上海版牛津9A Unit3 Grammar教学课件(共13张PPT)

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me impatiently and speak to me rudely. What’s more, they make mistakes with my bills. They dress badly and they never smile! David Oh, I’m so sorry that my staff didn’t serve you well. They did badly today. I’ll talk to them later. Welcome to visit us next time and you will find the difference.
Opinions about keeping pet dogs
1. First, dogs are r_e_a_l_ly__ cute. 2. It’s wonderful to see dogs growing up q_u_i_c_k_ly__. 3. Dogs love you very f_a_it_h_f_u_l_ly__. 4. Dogs move their tails from side to side h_a_p_p_i_ly__
Manager David

Pair work
The staff work _s_lo_w__ly_.
They listen to me _i_m_p_a_t_ie_n_t_ly_ and speak to me _r_u_d_e_ly_. They make mistakes with my bills. They dress _b_a_d_l_y and they _n_e_v_e_r_ smile!
extremely unhappy. 7. Dogs like running fast in large spaces. 8. Finally, paying for dog food and visiting the vet
can be expensive.
Go to a pet shop
wwhheenntthheeyysseeeetthheeiirroowwnneerrss.. 55.. SSoommeeddooggsslliicckktthheeiirroowwnneerrssggeennttllyy..
5. Dogs need to be washed regularly. 6. Being kept in small spaces make the dogs feel
Complete what David says to his staff with the adverbial form of the adjectives in the box. Use each word once only.
I want you all to listen to me _________. A customer complained to me this morning because you behave __________. From now on, I want you all to smile __________ at our customers. I want you to listen to them __________ and speak to them ___________. I want you to work ___________ and add up all the bills _________ because customers don’t like mistakes. __F_in_a_l_ly_____, I want you all to dress __________. Do all these things, and I’m sure we’ll work _________ together.
the vet can be expensive.
Opinions about keeping pet dogs
11.. FFiirrsstt,,ddooggssaarreerreeaallllyyccuuttee.. 22.. IItt’’sswwoonnddeerrffuullttoosseeeeddooggssggrroowwiinngguupp qquuiicckkllyy. 33.. DDooggsslloovveeyyoouuvveerryyffaaiitthhffuulllyy.. 44.. DDooggssmmoovveetthheeiirrttaaiillffrroommssiiddeettoossiiddeehhaappppiillyy
when they see their owners.
5. Some dogs lick their owners _g_e_n_t_l_y_(gentle)
6. Dogs need to be washed _r_e_g_u_l_a_r_ly__(regular). 7. Being kept in small spaces make the dogs feel
I’m so sorry that my staff didn’t serve you _w_e_l_l . I’ll talk to them later.
well impatiently slowly rudely never badly
Emma Excuse me. I want to complain about the service. David What’s the problem? Emma The staff in your shop work slowly. They listen to
ex__tr_e_m__e_l_y_ unhappy.
8. Dogs like running _f_a_s_t_(fast) in large spaces. 9. Some people don’t do _w_e__ll__(good) in caring for dogs. 10. F_in_a_l_l_y_(final), paying for dog food and visiting