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1. When you meet your friend in the morning, you should say:
A. Good night!
B. Good afternoon!
C. Good morning!
D. Good evening!
解析:早上打招呼应该说“Good morning!”,A 选项“Good night!”是晚上道别的用语;B 选项“Good afternoon!”是下午打招呼的用语;D 选项“Good evening!”是晚上打招呼的用语。
2. If you want to greet a stranger politely, you can say:
A. Hi!
B. Hello!
C. How do you do?
D. Bye!
解析:“How do you do?”是比较正式、礼貌地问候陌生人的用语。
A 选项“Hi!”和 B 选项“Hello!”比较随意;D 选项“Bye!”是道别用语。
3. When someone says "How are you?", you can reply:
A. I'm fine, thank you.
B. How are you?
C. I don't know.
D. You're welcome.
解析:当别人问“How are you?”时,通常回答“I'm fine, thank you.”表示“我很好,谢谢。
”B 选项“How are you?”不符合回答逻辑;C 选项“I don't know.”表示“我不知道”,不适合回答此问候;D 选项“You're welcome.”是“不客气”,用于回应感谢。
4. If you meet your teacher in the hallway, you should say:
A. What's up?
B. See you later.
C. Goodbye.
D. Good morning, sir/madam.
解析:在走廊遇到老师应该礼貌地打招呼,说“Good morning, sir/madam.”。
A 选项“What's up?”比较随意;B 选项“See you later.”和C 选项“Goodbye.”用于告别。
5. When you see your friend after a long time, you can say:
A. Nice to meet you.
B. How old are you?
C. Long time no see.
D. What's your name?
解析:“Long time no see.”常用于好久不见的场景。
A 选项“Nice to meet you.”用于初次见面;B 选项“How old are you?”询问年龄,不适合此场景;D 选项“What's your name?”询问名字,也不符合久别重逢的情境。
6. When you meet someone for the first time, it's polite to _________
and smile.
A. wave your hand
B. cross your arms
C. look down
D. turn your back
A 选项“wave your hand”挥手,表示友好和欢迎,符合初次见面的礼貌举止。
B 选项“cross your arms”交叉双臂,通常给人不友好或拒绝的印象。
C 选项“look down”低头,显得不自信或不礼貌。
D 选项“turn your back”转身背对,是非常不礼貌的行为。
7. In a business meeting, if you want to show that you are listening carefully, you should _________.
A. nod your head from time to time
B. shake your head constantly
C. close your eyes
D. fidget in your seat
在商务会议中,A 选项“nod your head from time to time”不时点头,表示在认真倾听。
B 选项“shake your head constantly”一直摇头,意味着不同意或否定,不符合认真倾听的表现。
C 选项“close your eyes”闭眼,会让人觉得你在睡觉或不专注。
D 选项“fidget in your seat”在座位上坐立不安,显示出不安或不耐烦。
8. If you are in a crowded place and someone accidentally steps on
your foot, you should _________.
A. shout at them angrily
B. push them away
C. give them a dirty look
D. say "It's OK" politely
在这种情况下,D 选项“say 'It's OK' politely”礼貌地说“没关系”,是恰当和友善的回应。
A 选项“shout at them angrily”生气地对他们大喊,不礼貌且可能引发冲突。
B 选项“push them away”把他们推开,也是不友好的行为。
C 选项“give them a dirty look”给他们一个嫌弃的眼神,同样不友好。
9. When your friend tells you a sad story, the right expression on your face should be _________.
A. laughing
B. frowning
C. smirking
D. yawning
朋友讲述悲伤的故事时,B 选项“frowning”皱眉,表示同情和关心。
A 选项“laughing”大笑不合适。
C 选项“smirking”假笑,不真诚。
D 选项“yawning”打哈欠,显得不感兴趣。
10. At a party, if you see someone you don't know well, you can _________ to start a conversation.
A. point at them
B. stare at them
C. raise your hand and say hello
D. turn away and ignore them
在派对上,C 选项“raise your hand and say hello”举手并打招呼,是开启对话的礼貌方式。
A 选项“point at them”指着他们不礼貌。
B 选项“stare at them”盯着他们看也不恰当。
D 选项“turn away and ignore them”转身不理会他们,无法开启交流。
11. When you receive a gift, you should say:
A. Thank you very much.
B. It's not good.
C. I don't like it.
D. You shouldn't give me this.
收到礼物应该表示感谢,说“Thank you very much.”,选项B、C、D 都是不礼貌的回应。
12. If you want to give a gift to your friend on his birthday, which one is better?
A. A used book.
B. A self-made card.
C. Some money.
D. An old toy.
在朋友生日时送自制卡片更能体现心意,选项A 用过的书不太合适,选项C 直接送钱不太礼貌,选项D 旧玩具不太好。
13. When giving a gift to an elder, you should:
A. Wrap it beautifully.
B. Not wrap it.
C. Give it casually.
D. Just throw it to him.
给长辈送礼物应该包装精美,选项B、C、D 都是不恰当的方式。
14. If someone gives you a gift that you don't like, you should:
A. Say it directly.
B. Keep silent.
C. Still say thank you politely.
D. Throw it away.
即使不喜欢收到的礼物,也要礼貌地说谢谢,选项 A 直接说不喜欢不礼貌,选项 B 保持沉默也不太好,选项 D 扔掉更不合适。
15. Which of the following is NOT a good way to accept a gift?
A. Open it immediately and show your excitement.
B. Wait for the giver to tell you to open it.
C. Put it aside and ignore it.
D. Say thank you with a smile.
把礼物放到一边不理会不是好的接受礼物的方式,选项 A 立即打开并表现出兴奋是可以的,选项 B 等赠送者让打开再
打开也没问题,选项D 微笑着说谢谢是正确的。
16. When queuing up for tickets, you should _____.
A. cut in line
B. stand in line
C. push others
D. shout loudly
选项A“cut in line”表示插队,是不文明的行为;选项C“push others”推搡他人,不符合礼仪;选项D“shout loudly”大声喊叫,也不礼貌。
选项B“stand in line”排队等候,符合排队礼仪。
17. At a dinner party, if the host asks you to sit at a certain seat, you should _____.
A. refuse politely
B. choose another seat
C. follow the host's suggestion
D. argue with the host
在晚宴上,主人指定座位时,选项 A 礼貌拒绝不太合适;选项 B 自行选择其他座位不尊重主人安排;选项 D 与主人争论是不礼貌的。
选项C 遵循主人的建议,符合社交礼仪。
18. When you are in a line and someone behind you is in a hurry, you should _____.
A. let them go first
B. ignore them
C. be angry
D. push them
选项B 忽视他们不友好;选项C 生气不合适;选项D 推他们是错误的行为。
选项A 让着急的人先,体现了礼貌和理解。
19. In a theater, the best seats are usually _____.
A. near the exit
B. in the front row
C. in the middle
D. at the back
选项A 靠近出口可能会有人员走动影响;选项B 前排可能需要仰头观看;选项D 后排视野可能不太好。
所以选项C 较为合适。
20. If you see an elderly person standing in a long queue, you should _____.
A. do nothing
B. laugh at them
C. offer your place
D. push them forward
看到老年人在长队中站立,选项 A 什么都不做不善良;选项 B 嘲笑他们是不道德的;选项 D 推他们向前是错误的。
C 主动让位置,体现了尊老和礼貌。
21. When having a formal dinner, which of the following is the correct way to use the knife and fork?
A. Hold the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left hand.
B. Hold the knife in the left hand and the fork in the right hand.
C. Use the knife and fork interchangeably.
D. Use only the fork.
选项B 是错误的,通常不是左手持刀右手持叉。
选项C 交替使用刀叉不符合规范。
选项D 只使用叉子是不完整的。
22. At the dinner table, it's polite to _____.
A. talk loudly
B. chew with your mouth open
C. rest your elbows on the table
D. keep your mouth closed when chewing
选项A 大声说话不礼貌。
选项B 张着嘴咀嚼不礼貌。
选项C 把肘部放在桌子上不礼貌。
23. When using chopsticks at a dinner, which is NOT correct?
A. Point at others with chopsticks.
B. Hold chopsticks properly.
C. Use chopsticks to pick up food neatly.
D. Don't play with chopsticks.
选项B 正确拿筷子是对的。
选项 C 用筷子整齐地夹食物是正确的做法。
选项 D 不玩筷子是正确的。
24. Which of the following is proper table etiquette when having soup?
A. Blow on the soup to cool it down.
B. Slurp the soup loudly.
C. Use a spoon to drink the soup quietly.
D. Drink the soup directly from the bowl.
选项 A 对着汤吹气使其冷却不礼貌。
选项B 大声吸溜汤不礼貌。
选项D 直接从碗里喝汤不合适。
25. If you don't want to eat the food on the table, you should _____.
A. leave it untouched
B. push it aside
C. throw it away
D. complain about it
选项 B 把它推到一边不礼貌。
选项 C 扔掉它是浪费的行为。
D 抱怨它是不恰当的。
26. When you are invited to a dinner party in the UK, it's polite to arrive _____.
A. on time
B. early
C. late
D. very late
选项B 提前到达可能会给主人带来不便;选项C 迟到是不礼貌的;选项D 非常晚到达更是不被接受的。
27. In Japan, when you give a gift, it's common to _____.
A. open it immediately
B. open it later
C. not accept it
D. refuse it politely
选项 A 立即打开礼物是不常见的;选项C 不接受礼物是不礼貌的;选项D 礼貌地拒绝礼物也是不合适的。
28. In the US, it's not polite to _____.
A. look at people in the eye when talking
B. talk loudly in public places
C. shake hands when meeting for the first time
D. say "thank you" when someone helps you
选项 A 交谈时看着对方的眼睛是礼貌的;选项C 第一次见面握手是常见的礼仪;选项D 当有人帮助你时说“谢谢”是有礼貌的。
29. In some Asian countries, it's impolite to _____.
A. point at someone with your finger
B. smile at others
C. bow when greeting
D. use both hands to give something
选项B 对别人微笑通常是友好的表现;选项C 打招呼时鞠躬是常见的礼仪;选项D 用双手递东西是礼貌的。
30. When meeting people from France, it's a good idea to _____.
A. kiss on the cheek
B. hug each other
C. shake hands only
D. keep a distance
选项B 互相拥抱在某些特定关系中可能会发生,但不是普遍的初次见面礼仪;选项 C 只握手不是法国常见的见面礼仪;选项 D 保持距离是不友好的表现。