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1.What is the name of the famous scientist who developed the theory of evolution?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Albert Einstein
C. Isaac Newton
D. Galileo Galilei
2.What is the name of the largest moon of Jupiter?
A. Ganymede
B. Callisto
C. Europa
D. Io
3.I believe in the power of friendship. Friends support each other and share good times.
I feel lucky to have a friend like __________ who always makes me smile.
4.My brother has a deep love for __________ (自然).
5.The teacher gave us a _____ (test/homework).
6.I enjoy volunteering at __________ because it makes a difference.
7. A ferret is often kept as a _______ (宠物).
8.What is the capital of France?
A. Berlin
B. Madrid
C. Paris
D. Rome
9.The _______ (Berlin Wall) was built to separate East and West Berlin.
10.An island formed from volcanic activity is called a ______ island.
11.What do we call a sweet dessert made from fruit and sugar?
A. Tart
B. Pie
C. Crumble
D. All of the above
12.What color is an orange?橘子的颜色是什么?
A. Blue
B. Orange
C. Green
D. Purple
13.How many sides does a hexagon have?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
14.The ancient Greeks held ________ to honor their gods.
15.Many cultures use _____ (植物药) for healing.
16.We enjoy reading ___. (books)
17.The rocks in the Earth's crust are always ______.
18.In a chemical reaction, substances are called _______.
19.What is the capital of Kenya?
A. Nairobi
B. Kampala
C. Addis Ababa
D. Dar es Salaam
20.The lizard can shed its _________ (尾巴) to escape predators.
21.What is 3 x 3?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 9
D. 12
22.My friend has a pet ______ (仓鼠) that loves to explore.
23.The capital of the Philippines is ________ (马尼拉).
24.The __________ (社会互动) shape experiences.
25.The first human to orbit the Earth was ________ (尤里·加加林).
26.What do we call the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment?
A. Ecology
B. Biology
C. Zoology
D. Botany
27.I enjoy _______ (培养兴趣) in different subjects.
28.An endothermic reaction absorbs ______ from its surroundings.
29.What is the name of the famous American author known for his works on the frontier?
A. Mark Twain
B. Willa Cather
C. Laura Ingalls Wilder
D. All of the above
30.The _______ (小鸟) chirps sweetly in the morning.
31.The __________ River flows through Egypt. (尼罗河)
32.I love to watch the __________ during a thunderstorm. (闪电)
33.The stars shine _____ (brightly/dimly) at night.
34.What is the name of the famous wizarding school in Harry Potter?
A. Hogwarts
B. Beauxbatons
C. Durmstrang
D. Ilvermorny
35.Which planet is known for its rings?
A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Saturn
D. Venus
36.What do you call the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
A. Month
B. Year
C. Week
D. Day
37.The ________ was a major conflict fought in the 1860s in the United States.
38.I have a _____ (journal) for my thoughts.
39.I enjoy ______ (与) my friends at school.
40.What is the capital of New Zealand?
A. Wellington
B. Auckland
C. Christchurch
D. Dunedin
41.What do you call the tool used to write or draw?
A. Eraser
B. Pencil
C. Paper
D. Ruler
42.What do we call a person who studies the effects of urbanization on society?
A. Urban Sociologist
B. Environmental Scientist
C. Sociologist
D. Anthropologist
43.The weather is _____ outside today. (nice)
44.What is 12 + 8?
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
45.Which instrument has keys and is played with fingers?
A. Guitar
B. Piano
C. Violin
D. Drums
46. A ______ (刺猬) can curl up into a ball when scared.
47. A ferret is known for being very ______ (好动).
48.The body of water that separates the UK from mainland Europe is the __________.
49.What is the capital of Turkey?
A. Istanbul
B. Ankara
C. Izmir
D. Antalya
50.The stars twinkle in the __________.
51.Many flowers have a lovely ______ (香气).
52.I want to _______ (尝试) new hobbies.
53.We will _______ (attend) a concert next month.
54.The fall of Constantinople occurred in ________ (1453).
55.What is the largest organ in the human body?
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Skin
D. Brain
56.The ancient Egyptians are known for their _______.
57.The __________ is warm and sunny today. (天气)
58.The ____ is a tiny bird that builds nests in trees.
59.Seeds can be stored for __________ (未来使用).
60.I like to play ________ (排球) with my classmates.
61.I have a ________ (毛绒玩具) collection on my bed. Each one has a special ________ (名字).
62.The frog lives by the ______.
63.The capital of Russia is ________ (俄罗斯的首都是________).
64.The hedgehog curls into a _________. (球)
65. A lion roars fiercely in the _______ as it prowls.
66.小蜘蛛) spins a web in the corner. The ___
67.I see _____ birds flying. (many)
68.What do you call the center of an atom?
A. Nucleus
B. Electron
C. Proton
D. Neutron
69.The turtle swims gracefully in the ________________ (水).
70.What do you call a scientist who studies rocks?
A. Geologist
B. Biologist
C. Chemist
D. Physicist
71.The chemical formula for barium chloride is ______.
72.The ________ (农业实践改进) ensures sustainability.
73.The _____ (ball/box) is round.
74. A ____ has a shell and moves very slowly.
75.The ______ helps with the absorption of vitamins.
76. A rabbit can make a great _______ (伴侣).
77.The fish swims _______ (自由自在) in the ocean.
78.They are _____ (making) cards.
79. A ferret is a playful ________________ (小动物).
80. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of a __________ and a solvent.
81.I have a pet _______ (仓鼠) that runs on a wheel.
82. A ________ (峡谷) can be breathtakingly beautiful.
83.I enjoy ________ (散步) in the park.
84.What is the capital of Finland?
A. Helsinki
B. Oslo
C. Stockholm
D. Copenhagen
85.The Earth’s layers have different ______ and properties.
86.What do we call the study of the structure and function of the body?
A. Anatomy
B. Physiology
C. Pathology
D. Histology
87.She is ___ a hat. (wearing)
88.What do you call the person who flies an airplane?
A. Pilot
B. Engineer
C. Driver
D. Sailor
89.What is the term for the apparent motion of planets against the background stars?
A. Retrograde Motion
B. Direct Motion
C. Orbital Motion
D. Celestial Motion
90.My favorite game is ______ (象棋).
91.My aunt loves __________ (爬山).
92.What do we call an animal that eats only meat?
A. Herbivore
B. Carnivore
C. Omnivore
D. Insectivore
93.The book is very ___ (interesting/boring).
94.The __________ is very humid in July. (空气)
95.She is _______ (looking) for her shoes.
96.I have a kind _____ (邻居).
97.The chemical formula for potassium phosphate is _____.
98.The dog barks _____ the mailman. (at)
99.The _____ (葡萄) vines are heavy with fruit.
100.What is the main ingredient in pizza?
A. Bread
B. Pasta
C. Rice
D. Salad。
