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1.My sister has a ________ that she loves to dress up.
2.The __________ (温度的变化) can be harmful to sensitive plants.
3.I enjoy building things with my ____. (积木)
4.Ancient Mesopotamia is often called the "cradle of _______." (文明)
5.I enjoy visiting the ______ (水族馆) to see colorful fish and marine life.
6.My best friend is _______.
7.The ancient Greeks wrote _______ that are still read today. (戏剧)
8. A ______ is a natural feature that can be explored for research.
9.小鸭子) swims in the pond with its friends. The ___
10.My ________ (玩具名称) tells stories when I press it.
11.An element's atomic number tells you how many _____ it has.
12.Plants can _____ (繁殖) in many ways, including seeds and cuttings.
13.The ancient Greeks valued ________ (艺术和哲学).
14.I want to travel to __________ because I want to see __________.
15.The __________ (历史的风俗习惯) reflect values.
16. A tiny ___ (小蜗牛) carries its home on its back.
17.My uncle is great at _______ (名词). 他能 _______ (动词).
18.________ (植物学) is the study of plants.
19.The ancient Greek philosopher _______ taught his students through questioning. (苏格拉底)
20.The bird is ________ in the tree.
21.The baby is _______ (smiling).
22.The cat is very . (猫很_。

23. A __________ is a landform that rises above the surrounding area.
24.Creating a vibrant garden can enhance your home's overall ______. (创造一个生机勃勃的花园可以提升你家的整体美感。

25.The capital of Guinea is __________.
26.We play hide and ______ (找) in the garden.
27.The sun is ______ (setting) in the evening.
28.The __________ is the transition zone between different rock types.
29.Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are asteroids and comets that can come close to
30.What is 60 ÷ 3?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30答案:b
31.Which of these animals is a mammal?
A. Dog
B. Fish
C. Bird
D. Lizard答案:A Dog
32.The girl loves to ________.
33. A solution with a low concentration is said to be ______.
34._____ (cabbage) is used in salads and soups.
35.The _____ (花草茶) is made from dried plants.
36.I have a special ______ (相册) where I keep all my favorite ______ (照片).
37.I want to learn how to ________ (跳舞).
38.The ________ (农业循环) enhances productivity.
39.The _____ (ocean/lake) is calm.
40.The _____ is the force that keeps the planets in orbit.
41.Lizards can change their _______ (颜色) to blend in.
42.Plants can enhance our ______ (生活质量).
43. A ______ is a celestial body that orbits a planet.
44.The invention of the wheel happened in _____.
45. A ______ has a symbiotic relationship with flowers.
46.I want to _______ (学习) how to code.
47.We have ______ for dinner. (pasta)
48.My sister loves to wear __________ (漂亮的衣服).
49.My friend has a unique _______ (名词). 它的颜色很 _______ (形容词).
50.What do we call a person who studies ancient civilizations?
A. Historian
B. Archaeologist
C. Geologist
D. Anthropologist答案:B
51.What do you call a tree that loses its leaves in winter?
A. Evergreen
B. Deciduous
C. Palm
D. Fruit答案: B
52.Chemical changes involve the breaking and forming of ______.
53.Which insect can make a web?
A. Ant
B. Bee
C. Spider
D. Fly答案: C
54.What is the main ingredient in pizza?
A. Bread
B. Dough
C. Cheese
D. Sauce答案: C
55.They are _____ (building) a fort.
56.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)
57.What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?
A. Milk
B. Fruit
C. Vegetables
D. Ice答案: B
58. A _______ can be a delightful surprise in your garden.
59.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. Prime Meridian
B. Equator
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. International Date Line答案:B
60. A ______ is a type of insect that can fly.
61. A ______ is a large, flat area of land at a high elevation.
62.The ancient Romans are known for their ________ and culture.
63.My favorite game is ______ (Scrabble).
64.I learned about _____ (history/science) in class.
65.My sister enjoys __________. (阅读)
66.The __________ can reveal patterns in sedimentation and erosion.
67.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her role in "The Bodyguard"?
A. Mariah Carey
B. Whitney Houston
C. Celine Dion
D. Jennifer Lopez答案: B
68.The _______ (The American Civil War) was fought primarily over the issue of slavery.
69.The chemical formula for barium sulfate is _______.
70.I like to collect ______ (邮票).
71.The _____ (狮子) rests in the shade during the hot day.
72.Some _______ can be climbing or trailing.
73.The main source of energy for plants is ______ from the sun.
74.I like to play ________ (篮球) with my friends.
75. A parakeet loves to sing and ______ (说话).
76.We go _____ (滑雪) in winter.
77. A cat catches ______ (老鼠) with its paws.
78.We have a ______ (愉快的) celebration for achievements.
79. A _____ (海豚) can swim very fast in the ocean.
80.The discovery of penicillin was made by ________ (弗莱明).
81.The ________ has a long tail.
82.I love to read ______ (书) about animals. They teach me a lot of ______ (知识).
83.I like to draw ______ on weekends.
84.The _____ (水獺) has a playful nature and loves to slide.
85.My _____ (表弟) is very funny.
86.The ant has a strong _______ (合作) ability.
87. A liquid takes the shape of its ______.
88.My ________ (玩具名称) is a great companion.
89.I like to explore different stories with my toy ________ (玩具名称).
90.The _____ (柠檬) tree is very sour.
91.We have a ______ (快乐的) time at family reunions.
92.My favorite season is ______ (春天). Everything comes back to ______ (生命).
93.The flowers are _____ in the garden. (blooming)
94.My favorite game is ______ (棋). It requires a lot of ______ (思考).
95.The library is _______ (quiet/loud).
96.The ______ of tulips can brighten any garden. (郁金香的颜色可以让任何花园焕发光彩。

97.The _______ of a plant helps it to grow straight.
98.The flowers are ________ in the garden.
99.I can ______ a bicycle.
100.The first written language was __________ (楔形文字).。
