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1.The ancient Romans used _____ for public entertainment.
2.The ice cream is _______ (凉的).
3.The __________ (历史的引导) informs practice.
4. A ____ can often be found resting in the shade.
5.What is 9 + 10?
A. 18
B. 19
C. 20
D. 21答案: B
6.The capital of Kosovo is ________ (普里什蒂纳).
7.The bison wanders the grassy ____.
8.I love the smell of fresh __________ (花卉).
9.What is 20 ÷ 4?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 3答案:A.5
10.Which planet is known for its rings?
A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Neptune
D. Mars答案: A
11.We visit the ______ (历史遗迹) to learn about the past.
12.When acids and bases react, they produce ______.
13. A mixture can be separated by _______ methods like filtration.
14.My sister has a beautiful ______ (手链). She wears it every ______ (天).
15.What is the name of the famous art museum in Paris?
A. Louvre
B. British Museum
C. Uffizi Gallery
D. Rijksmuseum答案:A
16.Orion is a well-known ______ in the night sky.
17. A __________ is a substance that can change color based on pH.
18. A _______ (蜗牛) moves very slowly.
19.What do we call the chemical symbol for sodium?
A. Na
B. K
C. Ca
D. Fe答案: A. Na
20.The capital of Argentina is __________.
21. A ______ (自然保护区) protects plant species.
22.What is 10 3?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8答案: B
23.I want to _______ (learn) how to skate.
24. A ________ (鸟) can fly high in the sky and sings beautifully.
25.What do we call a young monkey?
A. Pup
B. Kit
C. Baby
D. Calf答案:C.Baby
26.I enjoy _______ (参加) talent shows.
27.The shark is very ___ (fearsome).
28. A _______ is used to measure the pressure of gases.
29.The __________ can affect weather patterns.
30.The __________ is a large body of water located in the Arctic. (北冰洋)
31.I like to eat ___. (pasta)
32.What do we call the part of the plant that grows underground?
A. Stem
B. Leaf
C. Root
D. Flower答案:c
33.The chemical symbol for argon is ______.
34.My cousin is a talented ____ (pianist).
35.The _______ (青蛙) is often green in color.
36.What do we call the process of taking in air?
A. Exhalation
B. Inhalation
C. Respiration
D. Circulation答案:B
37.The ________ was a significant event in the evolution of society.
38.An astronaut experiences weightlessness in ______ (space).
39.The dog is ________ outside.
40.I saw a _______ (小松鼠) eating an acorn.
41. A llama can carry heavy loads on its ______ (背部).
42.The main component of hormones is _____.
43._____ (生态经典) teaches about biodiversity.
44.The first African American to serve in the U.S. Senate was _______.
45.We can see many ________ (野生动物) in the national park.
46.The ______ (根系) can help prevent soil erosion.
47.She has a _______ (big) smile.
48.ts grow best in _____ (湿润) soil. Some pla
49.The young girl loves to play with her _____ (小狗).
50.The __________ (远足) is a great way to explore nature.
51.What is 9 - 4?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8答案:A 5
52.The ancient civilizations of Europe are known for their ________ legacies.
53.We visit the _____ (farm) every summer.
54.My cousin's name is . (我表哥的名字是)
55._____ (植物故事) connect people with nature.
56. A ________ (鲨鱼) is a fast swimmer that lives in the ocean.
57.The stars are ______ (twinkling) in the dark night.
58.What is the primary color of the ocean?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Red答案:A
59.Which season comes after summer?
A. Spring
B. Winter
C. Fall
D. Autumn答案:C
60.The chemical symbol for tin is ______.
61.The puffin can dive underwater to catch ________________ (鱼).
62.My cousin is a talented ____ (singer).
63.My favorite food is ______ (意大利面). I enjoy cooking it with my mom on ______ (周末).
64.The process of making soap involves a reaction called _______.
65.The flowers in the garden attract _______ and butterflies.
66.Understanding ______ (植物遗传学) can lead to improvements in agriculture.
67.An atom's mass is mostly from the ______.
68.The ________ (experiment) teaches us science.
69.The capital city of France is ________.
70.The __________ (历史的象征) can carry deep meaning.
71.My mom grows ________ in the kitchen.
72.What do we call the process of taking in and using nutrients?
A. Digestion
B. Metabolism
C. Absorption
D. Assimilation答
73. A ______ can help restore habitats.
74.The __________ is a critical area for studying the impacts of climate change.
75.The ancient Romans used ________ as a form of entertainment.
76.In a circuit, a resistor limits the flow of ______ (current).
77. A gecko can change its ______ (颜色) to camouflage.
78.The ______ shares knowledge about wildlife.
79.The ancient Maya civilization was known for its __________ (天文学) and calendar.
80.The country known for its wine is ________ (以葡萄酒闻名的国家是________).
81. A __________ (科学家社区) supports networking and mentorship for young researchers.
82.The process of ______ can change the landscape over time.
83.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Israel?
A. Jerusalem
B. Tel Aviv
C. Haifa
D. Nazareth答案:A.Jerusalem
84.The chemical formula for lithium hydroxide is ______.
85.The _______ (金鱼) swims in circles in its bowl.
86.ts have a ______ (独特的) appearance. Some pla
87.How many strings does a standard guitar have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7答案: C
88.The symbol for nitrogen is _____.
89.The dog is ________ the ball.
90.We draw with _____ (粉笔) on the sidewalk.
91.Plants are often used for ______ (装饰) in homes.
92.The cake looks very ___ (delicious).
93.The _____ (公鸡) crows at dawn to wake everyone up. 公鸡在黎明时鸣叫,叫醒每个人。
94.The chemical formula for ethanol is ________.
95.We will have a ________ (庆祝活动) for the holiday.
96.I think it’s important to respect ________ (他人) and their beliefs.
97.I like to watch the ________ (日出) in the morning.I like to watch the ________ bloom.
98.What do we call the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution?
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Bill of Rights
C. Declaration of Independence
D. Emancipation Proclamation答案: B
99.I always do my homework ______.
100.After school, I like to play ________ with my friends.。