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Case et al.(2001)等人的研究指出房
































readers. Traumatized by the rape of Sethe and the ma-ternal violation,Halle gradually loses his smeared that butter on his face,Sethe thinks,because the milk they took from her ison his mind complex factors drivehim in mental disorder as most mad people do. Even,he disappears from the community for permanent es-cape from the trauma, the mortal ruin rather than per-manent safety.
Passive victims
As father does,Howard and
Bugler,sons ofSethe and Halle run away after living in 124 for sev-eral behaving like Denver, their sister, theycan‘t face the haunting spirit combined with theirmother‘s prayer for penance in deny not in research of psychoanalysis reveals, exil- ing is one way to trauma when one is unable to resolveit with mental brothers respond it in theway. It‘s impossible for the victims to heal their trau-ma when they choose deathly stillness in front of pain,which brings on pessimistic attitudes towards life andpassive way towards are so young thatthe traumatic effect of slavery is destructive for some degree,they share the same state with theirpoor father,permanent
self-exiling with the incurabletrauma.
Surviving victims
Paul D is one of the enslaved in Sweet Home, where Sethe and Halle is Sethebounding herself in 124 after all hardships,he expe- riences more,combed with all hardships and arduous
His"tobacco tin"caused by former trauma is aroused by Beloved,who literally manipulates him, making him physically restless and forcing him to sleep with her in the shed outside the Paul D‘s hatred for Beloved never ceases,their strange,dreamlike sexual encounters open the lid of his"tobacco tin"heart,allowing him to remember, feel,and love traumatic awaking plays a role again when he temporarily retreats after learning Sethe murdering her child."He must work out of a condition of psychic fragmentation——his selfhood has been severely impaired, his status as a human
subject denied by the slave culture".
When he decides to returns to Sethe and her fearful, murderous love, he tries to reconstruct future. He has the capacity to lead Sethe out of her narcissis- tic isolation and into relationship with the external world. "He is able to salvage out of the wreckage bol- stering faith in both self and tries to pass this faith on to Sethe at the end."His fingers holding hers,he told Sethe that Sethe herself was her best thing instead of Beloved. His faith indicates the initia-tives of dealing with successfully does it, and so does Sethe as he scene between them at the end comes closest to the state of mutual recognition and attunement by Paul D‘s last rescue. His struggle witnesses the victory of beating the trau-ma bequeathed by slavery Besides Paul D,Denver is another character of healing
the trauma and achieving maturity after suffer- ing. Though eighteen years old,she acts much younger, maintaining an intense fear of the world out- side 124 and a perilously fragile sense of self. Feeling lonely and exiled,her self-hood develops with the growing of her sense of self.
She is enlightened by the latter crisis of her poor family. In the face of Beloved‘s escalating malevo- lence and her mother‘s submissiveness,Denver is forced to step outside the world of with a sense of duty,purpose,and courage,her departure from 124 marks the beginning of her social integration and of her search for
independence,self-possession and separate self. Despite all hardships, she practicesher nirvana, which is a great exaltation of the victim and purgatorial one
Beloved is combination of
pre-Oedipal complex,a child‘s early (non-sexual) fixation on the mother pri- or to the child‘s entrance into the Oedipal Complexi-dentified by Freud and maternal hatred,which seem very contradictory.
At the very beginning, Beloved and Denver love each other like a the truth that Beloved is the ghost of Denver‘s dead sister is revealed, they denies each other for their desire for the same mother. The sense of envy is also
pre-Oedipal complex. Under the circumstance,sister-hood gives way to mother- hood.
Paradoxically,Beloved‘s desire for mother is vengeful due to her trauma of being killed by her own mother. She makes efforts to tortures Sethe mentally as possible as she interaction between Beloved and Sethe is tense and
vulnerable like the endurance of a chord. Once Sethe reciprocates Beloved‘s violent passion for her,the two become locked in a destruc-tive,
exclusive,parasitic relationship.
Sometimes,Beloved becomes extremely malevo- scene in which she almost strangles Sethe, an act that mirrors the way her mother previously sawed through her throat,suggests her extreme hatred on revenge is practiced by her violence and viciousness:she seduces her mother‘s l over (Paul D) and attacks Sethe‘s dog,her house,and Sethe herself. Because mother and daughter have become indistin- guishable by her wretched demands,in which Sethe becomes emaciated while she becomes fat,her attack on Sethe is effectively a form of self-destruction at the same time she ruins Sethe the way, her resentment will be eased vengeful
desire is so poignant that that all are ruined won‘t satisfy her. She is a cursed ghost,who is not only cursed but also curses the is her considerable place,where everything is arranged for her trauma seems incurable because it is frequently deposited and increased for ever like inanition.
More fortunate than Beloved,Sethe is still cur- able although she is almost ruined by the hardships of slavery. What she experiences is the purgatorial suffer- ing, the most severe pain in life.
In the hardships of
slavery,unwilling to relin- quish her children to the physical,emotional, and spir- itual trauma she has endured as a slave, she success- fully murders one of her children,which she considers as an act of mother‘s love and , the deed is the extreme of mother‘s devotion to her baby, which she repeats and emphasizes
for several times in front of others. Her extreme is one of tenden- cy people are likely to have when they are in the posi- tion of possession and considers her baby as one part of herself,the beautiful part,which she has right to the hardest time,the time of despair,she desperately decides the baby‘s destina- tion by murdering her extreme cruelty lingers on her mind as a trauma in her latter life after the end of the ,Sethe‘s behavior becomes encloses herself in 124, where she can regret for her cruelty of murdering her baby. She is unable to tell anyone about her past and she is totally enslaved by it.
She is broken down and also cured when she be- comes hysteria in struggle with her trauma,which is unintentionally treated while she is forced by Beloved to recall the
unendurable past——stories about her own feelings of abandonment by her mother,about the harshest indignities she suffered at Sweet Home,and about her motivations for murdering her daughter. Her hysteria is confirmed by her actions in the exorcism scene, where she attacks the liberal white man, Ed- ward Bodwin. Freud and Breuer proposed that hysteri- cal symptoms disappear when the memory of the dis- turbing event that first provoked symptoms is recalled and the affect of trauma is comes through the reproduction of the primal scene of trau- ma, which creates an opportunity for revision of the psychic events that cause the primal trauma.
Sethe trying to kill Bodwin symbolically consti- tutes a restaging of her trauma:the death of her daughter. Bodwin approaches the house to collect Den- ver for work in the same way that
schoolteacher ap- proached to recapture his slaves. But this time, Sethe chooses a different course of of trying to protect her children by killing them, she flies at Bodwin with an ice pick. For the first time, her protest is directed outward toward the source of oppression, represented by Bodwin (who stands for schoolteacher), rather than taking the form of self-destruction of mur- dering her own children last time. At that moment Beloved disappears. She is also released and saved by mother‘s hysteria and her desperate response to the same trauma, which the mother and the daughter share for so long.
Only when Sethe learns to confront the past head-on, to assert herself in its presence, can she lib-erates herself from its oppressive power and begin to live freely, peacefully, and responsibly in the present. After the
climax,Sethe is extremely exhausted while Paul D eventually returns to the house. When she lies in bed,Paul D gives her hope, gently touching her face: "Me and you, we got more yesterday than any- body…We need some kind of tomorrow.""‘You your best thing, Sethe. You are.‘ His holding fingers are holding hers. ‘Me? Me?"Although Sethe is unsure about herself, she begins to recognize that she herself may be the center of her life, rather than the passing baby or the past gone by. She is forgiven not only by Paul D but also by the circles of blacks,who are also the victims of desire and Paul D‘s are unlocked to envision the fresh future for a sense, they bring one another back to life. Their con-soling
power,which lies in the mutuality of the inner experience and suffering after all the trauma, leads the characters to
nirvana, the focus from the traumatic past to the present underway.
As the demonstration above, people respond to trauma distinctively and deserve various effects."The hardships have deep repercussions in the individual‘s internal world so that even if one is eventually freed from external bondage, the self will still be trapped in an inner world that prevents a genuine experience of freedom."If one can save themselves out of the inner illusion of bondage and face the reality despite the traumatic past and,the mortal trauma will be erased, nirvana beyond the trauma.。
