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【摘要】目的观察谷氨酸N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体拮抗剂5-甲基二氢丙环庚烯亚胺马来酸(MK-801)、α-氨基3-羟基5-甲基4-异恶唑丙酸/海人藻氨酸(AMPA/Kainate)受体拮抗剂6-氰基-7-硝基喹喔啉-2,3-二酮(CNQX)对尾末端截断后小鼠血清褪黑素(MLT)含量变化的影响,为进一步研究截肢后中枢的可塑性变化提供依据.方法用ELISA法测定尾末端2.5 cm截断后2h小鼠血清MLT含量,并观察静脉注射MK-801、CNQX对断尾后小鼠血清MLT含量变化的影响.结果与对照组比较,断尾后2h小鼠血清MLT含量降低;MK-801、CNQX分别拮抗断尾引起的小鼠血清MLT含量的降低.结论断尾后2h小鼠血清MLT含量降低;NMDA受体、AMPA/Kainate受体参与断尾引起小鼠血清MLT含量降低的过程.%Objective To study the effect of glutamic acid receptor antagonist, MK-801 or CNQX on the change of serum melatonin contents of mice after amputating extremity of the tail, which could provide new scientific experimental data for further investigating plastic changes in central nervous system after amputation. Methods The distal 2.5 cm length of the mice tail was removed as an experiment model of amputation. The blood of the mice at 2 h after the amputation was obtained by cutting the mice heads. FLISA method was used to measure the serum melatonin contents
of the mice. MK-801 or CNQX was injected via the caudalis vein. Results Compared with serum melatonin contents of the mice of control groups, serum melatonin content of the mice at 2 h after the amputation was significantly decreased (P<0.05).The intravenous injection of MK-801 or CNQX antagonized the decrease in the mice's serum melatonin contents at 2 h after the amputation. Conclusion The results indicate that serum melatonin content of the mice at 2 h after amputating extremity of the mice tail is significantly decreased. The NMDA receptor and AMPA/Kainate receptor are involved in the processes of decrease in serum melatonin contents induced by amputating extremity of the mice tail.
1.褪黑素对胃癌小鼠血清caspase-3表达的影响 [J], 顾良红;刘卉;魏建恩;于浩;卢旭东;陈国红;周瑞祥
QX对截断尾末端后小鼠痛反应变化的影响 [J], 商丽宏;代秋竹;陈魁敏;杨宇;
3.断尾对小鼠血清褪黑素含量昼夜节律的影响 [J], 吴敏范;郭轶男;陈魁敏;商丽宏;郭丽;杨宇
QX对伤害性电刺激隐神经引起大鼠扣带回前部多巴胺含量变化的影响 [J], 吴敏范;刘忠;杨宇;商丽宏;陈魁敏;张坤松
5.吗啡戒断后焦虑小鼠下丘脑β-EP、5-HT、5-HIAA含量变化及其电针的作用效应 [J], 周奇志;蔡定均;乔秀兰;赵纪岚;李亮;魏焦禄
