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Hereinafter: later in the same Contract
一样与to be referred to as, referred to as, called等词组连用,以幸免重复。
Passage 1
In accordance with the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chi nese-foreign Equity Joint Ventures” and the Contract signed by and bet ween ____Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party A) and __co.(hereinafter r eferred to as Party B), the articles of association is hereby formulated and prepared.
1) in accordance with: under按照
2) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equi ty Joint ventures中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
3) Articles of association合营公司章程(条款)
4) Hereinafter:以下
5) Hereby特此
6) Formulate: prepare制订
Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
___(hereinafter called the “Buyer”)on the one hand, and __ (hereinafter called the “Seller”)on the other hand hereby agree to sign and conclud e this Contract (hereinafter called the “Contract”) in accordance with th e terms and conditions as follows:
1) on the one hand为一方, on the other hand为为另一方
2) terms and conditions: provisions of the Contract合同条款
3) as follows: the followings如下
Passage 3
If an issuing band intends that the reimbursement to which a paying, a ccepting or negotiating bank is entitled, shall be obtained by the band claiming on another branch or office of the issuing bank or on a third
bank (all hereinafter referred to as the reimbursing bank),the issuing b ank in question shall provide such reimbursing bank in good time with the proper instructions or authorization to honour such reimbursement claims and without making it a condition that the bank entitled to clai m reimbursement shall certify compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit to the reimbursing bank.
1) the issuing bank开证行
2) paying bank付款行
3) accepting bank承兑行
4) negotiating bank议付行
5) reimbursement偿付
6) claiming: asking for payment付款要求
7) to honour: to reimburse偿付
8) branch or office of the issuing bank开证行的分行或支行
9) hereinafter: later in the same credit在本信用证中
10) compliance with: subject to符合
11) the bank entitled to claim reimbursement索偿行,指有权获得偿付的银行
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
Such notice shall establish the entitlement of the Party giving the same to commence arbitration, as hereinafter provided, as to such dispute an d subject to sub-clause67.4, no arbitration in respect thereof may be co mmenced unless such notice is given.
1) arbitration仲裁
2) giving the same to commence arbitration发出通知开始仲裁
3) as hereinafter provided按以下规定的
4) as to: about, concerning关于
5) subject to: in accordance with按照
6) in respect thereof关于争端
thereof: of the dispute
Chinese version for reference
本通知应按以下规定就引争端确立发出通知方开始仲裁的权益,并按第6 7。
Passage 5
This Agreement is made and concluded on ____, 200_by and between_ ___(hereinafter called the Employer) on the one hand and ____(hereinaf ter called the Contractor)on the other hand.
1) this Agreement本协议书
2) hereinafter called the Employer以下称业主
3) hereinafter called the Contractor以下称承包人
Chinese version for reference
本协议书于200___年___月___日由______(以下称业主)为一方,与__ __(以下称承包人)为另一方签订。
Passage 6
The following words and expressions in the Contract(as hereinafter defi ned) shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them, except where the Contract otherwise requires.
1) words and expressions in the Contract以下合同中的用语和用词
2) as hereinafter defined如下文定义
3) the meanings涵义
4) except where the Contract otherwise requires除按照合同有要求
Chinese version for reference
Therein: in that; in tat particular context; in that respect.
Passage 1
All operations necessary for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein shall, so far as compliance with the requirements of the Contract permits, be carried on so as not to int erfere unnecessarily or improperly with …
1) the execution and completion of the works工程的施工及竣工
2) the remedying of any defects therein修补工程中的缺陷
3) therein: in the Works在工程中
4) as far as在。
5) compliance with: subject to符合
Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
In case of default on the part of the Contractor in carrying out such in struction within the time specified therein or, if none, within a reasonab le time, the Employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other person s to carry out the same and all costs consequent thereon or incidental t hereto shall, after due consultation with the employer and the Contracto r, be determined by the engineer by the Employer, and may be deducte d by the Employer from any monies due or to become due to the Con tract and the Engineer shall notify the Contractor accordingly, with a c opy to the Employer.
1) default in carrying out such instruction default: failure to act没有执行上述指示
2) therein: in the instruction不负责,不到场
3) be entitled to有权(做某事)
4) if none: if no specified time在指示中
5) the same: the instruction
6) consequent thereon; consequent on the instruction由此而造成的
7) incidental thereto: incidental to the instruction相伴的
8) due consultation with应与…协商
9) recoverable收回(费用)
10) monies款项
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
If any or damage happens to the Works, or any part thereof, or materi als or Plant for incorporation therein, during the period for which the Contractor is responsible for the care thereof, from any cause whatsoev er, other than the risks defined in Sub-clause 20.4, the Contractor shall, at his won cost, rectify such loss or damage so that the Permanent W orks conform in every respect with the provisions of the Contract to th e satisfaction of the Engineer.
1) loss or damage缺失与损坏。
2) any thereof: any part of the Works工程中的任何一部分thereof: of the Works
3) incorporation therein: used in the Works用于工程中的therein: in the Works
4) at his own cost自费
5) rectify:补偿,纠正
6) Permanent Works永久工程
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
“Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other th an Contractor’s Equipment) required in or for the execution and comple tion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein.
1) temporary works临时工程,指为建设永久工程服务的工程也可称
2) Contractor’s Equipment承包人设备
3) Any defects therein: any defects in the Works工程中的缺陷Chinese version for reference
Passage 5
The Contractor shall, with due care and diligence, design (to the extent provided for by the Contract), execute and complete the Works and re medy any defects therein under the provisions of the Contract. Notes:
1) with due care and diligence以应有的细心和勤奋
2) to the extent provided for by the Contract在合同规定的范畴内,provided for规定
3) remedy any defects修补工程中缺陷therein : in the Works
4) under the provisions of the Contract按照合同(的规定)Chinese version for reference
Passage 6
The Engineer shall, from time to time, have authority to issue to the C ontractor such supplementary Drawings and instructions as shall be nece ssary for the purpose of the proper and adequate execution and complet ion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein. The Contra ctor shall carry out and be bound by the same.
1) the Engineer工程师,即国内所称的“监理工程师”
2) have authority to issue有权(力)发出
3) supplementary Drawings补充图纸
4) the remedying of any defects therein修补工程中缺陷,therein: i n the Works
Chinese version for reference
Thereof: of that, of it.它的,其。
Passage 1
The headings and marginal notes in these conditions shall not be deem ed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or c
onstruction thereof of the Contract.
1) headings标题
2) marginal notes旁注
3) thereof: of these conditions条件(条款)的一部分
4) deem: consider视为,认为
5) construction thereof: construction of these conditions constructio n: interpretation; sense in which words, statement, etc. are taken讲明Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
Arbitration: all disputes in connection with the Contract or arising in th e execution thereof shall first be settled amicable by negotiation. In cas e no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute may then be su bmitted for arbitration.
1) arbitration: settlement of a dispute by the decision as judges or persons chosen and acceptable as judges or umpires.仲裁
2) In connection with: with reference to关于
3) In the execution thereof: in the execution of the Contract执行合同中
4) Amicably: in a friendly way友好地
5) The case under dispute争吵的事under: in the state or act of 在…之下,在…之中
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
“Time for Completion” means the time for completing the execution of and passing the Test on Completion of the Works or any section or p art thereof as stated in the Contract(or as extended under Clause 44) ca lculated from the Commencement Date.
1) Time for completion竣工时刻
2) Test on completion of the Works竣工验收(检验)
3) Commencement Date开工日
4) Any thereof: any part of the Works任何部分
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnifying the employer ag ainst all such damages and compensation, other than those for which th e Employer is liable as aforesaid, and against all claims, proceedings, d amages, costs, charges, and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or i n relation thereto.
1) indemnify(against, for )to promise to pay sb in case of loss, hur t or damage赔偿
2) compensation补偿
3) proceedings诉讼
4) in respect thereof: in respect of such damage and compensation
5) in relation thereto: in relation to such damage and compensation Chinese version for reference
Passage 5
The Contractor shall permit the Engineer to inspect all records kept pur
suant to this Sub-Clause and shall supply him with copies thereof as a nd when the Engineer so instructs.
1) to inspect all records kept pursuant to this Sub-Clause审查所有按照本款储存的记录,this Sub-Clause本款,Clause指合同条款,如第1 0条,应译成Clause10。
如第10条第2款,应译成Sub Clause 10.2。
2) copies thereof记录的副本,thereof: of records
Chinese version for reference
Passage 6
The drawing shall remain in the sole custody of the Engineer, but two copies thereof shall, free of charge, be provided to the Contractor. Notes:
1) remain in the sole custody of the Engineer由工程师单独保管
2) two copies thereof两套复制件thereof: of the drawings
3) free of charge免费
Chinese version for reference
Hereof: of this. 关于此点,在本文件中。
Passage 1
In the case Party A decides not to continue with the progress of Work s, this Contract shall be terminated under Article 10 hereof.
1) in the case: should it happens
2) the progress of Works: the execution of the Works施工
3) under: in accordance with按照
4) Article 10 hereof: Article 10 of this Contract本合同第10条
5) To continue with连续(干某事)
Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
Time limit for completion: The Work hereof shall be commenced in co mpliance with the construction
work of Party A’s Plant and shall be completed within thir ty days after the completion of construction Work of Party A’s Plant, including the completion of the inner part of the plant, and when the plant is at the stage that trail runs of the air conditioning mechanism is possible.
1) time for completion竣工期限
2) the work hereof: the work of this Contract本合同工程
3) in compliance with: complying with服从,配合,顺从
4) inner part of the plant工厂内部(工程)
5) trial run for air conditioning mechanism: 空调机械试运转trial: t esting
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall cover the legal en tities and other organizations engaged in foreign trade dealings in accor dance with the terms, conditions and provisions hereof.
1) foreign trade dealers外贸经营者
2) legal entities法人
3) provisions hereof: provisions of this Law本法律条款(规定)thi s Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国对外贸易法Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
Unfair competition in this Law refers to such acts of operators as contr avene the provisions hereof, with the result of damaging the lawful rig hts and interests of other operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order.
1) unfair competition不正当竞争
2) operators经营者
3) contravene: break (a law, rule, custom, etc.)违反
4) provisions hereof: provisions of this Law this Law: law of the People’s Republic of China for Countering Unfair Competition中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法
5) the lawful rights and interests合法权益
6) the socio-economic order社会经济秩序
Chinese version for reference
Passage 5
The Attachments to this Contract shall be deemed a part hereof and sh all be effective as any other provision hereof.
1) The Attachments to this Contract本合同的附件
2) Shall be deemed a part hereof应视为本合同的一部分,hereof: o
f this Contract
3) Any other provisions hereof. 其他条款,Hereof: of this Contract Chinese version for reference
Passage 6
This Contract shall at all time be subject to and governed by such Gen eral Terms and Conditions on the back hereof as are an integral part h ereof.
1) General Terms and Conditions on the back hereof背面所附的一样条款,hereof: of this Contract
2) An integral part hereof an integral part hereof, hereof: of this C ontract
Chinese version for reference
Hereto: to this.至此,对此。
Passage 1
This Contract shall be in duplicate, to be held by each of the Parties hereto and shall have two copies kept by each of the Parties hereto for the recor d.
1) in duplicate: with a duplicate copy一式两份duplicat e: identical完全一样(相同)的
2) the parties hereto: the Parties to this Contract本合同的双方Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
In Witness Whereof the Parties hereto have caused this Form of Agreement to be executed the day and year that has been written in accordance with th eir respective laws and have caused their respective common seals to be her eunto affixed(or have hereunto set their respective hands and seals). Notes:
1) In Witness Whereof为此,作为本协议事项的证据(合同语言,一样用于合同结尾条款或最后一段)
2) The Parties hereto: the Parties to this Agreement本地协议的立约双方
3) Execute: give effect to使生效
4) Hereunto: to this Contract对此
5) Affix something: fix; fasten; attach附加(文件用语)
6) Hands: signature签名
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
The total amount of investment of this Joint Company is USD800, 000(Eight Hundred Thousand Only US Dollars). When necessary in the future, the Pa rties hereto shall pay additional amounts of capital to the joint venture in ac cordance with their respective contributing ratio or new contribution ratio agr eed by the Parities hereto.
1) this joint Company: this joint venture本合营公司
2) the Parties hereto: the Parties to this joint venture本合营公司的双方
3) their respective contributing ratio他们各自出资的比例
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
This Contract shall be written in English and Chinese languages in quadrupli cate, both texts being equally authentic, and the Parties hereto shall hold tw o copies of each text.
1) in quadruplicate一式四份
2) equally authentic同等效力
3) both texts(合同的)中英文本
Chinese version for reference
Passage 5
The scope of Works of this Contract shall be specified in such Drawings an d Billing of Quantities as are attached hereto.
1) The scope of Works工程范畴
2) Bills Quantities过程量表
Chinese version for reference
Passage 6
In the event that there shall be newly increased items of Works, the Parties hereto shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of such items. Notes:
1) in the event that如果
2) newly increased items of Works新增加的工程
3) the unit price of such items该项新增加的单价
Chinese version for reference
Herein: in this.此中,于此
Passage 1
The procedures contained herein shall be followed by the concerned agencies
of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), responsible for the implementati on of the Bank-supported projects.
1) the procedures contained herein: the procedures contained in this document本文件中规定的程序
2) the concerned agencies: nominated agencies有关机构
3) the implementation of the Bank-supported
Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
In the event Party B shall have to abandon any part of the completed Work s or any part of the materials transmitted to the location of Works owing to the amendment of the construction project by Party A, Party A shall, after having duly received the Works, pay for such completed Works or such mat erials abandoned as per the unit price specified herein to the Party B. Notes:
1)in the event (that):if 如果
2)owing to: because of; on account of 由于
3)amendment of construction project修改施工打算
4)duly: at the right time及时地
5)receive the Works验收工程
6)as per按照
7)the unit price specified herein: the unit price specified in this c ontract合同双方决定的单价
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
Foreign trade dealers as mentioned herein shall cover the legal entities and other organizations engaged in foreign trade dealings in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
1)foreign trade dealers对外贸易经营者
2)herein: in this Law本法中this law: Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国对外贸易法
3)legal entities法人
4)foreign trade dealings对外贸易经营活动provisions of this Law 本法(规定)条款
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
The term “company”herein refers to a limited liability company or a com pany limited by shares established within Chinese territory in accordance wit h this Law
1)herein: in this Law在本法中this Law: Company Law of the P eople’s Republic of China中华人民共和国公司法
2) a limited liability company 有限责任公司
3) a company limited by shares股份有限公司
Chinese version for reference
Passage 5
In the event that Party A shall amend, increase or decrease its plan of const ruction works, the corresponding increase or decrease of total price shall be calculated as per the unit price specified herein by the Parties to this Contra ct.
1)in the event that如果
2)its plan of construction works其工程打算
3)the unit price specified herein本合同双方规定的合同单价,her ein: in this Law本合同(规定的)
Chinese version for reference
Passage 6
The amount herein above fixed shall, under this Guarantee, represent the ma ximum of our obligations and shall not exceed such maximum in any case whatever the reason may be.
1) the amount herein本保函金额herein : in this Guarantee
2) the maximum of our obligations我行义务的最大限度
3) in any case whatever the reason may be不管由于何种缘故Chinese version for reference
Thereafter; Thereto; Therewith
Thereafter: after that.此后
Thereto: to that.向那儿
Therewith: with that.以此;此外
Passage 1
The exercise of any of the rights granted to the Buyer under Clause 5 shall not prejudice or affect any such right of action or remedy as shall have ac crued or shall accrue thereafter to the Buyer.
1) the rights granted to the Buyer给予买方的权力
2) under: in accordance with按照
3) prejudice: injure or weaken损害
4) remedy赔偿金
5) accrue(to sb):come as a natural growth or development自然产生
6) thereafter: afterwards此后,由此
Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
Instructions for the issuance of credits, the credits themselves, instructions fo r any amendments thereto and the amendments themselves shall be complete and precise.
In order to guard against confusion and misunderstanding, banks shall discou rage any attempt to include excessive detail in the credit or in any amendm ent thereto.
1) instructions for the issuance of credits开立信用证的指示
2) any amendments thereto: any amendments to the credit对信用证
3) discourage劝阻
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
The Engineer may, if in his opinion it is necessary or desirable, issue an in struction that any varied works shall be executed on a daywork basis. The Contract shall then be paid for such varied work under the terms set out in the daywork schedule included in the Contract and at the rates and prices affixed thereto by himself in the Tender.
1) desirable: worth doing值得做的
2) any varied works变更工程
3) on a daywork basis按计日(工资)的方式,on a …basis常用来表示的方式,可译为“…地”
4) the dayword schedule计日工作表at the rates and prices affixed t hereto: at the rates and prices affixed to the daywork schedule在计日工作表中所确定的单价及价格
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
Before submitting his Tender, the Contractor shall be deemed to have inspect
ed and examined the Site and its surroundings and information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied himself (so far as is practicable, t aking cost and time into consideration) as to: (a) the form and nature thereo f, including the sub-surface conditions.
1) be deemed: be considered被认为
2) the site工地,现场
3) in connection therewith: in connection with the Site and surroun ding与工地和环境有关的(资料)
4) so far as: to the extent or degree that达到某种程度
5) before submitting his Tender递交标书之前
6) as to: about, concerning关于,至于
7) the form and nature thereof: the form and nature of the Site an
d surrounding形状及其性质
8) the sub-surface conditions地表以下的条件
Chinese version for reference
Passage 5
The Contractor shall, during the execution of the Works and thereafter, provi de all necessary superintendence as long as the Engineer may consider neces sary for the proper fulfilling of the Contractor’s obligations under the Contr act.
1) during the execution of the Works and thereafter在工程施工期
间及其后thereafter: after the execution of the Works
2) the Contractor’s obligations承包人义务
Chinese version for reference
Passage 6
All instructions for the issuance of credits and the credits themselves, and, a ll instructions for amendments thereto and the amendments themselves, shall precisely state the documents against which payment, acceptance or negotiati on shall be made.
1) the issuance of credits开立信用证credits: letters of credits
2) amendments thereto信用证修改
3) documents against which payment, acceptance or negotiation进行付款、承兑或议付的凭证单据,documents(s)单据
Chinese version for reference
Passage 7
It is fully understood that this Guarantee shall take effect from the date of t he bid opening and shall remain valid for a period of 30 calendar days ther eafter, and if any extension of the period may be agreed upon between you and the Bidder, the Bidder shall provide notice to us, unless sooner termina ted and/or rescinded by your Party.
1) it is fully understood that不言而喻
2) this Guarantee本保证函
3) the date of the bid opening开标日
4) unless sooner terminated and/or released by your Party.除贵方提早终止或解除本保证函外
Chinese version for reference
Unit Three
Contract and Law Documents require the use of special terminology. The fol lowings are some of the special words used in this type of writing: Wherea s, Witness, in Witness Whereof, in consideration of, now therefore, now thes e presents, in the presence of and Know All Men by These Presents, the un dersigned, etc.
Whereas: considering that.
Whereas the Contractor by an Agreement made between the Employer of th e one part and the Contractor of the other part has entered into a Contract (hereafter called “the said Contract”) to execute and complete certain Work s and remedy any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the s aid Contract.
1) Whereas鉴于,按照
2) of the one part为一方
3) of the other part为另一方
4) hereafter以下
5) therein: in the Works在工程中
6) in accordance with按照,按照
7) the provisions合同条款
Chinese version for reference
Passage 2
Whereas the Employer is desirous that certain Works shall be executed by t he Contractor, viz.__________and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor f or the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any d efects therein.
1) Whereas: considering that鉴于
2) Employer业主,指合同双方之一
3) Desirous期望
4) certain Works下列工程
5) viz.: namely即,确实是
6) Tender投标(书)
7) the remedying of any defects therein.: the remedying of any defects in th
e Works修补工程中缺陷
Chinese version for reference
Passage 3
Whereas the first Party is willing to employ the second Party and the secon d Party agrees to act as the first Party’s Engineer in Bamako, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:
1) whereas: considering that鉴于
2) Bamako:巴马科(地名)
3) Hereby: by this reason由此,特此
4) As follows如下
Chinese version for reference
Passage 4
Whereas Party A and Party B, adhering to the principle of equality and mut ual benefit and through friendly consultation, agree to jointly invest to establ ish a new venture company in China (hereinafter referred to as “New Comp any”). The Contract hereunder is worked out.
1) adhering to the principle of equality and mutual benefit按照平等互利的原则
2) through friendly consultation通过友好协商
3) joint venture company合资经营公司
4) referred to as以下称
Chinese version for reference