新世纪视听说book III Unit 4




新编大学英语视听说book3Unit4听力答案及文本1Unit 4Part OneListening IFor many of you this will be your last year at university and now is the time for you to begin thinking seriously about your future careers. In order to give you as much help as possible, I have quoted a list of questions that you ought to ask yourself.First, "Have I got a clear knowledge of my abilities as well as my interests?" Be honest about your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Take a really good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, and what kind of person you want to be.Second, "Do I know the kinds of occupations in which people like myself tend to find success and satisfaction?" Talk to people who have similar abilities and interests and who are already in the careers that interest you. You can gain some idea of what they consider to be important and challenging in those careers. Watch these people at work.Third, "Have I weighed carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospects offered by the jobs I am considering?" Will the occupation you select give you satisfaction in the years to come? Realize now the importance of education in all fields, technical and professional. Remember that chances of promotion are usually given to educated persons—other things being equal.Fourth, "Have I talked with my parents, my teachers and my headmaster?" Remember they have a lot of experience that you can benefit from. They can help you think about the jobs. Theycan stimulate you to give careful thought to what you really want to do, and offer useful suggestions about how you might take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications.Last, "How do I regard my job? Is it just a means of getting money to do the things that I want to do? Is the work important to my future happiness? Is it a combination of both?"The above questions and their answers should give you some better ideas about how you should start planning your career. Your life-long job cannot be approached in any kind of haphazard fashion. It must be considered carefully, examined from every angle, and talked over with those who know you and those who can help you in any way.Exercise 12、4、5、6、8Exercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests / interest you/ important and challenging3. education/ promotion/ educated persons4. parents/ teachers / benefit /give careful thought /useful suggestions / personal qualities5. getting money / our future happiness/ combinationListening II(Here's a dialog between a woman whose job is to help people find jobs and a man looking for a job.)Woman: Look. Here's a job that might interest you.Man: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me off to was a disaster.Woman: Well, look. It says they want a sales manager, and it looks like it's a big international company. That'd be good. Youmight get to travel.Man: What kind of company is it, though?Woman: Um, let's see. Yes, it's a textile company that seems to import from abroad. They say the salary is really good. They operate a system of paying you a basic salary and then offering you a sales commission on top of that. They say it is high. And oh, look! They give you a car to travel round in. That's not bad, is it?Man: Um, do they say anything about experience?Woman: Um, let's see. No, they want someone young with ambition and enthusiasm. Oh yes, they want graduates, so that's OK. You've been to university. Now what else? Let's see.Man: There must be some catch.Woman: No, the only thing is you have to travel, but then that's what the company car's for. Oh, and you have to be able to get on well with other people because it says you have to be good on a team.Man: Um, perhaps I'll have a closer look at that one.Exercise 11. D2. D3. A4. BExercise 21. import from abroad2. sales manager3. salary4. sales commission5. travel in6. experience7. university8. on a teamListening IIIInterviewer: Some people feel that their jobs are misunderstood by others. Is that very common?Sociologist: Oh, absolutely. Most jobs or professions have an image or stereotype attached to them, and some of these are not realistic. The serious point is that young people choose their careers based on these false images, and they may even avoid certain careers which have a negative image. This can cause problems for the economy.Interviewer: Is there evidence of this problem?Sociologist: Yes, there was a recent survey of children's attitudes to different professions.Interviewer: How was this done? Children don't know much about jobs and professions.Sociologist: True. What the investigators wanted to get was children's impressions and prejudices. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements, one of the pair positive, and the other negative. Children were asked to say which of the statements was "most true" for each profession.Interviewer: For example?Sociologist: Well, for example, "Such and such a person is likely to be boring or interesting company."Interviewer: I see. What professions did they ask about?Sociologist: The list is long, but it included lawyers, economists, accountants, sales representatives, scientists and engineers.Interviewer: And the results?Sociologist: Well, they are striking, especially for engineerswho came out much worse than one might expect. About 90 percent of the children thought that engineering was a "dirty job", of "low status", and the engineer was more likely to take orders than to give them. The only other person they thought more likely to lose his job was the sales representative. But, there were good points too. Engineering was seen to be "interesting, well-paid work".Interviewer: Hmm, not a rosy picture.Sociologist: No, but it got better when children were asked what they thought of the engineer as a person. Most of them chose positive comments, but most thought the engineer was likely to be badly dressed.Interviewer: What about other professions? What were the most popular?Sociologist: Oh, the lawyers by far. Next came accountants and scientists as well as economists. The engineers and sales representatives were the least popular.Interviewer: Sounds like a sign of the times.Sociologist: Yes, but I think the most serious implication was the children's apparent ignorance of the importance of the engineer's role in society.Exercise 11. choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3.different professions4. impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignoranceExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5. TListening IVMegan: Tim, if you could pick any occupation in the world, what do you think would be a cool one?Tim: Well, truth be told, i think it would be pretty awesome to be a commercial fisherman. Megan: Fisherman! Why would you want to be a fisherman?Tim: Believe it or not, i’m really fascinated by the ocean. I like spending time in the ocean and I think if you go out on those boats and get away from the land, you really get in touch with the sea.Megan: Is it dangerous, though?Tim: Oh, it can be dangerous, for sure. You can get caught in storms. It can be rough sometimes.Megan: Do you get paid a lot of money?Tim: Not so much, but that is not necessarily vital. You know, you can work with nature. You can catch healthful food, provide for yourself, and I think that’s really fulfilling. How about you , Megan? What do you think would be a cool job?Megan: I think I would like to be a writer.Tim: Why is t hat? Lots of writers don’t succeed in making much of a living.Megan:Well, being a movie star would be exciting too, or a rock star, but the fame is overwhelming—too many peoplealways want to talk to you or want your autograph. I think as a writer, you are doing something you love without all that pressure or the media coming after you, and you can sort of make your own workk schedule and do it where you like. You can write in the countryside in a cabin, or you can write in the city wherever you please. So, I think it is a very flexible, rewarding job.Tim: Yeah, you’ve got to have the aptitude for it, though. Do you think you have what it takes?Megan: No, not yet. I’m a terrible writer. But anyway, if I could have my pick of jobs, I’d like to be a writer.Exercise 11. C2. A3. C4. B5. DExercise 21. occupation, cool2. catch, provide, fulfilling3. media coming after you, making your own work schedule4. have my pick of jobsPart 4Further ListeningListening IThere are at least 100 million workers in the Unites States. Most of them are on the job 35 to 40 hours a week. Their typical day includes seven to eight hours of work. Usually, they have a 15-minute coffee break in the morning and in the afternoon. But work schedules vary from job to job.White-collar workers—office workers and manyprofessionals—usually have "nine to five" jobs. They begin at 9:00 a.m. and finish at 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. "Blue-collar" workers—mechanics, electricians, and laborers—often work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In many factories, blue-collar workers come to work in eight-hour shifts. Typically, these shifts start at 8:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., and midnight. Finally, sales people and managers in retail stores work on Monday and Thursday nights, when the stores are open. Many retail workers also work on Saturdays, and some work on Sundays.These are the normal schedules for most American workers. However, many businesses now use a new system called "flex-time scheduling". Under this system, the employees choose their own working hours. Some people work from 8:00 to 4:00 five days a week. Some work from 9:00 to 5:00. Other people work 10 or 12 hours a day four days a week. Employees and managers are both happy with the system. The employees like the freedom of choice, so they work hard. The managers, of course, like the hard-working employees.What, then, is a typical work schedule? It depends on the job—and on the workers.Exercise:1. 100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers, many professionals5. 8:00 to 4:006. eight-hour shifts7. Monday ,Thursday, Saturdays ,Sundays8.choose their own working hours, freedom of choice , happy withListening IIMan: How long have you worked for AM-ADMEL, Gill?Woman: Only for a year. It's May now, isn't it? Yes, I joined last August in fact.Man: August in 1996.Woman: Yes.Man: What did you do before that?Woman: I used to work for a travel agency in London.Man: It was interesting, wasn't it?Woman: Not really. It was just secretarial work, rather like this job. And it wasn't too well-paid. But I took a secretarial course when I left school and I couldn't think what else to do.Man: So you went straight from school into a secretarial course, didn't you?Woman: Well, not quite. I left school when I was 16, in 1989, I think it was. And then I went to work in a hotel in Austria for a year, to learn some German.Man: Austria? Why Austria?Woman: I don't know really. Well, we used to go there on holiday quite often when we were younger, and, well, I like Austria actually. Anyway then I went back and did the secretarial course. That was a year's course.Man: And then you got the job at the travel agency I suppose.Woman: Yeah, that's right. That was in 1991.Man: So you were there for five years!Woman: Yes, it's awful, isn't it? Actually, I'm thinking of giving it all up to become a nurse.Man: Really?Woman: Well, I worked in a hospital in Twickenham during my last year at school. Just cleaning and helping to make bedsand so on. It was part of our Practical Careers training.Man: And you liked it?Woman: Yes, it was interesting.Exercise1. A2. D3. C4. A5. DListening IIIMan: Well, now then, one thing I'd like to ask is, er, exactly why you applied for the job. I mean, just looking at your application form, you're actually over-qualified...Woman: Yes, I thought you might ask that. Um, the thing is, in my present job, although I'm actually in charge of a small team and I have a lot of responsibility, it's largely a desk job with a lot of paperwork...Man: And you're not too keen on being stuck in an office all day?Woman: To be honest, no, I'm not. I much prefer being out on site where I can supervise things, and deal with problems as they occur. And this job should give me the kind of contact with other engineers, architects, builders and so on.Man: Mmm. You'd certainly have to do quite a lot of traveling in the local area, you know, visiting different sites. You do realize, though, that the starting salary isn't as good as the salary in your present job?Woman: Yes, I realize that, but um, it does say in the job advertisement that the promotion prospects are very good.Man: That's true, and er, as this is a new project that we'reworking on, we think there'll be a very good chance of fairly quick promotion, depending on performance, that is...Woman: Yes, of course. Well, you see, I've got very little chance of promotion in my present job.I mean it's a very small company and there's nowhere really for me to go; that's why I'm looking around for somewhere else.Exercise1. C2. B3. D4. C5. AListening IVDavid: Hi! You're listening to Radio Southwest, the best in the southwest for music andup-to-the-minute news. Sue's here. Hello, Sue.Sue: Hello, David.David: And we've got the Jobspot for you today. So, if you're looking for a new job, this could be the spot for you. So, let's have a look, and see what we've got today.Sue: Well, the first one we've got is a cook. That's in a large, busy restaurant, so it's very useful to have had experience in cooking. Must be a high school graduate and the pay is $12 an hour. So that's not bad, is it? The hours are good too. That's Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m.David: Great. Thanks, Sue. So that's a cook. Now, how do you fancy working out of doors? How do you fancy being a gardener? So as long as you're fit and strong, and at least 16 years old, that'll suit you. The pay is $8 an hour. And the hours, Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., you have to work on Sundayonce a month, but on Monday the Garden Center's closed. Now, the sort of work you'd be doing is potting, watering, things like that. So, how about applying for that? Pay, $8 an hour. Sue, what else have you got?Sue: Right, Dave. Well, from outdoors to indoors. We've got a word processor operator job here. This job might suit a woman with school-age children, because the hours are only 15 hours a week. It's a small, friendly office, and they require a high school graduate with two years' experience operating a computer. Pay is $9 per hour. So, there you go. That's a nice job in an office. If you fancy any of those jobs, give us a ring here on Jobspot at Radio Southwest. And now back to the music.Exercise 11. C2. A3. B4. D5. BExercise 21. ADF2. BF3. ACE。

视听说III 原文和答案 Unit4

视听说III 原文和答案 Unit4

VLS B3 Uint4II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to separate.W: What! Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What is the girl saying?2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sent you these roses and his best wishes to you both for a happy anniversary.W:Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration/Q: What can we learn from the conversation?3. ScriptW: While I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: You bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it gets warmed up.Q: Where does this conversation probable take place?4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parent s’meeting at school, and I was expecting you’d come to it. OK, I’ll phone Dad, maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listen to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?Keys: 1.C 2.A3.B 4.C 5.DIII. Listening InTask1: Reasons for a DivorceScriptA nuclear family is typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they find their ownjobs and move into their own apartment or home.In the early mid-20th century, the family typically was the sole wage earner, and the mother was the children’s principle care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, companies are getting involved in the arrangement of day ernment assistance to parents requiring day care is occurring.Task 2: What four-letter words?ScriptCan it be true that Australian men spend more time during the week brushing their teeth than they do alone with their children? A new study from the University of New South Wales has discovered that during the working week, Australian fathers only spend an average ofjust over a minute each day alone with their children. Australian mothers, on the other hand, spend three hours a week purely looking after their children-a much greater disparity than in other countries like America, Denmark, Italy, and France, where couples divide the childcare more evenly. These findings will probably infuriate those who want to shake off the perhaps unfair image of Australia as a land of old-fashioned male chauvinism.According to the study, Australian fathers appear to like the fun aspects of parenthood, but shy away from the boring housework. So while they tend to be happy taking the kids to the park or to sporting events, they are unlikely to participate regularly in feeding, bathing, or taking the kids to school. In short. Australian parenting is seen as a woman's job and a man's hobby.Many people believe that the last 20 years have seen the arrival of the so-called "new man"-.the man who is willing to share the housework and childcare. The new man has a picture of his children on his computer desktop at work; he never misses the kids' school plays, and he skips a drink at the bar after work so that he can get home in time to read bedtime story to their kids.This study suggests that the new man feels a little more at home in Europe than in Australia. Indeed, a poll conducted in the U.K. for the think tank the Fatherhood Institute in January indicates that almost 70 percent of British women think that men are as good at raising children as women.That's something for Australian men to ponder while they brush their teeth!Key: I.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 3.TTask3: Views on filial piety see changeScriptWith fast economic development in Hong Kong, young people are less likely to cherish thetraditional notion of filial piety. Instead, they are gradually taking a new approach to a welfare society, according to a three-year survey conducted by the City University of Hong Kong.As many as 85 percent of the respondents expect the government to take up the responsibility for supporting the elderly, and 77 percent agree with the idea that the burden should fall on society as a whole rather than on individual families.Researcher Richard Wong, who took charge of the study, is sad about the eroding of traditional family bonds. He said that while most people still respect their parents and grandparents, they tend to equate economic assistance with love. When asked about how they would show their love for their old parents, many simply said they would send them to old people's homes. Others said they would give money, and only two percent of the respondents said they would be ready to take care of the psychological health of their parents.According to the study, middle-aged people who have children of their own take their filial duties more seriously. Also, married women know better than men the need for this kind of loving care.Researcher Wong questioned the wisdom of adopting the new concept of government welfare. He said: A welfare society is founded on high tax rates, but here in Hong Kong the personal tax rate is only 15 percent.How can you expect the government to take care of all the elderly?"He further pointed out that even when a social security network can support all senior citizens, it cannot replace the love that only family members can give.Questions and keyl. According to most of the respondents, who should take up the responsibility for supporting the elderly?A) The government.2. Which of the following is a way for most respondents to show respect and love for their old parents?A) Providing them with economic assistance.3. Which of the following types of people have more loving care for their old parents?A) Middle-aged people and married women.4. According to Researcher Wong, why is a welfare society not realistic in Hong Kong?D) The personal tax rate is not high enough.5. What is the passage mainly about?C) It is a sad thing that most people prefer to shift the responsibility for supporting the elderly onto the societv.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Is youth wasted on the young?Amy: I’d like to talk to you, so stop what you’re doing for a minute.Bill: What is it, Amy? I’m having a hectic time working on this report for tomorrow’s meeting.Amy: Well, you’re always pretty busy, and it’s been more five years, almost six, since we were married. Bill:Yes, time has gone so fast, but they’ve been good years.Amy: I know, but I want to have a baby—I want us to have a baby.Bill:I know you do. But remember, we said we’d wait until we could afford it.Amy:But five years is a long time to wait. Anyway, it’s long enough.Bill:I’m this close to getting a promotion.Amy:What has that got to do with it?We could wait forever if we wait for the “perfect” moment. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoying having a baby.Bill:You know, you have a good point. This report can wait. I’ll do it tomorrow morning. Let’s open a bottle of wine and enjoy ourselves.MODEL2 So many people in the United States get divorced!ScriptKim: Hi Amy.Amy: Hi! Look at this headline, Kim.Kim: Wow! So many people in the United States get divorced!Amy: But this is not uncommon in west. In some places, the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent. Kim: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, if not at first sight; but they also leave each other quickly.Amy: Is it the same in your country?Kim: I don’t think so. In my country, some marriages break up, but most couples stay together.Amy:Do people get married young?Kim: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 20.Amy:Hmm. Do woman usually work after they get married?Kim: No, a lot of women stay home to take care of their families. But more women work now. MODEL3 Why not have both our parents here for Christmas?ScriptAmy: You know, Christmas is coming. And I haven’t seen Dad for ages—he always has such great stories to tell.Bill: I know we went t my folks’last year, but my Mom’s been pretty sick. This might be her last Christmas.Amy: She’s been ill, but don’t exaggerate. You just don’t like my mother. That’s why you don’t want to go to my parentsBill:She’s never liked me. Never thought I was good enough for you.Amy: Well, you’re not… But seriously, Mom’s not so sad. She’s just got a thick skin and likes to hide her feelingsBill:I don’t think so.Amy: Why not have our both families here for Christmas?Bill: That would make twenty-two of us if we invited everybody.Amy: Why not just have our parents here for Christmas?Bill: Good idea. Just don’t sit me next to your mother.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: It seems strange to me that Westerners fall head heels in love quickly, but they also leave each other quickly.B: Is it the same where you live?A: I don’t think so. In my country, most couples stay together.B: What is the divorce rate in your homeland?A: The divorce rate can be as low as 10 percent.B: That’s quite lower than in our country.A: Well, what’s the divorce rate in your country?B: About 50 percent, if I’m not mistaken.A: Oh, that’s really high!B: Do people get married young?A: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 22.B: Many of our young people get married before 20. Is it common for women in your country to work after they marry?A: Yes, most wives work even after they’ve got a baby.B: In my country, a lot of wives stay home to look after their families.V. Let’s TalkScript1)cry 2) relief 3) strong 4) understanding 5) angry6) left 7) wondering 8) five 9) sad 10)stress11) friends 12)helps 13)Christmas 14)cousins 15)presentsVI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Reasons for a divoiceScriptW: I’m divorcing my husband.M: How long have you been married?W: Thirteen years.M: Do you have children?W: Yes, and I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibilityM: So, what are your grounds for divorce?W: Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We’ve had moved four times in thirteen years!M: And, you believe that will be good grounds for divorce?W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don’t I?M: Aren’t they his children, too?W: But my husband isn’t fulfilling his duties!M: Is he paying the bills?W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can’t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!M: Does the car run?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!M: Do you yell at him and call him names?W: Well, he yells at me!M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?W: No, just visitation rights.M: Why?W: Because the law permits me to.M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments.After thirteen years marriage, the woman wants to divorce her husband, claiming he is irresponsible. When asked for the specific grounds for divorce, she gives these reasons: First, he keeps changing jobs, and the family has had to move four times in thirteen years, but she wants stability for her children and herself. Second, although he is paying the bills, they just live around the poverty line. Her children are being teased by other children for not dressing good clothes. Also, they had to live in a small apartment and drive an old car, though it still runs. Worse still, the husband yells at her, though she admits she also yell at him and calls him names. As for the divorce arrangements, the woman will give the husband only visitation rights instead of joint custody. Moreover, the woman will demand half of all they have and large support payments.Task 2: Single-parents problemsScriptQuestion:Hi, I have been divorced for eight years. My ex sees our child Maria on a regular basis. She is eight and in the second grade. My ex has a wife that is 20. My ex and his wife go to the school almost every day to see our daughter. Our daughter has failed the second grade and now has to repeat it. I have seen her grades plummet since those two started showing up at school. They are both very controlling and verbally abusive to me and to our daughter. I'm concerned about this. He forced my daughter to call his wife mommy. I am really tired of their unkind visits. I don't know what to do. If you have any advice to give me, I would be grateful. Thanks.Answer (by a woman psychiatrist):Hi, Diana. It's obvious to me that your daughter is having problems with the visits. I would suggest having a frank conversation with your daughter to see what she feels the problems are. If she says it is all these problems as you have stated above, I would try to talk to your ex about her problems. 1'II try to stick to what your daughter feels to be the problems and hope he will help your daughter do better at school.If he is not responsive, then I'II take your daughter for counseling to help her.You can't make others do things that are right for your child, not even the father, so spend your energy on things you can control like counseling for your daughter. Also, you should spend quality time with her and allow her to vent her feelings on you, and let her know you are always there for her no matter what happens. Try to keep her self-esteem high. When a child fails a grade, they will feel bad. Good Luck! Questions and keyl. What does Diana think about the visits by her ex and his wife to her daughter?B) They produce negative results.2. What has happened to the daughter's studies?C) She has to repeat the second grade.3. What does the psychiatrist advise the woman to do first?A) Find out the daughter's problems.4. What will the psychiatrist do to Diana's ex-husband?D) Tell him nothing but what his daughter feels to be the problems.5. What is NOT advised by the psychiatrist for Diana to do?C) Tell her daughter to be independent as she can't always be there with her.Task3: A man who remarriedScriptIf you want me to tell you why I remarried, here's my story.Remarriage was the last word I'd consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures. More importantly, I wondered how remarriage would affect my l0-year-old son, John. My heart ached when I saw my son draw a picture of himself, my ex-wife and me holding hands-with sadness on our faces. Since my parents have married and divorced eight times altogether, I hoped my son would not have to go through the same pain I experienced. As a .result, my primary focus after the divorce was my relationship with John, not finding a wife.As time went by, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious of my loneliness and anxiety. One day he asked me to consider dating. The first time he said this, I ignored him. The second time he brought it up, I reconsidered my reservations about dating. I began to date Maria. As our relationship developed over the following year, I was concerned about how my son would actually respond to her. At first, John's affection for Maria was lukewarm. For instance, he would hug her, but the act seemed mechanical. But after several months, he warmed up to her. Seeing the time was ripe, I asked Maria to marry me. She accepted. So the two of us blended smoothly into the three of us. Thinking back, I believe my remarriage was the right choice.Some single parents are still hesitating about remarriage. Now that you've heard my story, I hope you won't hesitate and let golden opportunities slip through your fingers.Key(1) the last word (2) remarriage failures (3) picture(4) eight times (5) wife (6) dating(7) loneliness and anxiety (8) second (9) response to her(10) lukewarm (11) warmed up (12) accepted(13) ripe (14) blended into (15) rightViewing and SpeakingKey:1)Lovely 2) similar 3) room 4)apologize 5)children6) patience 7) listen 8) angry 9) medicine 10)fantastic。


Listening Mystery illness
Listen and circle the best headline for the news story you hear.
Lesson A How do you feel? Lesson B Getting better
__ My allergies are bad this year. I have itchy
eyes and a runny nose.
very tired
c. a stomach pain
d. with liquid coming out
Lesson A How do you feel? Lesson B Getting better
Lesson A How do you feel? Lesson B Getting better
Language Notes Proper names Irene
Mystery illness Saint Martin
Other words refund cruise lightheaded indigestion
Vocabulary Link It gave me indigestion.
Match the words in blue with their definitions. Write the letter.
1. c__ He ate too much spicy food and it gave
When my sbcarcaktcitches, I ______ it.



新世纪⼤学英语视听说教程3(第⼆版)1到4单元听⼒Unit1S: This is going to be a great trip. I’ve never been to mexico, have you? M: No, I haven’t. have you finished everything?T: oh my gosh, where’s my bag?S: It’s in the closet. of course, I’m the only one who’s organized around here, I ran errands all day. And I am ready, exhausted, but ready.M: What did you have to do?S: Well, first I had confirm my flight.C: My ticket, where’s my ticket? Have you seen it?S: I saw it in the bathroom.C: The bathroom, are you sure? so strange .oh, you are right. Got it.S: Then I had to get traveler’s checks.T: Oh my money, I’ve lost my wallet.S: Then I had to pay the electricity and the phone bills, because someone forgot. And then I had to change my voice-mail message.C: My cellphone, I don’t remember where I put my cellphone.S: It’s in the kitchen.C: The kitchen. In the kitchen.S: These two, They’re never prepared. What would they do without me? M: How true, Hey, don’t forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff before you go.S: Done.T: Sun-hee, we’re late. It’s time to go.S: Okay, Mike,I have to go, we’re leaving for the airport.S T C: Bye, Mike.M: Cool. Have a great trip, grils, bye.S:OK!Dose everybody have everything?Tickets?Bags?Coats?Everything? Let’s go. ok, Mexico, here we come.T C: Now Mexico, here we come.Unit 2T: I can’t believe how hot it is out there, Why didn’t we go to Hawaii with everyone else?M: Because we don’t have the money.T: Well, why didn’t we get an air conditioner?M: Hello? Same reason. And quit complaining. We’ve got air conditioning.T: Mike, that’s a bowl of ice and a fan.M: Takeshi, you’ve got to be more like me, and use your imagination, then you too, can have a beach vacation, see? Check out that gorgeous view.T: Right, but not exactly realistic.M: Okay, come over here. Close your eyes. Feel that cool ocean breeze. T: Mike, that’s the fridge.M: Come on! I said use your imagination. Now, close your eyes, Listen to the sound of the sea gulls. Hear the children laughing. Why, I think I can even smell a barbecue.T: Raw hot dogs?M: Don’t worry, I’m going to cook them up on that grill over there.T: Mike, you know, you’re not allowed to use a grill inside an apartment, right?M: Okay ,I’ll use the microwave then.T: A beach with a microwave ,sure Mike.M: That’s the beauty of imaginary beach .we’ve got a microwave .We’re got a TV with a remote control. Who could ask for everything more?T: What about water. That’s the main reason people go to beach. What are you going to use for that? The bathtub?M: No, That’s be silly. Here we go! Feel the ocean mist.T: Mike ,That for spraying plants, not me.M: You know , the sound of the waves, the ocean mist. It makes me want to surf.T: Surf?M: Yeah, surf .T: Mike, no, you can’t stand on that. You’ll break it.M: No, I won’t. Look at me dude. I’m hangin’ 10!Y: Yeah, cool, Hey, dude, watch out for that wave. I’m getting the bang of this imagination thing.M: Very funny, very funny indeed.Unit 3C: So, when do you start your new job.R: I’m not sure, I may start as soon as next month.C: Wow.R: Yeah, it’s going to be a lot of fun, except I’ll have to learn how to use that new software program I told you about.C: Don’t worry, I’m a software expert. I’ll help you figure it out.R: Thanks, Hey, what about your job? Your boss was transferred to the Asian office. Are you going to get promoted?C: I might, I might not, It’s not a big deal. I’ve been thinking lately. I don’t plan on working my whole life. Someday, maybe in five years or so. I’m going to quit my job and get out of this streeful life. You know, relax. Have some fun.R: What are you planning to do?C: I’m definitely going to travel. I might even move to another country. Maybe work as a volunteer. I could even start a new career. Maybe one where I can help people or help the world. What about you, what are your plans?R: Well, I’ve pretty much got everything planning already right up to my retirement.C: Really?R: Yep, I’m going to work hard and save as money as possible. Until I’m about 30、31. Then I’m going to become the Vice president of Finance and then the CEO by the time I’m 40. Maybe 45.C: Yeah?R: Yep, And when I’m 35 or 36, I’m going to settle down get married and have some kids.C: Oh, you are, are you? You know that for a fact?R: Well, it’s not a fact yet. But really, if you want to succeed, you need to have clear-cut, well-defined goals and aspirations. C: I don’t know, I think you should keep your options open. You know, go with the flow.R: Go with the flow? So you’re not nervous about the promotion?C: I didn’t say that, It’ just won’t be the end of the world I don’t get it. What about you? Are you nervous about the new job? R: Not really, I’m just go with the flow a long as the flow follows my plan.Unit 4Tara: Hi, Thank goodness you’re here, This morning she almost fainted then she felt very tired and now she says she feels very light-headed. I don’t know what to do.Takeshi; Has she seen a doctor?Tara; She won’t go. She says she just needs to get some rest.M: Did anything happen?Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is she has this meeting with the president of the university tonight. She’s been pretty anxious about it.Takeshi: Okay, let’s take a look.Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here.M: Hi, How are you feeling?S: Very tired, And I feel dizzy, and my stomach is killing me. I think I might even have a fever. Oh, Why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can’t stop thinking about it.M: Eating something you’ll feel better.S: Are you kidding? I can’t eat, I’m not hungry.Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk, get some fresh air.S: No, I just need to rest.Tara: Hello? Yes, No, this is her roommate, Tara, what? Okay, I’ll let her know. Thanks. That was the president’s secretary. S: What did she say?Tara: She told me that tonight’s meeting has been canceled.S; Oh thank goodness, Mike, can you hand me that orange juice? Tara: I don’t know, Maybe we should call a doctor. Takeshi: Yeah, maybe we should.S: What’s matter? Have’t yo u ever seen anyone eating before? Tara: I take it you’re feeling better?S: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle or something. Tara: Or a lucky phone call.。



Uint4II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it‟s over there. There‟s not much happen though. I had a look already.Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?2.ScriptM: Y ou don‟t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?W:I‟m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I‟m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?3. ScriptM: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you‟re good with these things, andI really need someone to edit it. It‟s way too long.W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more than one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we‟ve got some work to do!Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?4. ScriptM: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?5. ScriptW: Where do you see yourself in five years‟ time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I‟m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don‟t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years‟ time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in fie years?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.BIII. Listening InT ask 1: T ell me about yourself.ScriptM: Tell me a little about yourself.W: I‟m from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I‟m impressed by this city‟s dynamic economy. I‟ve come to love it so much that I‟ve decided to stay and work here. M: What work experience do you?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company‟s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust you.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also appreciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague.M: Y ou seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.W: Thank you. I believe I‟ve acquired many good qualities from my parents. They‟re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.The woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter‟s dynamic economy. Now shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company‟s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said her ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreciated the loyalty and team spirit. The interviewer finds her mature for her age and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquired many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to learn.T ask 2: A Work Qualification T estScriptMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we‟ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager‟s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager‟s maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down …I don‟t‟ know‟, and you put down …Neither do I‟.”Keys: FTTTFTFor Reference1.He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed,rather than on the correct answers.2.By writing “Neither do I”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer onthe test.T ask3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewScriptThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don‟t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. Y ou can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. Y ou can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don‟t say, “I don‟t have any.”Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven‟t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I‟m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” Y ou should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, how” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.1.What is the passage mainly concerned with?2.What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why shouldwe choose you?”?3.What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?4.What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “What are yourweaknesses?”5.What should you say when asked about your strong points?Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DFor Reference“Why should we choose you?”, “Tell me about yourself.”, “What are your weaknesses?”, and “What are your strength?”IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?Susan: John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?John: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn‟t seem to be interested in women. I thought about suing then for sexual discrimination.John: I‟m afraid it won‟t be much help. Have you looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan: I‟ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I can‟t find anything interesting that I‟m qualified for.And the few that I have seen arevery low-paying.John: Then try the Internet.Y ou can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I‟ll look for something in electronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.Susan: Great, I‟ll try my luck there.John: Y eah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I‟d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John:Wait, have you updated your resume?Y ou‟d better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don‟t worry. It‟s all set. Thanks, mate.John:Any time, Sue.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: What have you done so far?A: I‟ve asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but it‟s not of much use. B: That method is out of date. Y ou should go to the job fair and meet wit companies. A:Y es, I did. But IT industry seems to have been badly hit the economic recession, and not many companied came to the job market. As for those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidates.B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.A:I‟ve been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can‟t find anything good that I‟m qualifies for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. Y ou can use a search engine to find job sites related to your field.A: Good idea! I think I‟ll look for something in software development.B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.A: Great! I‟ll take a chance on that.B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It‟ll be plus for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT company.A: Sure. Thanks.MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview? ScriptSusan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh, what about during the interview?John: Ok, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questions politely and directly. Don‟t look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive.Susan: I‟m not sure what kind of questions they‟ll ask.John: They‟ll probably want to know a little about your work experience. Many companies don‟t want a completely green hand. They don‟t want to spend time and money on training.Susan:Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday.John: They may also want to know something about your character. Y ou see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: Y ou should ask them about the job requirements and about the company. Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up.Just use the first interview to sell yourself.Susan: Y ou‟re right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they‟ll offer.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some advice on how to succeed in an interview?B: Well, first of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance. Y ou have to dress appropriately.A: What do you mean by appropriately?B: It‟s often best to wear a suit. Some bosses don‟t like to see a candidate on a dirty T-shirt and jeans.A: I see. Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless attitude in work.B: Right on. Also, many employers are unwilling to hire a young man with his hair dyed red or yellow.A: Then, what about during the interview?B: Y ou should speak politely but firmly. If you look too shy, they may suspect you are not capable of dealing with a challenging task.A: I‟m not sure what kind of questions they‟ll ask.B: They‟ll probably want to know something about your work experience. Companies usually don‟t want an entirely new hand. They don‟t want to spend time and money on training.A: Fortunately, I gained some experience at a law of firm during the last summer holiday. I worked as an intern to provide free legal advice for those who need it. B: Oh. I see, this is what they called “legal assistance to the needy”. Also, a company may want to know something about your character. Y ou see, team players are often valued above all others.A: What kind of questions should I ask them?B: Y ou should ask them about the job requirements and about the company.A: I hear that many companies asked the candidates what salary they expect.B: That‟s true. Y ou have to inquire about the possible salary level for a green hand in advance. If the salary you expect is reasonable, this shows that you know the professions well and will have a good impression on the interviewer.A: Oh, I‟ve learned so much from you. A thousand thanks.MODEL3 Our best bet is to recruit from the competition. ScriptHelen: Our company is starting from scratch,so we don‟t have the expertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to give employees their freedom.Bill:That‟s essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don‟t believe that a right management system will work wonders for our company.Bill: Um…that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile people.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he‟ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it‟s a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing. Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bigger and batter things. But can David help us pin them down?Bill: Sure, Helen! That‟s why they call them headhunters.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What can I do for you?B: I‟m looking for a public relations manager at our advertising company.A: Do you have any specific requirement for such a manager?B: Well, first of all, she must be a good leader, who know to be strong, yet knows how to allow people freedom. Only in this way can she give full play to the employees‟enthusiasm.A:Oh, that‟s essential for leader in many companies. What other qualities do you expect of the manager?B: She must be skilled in interpersonal communications. Y ou see, without such skill, one can hardly get a job well done.A: I can‟t agree more. Is that all?B: Not yet. If she happens to have a wide network of business connections, it‟ll be a great assert to the company.A: I see. We‟ll try our best to find one who meets your requirements.B: Do you think you can pin one down quickly?A: Probably. Y ou see, a number of firms have been downsizing. So it‟s a good time for head-hunting.B: Good. That‟s why they call you headhunters.V. Let’s T alkScriptGood afternoon, everyone. The university‟s Career Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This is probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research are. Once you have this information, make a list of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to them. Y ou cannot sell yourself to them if you don‟t know what it is you are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. Y ou have to dress right for job interviews. Don‟t wear anything too flashy; being neat and clean is more important than wearing the latest fashion. The aim is to look professional without overdoing it. Also, it is important that you feel comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a tie, it might be best not to wear one, unless the job requires you to dress this way. The last thing you want is to be worried about your appearance during the interview. It will only make you nervous, and you will quickly lose confidence.Mover over, you have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV, originals and copies of your qualification paper, copies of reference, samples of your work, if applicable, and anything else that they may want to see. Again, make sure everything is well organized and neatly presented. Don‟t take a pile of paperwork that you have to sift through for ten minutes to find something. That will give them the impression that you are disorganized. If you are well prepared, you‟re likely to have good luck.DiscussionSAMPLEA:After listening to the career officer‟s talk, I‟ve now realizes the importance of getting prepared for an interview.B:Quite true. First of all, we should never be late for an interview. If you‟re not punctual, they‟ll suspect that you‟ll be late for work in future.A:Before going to the interview, we had better pay attention to our dress. We must look professional without overdoing it. Careless clothes will lead them into thinking that you‟re likely to do your job carelessly.B: During the interview, it is impo rtant to look confident without being too pushy. It‟s necessary to maintain eye contact. This shows your interest in the conversation, and helps to maintain the communication between you and the interviewer.A: Many employers attach importance to the education you‟ve received. We need to highlight those courses especially valuable to the company.B: Book knowledge is not enough. We must show them we have practical experience in the field. Tell them about our internship, and emphasize the skills that are use ful in the job we‟re seeking.A:How clever you are! These days many students want to tell the prospective employer that they have a good command of English and have obtained a College English Test Band 4 Certificate.B: They‟re also eager to tell interviewer about their computer skills with PowerPoint, office automation, and so on. Students from non-key universities especially need certificates to shoe they‟ve acquired those skills before they can hope to compete against students from prestigious universities.A: Character is considered an important factor in contemporary society, where teamwork is a must.B: But too many students are saying more or less the same thing. If everybody says, “I‟m warm-hearted and cooperative, get along well with my classmates, and have good team spirit,” the boss will soon get fed up.A: Perhaps we should let the work we‟ve done shoe our character.B: Right on. Participation is important. If you can show them you‟re an important official of the Student Union of the university or the department, or you‟ve organized a singing competition and won an award, obviously you‟re a good team player.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingT ask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptY our resume, or CV in British English, has one mission and one mission only: to get you a job interview. Y our resume is usually the first impression an employer has of you. And as “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”, you…d better get it right firs time. Here‟re some suggestions that may be of use in preparing a resume. First, use a design that demands attention. Employers don‟t have time to read through each of your job descriptions to know if you have the skills they need. The design of your resume must do it for them. Y our resume should be concise, well-organized and relevant. It should emphasized the most important and relevant points about your experience, skills and education.Second, put important information first. List important information at the beginning of your job descriptions. Put statements in your resume in order of importance and relevance to the job you want. A powerful statement with exact numbers influences every statement that follows.Third, target the job. Y ou will have more success if you adjust your resume and cover letter for the specific skills another job. In other words, you need to “re-package”yourself. In that way, an employer will see immediately that you correspond to the job description. It is not dishonest to “re-package”yourself. Y ou are simply pressing yourself and your skills in the best light for a particular employer. This will help you to get more interviews and allow you to apply for a wider range o jobs.1.Why does the speaker say the resume is important?2.According to the passage, why should you emphasize the most important pointabout yourself?3.Where does the speaker advise putting the important information in your jobdescription?4.How many resumes would the speaker advise you to write if you applied for threejobs?5. Which of the following makes a good title for the passage?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BT ask 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewScriptWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It‟s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it‟s this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involvestwo factors: one mental and the other physica l. Mentally, it‟s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won‟t be the end of the world if you don‟t get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence.Y our ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it‟s time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It‟s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn‟t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don‟t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like common sense, but you‟d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it‟s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.T ask3: An Interview That Upsets the BossScriptJohn was in a terrible accident at work and lost both of his ears. Since he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a fairly large compensation and decided to invest the money in a small but growing telecom business. After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company. Then he realized that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him.So he set up three job interviewers. The first guy was great. He knew everything the company needed and was very interesting. At the end of the interview, John asked him, ”Do you notice anything different about me?”And the gentleman answered, “Why yes, I couldn‟t help notice you have no ears.”John got very upset and threw him out.The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He asked her the same question, “Do you notice anything usually about me?” and the she replied, “Well, you have no ears.” Again John got furious and tossed her out.The third and the last interview was the best of all three. It was with a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart and handsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the firs two put together. John was anxious to employ him, but asked him the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?”And to his surprise, the young man answered, “Y es, you wear contact lenses.”John was amazed, and said, “What an incredibly observant young man! How in the world did you know that?”The young man laughed and replied, “Well, it‟s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears!”For Reference1.He lost both of his ears.2.Because he realized that he knew nothing about running the business after hebought it.3.Because the interviewee said he noticed that John had no ears, and John got upset.4.He said he noticed John wore contact lenses.5.He thought it was pretty difficult to wear glasses with no ears.News ReportA Galaxy of Film Prize WinnersScriptThe European Film Awards—First Hollywood, then Cannes, and now Pairs?The European Film Awards ceremony was held in Pairs in early December, honorin g the best in European and world films.Lars von Trier‟s Dancer in the Dark was the overall winner of the evening, receiving awards for the best European film and best actress—Bjork..The audiences was disappointed, however, as neither von Trier, Bjork, nor the Oscar-winning Italian director Roberto Benigni showed up to accept awards.Still, other prize winners did come. The Irish actor Richard Harris, who was given an award for lifetime achievement, gave a humorous thank-you speech that was the high point of the evening.Another internationally known actor, Jean Reno, also gave an enthusiastic thank-you speech. The French actor received an award for European achievement in world cinema, for his international firm career.Other VIPs from around Europe also attended. But most of the prizes at the ceremony, which people have been calling“the European Oscars”, went to French films.There was one international film award, which went to a French-Hong Kong co-production, Wong Karwai‟s In the Mood for Love.。

新视界大学英语视听说第三册Unit 4

新视界大学英语视听说第三册Unit 4
1.Explain the language and culture points to students.
2.For Activity 2 on Page 38 and Activity 6 on Page 40, play the video twice, and then ask for students’ answers. If they have any difficulty, pause at some difficult sentences and make some necessary explanations.
physically challenged: Once the wordhandicappedwould have been used, but it is now regarded as disrespectful, see also visually challenged.
1.Play the recording only once and instruct students to match the statements with the speakers on Page 46.
Audio-lingual approach, combined with task-based approach
Unit4 A Change for the Better
Language and Culture Points
1.Trafalgar Square: It is a famous square in centralLondon. The name refers to a great naval victory over Napoleon in 1805, won by Admiral Lord Nelson, whose memorial stands in the square.

新视野大学英语视听说教程3(第三版)Unit 4 test听力原文和答案

新视野大学英语视听说教程3(第三版)Unit 4 test听力原文和答案

Unit 4 testNextDirections: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordingsParts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playi Array please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menuabove. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. They are taking photos.B. They are barbecuing.C. They are playing with the woman's sister.D. They are looking at photos.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man's mom will always scold him when he and his brother fight.B. The man's mom will always scold his brother when they fight.C. The woman's sister is very naughty.D. The woman sometimes fights with her little sister.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman thinks parents shouldn't allow children to watch TV at all.B. The man's child is a couch potato.C. The woman's child doesn't like watching TV.D. The man encourages his child to work out to reduce the time spendingon TV.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. One had better forget the divorce.B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful.Part IIDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along a highwayHer husband suddenly looks over at her. From theand themoment. He says, "been married for 20 years, but I want aThe wife says nothing, but slowly increases the(8)He then says, "Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases."I want the house," he insists, pressing his luck.The wife speeds up to 80 mph.He says, "I want the car, too," but she just drives faster and faster.By now she's up to 90 mph.(9)"All right," the man says, "The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge.This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, "Isn't there anything you want?"The wife says, ""Oh, really," he says, "So what have you got?"Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, "The airbag."Part IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. What is the passage mainly about?A. The importance of remarriage.B. The reasons for a remarriage.C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children's problems in a blended family.2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if she says"we're just friends"?A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father.3. How can single parents benefit from advice?A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. They can give their new spouse a surprise.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case ofa divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children.5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments in ablended family?A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Amy, sit down. We need to talk. Your mother and I are going to _________.A. separateB. separate with each otherC. divorce ourselvesD. divorce with each other2.So you're still single? If you ________ to me and used the Internet, you'dhave had a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened3.I _________ an online ad that read, "Husband Wanted".A. putB. postedC. positionedD. pressed4.I do have a right _____ stability for my children and myself, don't I?A. inB. forC. toD. at5.Do you yell at him and call ______________?A. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his naming6.Remarriage was the ______ thing I'd consider for two years after my divorce.I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures.A. finalB. eventualC. lastingD. last7.As time ________, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious of myloneliness and anxiety.A. went byB. went pastC. passed overD. passed through8.____________ he said this, I ignored him.A. In the first timeB. The first timeC. The first time whenD. At the first time when9.Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can't dressthem _____ the current fashions!A. withB. byC. inD. for10.I hope you won't hesitate and let golden opportunities slip _______ yourfingers.A. inB. overC. alongD. through。

新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版BOOK3 UNIT4

新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版BOOK3 UNIT4

Listening to the world
Listening to the world
1 Watch a podcast for its general idea. The people in the podcast mainly talk about the items they enjoy buying most, the sort of things they buy on impulse, the sort of things they plan to buy, and the recent product or service they think is impressive. They also talk about the business they would like to start, or the product or service they would like to invent.
Listening to the world
5 Discuss the questions. 2 What recent product or service do you think is impressive? The latest mobile phone I saw on TV impresses me a lot. First, it’s very smart. Second, it has a flexible 3D screen. Finally, it has an in-built projector, which is convenient for you to project pictures or movies on any flat surface.

视听说III Unit 4 原文及答案

视听说III Unit 4 原文及答案

Unit 41.ScriptM: Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to separate.W: What? Are you crazy? You can’t do that! What will my friends say? I just want to have a normal family.Q: What does the girl say?C) She doesn’t want the family to break up.2.ScriptM: Good evening, Mrs. Jones. The manager sends you these roses and his best wishes.Happy anniversary!W: Thank you. We like the room and the service here, and we especially appreciate the manager’s consideration.Q: What can we learn from the dialog?A) The manager sends flowers to celebrate the couple’s anniversary.3. ScriptW: While I’m scrambling the eggs, could you put the flour into the bowl?M: You bet, darling. I’ll also turn the oven on so that it can preheat.Q: Where does this dialog take place?B) In a chicken.4. ScriptW: I have a very important meeting tonight, and I’m afraid I can’t miss it.M: But this evening is the parents-teacher conference at school, and I am expecting you’d come. OK, I’ll phone Dad. Maybe he and his girlfriend will come.Q: What can be inferred from the dialog?C) The boy’s parents have divorced5. ScriptW1: So you’re still single? If you’d listened to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.W2: I did use the Internet. I posted an ad that read, “Husband Wanted”. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But they all said pretty much the same thing: You can have mine.Q: What can we infer from the dialog?D) Many women would be happy to be rid of their husbands.III. Listening InTask 1: Nuclear Family Living Patterns Script and keyA nuclear family is (S1) typical in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family (S2) known as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. (S3)Generally children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they (S4) find their jobs and acquire an (S5) apartment or home of their own.In the early mid-20th century, the father typically the (S6) sole wage-earner, and the mother was the children’s (S7) principle caregiver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. (S8)Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.Prior to school, (S9) adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families. In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly, (10) companies are getting involved in the arrangement of day care. Governments are providing assistance to parents that require day care as well.Task2: Fatherhood in Australia?Can it be true that Australia men spend more time during the week brushing their teeth than they do alone with their children? A new study from the University of New South Wales has discovered that during the working week, Australian fathers only spend an average of just over a minute each day alone with their children. Australian mothers, on the other hand, spend three hours a week purely looking after their children-a much greater disparity than in other countries like American, Denmark, Italy, and France, where couples divide the childcare more evenly. These findings will probably infuriate those who want to shake off the perhaps unfair image of Australia as a land of old-fashioned male chauvinism.According to the study, Australian fathers appear to like the fun aspects of parenthood, but shy away from the boring housework. So while they tend to be happy taking the kids to the park or to sporting events, they are unlikely to participate regularly in feeding, bathing, or taking the kids to school. In short, Australian parenting is seen as a woman’s job and a man’s hobby.Many people believe that the last 20 years have seen arrival of the so-called “new man”-the man who is willing to share the housework and childcare. The new man has a picture of his children on his computer desktop at work; he never misses the kids’school plays, and he skips a drink at the bar after work so that he can get home in time to read bedtime story to their kids.This study suggests that the new man feels a little more at home in Europe than in Australia. Indeed, a poll conducted in the U.K. for the think tank the Fatherhood Institute in January indicates that almost 70 percent of British women think that men are as good at raising children as women.That’s something or Australian men to ponder while they brush their teeth!Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. TTask3: Views on filial piety see change.With fast economic development in Hong Kong, young people are less likely to cherish the traditional notion of filial piety. Instead, they are gradually taking a new approach to a welfare society, according to a three-year conducted by the City University of Hong Kong.As many as 85 percent of the respondents expect the government to take up the responsibility for supporting the elderly, and 77 percent agree with idea that the burden should fall on society as a whole rather than on individual families. Researcher Richard Wong, who took charge of the study, is sad about the eroding of traditional family bonds. He said that while most people still respect their parents and grandparents, they tend to equate economic assistance with love. When asked about how they would show their love for their old parents, many simply said they would send them to old people’s homes. Others said they would give money, and only two percent of the respondents said they would be ready to take care of the psychological health of their parents.According to the study, middle-aged people who have children of their own take their filial duties more seriously. Also, married women know better than men the need for this kind of loving care.Researcher Wong questioned the wisdom of adopting the new concept of government welfare. He said, “A welfare society is founded on high tax rates, but here in Hong Kong the personal tax rate is only 15 percent. How can you expect the government to take care of all the elderly?”He further pointed out that even when a social security network can support all senior citizens, it cannot replace the love that only family members can give.Question and key:1.According to most of the respondents, who should take up the responsibility forsupporting the elderly?A)The government.2.Which of the following is a way for most respondents to show respect and love fortheir old parents?A)Providing them with economic assistance.3.Which of the following types of people have more loving care for their oldparents?A)Middle-aged people and married women.4.According to Researcher Wong, why is a welfare society not realistic in HongKong?D) The personal tax rate is not high enough.5. What is the passage mainly about?C)It is a sad thing that most people prefer to shift the responsibility forsupporting the elderly onto the society.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Is youth wasted on the young? Amy: I’d like to talk to you, so stop what you’re doing for a minute.Bill:What is it, Amy? (1) I’m having a hectic time working on this report for tomorrow’s meeting.Amy: Well, you’re always pretty busy, and (2) it’s been more five years, almost six, since we were married.Bill:Yes. (3) Time has gone so fast, but they’ve been good years.Amy: I know, but I want to have a baby—I want us to have a baby.Bill:I know you do. But remember, we said we’d wait until we could afford it. Amy: But five years is a long time to wait. Anyway, it’s long enough.Bill:(4) I’m this close to getting a promotion.Amy: (5) What has that got to do with it? We could wait forever if we waited for the “perfect” moment. Soon we’ll be too old to enjoying having a baby.Bill:You know, (6) you have a good point. This report can wait. I’ll do it tomorrow morning. Let’s open a bottle of wine and enjoy ourselves.MODEL2So many people in the United States getdivorced!ScriptKim: Hi Amy.Amy: Hi! Look at this headline, Kim.Kim: Wow! (1) So many people in the United States get divorced!Amy: But this is not uncommon in the West. In some places, (2) the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent.Kim: It seems strange to me that (3) Westerners fall head heels in love quickly , if not at first sight, but they also leave each other quickly.Amy: Is it the same in your country?Kim: I don’t think so. In my country, (4) some marriages break up, but most couples stay together.Amy: (5)Do people get married young?Kim: Not really. Not many people get married before the age of 20.Amy:Hmm. (6) Do woman usually work after they get married?Kim: No, a lot of women stay home to take care of their families. But more women work now.MODEL3 Why not have both our parents here for Christmas?ScriptAmy: You know, Christmas is coming. And I (1)haven’t seen Dad for ages—he always has such great stories to tell.Bill: I know we went t my folks’ last year, but (2) my mom’s been pretty sick. This might be her last Christmas.Amy: She’s been ill, but (3) don’t exaggerate. You just don’t like my mother. That’s why you don’t want to go to my parents’Bill:She’s never liked me. (4) Never thought I was good enough for you.Amy: Well, you’re not… But (5) seriously, mom’s not so sad. She’s just got a thick skin and likes to hide her feelings.Bill:I don’t think so.Amy: Why not have our both families here for Christmas?Bill: That would make 22 of us if we invited everybody.Amy: (6) Why not just have both our parents here for Christmas?Bill: Good idea. Just don’t seat me next to your mother.V. Let’s TalkWhen I knew my parents split up1. Script and keyWhen I, when I knew that my parents split up, it felt like a piece of my heart or something was gone. Like, at first, I didn’t like know what it was, but I could already feel it and it was really weird. And when I (1) cry, I usually go to my mum about it and just talk to her. So in some ways it’s very traumatizing, but in other ways it’s a (2) relief to just talk about it. I don’t really share this stuff with my dad ‘cause he’s the very (3) strong type of person who doesn’t cry a lot.I wish that they would have just been more (4) understanding about how I would feel, ’ cause I think I don’t know what happened, but I think they might have just gone straight into it and just decided on it without thinking about what it would be like for me. And in that ways I’m really (5) angry with them and stuff.I didn’t really see my dad much ’ cause he worked, and so I didn’t, I wasn’t really aware that he’d actually (6) left. When I was about three or four, I just started (7) wondering where he was and what he was doing. And my mum told me when I was about (8) five or six.When I do my drawings when I feel (9) sad or anything, it’s like a wave of calmness just washed over me. It relieves a lot of (10) stress and it just feels fine after. Of if it doesn’t, I go talk to my (11) friends or invite them for a sleepover. We do lots of silly and fun things,’ cause that’s another way it (12) helps.The happy time is (13) Christmas. Um, I remember when I went around to my nan and granddad’s. And it was all my (14) cousins there, all my family, and we were in the dining room. And I was just staring at them, gobsmacked about how many (15) presents there were: big, gigantic, small, and really small. And I was just so excited and I got my first pair of high heels then and I was really, I was over the moon.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Reasons for a DivorceScriptW: I’m divorcing my husband.M: How long have you been married?W: Thirteen years.M: Do you have children?W:Yes. And I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband’s irresponsibilityM: So, what are your grounds for divorce?W:Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We’ve had to move four times in 13 years!M: You believe that will be good grounds for divorce?W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don’t I?M: They are his children too, aren’t they?W: But my husband isn’t fulfilling his duties!M: Is he paying the bills?W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can’t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!M: Does the car run?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!M: Do you yell at him and call him names?W: Well, he yells at me!M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?W: No, just visitation rights.M: Why?W: Because the law permits me it.M: And what about the financial demands of this divorce?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments. Key(1)divorce her husband (2) irresponsible(3) changing jobs (4) stability(5) bills (6) poverty time(7) apartment (8) yells at(9)calls him names (10) halfTask 2: Single-parent problems?ScriptQuestion:Hi, I have been divorced for eight years. My ex sees our child Maria on a regular basis. She is eight and in the second grade. My ex has a wife that is 20. My ex and his wife go to school almost every day to see our daughter. Our daughter has failed the second grade and now has to repeat it. I have seen her grades plummet since those two started showing up at school. They are both very controlling and verbally abusive to me and to our daughter. I’m concerned about this. He forced my daughter to call his wife mommy. I am really tired of their unkind visits. I don’t know what to do. If you have any advice to give me, I would be grateful. Thanks.Answer (by a woman psychiatrist):Hi, Diana. It’s obvious to me that your daughter is having problems with the visits. I would suggest having a frank conversation with your daughter to see what she feels the problems are. If she says it is all these problems as you have stated above, I would try to talk to your ex about her problems. I’ll try to stick to what your daughter feels to be the problems and hope he will help your daughter do better at school.If he is not responsive, then I’ll take your daughter for counseling to help her.You can’t make others do things that are right for your child, not even the father, so spend your energy on things you can control like counseling for your daughter. Also, you should spend quality time with her and allow her to vent her feelings on you, and let her know you are always there for her no matter what happens. Try to keep her self-esteem high. When a child fails a grade, they will feel bad. Good luck! Question and key1.What does Diana think about the visits by her ex and his wife to her daughter?B) They produce negative results.2. What has happened to the daughter’s studies?C) She has to repeat the second grade.3. What does the psychiatrist advise the woman to do first?A) Find out the daughter’s problems.4. What will the psychiatrist do to Diana’s ex-husband?D) Tell him nothing but what his daughter feels to be the problems.5. What is NOT advised by the psychiatrist for Diana to do?C) Tell her daughter to be independent as she can’t always be there with her.Task3 A man who remarriedScriptIf you want me to tell you why I remarried, here’s my story.Remarried was the last thing I’d consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures. More importantly, I wondered how remarriage would affect my 10-year-old son, John. My heart ached when I saw my son draw a picture of himself, my ex-wife and me holding hands-with sadness on our faces. Since my parents have married and divorced eight times altogether, I hoped my son would not have to go through the same pain I experienced. As a result, my primary focus after the divorce was my relationship with John, not finding a wife.As time went by, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious of my loneliness and anxiety. One day he asked me to consider dating. The first timer he said this, I ignored him. The second time he brought it up, I reconsidered my reservations about dating. I began to date Maria. As our relationship developed over the following year, I was concerned about my son would actually respond to her. At first, John’s affection for Maria was lukewarm. For instance, he would hug her, but the act seemed mechanical. But after several months, he warmed up to her. Seeing the time was ripe, I asked Maria to marry me. She accepted. So the two of us blended smoothly into the three of us. Thinking back, I believe my remarriage was the right choice.Some single parents are still hesitating about remarriage. Now that you’ve heard my story, I hope you won’t hesitate and let golden opportunities slip through your fingers. Key(1) the last word (2) remarriage failures (3) picture(4) eight times (5) wife (6) dating(7) loneliness and anxiety (8) second (9) response to her (10) lukewarm (11) warmed up (12) accepted(13) ripe (14) bended into (15) rightView and speakingMother-daughter relationship1. Script and keyI love all the children, they’ve all got fantastic personalities. (1) Lovely children, but the one that’s the most like me is Sarah Lucy. I can, I can… she does things like I do, she says things I say. Um, and I think that’s why sometimes we have our clashes because we are so (2) similar. She’s very, very much like me.Me and Sarah Lucy have very…both have very strong personalities, so we clash quite a bit. When Sarah Lucy can’t have her own way, she struts off, slams the door, stamp up the stairs. Favorite expression for me is, very quietly she’ll say, “Mum’s like a witch!”And then, um, I’ll say to her, “Stay in your (3)room till you feel better. When you feel better, you come and talk to me about it. ” Um, so she’ll stay in her room for a few minutes and then she’ll come back down and she’s all, “I’m sorry mum.” And then if I’ve upset Sarah Lucy, I’ll (4) apologize if I think I’m in the wrong. And then we’ll have a discussion or a debate about it.There’s certain aspects about Sarah Lucy’s behavior, um, it’s learned behavior because (5) children live what they learn, and so there’re some traits that she’s got and I think, “Oh they’re beautiful, they’re lovely, I love them.” And there’re other ones and I think, “Oh they’re not so good.” For example, her strutting off and slamming the door. But, um, confession: She gets it off me. She gets it off mum. Um, and she’ll say to me, “You haven’t got a lot of (6) patience.”and she’s telling the truth. And so I have to say to her, “What do you think I could do to make that better?”And then she’ll sit me down and she’ll say, “You have to (7) listen more, you have to learn to listen.” So, I try. I do. When we have this conversation, I do listen more, and I do try. Don’t always get it right, but I do try.When I’m feeling (8) angry, um, if the other children are around, when one of them sees me upset, they don’t like to see me upset, so one of them will come to me and say, “Is it time for some (9) medicine?” And their medicine is they give me a big cuddle. So we have a cuddle, a hug, and that is (10) fantastic medicine because it does make you feel better. And that’s what works for us.。



Uint4II. Basic Listening PracticeM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies.W: I know, it’s over there. There’s not much happen though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?M: You don’t have enough experience or qualifications for this role.What makes you believe you could handle the position?W: I’m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skil ls lie in this area, and I’m confident that I could handle the ch allenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?M: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you’re good with these things, and I really need someone to edit it. It’s way too long. W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more th an one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we’ve got some work to do!Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?M: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work fora company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?W: Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least.I’m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don’t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years’ time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in fie years?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Tell me about yourself.M: Tell me a little about yourself.W: I’m from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I’m impressed by this city’s dynamic economy. I’ve come to love it so much that I’ve decided to stay and work here.M: What work experience do you?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company’s ties with the e xisting customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The k nowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally e ssential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust yo u.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also app reciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague. M: You seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.W: Thank you. I believe I’ve acquired many good qualities from my pa rents. They’re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.The woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter’s dynamic economy. N ow shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company’s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said her ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreci ated the loyalty and team spirit. The interviewer finds her mature fo r her age and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acqui red many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to lear n.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, t he two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the ma nager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we’ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager’s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how w ould one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager’s maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down ‘I don’t’ know’, and you put down ‘Neither do I’.”Keys: FTTTFTFor Reference1. He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed, rather than on the correct answers. 2. By writing “Neither do I”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer on the test.Task3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job i nterview. Don’t panic, they just want to see how you handle a diffic ult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are som e samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properl y.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the comp any can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would h andle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your an swer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are impo rtant, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you hav e to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don’t say, “I don’t have a ny.” Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven’t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I’m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” You should c ustomize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind t he things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengt hs, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, ho w” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.16. What is the passage mainly concerned with?17. What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why should we choose you?”?18. What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?19. What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked,“What are your weaknesses?”20. What should you say when asked about your strong points?Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DFor Reference“Why should we choose you?”, “Tell me about yourself.”, “What ar e your weaknesses?”, and “What are your strength?”IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job? Susan: John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job? John: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn’t seem to be interested in women.I thought about suing then for sexual discrimination.John: I’m afraid it won’t be much help. Have you looked at the wan t ads in the newspaper?Susan: I’ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I c an’t find anything interesting that I’m qualified for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.John: Then try the Internet. You can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I’ll look for something in ele ctronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It c ould be just the sort of thing you’re looking for.Susan: Great, I’ll try my luck there.John: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon. Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I’d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John:Wait, have you updated your resume? You’d better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don’t worry. It’s all set. Thanks, mate.John: Any time, Sue.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: What have you done so far?A: I’ve asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but i t’s not of much use.B: That method is out of date. You should go to the job fair and meet wit companies.A: Yes, I did. But IT industry seems to have been badly hit the econo mic recession, and not many companied came to the job market. As f or those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidate s.B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.A: I’ve been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can’t find anything good that I’m qualifies for. And the few that I ha ve seen are very low-paying.B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. You can use a search en gine to find job sites related to your field.A: Good idea! I think I’ll look for something in software developmen t.B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you’re looking for. A: Great! I’ll take a chance on that.B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It’ll be pl us for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT co mpany.A: Sure. Thanks.MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview?Susan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh, what about during the interview?John: Ok, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questio ns politely and directly. Don’t look too shy, nor should you so und too aggressive.Susan: I’m not sure what kind of questions they’ll ask.John: They’ll probably want to know a little about your work experie nce. Many companies don’t want a completely green hand. They d on’t want to spend time and money on training.Susan: Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday.John: They may also want to know something about your character. You see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the co mpany.Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up. Just use the first int erview to sell yourself.Susan: You’re right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they’ll offe r.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some advice on how to succeed in an interview?B: Well, first of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance.You have to dress appropriately.A: What do you mean by appropriately?B: It’s often best to wear a suit. Some bosses don’t like to see a candidate on a dirty T-shirt and jeans.A: I see. Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless attitude i n work.B: Right on. Also, many employers are unwilling to hire a young man w ith his hair dyed red or yellow.A: Then, what about during the interview?B: You should speak politely but firmly. If you look too shy, they ma y suspect you are not capable of dealing with a challenging task. A: I’m not sure what kind of questions they’ll ask.B: They’ll probably want to know something about your work experience. Companies usually don’t want an entirely new hand. They don’twant to spend time and money on training.A: Fortunately, I gained some experience at a law of firm during the last summer holiday. I worked as an intern to provide free legal a dvice for those who need it.B: Oh. I see, this is what they called “legal assistance to the need y”. Also, a company may want to know something about your characte r. You see, team players are often valued above all others.A: What kind of questions should I ask them?B: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the compa ny.A: I hear that many companies asked the candidates what salary they e xpect.B: That’s true. You have to inquire about the possible salary level for a green hand in advance. If the salary you expect is reasonabl e, this shows that you know the professions well and will have a g ood impression on the interviewer.A: Oh, I’ve learned so much from you. A thousand thanks.MODEL3 Our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: Our company is starting from scratch, so we don’t have the ex pertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to gi ve employees their freedom.Bill: That’s essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don’t believe that a right management system will wor k wonders for our company.Bill: Um…that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile peop le.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he’ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it’s a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing.Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bi gger and batter things. But can David help us pin them down?Bill: Sure, Helen! That’s why they call them headhunters.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What can I do for you?B: I’m looking for a public relations manager at our advertising com pany.A: Do you have any specific requirement for such a manager?B: Well, first of all, she must be a good leader, who know to be stro ng, yet knows how to allow people freedom. Only in this way can she give full play to the employees’ enthusiasm.A: Oh, that’s essential for leader in many companies. What other qua lities do you expect of the manager?B: She must be skilled in interpersonal communications. You see, with out such skill, one can hardly get a job well done.A: I can’t agree more. Is that all?B: Not yet. If she happens to have a wide network of business connect ions, it’ll be a great assert to the company.A: I see. We’ll try our best to find one who meets your requirements. B: Do you think you can pin one down quickly?A: Probably. You see, a number of firms have been downsizing. So it’sa good time for head-hunting.B: Good. That’s why they call you headhunters.V. Let’s TalkGood afternoon, everyone. The university’s Career Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This i s probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research are. Once you have this information, make a l ist of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to th em. You cannot sell yourself to them if you don’t know what it is yo u are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. You have to d ress right for job interviews. Don’t wear anything too flashy; being neat and clean is more important than wearing the latest fashion. The aim is to look professional without overdoing it. Also, it is import ant that you feel comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a tie, it might be best not to wear one, unless the job requires you to dre ss this way. The last thing you want is to be worried about your appe arance during the interview. It will only make you nervous, and you w ill quickly lose confidence.Mover over, you have to work out what you need to take with you: A co py of your CV, originals and copies of your qualification paper, copi es of reference, samples of your work, if applicable, and anything el se that they may want to see. Again, make sure everything is well org anized and neatly presented. Don’t take a pile of paperwork that you have to sift through for ten minutes to find something. That will giv e them the impression that you are disorganized. If you are well prepSAMPLEA: After listening to the career officer’s talk, I’ve now realizes the importance of getting prepared for an interview.B: Quite true. First of all, we should never be late for an interview.If you’re not punctual, they’ll suspect that you’ll be late fo r work in future.A: Before going to the interview, we had better pay attention to our dress. We must look professional without overdoing it. Careless cl othes will lead them into thinking that you’re likely to do your job carelessly.B: During the interview, it is important to look confident without be ing too pushy. It’s necessary to maintain eye contact. This showsyour interest in the conversation, and helps to maintain the commu nication between you and the interviewer.A: Many employers attach importance to the education you’ve received.We need to highlight those courses especially valuable to the com pany.B: Book knowledge is not enough. We must show them we have practical experience in the field. Tell them about our internship, and empha size the skills that are useful in the job we’re seeking.A: How clever you are! These days many students want to tell the pros pective employer that they have a good command of English and have obtained a College English Test Band 4 Certificate.B: They’re also eager to tell interviewer about their computer skill s with PowerPoint, office automation, and so on. Students from non -key universities especially need certificates to shoe they’ve ac quired those skills before they can hope to compete against studen ts from prestigious universities.A: Character is considered an important factor in contemporary societ y, where teamwork is a must.B: But too many students are saying more or less the same thing. If e verybody says, “I’m warm-hearted and cooperative, get along well with my classmates, and have good team spirit,” the boss will soo n get fed up.A: Perhaps we should let the work we’ve done shoe our character. B: Right on. Participation is important. If you can show them you’re an important official of the Student Union of the university or the department, or you’ve organized a singing competition and won an award, obviously you’re a good team player.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our Life16. Why does the speaker say the resume is important?17. According to the passage, why should you emphasize the most important point about yourself?19. How many resumes would the speaker advise you to write ifyou applied for three jobs?5. Which of the following makes a good title for the passage?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BTask 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It’s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it’s this anxiety, no t our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job. So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This o ften involves two factors: one mental and the other physica l. Mentall y, it’s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obse ssing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won’t bethe end of the world if you don’t get it. Tell yourself that the com pany would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it w ill be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence. Your ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certain ly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it’s time to work on your physical presentation. No matte r what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination. It’s alw ays a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn’t have to be a designer sui t, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don’t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like com mon sense, but you’d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it’s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your inter view, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is s tyled carefully and neatly.Task3: An Interview That Upsets the BossJohn was in a terrible accident at work and lost both of his ears. Si nce he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a fairly large compensation and decided to invest the money in a small but growing telecom business. After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company. Then he realized that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him.So he set up three job interviewers. The first guy was great. He knew everything the company needed and was very interesting. At the end o f the interview, John asked him, ”Do you notice anything different a bout me?” And the gentleman answered, “Why yes, I couldn’t help no tice you have no ears.” John got very upset and threw him out.The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than t he first guy. He asked her the same question, “Do you notice anythin g usually about me?” and the she replied, “Well, you have no ears.” Again John got furious and tossed her out.The third and the last interview was the best of all three. It was wi th a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart and ha ndsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the firs two pu t together. John was anxious to employ him, but asked him the same qu estion, “Do you notice anything different about me?”And to his surprise, the young man answered, “Yes, you wear contact lenses.”John was amazed, and said, “What an incredibly observant young man! How in the world did you know that?”WORD格式整理版The young man laughed and replied, “Well, it’s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears!”For Reference1. He lost both of his ears.2. Because he realized that he knew nothing about running the business after he bought it.3. Because the interviewee said he noticed that John had no ears, and John got upset.4. He said he noticed John wore contact lenses.5. He thought it was pretty difficult to wear glasses with no ears.News ReportA Galaxy of Film Prize WinnersThe European Film Awards—First Hollywood, then Cannes, and now Pair s?The European Film Awards ceremony was held in Pairs in early December, honorin g the best in European and world films.Lars von Trier’s Dancer in the Dark was the overall winner of the ev ening, receiving awards for the best European film and best actress—Bjork..The audiences was disappointed, however, as neither von Trier, Bjork, nor the Oscar-winning Italian director Roberto Benigni showed up to accept awards.Still, other prize winners did come. The Irish actor Richard Harris, who was given an award for lifetime achievement, gave a humorous than k-you speech that was the high point of the evening.Another internationally known actor, Jean Reno, also gave an enthusia stic thank-you speech. The French actor received an award for Europea n achievement in world cinema, for his international firm career. Other VIPs from around Europe also attended. But most of the prizes a t the ceremony, which people have been calling“the European Oscars”, went to French films.There was one international film award, which went to a French-Hong K ong co-production, Wong Karwai’s In the Mood for Love.学习指导参考。

新世纪大学英语视听说教程3原文 (unit4)

新世纪大学英语视听说教程3原文 (unit4)

Unit 4 HealthListeningAudio Track 3-4-1A: Has anyone you know ever fainted?B: Oh, yes. He was one of my high school friends. One day he just fell on the floor and lost consciousness.A: What happened then?B: We felt very anxious. So one of us hurried to tell our teacher, and the rest of us waited beside him.A: Was it serious?B: Thankfully, it wasn’t. He recovered before our teacher arrived.A: How lucky!B: , he really was. He told us that he had been playing online games all night and he hadn’t eaten anything. That’s why he felt lightheaded and fainted.Audio Track 3-4-2/Audio Track 3-4-3/Audio Track 3-4-4Female newscaster (F), Male newscaster (M), Woman (W)F: Well, Jim, our next story is a strange one, isn’t it?M: Yes, Irene, it sure is. It surprised everyone. Almost 200 people on a two-week holiday trip to Saint Martin became sick. They’re calling it the “holiday cruise disease.”F: It sounds scary. What caused it?M: The doctors aren’t exactly sure, but they know it was somet hing in the food the passengers ate.F: OK, give us the details.M: All right, here’s the story: On Friday night, the ship departed around 10 p.m. with 300 passengers on board. By Sunday morning, some people reported feeling lightheaded.They stayed in bed. By that afternoon, more than half of the passengers had severe indigestion. Some of them got very sick. We spoke to one woman about her experience.W: Everyone was complaining. My stomach hurt so much I couldn’t eat anything. It was really terrible!F: What’s the situation now?M: Well, the ship had to return home on Monday —after only two and a half days at sea —and most of the passengers went straight to the hospital then.F: How are they doing now?M: They’re exhausted —many haven’t slept fo r 48 hours —but they’re doing fine.F: That’s good news. It’s too bad they couldn’t enjoy their vacation.M: Yes, it is. And that’s the next problem. The passengers are asking for their money back, but the company doesn’t want to refund the full amount.F: What’s going to happen then?M: Nobody knows. I’ll keep following the story, though, and I’ll have more details for you tomorrow.Audio Track 3-4-5/Audio Track 3-4-6/Audio Track 3-4-7Mom: Have you finished packing?Bill: Almost. I just have to check my tent one last time. I don’t want to forget any of the pieces. Mom: Is that your first aid kit?Bill: Yep.Mom: Well, I see bandages and some aspirin. Where’s everything else?Bill: Like what?Mom: Well, your toothbrush and toothpaste, for example.Bill: I’ll put it in. Don’t worry.Mom: And where is your allergy medicine? You’ll need your nasal spray and some lozenges. Just in case.Bill: OK.Mom: Are you going to pack any lotion? You know, you might touch some poison ivy or something and then …Bill: Mom, it’s only an overnight camping trip.Mom: OK, all right then. Oh … what about mouthwash? After you brush your teeth you’re going to want …Bill: Mom, I’m not preparing for a date. I’m going on a camping trip! An overnight camping trip.I think I can live without mouthwash for 24 hours!Mom: All right, then. I was just trying to be helpful. … I’m sure you’ll have a great time.Audio Track 3-4-8Susan: What’s wrong?Anne: I feel exhausted. I didn’t sleep well last night.Susan: Do you have a cold?Anne: No, I’m fine. It’s Fred — he has the flu.Susan: I’m sorry to hear that.Anne: , it’s pretty bad. He can’t stop coughing. It keeps me awake at night.Audio Track 3-4-9I stopped drinking coffee because I couldn’t sleep at night. It was hard to break that habit, but now I sleep very well, and I don’t wake up in the middle of the night. If you want to stop drinkingcoffee, here’s some advice for you. Don’t stop drinking coffee suddenly. You might get a headache. Reduce the amount of coffee slowly. Drink juice or herbal tea instead. If you usually have coffee in the morning, go for a walk or do exercises instead. That will wake you up. And go to bed early!A lot of people drink coffee just because they feel tired.Audio Track 3-4-10/Audio Track 3-4-11Get in the habit!We all know that good habits bring good health, but we don’t realize how much difference they can make. In the 1970s, scientists at the University of California-Los Angeles interviewed 7,000 people about their health habits. Then they followed these people to see how long they lived. The scientists discovered that seven habits were closely linked with a longer life.These habits are:1. eating breakfast every day2. avoiding snacks between meals3. keeping an ideal weight — not too heavy or too thin4. exercising regularly5. sleeping seven to eight hours per night — not more or less6. not smoking7. drinking two or fewer alcoholic drinks per dayThe researchers found that these habits had a powerful effect on health. People in this study who had three or fewer of these habits lived another 21.6 years. People who had six or seven could expect to live another 33 years! People aged 55 to 64 with all seven good habits were as healthy as younger people aged 25 to 34 who practiced only one or two of the habits.But how do you change your habits? A slow approach is the best way. Make one small change every week. And be patient. It takes about 21 days to form a new habit.Audio Track 3-4-12/Audio Track 3-4-13Surprising syndromes of modern lifeMargaret’s friend is taking a new job in a faraway city. She wants to hold a farewell dinner party at her home. But she can’t. Margaret suffers from CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Her apartment is messy and she’s embarrassed by it. “I’ve never been a tidy person,” she says. “My best friend gave me some good advice. He told me to get a maid.”Today it’s so easy to get information … and lots of it. We receive telephone calls all day long. People expect a quick response to their faxes, text messages, and messages. For some people, it’s too much. They have information fatigue syndrome. There is so much information, they become paralyzed and can’t think clearly. “I can’t sleep at night because I worry,” says Bahman, a college seni or. “It’s terrible.” Hurry sickness is a straightforward name for another syndrome of modern life. “I’m always rushing. I get headaches a lot. Taking aspirin seems to help,” says Mari, a mother of two and a part-time company employee. Do you engage in “deskfast” (eating breakfast at your desk at work) more than once a week? Then you, too, may suffer from hurrysickness!We’ve all complained about having too much work to do. Well, how about not having enough work? Underload syndrome is caused by having little or nothing to do at the office. You have to pretend that you’re working. Steven works as a project manager. “I can finish my work in about four hours, but I’m afraid to say anything about it. I don’t want to be assigned too much work!” In severe cases, people with this syndrome can get very bored and even become depressed. Chances are you’ve experienced phone neck before. Another name for it would be “pain in the neck,” because that’s what people with this condition experience. Holding the phone between y our neck and your ear for a long time causes phone neck. A good long massage is the suggested treatment for this syndrome.Audio Track 3-4-14Ed is about to faint.Stop him from falling.Ask him to sit down.Loosen his collar.Ann has already fainted.Lay her on her back.Raise her legs.Check her body for injuries.Speaking and CommunicationAudio Track 3-4-15Chad: Hi, Doctor Park.Doctor: Hi, Chad. How are you today?Chad: Not so great.Doctor: What seems to be the problem?Chad: Well, I hav e a rash on my arm. I can’t stop scratching it.Doctor: Is there anything else?Chad: Yes. I have a slight fever.Doctor: I see. Have you been in the woods recently?Chad: Let’s see … I went hiking last week.Doctor: Maybe an insect bit you. Please si t up here. Let’s take your temperature.Audio Track 3-4-16A: Excuse me. Are you all right?B: I’m not sure.A: What happened?B: I had a bicycle accident.A: How do you feel?B: My ankle hurts badly.A: Maybe you can’t ride your bike for now.B: , you’re right.A: Is there anything I can do for you?B: Yes, please. Would you mind calling an ambulance for me? Thanks a million.Audio Track 3-4-17A: I seem to have a headache all the time.B: Well, you should try acupuncture.A: Really? Have you tried it yourself?B: Absolutely. It really works.A: I don’t know ... I’m scared of needles.B: Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt and it’s very safe. You know, it has been used for more than 2,000 years in traditional Chinese medical practice.C: If you’re afraid of needles, perhaps you should try hypnotism.A: Is it effective in curing headaches?C: Sure it is. It has been used to treat nervous energy and pain. The biggest advantage is that no medicine is required because it uses your mind to bring you peace of mind. It will definitely do you good.A: But I’m not sure if I could be hypnotized.C: Relax. I’ll recommend you a very nice hypnotist.D: If you find it difficult to be hypnotized, you should try yoga.A: But it’s physically challenging.D: That’s true but yoga emphasizes control of breathing and it’s a very good way to exercise. Daily exercises are said to help ease aches and pains.Video CourseVideo Track 3-4-1Alejandra: Unfortunately, I get colds a couple of times a year. When I get a cold, I feel very weak and my … I’ve got headaches, my throat aches, and I just don’t want to get out of bed. So I stay home, I take medicines and try to drink a lot of liquids.Gian: When I get sick —and I mean really sick —the first thing I do is run to the medicinecabinet and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I’m not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I’m really OK, and it’s just a matter of time.Malinda: When I was younger and I had a sore throat, my mother would always make me gargle with hot water and salt. Surprisingly, it worked.Dave: I have an aunt in Mexico that believes that toothpaste can cure everything. Toothpaste can cure burns … bee stings … uh … bites … it’s … amazing. “I got a bee sting — ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I got burnt —ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I have cancer —ah, put toothpaste on it.”Kumiko: I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works. Catherine: My f ather’s been recently very interested in acupuncture. He’s been having a lot of headaches and backaches so he’s been studying up on acupuncture and he realized that if he puts a needle right here for his headache and a needle right here for his back it eases his pain. I think it works for him. For me I’m a little skeptical but I think if you really believe in it, it works.Video Track 3-4-2Gian: When I get sick — and I mean really sick — the first thing I do is run to the medicine cabinet and try to fin d something to make me feel better. And if I’m not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I’m really OK, and it’s just a matter of time.Dave: I have an aunt in Mexico that believes that toothpaste can cure everything. Toothpaste can cure burns … bee stings … uh … bites … it’s … amazing. “I got a bee sting — ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I got burnt —ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I have cancer —ha, put toothpaste on it.”Kumiko: I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works. Catherine: My father’s been recently very interested in acupuncture. He’s been having a lot of headaches and backaches so he’s been studying up on acupuncture and he realized that if he puts a needle right here for his headache and a needle right here for his back it eases his pain. I think it works for him. For me I’m a little skeptical but I think if you really believe in it, it works.Video Track 3-4-3Gian: When I get sick — and I mean really sick — the first thing I do is run to the medicine cabinet and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I’m not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I’m really OK, and it’s just a matter o f time.Kumiko: I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works.Video Track 3-4-4Tara: (opening the door to find Takeshi and Mike) Hi (i)Takeshi: Hi.Tara: Thank goodness you’re here! This morning she almost fai nted, then she felt very tired, and now she says she feels very lightheaded. I don’t know what to do.Takeshi: Has she seen a doctor?Tara: She won’t go. She says she just needs to get some rest.Mike: Did anything happen?Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is, she has this big meeting with the president of the university tonight. She’s been pretty anxious about it.Takeshi: OK. Let’s take a look.Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here.Takeshi: Hi.Sun-hee: (wakes up) Hey.Takeshi: How are you feeling?Sun-hee: Very tired … and I feel dizzy … and my stomach is killing me … (sighs) I think I might even have a fever. Oh … why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can’t stop thinking about it …Mike: Eat something, you’ll feel better.Sun-hee: Are you kidding? I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk … you know, get some fresh air …Sun-hee: No, I just need to rest.Tara: (phone rings) Hello? Yes … no, this is her roommate, Tara. What? OK … I’ll let her know. Thanks. (to Sun-hee) That was the president’s secretary.Sun-hee: What did she say?Tara: She told me to tell you that tonight’s meeting has been canceled.Sun-hee: Oh, thank goodness. Uh … Mike, can you hand me that orange juice?Tara: (to Takes hi) I don’t know … maybe we should call a doctor.Takeshi: (to Tara as Sun-hee starts eating and drinking) , maybe we should.Sun-hee: What’s the matter? Haven’t you ever seen anyone eating before?Tara: (to Sun-hee) I take it you’re feeling better?Sun-hee: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle, or something.Tara: (to Takeshi) Or a lucky phone call.Video Track 3-4-5Tara: (opening the door to find Takeshi and Mike) Hi (i)Takeshi: Hi.Tara: Thank goodness you’re here! This morning she almo st fainted, then she felt very tired, and now she says she feels very lightheaded. I don’t know what to do.Takeshi: Has she seen a doctor?Tara: She won’t go. She says she just needs to get some rest.Mike: Did anything happen?Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is, she has this big meeting with the president of the university tonight. She’s been pretty anxious about it.Takeshi: OK. Let’s take a look.Video Track 3-4-6Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here.Takeshi: Hi.Sun-hee: (wakes up) Hey.Takeshi: How are you feeling?Sun-hee: Very tired … and I feel dizzy … and my stomach is killing me … (sighs) I think I might even have a fever. Oh … why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can’t stop thinking about it …Mike: Eat something, you’ll feel better.Sun-hee: Are you kidding? I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk … you know, get some fresh air …Sun-hee: No, I just need to rest.Tara: (phone rings) Hello? Yes … no, this is her roommate,Tara. What? OK … I’ll let her know. Thanks. (to Sun-hee) That was the president’s secretary.Video Track 3-4-7Sun-hee: What did she say?Tara: She told me to tell you that tonight’s meeting has been canceled.Sun-hee: Oh, thank goodness. Uh … Mike, can you hand me that orange juice?Tara: (to Takeshi) I don’t know … maybe we should call a doctor.Takeshi: (to Tara as Sun-hee starts eating and drinking) , maybe we should.Sun-hee: What’s the matter? Haven’t you ever seen anyone eating before?Tara: (to Sun-hee) I take it you’re feeling better?Sun-hee: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle, or something.Tara: (to Takeshi) Or a lucky phone call.。



Unit1S: This is going to be a great trip. I’ve never been to mexico, have you? M: No, I haven’t. have you finished everything?T: oh my gosh, where’s my bag?S: It’s in the closet. of course, I’m the only one who’s organized around here, I ran errands all day. And I am ready, exhausted, but ready.M: What did you have to do?S: Well, first I had confirm my flight.C: My ticket, where’s my ticket? Have you seen it?S: I saw it in the bathroom.C: The bathroom, are you sure? so strange .oh, you are right. Got it.S: Then I had to get traveler’s checks.T: Oh my money, I’ve lost my wallet.S: Then I had to pay the electricity and the phone bills, because someone forgot. And then I had to change my voice-mail message.C: My cellphone, I don’t remember where I put my cellphone.S: It’s in the kitchen.C: The kitchen. In the kitchen.S: These two, They’re never prepared. What would they do without me? M: How true, Hey, don’t forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff before you go.S: Done.T: Sun-hee, we’re late. It’s time to go.S: Okay, Mike,I have to go, we’re leaving for the airport.S T C: Bye, Mike.M: Cool. Have a great trip, grils, bye.S:OK!Dose everybody have everything?Tickets?Bags?Coats?Everything? Let’s go. ok, Mexico, here we come.T C: Now Mexico, here we come.Unit 2T: I can’t believe how hot it is out there, Why didn’t we go to Hawaii with everyone else?M: Because we don’t have the money.T: Well, why didn’t we get an air conditioner?M: Hello? Same reason. And quit complaining. We’ve got air conditioning.T: Mike, that’s a bowl of ice and a fan.M: Takeshi, you’ve got to be more like me, and use your imagination, then you too, can have a beach vacation, see? Check out that gorgeous view.T: Right, but not exactly realistic.M: Okay, come over here. Close your eyes. Feel that cool ocean breeze. T: Mike, that’s the fridge.M: Come on! I said use your imagination. Now, close your eyes, Listen to the sound of the sea gulls. Hear the children laughing. Why, I think I can even smell a barbecue.T: Raw hot dogs?M: Don’t worry, I’m going to cook them up on that grill over there.T: Mike, you know, you’re not allowed to use a grill inside an apartment, right?M: Okay ,I’ll use the microwave then.T: A beach with a microwave ,sure Mike.M: That’s the beauty of imaginary beach .we’ve got a microwave .We’re got a TV with a remote control. Who could ask for everything more?T: What about water. That’s the main reason people go to beach. What are you going to use for that? The bathtub?M: No, That’s be silly. Here we go! Feel the ocean mist.T: Mike ,That for spraying plants, not me.M: You know , the sound of the waves, the ocean mist. It makes me want to surf.T: Surf?M: Yeah, surf .T: Mike, no, you can’t stand on that. You’ll break it.M: No, I won’t. Look at me dude. I’m hangin’ 10!Y: Yeah, cool, Hey, dude, watch out for that wave. I’m getting the bang of this imagination thing.M: Very funny, very funny indeed.Unit 3C: So, when do you start your new job.R: I’m not sure, I may start as soon as next month.C: Wow.R: Yeah, it’s going to be a lot of fun, except I’ll have to learn how to use that new software program I told you about.C: Don’t worry, I’m a software expert. I’ll help you figure it out.R: Thanks, Hey, what about your job? Your boss was transferred to the Asian office. Are you going to get promoted?C: I might, I might not, It’s not a big deal. I’ve been thinking lately. I don’t plan on working my whole life. Someday, maybe in five years or so. I’m going to quit my job and get out of this streeful life. You know, relax. Have some fun.R: What are you planning to do?C: I’m definitely going to travel. I might even move to another country. Maybe work as a volunteer. I could even start a new career. Maybe one where I can help people or help the world. What about you, what are your plans?R: Well, I’ve pretty much got everything planning already right up to my retirement.C: Really?R: Yep, I’m going to work hard and save as money as possible. Until I’m about 30、31. Then I’m going to become the Vice president of Finance and then the CEO by the time I’m 40. Maybe 45.C: Yeah?R: Yep, And when I’m 35 or 36, I’m going to settle down get married and have some kids.C: Oh, you are, are you? You know that for a fact?R: Well, it’s not a fact yet. But really, if you want to succeed, you need to have clear-cut, well-defined goals and aspirations.C: I don’t know, I think you should keep your options open. You know, go with the flow.R: Go with the flow? So you’re not nervous about the promotion?C: I didn’t say that, It’ just won’t be the end of the world I don’t get it. What about you? Are you nervous about the new job?R: Not really, I’m just go with the flow a long as the flow follows my plan.Unit 4Tara: Hi, Thank goodness you’re here, This morning she almost fainted then she felt very tired and now she says she feels very light-headed. I don’t know what to do.Takeshi; Has she seen a doctor?Tara; She won’t go. She says she just needs to get some rest.M: Did anything happen?Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is she has this meeting with the president of the university tonight. She’s been pretty anxious about it.Takeshi: Okay, let’s take a look.Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here.M: Hi, How are you feeling?S: Very tired, And I feel dizzy, and my stomach is killing me. I think I might even have a fever. Oh, Why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can’t stop thinking about it.M: Eating something you’ll feel better.S: Are you kidding? I can’t eat, I’m not hungry.Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk, get some fresh air.S: No, I just need to rest.Tara: Hello? Yes, No, this is her roommate, Tara, what? Okay, I’ll let her know. Thanks. That was the president’s secretary.S: What did she say?Tara: She told me that tonight’s meeting has been canceled.S; Oh thank goodness, Mike, can you hand me that orange juice? Tara: I don’t know, Maybe we should call a doctor.Takeshi: Yeah, maybe we should.S: What’s matter? Have’t yo u ever seen anyone eating before? Tara: I take it you’re feeling better?S: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle or something. Tara: Or a lucky phone call.。

新视野大学英语 视听说教程3(第三版)Unit text Uint 4 听力原文和答案

新视野大学英语 视听说教程3(第三版)Unit text Uint 4 听力原文和答案

Unit 4 testNextDirections: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordingfor Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recordingstarts playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz'link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing thecomplete recording.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answersto the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the secondplaying to check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. They are taking photos.B. They are barbecuing.C. They are playing with the woman's sister.D. They are looking at photos.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man's mom will always scold him when he and his brotherfight.B. The man's mom will always scold his brother when they fight.C. The woman's sister is very naughty.D. The woman sometimes fights with her little sister.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman thinks parents shouldn't allow children to watch TV atall.B. The man's child is a couch potato.C. The woman's child doesn't like watching TV.D. The man encourages his child to work out to reduce the timespending on TV.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. One had better forget the divorce.B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful.Part IIDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along ahighwayHer husband suddenly looks over at her. From thevoice and thethis moment. He says, "know we've been married for 20 years, but I want aThe wife says nothing, but slowly increases themph.He then says, "(8)Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases."I want the house," he insists, pressing his luck.The wife speeds up to 80 mph.He says, "I want the car, too," but she just drives faster and faster.By now she's up to 90 mph."All right," the man says, "(9)The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge.This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, "Isn't there anything you want?"The wife says, ""Oh, really," he says, "So what have you got?"Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, "The airbag."Part IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. What is the passage mainly about?A. The importance of remarriage.B. The reasons for a remarriage.C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children's problems in a blended family.2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if shesays "we're just friends"?A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father.3. How can single parents benefit from advice?A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. They can give their new spouse a surprise.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case ofa divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children.5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments ina blended family?A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Amy, sit down. We need to talk. Your mother and I are going to_________.A. separateB. separate with each otherC. divorce ourselvesD. divorce with each other2.So you're still single? If you ________ to me and used the Internet,you'd have had a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened3.I _________ an online ad that read, "Husband Wanted".A. putB. postedC. positionedD. pressed4.I do have a right _____ stability for my children and myself, don't I?A. inB. forC. toD. at5.Do you yell at him and call ______________?A. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his naming6.Remarriage was the ______ thing I'd consider for two years after mydivorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures.A. finalB. eventualC. lastingD. last7.As time ________, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious ofmy loneliness and anxiety.A. went byB. went pastC. passed overD. passed through8.____________ he said this, I ignored him.A. In the first timeB. The first timeC. The first time whenD. At the first time when9.Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can'tdress them _____ the current fashions!A. withB. byC. inD. for10.I hope you won't hesitate and let golden opportunities slip _______your fingers.A. inB. overC. alongD. through。



新世纪大学英语视听说第三册Unit4Unit 4 HealthListeningAudio Track 3-4-1A: Has anyone you know ever fainted?B: Oh, yes. He was one of my high school friends. One day he just fell on the floor and lost consciousness.A: What happened then?B: We felt very anxious. So one of us hurried to tell our teacher, and the rest of us waited beside him.A: Was it serious?B: Thankfully, it wasn’t. He recovered before our teacher arrived.A: How lucky!B: Yeah, he really was. He told us that he had been playing online games all night an d he hadn’t eaten anything. That’s why he felt lightheaded and fainted.Audio Track 3-4-2/Audio Track 3-4-3/Audio Track 3-4-4Female newscaster (F), Male newscaster (M), Woman (W)F: Well, Jim, our next story is a strange one, isn’t it?M: Yes, Irene, it sure is. It surprised everyone. Almost 200 people on a two-week holiday trip to Saint Martin became sick. They’re calling it the “holiday cruise disease.”F: It sounds scary. What caused it?M: The doctors aren’t exactly sure, but they know it was something in the food the passengers ate.F: OK, give us the details.M: All right, here’s the story: On Friday night, the ship departed around 10 p.m. with 300 passengers on board. BySunday morning, some people reported feeling lightheaded.They stayed in bed. By that afternoon, more than half of the passengers had severe indigestion. Some of them got very sick. We spoke to one woman about her experience.W: Everyone was complaining. My stomach hurt so much I couldn’t eat anything. It was really terrible!F: What’s the situation now?M: Well, the ship had to return home on Monday —after only two and a half days at sea —and most of the passengers went straight to the hospital then.F: Ho w are they doing now?M: They’re exhausted —many haven’t slept for 48hours —but they’re doing fine.F: That’s good news. It’s too bad they couldn’t enjoy their vacation.M: Yes, it is. And that’s the next problem. The passengers are asking for their money back, but the company doesn’t want to refund the full amoun t.F: What’s going to happen then?M: Nobody knows. I’ll keep following the story, though, and I’ll have more details for you tomorrow.Audio Track 3-4-5/Audio Track 3-4-6/Audio Track 3-4-7Mom: Have you finished packing?Bill: Almost. I just have t o check my tent one last time. I don’t want to forget any of the pieces. Mom: Is that your first aid kit?Bill: Yep.Mom: Well, I see bandages and some aspirin. Where’s everything else?Bill: Like what?Mom: Well, your toothbrush and toothpaste, for example.Bill: I’ll put it in. Don’t worry.Mom: And where is your allergy medicine? You’ll need your nasal spray and some lozenges. Just in case.Bill: OK.Mom: Are you going to pack any lotion? You know, you might touch some poison ivy or something and the n …Bill: Mom, it’s only an overnight camping trip.Mom: OK, all right then. Oh … what about mouthwash? After you brush your teeth you’re going to want …Bill: Mom, I’m not preparing for a date. I’m going on a camping trip! An overnight camping trip.I think I can live without mouthwash for 24 hours!Mom: All right, then. I was just trying to be helpful. …I’m sure you’ll have a great time.Audio Track 3-4-8Susan: What’s wrong?Anne: I feel exhausted. I didn’t sleep well last night.Susan: Do you have a cold?Anne: No, I’m fine. It’s Fred — he has the flu.Susan: I’m sorry to hear that.Anne: Yeah, it’s pretty bad. He can’t stop coughing. It keeps me awake at night.Audio Track 3-4-9I stopped drinking co ffee because I couldn’t sleep at n ight. It was hard to break that habit, but now I sleep very well, and I don’t wake up in the middle of the night. If you want to stop drinkingcoffee, here’s some advice for you. Don’t stop drinking coffee suddenly. You might get a headache. Reduce the amount of coffee slowly. Drink juice or herbal tea instead. If you usuallyhave coffee in the morning, go for a walk or do exercises instead. That will wake you up. And go to bed early!A lot of people drink coffee just because they feel tired.Audio Track 3-4-10/Audio Track 3-4-11Get in the habit!We all know that good habits bring good health, but we don’t realize how much difference they can make. In the 1970s, scientists at the university of California-Los Angeles interviewed 7,000 people about their health habits. Then they followed these people to see how long they lived. The scientists discovered that seven habits were closely linked with a longer life.These habits are:1. eating breakfast every day2. avoiding snacks between meals3. keeping an ideal weight — not too heavy or too thin4. exercising regularly5. sleeping seven to eight hours per night — not more or less6. not smoking7. drinking two or fewer alcoholic drinks per dayThe researchers found that these habits had a powerful effect on health. People in this study who had three or fewer of these habits lived another 21.6 years. People who had six or seven could expect to live another 33 years! People aged 55 to 64 with all seven good habits were as healthy as younger people aged 25 to 34 who practiced only one or two of the habits.But how do you change your habits? A slow approach is the best way. Make one small change every week. And be patient. It takes about 21 days to form a new habit.Audio Track 3-4-12/Audio Track 3-4-13Surprising syndromes of modern lifeMargaret’s friend is taking a new job in a faraway city. She wants to hold a farewell dinner party at her home. But she can’t. Margaret suffers from CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Her apartm ent is messy and she’s embarrassed by it. “I’ve never been a tidy person,” she says. “My best friend gave me some good advice. He told me to get a maid.”Today it’s so easy to get information … and lots of it. We receive telephone calls all day long. People expect a quick response to their faxes, text messages, and e-mail messages. For some people, it’s too much. They have information fatigue syndrome. There is so much information, they become paralyzed and can’t think clearly. “I can’t sleep at night because I worry,” says Bahman, a college senior. “It’s terrible.”Hurry sickness is a s traightforward name for another syndrome of modern life. “I’m always rushing. I get headaches a lot. Taking aspirin seems to help,” says Mari, a mother of two and a part-time company employee. Do you engage in “deskfast” (eating breakfast at your desk at work) more than once a week? Then you, too, may suffer from hurry sickness!We’ve all complained about having too much work to do. Well, how about not having enough work? Underload syndrome is caused by having little or nothing to do at the office. You have to pretend that you’re working. Steven works as a project manager. “I can finish my work in about four hours, but I’m afraid to say anything about it. I don’t want to b e assigned too much work!” In severe cases, people with this syndrome can get very bored and even become depressed. Chances are you’ve experienced phone neck before. Another name for it would be “pain in the neck,” because that’s what people with this condition experience. Holding the pho ne between your neck andyour ear for a long time causes phone neck. A good long massage is the suggested treatment for this syndrome.Audio Track 3-4-14Ed is about to faint.Stop him from falling.Ask him to sit down.Loosen his collar.Ann has already fainted.Lay her on her back.Raise her legs.Check her body for injuries.Speaking and CommunicationAudio Track 3-4-15Chad: Hi, Doctor Park.Doctor: Hi, Chad. How are you today?Chad: Not so great.Doctor: What seems to be the problem?Chad: Well, I have a rash on my arm. I can’t stop scratching it.Doctor: Is there anything else?Chad: Yes. I have a slight fever.Doctor: I see. Have you been in the woods recently?Chad: Let’s see … I went hiking last week.Doctor: Maybe an insect bit yo u. Please sit up here. Let’s take your temperature.Audio Track 3-4-16A: Excuse me. Are you all right?B: I’m not sure.A: What happened?B: I had a bicycle accident.A: How do you feel?B: My ankle hurts badly.A: Maybe you can’t ride your bike for now.B: Yeah, you’re right.A: Is there anything I can do for you?B: Yes, please. Would you mind calling an ambulance for me? Thanks a million.Audio Track 3-4-17A: I seem to have a headache all the time.B: Well, you should try acupuncture.A: Really? Have you tried it yourself?B: Absolutely. It really works.A: I don’t know ... I’m scared of needles.B: Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt and it’s very safe. You know, it has been used for more than 2,000 years in traditional Chinese medical practice.C: If you’re afraid of needles, perhaps you should try hypnotism.A: Is it effective in curing headaches?C: Sure it is. It has been used to treat nervous energy and pain. The biggest advantage is that no medicine is required because it uses your mind to bring you peace of mind. It will definitely do you good.A: But I’m not sure if I could be hypnotized.C: Relax. I’ll recommend you a very nice hypnotist.D: If you find it difficult to be hypnotized, you should try yoga.A: But it’s physical ly chall enging.D: That’s true but yoga emphasizes control of breathing and it’s a very good way to exercise. Daily exercises are said to help ease aches and pains.Video CourseVideo Track 3-4-1Alejandra: Unfortunately, I get colds a couple of times a year. When I get a cold, I feel very weak and my … I’ve got headaches, my throat aches, and I just don’t want to get out of bed. So I stay home, I take medicines and try to drink a lot of liquids.Gian: When I get sick —and I mean really sick —the first thing I do is run to the medicinecabinet and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I’m not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I’m really OK, and it’s just a matter of time.Malinda: When I was younger and I had a sore throat, my mother would always make me gargle with hot water and salt. Surprisingly, it worked.Dave: I have an aunt in Mexico that believes that toothpaste can cure everything. Toothpaste can cure burns … bee stings … uh … bites … it’s … amazing. “I got a bee sting —ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I got burnt —ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I have cancer —ah, put toothpaste on it.”Kumiko: I use aloe vera.I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works. Catherine: My father’s been recently very interested in acupuncture. He’s been having a lot of headaches and backaches so he’s been studying up on acupuncture and he realized that if he puts a needle right here for his headache and a needle right here for his back it eases his pain. I think it works for him. For me I’m a little skeptical but I think if you really believe in it, it works.Video Track 3-4-2Gian: When I get sick — and I mean really sick — the firstthing I do is run to the medicine cabine t and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I’m not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I’m really OK, and it’s just a matter of time.Dave: I have an aunt in Mexico that believes that toothpaste can cure everything. Toothpaste can cure burns … bee stings … uh … bites … it’s … amazing. “I got a bee sting —ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I got burnt —ah, put toothpaste on it.” “I have cancer —ha, put toothpaste on it.”Kumiko: I use aloe vera.I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works. Catherine: My father’s been recently very interested in acupuncture. He’s been having a lot of headaches and backaches so he’s been studying up on acupuncture and he realized that i f he puts a needle right here for his headache and a needle right here for his back it eases his pain. I think it works for him. For me I’m a little skeptical but I think if you really believe in it, it works.Video Track 3-4-3Gian: When I get sick — and I mean really sick — the first thing I do is run to the medicine cabinet and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I’m not feeling better after a little while, I’ll call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I’m really OK, and it’s just a m atter of time.Kumiko: I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works.Video Track 3-4-4Tara: (opening the door to find Takeshi and Mike) Hi (i)Takeshi: Hi.Tara: Thank goodness you’re here! This mornin g she almost fainted, then she felt very tired, and now she says she feelsvery lightheaded. I don’t know what to do.Takeshi: Has she seen a doctor?Tara: She won’t go. She says she just needs toget some rest.Mike: Did anything happen?Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is, she has this big meeting with the president of the university tonight. She’s been pretty anxious about it.Takeshi: OK. Let’s take a look.Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here.Takeshi: Hi.Sun-hee: (wakes up) Hey.Takeshi: How are you feeling?Sun-hee: Very tired … and I feel dizzy … and my stomach is killing me … (sighs) I think I might even have a fever. Oh … why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can’t stop thinking about it …Mike: Eat somethi ng, you’ll fee l better.Sun-hee: Are you kidding? I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk … you know, get some fresh air …Sun-hee: No, I just need to rest.Tara: (phone rings) Hello? Yes … no, this is her roommate, Tara. What?OK … I’ll let her know. Thanks. (to Sun-hee) That was the president’s secretary.Sun-hee: What did she say?Tara: She told me to tell you that tonight’s meeting has been canceled.Sun-hee: Oh, thank goodness. Uh … Mike, can you hand me that orange juice?Tara: (to Takes hi) I don’t know … maybe we should call adoctor.Takeshi: (to Tara as Sun-hee starts eating and drinking) Yeah, maybe we should.Sun-hee: What’s the matter? Haven’t you ever seen anyone eating before?Tara: (to Sun-hee) I take it you’re fee ling better?Sun-hee: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle, or something.Tara: (to Takeshi) Or a lucky phone call.Video Track 3-4-5Tara: (opening the door to find Takeshi and Mike) Hi (i)Takeshi: Hi.Tara: Thank goodness you’re here! Th is morning she almost fainted, then she felt very tired, and now she says she feels very lightheaded. I don’t know what to do.Takeshi: Has she seen a doctor?Tara: She won’t go. She says She just needs to get some rest.Mike: Did anything happen?Tara: Nothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is, she has this big meeting with the president of the university tonight. She’s been pretty anxious about it.Takeshi: OK. Let’s take a look.Video Track 3-4-6Tara: Sun-hee, Mike and Takeshi are here.Takeshi: Hi.Sun-hee: (wakes up) Hey.Takeshi: How are you feeling?Sun-hee: Very tired … and I feel dizzy … and my stomach is killing me … (sighs) I think I might even have a fever. Oh … whydo I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can’t stop thinking about it …Mike: Eat something, you’ll feel better.Sun-hee: Are you kidding? I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.Takeshi: Maybe you should go for a walk … you know, get some fresh air …Sun-hee: No, I just need to rest.Tara: (phone rings) Hello? Yes … no, this is her roommate, Tara. What? OK … I’ll let her know. Thanks. (to Sun-hee) That was the president’s secretary.Video Track 3-4-7Sun-hee: What did she say?Tara: She told me to tell you that tonight’s meeting has been canceled.Sun-hee: Oh, thank goodn ess. Uh … Mike, can you hand me that orange juice?Tara: (to Takeshi) I don’t know … maybe we should call a doctor.Takeshi: (to Tara as Sun-hee starts eating and drinking) Yeah, maybe we should.Sun-hee: What’s the matter? Haven’t you ever seen anyone ea ting before?Tara: (to Sun-hee) I take it you’re feeling better?Sun-hee: I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle, or something.Tara: (to Takeshi) Or a lucky phone call.。



新世纪大学英语: 视听说教程第三册Unit 1 Let's Go Somewhere!•Lesson AVocabulary Link:A1D:(1)traveler's checks(2)paid(3)voicemail(4)confirmed (5)house keys (6)water(7)mail delivery (8)kennel(9)trash(10)give away (11)unplug (12)turn off Listening:Activity 1-ACActivity 1-B1、P2、L3、P4、L5、P6、PLActivity 2-A(1)tray table (2)boarding pass(3)check-in counter(4)overhead compartment(5)flight attendant(6)oxygen mask(7)carry-on luggage(8)baggage claimActivity 2-B1、check-in counter2、carry-on luggage3、boarding pass4、overhead compartmentflight attendant5、oxygen mask6、tray table7、baggage claimActivity 2-C·flew·four·threeActivity 2-DACEGHActivity 2-E1、Because he had only four hours in Seoul.2、Because he had only one carry-on bag.3、Jun does not have a confirmed reservation for a flight. He will wait until the airplane is boarding to find out if there is a seat available for him.4、Because he is a sales rep for an airline and he knows the flight attendants. Activity 3-A(1)I haven't finished(2)I've canceled(3)I've picked up(4)I haven't taken(5)Have you washed(6)I haven't cleaned(7)I've watered(8)I've given(9)Have you packedActivity 3-B1、No, he didn't forget.2、Jenna confirmed all the flights.3、They wanted him to water the plants for them.4、Because the dog always looks scared.5、They want to use it again for their next vacation.Activity 4-A1、Pre-trip planning2、Tagging luggage3、Saving space4、Your carry-on bag5、Other ideasActivity 4-B1、12、13、24、15、16、17、28、29、110、1Activity 5-AAActivity 5-BCDFActivity 5-C1、study vacations: vacation college / play scientist2、using your vacation to learn a sport: golf / mountain climbing / scuba diving / ride a horse3、options for solo travelers: women only / over the age of 60 / singles lookingfor romance / fine diningSpeaking & Communication:Activity 1-A·Mina can't remember where she put her passport. •Lesson BGlobal Viewpoints:Travel-Before You Watch A1、hut2、trash3、rooftops4、toupee5、sideburns6、foreheadTravel-Before You Watch B1、remote2、destination3、vegetarian4、request5、turbulence6、shift7、heater8、luggage9、A 1helicopter10、map11、tray12、flight attendantTravel-While You Watch A1、ABD2、BD3、ABCDTravel-While You Watch B1、T2、FJulianna didn't speak English, so she used an interpreter her hands to communicate.3、FCatherine's story happened on her first second trip to Tanzania.4、FCatherine had didn't have a detailed travel plan.5、FDennis's story happened when he was a passenger flight attendant on an airplane.6、TTravel-While You Watch C(1)funny experiences(2)one of the funniest I could recall was(3)serving food(4)had this tray(5)turbulence happened(6)lost her balance(7)caught her balance(8)kind of shifted(9)control my laughter(10)you're not allowed to laugh City Living:Preview-B1、C2、B3、A4、B5、CWhile You Watch-AWhile You Watch-B1、B2、C3、A4、C5、D6、B7、C8、BWhile You Watch-C1、Sun-hee has never been to Mexico.2、Tara is nervous because she can't find her bag.3、Sun-hee is calm because she's organized and has completed all her errands earlier in the day.While You Watch-D(1)confirm my flight(2)Have you seen it(3)I saw it in the bathroom(4)Are you sure(5)So strange(6)Got it(7)get traveler's checks(8)I've lost my wallet(9)Whew(10)pay the electricity and phone bills(11)change my voicemail message(12)I don't remember(13)Ta-dah(14)What would they do without me(15)How true(16)don't forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff(17)Done(18)It's time to go(19)We're leaving for the airport(20)Cool(21)Have a great trip girlsWhile You Watch-E1、Sun-hee comes back because she has forgotten her ticket and traveler's checks. This is funny because Sun-hee appeared to be the most organized person during the trip preparations.2、To show their excitement, the girls say "Mexico — here we come!" After You Watch-A1、So strange ...2、How true ...3、Done.4、Whew!After You Watch-B(1)for a vacation(2)had some trouble preparing for the trip(3)Things got worse(4)helped them out(5)totally relaxed because she had already finished getting ready (6)confirmed her flight, got traveler's checks, changed her voicemailmessage, and paid the bills(7)were ready to go(8)checked to be sure they had everything(9)soon came running back in(10)She had forgotten to take her ticket and passport Unit 2 Indoors and Outdoors•Lesson AVocabulary Link:A(1)d(2)g(3)c(4)a(5)i(6)j(7)e(8)f(9)k(10)b(11)hListening:Activity 1-AB1、12、23、14、25、16、27、28、1Activity 1-C·Because the second place is a very fancy place, with everything they want. All they need to do is reserve it, take a toothbrush and a swimsuit, go there and enjoy their vacation.Activity 2-A1、City Zoo2、car3、easy4、Church5、park6、three7、twoActivity 2-B·Because the zoo doesn't have enough parking spaces for cars.AActivity 3-B1、transportation, too much traffic on the streets, not enough places for safe cycling and walking, dirty parks, no nightlife2、improve transportation, build lanes for cyclists and walkers, clean the parks, build a theaterActivity 4-A1、To make it safer for pedestrians to cross the streets.2、Kids played there, and neighbors stopped there to talk.3、To get away from the noise and dangerous traffic.4、They put old couches, tables and planters in the street.5、The speaker means that streets belong to everybody in the neighborhood. They should become their "outdoor living room" and safe places for their children again.Activity 4-B1、bad idea2、good idea3、bad idea4、good idea5、good ideaActivity 5-AA1、F2、F3、T4、T5、T6、TActivity 5-C1、she thinks the campus is beautiful2、the park is so big that he can always find a different path with a new view3、the footpaths would allow him to see beautiful views and feel the waterfall’s spray on his face4、landscaped18221903Activity 5-D1、Because he designed Central Park, the first landscaped public park in the US.2、It was the finished product of a design contest and the first landscaped public park in the US.3、All his work was intended to preserve the natural beauty of an area. PronunciationB1、/z/2、/z/3、/s/4、/iz/5、/s/6、/z/Speaking & Communication:Activity 1-A·nice, roomy, two-bedroom•Lesson BGlobal Viewpoints:My dream home-Before You Watch1、plasma2、area3、veranda4、high-techMy dream home-While You Watch A1、T2、FCalum's dream house would have a big pool and garage garden. 3、FDennis would like a high-tech fridge stove in his dream house.4、FMartin's dream house would have a 52-inch barbecue grill plasma TV.5、TMy dream home-While You Watch BMy dream home-While You Watch C(1)If I could have anything(2)I would like to haveRules-Before You Watch(1)b(2)a(3)d(4)e(5)cRules-While You Watch A1、C2、B3、AC4、C5、B6、ACRules-While You Watch B(1)actually(2)I'm not allowed to(3)For instance(4)that's too loud so that it might disturb other people (5)smoke inside(6)alcoholCity Living:Preview-B1、B2、C3、B4、C5、APreview-C1、fridge2、(barbecue) grill3、sea gulls4、fan5、waves6、remote control7、microwave (oven)8、air conditionerPreview-D1、mist2、complaining3、raw4、surf5、Spraying6、breeze7、realistic8、BeautyWhile You Watch-A1、62、33、24、55、16、4While You Watch-B1、32、13、24、55、4While You Watch-C (1)I can't believe (2)Hello(3)Same reason(4)quit complaining(5)a bowl of ice and a fan(6)you've got to be more like me(7)See(8)Check out that gorgeous viewWhile You Watch-D1、He wanted him to use his imagination to feel the coolness of the ocean.2、He took a pack of raw hot dogs out of the fridge.3、At first, he wanted to cook them on a grill.4、He's not allowed to use the grill inside the apartment.5、Mike thought his imaginary beach was beautiful.6、Takeshi thought Mike's imaginary beach was silly. He even got a little annoyed.While You Watch-E11、He stood on an ironing board and pretended to surf.2、He learned to use his imagination and threw water over Mike, pretending it was a wave.3、Takeshi felt smug, and he thought he was being funny.4、Mike didn't feel very happy at all.While You Watch-E2(1)You know(2)makes me want to surf(3)you'll break it(4)Look at me, dude(5)I'm "hangin'ten"(6)Watch out for that wave(7)I'm getting the hang of this "imagination" thing(8)Very funny, very funny indeedAfter You Watch-A1、42、23、34、55、1After You Watch-B·using his imagination to stay cool·not going to Hawaii with other friends and about not having an air conditioner in the room·how to imagine being at the beach·Mike sprayed Takeshi with water which made Takeshi angry·use his imagination and he threw water all over Mike, pretending it was a wave·thought it was pretty funnyUnit 3 Life Is All Change•Lesson AVocabulary Link:A1、childhooh2、infant3、teenager4、grown-up5、young6、middle-agedC11、teenager2、senior citizens3、young4、old5、Infancy6、infant7、middle-aged8、adult9、Adolescence10、adulthood11、Childhood12、grown-upListening:Activity 1-A1、Brandon is Ellie's son.2、She has only one child — Brandon.3、Two-year-old children are less well-behaved because their personalities change.4、Remember that it will pass and try to be patient.Activity 1-B1、F2、F3、T4、T5、F6、TActivity 2-A1、ten22002、countrieswar3、17 millionActivity 2-BACDEHActivity 3-A(1)return and get a job(2)become a father(3)retire earlyActivity 3-B1、on Friday at 2 p.m.2、by taxi3、about 3 p.m.4、have dinner at a restaurant5、go to the beach and swim6、sunny and beautifulActivity 4-B(1)The US(2)15th birthday(3)15th birthday(4)wear beautiful dress, go to church(5)have a big dinner, with entertainment afterward(6)presents such as an album of photos or a homemade video (7)Coming-of-Age Day(8)20-year-old new adults(9)Germany(10)first day of schoolActivity 5-C(1)Stressful events(2)minor(3)loudly ringing(4)the death of a spouse(5)tops the list(6)2(7)20(8)a happy time(9)right belowActivity 5-D(1)Family moved to another town (2)Last year(3)Lonely(4)Smile at everyone(5)Lost his job(6)Upset(7)Exercise everyday(8)Death of a loved one(9)Five years ago(10)Depressed(11)Stay active and positive Speaking & Communication:Activity 1-A(1)take a trip(2)visit my cousins in England (3)rent a car•Lesson BGlobal Viewpoints:Turning points-Before You Watch1. 52. 33. 64. 25. 16. 4Turning points-While You Watch A1、T2、FMiyuki moved to the US at 18 8 and learned English in a few years.3、FAlejandra went to a camp in the US Brazil when she was a teenager.4、FThe people at the camp were from different states in Brazil countries. Turning points-While You Watch B(1)big event(2)getting accustomed to(3)started speaking(4)adjustedIn the future-Before You Watch1. 22. 33. 1In the future-While You Watch A1. 22. 13. 44. 3In the future-While You Watch B(1)I'd like to have kids(2)we'll see(3)one of the things that I would like to see (4)at peace with each otherCity Living:Preview-B1、F2、F3、T4、T5、FPreview-CPreview-D(1)was transferred(2)settled down(3)quit my job(4)get promoted(5)works as a volunteer(6)start a new careerPreview-E(1)goals(2)aspirations(3)CEO(4)retirement(5)optionsWhile You Watch-A1、T2、FRoberto's not concerned concerned about the new software program he'll have to use.3、T4、FClaudia is sure isn't sure she's going to be promoted.5、T6、T7、FRoberto doesn't plan to plans to have any some children.8、FIn the end, Roberto decides to ignore his plans and just "go with the flow." is not willing to give up his plans.While You Watch-B(1)a lot of fun(2)except(3)I told you about(4)figure it out(5)transferred to(6)get promoted(7)It's not a big dealWhile You Watch-C1、Because she wanted to get out of her stressful life, relax and have some fun.2、She planned to do many things: travel, move to another country, work asa volunteer, start a new career.3、Roberto planned almost everything right up to his retirement. He planned to work hard and save as much money as possible. He also planned to be the Vice President of Finance and then the CEO of his company.While You Watch-D1(1)settle down(2)get married(3)have some kids(4)you are, are you(5)You know that for a fact(6)want to succeed(7)clear-cut, well-defined goals and aspirations(8)you should keep your options open(9)go with the flow(10)It just won't be the end of the world if I don't get it (11)Not really(12)as long as the "flow" follows my planAfter You Watch-A1、it won't be the end of the world2、It's not a big deal.3、figure it out4、go with the flowAfter You Watch-B(1)nervous about(2)promised to help him learn it(3)if she might get promoted soon(4)transferred to a different office(5)getting promoted was not a big deal(6)his life was planned already, almost right up to retirement (7)to have well-defined goals(8)Roberto agreed, but only if the "flow" followed his plan Unit 4 Health•Lesson A Vocabulary Link:A1、sweat2、faint3、sneeze4、scratch5、cough6、shiverB1. 32. 13. 24. 4Listening:Activity 1-ABActivity 1-B·2·4·6·1·5·3Activity 1-C(1)200(2)two-week holiday trip(3)10 p.m.(4)Sunday afternoon(5)indigestion(6)only two and a half days at sea(7)went straight to(8)lack of sleep(9)wanted their money back(10)refund the full amountActivity 2-ACActivity 2-BABDFGHActivity 2-C1、Bill probably has some kind of allergy and he might need these medicines.2、The lotion is used to treat a rash caused by touching poison ivy.3、Bill thinks mouthwash might be an unnecessary item for a camping trip. Activity 3-ABActivity 3-B(1)drinking coffee(2)sleep at night(3)break that habit(4)wake up(5)here's some advice for you (6)suddenly(7)get a headache(8)the amount of coffee(9)herbal tea(10)in the morning(11)do exercises(12)just because they feel tired Activity 4-A(1)7,000(2)seven habits(3)powerful effect(4)three or fewer(5)33(6)all seven habits(7)only one or two(8)three(9)slow(10)make one small changeActivity 4-B1. 22. 33. 14. 25. 16. 27. 28. 19. 310.1Activity 5-B略Speaking & Communication:Activity 1-A1、He has a rash on my arm2、He has a slight fever •Lesson BGlobal Viewpoints:Getting better-Before You Watch A (Attention:从左至右)·needle·toothpaste·aloe vera·medicine cabinetGetting better-Before You Watch B1.82. 33.74. 25. 46. 57. 18. 6Getting better-While You Watch A1、BC2、AC3、C4、C5、A6、BGetting better-While You Watch B (1)I mean really sick(2)the first thing I do(3)medicine cabinet(4)I'm not feeling better(5)call the doctor(6)trudge in(7)it's just a matter of time(8)toothpaste can cure everything(9)bee stings(10)I got burnt(11)cancer(12)aloe vera(13)I think it really works(14)acupuncture(15)headaches and backaches(16)studying up on(17)puts a needle right here(18)it eases his pain(19)For me I'm a little skeptical(20)if you really believe in it, it works City Living:Preview-B1、T2、F3、F4、T5、TPreview-C1. 32. 43. 14. 55. 66.77.88. 2Preview-D1、get some rest2、feel better3、get some fresh air4、see a doctorWhile You Watch-A(Attention:从左至右,从上至下) 4-2-56-1-3While You Watch-B1、B2、A3、A5、B6、A7、BWhile You Watch-C(1)Thank goodness you're here(2)fainted(3)felt very tired(4)very lightheaded(5)she just needs to get some rest(6)Nothing out of the ordinary(7)The worst thing is(8)She's been pretty anxious about it(9)Let's take a lookWhile You Watch-D1、Sun-hee felt dizzy, her stomach was killing her, and she thought she hada fever.2、Sun-hee probably didn't have a fever. Tara's felt Sun-hee's forehead and her facial expression suggested she doubted what Sun-hee was saying.3、Sun-hee had been thinking about an upcoming meeting with the president of her university.4、She thought she just needed some rest.While You Watch-E11、Sun-hee sat up when she heard her meeting with the president was canceled.2、Takeshi was not really suggesting they call a doctor. You can tell from his facial expression and his intonation.While You Watch-E2(1)thank goodness(2)can you hand me that orange juice(3)What's the matter(4)I take it(5)I am feeling pretty good(6)or something(7)Or a lucky phone callAfter You Watch-A(1)thank goodness(2)I take it(3)out of the ordinary(4)Let's take a look.After You Watch-B·Takeshi asked Sun-hee how she was feeling·she was very tired, a little dizzy, and that she might even have a fever ·Sun-hee had also been very anxious about a meeting with the president of her university·she refused and said, "I can't eat. I'm not hungry."·It was the president's secretary. She informed Tara to tell Sun-hee thatthe meeting had been canceled·immediately started to feel better and said, "It must be a miracle or something"·it was not a miracle. She had just been nervous about the meeting. Unit 5 Student Life•Lesson AVocabulary Link:B·2·6·1·5·4·3Listening:Activity 1-A1. 12. 1 23. 1 2 3Activity 1-B1. 32. 13. 24. 3Activity 2-A1、It's about college seniors' plans after graduation.2、"What are you going to do after you graduate?"3、More than fifty percent of the students aren't going to start a new job right after graduation.4、It's a live TV report.Activity 2-Bart lawChill out take a long tripActivity 3-A1、AC2、AB3、BCActivity 3-B1、to keep learning all their livesfurther her education2、she needs to save money for her studies abroad3、interests and personalities4、To witness her children's growthActivity 4-ABActivity 4-B略Activity 5-A·She will work in Europe this summer, perhaps as a photographer. Activity 5-B1、She won by answering the questions on the website. The prize was three months in Europe working as a youth travel reporter.2、She stayed with her grandmother in Hong Kong during a summer vacation. That experience tells us she is independent and doesn't get homesick.3、She visited Tanzania and climbed the highest mountain in Africa. That shows she is determined to succeed and doesn't give up easily.4、She has already got her spending money. She has already saved some money from a part-time job in a restaurant.Activity 5-C1、Europe2、reporterwebsite3、digital camerasalary4、energyPronunciationB1、I'm not going to2、We're not going to3、She's going to4、He's not going toSpeaking & Communication:Activity 1-A·boarding schoolActivity 1-C11. 32. 13. 44. 2Activity 1-C21. 42. 23. 34. 1Lesson BGlobal Viewpoints:After graduation-Before You Watch1. 22. 33. 44. 55. 1After graduation-While You Watch1、agricultural2、Washington, D.C3、travel and see the world4、art5、find a good job6、import-export7、open a businessFive years from now-Before You Watch1、legal2、a particular subject3、computers and the InternetFive years from now-While You Watch1、T2、FDave knows doesn't know where he is going to live five years from now.3、FCalvin plans to become a professor lawyer.4、T5、TCity Living:Preview-B1、T2、F3、T4、F5、T6、F7、FPreview-C1. 22. 53. 44. 15. 3Preview-D1、researching2、accepted3、rejected4、applying5、gradesWhile You Watch-A1、rejected2、rejected3、travel4、wants5、Columbia6、will7、film director8、acceptedWhile You Watch-B1. 32. 13. 54. 25. 4While You Watch-C(1)accepted(2)rejected(3)applied to(4)It's too bad(5)got really good grades(6)researched all those schools(7)all those scholarships(8)gets in(9)get into grad schoolWhile You Watch-D1、He meant that Takeshi would go traveling.2、She thought it would be a great experience for Takeshi but it would meanthat he was rejected by the university.3、Mike was sure Takeshi would be accepted.While You Watch-E11、She wanted to prepare Takeshi should the letter contain bad news.2、He seemed OK with either possibility as he had made good plans in the event of either outcome.3、Mike was excited for Takeshi. He felt sure the letter would contain good news.4、He opened the letter slowly because he was a little nervous and it contained important news about his future.While You Watch-E2(1)let's think about this for a moment(2)like I said(3)I will get in(4)that's easy(5)What are you waiting for(6)Here goes(7)Were you accepted(8)I'm going to grad schoolAfter You Watch-A(1)just(2)What are you waiting for?(3)all those(4)It's too bad.After You Watch-B(1)they talked about Takeshi's plans for grad school (2)two schools had already rejected him(3)hit the road if he didn't get accepted(4)he was going to travel for a while(5)apply to graduate school again(6)become a film director(7)it was good news(8)go to grad school at ColumbiaUnit 6 Telecommunications•Lesson AVocabulary Link:A1(自左往右)jeaidcbkhfgB1、B2、B3、A4、B5、AListening:Activity 1-A1、B2、BActivity 1-B(1)pay phone(2)cell phone(3)free service(4)nights and weekends(5)how to use(6)press the power button(7)enter the area code(8)press the "send" button (9)didn't know it(10)look in the phone directory (11)it was not listed(12)call directory assistance (13)411(14)What city(15)What listing(16)BostonActivity 2-A1、B2、AActivity 2-BConversation 1:·2·1·4·3Conversation 2:·4·2·1·3Activity 3-A1、Because she didn't have enough money to pay her phone bill.2、Because she wanted to visit Raul and plan her vacation. Activity 3-B1、T2、F3、T4、T5、F6、FActivity 4-A1、Because with a cell phone, they can keep in touch with friends, family and co-workers wherever they go.2、You should stop at the side of the road before answering the call.3、Switch off phones in meetings, movies, restaurants, and any other place where it might cause a disturbance.Activity 4-B1、right cell phoneright plan2、fit my monthly budget3、have the featuresvoice dialing4、your hand off the steering wheel5、keep your conversation privateActivity 5-B(1)convenient and save time(2)19%(3)3%(4)addicted to cell phones(5)laws about cell phone usage(6)57%(7)while driving(8)34%Activity 5-C。


What percent of the Canadian population aged 15 years and older were current smokers?
A) 15%.
B) 17%.
C) 19%.
D) 21%.
Script: What percent of the Canadian population aged 15 years and older were current smokers?
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.
C) All family members smoked.
D) People lived longer.
Script: What was TRUE about the Canadian households where no one smoked every day?



Uint4II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it‟s over there. There‟s not much happen though. I had a look already.Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?2.ScriptM: You don‟t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?W: I‟m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I‟m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?3. ScriptM: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you‟re good with these things, andI really need someone to edit it. It‟s way too long.W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more than one page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we‟ve got some work to do!Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?4. ScriptM: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?5. ScriptW: Where do you see yourself in five years‟ time?M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I‟m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don‟t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years‟ time, watching everybody above me.Q: What does the man want in fie years?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: Tell me about yourself.ScriptM: Tell me a little about yourself.W: I‟m from Guilin City.M: What brought you to the east coast?W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I‟m impressed by this city‟s dynamic economy. I‟ve come to love it so much that I‟ve decided to stay and work here. M: What work experience do you?W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company‟s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources.M: And what did that experience teach you?W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust you.M: How would your former employer describe you?W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also appreciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague.M: You seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.W: Thank you. I believe I‟ve acquired many good qualities from my parents. They‟re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.The woman went from Guilin City to the east coast city of Qingdao to attend college. She was impressed by the latter‟s dynamic economy. Now shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small shipping company to maintain the company‟s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources. There she learned the importance of communication skills. She has realized that book knowledge is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade potential clients to trust her. Her former employer said her ability to find customers was an asset to the company. He appreciated the loyalty and team spirit. The interviewer finds her mature for her age and very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquired many good qualities form her parents, but still has a lot to learn.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestScriptMurphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, “Thank you for your interest, but we‟ve decided to give the American the job.”Bewildered by the manager‟s decision, Murphy asked, “Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!”The manger answered calmly, “We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.”Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, “And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?”The manager‟s maser took him by surprise, “Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down …I don‟t‟ know‟, and you put down …Neither do I‟.”Keys: FTTTFTFor Reference1.He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed,rather than on the correct answers.2.By writing “Neither do I”, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer onthe test.Task3: A Guide to a Successful Job InterviewScriptThere are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don‟t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness?”, don‟t say, “I don‟t have any.” Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, “I haven‟t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I‟m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.”Another common question is: “What are your strengths?” You should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when, how” to demonstrate and prove your strengths.1.What is the passage mainly concerned with?2.What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, “Why shouldwe choose you?”?3.What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?4.What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, “What are yourweaknesses?”5.What should you say when asked about your strong points?Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.DFor Reference“Why should we choose you?”, “Tell me about yourself.”, “What are your weaknesses?”, and “What are your strength?”IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?Susan: John, can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?John: Did you go to the job fairs and meet with companies?Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn‟t seem to be interested in women. I thought about suing then for sexual discrimination.John: I‟m afraid it won‟t be much help. Have you looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan: I‟ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but I can‟t find anything interesting that I‟m qualified for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.John: Then try the Internet. You can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I‟ll look for something in electronic engineering.John: Hey, I just saw a job opening at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.Susan: Great, I‟ll try my luck there.John: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I‟d better get online quickly and see if I can submit my resume by E-mail.John:Wait, have you updated your resume?You‟d better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.Susan: Don‟t worry. It‟s all set. Thanks, mate.John:Any time, Sue.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?B: What have you done so far?A: I‟ve asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but it‟s not of much use. B: That method is out of date. You should go to the job fair and meet wit companies. A: Yes, I did. But IT industry seems to have been badly hit the economic recession, and not many companied came to the job market. As for those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidates.B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.A:I‟ve been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can‟t find anything good that I‟m qualifies for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. You can use a search engine to find job sites related to your field.A: Good idea! I think I‟ll look for something in software development.B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you‟re looking for.A: Great! I‟ll take a chance on that.B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It‟ll be plus for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT company.A: Sure. Thanks.MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview? ScriptSusan: John, do you have any tips for a successful interview?John: Well, first of all, you need to dress professionally.Susan: Oh, what about during the interview?John: Ok, be sure to maintain good eye contact and answer all questions politely and directly. Don‟t look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive.Susan: I‟m not sure what kind of questions they‟ll ask.John: They‟ll probably want to know a little about your work experience. Many companies don‟t want a completely green hand. They don‟t want to spend time and money on training.Susan:Fortunately, I gained some experience at an IT company during the last summer holiday.John: They may also want to know something about your character. You see, ability for teamwork is usually valued.Susan: What kind of questions should I ask them?John: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the company. Susan: Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits?John: Better not. Not unless they bring it up.Just use the first interview to sell yourself.Susan: You‟re right. If they are interested in hiring me, there will be plenty of chances to talk about money later.John: Right. And the more interested they are, the more they‟ll offer.Now Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Can you give me some advice on how to succeed in an interview?B: Well, first of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance. You have to dress appropriately.A: What do you mean by appropriately?B: It‟s often best to wear a suit. Some bosses don‟t like to see a candidate on a dirty T-shirt and jeans.A: I see. Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless attitude in work.B: Right on. Also, many employers are unwilling to hire a young man with his hair dyed red or yellow.A: Then, what about during the interview?B: You should speak politely but firmly. If you look too shy, they may suspect you are not capable of dealing with a challenging task.A: I‟m not sure what kind of questions they‟ll ask.B: They‟ll probably want to know something about your work experience. Companies usually don‟t want an entirely new hand. They don‟t want to spend time and money on training.A: Fortunately, I gained some experience at a law of firm during the last summer holiday. I worked as an intern to provide free legal advice for those who need it. B: Oh. I see, this is what they called “legal assistance to the needy”. Also, a company may want to know something about your character. You see, team players are often valued above all others.A: What kind of questions should I ask them?B: You should ask them about the job requirements and about the company.A: I hear that many companies asked the candidates what salary they expect.B: That‟s true. You have to inquire about the possible salary level for a green hand in advance. If the salary you expect is reasonable, this shows that you know the professions well and will have a good impression on the interviewer.A: Oh, I‟ve learned so much from you. A thousand thanks.MODEL3 Our best bet is to recruit from the competition. ScriptHelen: Our company is starting from scratch,so we don‟t have the expertise to compete.Bill: Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen: We need managers who know how to be strong, yet know how to give employees their freedom.Bill:That‟s essential, especially in the computer industry. Often computer experts like to work on their own.Helen: We also don‟t believe that a right management system will work wonders for our company.Bill: Um…that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile people.Helen: I remember your friend David Miller is the CEO of a management recruitment agency. I hope he‟ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill: Certainly. And it‟s a good time, too. A number of firms have been downsizing. Helen: Good. So lots of capable people out there are interested in bigger and batter things. But can David help us pin them down?Bill: Sure, Helen! That‟s why they call them headhunters.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: What can I do for you?B: I‟m looking for a public relations manager at our advertising company.A: Do you have any specific requirement for such a manager?B: Well, first of all, she must be a good leader, who know to be strong, yet knows how to allow people freedom. Only in this way can she give full play to the employees‟enthusiasm.A:Oh, that‟s essential for leader in many companies. What other qualities do you expect of the manager?B: She must be skilled in interpersonal communications. You see, without such skill, one can hardly get a job well done.A: I can‟t agree more. Is that all?B: Not yet. If she happens to have a wide network of business connections, it‟ll be a great assert to the company.A: I see. We‟ll try our best to find one who meets your requirements.B: Do you think you can pin one down quickly?A: Probably. You see, a number of firms have been downsizing. So it‟s a good time for head-hunting.B: Good. That‟s why they call you headhunters.V. Let’s TalkScriptGood afternoon, everyone. The university‟s Career Office asked me to give a talk on the topic of how to prepare for job interviews. This is probably the most important aspect in securing a job. Here are some tips I believe to be useful.First, do some research are. Once you have this information, make a list of what skills or knowledge you have that would be valuable to them. You cannot sell yourself to them if you don‟t know what it is you are selling.The next thing to consider is your physical appearance. You have to dress right for job interviews. Don‟t wear anything too flashy; being neat and clean is more important than wearing the latest fashion. The aim is to look professional without overdoing it. Also, it is important that you feel comfortable. If you are not comfortable with a tie, it might be best not to wear one, unless the job requires you to dress this way. The last thing you want is to be worried about your appearance during the interview. It will only make you nervous, and you will quickly lose confidence.Mover over, you have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV, originals and copies of your qualification paper, copies of reference, samples of your work, if applicable, and anything else that they may want to see. Again, make sure everything is well organized and neatly presented. Don‟t take a pile of paperwork that you have to sift through for ten minutes to find something. That will give them the impression that you are disorganized. If you are well prepared, you‟re likely to have good luck.DiscussionSAMPLEA:After listening to the career officer‟s talk, I‟ve now realizes the importance of getting prepared for an interview.B:Quite true. First of all, we should never be late for an interview. If you‟re not punctual, they‟ll suspect that you‟ll be late for work in future.A: Before going to the interview, we had better pay attention to our dress. We must look professional without overdoing it. Careless clothes will lead them into thinking that you‟re likely to do your job carelessly.B: During the interview, it is impo rtant to look confident without being too pushy. It‟s necessary to maintain eye contact. This shows your interest in the conversation, and helps to maintain the communication between you and the interviewer.A: Many employers attach importance to the education you‟ve received. We need to highlight those courses especially valuable to the company.B: Book knowledge is not enough. We must show them we have practical experience in the field. Tell them about our internship, and emphasize the skills that are useful in the job we‟re seeking.A:How clever you are! These days many students want to tell the prospective employer that they have a good command of English and have obtained a College English Test Band 4 Certificate.B: They‟re also eager to tell interviewer about their computer skills with PowerPoint, office automation, and so on. Students from non-key universities especially need certificates to shoe they‟ve acquired those skills before they can hope to compete against students from prestigious universities.A: Character is considered an important factor in contemporary society, where teamwork is a must.B: But too many students are saying more or less the same thing. If everybody says, “I‟m warm-hearted and cooperative, get along well with my classmates, and have good team spirit,” the boss will soon get fed up.A: Perhaps we should let the work we‟ve done shoe our character.B: Right on. Participation is important. If you can show them you‟re an important official of the Student Union of the university or the department, or you‟ve organized a singing competition and won an award, obviously you‟re a good team player.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptYour resume, or CV in British English, has one mission and one mission only: to get you a job interview. Your resume is usually the first impression an employer has of you. And as “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”, you…d better get it right firs time. Here‟re some suggestions that may be of use in preparing a resume. First, use a design that demands attention. Employers don‟t have time to read through each of your job descriptions to know if you have the skills they need. The design of your resume must do it for them. Your resume should be concise, well-organized and relevant. It should emphasized the most important and relevant points about your experience, skills and education.Second, put important information first. List important information at the beginning of your job descriptions. Put statements in your resume in order of importance and relevance to the job you want. A powerful statement with exact numbers influences every statement that follows.Third, target the job. You will have more success if you adjust your resume and cover letter for the specific skills another job. In other words, you need to “re-package”yourself. In that way, an employer will see immediately that you correspond to the job description. It is not dishonest to “re-package”yourself. You are simply pressing yourself and your skills in the best light for a particular employer. This will help you to get more interviews and allow you to apply for a wider range o jobs.1.Why does the speaker say the resume is important?2.According to the passage, why should you emphasize the most important pointabout yourself?3.Where does the speaker advise putting the important information in your jobdescription?4.How many resumes would the speaker advise you to write if you applied for threejobs?5. Which of the following makes a good title for the passage?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BTask 2: Two Essential Factors in an InterviewScriptWhen applying for a job, especially a job you really want. It‟s not usually to feel nervous and anxious. Sometimes it‟s this anxiety, not our qualifications, that keeps us from obtaining our dream job.So you must overcome your nervousness and build up confidence. This often involvestwo factors: one mental and the other physica l. Mentally, it‟s important to prepare yourself for the interview without obsessing over it. Remember, it might be your dream job, but it won‟t be the end of the world if you don‟t get it. Tell yourself that the company would be lucky to get you; and if they choose someone else, it will be their loss. In essence, you need to build your self-confidence. Your ability to answer all questions without hesitation will certainly impress the interviewer.Now that you are mentally ready for any question that might be thrown your way, it‟s time to work on your physical presentation. No matter what position you are applying for, your physical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It‟s always a good idea to wear a suit; it doesn‟t have to be a designer suit, but something plain and conservative. Do not dress too informally. For example, don‟t wear a red fashionable jacket for your interview. Make sure, too, that it is clean and pressed. This may seem like common sense, but you‟d be surprised how careless some applicants are. While it‟s not necessary to visit the beauty salon before your interview, make sure that your nail are well-manicured, and your hair is styled carefully and neatly.Task3: An Interview That Upsets the BossScriptJohn was in a terrible accident at work and lost both of his ears. Since he was permanently disfigured, he settled with the company for a fairly large compensation and decided to invest the money in a small but growing telecom business. After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company. Then he realized that he knew nothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do that for him.So he set up three job interviewers. The first guy was great. He knew everything the company needed and was very interesting. At the end of the interview, John asked him, ”Do you notice anything different about me?”And the gentleman answered, “Why yes, I couldn‟t help notice you have no ears.” John got very upset and threw him out.The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He asked her the same question, “Do you notice anything usually about me?” and the she replied, “Well, you have no ears.” Again John got furious and tossed her out.The third and the last interview was the best of all three. It was with a very young man who was fresh out of college. He was smart and handsome. And he seemed to be a better businessman than the firs two put together. John was anxious to employ him, but asked him the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?”And to his surprise, the young man answered, “Yes, you wear contact lenses.”John was amazed, and said, “What an incredibly observant young man! How in the world did you know that?”The young man laughed and replied, “Well, it‟s pretty hard to wear glasses with no ears!”For Reference1.He lost both of his ears.2.Because he realized that he knew nothing about running the business after hebought it.3.Because the interviewee said he noticed that John had no ears, and John got upset.4.He said he noticed John wore contact lenses.5.He thought it was pretty difficult to wear glasses with no ears.News ReportA Galaxy of Film Prize WinnersScriptThe European Film Awards—First Hollywood, then Cannes, and now Pairs?The European Film Awards ceremony was held in Pairs in early December, honorin g the best in European and world films.Lars von Trier‟s Dancer in the Dark was the overall winner of the evening, receiving awards for the best European film and best actress—Bjork..The audiences was disappointed, however, as neither von Trier, Bjork, nor the Oscar-winning Italian director Roberto Benigni showed up to accept awards.Still, other prize winners did come. The Irish actor Richard Harris, who was given an award for lifetime achievement, gave a humorous thank-you speech that was the high point of the evening.Another internationally known actor, Jean Reno, also gave an enthusiastic thank-you speech. The French actor received an award for European achievement in world cinema, for his international firm career.Other VIPs from around Europe also attended. But most of the prizes at the ceremony, which people have been calling“the European Oscars”, went to French films.There was one international film award, which went to a French-Hong Kong co-production, Wong Karwai‟s In the Mood for Love.。



Lesson A How do you feel? Lesson B Getting better
Activity 2 Last minute checklist
How long does it take you to get ready for a night out with your friends? To go to school or to work in the morning?
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
Unit 4 Health
Lesson A How do you feel? Lesson B Getting better
Vocabulary Link InItthgeavneemigehbinodrhigoeosdtion. A Use the words under the pictures to complete the sentences below.
Vocabulary Link
It gave me indigestion.
C Pair work. Ask and answer the questions on the previous page. You may use the model conversation for help.
II ■
Language Notes New words All right, then. 那好吧。 allergy medicine 过敏药 aspirin n. 阿司匹林 bandage n. 绷带 check … one last time 最后再检查一遍 first aid kit 急救包 I was just trying to … 我只是想…… just in case 以防万一 Like what? 譬如?
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New Century College English, Book IIIUNIT 4 HealthUnit 4 HealthLesson A: How do you feel?Lesson B: Getting better1. Teaching Objectives:1) They will get the theme-related background knowledge;2) They will be able to understand the theme-related listening materials;3) They will learn to use simple and understandable English to express themselves about the theme “Health” (Talking about food and eating in a restaurant);4) They will get to know some basic listening skills.2. Time Allotment: (2 periods):1st period (Lesson A):1. Do Vocabulary Link:It gave me indigestion.2. Do Listening: 1-5.3. Do pronunciation:Reduced pronunciation of going to.4. Do Speaking & communication: Activities1-22nd period (Lesson B)1.Do Global Viewpoints: After graduation;Five years from now...2. Do City Living: The letter.3.Teaching Procedures:Lesson A How do you feel?1. Vocabulary Link It gave me indigestionStep 11) Present the new vocabulary. Ask, What part of speech are these words? (verbs)2) Have students work individually to complete the sentences.3) Check answersStep 21)Have students work individually to match the columns.2)Check answers.2. ListeningActivity 1:Mystery illnessStep 1Familiarize students with the new words. Ask them to read the new words aloud after you.Step 21) Tell students they are going to hear a news report about an illness. They should find the correct headline.2) Play the recording.3) Check answers.Step 31) Tell students to listen again and number the events in order.2) Play the recording.3) Check answers.3. Speaking I’m planning to rent a car.Step 1Ask students how they talk about health problems in English and direct their attention to the useful expressions. Explain that are you OK? And Are you all right? Are used when there is obviously a problem, such as after an accident. Is anything the matter? And is something wrong? Are used to check about a possible problem. How do you feel? And how are you feeling? Are questions that ask for more information?Step 21) Present the conversation.2) Tell students to listen and underline Chad’s problems.3) Play the recording.4) Check answers.Step 3Pair WorkHave students practice the conversation with their partners.Step 4Pair Work1) Have students work in pairs to talk about the two pictures.2) Compare answers with the class.Step 5Pair Work, Role Play1) Match students with a partner and have them prepare and practice a conversation about one of the situations pictured.2) Encouraging students to follow the model dialogue and use the Useful Expressions they’ve learned.3) Invite one or two pairs to present their conversations to the class.4. Communication Have you tried hypnotism?Step 1Introduce the topic: discuss different people that students talk to about their health problems.Step 2Pair workHave students work with a partner to talk about the three forms of treatment. If any of the treatments are completely unfamiliar, explain that hypnotism uses suggestion to influence the patient’s mind and body, acupuncture uses needles to treat the body’s energy system, and yoga is a form of exercise developed in ancient India.Step 3Group work. Role play.1) Divide the class into groups of four. Designate one student in each group to be the patient, the others to give advice ( based on the positive aspects of each treatment).2) Model the activity by talking about a health problem of your own---real or imaginary---and having students recommend treatments for it.Step 4Group work. Role play.1) Have groups practice the conversation.2) Have students change roles and repeat the activity until all students have presented the group with a health problem.3) Finish with a whole-class discussion of interesting or unusual treatments that groups talked about. Has anyone in the class tried these treatment?Step 5Pair work.1) Talk about the concept of a health history---all the health problems a person has had in his/her life. When do people discuss their health history? (When they go to a new doctor._2) Have students work individually to match the medication with the statement.3) Check answers.4) Have students work in pairs and talk about the health problems they’ve experienced and what they did about them. Encourage students to follow the model dialogue.5) Finish with a whole-class discussion of any unusual treatments students heard about.Lesson B Getting betterGlobal Viewpoints: Getting better1. Before you watch1) Say the list of vocabulary items aloud as students repeat for pronunciation practice. If necessary, explain the meaning of the words.2) Explain to students that they are going to watch several people talking about their treatment for different illness.2. While you watchStep 11) Before playing the video, make sure that students understand remedies as ways of making an illness better. Students need to check the remedies they hear in the interviews.2) Play the video.3) Check answers.Step 21) Before playing the video, ask students to read the sentences. They need to match the name with the statement about the future.2) Play the video.3) Check answers.Step 3Pair workHave students work in pairs and take turns asking and answering the questions.Part 2 Video CourseCity Living; Go with the flowIntroduce the main characters to students.1. PreviewStep 1Have students look at the pictures and read the story line aloud or to themselves. Check student comprehension. You may have students predict what they think happens in the episode.Step 21) Have students use the information from the photos and captions to check Yes or No for each sentence.2) Check answer3) Ask students how they feel before an important exam or job interview. What do they do about it?2. While you watchStep 11) Before playing the video, give students time to read the questions and answer options. They may guess the answer based on the preview.2) Play the video.3) Check answers.Step 21) Direct students’ attention to the useful expressions used i n the video.Explain to students the meaning of the items in the Everyday English box.2) Have students practice saying them aloud.3) Give students time to study these expressions.Step 31)Play the video while students fill in the missing words.2) Give students time to complete their writing3) Check answers.3. After you watchStep 11) Present the situation. Go over the pictures, eliciting useful vocabulary.2) Have students complete the conversation individually or with a partner.3) Compare answers with the class.Step 2Group workDivide the class into groups of four. Have them practice the conversation, then switch rolesStep 3Pair work1) Match students with a partner2) Have them prepare and act out a similar conversation between doctor and patient.3) Invite pairs to present their conversations to the class.4. Assignment1) To review the vocabulary and expressions of the unit2) To learn the conversations in this unit by heart3) To prepare for the next unit。
