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国开(ZY电大)本科《人文英语3》上形考试题及答案】国开人文英语3形考国开(ZY电大)本科《人文英语3》XX上形考任务试题及答案(国XXXX形考任务必备资料) 说明:资料整理于20XX年4月20日,平XX考试://。


单元自测1 试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl+F〕搜寻题目题目:
—Do you hve much experience with cring for bbies? —________. [答案]Yes, I do. I often tke cre of kids in my free time. 题目:
Lily is good student except ________ she is little bit creless. [答案]tht 题目:—How do you feel bout your fmily life? —________. [答案]Not bd. I think it is good choice to be full-time mother. 题目:—It's rining so hevily outside. I'm terribly nxious bout my son's sfety. —________. [答案]Don't worry bout him. He will come bck sfe nd sound. 题目:—Ken did bdly in his mth test. I'm terribly worried bout the result. —________. [答案]Come on. It isn't the end of the world. 题目:—Our son hs picked up some bd hbits recently, nd I m relly worried bout it. —________.
[答案]Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it. 题目:He sked me ___________ Zhng Hu cme to school or not. [答案]whether 题目:I wnt to know________ . [答案]wht his nme is 题目:It is sid tht ______ 2000 fctories were closed down during the economic crisis. [答案]pproximtely 题目:The birth rte of the country decreses ______ with yers. [答案]progressively 题目:This movie is ________ tht one. [答案]s interesting s 题目:Tom won the first prize of orl English contest, which is beyond his ______. [答案]expecttion 题目:We consider it necessry ______ Tom should improve his behvior. [答案]tht 题目:We often compre children ______ flowers. [答案]to 题目:Young people ______ 62% of University teching stff. [答案]comprise 二、阅读理解:选择题〔每题10分〕Most couples who get mrried or decide to live together generlly pln to hve children. Severl yers go, people thought tht hving big fmilies ws common nd this ws seen s n dvntge. Tht ws minly becuse children begn working t n erly ge to help provide for the fmily. But with the chnging times nd with the cost of living getting higher every single yer, hving big fmily is no longer considered to be prcticl option. In fct, more couples consider tht they hve only one child nd
some do not hve ny desire to become prents t ll. ccording to the ustrlin Institute of Fmily Studies, by 1986, women ged 40 to 44 yers, were considerbly more likely to hve given birth to two children thn three children (36% vs. 27%) or four or more children (19%). However, tken together, women were still more likely to hve hd three or more children thn to hve hd two children (46% vs. 36%). In recent yers, women were more likely to hve hd two children thn three or more children –trend tht ws most mrked in the most recent period (38% vs. 25% in 1996; 38% vs. 22% in 20XX). These dys, most fmilies in ustrli hve two children. But the number of women who hd GIVEN BIRTH TO single child INCRESED PROGRESSIVELY from only 8% in 1981 to 13% in 20XX. The U.S. Census Bureu sttes tht there re pproximtely 14 million only children in meric tody. This COMPRISES 20% OF the children's popultion COMPRED TO only 10% round fifty yers go. 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1. Severl yers go, people thought tht hving big fmilies ws . uncommon nd this ws seen s n dvntge B. common nd this ws seen s disdvntge [答案]C. common nd this ws seen s n dvntge
2. By 1986, tken together, women were
still more likely to hve hdchildren. . less [答案]B. more C. no 3. In recent yers, women were more likely to hve hd. . three or four children B. more children [答案]C. fewer children 4. ccording to the pssge, we cn predict tht the number of fmily with single child will(将会增长). . decresed drmticlly [答案]B. incresed drmticlly C. remined stedy 5. Which of the following my be the best title for the pssge? [答案]. Fmilies Hving Fewer Children Nowdys. B. Couples Hving More Children Nowdys. C. Women Being Likely to Hve More Children. 二、阅读理解:正误推断〔每题10分〕STOPPING YELLING T YOUR KIDS Prenting is hrd. If you're prent, I'm sure tht I don't need to tell you tht our job is tough one. When you're mnging children, it cn be difficult to remember tht they re still lerning. If you find you re yelling t your kids more often thn you wnt to, here re some wys tht cn help you reduce the yelling. I've been working on this for the pst few months nd I hve to sy, it's been mzing for both the kids nd me. If you re hving n rgument with your child, you need to mke sure you both tke the time to relly listen. It gives both of you time to think nd relly listen to ech other, which is importnt. Kids re more likely to listen to you if you listen to them! One of
your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of pproprite expecttions. You cn't expect tht your youngest cts s responsibly s your oldest. You should lower wht you expect –tking into considertion things like their ge –it cn mke big difference. You should do your best to tke moment before yelling nd tke in deep breth. It mkes world of difference for you. Insted of yelling, you'd better whisper. It cn lso help diffuse ny sitution by mking things quieter, not louder. Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you'll get t communicting with them. You're both more likely to understnd ech other. If your children ren't listening or it seems they only don't listen to you, you don't tke it personlly. You should remind yourself tht your kids re still lerning nd they're not going to be perfect. 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为T;

1. s prent, you my know tht prenting is n esy job. [答案]F
2. Listening to ech other is good wy to stop rgument between prents nd their kids. [答案]T
3. Usully younger kids behve less responsibly thn elder children. [答案]T
4. Prents should lower their expecttions for their kids. [答案]T
5. Both yelling nd whispering cn help mke things quieter.
[答案]F 单元自测2 形考任务试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl+F〕搜寻题目题目:
—Do you mind if I record your lecture? —________________________. 答案:No,not t ll. 题目:—Lind, wht's wrong with your grndmother? —________________________. 答案:She hurt her leg. 题目:—I'm sorry to her tht your grndmother is ill in hospitl. —________________________. 答案:
It's very kind of you. 题目:—Is your grndmother getting well now? —________________________. 答案:Yes, she is much better now. 题目:—Looking fter bby is not n esy job, is it? —________________________. 答案:No, it isn't. 二、阅读短文,从、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。

〔每题10分〕DEMND FOR ELDERLY CRE SERVICES IN CHIN RISING RPIDLY The number of elderly people ged bove 60 incresed. Demnd for elderly cre services in Chin will continue to rise due to the incresing ging popultion. The number of elderly people ged bove 60 ws over 200 million in 20XX, nd will be 300 million in 2025 nd 400 million in 2034, ccording to experts. It will be tough chllenge for Chin to del with, due to the incresing rtes of urbniztion nd DECRESING birth rte. The Chinese people will be fcing
big chllenge if we do not hve enough money when we get older. The United Ntions defines n ging society s one tht hs 10 percent of its popultion t or bove the ge of 60. When most developed countries were clssed s n ging society, their gross domestic product (GDP) per cpit stood t between 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. dollrs or bove. However, Chin becme n ging society in 20XX, nd its GDP per cpit ws only 1,000 U.S. dollrs. It ws 6,000 U.S. dollrs in 20XX. Chin’s economic foundtion for n elderly society is frgile. On Sept. 13.20XX, the Stte Council issued guideline to speed up the development of Chin’s elderly cre services, hoping to complete socil cre network for its elderly by 2025. 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1. Wht does the word decresing in Prgrph 2 men?】 . It mens flling. B. It mens rising. C. It mens peking.
2. Wht does GDP stnds for? . Government Document Publishing Service. B】 B. Gross domestic product. C. Generl domestic product.
3. Wht ws Chin’s GDP per cpit in 20XX? B】 . It ws 1,000 U.S. dollrs.
B. It ws 6,000 U.S. dollrs.
C. It ws 10,000 U.S. dollrs. 4. Why is Chin’s economic foundtion for n elderly society frgile?】 . Becuse of its incresing ging popultion nd its
low GDP per cpit. B. Becuse when Chin ws clssed s n ging society, our gross domestic product (GDP) per cpit is high. C. Becuse of its decresing ging popultion nd its high GDP per cpit. 5. The pssge implies tht C】. Chinese government cn do nothing to del with the chllenge of the incresing ging popultion B. Chinese people don’t need enough money when they get older C. The Chinese socil cre network is expected to be completed in the ner future 单元自测3 形考任务试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl+F〕搜寻题目题目:He sked John ______ he could swim. 答案:
if 题目:
He is worth ____________. 答案:trusting 题目:John sked me _______ to visit his uncle's frm with him. 答案:whether I would like 题目:She _________ the children not to mke ny noise. 答案:told 题目:She is ___________ womn. 答案:confident young 题目:She sid she __________ lost pen. 答案:hd 题目:There is only one thing tht people cn't _____________you, nd tht is your wisdom. 答案:tke wy from 题目:We found him ___________ in the lbortory. 答案:working 题目:We must keep our clssroom _____________. 答案:clen 题目:You'd better ________ to hospitl t once. 答
案:go 二、阅读理解:选择题〔每题10分〕mong the more colorful chrcters of Ledville's golden ge were H..W. Tbor nd his second wife, Elizbeth McCourt, better known s Bby Doe. Their history is fst becoming one of the legends of the Old West. Horce ustin Wrner Tbor ws school techer in Vermont. With his first wife nd two children he left Vermont by covered wgon in 1855 to homested in Knss. Perhps he did not find frming to his liking, or perhps he ws lured by rumors of fortunes to be mde in Colordo mines. t ny rte, few yers lter he moved west to the smll Colordo mining cmp known s Cliforni Gulch, which he lter renmed Ledville when he becme its leding citizen. Gret deposits of led re sure to be found here. he sid. s it turned out, it ws silver, not led, tht ws to mke Ledville's fortune nd welth. Tbor knew little bout mining himself, so he opened generl store, which sold everything from boots to slt, flour, nd tobcco.『It ws his custom to grubstke prospective miners, in other words, to supply them with food nd supplies, or grub, while they looked for ore, in return for which he would get shre in the mine if one ws discovered. He did this for number of yers, but no one tht he ided ever found nything of vlue. Finlly one dy
in the yer 1878, so the story goes, two miners cme in nd sked for grub. Tbor hd decided to quit supplying it becuse he hd lost too much money tht wy. These were persistent, however, nd Tbor ws too busy to rgue with them. Oh help yourself. One more time won't mke ny difference, He sid nd went on selling shoes nd hts to other customers. The two miners took $17 worth of supplies, in return for which they gve Tbor one-third interest in their findings. They picked brren plce on the mountin side nd begn to dig. fter nine dys they struck rich vein of silver. Tbor bought the shres of the other two men, nd so the mine belonged to him lone. This mine, known s the Pittsburgh Mine, mde 1 300 000 for Tbor in return for his $17 investment. Lter Tbor bought the Mtchless Mine on nother brren hillside just outside the town for $117 000. This turned out to be even more fbulous thn the Pittsburgh, yielding $35 000 worth of silver per dy t one time. Ledville grew. Tbor becme its first myor, nd lter becme lieutennt governor of the stte. 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1. Ledville got its nme for the following resons EXCEPTC】. . becuse Tbor becme its leding citizen B. becuse gret deposits of led is expected to be found there
C. becuse it could bring good fortune to Tbor 2. The word grubstke in prgrph 2 mensC】. . to supply miners with food nd supplies B. to open generl store C. to supply miners with food nd supplies nd in return get shre in the mine, if one ws discovered 3. Tbor mde his first fortune】. . by supplying two prospective miners nd getting in return one-third interest in the findings B. becuse he ws persuded by the two miners to quit supplying C. by buying the shres of the other 4. The underlying reson for Tbor's life creer isB】. . purely ccidentl B. bsed on the nlysis of miner's being very poor nd their possibility of discovering profitble mining site C. through the help from his second wife 5. If this pssge is the first prt of n rticle, who might be introduced in the following prt? B】 . Tbor's life. B. Tbor's second wife, Elizbeth McCourt. C. Other colorful chrcters. 二、阅读理解:正误推断〔每题10分〕The Wichit Flls Police Deprtment is trying to help curb crime in neighboring communities throughout the city. On Sturdy Wichit Flls Police gve free two-hour presenttion to help locls keep their community crime free. More thn 20 people showed up t the Mrtin Luther King Center in est Wichit Flls to be prt of the presenttion. Wichit Flls Police
Officer Jeff Hughes sid tht they wnted to mke sure the folks out there were wre they were doing everything to tke wy the opportunity from bd guy. Hughes reminded those in ttendnce tht their homes outside presenttion could be n open invittion to criminls. One of the biggest wys to prevent crime, ccording to Hughes is to use CPTED. lso known s Crime Prevention Through Environmentl Design. The biggest site, tht we re deling with now, tht we re endorsing fully, is Nextdoor nd it's simply just nextdoor , The site is free nd helps locls set up Virtul Community tht they cn interct with from the comfort of their own home. With .nextdoor it ll hppens in web bsed progrm where if you send something out it gets to tht group or tht person instntly, they will get n lert on their phone or n emil, sid Hughes. ccording to Hughes, he hs lredy seen positive impct loclly from the site nd hopes it cn continue to expnd in Wichit Flls. 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为T;

1. The Wichit Flls Police Deprtment is plnning sterner mesures to combt crime. F】
2. ccording to Hughes, one of the biggest wys of crime prevention is through
environmentl design. T】3. The biggest site tht police re pproving fully is nextdoor . T】4. The purpose of nextdoor is to help locls set up rel community. F】5. If you use the nextdoor site, you hve to py for it. F】单元自测4 形考任务试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl+F〕搜寻题目题目:
I hve trouble in ________ my homework. 答案:doing 题目:This plnt cn't be exposed ____________strong sunshine. 答案:to 题目:–Brnd ws Jne's brother! –____________he reminded me so much of Jne! 答案:No wonder 题目:–How bout going to the cinem? –___________ 答案:Sounds like good ide! 题目:–My I open the window to let in some fresh ir? –___________. 答案:Go hed! 题目:–Ok, I'll fix your computer right now. –Oh, tke your time. __________. 答案:I'm in no hurry. 题目:–Susn, will you plese go nd empty tht drwer? –____________. 答案:Wht for?题目:dictionry my define genetics _________ simply the science of the study of heredity. 答案:s 题目:He sked his neighbor to ________ his house. 答案:keep n eye on 题目:People __________ foxes __________ clever but sly nimls. 答案:consider…s 二、英译汉〔每题10分〕操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1. Prents re too busy to spend time teching their kids right from wrong.B】.父母不会太忙,所以有时间教育孩子明辨是非。

B. 父母都太忙,没有时间教育孩子明辨是非。

C. 父母很忙,但是也抽时间教育孩子明辨是非。

2. ttend prenting clsses, or join locl support group if you re hving trouble understnding how to exercise discipline. 】.假如在理解如何管教孩子方面有困难,你可以参与父母课程或者当地的支持团体。



3. s millions of people hve ccess to the Internet, criminls look for potentil victims online. C】.当成千上万的人们接受XX络,犯罪分子就会查找XX上的潜在受害者。

B. 由于成千上XX的人们具备了上XX条件,犯罪分子就会悄悄地物色受害者。

C. 由于成百上千万的人们具备了上XX条件,犯罪分子会在线物色潜在的受害者。

4. Use softwre tht blocks out certin inpproprite websites in cse you cn't keep n eye nytime. B】.利用软

B. 利用软件阻挡一些不良XX站,以免有时你无暇照看。

C. 利用软件剔除不良XX站幸免不时扫瞄到。

5. When you re suspicious of the website, check it out before you py ny money. B】.当你怀疑的时候,你要检查支付的XX站。

B. 当你觉得XX站可疑,支付之前要严加核实。

C. 当你怀疑支付的金额时,要留意相关XX站。

二、阅读理解:正误推断〔每题10分〕The lw defines youthful offenders (ge 18 or under) s delinquent if they commit offenses. s for the sme offenses, the court would consider n dult s criminl. Sttus offenders re juveniles who commit offenses pproprite only to juveniles, such s truncy from school. Here re few ides to help prevent your children from being delinquent. Keep your children in school to help prevent delinquency. Minor offenses, such s truncy, cn led to more serious offenses. Mke cler to your children your expecttions bout their school ttendnce. Meet with school officils if necessry. Exercise dequte supervision. Juveniles rrely commit serious offenses while under the supervision of n dult. Seek the ssistnce of your locl service gencies if you feel you cnnot control your
children. ttend prenting clsses, or join locl support group if you re hving trouble understnding how to exercise discipline. Educte your children bout the dngers of drugs. Drug offenses nd ddiction cn hve serious consequences for your children. Let your children know you will not tolerte drug use. Sty informed bout drug use trends in children. Get your children involved in fter-school recretionl ctivities, sports, community service or other positive ctivities. Young people with positive outlets for their energy re more likely to do well in school nd void the problems of delinquency. Know who your children's friends re. Show n interest in your children's socil life nd peer groups. Peer pressure my hve bd effect on teengers nd young people. Do not llow your children to ssocite with juvenile delinquents. 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为T;句子错误选择下拉选项框为F。

* The court would consider youthful offenders s criminls if they commit offenses. F】* You must meet with school officils to prevent your children from delinquency. F】* If you cnnot control your children, sk for help from the locl service gencies. T】* Inform your children tht you will not tolerte drug use nd drug offenses
cn hve serious results for your children. T】* Children lwys involving in positive ctivities re more likely to do well in school nd void the problems of delinquency. T】单元自测5 形考任务试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl+F〕搜寻题目题目:
I hve no ide _____ to mke my speech interesting. 答案:how 题目:
My suggestion is tht Tom _____ to see doctor t once. 答案:go 题目:- I'm sorry for breking the cup. - Oh, ____ . I've got plenty. 答案:forget it 题目:-I've been using the computer for long time nd my neck doesn't feel well. -____________________ 答案:You'd better stop the work nd tke rest. 题目:-It's rther cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? -_____________________. 答案:No, go hed 题目:-Must I finish the report tody? -_____________________. You cn finish it tomorrow. 答案:No, you don't hve to 题目:-We've worked for long time, wht bout stopping while to hve rest? -_____________________. 答案:Tht's good ide. 题目:Does the design _____ the needs of our users? 答案:meet 题目:He left the compny by mutul ______ lst September. 答案:consent 题目:Nowdys people spend more time exercising to keep _____. 答案:fit 题目:
Prents trnsmit some of their _____ to their children. 答案:chrcteristics 题目:People wer _____ suits on forml occsions. 答案:forml 题目:The compny is trying every _____ to improve the qulity of products. 答案:mens 题目:The news cme _____ we won the first prize in the competition. 答案:tht 题目:We hve worries _____ we'll miss the best selling seson of the skirts. 答案:tht 二、翻译〔每题10分〕操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1. One's helth should never be scrificed for need to work hrd.B】 . 人的身体健康应当永不牺牲努力工作的需要。

B. 人永久不该为了努力工作的需要而牺牲身体健康。

C. 人的身体健康永久不该为了需要努力工作而被牺牲。

2. Trvelling t home nd brod hs now become convenient nd ffordble.C】 . 在家和出国的旅游如今已经变得方便和负担得起。

B. 家里的和国外的旅游如今已经变得方便和负担得起。

C. 如今国内和国外的旅行已变得方便和负担得起。

3. Exercising helps relx your body nd hs been shown to relieve mentl stress s well.】 . 锻炼有助于放松身体并且已显示也可以减缓精神压力。

B. 锻炼关怀身体松懈并且已经被展示来减轻脑力压力。

C. 锻炼有助于身体松弛并已被显露出可以很好地减轻精神

4. Knowing when nd how to relx should be prt of well-blnced lifestyle.C】.知道什么时候和怎样休息应当是明智生活方式的一部分。



5. Generlly speking, the lnguge used in public speking is forml in style, cler nd vivid in tone nd persusive in purpose.】.一般来说,公共演讲中所用的语言文体正式,惟妙惟肖,具有劝说力。



单元自测6 形考任务试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl+F〕搜寻题目题目:
___________ ws not very wise. 答案:Telling her the truth 题目:
_________, the number of privte crs will increse shrply in the coming couple of yers. 答案:Undoubtedly 题目:
Hrdly hd the trin rrived t the destintion when the pssengers ________ out in no time. 答案:flooded 题目:
It is n open secret _____he is not qulified mnger. 答案:tht 题目:
The more people you know, _______knowledge you get. 答案:the more 题目:Good friends mens shring hppiness but lso sdness ____ ech other. 答案:with 题目:It is in the fternoon _______ he got the bd news. 答案:tht 题目:This is n opportunity to _______ the reputtion of the compny. 答案:enhnce 题目:Without your help, I ______ obtined tody's success. 答案:would not hve 题目:You'd better___________ listening to the techer in the lesson. 答案:py ttention to 二、阅读理解:选择题〔每题10分〕操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

IMPORTNCE OF LERNING OF FOREIGN LNGUGE There re number of resons __D】__. Lerning nother lnguge is importnt for both work nd trvel. It is lso importnt for mking rel connections with other people. Lstly, it cn give you greter understnding of your own lnguge. Lerning foreign lnguge would __B】__. If you work in foreign country, it will benefit you immensely if you cn spek its lnguge becuse then you would be ble to work with ll different types of employees, nd this will give long-term creer success. Speking foreign lnguge gives
you __E】__; it enbles you to see how other people see the world round them. If you trvel or work in foreign country, think how much esier everything would be if you could spek the locl lnguge. It would be esier to find different plces, sk for directions, nd even order food. Finlly, if you spek foreign lnguge you will ctully __】___. Other lnguges open our minds to new wys of thinking. For exmple, Eskimos hve more words to describe snow nd ice s it is such n importnt prt of their lives. Lnguge is __ C】___. It is how we shre our thoughts with the world. Without lnguge, there would be no wy to communicte nd express ourselves. The more lnguges you know, the more wys you hve to communicte nd express yourself. This is why lerning mny lnguges should be importnt, nd why one lnguge simply won't do. . improve your own first lnguge B. definitely enhnce your chnces of getting job C. wht mkes us humn D. why you should lern foreign lnguge E. understnding of country's culture 二、阅读理解:正误推断〔每题10分〕操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为T;句子错误选择下拉选项框为F。

ENGLISH, THE GLOBL LNGUGE English is spoken s ntive lnguge by round 377 million people, nd s second
lnguge by round 375 million spekers in the world. Spekers of English s second lnguge will soon outnumber those who spek it s first lnguge. round 750 million people re believed to spek English s foreign lnguge. English hs n officil or specil sttus in 75 countries with totl popultion of over 2 billion. The domintion of the English lnguge globlly is sure thing. English is the lnguge of interntionl communictions, business, tourism, eduction, science, computer technology, medi nd the Internet. British colonilism in the 19th century nd mericn cpitlism nd technologicl progress in the 20th century were undoubtedly the min cuses for the spred of English throughout the world. From the fifteenth century, the British begn to sil ll over the world nd becme explorers, colonists nd imperilists. They took the English lnguge to mny plces. For the lst hundred yers, the US hs plyed leding role in most prts of the world. The Hollywood film industry lso ttrcted mny foreign rtists in quest of fme nd fortune nd the number of mericn films produced every yer soon flooded the mrket. However, the future of English s globl lnguge will depend very lrgely on the politicl, economic, demogrphic nd culturl trends in the world. 1.
English is spoken s second lnguge by round 377 million people in the world.F】2. Spekers of English s second lnguge re more thn those who spek it s first lnguge. F】3. It is not surprising tht 70% of ll informtion stored in the internet is in English.F】 4. The spred of English throughout the world resulted from British colonilism in the 19th century nd mericn cpitlism nd technologicl progress in the 20th century.T】5. It is definitely predicted (预见) tht English will still ct s globl lnguge in the future.F】单元自测7 形考任务试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能〔Ctrl +F〕搜寻题目题目:_________ we've no money, we cn't buy it. 答案:Since 题目:pple developed its iPd-bsed textbooks in ____________ with mjor textbook publishers. 答案:conjunction 题目:But the Internet cn bring some ________ effects, too. The most common one, some teengers re ddicted to computer gmes on the Internet. 答案:negtive 题目:I hve _________ some courses nd softwre to my Smrtphone, nd I find they re very interesting nd esy to use. 答案:downloded 题目:No more hving to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for yer or two nd then sell or _______ wy. 答案:give 题目:Quizzes re prt of the lecture progrm to keep students engged nd
keep them _________, for students to be ble to check tht they understood wht ws covered. 答案:thinking 题目:Smrtphone mkes it simple ________ us ________ tke photo. 答案:for…to 题目:Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs __________ to nyone in the world. 答案:vilble 题目:We cn certinly deliver high-qulity eduction to mny students t much ________ cost. 答案:lower 题目:Well, tht's to sy, every coin hs two sides, ________ technology. 答案:so does 二、阅读理解:推断题〔每题10分〕pssenger told n ir hostess tht he needed cup of wter to tke his medicine when the plne just took off. She told him tht she would bring him the wter in ten minutes. The ir hostess ws kept so busy tht she forgot to give him the wter. s result, the pssenger ws held up to tke his medicine. Thirty minutes lter, when the pssenger's ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with cup of wter, but he refused. In the following hours on the plne, ech time the ir hostess pssed by the pssenger, she would sk him with smile whether he needed help or not. But the pssenger never nswered word. When he ws going to get off the plne, the pssenger sked the ir hostess to hnd him the pssengers'booklet. She ws very sd. She knew tht he
would write down shrp words, but with smile she hnded it to him. Off the plne, she opened the booklet, nd smiled, for the pssenger put it. On the flight, you sked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in ll. How cn I refuse your twelve sincere smiles? Tht's right! Who cn refuse twelve sincere smiles from person? 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为T;

* pssenger wnts cup of wter becuse he is thirsty.F】* The ir hostess forgot to give him the wter on purpose.F】* The pssenger refused the cup of wter.T】* The pssenger didn't write down ny shrp words.T】* This pssge tells us tht sincere smile is of no use.T】二、阅读理解:选择题〔每题10分〕FREE MSSIVE ONLINE OPEN COURSES (MOOCS) clss with hundreds or even thousnds of students might sound like techer's worst nightmre. But big ide in higher eduction these dys is Mssive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs. Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs vilble to nyone in the world. Others chrge for courses nd provide credits. The ide is still developing. The Msschusetts Institute of Technology strted its first MOOC in 20XX. The school plns to offer mny
free, non-credit courses through project clled MITx. Mny Chinese universities re beginning to offer free MOOCs now too. Nowdys, MOOCs lmost cover every topic, like computer science, technology, mechnics, engineering, lnguges, etc. Generlly speking, there re no forml eduction requirements for these free online courses. Students wtch short videos. Then, they tke informl, ungrded quizzes fter the videos ech week for certin weeks. Quizzes re prt of the lecture progrm to keep students engged nd keep them thinking, for students to be ble to check tht they understood wht ws covered. They cn repetedly wtch the videos nd tke the quizzes whenever they wnt. Students receive homework. They cn join online groups to exchnge questions nd nswers bout the courses. The techers hold virtul office hours to nswer questions tht the students hve posted. They lso present their own questions nd observtions. Some supporters climed tht there re things tht we cn do better in the online formt. We cn certinly deliver high-qulity eduction to mny students t much lower cost. 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。

1.】strted its first MOOC in 20XX. . The Msschusetts Institute of Technology B. Hrvrd University C.。
