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1.What do we call the primary color that mixes with blue to create violet?
A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Orange答案:A
2.My guinea pig makes a ______ (声音) when it's happy.
3.I see _____ (五) stars in the sky.
4.My cousin is a talented ____ (singer).
5.The cake is ________ (装饰得很美).
6. A solute is the substance that is ______ in a solution.
7.The __________ is a vast grassland area in Africa. (草原)
8.The ant builds its home in the _________. (土壤)
9.What is the capital of Brazil?
A. Rio de Janeiro
B. Brasilia
C. São Paulo
D. Salvador答案: B
10.The boiling point of water is ______ degrees Fahrenheit.
11. A hamster's cheeks are perfect for storing ______ (食物).
12. A ______ (植物的生态保护) plan can ensure survival.
13.I enjoy participating in school clubs. They allow me to explore my interests and meet new friends. I’m currently involved in __________, and it’s so much fun!
14.He can ________ (跑) fast.
15.My dad is very ________.
16.My favorite season is _____ (winter/summer).
17.The _____ (博物馆) has interesting exhibits.
18. A conductor allows electricity to ______ (flow) through it easily.
19.I like to _____ (paint) pictures.
20.The ______ of a plant can influence where it grows best. (植物的需求可以影响它生长的最佳位置。

21.The _____ (car) is fast.
22.I see a _____ bird on the fence. (blue)
23.The monkey is _____ in the tree. (hanging)
24.Halley's Comet is visible from Earth approximately every ______ years.

26.My sister loves to ________.
27.__________ are known for their colorful plumage and ability to mimic sounds.
28.My dad helped me fix my broken ____. (玩具名称)
29.The ____ makes a soft sound and is often seen in the garden.
30.The color of a star indicates its _______.
31. A __________ is an area with many mountains.
32.An __________ reaction absorbs heat from the environment.
33.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?
A. Fish
B. Elephant
C. Bird
D. Dog答案:C
34.The ________ (生态恢复计划实施) is essential.
35.My toy ________ can fly high.
36.Did you hear that _____ (猫咪) purring?
37.I have a pet ___ . (dog)
38.The __________ is a famous waterfall located in North America. (尼亚加拉大瀑布)
39.I see _____ (猴子) at the zoo.
40.What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
A. Gold
B. Iron
C. Diamond
D. Silver答案:C.Diamond
41.We are going to ___ dinner. (eat)
42.What is 5 x 2?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14答案:B
43.The _______ (猫) likes to scratch furniture.
44.We visit the ______ (科学中心) to explore.
45.The _____ (猫) likes to chase mice.
46.I have a dream to write a ________ (书). It will be about my ________ (冒险).
47.What is the capital of Armenia?
A. Yerevan
B. Gyumri
C. Vanadzor
D. Vagharshapat答案:a
48.The _____ (气候适应) is crucial for plant survival.
49.Read and match.(看图连线。

50.What is the capital of Malaysia?
A. Kuala Lumpur
B. Singapore
C. Bangkok
D. Jakarta答案: A. Kuala Lumpur
51.My brother is a __________ student. (优秀)
52.The __________ (历史的普遍性) transcends boundaries.
53. A _____ (植物学) studies different types of plants.
54.We have a ______ (大) garden with vegetables.
55.My cat loves to groom itself to keep its ______ (毛) clean.
56.The _______ of a plant can change in different seasons.
57.The __________ (历史的启发性思维) encourages exploration.
58.The flowers are ________ (多彩).
59.My favorite TV show is ______.
60.The dog enjoys going for long _______ (散步).
61.Which fruit is red and often used in pies?
A. Banana
B. Cherry
C. Grape
D. Orange答案:B
62.Astronomers believe that dark matter makes up most of the mass in the _______.
63.My uncle is great at _______ (名词). 他能 _______ (动词)很多事情.
64.My favorite sport is soccer, and I have a special ________ (足球) signed by players.
65.We can _______ (一起玩) games.
66.The _______ (Suez Canal) connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
67.I found a _______ (小瓢虫) on the leaf.
68.The ____ is a gentle animal that enjoys being around children.
69.My best friend is very _______ (形容词). 她总是 _______ (动词).
70.An element's atomic number tells you how many _____ it has.
71.In math, we learn how to ________ (加法) and ________ (减法). It’s really
________ (有趣).
72.My mom is ______ (cooking) dinner.
73.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing?
A. Guitar
B. Drums
C. Piano
D. Violin答案:C
74.The _____ (植物展现) highlights the beauty of nature.
75.The _____ (丰收) of crops happens in the fall.
76.The process of a solid changing directly to a gas is called _____.
77.I enjoy _______ (参加) sports teams.
78.What is the primary ingredient in guacamole?
A. Tomato
B. Avocado
C. Onion
D. Pepper答案: B
79. A chemical reaction that releases heat is called _____ (exothermic).
80.The __________ is a region known for its wine production. (加利福尼亚)
81.The chemical formula for myristic acid is ______.
82.The _______ (猴子) swings on vines.
83.The ______ is a common farm animal.
84.My favorite game is _______ (棋盘游戏).
85.The __________ is a famous historical site in Greece. (雅典卫城)
86.The __________ is a vast desert in North Africa. (撒哈拉沙漠)
87.What is the capital of Japan?
A. Beijing
B. Seoul
C. Tokyo
D. Taipei答案: C
88.The fish are swimming in the ___ (pond/aquarium).
89.We need to ________ the house.
90.I need a _____ (chair/table) to sit on.
91.The chemical formula for magnesium chloride is ______.
92. A cat can be very ________.
93.The _____ (花卉装饰) can brighten up any space.
94.My dad is ______ (working) from home today.
95.The _______ offers a variety of benefits.
96.The _____ (生态系统) is balanced when all plants and animals coexist.
97. A __________ can lead to the extinction of species.
98.My friend is a great __________ (伙伴) in projects.
99.How many colors are there in a traffic light?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five答案: B
100.What do you call a place where you can see dinosaurs?
A. Museum
B. Zoo
C. Aquarium
D. Park答案: A。
