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【英文摘要】The Linpan in Chengdu plain, as a principle
rusticity landscape in the Chengdu plain, might be defined as
a complex habitation mode Moreover, Linpan in Chengdu plain
which are the representative of farming type in western Sichuan that combine production and daily life and landscape, together. It’s worth noting that urbanization and the process of integration of rural-urban have play different level influence on ecology environment and living
style of Linpan in Chengdu plain. Therefere, How to inhibition the more severity destroy and erosion become the biggest scientific & technique problem in conservation and reconstruction Linpan in Chengdu plain. Meanwhile, the researches on Linpan in Chengdu plain have notabley significance to the exploration of landscape localization in China.It is comprehensively understood that the cores of Linpan in Chengdu plain is trees and bamboo, and the main inscapes of this landscape are water, houses and fields, including any kinds of natural and artificial elements. In this case, we refined the cores of Linpan in Chengdu plain by taking the landscape units and settlement of Linpan in Chengdu plain as magistral line and taking principle of landscape resources-oriented. And, we deeply analyzed landscape elements including fields, forests, houses and settlement elememts including city, town. Morevoer, we summed up the characteristcs and essential cores of Linpan in Chengdu plain roundly. We submitted and the relationship between conservation mode by the
case of FFWS layers and development mode by the case of
production.It is system theory that generally guide in this paper. We take the whole Linpan in Chengdu plain in Chengdu plain as the object, and discussed their regular, characteristcs, value in different layers, construct mode systems which are profit to conservation and development of Linpan in Chengdu plain.The aim of this research is constructing conservation and development mode of Linpan in Chengdu plain. The
results of this research might apply benefit guidence to conservtion &
development of Linpan in Chengdu plain. and accelerate the sustainable development of Linpan in Chengdu plain
【英文关键词】Linpan in Chengdu plain landscape resources modes about conservation modes about development
4-5 Abstract 5 1 绪论 9-20 1.1 问题与背景
9-11 1.1.1 农村改革时代之需 9 1.1.2 保护与拆并之
争 9-10 1.1.3 世界现代田园城市建设契机 10-11 1.2
相关研究动态 11-17 1.2.1 人居环境科学相关研究
11-12 1.2.2 国内传统村落环境研究 12-14 1.2.3 国
外乡村景观相关研究 14-16 1.2.4 川西林盘及其相关研究
16-17 1.3 研究方法与框架 17-20 1.3.1 研究方法
17-19 1.3.2 框架结构 19-20 2 川西林盘概述
20-27 2.1 川西林盘定义 20-21 2.2 川西林盘内涵
21-23 2.3 川西林盘特点 23-24 2.4 林盘的空间分布
24-25 2.5 川西林盘的类型划分 25-27 2.5.1 农耕型林盘 25 2.5.2 生态型林盘 25-26 2.5.3 乡村旅游型林盘 26 2.5.4 特殊产业型林盘 26-27 3 川西林盘景观资源特征研究 27-42 3.1 川西林盘的景观形态学特征
27-34 3.1.1 川西林盘聚落的形态学特征 27-28 3.1.2
川西林盘景观单元形态学特征 28-34 3.2 川西林盘的景观生态学特征 34-37 3.2.1 川西林盘聚落生态观 34 3.2.2
川西林盘生态功能 34-37 3.3 川西林盘的人文特征
37-42 3.3.1 小农家院的生产模式 38-39 3.3.2 平和闲适的生活气质 39
3.3.3 多元共生的文化态度
39-42 4 基于层次构成的川西林盘景观资源保护模式
42-59 4.1 构建川西林盘保护层次体系 42-45 4.2 建立川西林盘景观资源保护适应性技术 45-47 4.2.1 林盘资源保护点的选择 45-46 4.2.2 林盘景观资源的整合模式
46 4.2.3 林盘景观资源保护的三种方式 46-47 4.3 川西林盘景观资源保护与保护性建设模式 47-59 4.3.1 林盘聚落层次的功能拟合 47-54 4.3.2 林盘景观单元层次的形态保
存 54-56 4.3.3 林盘建筑层次的修复与提升 56-59 5 基于产业核心的川西林盘发展利用模式 59-84 5.1 保护与发展的关系协调 59-60 5.2 川西林盘的发展策略与导向
60-66 5.2.1 川西林盘功能提升策略 60-63 5.2.2 川西林盘环境更新策略
63-64 5.2.3 川西林盘旅游开发策略
64-66 5.3 川西林盘发展利用模式 66-84 5.3.1 传统农业景观资源模式 67-71 5.3.2 乡村旅游型模式
71-76 5.3.3 特殊产业模式 76-81 5.3.4 生态型模式
81-84 6 结语:保护与发展—川西林盘的必由之路
84-86 6.1 基于景观三元论的林盘景观资源特征化分析
84-85 6.2 建立由宏观到微观的林盘层次保护体系
85 6.3 提出发挥林盘内在动力的林盘发展模式 85-86 参考文献 86-89 致谢89

