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W omen happier t han men and
enjoy li fe more in ol d age
R ecently resea rchers ques tioned nearly 9,800people over the age of 50about the ir lives a nd found women were more optimistic tha n me n.
R eport co-a uthor Dr Eliza beth Breez e said tha t wom-en c ould be come happier a s they get older as they no longer ha ve to worry about looking af ter the ir f a milies .
She s aid:“There is a dif f erenc e betwee n the way men and women view their qua lity of lif e a nd they a re inf luenced by s lightly dif fe rent things.”
“Women are a f fec ted nega tively by ca ring f or s ome-one else or if they a re not in em ployment but if they see their children a nd f amily more they a re pos itively a ff ected.”
“A weir d thing happens to ma le a ctors,es pec ia lly movie s ta rs,in my experienc e,”said Helen Mirren,a 62-year-old Hollywood ac tres s.
“A young ma le ac tor feels that all the girls want him —he ’s a star .As ac tors get older that s ens e of not being in contr ol of their destiny gr ates on them and they get gr um py.”
Wea lth a lso helps you live longer with the poore st pe ople more than twice a s likely to die at any given age as the r ic hest,re sea rcher s a t Univers ity College London disc ov-ered.
R esea rchers f ound that the poor est fif th of the popula -tion were ove r twice a s likely to have died by 2008as those in the wealthiest f if th.Those people wer e born bef ore 1952.
In some a ge groups ,the diff erence wa s e ven grea ter with the poorest women between 60a nd 74six times more likely to ha ve died than the riches t women of the s ame a ge.
According to the s tudy,you have more c ha nce of liv-ing longer if you a re ma rried,educ ated to degree level and a pr ofessional.
S ingle pe ople are twic e a s likely to die ea rly as those who are ma rried or living with a pa rtner.
时事频道Eng lish