valve152 差压流量计pressure differential flowmeter153 拆除disassembling154 柴油泵diesel pump155 柴油储罐diesel storage tank156 柴油储罐(带加热器)diesel storage tank withheater157 柴油发电机组diesel generator set 158 柴油罐diesel tank159 柴油过滤净化装置diesel filter coalescer160 柴油日用罐diesel daily tank161 柴油日用罐(带加热器)diesel oil daily tankwith heater162 柴油输送泵diesel transfer pump163 产品标识和跟踪product identification andtraceability164 产品使用说明manufacturer's instruction 165 铲车、叉车fork lift166 常开/常闭阀normally open / close valve167 常压潜水系统atmospheric diving system= unpressurized diving system168 厂家的材质证书mill certificate169 超声波测厚仪ultrasonic thickness meter 170 超声波发射程距beam path distance171 超声波检验ultrasonic examination172 超声波探伤ultrasonic technique (UT) 173 超声波探伤ultrasonic technique (UT) 174 超声波斜射探伤angle probe method175 超重excess of weight176 潮差段tidal zone177 潮汐变化、潮差tidal variations178 车间底漆shop primer179 车间加工图shop drawing180 车间加工图shop drawing181 沉垫自升式钻井船mat support jack-up rig 182 沉箱caisson183 沉箱式平台caisson-type platform184 衬垫焊welding with backing185 撑杆spreader bar186 成品finished product187 承包商contractor188 吃水标尺draught gauge 189 尺寸检验dimensional checks190 冲剪应力punching shear191 冲眼punch marks192 冲桩pile washing out193 冲子center punch194 抽检check randomly195 抽检spot check196 除非另外说明unless otherwise specified 197 除非另外说明UNO (unless noted otherwise) 198 除砂罐desander199 除锈remove rust200 储存场地storage area201储罐-外输关系关断盘tank and loading shutdownpanel (TLSDP)202储油、装油与输油设备oil storage, loading andtransportation equipment203 储油轮oil storage barge204 储油平台storage platform205 穿梭油轮shuttle tanker206传热介质油heating medium oil, thermaloil207 传真收发两用机facsimile transceiver208 船艏bow209 船艉stern210 船艉绞车aft winch211 串靠系泊tandem mooring212 串靠装油系统tandem loading system213 吹扫/引燃器橇块purge/pilot gas package214 捶击peening215 锤子hammer216 瓷砖ceramic tiles217磁粉和悬剂magnetic particle andsuspension218磁粉探伤magnetic particle technique(MT)219磁粉探伤magnetic particle technique(MT)220磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine withmagnetic wheels221 次要/主要拉筋secondary/primary brace222 丛式井口clustered well heads223 脆性brittleness224 淬火加回火钢quenched and tempered steel225 锉刀file226 错皮high-low227 错皮mismatch = high-low228 搭接焊lap welding229 搭接节点overlapping joint230 打底焊道backing weld231 打磨grind232 打磨(名词)grinding233 打桩(to)drive piles234 打桩piling235 打桩船pilling barge236 打桩的锤击数blow count237 打桩记录pile driving records238 大水量灭火系统fire water deluge system 239 大小口、锥体cone240 大小头、变径头reducer241 带扶手的半软椅chair with arm-rests242 带手轮的控制阀control valve (accessorieshandwheel)243 带有丝堵的管座boss with plug244 待定hold245 单点系泊single buoy mooring (SBM) 246 单点系泊single point mooring (SPM) 247 单件图cutting sheet248 单锚腿系泊single anchor leg mooring(SALM)249 单面 V 形坡口single V groove250 单面坡口single groove251 单片起吊lifting up of panel structure 252 单十字带缆柱cruciform bollard253 单线图one-line diagram254 弹簧垫片spring washer255 淡水泵fresh water pump256 淡水罐(带加热器)fresh water tank withelectric heater257 淡水压力罐fresh water pressure vessel 258 档水扁钢coaming259 导电连接electrical connection260 导管架jacket261 导管架的下水和直立launching and uprighting of ajacket262 导管架的现场定位platform positioning on thesite263 导管架的运输船transport vessel for jackets264 导管架吊耳jacket lifting eye265 导管架调平jacket leveling266 导管架定位jacket positioning267 导管架扶正jacket handling268 导管架改造jacket modification269 导管架固定jacket securing270 导管架帽jacket cap271 导管架片jacket panel272 导管架片组对jacket panel assembly273 导管架腿柱jacket leg274 导管架下水驳船jacket launching barge275 导管架下水及竖立jacket launching and upending276 导管架型平台template type platform277 导航灯navigational light278 导向结构guide structure279 导向喇叭口guide funnel280 倒链chain block281 到货检验receiving inspection282 登船平台boat landing283 等边角钢equal angle284 等离子弧焊接plasma arc welding (PAW)285 等离子弧切割plasma arc cutting (PAC)286 低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode287 低热量输入low heat input288 低碳钢mild steel289 低压气净化器low pressure scrubber290低应力圆头钢印low stress round nosed diestamp291 底阀foot valve292 底甲板cellar deck293 底面回声bottom echo294 底漆first coat295 地基承载力bearing strength of the ground296 地脚螺栓anchor bolt297 地锚块anchor block298 地面安全阀surface safety valve (SSV)299 地下水缓冲罐underground water surge tank300 地线earth lead301 第三方检验机构certifying authority302 点焊tack welding303 点焊工tacker304 点火器ignitor305 电磁阀solenoid valve306 电动阀motor operated valve307 电动钢丝刷power wire brush308 电焊把线welding cable309 电焊条electrode310 电焊条rod electrode311 电弧切割arc cutting312 电化学特性electrochemical property 313 电加热器electric heater314 电解质electrolyte315 电缆托架cable rack /tray316 电潜泵electric submersible pump 317 电脱水供给泵dehydrator feed pump 318 电脱水器electric dehydrator319 电脱盐器electric desalter320 电-液操作阀electric-hydraulic valve 321 电渣焊接electro-slag welding322 电阻焊ERW (electric resistancewelding)323 垫板、包板doubler plate 324 垫墩cup support 325 垫墩saddle326 垫片washer327 垫圈gasket328 吊臂倾斜角boom angle329 吊点lifting lug 330 吊点lifting padeye 331 吊点padeye332 吊耳lug333 吊机扒杆boom334 吊机支撑crane support335 吊上及吊下驳船的导管架jacket lifted on and off thebarge336 吊索sling337 吊艇机lifting gear338 吊艇架life boat davit , davit 339 吊装计算lift calculation340 调试commissioning341 调直straightening342 蝶阀butterfly valve343 丁字尺T-square 344 顶/中/下/底甲板top/middle/lower/cellar deck 345 订货合同号purchase order number346 定期检验periodical survey347 定位positioning348 定位器positioner349 动力舱、机舱engine room350 动力定位钻井船dynamic-positioning rig351 短粗管stub352 断裂韧性fracture toughness353 断续焊intermittent welding354 锻钢forged steel (FS)355 对焊管座weldolet356 对接焊缝butt-welded seam357 对丝nipple358 钝边高度thickness of root face359 钝化敏感度susceptibility to passivation 360 多层焊multipass welding361多浮筒系泊系统multi-point mooring , spreadmooring362 多井基盘系统multi-well template system 363 多台吊车联合起吊multiple lift364 多头计量泵multihead metering pump365 多用途环氧漆multi-purpose epoxy366 惰性气体发生器撬inlet gas generator package 367 二遍漆second coating368 二级气体洗涤器second gas scrubber369 二级水力旋流器second stage hydrocyclone 370 二面角dihedral angle371 二氧化碳气瓶carbon dioxide cylinder372二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carbon-dioxide(CO2) arcwelding373 翻身垫墩roll-up support374 反冲洗罐backwash surge tank375 反冲洗回流泵backwash return pump376 反冲洗水罐backwash tank377 反面气刨back gouging378 返工rework379 返修率extent of repair380 返修率repair rate381 方钢square bar382 防爆设备explosion proof equipment 383 防沉板mud mat384 防毒面具breathing apparatus ,respirator385 防风墙wind shield386 防腐corrosion protection 387 防寒救生衣immersion suit388 防滑陶瓷马赛克nonskid ceramic mosaic 389 防火风闸fire damper390 防火距离exposure distance391 防火门fire door closer, fire proofdoor392 防火墙fire proof wall , fire wall 393 防火墙fire protection wall394 防火塑料地板fire protected plastic tiles 395 防火陶棉ceramic fibres396 防静电地板anti-electrostatic floor397 防喷器紧急回收系统emergency BOP recovery system398 防喷器系统blowout preventer system(BOP system)399 防喷器组blowout preventer stack400 防酸水泥acid proof cement401 防污染措施antipollution measures402 防锈漆anticorrosive paint403 仿形切割shape cutting404 放空管atmospheric vent405 放空管vent pipe406 放样mold lofting407 飞边毛刺burr and flashing408 飞溅区splash zone409 废热回收装置waste heat recovery unit 410 废水处理井waste water disposal well 411 废油罐waste oil tank412 沸腾钢rimmed steel413 分贝Decibel (dB)414 分离 / 缓冲器separator / urge vessel 415 分离器separator416 酚醛树脂涂料phenolic paint417 粉线、墨斗线spring line418 风铲chisel419 风带air-hose420 封隔器packer421 敷缆船cable layer 422 扶桩间隙块pile spacer423 浮球控制阀floater controlled valve424 浮式储油装置floating oil storage unit 425浮式生产储油外输轮floating production, storageandoff-loading tanker426浮式生产储油装置floating oil production andstorage unit (FPSU)427 浮式生产平台floating production platform 428 浮式输油软管floating cargo hose429 浮式装油软管floating loading hose430 浮式钻井船drillship ,drilling ship431 浮筒转塔式系泊buoyant turret mooring432 浮心center of buoyancy433 符合(动词) comply with434 符合(名词) compliance with435符合、遵守conform to = stick to = adhereto436 腐蚀挂片corrosion coupon437 腐蚀余量corrosion allowance438 附件attachments439附件appurtenance =attachment=accessory=auxiliary440 附件miscellaneous items441 复合岩棉板composite rockwool panel442 复合岩棉天花板composite rockwool ceiling 443 复涂间隔over coating intervals444 复杂节点complex joint445 腹板web446 概念设计conceptual design447 概念图纸conceptual drawing448 干粉灭火器dry chemical extinguisher 449 干膜厚度DFT(dry film thickness)450 干扰回声parasitic echo451 干式采油树dry-type tree452 甘油glycerin453 杆件member454 杆件号member number455 钢板网metal lash456 钢板桩sheet pile457 钢材出厂时的表面氧化皮mill scale458 钢厂mill459 钢卷尺、盘尺steel tape 460 钢印die stamp461 高-低压开关high / low pressure switch(PSHL)462 高浓度可燃气报警high concentration gas alarm 463 高强度钢high strength steel464 高压分离器high pressure separator (HPseparator)465 高压火炬high pressure flare466 高压凝析油罐high pressure condensate tank467 高压潜水系统hyperbaric diving system= pressurized diving system468 割除、割除物cut off469 格栅grating470 隔板diaphragm471 隔板,舱壁bulk head472 隔膜阀diaphragm valve 473 隔水套管conductor474 根部焊道root run475 工程船舶engineering vessel476 工程地质船engineering geotechnicalvessel477 工具箱tool box478 工序process479 工序间的检验in-process inspection 480 工艺模块process module481 工艺排放process drain482 工作点working point483 工作中自检quality check in process 484 公差tolerance485 公称直径nominal diameter486 公式equation487 公用空气接受器utility air receiver 488 公用设施模块utility module489 公用设施排放utility drain490 供方。



地理专业词汇英语翻译(H)地理专业词汇英语翻译(H)地理专业词汇英语翻译(H)habit习惯habitat生境habitat conditions生境条件habitat factor生境因素hachure晕线hachure method地貌晕线方法hachured map晕线图hachures晕线hachures of a relief feature地貌晕线hachures of relief by shadow阴影晕线法hachuring地貌晕线法hade伸角hafnium铪hail雹hailstone雹块hailstorm雹灾hair crack细裂hair hygrometer毛发湿度计haircap moss spruce forest金发藓云杉林hairline细线hakutoite白头岩half earth plant半地中植物half image半影half life半减期half sheet半页图half shrub半灌木half sphere半球half tone半色调half tone block线划铅版half tone print半色怠刷half value period半减期halfbog soil半沼泽土haliplankton海水浮游生物halloysite叙永石halmyrolysis海底分解halo光晕halocline盐跃层halogen rocks盐类岩石halomorphic soil盐成土halophile适盐生物halophilism嗜盐性halophytes盐生植物halophytic vegetation盐生植被haloplankton咸水浮游生物haloseries盐生演替系列halzoun片吸虫病hamada石漠hand camera手提摄影机hand colouring手工着色hand lettering手写注记hand operated camera手控摄影机hand photogrammetric camera手控摄影机hanging glacier悬冰川hanging junction悬垂合流悬垂汇流hanging valley悬谷hanging wall上盘hanging water悬着水hanling radius酌半径haplaquent普通潮新成土haplaquept普通潮始成土haplaquod普通潮灰土haplaquoll弱发育潮软土haplic acrisols典型强淋溶土haplic andosols弱发育暗色土haplic cambisols普通始成土haplic cherozems普通黑钙土haplic ferralsols普通黄红色铁铝土haplic gleysols普通潜育土haplic kastanozems普通栗钙土haplic luvisols弱发育淋溶土haplic phaiozems典型灰色森林草原土haplic planosols普通粘磐土haplic podzoluvisols普通灰化土haplic solonchaks弱发育盐土haplic solonetz弱发育碱土haplic xerosols薄层干旱土haplic yermosols薄层漠境土haploboroll薄层极地软土haplohumod薄层腐殖灰土haplohumox薄层腐殖质氧化土haplohumult薄层腐殖质老成土haplorthod普通灰土haplorthox薄层正常氧化土haploxeralf薄层干热淋溶土hapludoll薄层湿软土hapludult薄层湿老成土haplumbrept薄层暗始成土haplustalf薄层干淋溶土haplustoll普通干软土harbour chart港口图hard acid硬酸hard base硬碱hard copy硬拷贝hard cushion vegetation硬叶垫状植被hard grasses硬禾本科植物hard leaved forest硬叶林hard negative硬底片hard pan硬盘hard rock硬岩石hard target硬目标hard water硬水hardened horizon硬层hardening锻炼hardness硬度hardness of water水的硬度hardware硬件hardware of automated cartography自动制图硬件hardwood forest阔叶手harmonic analysis低分析harmonic curve低曲线harmonic fold谐和褶皱harmonic trend surface analysis低瞧面分析harmotome交沸石harrow耙harrowing耙地harvest收获harvester收割机hatchettite伪晶蜡石hatching晕线hatching of water surface水域晕线hausmannite黑锰矿hawaiian high夏威夷高压hay干草hay harvest干草收割haystack干草堆haze轻雾haze reduction filter去雾滤光片hazel coppice榛林hazel nut榛head drop落差head erosion头部侵蚀heading stage抽穗期headward erosion向源侵蚀headwater河源头headwind逆风health resort疗养地health resort zone疗养地带healthy leaves健康叶片heap cloud直展云heart wood木芯heat absorption吸热heat apoplexy热射病heat balance热量平衡heat budget热量平衡heat equator热赤道heat equilibrium热平衡heat exchange热交换heat exchange in atmosphere大气中热量交换heat exchange in sea海中热量交换heat exchange in soil土壤中热量交换heat flow热流heat lightning热闪电heat loss热损失heat of condensation冷凝热heat of crystallization结晶热heat of dissociation离解热heat of reaction反应热heat of vaporization蒸发热heat of wetting湿润热heat pollution of water水体热污染heat radiation热辐射heat resistance耐热性heat thunderstorm热雷暴heat transfer热传递heat wave热浪heath bog晕石南沼泽heath forest石南林heather石南灌丛heather moor晕石南沼泽heathland石南灌丛heavenly body天体heavy clay重粘土heavy concentrate重砂heavy industry重工业heavy irrigation过度灌溉heavy layer厚层heavy metals pollution重金属污染heavy mineral analysis重矿物分析heavy mineral prospecting重矿物勘探heavy minerals重矿物heavy rain大雨heavy snow大雪heavy soil粘重土heavy texture粘重质地heavy water重水height above sea level海拔标高height anomaly高程异常height class蔬级height computation高程计算height datum高程基准面height mark高程标志height measurement高程测量height measuring equipment高度测量设备height net高程网height of incidence入射高度height of sighting line视线高度height of wave波高height of weir堰高height point高程点heikolite平康石heintzite硼钾镁石hekistothermal plants低温植物helical structure螺旋结构heliocentric coordinates日心坐标heliocentric system日心体系heliophobes嫌阳植物heliophytes阳生植物heliotrope回照器heliotropism向日性helium氦helium anomaly氦异常helium survey氦测量helix structure螺旋结构helminthiasis蠕虫病helophytes沼生植物hematite赤铁矿hemicellulose半纤维素hemicolloid半胶体hemicryptophyte半地中植物hemiepiphyte半附生植物hemihylaea半热带雨林hemimorphism异极象hemimorphite异极矿hemin血晶质hemiparalysis半身不遂hemipelagic sediment近海沉积物hemiplegia半身不遂hemisphere半球hemist半分解有机土hemoglobin血红蛋白herb草本herbaceous cover草本覆盖herbaceous vegetation草本植被herbarium植物标本herbivore草食动物herbivores食草动物hercynian movement海嗡动hercynite铁尖晶石hereditary disease遗传病heredity遗传heritability遗传力hermaphroditism雌雄同体herpolhodograph空间极迹图hetarosis杂种优势heterochrony异时性heterocyclic compound杂环化合物heterogeneity不均匀性heterogeneous reaction多相反应heterogeneous system不均系heteromesic facies异相heteromorphism同质异象heterophylly异形叶性heteropolar bond异极键heteropolar compound有极化合物heterosis杂种优势heterosphere非均质层heterospore异形孢子heterotrophic organisms异养生物heterotrophic plant他养植物heterotrophism他养heterotypic valleys异型谷hexagonal dipyramidal class六方双锥类hexagonal prism六方柱hexagonal trapezohedral class六方偏方面体类hexahedrite六面体式陨铁hexahedron六面体hexatetrahedral class六四面体类hexatisoctahedron六八面体hexoctahedron六八面体hiatus分离hibernation冬眠hidden anomaly隐蔽异常hidden discordance隐蔽不整合hidden solonchak潜在盐土hierarchical classification层次分类hierarchical clustering分级群聚hierarchical data base层次数据库hierarchical diagram谱系图hierarchical storage分级在储hierarchy分级high angle fault陡角断层high atmosphere高层大气high clouds高云high dip高倾斜high energy phosphate compound高能磷酸化合物high latitudes高纬度high level anticyclone高空反气旋high level cyclone高空气旋high level front高空锋high moor高位沼泽high moorland高位沼泽地high mountain高山high mountain meadow高山草甸high mountain relief高山地形high pass filter高通滤波器低阻滤波器high plain高平原high plateau高地high pressure area高压区high pressure belt高压带high resolution film recorder高分辨率胶片记录器high resolution multispectral scanner system高分辨率多谱段扫描仪系统high seas公海high tide高潮high volatile bituminous coal a气煤high volatile bituminous coal b长焰炭high water高水位high water discharge高水位量high water level高水位higher high water高高潮higher low water高低潮higher surveying高等测量学highest water level最高水位highland山地highland climate高山气候highway公路highway transport公路运输hill丘陵hill peat丘陵泥炭hillock小丘hillock bog小草丘沼泽hillock sands小丘砂土hilly tundra丘状冻原himalayan orogeny喜马拉雅运动hinge fault捩转断层histic epipedon泥炭表层histic gleysols泥炭潜育土histogram直方图histogram equalization直方图均衡化histogram linearization直方图线性化histogram modification直方图修改histogram normalization直方图正态化histogram specification直方图规定化histogram thresholding直方图阈值化historic spot古迹historical atlas历史地图集historical factor历史因素historical geochemistry历史地球化学historical geography历史地理学historical geology地史学historical map历史地图history of vegetation古植物分布学histosols有机土hoarfrost霜hoarfrost point露点hoeing锄地hogauite钠沸石holarctic faunistic region全北极动物区holarctic floristic kingdom全北极植物区holdfast root支柱根hollow浅凹地holly oak forest冬青栎林holmium钬holocene全新统hologram全息图holographic data storage全息数据存储holographic interoferometry全息干涉测量法holography全息术hololens全息透镜holomictic lakes全竖直环窿holoplankton全浮游生物holotype郑式标本holtonite镁硼石home range正常行动区域homeostasis体内平衡homeothermal animals恒温动物homocline均斜homocyclic compound同素环化合物homogeneity同种homogeneity of anomaly异常均性homogeneous atmosphere均匀大气层homogeneous layer均质层homogeneous path均匀路径homogeneous surfaces均质表面homogeneous volcano均质火山homomorphism同态homopause均质层顶homosphere均质层homothermy等温现象homotypic valleys同型谷honeycomb rocks蜂房岩honeycomb weathering蜂巢状风化hook gauge钩尺hopper给料斗horizon视界horizon line水平线horizon system地平坐标系horizontal水平线horizontal angle水平角horizontal axis水平轴horizontal baric gradient水平气压梯度horizontal bedding水平基床horizontal circle水平度盘horizontal control network平面控制网horizontal dissection of mountains山地的水平均割horizontal distance水平距离horizontal equivalent水平距离horizontal geologic profile水平地质剖面horizontal parallax左右视差horizontal parallax difference左右视差较horizontal photography水平摄影horizontal scale水平比例尺horizontal slip水平滑动horizontal staff横标尺horizontal stratum水平岩层horizontal temperature gradient水平温度梯度horizontal tension横张力horizontal zonality水平带性hormone激素horn peak角峰hornbeam鹅耳枥属hornbeam oak forest鹅耳枥栎手hornbeam wood千金榆丛hornblendite角闪石岩hornito溶岩滴丘hornstone角岩horny layer角质层horseshoe bend型河床horsetails木贼类horst地垒horticulture蔬菜园艺;园艺学host宿主host plant寄植物hot house effect温室效应hot spring温泉hot spring organism温泉生物hot wave热浪hot wire anemometer热线风速计hothouse温室hour angle时角hour circle时圈hourly observation每时观测hourly precipitation每时降水量hours of daylight日照时间housing hygiene住宅卫生hover ground松散地hue色彩human geography人类地理学humaquept腐殖质潮始成土humate腐殖酸盐humic acid腐殖酸humic acrisols腐殖质强淋溶土humic allophane soil腐殖质铝英土humic andosols腐殖质暗色土humic cambisols腐殖质始成土humic carbonated soil腐殖质碳酸盐土humic coal腐殖煤humic ferralsols腐殖质铁铝土humic gley soil腐殖质潜育土humic gleysols腐殖质潜育土humic horizon腐殖层humic ironpan腐殖质铁磐humic latosol腐殖质砖红壤humic nitosols腐殖质强风化粘磐土humic planosols腐殖质粘磐土humic podzols腐殖质灰壤humic solochaks腐殖质盐土humic solonetz腐殖质碱土humid climate湿润气候humid desert climate湿润漠境气候humid limestone brown loam湿润棕色石灰壤土humid region湿润地带humidification湿润化humidity湿度humidity deficit湿度不足humidity index湿润指数humification腐殖化humified organic soil腐殖化有机质土humin胡敏素hummock波状地hummocky topography丘状地形humo ferric podzol腐殖铁质灰壤humod腐殖灰土humolites腐殖煤humous loam腐殖壤土humox腐殖质氧化土humult腐殖质老成土humus腐殖质humus carbonatic soil腐殖质碳酸盐土humus clay complex腐殖质粘粒复合体humus coal腐殖煤humus enriched horizon腐殖质富集层humus fen soil腐殖质沼泽土humus formation腐殖化humus fractionation腐殖质分级humus layer腐殖质层humus silicate soil腐殖质硅酸盐土humus soil腐殖质土壤hungry soil瘠薄土壤hurricane飓风hyaline玻璃质的hyalobasalt玻质玄武岩hybrid coding混合编码hybrid rock混染岩hybrid sterility杂种不育性hybrid vigour杂种优势hybridization杂交hydathode排水器hydatogenic rock蒸发岩hydatophytes浸生植物hydrated aluminium silicates水化铝硅酸盐hydration水合酌hydration head水合热hydration of colloidal particles胶粒的水化酌hydraulic classification水力分级hydraulic discharge出水量hydraulic engineering水利工程hydraulic gradient水力梯度hydraulic head水头hydraulic jump水跃hydraulic potential水势hydraulic power plant水电站hydraulic radius水力半径hydraulics水力学hydrazine联氨hydric factor水因素hydrobiology水生生物学hydrobiontes水生生物hydrobiose水生生物hydrocarbon碳氢化合物hydrocarbonate碳酸氢盐hydrochemical anomaly水化学异常hydrochemical map水化学图hydrochemical prospecting水化学勘探hydrochemical survey水化学测量hydrochemistry水文化学hydrochloric acid extract盐酸浸提液hydrochores水布植物hydrochory水媒传布hydroclastic rock水成碎屑岩hydroclimatology水文气候学hydrogen氢hydrogen bacteria氢细菌hydrogen bond氢键hydrogen electrode氢电极hydrogen ion exponent氢指数hydrogen sulphide barrier硫化氢辟hydrogenous elements水成元素hydrogeochemical anomaly水文地球化学异常hydrogeochemical background value水化学背景值hydrogeochemical indication for prospecting水文地球化学找矿标志hydrogeochemical map地下水地球化学图hydrogeochemical profile地下水水化学剖面图hydrogeochemical prospecting水文地球化学勘探hydrogeochemistry水文地球化学hydrogeography水文地理学hydrogeological condition水文地质条件hydrogeological parameter水文地质参数hydrogeological province水文地质分区hydrogeological survey水文地质甸hydrogeological unit水文地质单元hydrogeology水文地质学hydrogoethite含水针铁矿hydrograph自记水位计hydrographic charting海图制图hydrographic remote sensing水利遥感hydrography水文学hydrolaccoliths水岩盖hydrolase水解酶hydrologic balance水分平衡hydrologic budget水分平衡hydrologic survey in aerial photograph航空图像水文测量hydrological cycle水文循环hydrological designs水文设计hydrological maps水文图hydrological regime水分状况hydrological serial measurement水文系列观测hydrology水文学hydrology of mire沼泽水文学hydrolyric decomposition水解hydrolysis水解hydrolytic acidity水解酸度hydrolytic dissociation水离解hydrolyzate水解产物hydromanganite水锰矿hydrometallurgy湿式冶金hydrometamorphism热水变质hydrometasomation热液交替酌hydrometeor水汽凝结体hydrometeorology水文气象学hydrometer比重计hydrometry水文测量hydromica水云母hydromorphic anomaly水成异常hydromorphic soils水成土hydromorphous process水成过程hydromuscovite水白云母hydrophilic colloid亲水胶体hydrophilic group亲水基团hydrophilic radical亲水基hydrophilite氯钙石hydrophobic colloid疏水胶体hydrophobic radical疏水基hydrophyte水生植物hydrophyte natantia漂浮水生植物hydroponics水栽法hydrosphere水圈hydrostatic pressure静水压力hydrotaxis钱性hydrothermal alteration热液蚀变hydrothermal deposit热液矿床hydrothermal metamorphism热液变质hydrothermal process热液酌hydrothermal replacement热液蚀变hydrothermal solution热水溶液hydrothermic coefficient水文热量系数hydrothermic factor水热因素hydrous alumino silicates含水铝硅酸盐hydroxy ion羟离子hydroxyl group羟基hydrozincite水锌矿hyetography雨量学hyetology雨学hygiene卫生hygrograph自记湿度计hygrometer湿度表hygrometry湿度测定hygrophilous vegetation湿生植被hygrophyte湿生植物hygrophytic vegetation适湿植被hygroscopic coefficient吸湿系数hygroscopic movement吸湿运动hygroscopic water吸着水hygroscopicity吸湿性hygrotaxis仟性hygrotropism向湿性hylaeion热带雨林hylergography环境影响论hymatomelanic acid吉马多美朗酸hyperbola双曲线hypergenesis表生酌hypergenic minerals表生矿物hyperparasitism重寄生hyperstereoscopy超立体观察hypersthene紫苏辉石hyperthermia高温症hypertrophy肥大hyphe菌丝hypidiomorphic texture半自形结构hypnum moss灰藓hypnum moss bog灰藓沼泽hypocenter震源hypocrystalline texture半晶质结构hypogen deposit深成矿床hypogene enrichment深成富集hypolimnion下层滞水带hypothermal deposit深成热液矿床hypothermia低温症hypothesic representation假说的表示法hypothesis of geochemical accumulators地球化学蓄电池假说hypovitaminosis维生素缺乏hypsographic curve沸点测高曲线hypsometer测高计hypsometric chart地势图hypsometric curve等高线hypsometric layer色层hypsometric maps分层设色地图hypsometric tint分层设色hypsometric tint scale分层设色表hysteresis滞后hysteresis loop滞后回线地理专业词汇英语翻译(H) 相关内容:31。

计算机专业词汇 abbreviation n

计算机专业词汇  abbreviation n

计算机专业词汇abbreviation n.缩短,省略,简称abnormal 异常abort 异常中止abstract 抽象acceleration 加速度access 访问accessory 附件accommodate 容纳according to a.按照,根据account 帐户accumulator 累加器accurately 准确地achieve vt.完成acknowledgement 确认acquire 获取acquisition 获取activation 激活adaptability 适应性adapter 适配器adder 加法器additionally ad.另外,又address 地址addressing 寻址adequate a.足够的,充分的adjacent 邻近的adjustment 调整administrator 管理员advanced 高级的alarm 警报alert 报警algorithm 算法alignment 数据对齐allocation 分配allocator 分配器alteration 改动amplifier 放大器amplitude 振幅analog 模拟analysis 分析Animation 动画appendix n.附录Apple n.苹果公司applicable a.可适用的,合适的application 应用(程序)applied a.适用的,外加的apply 应用appropriate 适当的appropriately ad.适当地archive 归档argument 参数arithmetic算术arrangement 排列array 数组arrow 箭头ascending 升序ASCII n.美国信息交换标准码assembly 汇编assigned a.指定的,赋值的association 关联assortment n.种类,花色品种assume 假设asynchronous 异步attachment 连接附件attribute 属性authentication 认证authenticator 认证器author n.程序设计者,作者authority 权限auxiliary 辅助的backup 备份backward 反向bandwidth 带宽bank 存储单元banking 出界bar 条basis 基础batch 批处理beep n.蜂鸣声,嘀嘀声beeper 蜂鸣器bias 偏离binary 二进制BIOS n.基本输入/输出系统bipolar 双极性的cascade 级联bit 位catalogue 编目bitmap 位图catch 捕捉blank 空格category 种类board n.板,插件板cell 单元body 主体centering 向中对齐boldface 黑体central 中央的bookmark 书签certification 确证Boolean 布尔channel 通道boot 引导chapter 章Bootable 可引导char 字符border 边框characteristic 特性bottleneck 瓶颈charge 费用bottom 底部charging 充电boundary 边界chart 图表bpi 位/英寸checkpoint 检查点bps 位/秒chip 芯片brace 花括号choice 选项bracket 方括号ciphertext 密码文本break 中断circumstance n.情况,环境,细节bridge 网桥citation 引用broadcast 广播classify 分类Browser 浏览器client 客户buffer 缓冲区clipboard 裁剪板buffering 缓冲cliping 裁剪bug 错误clocking 定时build 构建clockwise 顺时针方向bulb 灯泡cluster 群集burst 脉冲串coating 涂层bus 总线coax 同轴button 按钮coaxial 同轴的byte 字节code 代码cable 电缆coder 编码器cabling 布线coding 编码cache 高速缓存coefficient 系数CAD 计算机辅助设计colon 冒号calculation n.计算,统计,估计column 列calculator 计算器combination 组合calling 调用comma 逗号callout 调出command 命令capability 能力comment 注解capitalized a.大写的commercial a.商业的,经济的capture 捕捉commitment 落实carrier 载波communication n.通信compaction 压缩corrupted 毁坏的comparison 比较counter 计数器compatibility 兼容性crash 崩溃compile 编译craze n.开裂compiler 编译器criterion n.标准,判据,准则complement 补码cumulative 累积的complexity 复杂程度current 当前component 部件cursor 光标components 部件customer 用户composition 组合cutoff 截止compression 压缩cutout 开口comprise vt.包括,由...组成cyclinder 柱面concurrent 同时的damage 损坏conditional 条件的damping 阻尼configuration 配置dark 黑暗confirmation 确认data 数据conflict v.冲突,碰头database 数据库confuse vt.使混乱,干扰datagram 数据报congestion 拥塞db 分贝conjunction 与deadlock 死锁connection 连接deal v.处理,分配,交易consecutive 连续的debug 调试consequently ad.因此,从而debugger 调试器consideration n.考虑,研究,讨论decimal 十进制consistency 一致性declare 说明consistent 一致的decode 译码console 控制台decrease v.减少,降低,缩短const n.常数decreasing 递减constantly ad.不变地,经常地default 缺省constraint 约束defective a.故障的,有毛病的container 容器definition 定义限定contiguous 相连的deflect 转向continuously ad.连续不断地degrade v.降低,减少,递降contrast 反差degree 度convenience n.方便,便利delay 延迟conversation 对话demodulation 解调conversion 转换demultiplexer 多路分用器convert 转换depress 按下coordinate 坐标depth 深度copy 复制descend 下降copyright n.版权description n.描述core 核心deselect 取消选择correction n.校正,修正design 设计corresponding 相应的desktop 桌面destination 目的地distribution 分发destroy 毁坏diversion 转换detail 细节divide v.除detect 检测division 部分determine 确定DLL 动态连接库development n.开发,研制document 文档device 设备documentation 文档编制diagnose 诊断domain 域diagonal 对角的DOS 磁盘操作系统diagram 图表dot 点dial 拨号double a.两倍的,成双的dialing 拨号download 卸载dialog 对话drag 拖曳differ vi.不同,不一致drawable 可绘制的difference 差drive 驱动器different 不同的driver 驱动程序differentiate v.区别,分辨dual a.对偶的,双的digit 数字duodecimal 十二进制的digital 数字的duplex 双工dimension 维duplicate 重复diode 二极管durability 耐用性direct 直接的duration 持续时间direction 指导during 在期间directly ad.直接地,立即dynamic 动态directory 目录echo 回显dirname 目录名edge 边Dirve 驱动器edit 编辑disable 禁用edition 版本disappear vi.消失editor 编辑器discard v.删除,废除,放弃effectivea.有效的discipline 规程efficiency 效率disconnect 断开electronic 电子的disconnection 断开electronics 电子学discrete 离散的element 元素disk 磁盘eliminate 消去diskette 软盘ellipse 椭圆display 显示embedded 嵌入的dispose 配置embedding 嵌入disregard vt.轻视,把..忽略不计emphasis 强调distinction n.区别,相异,特性emphasize v.强调,着重,增强distinguish v.区别,辨识empty a.空,零,未占用distortion 失真emulation 仿真distribute vt.分布,配线,配给enable 允许distributed 分布的encode 编码encoder 编码器experiment n.实验,试验(研究) encryption 加密experimentation n.实验(工作,法) end 末端expertise 专门知识endpoint 端点expire v.终止,期满engineering 工程explain 说明enhance 增强explanation 说明enlargement 放大exponential 指数的enqueue 排队export 调出enquiry 询问exporter 出口服务器enter 输入exposure 曝光度entire a.总体expression 表达式entity 实体extension 扩充entrance 入口external 外部的entry 项目extra a.特别的,额外的environment 环境extract 抽取equal 等于extremely ad.极端地,非常equalization 均衡facility n.设施,装备,便利equation 方程式factor 因子equipment 装置fallback 撤退equivalent 等价的family 系列erase 擦除fastback n.快速返回eraser 擦除器fasten 固定error 错误father n.父,上层(树节点的)escape 跳出fault 故障especially ad.特别(是),尤其feature 特征成份essentially ad.实质上,本来feed 馈送establishment 建立feedback 反馈Ethernet 以太网feminine 阴性evaluate 估计fiber 纤维event 事件field 字段every 每个figure 图examine v.检验,考试,审查file 文件example 例子filename 文件名exceed 超过fileset 文件集exception 异常filespace 文件空间exclusive 互斥的fill 填充execution 执行filter 筛选程序exhaust v.取尽,用完final 最后的exist 存在find 查找existing 现存的first 首先exit 退出fixed 固定的expand 扩充flexibility 灵活性expanding a.扩展的,扩充的flicker 闪烁experience vt.试验floppy n.软磁盘flow 流动folder 文件夹font 字体forbidden 禁用的forced a.强制的forecast 预测foreground 前台format 格式formation n.构造,结构,形成formed a.成形formula 公式forward 向前fragment n.片段,段,分段fragmentation 存储残片frame 帧framework 框架free 释放frequency 频率frequently ad.常常,频繁地function 功能fundamental a.基本的,根本的gain 增益gap 间隔gateway 网关gather 集中general 一般的generation 产生generator 发生器global 全局的gradation 灰度graph 图grounding 接地group 组growth 增长GUI 图形用户界面guide 指南guideline 指南halt 停机handle 句柄hang v.中止,暂停,挂起hardware 硬件head 磁头helper 帮助程序hex 十六进制hexadecimal a.十六进制的hidden 隐藏的hierarchical 分层的hierarchy 层次结构highlight 突出显示histogram 直方图horizontal水平的hub 集线器hypertext 超文本identical a.相等的,相同的identification 标识idle 空闲ignore 忽略illegal 非法的image 图象imbedded 嵌入的imbedding 嵌入implementation 实现import 调入impulse 脉冲inaccessible 不可存取的inaccuracy 不准确度inclusive a.包括的,内含的incompatibility 不相容increasing 递增independent 独立index 索引indirect 间接的indirection 间接individual 个别的industrial 工业的industry n.工业inferiors 下级infinite a.无限的,无穷的infinity 无穷大influence 影响inherit 继承inheritance 继承inhibit 禁止inhibited 禁止的initial 初始的initialization 初始化input 输入inquiry 查询insert 插入insertion n.插入,嵌入,插页inside n.内部的inspection 检查install 安装instance 实例instant a.立刻的,直接的instruction 指令integer 整数integrate 集成integrated 集成的intelligence 智能interactive 交互式intercepting 截取interchange 交换interest n.兴趣,注意,影响interface 界面interfere vi.干涉,干扰,冲突interference 干扰interleave 交错intermediate 中间的internal 内部的internationalization 国际化Internet 网际interpreter 解释器interrelated 相关的interrupt 中断interval 间隔intervention 介入introduction 介绍invalid 无效invocation 调用involved a.有关的isolation 隔离issue 发出item 项目iteration 迭代iterative a.迭代的,重复的jam 堵塞joystick 控制杆junction 连接justify 对齐keep 保持kernel 内核key 键keyboard 键盘keyword 关键字kill 杀死(进程)kilo 千labeled a.有标号的layer 层layout 布局legend 图注library 库licensed 特许的limitation 限制link 连接list 列表listen 收听listening 收听loading 装入local 本地的localization 本地化locate 找出log 记录logic 逻辑Login 登录logo 标志loop 循环macro 宏magnitude 大小mail 邮件mainframe 大型机maintenance 维护major a.较大的,主要的majority 多数malfunction 故障management 管理manipulating v.操纵,操作manual 手册manually ad.用手,手动地mapping 映象margin 余量mark 标记masking n.掩蔽,屏蔽match 匹配matching n.匹配,调整material 资料matrix 矩阵处理Maximize 最大化navigation n.导航mean 平均navigational 引导的means n.方法,手段negative a.负的,否定的media 媒体network 网络medium n.中等的neural 神经mega n.兆,百万neutral 中性的member 成员node 节点memory 内存noise 噪声menu 菜单noninteractive a.不相关的,非交merge 合并互的message 信息normalize 规格化metadata 元数据notation 记数法metafile 元文件note 注意meter 米notebook 笔记本method 方法null 空的metric 公制的number 数micro a.微的,百万分之一numeral 数字microcomputer 微型计算机numeration 记数microprocessor 微处理器numeric 数字的microsecond 微秒numerous a.为数众多的,无数的microwave 微波object 目标对象middle 中间obscure 模糊的MIDI 音乐设备数字接口observation 观察migration 移植observer 观察者mile 英里occasionally ad.偶尔(地),不时milli 毫occupy占用minimize 最小化occur 发生mirroring 镜象octal 八进制的mixer 混合器offer v.提供,给予,呈现modem 调制解调器offline 脱机modification 修改offset 位移modulation 调制omit vt.省略,删去,遗漏module 模块on-line a.联机的monochrome 单色online 联机mouse 鼠标operation 操作move 移动opposite a.相反的movement 移动optimization 优化multidrop 多点option 任选项multiiplex 多路传送optional 任选的multimedia 多媒体order 命令multiple 多个的orientation 方位multiplicity 复合度originally ad.原来,最初multiprocessing n.多重处理,多道outlet 插座outline 提纲output 输出overall 整个overflow 上溢overheat 过热overload 超负荷overview 概述overwrite 覆盖package 包paging 调页panel 屏面parallel 并行的parameter 参数parent 父代parity 奇偶性partition 分区password 口令Paste 粘贴选项patch 修补path 路径pattern 模式pause 暂停peer 同级penalty n.惩罚,罚款,负担percentage 百分率performance 性能period 句点peripheral 外围的permission 许可权persistence 持续性pertain vi.附属,属于,关于photoconductor 光导体pipeline 管线pitch 音调pixel 像素pixmap 象图plaintext 明文platform n.平台plot 绘图plotter 绘图仪plug 插头point 点pointer 指针polyline 多线pool 池pop 弹出popdown 弹下popup 弹出port 端口portability 可移植性portion n.分配positioning 定位positive a.正的,阳的,正片possibility n.可能性postpone 延迟potentially ad.可能地,大概地power 电源preceding a.先的,以前的predict vt.预测,预言prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿prefix 前缀preparation 准备preprocessing 预处理preprocessor 预处理器primarily ad.首先,起初,原来printer 打印机priority 优先级privilege 特权probable a.概率的,可能的problem 问题procedure 过程proceed 继续productivity 生产力professional 专业人员profile 概要program 程序programmable a.可编程的progress n.进度,进展project 项目projection 投影promote 促进prompt 提示proof 证明properly ad.真正地,适当地property 特性proporational 均衡的protection 保护protocol 协议pseudo a.假的,伪的,冒充的remainder 余数pulldown 下拉remember v.存储,记忆,记住purpose n.打算remote 远程qualified a.合格的,受限制的removal 除去quality 质量repeatablity 可重复性quantization 量子化repetitive a.重复的query 查询replace 置换questionaire 询问表replacement n.替换,置换,更新queue 队列replication 复制quit 退出reply 回答quotation 引语represent v.表示,表现,代表radiate 辐射representation 表示法RAM 随机存取存储器request 请求random a.随机的requirement 需求rate 速率reservation 保留rational 有理的reset 复位reallocation 重新分配residual 残留的rebinding 重新连接resolution 分辨率receive 接收resource 资源reclaim 收回response 响应record 记录restart 重新启动rectangle 矩形restriction 限制rectangular a.矩形的resume 继续recursion 循环retain vt.保持,维持recursive a.递归的,循环的retry 重试redirection 重定向return 返回reduction n.减化,还原,减少reversal 反向redundancy 冗余reverse 反向refer 参考review 复查reflection 反射revise 修订reformat 重新格式化ring 环refresh 刷新roll 卷动regardless a.不注意的,不考虑的root 根regeneration 重新生成round 舍入region 区router 路由程序register 寄存器row 行regular a.正则的,正规的runtime n.运行时间regulation 规则safety n.安全,保险related a.相关的sampling 采样relational 关系的scalar 标量relative 相对的scale 比例尺release 释放scaling 比例转换reliability 可靠性scan 扫描reload vt.再装入scanner 扫描器scattered a.分散的slot 槽schedule 调度smudge 污迹scheme n.方案,计划,图socket 插座scientific 科学的soft a.软的screen 屏幕software 软件scrolling 卷动solution n.解,解法,解答secondary 次级source 源segment 段space 空间segmentation 分段spelling 拼写semicolon 分号split分割send 发送splitting n.分区[裂] sender 发送人spontaneous 自发的sensitive a.敏感的,灵敏的spooling 假脱机sensor 传感器SQL 结构化查询语言sentence 句子stability 稳定性separator 分隔符stack 堆栈sequence 顺序stamp n.图章sequentially ad.顺序地standard 标准serial 串行start 开始serializability 串行starting a.起始的series 系列startup 启动server 服务器state 状态set 设置statement 语句Settings 设置选项static 静态的shaded 阴影stationary a.静止的,平稳的shell 外壳statistical 统计的shield v.屏蔽,罩,防护statistics 统计学shift 移位status 状态shortcut n.近路,捷径step 步骤shutdown 关机storage 存储器side 一边store 存储sign 正负号stream 流signal 信号strike v.敲,击signature 签名struct 结构signed 带正负号structure 结构significantly 显著地subchannel 子通道simplex 单工的subclass 子类simulation 模拟subcommand 子命令simulator 模拟器subcomponent 子部件simultaneous 同时的subconsole 副控制台size大小subdirectory 子目录skill n.技巧subfield 子字段slice 片subfile 子文件slider 滑动器subgroup n.分组,子群subject n.主题,源superclass 超类submenu 子菜单superclient 超级客户submission 提交superimpose vt.重叠,叠加submode 子方式superobject 超对象subnet 子网superscript 上标subnetwork 子网superuser 超级用户subordinate 附属supervisor 管理程序subpart 子部件supplier 供应商subpattern 子模式supply vt.电源,供给subprocess 子进程sure 确认subprogram 子程序surface 表面subproject 子项目surrounding a.周围的,环绕的subqueue 子队列survey 勘测subroutine 子程序suspension n.暂停,中止,挂起subscribe 签署swap 交换subscriber 用户switch 开关subscript 下标syllable 音节subsequent a.后来的,其次的symbol 符号subsequently ad.其后,其次,按着symmetric 对称subserver 子服务synchronization 同步化subset 子集synchronous 同步的substantial a.实质的,真正的syntax 语法substantially ad.实质上,本质上system 系统substitute 替代tab 跳位、标签substitution 替代table 表substring 子串tablet 图形输入板subsystem 子系统tag 标记subtask 子任务tape 磁带subtotal 分合计technical a.技术的,专业的subtree 子树technology n.工艺,技术,制造学subtype 子类型telecommunication 远程通信subunit 子单元telegraph 电报successful 成功的telephone 电话successive a.逐次的,相继的teleprinter 电传打印机such a.这样的,如此teleprocessing 远程处理sufficient 足够的teletype 电传打字机suffix 后缀teletypewriter 电传打字机suggest vt.建议,提议,暗示template 模板suggestion n.暗示,提醒temporarily ad.暂时sum 和数term 项summarize 概述terminal 终端summary 摘要terminology 术语superblock 超级块terms 付款条件supercalss 超类text 文本thereafter ad.此后,据此therefore ad.因此,所以this 此threshold 阈值throughput 吞吐量timeout 超时timer 计时器timeslicing 时间片tiny a.微小的,微量的token 令牌tolerance 容错topology 拓扑学tracepoint 跟踪点traffic 通信量transform 变换transformation 变换transition 转移translation 翻译transmission 传输transmit 发送transparency 透明性trigger 触发器tube 管子tutorial 指导的typefont 字体typical a.典型的,标准的UI 用户界面接口undefine 未定义underlying a.基础的,根本的unloaded 已卸载unlock 解锁update 更新updated a.适时的,更新的upgrade 升级upload 上载upper a.上的,上部的usage n.应用,使用,用法userid 用户标识符utility 实用程序valid 有效的validation 验证validity 有效性value 值variable 变量variety n.变化,种类,品种vary 转换vector 向量verification 验证vertically ad.竖直地,直立地VGA 视频图形适配器via prep.经过,经由video 视频videodisc 影碟virtual 虚拟的visibility 可见性volatile 易失的volume 音量vowel n.元音,母音warning 警告warranty n.保证(书),授权waveform 波形whenever ad.随时whereas conj.面,其实,既然whether conj.无论,不管whichever a.无论哪个width 宽度wire 导线wiring 接线withdraw 撤回within prep.在..以内without prep.没有,在..以外workgroup 工作组workshop 实习workstation 工作站wrap 环绕write 写入zero n.零,零位,零点zone 区zoom v.变焦距。



自动化专业英语词汇12022-03-18 16:18自动化专业英语词汇 [/b][b]加速度传感器acceleration transduceracceptance testing验收测试可及性accessibility积累误差accumulated error交-直-交变频器AC-DC-AC frequency converter交流电子传动AC (alternating current) electric drive主动姿态稳定active attitude stabilization驱动器,执行机构actuator线性适应元adaline适应层adaptation layer适应遥测系统adaptive telemeter system伴有算子adjoint operator容许误差admissible error集结矩阵aggregation matrix层次分析法AHP (analytic hierarchy process)放大环节amplifying elementanalog-digital conversion模数转换信号器annunciator天线指向控制antenna pointing control抗积分饱卷anti-integral windup非周期分解aperiodic decomposition后验估计a posteriori estimate近似推理approximate reasoning先验估计a priori estimate关节型机器人articulated robot配置问题,分配问题assignment problem联想记忆模型associative memory modelassociatron联想机渐进稳定性asymptotic stability实际位姿漂移attained pose drift姿态捕获attitude acquisition姿态轨道控制系统AOCS (attritude and orbit control system)姿态角速度attitude angular velocity姿态扰动attitude disturbance姿态机动attitude maneuver吸引子attractor可扩充性augment ability增广系统augmented systemautomatic manual station自动-手动操作器自动机automatonbacklash characteristics间隙特性基座坐标系base coordinate system贝叶斯分类器Bayes classifier方位对准bearing alignment波纹管压力表bellows pressure gauge收益成本分析benefit-cost analysisbilinear system双线性系统生物控制论biocybernetics生物反馈系统biological feedback systemblack box testing approach黑箱测试法盲目搜索blind search块对角化block diagonalization玻耳兹曼机Boltzman machine自下而上开辟bottom-up development边界值分析boundary value analysis头脑风暴法brainstorming method广度优先搜索breadth-first search蝶阀butterfly valve计算机辅助工程CAE (computer aided engineering) CAM (computer aided manufacturing)计算机辅助创造偏心旋转阀Camflex valve规范化状态变量canonical state variable电容式位移传感器capacitive displacement transducer膜盒压力表capsule pressure gauge计算机辅助研究开辟CARD直角坐标型机器人Cartesian robot串联补偿cascade compensation突变论catastrophe theory集中性centrality链式集结chained aggregationchaos混沌特征轨迹characteristic locus化学推进chemical propulsion清晰性calrity经典信息模式classical information pattern分类器classifierclinical control system临床控制系统闭环极点closed loop pole闭环传递函数closed loop transfer functioncluster analysis聚类分析粗-精控制coarse-fine control蛛网模型cobweb modelcoefficient matrix系数矩阵认知科学cognitive sciencecognitron认知机单调关联系统coherent system组合决策combination decision组合爆炸combinatorial explosion压力真空表combined pressure and vacuum gauge指令位姿command posecompanion matrix相伴矩阵房室模型compartmental model相容性,兼容性compatibilitycompensating network补偿网络补偿,矫正compensation柔顺,顺应compliance组合控制composite control可计算普通均衡模型computable general equilibrium model条件不稳定性conditionally instability组态configuration连接机制connectionism连接性connectivity守恒系统conservative systemconsistency一致性约束条件constraint condition消费函数consumption function上下文无关语法context-free grammar连续离散事件混合系continuous discrete event hybrid system sim 统仿真连续工作制continuous duty控制精度control accuracy控制柜control cabinet可控指数controllability index可控规范型controllable canonical form[control] plant控制对象,被控对象控制仪表controlling instrument控制力矩陀螺control moment gyro控制屏,控制盘control panel控制[式]自整角机control synchro控制系统综合control system synthesiscontrol time horizon控制时程合作对策cooperative game可协调条件coordinability conditioncoordination strategy协调策略协调器coordinator转折频率corner frequencycostate variable共态变量费用效益分析cost-effectiveness analysiscoupling of orbit and attitude轨道和姿态耦合临界阻尼critical damping临界稳定性critical stability穿越频率,交越频率cross-over frequency电流[源]型逆变器current source inverter截止频率cut-off frequencycybernetics控制论循环遥控cyclic remote control圆柱坐标型机器人cylindrical robotdamped oscillation阻尼振荡阻尼器damper阻尼比damping ratio数据采集data acquisition数据加密data encryption数据预处理data preprocessing数据处理器data processor直流发机电-电动机组传动DC generator-motor set drive微分控制器D controller分散性decentralitydecentralized stochastic control分散随机控制决策空间decision space决策支持系统decision support system分解集结法decomposition-aggregation approach解耦参数decoupling parameter演绎与归纳混合建模法deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method 延时遥测delayed telemetry导出树derivation tree微分反馈derivative feedback描述函数describing function希翼值desired valuedespinner消旋体目的站destination检出器detector确定性自动机deterministic automaton偏差 舱deviation偏差报警器deviation alarmDFD数据流图诊断模型diagnostic model对角主导矩阵diagonally dominant matrixdiaphragm pressure gauge膜片压力表差分方程模型difference equation model微分动力学系统differential dynamical systemdifferential game微分对策差压液位计differential pressure level meterdifferential pressure transmitter差压变送器差动变压器式位移传感differential transformer displacement trans 器differentiation element微分环节数字滤波器digital filer数字信号处理digital signal processing数字化digitization数字化仪digitizer尺度传感器dimension transducerdirect coordination直接协调解裂disaggregation失协调discoordinationdiscrete event dynamic system离散事件动态系统离散系统仿真语言discrete system simulation language判别函数discriminant function位移振幅传感器displacement vibration amplitude transducer耗散结构dissipative structure分布参数控制系统distributed parameter control systemdistrubance扰动扰动补偿disturbance compensation多样性diversitydivisibility可分性领域知识domain knowledgedominant pole主导极点剂量反应模型dose-response model双重调制遥测系统dual modulation telemetering system对偶原理dual principle双自旋稳定dual spin stabilization负载比duty ratiodynamic braking能耗制动动态特性dynamic characteristics动态偏差dynamic deviationdynamic error coefficient动态误差系数动它吻合性dynamic exactness动态投入产出模型dynamic input-output model计量经济模型econometric model经济控制论economic cybernetics经济效益economic effectiveness经济评价economic evaluation经济指数economic index经济指标economic indicator电涡流厚度计eddy current thickness metereffectiveness有效性效益理论effectiveness theoryelasticity of demand需求弹性电动执行机构electric actuator电导液位计electric conductance levelmeter电动传动控制设备electric drive control gear电-液转换器electric hydraulic converter电-气转换器electric pneumatic converter electrohydraulic servo vale电液伺服阀电磁流量传感器electromagnetic flow transducer电子配料秤electronic batching scaleelectronic belt conveyor scale电子皮带秤电子料斗秤electronic hopper scale仰角elevation异常住手emergency stop经验分布empirical distribution内生变量endogenous variable均衡增长equilibrium growth平衡点equilibrium point等价类划分equivalence partitioning工效学ergonomicserror误差纠错剖析error-correction parsing估计量estimate估计理论estimation theory评价技术evaluation technique事件链event chain进化系统evolutionary system外生变量exogenous variable希翼特性expected characteristics外扰external disturbance事实fact basefailure diagnosis故障诊断快变模态fast mode可行性研究feasibility study可行协调feasible coordination可行域feasible region特征检测feature detectionfeature extraction特征抽取反馈补偿feedback compensation前馈通路feedforward pathfield bus现场总线有限自动机finite automaton工厂信息协议FIP (factory information protocol) first order predicate logic一阶谓词逻辑固定顺序机械手fixed sequence manipulatorfixed set point control定值控制柔性创造系统FMS (flexible manufacturing system)流量传感器flow sensor/transducer流量变送器flow transmitter涨落fluctuation强迫振荡forced oscillationformal language theory形式语言理论形式神经元formal neuron正向通路forward pathforward reasoning正向推理分形体,分维体fractal变频器frequency converter频域模型降阶法frequency domain model reduction method 频域响应frequency response全阶观测器full order observer功能分解functional decomposition功能电刺激FES (functional electrical stimulation)功能相似functional simularity含糊逻辑fuzzy logicgame tree对策树闸阀gate valve普通均衡理论general equilibrium theory广义最小二乘估计generalized least squares estimation生成函数generation function地磁力矩geomagnetic torque几何相似geometric similarity框架轮gimbaled wheel全局渐进稳定性global asymptotic stability全局最优global optimum球形阀 徢globe valvegoal coordination method目标协调法文法判断grammatical inference图搜索graphic search重力梯度力矩gravity gradient torque成组技术group technology制导系统guidance systemgyro drift rate陀螺漂移率陀螺体gyrostat霍尔式位移传感器Hall displacement transducerhardware-in-the-loop simulation半实物仿真和谐偏差harmonious deviation和谐策略harmonious strategyheuristic inference启示式推理隐蔽振荡hidden oscillationhierarchical chart层次结构图递阶规划hierarchical planning递阶控制hierarchical control内稳态homeostasis同态系统homomorphic model横向分解horizontal decomposition内分泌控制hormonal control液压步进马达hydraulic step motor超循环理论hypercycle theoryI controller积分控制器可辨识性identifiabilityIDSS (intelligent decision support system)智能决策支持系统图象识别image recognition冲量impulse冲击函数,脉冲函数impulse function点动inching不相容原理incompatibility principle增量运动控制incremental motion control品质因数index of merit电感式位移传感器inductive force transducer归纳建模法inductive modeling method工业自动化industrial automation惯性姿态敏感器inertial attitude sensor惯性坐标系inertial coordinate systeminertial wheel惯性轮推理机inference engine无穷维系统infinite dimensional system信息采集information acquisition红外线气体分析器infrared gas analyzer知识顺应卡尔曼-布西滤波器knowledge accomodation Kalman-Bucy filer知识同化KBMSknowledge acquisition知识获取knowledge assimilation知识库管理系统 瓢knowledge(knowledge base management system)滞梯形图lag-lead compensatio representation知识表达ladder diagramtransform拉格朗日对偶性Laplace拉普拉斯变duality后超前补偿Lagrange侧抑制网换large scale system大系统lateral inhibition network最小成本投入least squares criterion最小二乘准络 least cost input天平动阻尼 limit极cycledamping则 levelswitch物位开关 libration直线性化方法linear motion electric 限环linearization technique线性规划programming直行程阀linear线运动电气传动linearmotionvalve线性二次调节器问题loadcellproblem)称regulatorLQR(linearquadratic局部最局部渐近稳定性localoptimumstability重传感器localasymptotic对数幅相图long term memory长期记忆优log magnitude-phase diagram集总参数模型Lyapunov theorem of asymp lumped parameter model宏观经济系统stability李雅普诺夫渐近稳定性定理macro-economic systemmagnetic dumping磁致弹性称重传感磁卸载magnetoelastic weighing cell幅值裕器magnitude-frequency characteristic幅频特性magnitude margin机械手man-machine幅值比例尺manipulator度magnitude scale factor人机协调manual station手动操作器MAP (manufacturing coordination边际效益创造自动化协议marginal effectiveness automation protocol)梅森增益公式 master station主站matchingMason''s gain formula最大似然估计maximum 匹配准则maximum likelihood estimation criterion极大值原理mean-square error overshoot最大超调量maximum principle元知识机理模型meta-knowledge 均方误差准则mechanism modelcriterion冶金自动化minimal realization最小实现metallurgical automation最小方差最小相位系统minimum variance estimatio minimum phase system副回路missile-target relative movement弹体-估计minor loop模态集结 modal transformatio模目标相对运动仿真器modal aggregation模型置信度modelfidelity模型库 modelconfidence(modelbase)态变换MB模型参考适应控制模型逼真度 model reference adaptive control sy模块化 MEC (most模型验证 modularization系统model verification最经济控制 motion space可动空间MTBF (mean time economic control)平均无平均故障间隔时间MTTF (mean time to failur between failures)多属性效用函数故障时间multi-attributive utility function多级递阶结构多重判据multilevel hierarchical structu multicriteria多目标决策multiloop control多回路控制 multi-objective decisioncontrol多段递阶控hierarchical多态逻辑 multistratummultistatelogiccontrol多变量控制系统myoelectric肌电system制multivariablecontrol纳什最优性natural language generation自然语言生控制Nash optimality必然性侧度negative最近邻necessity measure成nearest-neighbor神经神经集合neural network compute 负反馈 neural assemblyfeedback思维科学noncoherent尼科尔斯图noetic science网络计算机Nichols chart非合作博弈nonequilibrium system非单调关联系统noncooperative gamelogic非线性环节nonmonotonic非单调逻stateelement非平衡态nonlinear不可非参数训练nonreversible electric dr 辑nonparametric training非奇妙摄动 non-stationary ra 逆电气传动nonsingular perturbation核辐射物位非平稳随机过程 nuclear radiation levelmeter processcriterion奈奎斯特稳stability章动敏感器 Nyquistsensor计 nutation可观测指数目标函数observability index定判据objective function在线匡助可观测规范型on-line assistance observable canonical form开环极点operational researc on-off control通断控制open loop poletrajectory光纤式转速表optimaltachometermodel运筹学模型 opticfiber最优化技术orbital rendezvous轨道交会最优轨迹 optimization technique轨道摄动order轨道陀螺罗盘orbit perturbationorbit gyrocompass始发站定向控制originatorparameter序参数orientation control输出预估法oval振荡周期 output prediction method oscillating period过阻design总体设计overdamping椭圆齿轮流量计overallwheelflowmeterapproximation帕德近似Pareto交叠分解Padedecomposition尼overlapping被动姿态稳定optimality帕雷托最优性passive attitude stabilizationpath repeatability 路径可重复性pattern primitive 模式基元PR (pattern recognition) 模式识别P control 比例控制器peak time 峰值时间penalty function method 罚函数法perceptron 感知器periodic duty 周期工作制perturbation theory 摄动理论 pessimistic value 悲观值phase locus 相轨迹phase trajectory 相轨迹phase lead 相位超前photoelectric tachometric transducer 光电式转速传感器phrase-structure grammar 短句结构文法physical symbol system 物理符号系统piezoelectric force trans 压电式力传感器playback robot 示教再现式机器人PLC (programmable log controller) 可编程序逻辑控制器plug braking 反接制动plug valve 旋塞阀pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构point-to-point control 点位控制polarrobot 极坐标型机器人pole assignment 极点配置pole-zero cancellation 零极点相消polynomial input 多项式输入portfolio theory 投资搭配理论poseovershoot 位姿过调量 position measuring instrument 位置测量仪posentiometric displacement transducer 电位器式位移传感器positivefeedback 正反馈power system automation 电力系统自动化predicate logic 谓词逻辑pressure gauge with electric contact 电接点压力表pressuretransmitter 压力变送器price coordination 价格协调primal coordinatio 主协调primary frequency zone 主频区PCA (principal component 主成份分析法principle of turnpike 大道原理priority 优先级process-oriented simulation 面向过程的仿真production budget 生产预算production rule 产生式规则profit forecast 利润预测PERT (program evaluation and review technique) 计划评审技术program set station 程序设定操作器proportional control 比例控制proportional plus deriv controller 比例微分控制器protocol engineering 协议工程prototype 原型pseudo random sequence 伪随机序列pseudo-rate-increment cont 伪速率增量控制pulse duration 脉冲持续时间pulse frequency modulatio system 脉冲调频控制系统pulse width modulation control 脉冲调宽控制系统PWM inverter 脉宽调制逆变器pushdown automaton 下推自动机QC(quality control) 质量管理quadratic performance index 二次型性能指标qualitative physical model 定性物理模型quantized noise 量化噪声quasilinear characteristics 准线性特性queuing theory 排队论radiofrequency sensor 射频敏感器ramp function 斜坡函数random disturbance 随机扰动random process 随机过程rate integrating gyro 速率积分陀螺ratio station 比值操作器reachability 可达性reaction wheel control 反作用轮控制realizability可实现性,能实现性real time telemetry 实时遥测receptive field 感受野rectangular robot 直角坐标型机器人rectifier 整流器recursive estimation 递推估计reduced order observer 降阶观测器redundant information 冗余信息reentry control 再入控制regenerative braking 回馈制动,再生制动regional planning model 区域规划模型regulating device 调节装载regulation 调节relational algebra 关系代数relay characteristic 继电器特性 remote manipulator 遥控操作器 remote regulating 遥调 remote set point adjuster 远程设定点调整器 rendezvous and docking 交会和对接reproducibility 再现性resistance thermometer sensor 热电阻 resolution principle 归结原理resource allocation响应曲线return difference 资源分配response curve回响回比矩阵reverberationmatrix回差矩阵return ratio matrix可逆电气传动revolute robot关节型机器人reversible electric drive转速传感器rewriting rule重写规则rigidrevolution speed transducer风险分析robotics机器decisiondynamics刚性航天动力学riskspacecraft机器人编程语言robust control鲁棒控制人学robot programming language辊缝测量仪rootlocus根instrumentmeasuringrobustness鲁棒性rollgap浮子流量计,转子流量计rotary腰轮流量计rotameter轨迹rootsflowmeter角行程阀rotating eccentric plug valve偏心旋转阀rotary motion valve劳思近似判据routing transformer旋转变压器Routh approximation method采样控制系统sampling 路径问题sampled-data control systemproblem饱和特性scalarcontrol system采样控制系统saturation characteristics标量李雅普诺夫函数SCARA (selective complia Lyapunov function情景分析assembly robot arm)平面关节型机器人scenario analysis method域 self-operated controll自力物景分析s-domain s法scene analysis自组织系统self-reproducing自繁systemsystem式控制器self-organizing语义网络殖系统 self-tuning control自校正控制semantic network半实物仿真sensing element敏感元件semi-physical simulation感觉控制 sequential灵敏度分析 sensory controlsensitivity analysis序贯最小二decomposition顺序分解sequential least squares estima伺服控制,随动控制servomotortime伺服马达settlingcontrol乘估计servo短期计划short time horizo 六分仪short term planning过渡时间sextantestimation信号检测和估andcoordinationdetection短时程协调 signal相似性simulated interru 计signal reconstruction信号重构similarity仿真实experiment仿真框图simulation仿真中断simulationblockdiagram单轴仿真器single axle table验simulation velocity仿真速度simulator单单自由度陀螺single level proces 转台single degree of freedom gyroattractor单值非线性singular奇妙吸引nonlinearity级过程singlevalue受役系统汇点slaved system子singular perturbation奇妙摄动sink慢变子系统欠实时仿真slow subsystemslower-than-real-time simulation社会经济系统softwaresystem社会控制论socioeconomicsocio-cybernetics太阳帆板指向控制软件心理学solar array pointing control psychology比冲speed control源点specific impulsesolenoid valve电磁阀source自旋体stability criterion自旋轴spinner稳调速系统spin axissystem镇定,稳定Stackelberg定性判据stability limit稳定极限stabilization状态方程模型decision theory施塔克尔贝格决策理论state equation model静态状态空间描述static characteristics c state space description平稳随机特性曲线 station accuracy定点精度stationary random process统计模patternrecognition统计分析statistic过程statisticalanalysiserrorcoefficient稳statestate稳态偏差steady式识别steadydeviation阶跃函数stepwisefunctioncontrol步进控制step态误差系数step-by-step随机有限自动机 strain 逐步精化stochastic finite automaton refinement策略函数strongly应变式称重传感器strategic functiongauge load cell主观频率suboptimalityprobabilitycoupledsystem强耦合系统subjective次优性supervised training监督学习supervisory computer cont旋进流量计自持振荡swirlmeter计算机监控系统sustained oscillation符号处理synapticprocessingplasticity 切换点symbolicswitchingpoint句法分析system突触可塑性synergetics协同学 syntactic analysis系统同态系统学system homomorphism assessment系统评价systematology系统工程tachometerengineering转速系统同构systemsystemisomorphism作业周期 teaching表target flow transmitter靶式流量变送器task cycle远动学telemetering system of programming示教编程telemechanics遥测teleological频分遥测系统telemetrysystem divisiontypefrequency温度传感器template目的论temperature transducer目的系统teleologyproving纹理 theorem定理证明base张力计 texture模版库tensiometer温度计thickness热电偶thermometer治疗模型thermocoupletherapymodel三轴姿态稳定threestatestabilization厚度计 three-axisattitudemeter推力矢量控制系统controller三位控制器 thrust vector control system定常系统,时间常数time-invariant system 推力器time constantthruster时序控制器time-sharing control分非时变系统time schedule controller自上而下测试时变参数top-down testing时控制time-varying parameter全面质量管拓扑结构TQC (total quality control) topological structure权衡分析transferfunctionanalysis跟踪误差trade-off理trackingerrordeviation转换文法transientmatrixgrammar传递函数矩阵transformation过渡过程transition diagram转移图瞬态偏差transient process变送器trend电远传压力表transmittertransmissible pressure gauge三重调制遥测系趋势分析triple modulation telemetering sys analysis图灵机two-time scale涡轮流量计Turing machine统turbine flowmeter超声物位计unadjustable speed system双时标系统ultrasonic levelmeter无偏估计underdampingestimationdrive非调速电气传动unbiasedelectric一致渐近稳定性uninterrupteddutyasymptoticstability欠阻尼 uniformly单元测试单位圆unit testing不间断工作制,长期工作制unit circle上级问题urban非监督学习 upper level problem unsupervised learing价值工程效用函数value engineering planning城市规划utility function可变增益,可变放大系数variable structure contr variable gain变结构控制vector Lyapunov function向量李雅普诺夫函数velocity error速度传感器verticalcoefficient速度误差系数velocity transducer振弦式力传感器decomposition纵向分解vibrating wire force transducerinvertersource电压振动计viscous粘性阻尼voltagevibrometerdamping旋进流量计vortex shedding源型逆变器vortex precession flowmeter方法库weighing cell称重传感器涡街流量计WB (way base)flowmeter权因子weighting method加权法Whittaker-Shannon weighting factor维纳滤波work惠特克-香农采样定理Wiener filteringsampling theorem平面计算机辅助设计工作站w-plane wstation for computer aided design零基预算zero-input response零输入响应zero-statezero-based budget变换零和对策模型z-transform z 零状态响应zero sum game modelresponse。



GIS专业英语教学教材G I S专业英语第⼀课Comprehensive:全⾯的,综合的,Intellectual:智⼒的,才智的Jargon:专业术语Terminology:专业术语Geomatique:地理信息技术Geoscience:地球科学Derivative:派⽣物,衍⽣物Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Architect:建筑师Preliminary:初步的,起始的Enumerate:列举,枚举Resemble:像,与……相似Transformation:转换第⼆课Automated:⾃动化的Equivalent:a等价的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Mylar:胶⽚Electronic:电⼦的Encode:编码Orthophotoquad:正射影像图Aerial:空中的,航空的Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Reproduction:再现,复制,繁殖Dissemination:传播,宣传,传染Counterpart:相似之物Compactness:致密性Complexity:复杂,复杂性Hamper:阻碍,束缚Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Planimeter:测⾯器,求积仪Phenomena:现象Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直⽅图,柱状图Supplementally:追加,补充Modification:修改,变型Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Hand-drawn:⼿绘Emergency:紧急事件Employe:雇佣,雇⼯Clarify:澄清,阐明Taxonomy:分类学,分类法Bifurcation:分歧,分叉Parcel:地块Conservation:保存,保持Procurement:获得,取得,采购Wildlife:野⽣动植物Earthquake:地震Landslide:泥⽯流,⼭崩Cadastral:地籍的,有关⼟地清册的Geodetic:⼤地测量学,最短线的Sophisticated:精致的,复杂的第三课Pervade:弥漫,遍及Aspect:坡向,⽅向,⾯貌Inevitable:必然的,不可避免的Proprietary:所有的,专利的Mineral:矿物的,矿质的Military:军队,军⼈Electricity:电⼒,电流Telecommunication:通讯,电信学Interconnect:使相互连接,相互联系Administrative:管制的,⾏政的Environmental:环境的,周围的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,⼿续Manipulation:操作,操纵,处理Historically:历史上地,Subsume:把…..归⼊,把…..包括在Eclipse:形成蚀,使黯然失⾊Visualization:可视化,Immense:巨⼤的,⼴⼤的Analogue:类似,相似物Conventional:常见的,惯例的Enquire:询问,打听Coniferous:松柏科的Highlight:强调,突出,Stress:强调,加压⼒与Derive:得到,源于Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Algorithm:算法,Interpret:说明,⼝译,解释Artificial:⼈造的,仿造的,虚伪的Geomatique:地理信息技术Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Preliminary:初步的,起始的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Encode:编码Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直⽅图,柱状图Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Parcel:地块Geodetic:⼤地测量学,最短线的Cadastral:地籍的,有关⼟地清册的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,⼿续Prime meridian:本初⼦午线Algorithm:算法,Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Visualization:可视化,Globe;球体Map projection地图投影Planar projection;平⾯投影Azimuthal projection;⽅位投影Characteristic,特征,特性Reference globe;参考椭球体Scale factor;⽐例因⼦Principle scale;主⽐例尺Equivalent projection;等积投影Equidistant;等距投影Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Gnomonic protection;中⼼切⾯投影Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级⽅位投影Intelligence:智⼒,理解⼒,Correlation:相关,关联Urban:城市的Agriculture:农业,农艺Adjunct:附属物,修饰语Subdiscipline:学科的分⽀,副学科第四课Globe;球体Illustrate;阐明Configuration;配置,结构,外形Thematic;主题的Encounter;遭遇;邂逅Map projection地图投影Cylindrical;圆柱形的Projection family;投影系Planar projection;平⾯投影Cylindrical projection;圆柱投影Conical projection;圆锥投影Azimuthal projection;⽅位投影Community,社区,团体Representation;表现,陈述Characteristic,特征,特性Retain;保持,记住Convert;使转变Reference globe;参考椭球体Principle scale;主⽐例尺Scale factor;⽐例因⼦Cardinal 主要的,基本的Angular conformity;⾓度⼀致Conformal;等⾓的Orthomorphic;正形的Equivalent projection;等积投影Fundamental;基本的Equidistant;等距投影Maintain;维持,维修,供养Standard parallel;标准纬线Vital;⽣死攸关的,⾄关重要的Preservation;保存,保留Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Shopping mall ;⼤卖场Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级⽅位投影Stereographic;⽴体照相的Orthographic;直⾓的Georeference;地理坐标参考系Universal transverse Mercator;通⽤横莫卡托投影Data type;数据类型,资料类型Attribute;属性,性质Vector;⽮量Raster:光栅Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Topology;拓扑学Vector-raster conversion⽮量-栅格转换Quadtree;四叉树Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Orthophoto;正⾊摄影Map algebra地图代数Forestry stand;林地,林区Inappropriate;不适当的,不相称的Quantized:量化的Legend:传奇,图例Vegetation:植物,草⽊Geological:地质的Spatial:空间分析技术Binary:⼆元的,⼆进制的Residence:居住,住处Variable:易变的,多变的Run-length code:长度⽅向编码Subsystem:⼦系统Pattern:样式,模式Scheme:模式,设计Database:数据库Resolution:解析,决议Entity:实体Spaghetti model:⾯条模型Topological model:拓扑模型Coordinate:坐标From node:终点Intersect:交叉,相交Form node:起始点Graph theory:图论Analog:模拟地图Compact:紧密的Reduction:缩减,降低Codification:编码,译成代码Shorthand:速记法Theme:题⽬,主题Scheme:模式,计划Gnomonic protection;中⼼切⾯投影Coordination;对等,同等第五课Georeference;地理坐标参考系Ellipsoid;椭圆,椭⾯Department of defence;国防部Universal transverse Mercator;通⽤横莫卡托投影第六课Thematic;题⽬的,主题的Facilitate;促进,帮助Data type;数据类型,资料类型Animation;活泼⽣⽓,激励Attribute;属性,性质Narration;叙述,讲述Vector;⽮量Raster;光栅Image;影像,肖像Photograph;照⽚,相⽚Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Connectivity;连通性,互联性Topology;拓扑学Mathematical;数学的,数学上的Adjacency;毗邻,四周Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Gridcell;格⽹单元Tesseate;棋盘格⽹的Quadtree;四叉树Data volume;数据卷Cumbersome;笨重的Vector-raster conversion⽮量-栅格转换Imperative;必要的,势在必⾏的Map algebra地图代数Modeling;造型的Distinguish;区别,区分Orthophoto;正⾊摄影Ancillary;辅助的,Rectify;改正Summarize;总结,概述Aesthetically;审美的Continuous;连续的,持续的。

计算机专业词汇 abbreviation n

计算机专业词汇  abbreviation n

计算机专业词汇abbreviation n.缩短,省略,简称abnormal 异常abort 异常中止abstract 抽象acceleration 加速度access 访问accessory 附件accommodate 容纳according to a.按照,根据account 帐户accumulator 累加器accurately 准确地achieve vt.完成acknowledgement 确认acquire 获取acquisition 获取activation 激活adaptability 适应性adapter 适配器adder 加法器additionally ad.另外,又address 地址addressing 寻址adequate a.足够的,充分的adjacent 邻近的adjustment 调整administrator 管理员advanced 高级的alarm 警报alert 报警algorithm 算法alignment 数据对齐allocation 分配allocator 分配器alteration 改动amplifier 放大器amplitude 振幅analog 模拟analysis 分析Animation 动画appendix n.附录Apple n.苹果公司applicable a.可适用的,合适的application 应用(程序)applied a.适用的,外加的apply 应用appropriate 适当的appropriately ad.适当地archive 归档argument 参数arithmetic算术arrangement 排列array 数组arrow 箭头ascending 升序ASCII n.美国信息交换标准码assembly 汇编assigned a.指定的,赋值的association 关联assortment n.种类,花色品种assume 假设asynchronous 异步attachment 连接附件attribute 属性authentication 认证authenticator 认证器author n.程序设计者,作者authority 权限auxiliary 辅助的backup 备份backward 反向bandwidth 带宽bank 存储单元banking 出界bar 条basis 基础batch 批处理beep n.蜂鸣声,嘀嘀声beeper 蜂鸣器bias 偏离binary 二进制BIOS n.基本输入/输出系统bipolar 双极性的cascade 级联bit 位catalogue 编目bitmap 位图catch 捕捉blank 空格category 种类board n.板,插件板cell 单元body 主体centering 向中对齐boldface 黑体central 中央的bookmark 书签certification 确证Boolean 布尔channel 通道boot 引导chapter 章Bootable 可引导char 字符border 边框characteristic 特性bottleneck 瓶颈charge 费用bottom 底部charging 充电boundary 边界chart 图表bpi 位/英寸checkpoint 检查点bps 位/秒chip 芯片brace 花括号choice 选项bracket 方括号ciphertext 密码文本break 中断circumstance n.情况,环境,细节bridge 网桥citation 引用broadcast 广播classify 分类Browser 浏览器client 客户buffer 缓冲区clipboard 裁剪板buffering 缓冲cliping 裁剪bug 错误clocking 定时build 构建clockwise 顺时针方向bulb 灯泡cluster 群集burst 脉冲串coating 涂层bus 总线coax 同轴button 按钮coaxial 同轴的byte 字节code 代码cable 电缆coder 编码器cabling 布线coding 编码cache 高速缓存coefficient 系数CAD 计算机辅助设计colon 冒号calculation n.计算,统计,估计column 列calculator 计算器combination 组合calling 调用comma 逗号callout 调出command 命令capability 能力comment 注解capitalized a.大写的commercial a.商业的,经济的capture 捕捉commitment 落实carrier 载波communication n.通信compaction 压缩corrupted 毁坏的comparison 比较counter 计数器compatibility 兼容性crash 崩溃compile 编译craze n.开裂compiler 编译器criterion n.标准,判据,准则complement 补码cumulative 累积的complexity 复杂程度current 当前component 部件cursor 光标components 部件customer 用户composition 组合cutoff 截止compression 压缩cutout 开口comprise vt.包括,由...组成cyclinder 柱面concurrent 同时的damage 损坏conditional 条件的damping 阻尼configuration 配置dark 黑暗confirmation 确认data 数据conflict v.冲突,碰头database 数据库confuse vt.使混乱,干扰datagram 数据报congestion 拥塞db 分贝conjunction 与deadlock 死锁connection 连接deal v.处理,分配,交易consecutive 连续的debug 调试consequently ad.因此,从而debugger 调试器consideration n.考虑,研究,讨论decimal 十进制consistency 一致性declare 说明consistent 一致的decode 译码console 控制台decrease v.减少,降低,缩短const n.常数decreasing 递减constantly ad.不变地,经常地default 缺省constraint 约束defective a.故障的,有毛病的container 容器definition 定义限定contiguous 相连的deflect 转向continuously ad.连续不断地degrade v.降低,减少,递降contrast 反差degree 度convenience n.方便,便利delay 延迟conversation 对话demodulation 解调conversion 转换demultiplexer 多路分用器convert 转换depress 按下coordinate 坐标depth 深度copy 复制descend 下降copyright n.版权description n.描述core 核心deselect 取消选择correction n.校正,修正design 设计corresponding 相应的desktop 桌面destination 目的地distribution 分发destroy 毁坏diversion 转换detail 细节divide v.除detect 检测division 部分determine 确定DLL 动态连接库development n.开发,研制document 文档device 设备documentation 文档编制diagnose 诊断domain 域diagonal 对角的DOS 磁盘操作系统diagram 图表dot 点dial 拨号double a.两倍的,成双的dialing 拨号download 卸载dialog 对话drag 拖曳differ vi.不同,不一致drawable 可绘制的difference 差drive 驱动器different 不同的driver 驱动程序differentiate v.区别,分辨dual a.对偶的,双的digit 数字duodecimal 十二进制的digital 数字的duplex 双工dimension 维duplicate 重复diode 二极管durability 耐用性direct 直接的duration 持续时间direction 指导during 在期间directly ad.直接地,立即dynamic 动态directory 目录echo 回显dirname 目录名edge 边Dirve 驱动器edit 编辑disable 禁用edition 版本disappear vi.消失editor 编辑器discard v.删除,废除,放弃effectivea.有效的discipline 规程efficiency 效率disconnect 断开electronic 电子的disconnection 断开electronics 电子学discrete 离散的element 元素disk 磁盘eliminate 消去diskette 软盘ellipse 椭圆display 显示embedded 嵌入的dispose 配置embedding 嵌入disregard vt.轻视,把..忽略不计emphasis 强调distinction n.区别,相异,特性emphasize v.强调,着重,增强distinguish v.区别,辨识empty a.空,零,未占用distortion 失真emulation 仿真distribute vt.分布,配线,配给enable 允许distributed 分布的encode 编码encoder 编码器experiment n.实验,试验(研究) encryption 加密experimentation n.实验(工作,法) end 末端expertise 专门知识endpoint 端点expire v.终止,期满engineering 工程explain 说明enhance 增强explanation 说明enlargement 放大exponential 指数的enqueue 排队export 调出enquiry 询问exporter 出口服务器enter 输入exposure 曝光度entire a.总体expression 表达式entity 实体extension 扩充entrance 入口external 外部的entry 项目extra a.特别的,额外的environment 环境extract 抽取equal 等于extremely ad.极端地,非常equalization 均衡facility n.设施,装备,便利equation 方程式factor 因子equipment 装置fallback 撤退equivalent 等价的family 系列erase 擦除fastback n.快速返回eraser 擦除器fasten 固定error 错误father n.父,上层(树节点的)escape 跳出fault 故障especially ad.特别(是),尤其feature 特征成份essentially ad.实质上,本来feed 馈送establishment 建立feedback 反馈Ethernet 以太网feminine 阴性evaluate 估计fiber 纤维event 事件field 字段every 每个figure 图examine v.检验,考试,审查file 文件example 例子filename 文件名exceed 超过fileset 文件集exception 异常filespace 文件空间exclusive 互斥的fill 填充execution 执行filter 筛选程序exhaust v.取尽,用完final 最后的exist 存在find 查找existing 现存的first 首先exit 退出fixed 固定的expand 扩充flexibility 灵活性expanding a.扩展的,扩充的flicker 闪烁experience vt.试验floppy n.软磁盘flow 流动folder 文件夹font 字体forbidden 禁用的forced a.强制的forecast 预测foreground 前台format 格式formation n.构造,结构,形成formed a.成形formula 公式forward 向前fragment n.片段,段,分段fragmentation 存储残片frame 帧framework 框架free 释放frequency 频率frequently ad.常常,频繁地function 功能fundamental a.基本的,根本的gain 增益gap 间隔gateway 网关gather 集中general 一般的generation 产生generator 发生器global 全局的gradation 灰度graph 图grounding 接地group 组growth 增长GUI 图形用户界面guide 指南guideline 指南halt 停机handle 句柄hang v.中止,暂停,挂起hardware 硬件head 磁头helper 帮助程序hex 十六进制hexadecimal a.十六进制的hidden 隐藏的hierarchical 分层的hierarchy 层次结构highlight 突出显示histogram 直方图horizontal水平的hub 集线器hypertext 超文本identical a.相等的,相同的identification 标识idle 空闲ignore 忽略illegal 非法的image 图象imbedded 嵌入的imbedding 嵌入implementation 实现import 调入impulse 脉冲inaccessible 不可存取的inaccuracy 不准确度inclusive a.包括的,内含的incompatibility 不相容increasing 递增independent 独立index 索引indirect 间接的indirection 间接individual 个别的industrial 工业的industry n.工业inferiors 下级infinite a.无限的,无穷的infinity 无穷大influence 影响inherit 继承inheritance 继承inhibit 禁止inhibited 禁止的initial 初始的initialization 初始化input 输入inquiry 查询insert 插入insertion n.插入,嵌入,插页inside n.内部的inspection 检查install 安装instance 实例instant a.立刻的,直接的instruction 指令integer 整数integrate 集成integrated 集成的intelligence 智能interactive 交互式intercepting 截取interchange 交换interest n.兴趣,注意,影响interface 界面interfere vi.干涉,干扰,冲突interference 干扰interleave 交错intermediate 中间的internal 内部的internationalization 国际化Internet 网际interpreter 解释器interrelated 相关的interrupt 中断interval 间隔intervention 介入introduction 介绍invalid 无效invocation 调用involved a.有关的isolation 隔离issue 发出item 项目iteration 迭代iterative a.迭代的,重复的jam 堵塞joystick 控制杆junction 连接justify 对齐keep 保持kernel 内核key 键keyboard 键盘keyword 关键字kill 杀死(进程)kilo 千labeled a.有标号的layer 层layout 布局legend 图注library 库licensed 特许的limitation 限制link 连接list 列表listen 收听listening 收听loading 装入local 本地的localization 本地化locate 找出log 记录logic 逻辑Login 登录logo 标志loop 循环macro 宏magnitude 大小mail 邮件mainframe 大型机maintenance 维护major a.较大的,主要的majority 多数malfunction 故障management 管理manipulating v.操纵,操作manual 手册manually ad.用手,手动地mapping 映象margin 余量mark 标记masking n.掩蔽,屏蔽match 匹配matching n.匹配,调整material 资料matrix 矩阵处理Maximize 最大化navigation n.导航mean 平均navigational 引导的means n.方法,手段negative a.负的,否定的media 媒体network 网络medium n.中等的neural 神经mega n.兆,百万neutral 中性的member 成员node 节点memory 内存noise 噪声menu 菜单noninteractive a.不相关的,非交merge 合并互的message 信息normalize 规格化metadata 元数据notation 记数法metafile 元文件note 注意meter 米notebook 笔记本method 方法null 空的metric 公制的number 数micro a.微的,百万分之一numeral 数字microcomputer 微型计算机numeration 记数microprocessor 微处理器numeric 数字的microsecond 微秒numerous a.为数众多的,无数的microwave 微波object 目标对象middle 中间obscure 模糊的MIDI 音乐设备数字接口observation 观察migration 移植observer 观察者mile 英里occasionally ad.偶尔(地),不时milli 毫occupy占用minimize 最小化occur 发生mirroring 镜象octal 八进制的mixer 混合器offer v.提供,给予,呈现modem 调制解调器offline 脱机modification 修改offset 位移modulation 调制omit vt.省略,删去,遗漏module 模块on-line a.联机的monochrome 单色online 联机mouse 鼠标operation 操作move 移动opposite a.相反的movement 移动optimization 优化multidrop 多点option 任选项multiiplex 多路传送optional 任选的multimedia 多媒体order 命令multiple 多个的orientation 方位multiplicity 复合度originally ad.原来,最初multiprocessing n.多重处理,多道outlet 插座outline 提纲output 输出overall 整个overflow 上溢overheat 过热overload 超负荷overview 概述overwrite 覆盖package 包paging 调页panel 屏面parallel 并行的parameter 参数parent 父代parity 奇偶性partition 分区password 口令Paste 粘贴选项patch 修补path 路径pattern 模式pause 暂停peer 同级penalty n.惩罚,罚款,负担percentage 百分率performance 性能period 句点peripheral 外围的permission 许可权persistence 持续性pertain vi.附属,属于,关于photoconductor 光导体pipeline 管线pitch 音调pixel 像素pixmap 象图plaintext 明文platform n.平台plot 绘图plotter 绘图仪plug 插头point 点pointer 指针polyline 多线pool 池pop 弹出popdown 弹下popup 弹出port 端口portability 可移植性portion n.分配positioning 定位positive a.正的,阳的,正片possibility n.可能性postpone 延迟potentially ad.可能地,大概地power 电源preceding a.先的,以前的predict vt.预测,预言prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿prefix 前缀preparation 准备preprocessing 预处理preprocessor 预处理器primarily ad.首先,起初,原来printer 打印机priority 优先级privilege 特权probable a.概率的,可能的problem 问题procedure 过程proceed 继续productivity 生产力professional 专业人员profile 概要program 程序programmable a.可编程的progress n.进度,进展project 项目projection 投影promote 促进prompt 提示proof 证明properly ad.真正地,适当地property 特性proporational 均衡的protection 保护protocol 协议pseudo a.假的,伪的,冒充的remainder 余数pulldown 下拉remember v.存储,记忆,记住purpose n.打算remote 远程qualified a.合格的,受限制的removal 除去quality 质量repeatablity 可重复性quantization 量子化repetitive a.重复的query 查询replace 置换questionaire 询问表replacement n.替换,置换,更新queue 队列replication 复制quit 退出reply 回答quotation 引语represent v.表示,表现,代表radiate 辐射representation 表示法RAM 随机存取存储器request 请求random a.随机的requirement 需求rate 速率reservation 保留rational 有理的reset 复位reallocation 重新分配residual 残留的rebinding 重新连接resolution 分辨率receive 接收resource 资源reclaim 收回response 响应record 记录restart 重新启动rectangle 矩形restriction 限制rectangular a.矩形的resume 继续recursion 循环retain vt.保持,维持recursive a.递归的,循环的retry 重试redirection 重定向return 返回reduction n.减化,还原,减少reversal 反向redundancy 冗余reverse 反向refer 参考review 复查reflection 反射revise 修订reformat 重新格式化ring 环refresh 刷新roll 卷动regardless a.不注意的,不考虑的root 根regeneration 重新生成round 舍入region 区router 路由程序register 寄存器row 行regular a.正则的,正规的runtime n.运行时间regulation 规则safety n.安全,保险related a.相关的sampling 采样relational 关系的scalar 标量relative 相对的scale 比例尺release 释放scaling 比例转换reliability 可靠性scan 扫描reload vt.再装入scanner 扫描器scattered a.分散的slot 槽schedule 调度smudge 污迹scheme n.方案,计划,图socket 插座scientific 科学的soft a.软的screen 屏幕software 软件scrolling 卷动solution n.解,解法,解答secondary 次级source 源segment 段space 空间segmentation 分段spelling 拼写semicolon 分号split分割send 发送splitting n.分区[裂] sender 发送人spontaneous 自发的sensitive a.敏感的,灵敏的spooling 假脱机sensor 传感器SQL 结构化查询语言sentence 句子stability 稳定性separator 分隔符stack 堆栈sequence 顺序stamp n.图章sequentially ad.顺序地standard 标准serial 串行start 开始serializability 串行starting a.起始的series 系列startup 启动server 服务器state 状态set 设置statement 语句Settings 设置选项static 静态的shaded 阴影stationary a.静止的,平稳的shell 外壳statistical 统计的shield v.屏蔽,罩,防护statistics 统计学shift 移位status 状态shortcut n.近路,捷径step 步骤shutdown 关机storage 存储器side 一边store 存储sign 正负号stream 流signal 信号strike v.敲,击signature 签名struct 结构signed 带正负号structure 结构significantly 显著地subchannel 子通道simplex 单工的subclass 子类simulation 模拟subcommand 子命令simulator 模拟器subcomponent 子部件simultaneous 同时的subconsole 副控制台size大小subdirectory 子目录skill n.技巧subfield 子字段slice 片subfile 子文件slider 滑动器subgroup n.分组,子群subject n.主题,源superclass 超类submenu 子菜单superclient 超级客户submission 提交superimpose vt.重叠,叠加submode 子方式superobject 超对象subnet 子网superscript 上标subnetwork 子网superuser 超级用户subordinate 附属supervisor 管理程序subpart 子部件supplier 供应商subpattern 子模式supply vt.电源,供给subprocess 子进程sure 确认subprogram 子程序surface 表面subproject 子项目surrounding a.周围的,环绕的subqueue 子队列survey 勘测subroutine 子程序suspension n.暂停,中止,挂起subscribe 签署swap 交换subscriber 用户switch 开关subscript 下标syllable 音节subsequent a.后来的,其次的symbol 符号subsequently ad.其后,其次,按着symmetric 对称subserver 子服务synchronization 同步化subset 子集synchronous 同步的substantial a.实质的,真正的syntax 语法substantially ad.实质上,本质上system 系统substitute 替代tab 跳位、标签substitution 替代table 表substring 子串tablet 图形输入板subsystem 子系统tag 标记subtask 子任务tape 磁带subtotal 分合计technical a.技术的,专业的subtree 子树technology n.工艺,技术,制造学subtype 子类型telecommunication 远程通信subunit 子单元telegraph 电报successful 成功的telephone 电话successive a.逐次的,相继的teleprinter 电传打印机such a.这样的,如此teleprocessing 远程处理sufficient 足够的teletype 电传打字机suffix 后缀teletypewriter 电传打字机suggest vt.建议,提议,暗示template 模板suggestion n.暗示,提醒temporarily ad.暂时sum 和数term 项summarize 概述terminal 终端summary 摘要terminology 术语superblock 超级块terms 付款条件supercalss 超类text 文本thereafter ad.此后,据此therefore ad.因此,所以this 此threshold 阈值throughput 吞吐量timeout 超时timer 计时器timeslicing 时间片tiny a.微小的,微量的token 令牌tolerance 容错topology 拓扑学tracepoint 跟踪点traffic 通信量transform 变换transformation 变换transition 转移translation 翻译transmission 传输transmit 发送transparency 透明性trigger 触发器tube 管子tutorial 指导的typefont 字体typical a.典型的,标准的UI 用户界面接口undefine 未定义underlying a.基础的,根本的unloaded 已卸载unlock 解锁update 更新updated a.适时的,更新的upgrade 升级upload 上载upper a.上的,上部的usage n.应用,使用,用法userid 用户标识符utility 实用程序valid 有效的validation 验证validity 有效性value 值variable 变量variety n.变化,种类,品种vary 转换vector 向量verification 验证vertically ad.竖直地,直立地VGA 视频图形适配器via prep.经过,经由video 视频videodisc 影碟virtual 虚拟的visibility 可见性volatile 易失的volume 音量vowel n.元音,母音warning 警告warranty n.保证(书),授权waveform 波形whenever ad.随时whereas conj.面,其实,既然whether conj.无论,不管whichever a.无论哪个width 宽度wire 导线wiring 接线withdraw 撤回within prep.在..以内without prep.没有,在..以外workgroup 工作组workshop 实习workstation 工作站wrap 环绕write 写入zero n.零,零位,零点zone 区zoom v.变焦距。



⽣物化学试卷A及答案(药学系06级)⼀、名词解释(每题4分,共5题,计20分)1.domain2.glycolysis3.ketone bodies4.coding strand5.reading frame1. domain 结构域⼤分⼦蛋⽩质的三级结构常可分割成⼀个或数个球状或纤维状的区域,折叠得较为紧密,各⾏使其功能,称为结构域。

2. annealing 退⽕热变性的DNA经缓慢冷却后即可复性,这⼀过程称为退⽕。

3. covalent modification共价修饰在其他酶的作⽤下,酶蛋⽩肽链上的某些基团可与某种化学基团发⽣可逆的共价结合,从⽽改变酶的活性,此过程称为共价修饰。

4. random coil⽆规卷曲⽆规卷曲是⽤来阐述没有确定规律性的那部分肽链结构。

5. transpeptidase转肽酶转肽酶为⼀种23SrRNA的核酶,在肽链合成延长过程中催化肽键的形成。

6. asymmetric transcription不对称转录在DNA分⼦双链上某⼀区段,⼀股链⽤作模板指引转录,另⼀股链不转录;模板链并⾮永远在同⼀条单链上。

7. glycolysis糖酵解在缺氧情况下,葡萄糖⽣成乳酸的过程称之为糖酵解。

8. one carbon unit⼀碳单位某些氨基酸分解代谢过程中产⽣的只含有⼀个碳原⼦的基团,称为⼀碳单位。




3、(本题1分)酶促反应速度(V)达到最⼤速度(Vmax)的80%时,底物浓度[S]是Km的 4 倍;⽽V 达到Vmax的60%时,[S]则是Km的 1.5倍。


a framework for making ethical decisions

a framework for making ethical decisions

Making ethical decisions is an essential part of our lives, whether we are individuals or organizations. It requires us to consider the consequences of our actions on ourselves and others, as well as on society as a whole. However, making ethical decisions can be challenging, especially in complex situations where there are multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests. In such cases, it is helpful to have a framework that guides us through the decision-making process.One such framework is the four-step ethical decision-making model developed by James Rest and Darcia Narvaez. This model involves four steps: identifying the ethical issue, analyzing the situation, generating alternatives, and selecting the best alternative.The first step is to identify the ethical issue. This involves recognizing that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and determining what aspect of the situation is ethically problematic. For example, if you are considering whether to accept a job offer from a company that has a history of unethical practices, the ethical issue would be whether it is morally acceptable to work for such a company.The second step is to analyze the situation. This involves gathering information about the situation and considering the various factors that are relevant to the ethical issue. For example, you might want to research the company's policies and practices, talk to current or former employees, and consider the potential impact of your decision onyourself and others.The third step is to generate alternatives. This involves brainstorming different options for addressing the ethical issue. For example, you might consider turning down the job offer, looking for another job, or trying to change the company's practices from within.The final step is to select the best alternative. This involves evaluating the potential consequences of each alternative and choosing the one that is most likely to achieve the desired outcome while minimizing harm. For example, if you decide to turn down the job offer, you might need to find another job that meets your needs and values.In conclusion, having a framework for making ethical decisions can help us navigate complex situations and make choices that are consistent with our values and principles. The four-step ethical decision-making model developed by Rest and Narvaez provides a useful tool for this purpose, but it is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each situation is unique, and we must use our judgment and critical thinking skills to determine the best course of action.。



Logarithmic transform coefficient histogram matching with spatialequalizationBlair Silver◊, Sos Agaian*, and Karen Panetta◊◊ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tufts University161 College Avenue, Medford, MA 02155* College of Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio6900 North Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249-0669ABSTRACTIn this paper we propose an image enhancement algorithm that is based on utilizing histogram data gathered from transform domain coefficients that will improve on the limitations of the histogram equalization method. Traditionally, classical histogram equalization has had some problems due to its inherent dynamic range expansion. Many images with data tightly clustered around certain intensity values can be over enhanced by standard histogram equalization, leading to artifacts and overall tonal change of the image. In the transform domain, one has control over subtle image properties such as low and high frequency content with their respective magnitudes and phases. However, due to the nature of many of these transforms, the coefficient’s histograms may be so tightly packed that distinguishing them from one another may be impossible. By placing the transform coefficients in the logarithmic transform domain, it is easy to see the difference between different quality levels of images based upon their logarithmic transform coefficient histograms. Our results demonstrate that combing the spatial method of histogram equalization with logarithmic transform domain coefficient histograms achieves a much more balanced enhancement, that out performs classical histogram equalization.Keywords: Image enhancement, transform coefficient histogram, histogram equalization, histogram matching.1.INTRODUCTIONImage enhancement techniques strive for one major purpose: to improve some characteristic of an image. These enhancement techniques can be broken up into two major classifications: spatial domain enhancement and transform domain enhancement.Spatial domain techniques deal with the raw image data, altering the intensity values based on a specific algorithm’s set of criteria. These techniques can range from local filtering to global algorithms. A common example of a spatial technique is histogram equalization, which attempts to alter the spatial histogram of an image to closely match a uniform distribution. Histogram equalization treats the image globally and because of this suffers from being poorly suited for retaining local detail. It is also common that the equalization will over enhance the image, resulting in an undesired loss of visual data, of quality, and of intensity scale [6].Transform domain enhancement techniques involve transforming the image intensity data into a specific domain by using such methods as the DCT, Fourier, and Hartley transforms [2,7-9,11].These transforms are used to alter the frequency content of an image to improve desired traits, such as high frequency content. Many enhancement techniques have been proposed that attempt to enhance the image based upon other transform domains and their characteristics [2,7-9,11].Each of these methods has its strong points and its weak points. This leads to the question: is there a way to combine these styles of enhancement to return even better results? This paper will explore a new method for which a transformdomain based technique and a spatial technique can be combined to enhance images. The proposed algorithm will address visualizing and altering the transform coefficient histograms through histogram mapping and histogram equalization using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). This paper will also demonstrate a quantitative measurement based upon contrast entropy to determine the efficacy and the optimization of the method.The paper is organized as follows: Section I lays out the difference between spatial and transform domain enhancement and briefly states the proposed algorithm. Section II defines the measure of algorithm performance, choosing optimal parameters, the logarithmic transform domain, and histogram equalization. Section III has an explanation of the logarithmic transform domain histogram matching with histogram equalization algorithm (LTHMHE) as well as an explanation of LTHMHE combined with alpha-rooting, and section IV is an analysis of the experimental results using this method. Section V is a discussion of the results and some concluding comments are made.2. BACKGROUNDIn this section, background topics necessary to understand the new method proposed are discussed. The measure of performance will be explored first followed by a method for choosing optimal parameters, a definition of the logarithmic transform domain, a definition of histogram equalization, and a definition of alpha-rooting.2.1 Measure of performanceMeasuring the performance of a given enhancement algorithm is a key step into understanding how effective a given method is. However, defining a proper measure of enhancement has proven to be a difficult task. It is important when implementing an image enhancement technique to create a suitable image enhancement measure, however the improvement resulting from the enhancement is often difficult to measure. This problem become more apparent when the enhancement algorithms are parameter based and one needs: a) to choose the best parameters; b) to choose the best transform among a class of unitary transforms; c) to automate the image enhancement procedures. The problem becomes especially difficult when an image enhancement procedure is used as a preprocessing step for other image processing purposes such as object detection, classification, and recognition. For this reason it becomes apparent that a measure must be designed based on a specific trait of the image.In the past, there have been many differing definitions of an adequate measure of performance based on contrast[1,3,4,11]. Gordon and Rangayan used local contrast defined by the mean gray values centered on a current pixel of two rectangular windows [4]. Begchladi and Negrate defined an improved version of the aforementioned measure by basing their method on local edge information of the image [1]. In the past, attempts at statistical measures of gray level distribution of local contrast enhancement (for example mean, variance, or entropy) have not been particularly useful or meaningful. A number of images, which show an obvious contrast improvement, showed no consistency, as a class, when using these statistical measurements. Morrow introduced a measure based on the contrast histogram, which has a much greater consistency than statistical measures [11].For simple patterns, two definitions of contrast measure have also been often used. One is the Michelson contrast measure ; the other is the Weber contrast measure. The Michelson contrast measure is used to measure the contrast of a periodic pattern such as a sinusoidal grating, while the Weber contrast measure assumes a large uniform luminance background with a small test target. Both measures are therefore unsuitable for measuring the contrast in complex images [10]. Many such modifications of the Weber contrast have been proposed [7-9]. Note that Fechner’s law gives a relationship between brightness and light intensity which is given by the following equation.)ln()ln(minmax max f f k f f k B ′+′= (1)Where k’ is a constant, and fmax and fmin are the maximum and minimum luminance values in a block of the image. Fechner’s law provides the basis for the contrast measure based on contrast entropy which was proposed and later modified by Agaian. [8,9].Definition [9]: Let an image I be split into 12k k × blocks (,)B k l with center (k,l) of size 12M M ×.An image enhancement or contrast measure with respect to transform Φ{{⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧ΦΦ=Φ),(),(min max ;min;,max;,,par I par I AWC w l k w l k l k parameters (2)Where Φ is a given transform from class of fast unitary transforms (including wavelets), and max;,w k l I , min;,w k l I are themaximum and minimum luminance values in a block (,)B k l of the image and where the parameters are the processing enhancement algorithm parameters.Definition [8]: Modified image enhancement measure∑∑==ΦΦ=Φ212111;min;,max;21,,),(),(log 201)(k l k k w l k w l k k k par I par I k k EME α (3) 12,,()k k EME αΦ is called a measure of image enhancement or contrast measure with respect to transform Φ.Therefore, the optimal transform,Φ, is relative to the measure of enhancement, 0()EME EME Φ=.A simple modification to the above definition leads to another powerful measure of enhancement, as proposed also by Agaian [8].∑∑==ΦΦΦΦ=Φ212111;min;,max;;min;,max;21,)()(log )()(1)(k l k k w l k w l k wl k w l k k k I I I I k k EME(4)This is known as the measure of enhancement by entrop y, or EME [8]. This measure averages contrast entropy over a given image using a specified block size. To be as accurate as possible, it is reasonable to suggest using a smaller block size to make the data as representative as possible. For this paper, the measure of enhancement by entropy was used along with a block size of 4 by 4.We also wish to introduce the Michelson law based contrast measure :{}{}⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+−==∑∑==∈∈2111;min;,max;;min;,max;21log 201max ))((max k l k k w l k w l k w l k w l k I I I I k k EME EME φφφφφ (5) These definitions use the Michelson Contrast , or modulation, definition: the relation between the spread and the sum of the two luminances can be represented asModulation = (L max - L min ) / (L max + L min ) (6)The main idea behind this measure is to use the relationship between the spread and the sum of the two luminance values found in a small block. It then takes the average modulation in each block over the entire image. In the context of vision, such a relationship could be caused by scattered light introduced into the view path by a translucent object.{{})(max 21,,,Φ=Φk k AME AME αα(7) Another possible modification would be adaptation of the Michelson law based contrast measure to include contrast entropy. ∑∑==+−⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+−=Φ212111;min;,max;;min;,max;;min;,max;;min;,max;21,,log 1)(k l k k w l k w l k w l k w l k w l k w l k w l k w l k k k I I I I I I I I k k AME ααα (8)An example of the AWC, EME, EME of Entropy, Michelson Law EME, and AME plotted versus an enhancement parameter, alpha, can be found in Figure 1. Depending on the measure of enhancement, different measures will be more useful than others. Our proposed method works best with the measures based upon entropy such as the EME of Entropy and the AME. For this paper, the EME of Entropy, equation 4, will be used to measure results.(a) (b) (c)(d) (e) (f)Figure 1: (a) Original Pentagon Image, (b-f) Graphs of alpha vs AWC, EME, EME of Entropy, Michelson Law EME, AME. 2.3 Logarithmic transform domain:The transform domain affords us the ability to view the frequency content of an image. It conveniently breaks up the data in regions of lower and higher frequency. However, the histogram of this data is usually less telling and may require another type of transformation. This is because a plot of the histogram of a typical image is compact and uninformative, as shown in Figure 2a.(a) (b)Figure 2: (a) DCT-2 transform domain histogram (b) Logarithmic DCT-2 transform domain histogramBy taking the logarithm of the data, this problem can be avoided. This is done in primarily two steps. The first step requires the creation of a matrix to preserve the phase of the transform image, which is given by the equationθ(8)angleXji=))),((,(jiWhere the angle function returns the angle of the coefficient. This will be used to restore the phase of the transform coefficients. The next step is to take the logarithm of the modulus of the coefficients as shown by the equationˆ(,)ln((,))X i j X i j γηλ=+ (9)Where η, γ, and λ are enhancement parameters, usually set to 1. The shifting coefficient, λ, is needed to keep returning the logarithm of zero, which is undefined. The shifting, in itself, enhances the contrast of the image, though only slightly. This results in a much more visible version of the histogram as shown in Figure 2b. To return the coefficients to the standard transform domain the signal is exponentiated and the phase is restored as shown by),(),(ˆ),(j i j j i X e e j i X θ⋅=′ (10)This preserves the overall image characteristics, ensuring that the returned image is visually similar to the original image, and that the enhancement only plays upon the magnitude of the transform coefficients.This process works with real and complex orthogonal transforms. It is important to keep the phase information unchanged, because the angle contains most of the images underlying characteristic information. The coefficients in equation 9, η and γ, can be utilized as additional enhancement parameters. By changing their values one can find other optimal enhancement points, though for simplicity these coefficients can usually be set to 1. Graphs showing how to use these coefficients along with the EME to locate optimal values can be shown in Figures 3d and 3e.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)Figure 3: (a) Original Pentagon image, (b) Pentagon image enhanced using LTHMHE with alpha-rooting, using k=0.78 (c) EME vs k, where k is a parameter of enhancement. Other examples of using plots of the EME to find optimal parameter values by picking themaximum: (d) Pentagon image enhanced using LTHMHE with η =1.2 and λ =3, (e) EME vs η vs λ, (f) EME vs γ vs λ.2.2 Choosing optimal parametersSince we have defined our measure of enhancement, it then becomes necessary to define the method of choosing optimal parameters based upon that measure. Utilizing the proposed measure of enhancement based upon entropy affords a simple mathematical basis for determining the optimal parameters of our enhancement.By plotting the EME versus the coefficients of the enhancement on a specific image we can return a descriptive graph as shown in Figure 3c. Interpreting this graph depends on the enhancement method. Since the method which we will be using for optimization involves alpha-rooting, we shall use the simple rule that the maximum EME value returns the optimal point. An example of an original image and its resulting optimized enhancement can also be found in Figure 3, as well as examples of choosing optimal parameter values using multiple parameters can be found in Figures 3d and 3e.2.4 Histogram equalization:Histogram equalization maps the input image’s intensity values to best approximate a uniform distribution. This technique is a useful tool for quick and easy image enhancement. In many cases, equalization successfully balances an image returning an increase in contrast.Given an image A(x,y) and a desired output image B(x,y) there is some transformation function, f, which maps A to B. All the pixels in A in the region a n to a a dn n + will have their values mapped to a corresponding region in B in the range of b n to b b dn n +. Each of these images will have a probability density function (PDF) )(A A n p and )(b b n p .Assuming a 1-1 mapping, it is easy to show thata a Ab b B dn n p dn n p )()(= (11)Using this relationship, it can be shown that the mapping function from A to B is)()()(0a A n A a n nF du u p n n f a==∫ (12)Where )(a A n F is the cumulative probability distribution function of the original image. Therefore, to return a histogram equalized image, an image must be transformed using its cumulative probability function.Histogram equalization's success at image enhancement is because it expands the dynamic range of intensity values while flattening the overall spatial histogram. This leads to a more overall even representation of all the spectrum of intensities, which can be used to bring out otherwise subtle details. This is usually a quick and effective method for image enhancement. On many images, histogram equalization provides satisfactory to good results, but there are a number of images where it fails to properly enhance the test image. The shortcomings and pitfalls of histogram equalization can be easily shown [6].As an example, Figure 4a shows an image of a helicopter. The resulting image after 256-level histogram equalization was applied is shown in Figure 4b. Figure 4c compares the spatial histograms of both images. Notice the loss of information on the body of the helicopter; you can no longer see the windows, or the details of the tail. The main focus of the image has become more of a silhouette than a picture. The background has been over emphasized as well. Other problems with histogram equalization can be artifacts and overall brightness change in the resulting image [6].(a) (b) (c)Figure 4: (a) Original Image of Copter , (b) resulting image after basic histogram equalization of Copter , (c) comparison of thespatial histograms before and after histogram equalization.2.5 Alpha-rooting:Alpha-rooting is a simple method that can be used in combination with many different orthogonal transforms such as the Fourier, Hartley, Haar wavelet and cosine transforms. The method is based upon two simple basic ideas: a) any signal, or image, is comprised of two elements, a magnitude and a phase; b) high frequency coefficients of an image, upon transformation, will have smaller magnitudes than low frequency coefficients. The first property can be shown in the equation below:),(),(),(s p j e s p X s p X θ= (13)It can be shown that the phase of an image contains most of the information needed to reconstruct the image, while the magnitude only contains the intensity of the point. This can be shown by combining the magnitude of one image with the phase of another, which will return almost a perfect reconstruction of the first image. It is then possible to change the magnitude information of an image without altering the basic layout of an image.The second concept behind this method is magnitude reduction. The main idea is that the magnitude of the lower frequency coefficients of a transform will have higher values than the higher frequency components. By raising the magnitude of an image to some value, α, where 0<α<1, the higher valued lower frequency components of an image can be reduced more in proportion to the lower valued high frequency components. This proportional reduction of magnitudes leads to an emphasizing of the high frequency content on an image. The mathematical form of this operation can be seen below. ),(1),(),(),(),(s p j e s p X s p X s p X s p X θαα==−) (14)where X(p,s) is the transform coefficients of the image x(p,s). Taking the inverse transform of the result returns the enhanced image. The resulting output shows an emphasis on the high frequency content of the image without changing the phase of the image results in an overall contrast enhancement of the entire image.3.METHODOLOGY3.1 Logarithmic transform histogram matching with histogram equalizationTraditionally, histogram matching is applied to spatial domain data, adjusting the range of values to match a specified histogram. In this paper, we discuss the application of transform histogram matching, which is a new take on the old concept.While investigating different qualities of images and their respective transform coefficient histograms, it had become apparent that the visually better images returned distinctly different transform histograms from their worse counterparts. This is the basis for our explorations of transform histograms and histogram equalization, a spatial technique that suffers from extreme dynamic range expansion, which can result in ugly artifacts, as previously shown. By combining this basic technique with transform enhancement methods, the end results can be surprisingly better in visual quality and quantitative measurement.Figure 5: Block Diagram of Logarithmic Transform Histogram Matching with Histogram EqualizationThe first proposed algorithm attempts to enhance the image using a histogram equalized image as a baseline. Logarithmic transform histogram matching with histogram equalization (LTHMHE) is detailed in Figure 5, and by the steps listed below:Input: Original ImageStep1: Transform Image (DCT, Fourier, and others)Step 2: Equalize the Histogram of the ImageStep 3: Take logarithm of magnitude coefficientsStep 4: Calculate coefficient histogramStep 5:Take logarithm of original transform dataStep 6: Map data to equalized histogramStep 7: Exponentiate dataStep 8: Restore phase and Inverse TransformOutput: Enhanced ImageThe first step would be to take an image and apply histogram equalization to it. This equalized image would then have its logarithmic transform histogram calculated as previously discussed. The original image would then have its logarithm transform coefficients mapped to create a similar histogram to match the equalized image’s transform histogram coefficients as shown in Figure 6b. The result of this enhancement leads to an overall flattening of the spatial histogram as shown in Figure 6a.(a) (b)Figure 6: (a) Comparison of spatial histograms of an original image, histogram equalization, and LTHMHE, (b) comparison oforiginal, histogram equalized, and LTHMHE3.2 Logarithmic transform histogram matching with histogram equalization with alpha-rootingBuilding off of the foundation of logarithmic transform histogram matching with histogram equalization, questions arose if we could improve the process by including already established methodologies into the algorithm. Alpha-rooting seemed a simple addition which could easily be inserted into our enhancement algorithm. The new algorithm takes the form of the flow graph shown below in Figure 7.The addition of alpha-rooting led to the ability to use the EME to pick an optimum enhancement value for the coefficient built into the alpha-rooting algorithm. This built in recursion allows for manipulation of enhancement variables to return desirable results. It should be noted that this is not the only place alpha-rooting could have been inserted to enhance the algorithm, but that this was the most obvious point.4.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSTwo new methods were tested in this paper, proving to be formidable, powerful, and fast enhancement techniques. For the purposes of this paper, three images are shown. A table of results can be found in Table 1, and example images can be found in Figures 8, 9, and 10.(a) (b) (c)(d) (e) (f)Figure 8: (a) Original Image EME=0.01201, image enhanced using (b) histogram equalization EME=2.9321, (c) alpha-rooting EME=0.2856, (d) LTHMHE EME=9.9116, and (e) LTHMHE with alpha-rooting EME=40.2839. (f) Graph of EME versus α used tooptimize LTHMHE with alpha-rooting with peak at α=0.65.The first was an image of an Artic hare, chosen because of its strong concentration of data points around the intensity level of 255. This type of image, when enhanced, can have its dynamic range expanded to the point of changing the overall tone of the picture, along with creating ugly artifacts [6].The second image chosen was the Copter image. This image has the interesting characteristic of a relatively dark central area and a lighter, textured background. This image is usually difficult to enhance due to its unbalanced nature, leading most methods to either enhance the helicopter or the background but at the sacrifice of the other object.The third image chosen was the Plane image. This image is the direct opposite of the artic hare image, because it has data points concentrated around the lower end of the intensity spectrum. This image has hidden contour lines in the background along with prevalent film grain which cannot be seen in the original image.The first image’s overall tone is almost perfectly white, with very little variation, making it a hard image to enhance without altering the image drastically. The original EME had an extremely low value of 0.01201. After applying our logarithmic transform histogram matching with histogram equalization algorithm to the image we returned an EME of 9.9116, a huge increase in contrast. Compared to straight histogram equalization, which caused artifacts, tonal change to the image, and an EME of 2.392, LTHMHE enhanced the image better and avoided the undesirable side effects. Alpha-rooting performed admirably, raising the EME to 0.2856 by itself, although the image had the characteristic gray effect from the method. However, when we used the modified LTHMHE algorithm to include alpha-rooting we improved our resulting EME to 40.2839. Both the LTHMHE and the LTHMHE with alpha-rooting returned visually better results than alpha-rooting alone and histogram equalization. These results can be seen in Figure 8.(a) (b) (c)(f)(d) (e)Figure 9: (a) Original Image EME=0.03593, image enhanced using (b) histogram equalization EME=1.3027, (c) alpha-rooting EME=2.3506, (d) LTHMHE EME=9.015, and (e) LTHMHE with alpha-rooting EME=127.8699. (f) Graph of EME versus α used tooptimize LTHMHE with alpha-rooting with peak at α=0.04.The second image, the Copter, is a difficult image to enhance due to the tendency to enhance either the background or the helicopter but not both. The original image had an EME of 0.03593. Histogram equalization returned questionable results, with a complete loss of detail in the helicopter returning and EME of 1.3027. This is characteristic of the extreme dynamic range expansion problem which plagues histogram equalization. Our LTHMHE algorithm corrected this, returning visually pleasing results and an EME of 9.015. Alpha-rooting, alone, improved the image noticeably, returning an EME of 2.3506, again with the characteristic graying of the image. Inserting alpha-rooting into our LTHMHE algorithm returned the best results, conveying much more detail in both the helicopter and in the background. This exciting result returned an EME of 127.8699. Again, visually, the LTHMHE and LTHMHE with alpha-rooting returned better results that histogram equalization and alpha-rooting alone. These results can be seen in Figure 9.The third image, the Plane, is characteristically dark and dull. Our enhancement technique brought out the subtle details on the wings of the plane and in the background without overemphasizing any specific part of the image. The original image had an EME of 0.3340. Histogram equalization brought the EME of the image up to 23.3756, at the sacrifice of much of the image detail. This image shows the over-enhancement attribute of histogram equalization well, which caused a lot of the image to be lost in the grain and noise as well as the over emphasized subtle background ripples. After our process, LTHMHE, the enhanced image returned an EME of 33.8779, a staggering improvement. The image is visually clearer, more detailed, and generally better than the histogram equalized version. Alpha-rooting returned a slightly sharper image than the original returning an EME of 55.1932, while our LTHMHE with alpha-rooting returned an even higher EME of 138.578. As before, LTHMHE and LTHMHE with alpha-rooting returned results that were much more visually appealing that those found using histogram equalization and alpha-rooting. These results can be seen in Figure 10.(a) (b)(c)(c) (d) (e)Figure 10: (a) Original Image EME=0.33396, image enhanced using (b) histogram equalization EME=23.3756, (c) alpha-rooting EME=55.1932, (d) LTHMHE EME=33.8779, and (e) LTHMHE with alpha-rooting EME=138.578. (f) Graph of EME versus α usedto optimize LTHMHE with alpha-rooting with peak at α=0.08.Table 1: Comparison of resulting EME’s of different enhancement methods Original Histogram EqualizedAlpha rooting LTHMHELTHMHE with Alpha Rooting Artic Hare 0.012008 2.9321 α=0.80 0.2856 9.9116 α=0.65 40.2839 Copter 0.035928 1.3027 α=0.80 2.3506 9.015 α=0.04 127.8699 Moon 0.8681 6.6359 α=0.70 156.249 31.8327 α=0.56 91.8347 Pentagon 0.21835 41.5252 α=0.74 110.482 86.8147 α=0.78 331.0331 Plane 0.33396 23.3756 α=0.79 55.1932 33.8779 α=0.08 138.5785. CONCLUDING REMARKSThis paper proposed a new method of image enhancement based upon the logarithmic transform coefficient histogram using contrast entropy as a measure of performance and of optimization. Our results demonstrated the power of the logarithmic transform histogram matching with histogram equalization method, showing it to outperform classical histogram equalization. We also showed the modular nature of the proposed algorithm through the addition of alpha-rooting as a performance booster. As a benchmark, the performance of this algorithm was compared to established enhancement techniques: histogram equalization and alpha-rooting.A measure of enhancement is not a perfect science. There is not universal measure for image enhancement. In choosing a measure, it is necessary to choose those qualities in the image which are being measured. In our case we chose contrast. The measure was used to find optimal values as well as show image improvement numerically. After。

International-Human-Resource-Management国际人力资源管理 (1

International-Human-Resource-Management国际人力资源管理 (1
International Human Resources and Multinational
• HRM typically refers to those activities undertaken by an organisation to utilize human resources effectively,
Boxhall and Purcell give a broader definition as ‘human resources management includes the firm’s work system and its employment practices. It embraces both individual and collective aspects of people management’
• HR planning • Staffing (recruitment, selection, placement) • Performance management • Training and development • Compensation (remuneration) and benefits • Industrial relations
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What changes when HRM goes international?

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project management templates

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It should not contain language or terminologyProject Objectives:Provide a brief, concise list of what the project is to accomplish.Project Approach:Describe the strategy to deliver the project. For example, it may describe a phased strategy, contracting approach, reference to implementation, etc. Subsections may be created to presentTECHNICAL PROJECT COMPONENTSProvides a detailed listing of the Requirements Definition, Specification, Design, and Implementation and Training Plans for inclusion into the project activities.Scope Statement TemplateProject DescriptionGeneral description of the projectProject JustificationWhat is the business need that the project will address?Project’s ProductBrief summary of the product descriptionPhase DescriptionSummary of phase or multiple phases that are the subject of this planning activity Major Deliverables for this(these) phase(s)High level description of the deliverable, approach to be used, and completion criteria Deliverable Approach Completion CriteriaFunctional ScopeHigh level business process flow charts, process descriptions, boundaries, etc. Organization/Stakeholder ScopeOrganizations/Stakeholders that will be involved/impacted and howTechnical ScopeTechnologies that will be used or excluded, and whyGeographical ScopeSites that will be or will not be impactedCosts/Benefits SummarySummary of cost/benefits expected or not expected from this(these) phase(s)Assumptions and ConstraintsKey project assumptions and constraints for this(these) phase(s)Risk FactorsDescription of potential risks that could impact on project successCritical Success FactorsDescription of what will be the determining factors that are needed to ensure project success Scope Management PlanDescription of how project scope will be managed and how scope changes will be integrated into the projectCommitment and ApprovalPosition Name Date Project ManagerSenior ManagementSponsorResource ManagerCustomerCost Analysis TemplateProject Overview and BackgroundBrief overview, background and definition of the project. Discussion of AlternativesDiscuss the project ground rules and assumptions.Status Quo – Current Process (As-Is-Model)Discussion of Alternative concepts and GoalsProgram ConceptFunctional ConceptTechnical ConceptProject Alternatives (To-Be-Model)Acquisition StrategyDiscussion of AlternativesScheduleLifecycle Costs and BenefitsDiscuss the costs and benefits of the product according to its lifecycle. Lifecycle Cost and Benefit SummaryRisk and Sensitivity AnalysisLifecycle Cost-Benefit ComparisonProject Resource Plan TemplateProject Resource InformationDetermine the major resources that will be needed in the execution of the project. For each resource determine the cost, availability, and skill level or specification required. These resources may include the following: people, money, equipment, facilities, materials and supplies, and information technology.Resource Cost Estimate Availability Skill/Specification AssumptionsDocument any assumptions made in resource allocation.RisksDocument any particular risks involved in resource allocation.Resource Staffing PlanAfter establishing the human resources required for the project, develop a staffing plan that shows the number of personnel, by type, that will be required on the project on a monthly basis.Example:MonthPersonnelCategory January February March April MayX X X X XProjectManagerX X X X XQualityEngineerCA X X X X XProgrammer X X X XTech Writer X XPersonnelMonthCategoryRisk Plan TemplateRisk DescriptionProbability Impact ExposureCurrent Status AffectedPhaseImpact TimeFrameRisk Area Critical Path SectionControl ResponsiblePerson Date IdentifiedContingency Plan Mitigation Plan Historical EventsProcurement Plan TemplateDescription of the Items and Services to be PurchasedThe intended use of the itemsThe performance requirements to be met by the itemsThe benefits and/or justification of the purchaseMarket AnalysisGeneral market conditionsTechnological trendsAvailable productsSimilar systems in use and performanceDetailed sources of information on the itemNumber of potential clients participatingRequirements AnalysisProcess requirements ensuring that the system will meet the requirements of the work process Technical requirements ensuring that the system will have the capabilities and the capacity required, and will fit into the State’s technical infrastructure and operation environment Project management requirements including definition of vendor and agency responsibilitiesSpecifications including the technical data required in specifying and inspecting the selected productContractsTypes of contracts/ordering agreementsThe Selection Process and CriteriaNegotiation strategiesDeliverables and the Procurement ScheduleA list of all major deliverablesA description of and timeline for the procurement process, including all required approvalsCommunications Planning Template DistributionFlow of project information throughout the projectStakeholder What info dothey need Why do theyneed itWhen will theyget itHow will they get itUpdating the Communication PlanDescribe how and when the Communications Plan will be updated throughout the project. Communication Plan StorageDescribe where physical project files will be kept within the agency as well as where electronic media might be stored for project team access.Project Budget Estimate TemplateProject Task LaborHourLaborCostMaterialCostTravelCostEducationCostOtherCostTotalperTask $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ Other:$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ Sub-Totals:$ $ $ $ $ $ Risk (Contingency)$ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL (scheduled)Comments: (List assumptions for costs as appropriate.)Cost Management Plan TemplateProject Variance Levels(Describe the cost variance levels approved for this project)Variance Management(Describe how variances will be measured and managed throughout the project) Budget Updates(Describe how budget updates will be handled)。







关键词:阿尔茨海默病;卷积神经网络;典型相关分析;核磁共振图像;生物标志物文章编号:2095-2163(2019)04-0006-07;中图分类号:TP391;文献标志码:A0 引言阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),又称老年性痴呆。









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A Histogram Modification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement Tarik Arici,Salih Dikbas,Member,IEEE,and Yucel Altunbasak,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—A general framework based on histogram equal-ization for image contrast enhancement is presented.In this framework,contrast enhancement is posed as an optimization problem that minimizes a cost function.Histogram equalization is an effective technique for contrast enhancement.However,a con-ventional histogram equalization(HE)usually results in excessive contrast enhancement,which in turn gives the processed image an unnatural look and creates visual artifacts.By introducing specif-ically designed penalty terms,the level of contrast enhancement can be adjusted;noise robustness,white/black stretching and mean-brightness preservation may easily be incorporated into the optimization.Analytic solutions for some of the important criteria are presented.Finally,a low-complexity algorithm for contrast enhancement is presented,and its performance is demonstrated against a recently proposed method.Index Terms—Histogram equalization,histogram modification, image/video quality enhancement.I.I NTRODUCTIONC ONTRAST enhancement plays a crucial role in imageprocessing applications,such as digital photography, medical image analysis,remote sensing,LCD display pro-cessing,and scientific visualization.There are several reasons for an image/video to have poor contrast:the poor quality of the used imaging device,lack of expertise of the operator, and the adverse external conditions at the time of acquisition. These effects result in under-utilization of the offered dynamic range.As a result,such images and videos may not reveal all the details in the captured scene,and may have a washed-out and unnatural look.Contrast enhancement targets to eliminate these problems,thereby to obtain a more visually-pleasing or informative image or both.Typical viewers describe the enhanced images as if a curtain of fog has been removed from the picture[1].Several contrast enhancement techniques have been intro-duced to improve the contrast of an image.These techniques can be broadly categorized into two groups:direct methods[2],[3] and indirect methods[4],[5].Direct methods define a contrast measure and try to improve it.Indirect methods,on the other hand,improve the contrast through exploiting the under-utilizedManuscript received April15,2008.First published April28,2009;current version published August14,2009.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof.Stanley J.Reeves. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,GA,30332USA(e-mail:tariq@ece. ;salih@;yucel@).Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TIP.2009.2021548regions of the dynamic range without defining a specific con-trast term.Most methods in the literature fall into the second group.Indirect methods can further be divided into several sub-groups:i)techniques that decompose an image into high and low frequency signals for manipulation,e.g.,homomorphicfil-tering[6],ii)histogram modification techniques[7]–[17],and iii)transform-based techniques[18]–[22].Out of these three subgroups,the second subgroup received the most attention due to its straightforward and intuitive implementation qualities. Contrast enhancement techniques in the second subgroup modify the image through some pixel mapping such that the histogram of the processed image is more spread than that of the original image.Techniques in this subgroup either enhance the contrast globally or locally.If a single mapping derived from the image is used then it is a global method;if the neighborhood of each pixel is used to obtain a local mapping function then it is a local ing a single global mapping cannot (specifically)enhance the local contrast[10],[13].The method presented in this paper is demonstrated as a global contrast enhancement(GCE)method,and can be extended to local contrast enhancement(LCE)using similar approaches.One of the most popular GCE techniques is histogram equal-ization(HE).HE is an effective technique to transform a narrow histogram by spreading the gray-level clusters in the histogram [23],[24],and it is adaptive since it is based on the histogram of a given image.However,HE without any modification can result in an excessively enhanced output image for some appli-cations(e.g.,display-processing).Various methods have been proposed for limiting the level of enhancement,most of which are obtained through modi-fications on HE.For example,bi-histogram equalization was proposed to reduce the mean brightness change[7].HE pro-duces images with mean intensity that is approximately in the middle of the dynamic range.To avoid this,two separate histograms from the same image are created and equalized independently.Thefirst is the histogram of intensities that are less than the mean intensity,the second is the histogram of intensities that are greater than the mean intensity.A sim-ilar method called equal area dualistic sub-image histogram equalization(DSIHE)was proposed in which the two separate histograms were created using the median intensity instead of the mean intensity[8].Although they are visually more pleasing than HE,these two techniques cannot adjust the level of enhancement and are not robust to noise,which may become a problem when the histogram has spikes.Also,it should be noted that preserving the brightness does not imply preservation of naturalness.One method to deal with histogram spikes is the histogram low-passfiltering[9].Another method proposes1057-7149/$26.00©2009IEEEmodifying the “cumulation function”of the histogram to adjust the level of enhancement [10],but both of these methods are still sensitive to problems created by histogram spikes.These two methods apply gaussian blurring in the spatial domain to obtain a low-pass filtered histogram or a modified cumulation function [9],[10].The image blurring operation alone may still be insufficient for large spikes in the histogram;modifying the cumulation function alone enables adjustment of enhancement but does not directly handle histogram-spike related problems.In addition,both of these methods are LCE methods,which are known to be more computationally complex than GCE methods and they not only highlight details in the image but also enhance noise.One recent method proposed by Wang and Ward [14]suggests modifying the image histogram by weighting and thresholding before histogram equalization.The weighting and thresholding is performed by clamping theoriginal histogram at an upperthresholdand at a lowerthreshold ,and transforming all the values between the upper and lower thresholds using a normalized power law functionwithindex.There are also unconventional approaches to the histogram-based contrast enhancement problem [11],[12].Gray-level grouping (GLG)is such an algorithm that groups histogram bins and then redistributes these groups iteratively [11].Al-though GLG can adjust the level of enhancement and is robust to histogram spikes,it is mainly designed for still images.Since gray-level grouping makes hard decisions on grouping histogram bins,and redistributing the bins depends on the grouping,mean brightness intensity in an image sequence can abruptly change in the same scene.This causes flickering,which is one of the most annoying problems in video enhance-ment.Although a fast version of the algorithm is available,GLG’s computational complexity is high for most applications.Contrast enhancement techniques in the first and third subgroups often use multiscale analysis to decompose the image into different bands and enhance desired global and local frequencies [6],[18]–[22],[25]–[27].These techniques are computationally complex but enable global and local contrast enhancement at the same time by enhancing the appropriate scales.The aforementioned contrast enhancement techniques per-form well on some images but they can create problems when a sequence of images is enhanced,or when the histogram has spikes,or when a natural looking enhanced image is strictly required.In addition,computational complexity and controlla-bility become an important issue when the goal is to design a contrast enhancement algorithm for consumer products.In sum-mary,our goal in this paper is to obtain a visually pleasing en-hancement method that has low-computational complexity and can be easily implemented on FPGAs or ASICs and works well with both video and still images.The contributions of this paper in achieving this goal are:•to describe the necessary properties of the enhancementmapping,and toobtain via the solution of a bi-criteria optimization problem;•to incorporate additional penalty terms into the bi-criteria optimization problem in order to handle noise robustness and black/white stretching;•to present a content-adaptive algorithm with low computa-tional complexity.In the next section,contrast enhancement is explained.In Sec-tion III,the contrast enhancement using the proposed frame-work is explained in a progressive manner.Then,the proposed low-complexity method is presented in Section IV.Simulation results and discussions are presented in Section V.Finally,the conclusion is provided in Section VI.II.C ONTRAST E NHANCEMENTHistogram-based contrast enhancement techniques utilize the image histogram to obtain a single-indexedmappingto modify the pixel values.1In HE and other histogram-based methods,mapping function is obtained from the histogram or the modified histogram,respectively [23].HE finds a mapping to obtain an image with a histogram that is as close as possible to a uniform distribution to fully exploit the dynamic range.Ahistogram,,can be regarded as an un-normalized dis-crete probability mass function of the pixel intensities.Thenormalizedhistogramof an image gives the approximate probability density function (PDF)of its pixel intensities.Then,the approximate cumulative distribution function(CDF),,is obtainedfrom .The mapping function is a scaled version of this CDF.HE uses the image histogram to obtain the mapping function;whereas,other histogram-based methods obtain the mapping function via the modified histogram.The mapping function in the discrete form is givenas(1)where is the number of bits used to represent the pixel values,and.Although the histogram of the processed image will be as uniform as possible,it may not be exactly uni-form because of the discrete nature of the pixel intensities.It is also possible to enhance the contrast without using the histogram.Black stretching and white stretching are simple but effective techniques used in consumer-grade TV sets [1].Black stretching makes dark pixels darker,while white stretching makes bright pixels brighter.This produces more natural looking black and white regions;hence,it enhances the contrast of the image.Linear black and white stretching can be achieved by themapping(2)where is the maximum gray-level to be stretched to blackand is the minimum gray-level to be stretched towhite,isany function mapping the intensities in between,andare black and white stretching factors both of which are less than one.III.H ISTOGRAM M ODIFICATIONTo fully exploit the available dynamic range,HE tries to create a uniformly distributed output histogram by using a1The term “pixel intensity”will sometimes be used to refer to the pixel valuesin single-channel images.ARICI et al.:HISTOGRAM MODIFICATION FRAMEWORK AND ITS APPLICATION1923Fig.1.Modified histogram equalization results using (6)for image Door .(a)Original image,(b)enhanced image using (6)with =0,(c)enhanced image using (6)with =1,(d)enhanced image using (6)with =2.cumulated histogram as its mapping function.However,HE often produces overly enhanced unnatural looking images.One problem with HE rises from large backward-differencevaluesof,i.e.,may be unusually large.To deal with this,the input histogram can be modified without compromising its contrast enhancement potential.The modi-fied histogram can then be accumulated to map input pixels to output pixels,similar to HE.It is important to note that when the input distribution is al-ready uniform,the mapping obtained from cumulating the inputdistributionis,which identically maps input to output.Hence,to lessen the level of enhancement that would be ob-tained by HE,the inputhistogram can be altered so that the modifiedhistogram is closer to a uniformly distributed his-togram ,according to a suitably chosen distance metric.The modified histogram can be seen as a solution of a bi-cri-teria optimization problem.The goal is to find a modified his-togram that is closerto as desired,but also make theresidualsmall.This modified histogram would then be used toobtain the mapping function via (1).This is a bi-criteria opti-mization problem,and can be formulated as a weighted sum of the two objectivesas(3)where ,and ,and is a problem parameter.2As variesover,the solution of (3)traces the optimal2Rassumes 8-bit/channel bit-precision for simplicity.trade-off curve between the two objectives.HE obtainedby corresponds to the standard HE,andas goes to infinity it converges to preserving the original image.Therefore,various levels of contrast enhancement can be achieved byvarying .A.Adjustable Histogram EqualizationAn analytical solution to (3)can be obtained when the squared sum of the Euclidean norm is used,i.e.,(4)which results in the quadratic optimizationproblem(5)The solution of (5)is(6)The modified histogram ,therefore,turns out to be a weightedaverageofand .Simply bychanging ,the level of en-hancement can be adjusted instead of the more complex non-linear technique given by Stark [10].An example image and enhanced images using modified his-togram equalization with threedifferent values (0,1,2)are shown in Fig.1.When is zero,the modified histogram is equal to the input histogram;hence,the standard HE is applied.1924IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,VOL.18,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2009Fig.2.The mappings and histograms for Fig.1.(a)Mappings for three different values used in Fig.1,(b)original histogram,modified histogram with =2and the uniform histogram.The resulting image is over-enhanced,with many unnatural de-tails on the door and loss of details on the doorknob.When is increased to one,the penalty term comes into play and the enhanced image looks more like the original image.For,the level of enhancement is further decreased and the details on the doorknob are mostly preserved.In Fig.2(a),the mappings for thethree values are given.As increases,themapping becomes more similartoline.The fixed point observed around gray-level value of 76is a repelling fixed point.3Although the level of enhancement is decreased with in-creasing ,the slope 4of the mapping at the fixedpoint,,isstill rather large.The slopeatdetermines how fast the inten-sities in the enhanced image move away from the fixed point [28].This may become especially important for images with smooth background in which gray-level differences in neigh-boring pixels look like noise.An example for this situation is shown in Fig.9(b)and (c).The problemofhaving a large slope arises from spikes in the input histogram.The original histogram given in Fig.2(b)exhibits spikes and the modified histogram has also spikes at the corresponding intensities.This sensitivity to spikes is observedbecause norm heavily penalizes large residuals,therefore,is not robust to spikes.One way to deal with histogram spikes is touse norm for the histogram approximation term in the objective whileusing norm for the penalty term.Hence,the problem in (4)is changedto(7)To transform this mixed norm problem into a constrained quadratic programming problem,the first term can be ex-pressed as a sum of auxiliaryvariables3Pleasesee chapter 14of “Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for SignalProcessing”by Moon and Stirling [28]for a detailed discussion of repelling/attractive fixed points.4The term “slope”is used to refer to the slope of the T (x ),interpolated (i.e.,continuous)version of T [n ].subjecttowhereand represents the auxiliary variables,5and is a vector of ones.However,this constrainedquadratic programming problem has high computational com-plexity since there are 512optimization variables.Hence,this approach will not be pursued and is presented here for com-pleteness.Another way to deal with the histogram spikes in the input histogram is to use one more penalty term to measure the smoothness of ,which reduces the modified histogram’s sensitivity to spikes.B.Histogram SmoothingTo avoid spikes that lead to strong repelling fixed points,a smoothness constraint can be added to the objective.The back-ward-difference of the histogram,i.e.,,can be used to measure its smoothness.A smooth modified histogram will tend to have less spikes since they are essentially abrupt changes in the histogram.The differencematrixisbi-diagonal ..................with the additional penalty term for smoothness,the optimaltrade-off is obtainedby(8)The solution of this three-criterion problemis(9)5symbol denotes vector/componentwise inequality.ARICI et al.:HISTOGRAM MODIFICATION FRAMEWORK AND ITS APPLICATION1925Fig.3.Histogram smoothing results using (9)for image Palermo .(a)Original image,(b)enhanced image using (9)with =0and =1,(c)enhanced image using (9)with =0and =3,(d)enhanced image using (9)with =1000and =1.While (6)results in a weighted averageof and ,(9)further smoothes this weighted average to avoid spikes.The first termin (9),thatis,in fact corresponds to a low-pass filtering operation on the averaged histogram.Thiscan be seen byexpressingexplicitly as (10),shown at the bottom of the page,where is a tridiagonal matrix.Each row of its inverse can be shown to be a zero-phase low-pass filter by using a theorem of Fischer and Usmani [29].Hence,a penalty term for smoothness corresponds to low-pass filtering the averaged histogram.This shows that the proposed framework provides an explanation for the histogram low-pass filtering approaches investigated in the literature,as in Gauch’s work [9],from a different perspective.To illustrate the performance of histogram smoothing,the image given in Fig.3(a),which is captured from a compressed video stream,is enhanced using adjustable histogram equaliza-tion with and without histogram smoothing.Fig.3(b)and (c)adjusts the level of enhancementwithand,respectively.After enhancement,both exhibit ar-tifacts,which are observed as black grain noise around the text.These artifacts arise from the strong repelling fixed-point in the mapping created by the spikes of the original histogram.The ringing-artifact pixels that have intensities less than the back-ground pixels are mapped to even darker intensities.Histogramsmoothingwithsolves this problem as can be seen in Fig.3(d).The mappings for the corresponding enhanced imagesare given in Fig.4.Theslope,,at the spike bin gray-level has been successfully reduced with histogram smoothing.Although histogram smoothing is successful in avoiding his-togram spikes,it has a shortcoming.For a real-time implemen-tationhas to be computed for each imageas needs to be adjusted based on the magnitude of the histogram spikes.Even though there are fast algorithms for inverting tridiagonalmatrices that requireonlyarithmetic operations [30]as opposedto,it is still unacceptable because of the ap-plication at hand (i.e.,LCD display processing).ThisrendersFig.4.Mappings for the enhanced images given in Fig.3.the algorithm not easily implementable on FPGAs.Instead of using (9),a low-pass filtering on the histogram can also be per-formed.But the number of taps and the transfer function must also be adaptive.Another approach that is less computationally complex is to use a weighted error norm for the approximationerror,which is to be described next.C.Weighted Histogram ApproximationHistogram spikes occur because of the existence of largenumber of pixels with exactly the same gray-level values as their neighbors.Histogram spikes cause the forward/backward difference of the mapping at that gray-level to be large.This results in an input-output transformation that maps a narrow range of pixel values to a much wider range of pixel values.Hence,it causes contouring and grainy noise type artifacts in uniform regions.A large number of pixels having exactly the same gray-levels are often due to large smooth areas in the image.Hence,the average local variance of all thepixels...............(10)1926IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,VOL.18,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2009parison results of histogram smoothing and weighted histogram approximation for image Palermo .(a)Histogram smoothing using (9)with =1000and =1,(b)weighted approximation using(12)with =1000.Fig.6.Mappings for the enhanced images given in Fig.5.with the same gray-level can be used to weight the approxi-mationerror,.Histogram approximation error at the corresponding bin will be weighted with a smaller weight.Therefore,the modified histogram bin will not closely follow the input histogram’s spike bin to minimize the approximation error.The objective function with the weighted approximation erroris(11)whereis the diagonal error weight matrix,andmeasures the average local variance of pixels with gray-level .The solution of (11)is(12)This is computationally simpler than (9).Since the first term is a diagonal matrix,taking matrix inverse is avoided,i.e.,only simple division operations for the diagonal elements are needed to compute its inverse.Fig.5shows the weighted histogram approximation and his-togram smoothing for comparison.The grain-noise-type arti-facts around the text are avoided in both methods.The map-pings for the two methods is given in Fig.6.The difference of the mapping corresponding to smooth background pixels has further been reduced.However,the mapping is not as smooth as histogram smoothing since no explicit smoothing is performed on the modified histogram. D.Black and White StretchingBlack and white (B&W)stretching is one of the oldest image enhancement techniques used in television sets.B&W stretching maps predetermined dark and bright intensities to darker and brighter intensities,respectively.To incorpo-rate B&W stretching into histogram modification,where thegray-level range for B&W stretchingisand ,respectively,the modifiedhistogrammust have small bin values for the corresponding gray-level ranges.Since the length of the histogram bins determines the contrast between the mapped intensities,by decreasing the histogram bin lengthforand ,the mapping obtained by accumulating the modified histogram will have a smaller forward/backward difference for these two gray-level ranges.An additional penalty term for B&W stretching can be added to one of the objective functions presented in previous subsec-tions [e.g.,adjustable histogram equalization equation given in(5)](13)whereis a diagonalmatrix.for,and the remaining diagonal elements are zero.Thesolution to this minimization problemis(14)In Fig.7,histogram smoothing with and without B&W stretching is illustrated.In this experiment,black stretch gray-level range is [0,20]and white stretch gray-level range is [200,255]with set to 5.With the more natural look of the black and white in the image,the contrast has greatly im-proved.The mapping as given in Fig.7(d)clearly shows B&W stretching and the smooth transition to nonstretching region.IV .L OW -C OMPLEXITY H ISTOGRAMM ODIFICATION A LGORITHMIn this section,a low-complexity histogram modification al-gorithm is presented.The pseudo-code of the algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.It deals with histogram spikes,performs B&W stretching,and adjusts the level of enhancement adaptively so that the dynamic range is better utilized while handling the noise visibility and the natural look requirements.Also,the proposed algorithm does not require any division operation.Using histogram smoothing or weighted histogram approxi-mation is computationally complex when considering the scarce memory and gate-count/area resources in an hardware imple-mentation.Histogram smoothing requires either solving (9)or explicit low-pass filtering with adaptive filter length and transfer function.On the other hand,weighted approximation with so-lution given in(12)requires division operation.A.Histogram ComputationTo deal with histogram spikes in a simple way,instead of smoothing or weighting the input histogram,one can change the way a histogram is computed.Histogram spikes are created be-cause of a large number of pixels that have the same gray-level and these pixels almost always come from smooth areas in theARICI et al.:HISTOGRAM MODIFICATION FRAMEWORK AND ITS APPLICATION1927parison results of histogram smoothing with and without B&W stretching for image Palermo .(a)Original image,(b)enhanced image using (9)with =1000and =1,(c)enhanced image using (14)with =100; =1,and =5,(d)mappings for the two enhanced images in (b)and (c).input image when they create artifacts/noise in the enhanced image.Hence,histogram computation can be modified so as to take pixels that have some level of contrast with their neighbors into account,which will solve the histogram spike problem at the very beginning.It is also possible to relate this practical ap-proach with optimization based solutions discussed in the pre-vious section as follows:For a successful contrast enhancement,the histogram should be modified in such a way that the mod-ified histogram,,represents the conditional probability of a pixel,given that it has a contrast with its neighbors (denotedby ).Thatis,,where denotes the prob-ability of a pixel having gray-level given theevent .Per-forming histogram equalizationon ratherthan will enhance the contrast but not the noise,since the former will only uti-lize the dynamic range for pixels that have some level of con-trast with their neighbors.Noting that the histogram modifica-tion methods presented in the previous section (e.g.,weighting)also aim to increase contrast but not the noise visibility,they must modify the histogram in such a way that the the modifiedhistogramresemblesratherthan .However,one can simplyobtainby counting only those pixels that have contrast,rather than solving complex optimization problems,which in essence corresponds to dealing with histogram spikes resulting from smooth area (noncontrast )pixels after computing the histogram in the conventional way.To obtain the histogram,the local variation of each pixel can be used to decide if a pixel has sufficient contrast with its neigh-bors.One efficient way of achieving this for hardware simplicity is to use a horizontal variation measure by taking advantage of the row-wise pixel processing architecture,which is available in common video processing hardware platforms.A horizontal one-lagged difference operation is a high-pass filter,which will also measure noise.On the other hand,a horizontal two-lagged difference operation is a band-pass filter which will attenuate high-frequency noise signals.Histogram is created using pixels with a two-lagged difference that has a magnitude larger than a given threshold (steps 5,6,7).The number of pixels included in the histogram is also counted for proper normalization.B.Adjusting the Level of EnhancementAs described in Section III-A,it is possible to adjust the level of histogram equalization to achieve natural looking enhanced images.The modified histogram is a weighted average of theinputhistogramand the uniform histogram ,as given in (6).The contribution of the input histogram in the modified his-togramis.The level of histogram equaliza-tion should be adjusted depending on the input image’s con-trast.Low contrast images have narrow histograms and with histogram equalization,contouring and noise can be created.Therefore,is computed to measure the input contrast using the aggregated outputs of horizontal two-lagged difference op-eration (step 4).Afterwards,is multiplied by a user-controlledparameter ,thenis normalized to the range [0,1](step 11)toget .It is a good practice to limit the maximum contri-bution of a histogram,since this will help with the worst-case artifacts created due to histogram equalization.By choosing themaximum valuethatcan take on as a power of two,the nor-malization step can be done using a bit-shift operation ratherthan a costly division.To ensurethatand have the samenormalization,is obtained using the number of pixels that areincluded in the histogram (step 12).is used to ensure that very low bin regions of the histogram will not result in very low slope in the mapping function;it will increase the slope in these regions,resulting in increased-utilization of dynamic range.B&W stretching is performed using (14)(step 17).Parame-ters,and can be adapted with the imagecontent.and is usually derived from the histogram as the minimum and maximum intensities.For noiserobustness,should be chosen as the minimum gray-level that is bigger than some predefined number of pixels’intensities,can be chosen similarly.It is a good practice to impose limitsonand .The stretching pa-rameter should also be adapted with image content.For dark images white stretching can be favored,while for bright images black stretching can befavored.may also depend on the input image’s contrast.V .R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONAssessment of image enhancement is not an easy task.Al-though it is desirable to have an objective assessment approach to compare contrast enhancement techniques,unfortunately there is not any accepted objective criterion in the literature that gives meaningful results for every image.There are some metrics used in the literature that approximate an average contrast in the image based on entropy or other measures.If these metrics are used,HE can achieve the best performance even though it may not produce the visually pleasing image,and possibly may produce an un-realistic look.However,it is usually desired to have some quantitative measures in。
