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【摘要】学习态度能直接影响其对学习的行为选择,所以对学习态度的测量意义重大.国内学习态度量表对学习态度的因素定义不一,而且一般量表的题量较大,初中生很难认真完成;学生在学习态度上难免为了更好的评价和迫于老师家长的压力,而选择与自己情况不符合的选项.研究采用语义区分量表编制学习态度量表,量表题量较小,同时采用自然联想的方法进行答题选择,很大程度上避免了社会期望效应,使收集到的学生学习态度的数据更加真实可靠.%Learning attitude is the student's attitude to learning,it can directly affect the students' behavior to learning,so the learning attitude measurement is very valuable.The factors of learning attitude of domestic learning attitude scale have different definitions,and most scales have too many items,junior middle school students are difficult to accomplish.Because of the pressure from teachers and parents,student will select the answer which is not conformity with the options.This research adopts the semantic differences scaling to build a learning attitude scale.The scale includes only a few items and social expectation effect can be avoided because students respond the scale according to free association which makes the collected data more reliable.【总页数】4页(P28-31)
1.基于IRT展开模型的中学生学习态度测验编制 [J], 范晓玲;周炀茗;卢谢峰;谢福胜;
2.基于IRT展开模型的中学生学习态度测验编制 [J], 范晓玲;周炀茗;卢谢峰;谢福胜
3.大学生专业课学习态度影响因素量表的编制及信效度检验 [J], 金童林;陆桂芝;张璐;李肖肖
4.学生数学学习态度量表的编制 [J], 罗静
5.医学生神经病学课学习态度量表的编制及效信度评价 [J], 王刚;任汝静;杜敏;邓钰蕾;傅毅;陈生弟