三星Gear 360旧版产品说明书
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This i s y our o ne-page g uide t o y our n ew:
Samsung G ear360(original)
Why t his c amera r ocks:T his s uper a ffordable c amera w as o ne
of t he f irst g reat360c onsumer c ameras--and i t’s s till g reat(and
made g reater b y t he$80p rice t ag o n A mazon!)
What c omes i n t he b ox:
Camera,r emovable b attery,c harging c able,m ini t ripod
What d oesn’t c ome i n t he b ox:
●Micro S D c ard(up t o128GB)
●Extra b atteries
●Lens c loth
Helpful h ints:
●Back u p y our p roduct k ey f or t he c amera’s A ction D irector
software.I t c an b e h ard t o g et a n ew o ne i f y ou l ose i t.
●For b est q uality a nd a ccess t o a ll f eatures a nd c ontrols,u se
alongside a S amsung S7o r S8p hone.
●Use t he l ive p review o ption t o m ake s ure t o a lign p eople a nd
objects p roperly a nd a way f rom s titch l ines a nd l ens f lares.
●Samsung’s c ameras h ave a n i ssue w ith b alancing e xposures
across t he l ens.T ry t o b alance t he l ight a cross b oth s ides o f
the d evice.F or e xample,p lace t he s un i n t he s titch l ine.A lso,
be a ware o f l ens f lares--a r eal i ssue w ith t his c amera.
●Did y ou k now y ou c an r ecord w ith o nly o ne o f t he l enses--front o r b ack?N ow y ou k now!
●Be s ure t o c lean b oth l enses b efore r ecording.T he s hape o f t his c amera m akes i t h ard t o h andle
without s mudging t he l enses.
●Know w hich s ide o f t he c amera i s t he f ront,m eaning,w hich s ide o f t he c amera w ill b e i n t he c enter o f
your e quirectangular v ideo.
●This c amera h as a t endency t o o verheat.T o l imit t his,t urn o ff B luetooth.
●Turning o ff B luetooth w ill a lso i mprove b attery l ife w hen n ot u sing t he p hone t o p review.
●For b etter s titching r esults,s titch y our f ootage o n S amsung’s d esktop s titching s oftware f or M ac a nd
PC.O r,c onsider u sing a t hird-party s titching s oftware,l ike K olor A utopano V ideo P ro o r M istikaVR, both o f w hich h ave t emplates a vailable f or t his c amera.
●Here i s a s titching t emplate f or A utopano f or t he S amsung G ear360c amera,f rom A lex P earce,a nd
here’s a v ideo e xplaining h ow t o u se i t.
●Samsung’s A ction D irector d esktop s oftware D OES s ometimes h ave b ugs,a nd i t I S f aster t o s titch o n
your S amsung S7o r S8s martphone,t hough y ou w ill l ose s ome q uality.
View t utorials a nd t roubleshooting r esources o n S amsung’s G ear360s upport w ebsite,a nd c ontribute t o its u ser f orum.Y ou c an a lso c all o r e mail s upport,o r u se S amsung’s l ive24-hour c hat f eature.
There’s a lso a S amsung G ear360u ser g roup o n F acebook,s howing s ample f ootage,c razy m ounts a nd answering u ser q uestions.
Consider s upporting I mmersive S hooter b y b uying a ccessories t hrough o ur a ffiliate l inks
Need m ore h elp?J oin I mmersive S hooter’s f ree360V ideo B eginner’s c ourse.。