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【摘要】陇东旱塬区玉米(Zea mays L.)高产集成技术是以全膜覆盖、双垄沟播技术为核心,集成组装测土配方施肥+良种应用+适期早播、宽窄行密植+病虫害监测防控等技术,推出“全膜覆盖玉米(留膜免耕)-冬油菜(留膜免耕)-大豆(高塬夏菜)”两年三熟制种植模式.该技术在甘肃省泾川县经5年推广试验示范,玉米平均增产3 247.5 kg/hm2,增加产值7 306.9元/hm2,较对照(常规种植)增加生产成本1 357.5元/hm2,新增总产值19 641.5万元,新增总纯收益15 941.7万元,产投比5.3∶1,科技投资收益率431%,推广投资收益率4 460%,取得了极显著的社会效益和经济效益.%The core of integrated high yield corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation technology on the Loess plateau region of east Gansu was double ridges with whole plastic film cover. By integrating fertilization according to soil testing, elite seed application, suitable early sowing, reasonable planting dense and pest monitor-control technology, the "mulching corn (film remaining and no-tillage)-winter rape (film remaining and no-tillage)-soybean (high tableland summer vegetable)" with three mature in two years planting model was put forward. Through experiment and demonstration plant for 5 years in Jingchuan of Gansu, the average yield of corn was increased by 3 247.5 kg/hm2, with the output value increasing by 7 306.9 Yuan/hm2 compared with control. The cost of
production was increased by 1 357.5 Yuan/hm2; while the total output value was increased by 19 641.5 million yuan, thus the total net income was increased by 15 941.7 million Yuan with the output to input ratio 5.3:1. The return of science and technology investment was 431%; of promotion investment was 4 460%, with remarkable social and economic benefits.【总页数】3页(P3693-3695)
1.陇东旱塬日光温室水分自供半自供蔬菜栽培技术试验示范 [J], 张兴高;郑立龙
2.陇东旱塬区作物生产潜力估算研究——以镇原试区为例 [J], 马小黎;刘建华;牛俊义
3.浅谈提高玉米高产示范区产量对策——以大新县玉米高产示范区为例 [J], 农秋平
4.陇东旱塬区大豆高产栽培集成技术 [J], 缪会颖
5.10个玉米品种在陇东旱塬区的适应性评价 [J], 赵智慧;郑琪;贺春贵;柳金良
