到这此之前,需要确保之前已经烧入CSR8670的软件以下几个PSKEY正 确,否则无法升级(建议使用ADK自带的PSTOOL查看) PSKEY_USB_DFU_MODE,&013E为0000。默认为0001 PSKEY_USB_DFU_PRODUCT_ID,&02CB为ffff。默认为fffe 通过按键控制Event等方式使CSR8670进入DFU模式,成功进入DFU模 式后,可以在设备管理器看到
Device Firmware Upgrade
CSR DFU升级简单指导
• BlueCore firmware builds that support DFU are split into two separate programs contained in the flash memory • The loader software cannot be modified by DFU
–v 表示显示执行过程的详细信息
-uv为厂商ID,CSR的是0x0a12; -up为产品ID,CSR的是0x0001; -f为输出的DFU文件名称,如test02.dfu; -h为需要更新的app文件,如image.fs; -s为需要更新的stack文件,如stack_unsigned.xpv。 –p3为psr更新参数:1、这个参数有3个子参数,其中第一个不需要,填为.,第 二个是stack psr,优先级较高,第三个是app psr,需要更新的就填写实际的psr 文件名,不需要更新的就填为.,以空格隔开,
Loader software Stack software
VM application
CSR8670 DFU user guide
DFU 使用1)产生DFU keys:dfukeygenerate.exe -o keys或dfukeygenerate.exe -o keys -r random.txt生成keys.private.key 和keys.public.key 两个文件。
2)loader和firmware签名:a)dfukeyinsert.exe -v -o loader_signed -lC:\ADK_CSR867x.WIN4.3.1.5\firmware\assisted\unified\gordon\loader_unsigned.xdv -ks keys.public.key生成loader_signed.xdv 和loader_signed.xpv文件b)dfusign.exe -v -o stack_signed -sC:\ADK_CSR867x.WIN4.3.1.5\firmware\assisted\unified\gordon\stack_unsigned.xpv -ks keys.private.key生成stack_signed.xdv 和stack_signed.xpv文件3)编译project使用xIDE编译生成vm.app和image.fs文件4)PSkey和application签名c)dfukeyinsert.exe -v -o image_signed -ps C:\Users\A80711\Desktop\image.psr -kakeys.public.key其中image.psr:使用pstool工具dump出来的CSR8670中已经设置的pskey设置(包括system和user)生成image_signed.psr 文件d)dfusign.exe -v -o image_signed -h C:\Users\A80711\Desktop\image.fs -kakeys.private.key其中image.fs是xIDE编译生成的文件。
Honeywell 8670 无线rings扫描仪配件指南说明书
DESCRIPTION Scanner Ring Head without Bluetooth® Module
Scanner Bluetooth Module
Bluetooth Module without Scanner Ring Head and without battery
Ring finger straps – Elastic strap with snap-on mount (20-pack)
8670 Wireless Ring Scanner Accessories Guide |
Ring Scanner Trigger Assembly
Ring Scanner Trigger Assembly
batteries & chargers
SKU 50129434-001FRE
Li-Ion spare battery for 8670, 8650 and 1602g scanners
power cables
PRODUCT NAME Power Cable - Europe
SKU 9000090CABLE
DESCRIPTION C14 type power cable, Schuko (Europe)
Power Cable - Denmark
C14 type power cable, Denmark 3-pin
8670 Wireless Ring Scanner Accessories Guide |
. Confidential © Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2012
VM app can choose mode (internal vs external)
fo r
Tr iv
be r
Page 6
Bypass regulator
– Max DC load + 50mA + margin for <10% inductance loss – Not the self heating rating!
For cost sensitive mains powered applications
fo r
– increase in battery size (and cost) outweighs size (and cost) of the inductor for battery powered devices
rs d 01 ,2 .c om -T hu ay , N ov em be r
. Confidential © Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2012
– – – – –
Main headset use case Best efficiency
3. Li-Ion battery and the SMPS in dual 1V8 mode
. Confidential © Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2012
Tr iv
CSR8645,CSR8670--让无线音频达到有线效果CSR8645,CSR8670 这两款SoC都能够利用CSR音频处理和蓝牙无线连接技术与家庭娱乐系统之间以最高立体声音频质量进行无线传输,这两款SoC能够支持电视,及其它可连接的家庭应用,以及智能手机、平板电脑、PC以及很多其它消费产品。
CSR 的aptX™高保真音频技术能够通过蓝牙连接为无线扬声器或耳机提供出色的立体声音效,同时CSR的清晰语音捕捉(CVC®)技术能够为高质量的扬声器提供声学回声及噪音消除功能。
CSR音频与消费业务部产品市场经理Paul Wilson表示:“CSR8645和CSR8670为我们的客户提供了灵活的音频系统芯片解决方案,可以用来开发更多高度差异化的产品,并更快地投入市场,从而提高自身竞争力。
CSR8670 usb source功能验证
BAF002-CSR8670 usb source功能验证
本文主要讲解在ADK_CSR867x.WIN4.3.1.5下,验证一下sub source的功能。
在工程属性中设置Hardware Variant:
默认程序好像是配置成了USB source,所以其他应该不用改啥了。
如果是wired source,好像还要在工程属性中修改一些配置。
AX7Z035B 开发板用户手册说明书
ZYNQ7000开发平台用户手册AX7Z035B开发板2 / 56芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司文档版本控制目录文档版本控制 (2)一、开发板简介 (6)二、AC7Z035B核心板 (9)(一)简介 (9)(二)ZYNQ芯片 (10)(三)DDR3 DRAM (13)(四)QSPI Flash (19)(五)eMMC Flash (20)(六)时钟配置 (21)(七)LED灯 (24)(八)复位电路 (25)(九)电源 (25)(十)结构图 (27)(十一)连接器管脚定义 (28)三、扩展板 (37)(一)简介 (37)(二)USB转串口 (37)(三)千兆以太网接口 (38)(四)USB2.0 Host接口 (41)(五)HDMI输出接口 (42)(六)HDMI输入接口 (44)(七)光纤接口 (46)(八)PCIe插槽 (48)(九)SD卡槽 (49)(十)40针扩展口 (50)(十一)LED灯 (51)(十二)复位按键和用户按键 (52)(十三)JTAG调试口 (53)(十四)拨码开关配置 (54)3 / 564 / 56芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司(十五) 电源 .............................................................................................................................. 54 (十六) 风扇 .............................................................................................................................. 55 (十七) 结构尺寸图 (56)5 / 56芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司 基于XILINX ZYNQ7000开发平台的开发板(型号:AX7Z035B )2019款正式发布了正式发布了,为了让您对此开发平台可以快速了解,我们编写了此用户手册。
中科-csr 8670开发板简介.ppt
蓝牙模块 CSR 8670 开发板资源
支持接口 BC08 蓝牙芯片(CSR8670),内置 kalimba DSP,支持蓝牙协议 V2.1+EDR、内置 16Mb FLASH、12 个按键 、16 个 PIO 接口、2 个 AIO 接口、 12 个 LED 指示灯、1 个 USB 接口、1 个音频输出接口、 1 个音频输入接口、1 个板载麦克风、1 个 RS232 接口、1 个 SPI 调试接口、 1 个 IIC 接口(PIO 复用)、 1 个 E2PROM。
蓝牙协议及模块相关技术研讨 (一)
蓝牙模块 CSR 8670 技术参数
功能: 蓝牙通话功能(HFP1.6/HSP), 蓝牙立体声(A2DP), AVRCP, 数据传输。 蓝牙v4.0(同时支持low energy模式)
Huntersun confidential
Huntersun confidential
跳频序列的性能分析理论来源: 安全性能:跳频序列的安全性是由AES算法的安全机制决定。业界安全 算法,对于己知攻击而言,AES算法具有极高的安全性,因而基于该算法的 跳频序列也具有良好的安全性。 均匀性:对于跳频通信系统,如果系统采用的跳频序列满足均匀分布特性, 则在各个频点上跳频码出现的概率是相等的,从而使系统具有良好的抗干
Huntersun confidential
Huntersun confidential
U3 C17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUTL+ PGND OUTLPVDD /MUTE VDD INL VREF OUTR+ PGND OUTRPVDD /SHDN GND INR NC 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 C18 C28 220UF VDD
8 D
VBAT USB_5V USB_3V3 SPI_3V3 VBAT J2 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 VCHG VDD S8 POWER BT_VDD
R51 100R D1
R52 100R D2 S4 V-
BLED2 R10 1K R39 1K J12 Q3 3904 R40 10K 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 PIO5 PIO6 PIO7 PIO10 PIO11 R57 0R BT_VDD BT_VDD
VDD VREF R28 10K R29 10K
J8 MISO MOSI CLK CSB GND 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 SPI_TX SPI_RX SPI_3V3 GND
开发板采用英国CSR 公司CSR8670 蓝牙芯片,可以用来开发单声道蓝牙耳机,立体声蓝牙耳机,蓝牙车载免提,蓝牙音频适配器,蓝牙虚拟串口(SPP), 蓝牙人机交互接口(HID),蓝牙文件传输(FTP)等。
开发板带有USB,UART,I2C,PCM,音频输入、输出等接口,并引出PIO 和AIO 接口,方便用户扩展,进行二次开发。
1、硬件资源:◆标配CSR8670 蓝牙芯片,置kalimba DSP ,支持蓝牙协议V4.0+EDR◆集成16Mb FLASH◆ 7个按键(1个复位键,1个开机键,5个用户按键)◆ 16个PIO 接口(其中PIO6、PIO7作为I2C)◆ 2个AIO 接口◆ 3个LED 指示灯◆ 1个USB 接口◆ 音频输出接口◆ 音频输入接口◆ 板载麦克风◆ RS232 接口◆ SPI 调试接口◆ IIC 接口(PIO 复用)◆ 64Kbit E2PROM【注意】:板载的部分资源会因为芯片所采用的芯片的不同而未被使用到,具体请参考原理图。
Line IN Line Out 串口蜂鸣器 S4S3 S2- S1- S0 复位 开机 MIC下载接口 MIC/Line IN输入切换USB扩展接口二、硬件连接和使用1、请参照上图,将下载线通过10PIN的排线和开发板连接,将MINI-USB线连接下载线并接到电脑,此时板子左上方的红色LED灯会亮,说明开发板已经正常上电。
【注意】:1. 本开发板将VREN 开机信号单独连接到一个按键作为开机用,所以在使用bluelab或pstool连接开发板时,请务必按下改开机键不放,否则将会导致软件无法读取芯片的现象,bluelab 会提示 "Unable to query BlueCore over SPI" 错误。
首先,通过开始菜单打开ADK下的BlueFlash工具:然后选择与PC相连的SPI设备,点击“Stop Processor”,然后再点击“Flash Erase”:随后,我们点击“Erase full chip”,这一步是为了模拟我们是全新的芯片。
在弹出的对话框中点击“是”:在等待成功提示出来后,选择“Choose file”:然后在以下位置找到loader_unsigned.xpv:选择完毕后点击“download”:重复以上步骤,download star_unsigned.xpv文件:完毕后,关闭BlueFlash,打开PSTool工具:在弹出的对话框中选择对应SPI接口并确定:然后选择Merge功能:在以下位置找到sink_system_csr8670.psr文件:选择“打开”后程序会自动Merge该文件到芯片中,完毕后我们设置蓝牙地址:这里建议测试地址设置成0002 5b 00ff01.需要点击下面的“set”才能成功,后面的每一步设置都需要点击“set”,后面不再重复说明。
然后设置蓝牙名称:设置CVC license key:这里的license key必须设置,否则,连上手机后,打电话会没有声音,本例子中设置为3465 A979 BC24 C86D 01FF即可。
_äìÉ`çêÉ∆=`poUSTM=_d^Preliminary InformationPerformance SpecificationIssue 1To accelerate the product development process, CSR are offering early access to this preliminary design data. This advance information has not been through CSR’s internal qualification sign-off procedure.CSR has yet to complete its testing of this design and offers no guarantee with respect to the performance. The design data may change without notice.CSRChurchill HouseCambridge Business ParkCowley RoadCambridge CB4 0WZUnited KingdomRegistered in England 3665875Tel.: +44 (0)1223 692000Fax.: +44 (0)1223 692001CS-203853-SPP1Preliminary Information© Cambridge Silicon Radio 2011Document StatusThe status of this document is Preliminary. To accelerate the product development process, CSR is offering earlyaccess to information.CSR offers no guarantee with respect to the performance of CSR8670 BGA. All detailed specifications may bechanged by CSR without notice.`poUSTM=_d^Performance SpecificationDocument HistoryRevision Date Change Reason125 JAN 11Original publication of document.If you have any comments about this document, email comments@ givingthe number, title and section with your feedback.`poUSTM=_d^Performance SpecificationTrademarks, Patents and LicencesUnless otherwise stated, words and logos marked with ™ or ® are trademarks registered or owned by CSR plc or its affiliates. Bluetooth ® and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and licensed to CSR.Other products, services and names used in this document may have been trademarked by their respective owners.The publication of this information does not imply that any licence is granted under any patent or other rights owned by CSR plc and its affiliates.CSR reserves the right to make technical changes to its products as part of its development programme.While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this document, CSR cannot accept responsibility for any errors.CSR’s products are not authorised for use in life-support or safety-critical applications.No statements or representations in this document are to be construed as advertising, marketing, or offering for sale in the United States imported covered products subject to the Cease and Desist Order issued by the U.S.International Trade Commission in its Investigation No. 337-TA-602. Such products include SiRFstarIII™ chips that operate with SiRF software that supports SiRFInstantFix™, and/or SiRFLoc ® servers, or contains SyncFreeNav functionality.Refer to for compliance and conformance to standards information.Trademarks, Patents and Licences`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationContentsDocument Status (2)1Introduction (7)2Radio Characteristics: Basic Data Rate (8)2.1Transmitter Performance (8)2.1.1Temperature 20°C (8)2.1.2Temperature -30°C (10)2.1.3Temperature 85°C (11)2.2Receiver Performance (12)2.2.1Temperature 20°C (12)2.2.2Temperature -30°C (13)2.2.3Temperature 85°C (13)3Radio Characteristics: Enhanced Data Rate (14)3.1Transmitter Performance (14)3.1.1Temperature 20°C (14)3.1.2Temperature -30°C (16)3.1.3Temperature 85°C (17)3.2Receiver Performance (18)3.2.1Temperature 20°C (18)3.2.2Temperature -30°C (19)3.2.3Temperature 85°C (19)4Typical Radio Performance: Basic Data Rate (20)4.1Transmitter Performance (20)4.2Receiver Performance (29)5Typical Radio Performance: Enhanced Data Rate (30)5.1Transmitter Performance (30)5.2Receiver Performance (38)6Document References (40)Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 41List of FiguresFigure 4.1Maximum Transmit Power vs Temperature (20 DH5 Packets) (20)Figure 4.2Firmware Controlled Transmit Power vs Temperature (20 DH5 Packets) (21)Figure 4.3Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (20 DH5 Packets) (21)Figure 4.4-20dB Bandwidth vs Temperature (DH5 Packets) (22)Figure 4.5Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (DH1 Packets) at -30°C (22)Figure 4.6Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (DH1 Packets) at 20°C (23)Figure 4.7Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (DH1 Packets) at 85°C ......... 23Figure 4.8Frequency Deviation Δf 1avg vs Temperature (10 DH5 Packets) ..................................................... 24Figure 4.9Frequency Deviation Δf 2max vs Temperature (10 DH5 Packets) ..................................................... 24Figure 4.10Modulation Ratio (Δf 2avg /Δf 1avg ) vs Temperature (20 DH5 Packets) .. (25)Figure 4.11ICFT vs Temperature (25)Figure 4.12Carrier Frequency Drift for 10 DH1 Packets vs Temperature (26)Figure 4.13Carrier Frequency Drift for 10 DH3 Packets vs Temperature (26)Figure 4.14Carrier Frequency Drift for 10 DH5 Packets vs Temperature (27)Figure 4.15Carrier Frequency Drift Rate vs Temperature (10 Packets, All Packet types) (27)Figure 4.16Spectrum (Loopback DH1 Packets with TPN9 Payload) (28)Figure 4.17DH5 Burst Power vs Time (28)Figure 4.18Receive Sensitivity vs Temperature (595 DH5 Packets, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF) (29)Figure 4.19Receive Sensitivity Variation and Mean vs Channel ....................................................................... 29`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.1π/4DQPSK Relative Transmit Power vs Temperature (10 2-DH5 Packets) (30)Figure 5.28DPSK Relative Transmit Power vs Temperature (10 3-DH5 Packets) (30)Figure 5.3π/4DQPSK Absolute Block Frequency Error, ωo vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks) (31)Figure 5.4π/4DQPSK Absolute Initial Frequency Error, ωi vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks) (31)Figure 5.5π/4DQPSK Absolute Total Frequency Error, (ωo+ωi) vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks) (32)Figure 5.68DPSK Absolute Block Frequency Error, ωo vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks) (32)Figure 5.78DPSK Absolute Initial Frequency Error, ωi vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks) (33)Figure 5.88DPSK Absolute Total Frequency Error, (ωo+ωi) vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks) (33)Figure 5.9π/4DQPSK RMS DEVM vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks) (34)Figure 5.10π/4DQPSK Peak DEVM vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks) (34)Figure 5.118DPSK RMS DEVM vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks) (35)Figure 5.128DPSK Peak DEVM vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks) (35)Figure 5.13Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (2-DH5 Packets) at 20°C (36)Figure 5.14Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (3-DH5 Packets) at 20°C (36)Figure 5.15Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (2-DH5 Packets) at -30°C (37)Figure 5.16Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (3-DH5 Packets) at -30°C (37)Figure 5.17π/4DQPSK Receive Sensitivity Variation vs Channel (2-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF) (38)Figure 5.18π/4DQPSK Receive Sensitivity vs Temperature (2-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF) (38)Figure 5.198DPSK Receive Sensitivity Variation vs Channel (3-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF) (39)Figure 5.208DPSK Receive Sensitivity vs Temperature (3-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, HoppingOFF) ................................................................................................................................................ 39`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification1IntroductionThis document describes the preliminary performance specification for initial engineering samples of theBlueCore® CSR8670 BGA IC. Read this in conjunction with the CSR8670 BGA Data Sheet.This document includes:■RF characterisation for basic rate and EDR■RF typical performance graphs for basic rate and EDRImportant Note:The CSR8670 BGA is designed to meet the Bluetooth v3.0 specification when used in a suitable circuit between-30°C and 85°C. The transmitter output is designed to be unconditionally stable over a guaranteed temperature range.`poUSTM=_d^Performance Specification2Radio Characteristics: Basic Data RateImportant Note:Results shown are referenced to the output of the CSR8670 BGA.2.1Transmitter Performance2.1.1Temperature 20°C RF Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Min Typ Max BluetoothSpecification UnitMaximum RF transmit power (a) (b)(c)59--6 to 4(d)dBm RF power variation over temperature rangewith compensation enabled (e)-±0.75--dB RF power variation over temperature rangewith compensation disabled (e)-±1.5--dB 20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier -9201000≤1000kHzACP (f) (g) F = F 0 ± 2MHz --25-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 ± 3MHz --32-28≤-40dBmF = F 0 ± > 3MHz -<-65-40≤-40dBmΔf 1avg maximum modulation 140165175140 < f 1avg < 175kHz Δf 2max minimum modulation 115135-≥115kHz Δf 2avg /Δf 1avg 0.80.9-≥0.80-ICFT (h)-751275±75kHz Drift rate -620≤20kHz/50μs Drift (single slot packet)-1225≤25kHz Drift (five slot packet)-1540≤40kHz 2nd harmonic content --TBD (i)-≤-30dBm 3rd harmonic content --TBD (i)-≤-30dBm(a)Results are referenced to the output of the CSR8670 BGA.(b)The firmware maintains the transmit power within Bluetooth v3.0 specification limits.(c)Measurements are made using appropriate PS Key settings.(d)Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth v3.0 specification.(e)Parameters depend on matching circuit used, and behaviour over temperature. These parameters may be beyond CSR's direct control.(f)Measured at F 0 = 2441MHz.(g)CSR8670 BGA guaranteed to meet ACP performance in Bluetooth v3.0 specification.(h)Ignores any frequency error in the reference.(i)Filter will attenuate the harmonics.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationEmissions,VDD = 1.5V Frequency (GHz)Min Typ Max Cellular Band UnitEmitted power in cellular bandsmeasured at the output of theCSR8670 BGA.Output power ≤9dBm 0.746 - 0.764(a)--TBD -CDMA 2000dBm / Hz 0.869 - 0.894(b)--TBD -GSM 8500.869 - 0.894(a)--TBD -CDMA 8500.925 - 0.960(b)--TBD -GSM 9001.570 - 1.580(c)--TBD -GPS1.805 - 1.880(b)--TBD -GSM 1800 / DCS 18001.930 - 1.990(b)--TBD -GSM 19001.930 - 1.990(a)--TBD -CDMA 19002.110 - 2.170(a)--TBD -CDMA 20002.110 - 2.170(d)--TBD -W-CDMA 2100(a)Maximum of average burst power in 1.2MHz bandwidth is normalised to 1Hz. Hopping on.(b)Maximum of average burst power in 200kHz bandwidth is normalised to 1Hz. Hopping on.(c)Maximum of average burst power in 1MHz bandwidth is normalised to 1Hz. Hopping on.(d)Maximum of average burst power in 5MHz bandwidth is normalised to 1Hz. Hopping on.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification2.1.2Temperature -30°C RF Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Min Typ MaxBluetooth Specification UnitMaximum RF transmit power (a) (b)610--6 to 4(c)dBm 20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier -9201000≤1000kHzACP (d)F = F 0 ± 2MHz --23-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 ± 3MHz --30-27≤-40dBmΔf 1avg maximum modulation 140165175140 < f 1avg < 175kHz Δf 2max minimum modulation 115140-≥115kHz Δf 2avg /Δf 1avg 0.80.9-≥0.80-ICFT -751075±75kHz Drift rate -620≤20kHz/50μs Drift (single slot packet)-1125≤25kHz Drift (five slot packet)-1240≤40kHz(a)Results are referenced to the output of the CSR8670 BGA.(b)The firmware maintains the transmit power within Bluetooth v3.0 specification limits.(c)Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth v3.0 specification.(d)Measured at F 0 = 2441MHz.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification2.1.3Temperature 85°C RF Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Min Typ MaxBluetooth Specification UnitMaximum RF transmit power (a) (b)48--6 to 4(c)dBm 20dB bandwidth for modulated carrier -9201000≤1000kHzACP (d)F = F 0 ± 2MHz --30-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 ± 3MHz --35-33≤-40dBmΔf 1avg maximum modulation 140165175140 < f 1avg < 175kHz Δf 2max minimum modulation 115130-≥115kHz Δf 2avg /Δf 1avg 0.80.9-≥0.80-ICFT -751575±75kHz Drift rate -620≤20kHz/50μs Drift (single slot packet)-1125≤25kHz Drift (five slot packet)-1240≤40kHz(a)Results are referenced to the output of the CSR8670 BGA.(b)The firmware maintains the transmit power within Bluetooth v3.0 specification limits.(c)Class 2 RF transmit power range, Bluetooth v3.0 specification.(d)Measured at F 0 = 2441MHz.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification2.2Receiver Performance2.2.1Temperature 20°C RF Characteristics (a),VDD = 1.5V Frequency (GHz)Min Typ Max BluetoothSpecification UnitSensitivity at 0.1% BER for allbasic rate packet types2.402--90-86≤-70dBm2.441--90-862.48--90-86Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER -20>-10-≥-20dBm Continuous power required to block Bluetooth reception(for input power of -67dBm with 0.1% BER) measured at the output of the CSR8670BGA 0.030 - 2.000-10>TBD --10dBm 2.000 - 2.400-27-TBD --272.500 -3.000-27-TBD --273.000 - 12.75-10>TBD --10C/I co-channel (b) (c) (d)-TBD 11≤11dBAdjacent channel selectivityC/I (b) (c) (d) F = F 0 + 1MHz --TBD 0≤0dBF = F 0 - 1MHz --TBD 0≤0dBF = F 0 + 2MHz --TBD -30≤-30dBF = F 0 - 2MHz --TBD -20≤-20dBF = F 0 + 3MHz --TBD -40≤-40dBF = F 0 - 5MHz --TBD -40≤-40dBF = F Image --TBD -9≤-9dBMaximum level of intermodulation interferers (e)-39-TBD -≥-39dBm Spurious output level (f)--TBD --dBm/Hz (a)Results are referenced to the output of the CSR8670 BGA.(b)CSR8670 BGA is guaranteed to meet the C/I performance as specified by the Bluetooth v3.0 specification.(c)Measured at F 0 = 2441MHz.(d)F Image = F 0 - 3MHz. However, depending on crystal frequency and channel number, the image may switch to the opposite side of the carrier.When this occurs, F Image = F 0 + 3MHz and the offsets in the table equations associated with C/I are also reversed.(e)Measured at f 1 - f 2 = 5MHz. Measurement is performed in accordance with Bluetooth RF test RCV/CA/05/c, i.e. wanted signal at -64dBm.(f)Measured at the output of the CSR8670 BGA. Integrated in 100kHz bandwidth and normalised to 1Hz. Actual figure is typically -TBDdBm/Hz except for peaks of -TBDdBm at 1600MHz, -TBDdBm in-band at 2.4GHz and -TBDdBm at 3.2GHz.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification2.2.2Temperature -30°CRF Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Frequency(GHz)Min Typ MaxBluetoothSpecificationUnitSensitivity at 0.1% BER for all basic rate packet types 2.402--92-88≤-70dBm 2.441--92-882.48--92-88Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER-20>-10-≥-20dBm 2.2.3Temperature 85°CRF Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Frequency(GHz)Min Typ MaxBluetoothSpecificationUnitSensitivity at 0.1% BER for all basic rate packet types 2.402--88-84≤-70dBm 2.441--88-842.48--88-84Maximum received signal at 0.1% BER-20>-10-≥-20dBm `poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification3Radio Characteristics: Enhanced Data RateNote:Results shown are referenced to the output of the CSR8670 BGA. Measurement methods are in accordance with the Bluetooth v3.0 RF Test specification.3.1Transmitter Performance3.1.1Temperature 20°C Radio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5VMin Typ Max Bluetooth Specification UnitRelative transmit power -4-11-4 to 1dBπ/4 DQPSK max carrier frequencystability | ωo |- 1.510≤10 for all blocks kHz| ωi |-575≤75 for all packets kHz| ωo + ωi |-575≤75 for all blocks kHz8DPSK max carrier frequencystability | ωo |- 1.510≤10 for all blocks kHz| ωi |-575≤75 for all packets kHz| ωo + ωi |-575≤75 for all blocks kHzπ/4 DQPSK modulationaccuracy (a)RMS DEVM -720≤20%99% DEVM -TBD 30≤30%Peak DEVM -2035≤35%8DPSK modulation accuracy (a)RMS DEVM -713≤13%99% DEVM -TBD 20≤20%Peak DEVM -1725≤25%`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationRadio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V MinTyp Max BluetoothSpecification UnitIn-band spurious emissions (b)F > F 0 + 3MHz -<-60-40≤-40dBmF < F 0 - 3MHz -<-60-40≤-40dBmF = F 0 - 3MHz --28-25≤-40dBmF = F 0 - 2MHz --22-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 - 1MHz --28-26≤-26dBF = F 0 + 1MHz --28-26≤-26dBF = F 0 + 2MHz --26-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 + 3MHz --39-36≤-40dBmEDR differential phase encoding 99NoErrors -≥99%(a)Modulation accuracy utilises DEVM with tracking of the carrier frequency.(b)Bluetooth specification values are for 8DPSK.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification3.1.2Temperature -30°C Radio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V MinTyp Max BluetoothSpecification UnitRelative transmit power -4-11-4 to 1dBπ/4 DQPSK max carrier frequencystability | ωo |- 1.510≤10 for all blocks kHz| ωi |-575≤75 for all packets kHz| ωo + ωi |-575≤75 for all blocks kHz8DPSK max carrier frequencystability | ωo |- 1.510≤10 for all blocks kHz| ωi |-575≤75 for all packets kHz| ωo + ωi |-575≤75 for all blocks kHzπ/4 DQPSK modulationaccuracy (a)RMS DEVM -720≤20%99% DEVM -TBD 30≤30%Peak DEVM -1735≤35%8DPSK modulation accuracy (a)RMS DEVM -713≤13%99% DEVM -TBD 20≤20%Peak DEVM -1625≤25%In-band spurious emissions (b)F > F 0 + 3MHz -<-60-40≤-40dBmF < F 0 - 3MHz -<-60-40≤-40dBmF = F 0 - 3MHz --27-24≤-40dBmF = F 0 - 2MHz --23-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 - 1MHz --31-26≤-26dBF = F 0 + 1MHz --31-26≤-26dBF = F 0 + 2MHz --28-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 + 3MHz --39-40≤-40dBmEDR differential phase encoding 99NoErrors -≥99%(a)Modulation accuracy utilises DEVM with tracking of the carrier frequency.(b)Bluetooth specification values are for 8DPSK.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification3.1.3Temperature 85°C Radio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V MinTyp Max BluetoothSpecification UnitRelative transmit power -4-11-4 to 1dBπ/4 DQPSK max carrier frequencystability | ωo |- 1.510≤10 for all blocks kHz| ωi |-1575≤75 for all packets kHz| ωo + ωi |-1575≤75 for all blocks kHz8DPSK max carrier frequencystability | ωo |- 1.510≤10 for all blocks kHz| ωi |-1575≤75 for all packets kHz| ωo + ωi |-1575≤75 for all blocks kHzπ/4 DQPSK modulationaccuracy (a)RMS DEVM -720≤20%99% DEVM -TBD 30≤30%Peak DEVM -1735≤35%8DPSK modulation accuracy (a)RMS DEVM -713≤13%99% DEVM -TBD 20≤20%Peak DEVM -1625≤25%In-band spurious emissions (b)F > F 0 + 3MHz -<-60-40≤-40dBmF < F 0 - 3MHz -<-60-40≤-40dBmF = F 0 - 3MHz --35-32≤-40dBmF = F 0 - 2MHz --26-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 - 1MHz --TBD -26≤-26dBF = F 0 + 1MHz --TBD -26≤-26dBF = F 0 + 2MHz --30-20≤-20dBmF = F 0 + 3MHz --43-40≤-40dBmEDR differential phase encoding 99NoErrors -≥99%(a)Modulation accuracy utilises DEVM with tracking of the carrier frequency.(b)Bluetooth specification values are for 8DPSK.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification3.2Receiver Performance3.2.1Temperature 20°C Radio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Modulation Min TypMax Bluetooth Specification UnitSensitivity at 0.01% BER (a)Ch 0π/4 DQPSK --92-70≤-70dBmCh 39π/4 DQPSK --93-70Ch 78π/4 DQPSK --93-70Ch 08DPSK --84-70≤-70dBmCh 398DPSK --84-70Ch 788DPSK --84-70Maximum received signal at 0.1%BER π/4 DQPSK -20>-8-≥-20dBm 8DPSK -20>-10-≥-20dBmC/I co-channel at 0.1% BER (b) (c)π/4 DQPSK --TBD 13≤13dB8DPSK --TBD 21≤21dBAdjacentchannel selectivity C/I (b)(c) F = F 0 + 1MHzπ/4 DQPSK --TBD 0≤0dB8DPSK --TBD 5≤5dBF = F 0 - 1MHzπ/4 DQPSK --TBD 0≤0dB8DPSK --TBD 5≤5dBF = F 0 + 2MHzπ/4 DQPSK --TBD -30≤-30dB8DPSK --TBD -25≤-25dBF = F 0 - 2MHzπ/4 DQPSK --TBD -20≤-20dB 8DPSK --TBD -13≤-13dBF = F 0 + 3MHzπ/4 DQPSK --TBD -40≤-40dB8DPSK --TBD -33≤-33dBF = F 0 - 5MHzπ/4 DQPSK --TBD -40≤-40dB8DPSK --TBD -33≤-33dBF = F Imageπ/4 DQPSK --TBD -7≤-7dB8DPSK --TBD 0≤0dB(a)Dirty transmitter is used.(b)CSR8670 BGA is guaranteed to meet the C/I performance specified by the Bluetooth v3.0 RF Test Specification.(c)Measured at F 0 = 2441MHz, F Image = F 0 - 3MHz.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification3.2.2Temperature -30°C Radio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5V Modulation Min Typ Max BluetoothSpecification UnitSensitivity at 0.01% BER (a)Ch 0π/4 DQPSK --93-70≤-70dBmCh 39π/4 DQPSK --94-70Ch 78π/4 DQPSK --94-70Ch 08DPSK --85-70≤-70dBmCh 398DPSK --85-70Ch 788DPSK --85-70Maximum received signal at 0.1%BER (a)π/4 DQPSK -20>-8-≥-20dBm 8DPSK -20>-10-≥-20dBm(a)Dirty transmitter is used.Note:CSR does not guarantee the 8DPSK sensitivity performance below -20ºC. A temporary state of -65dBm is observed.3.2.3Temperature 85°C Radio Characteristics, VDD = 1.5VModulation Min Typ Max BluetoothSpecification UnitSensitivity at 0.01% BER (a)Ch 0π/4 DQPSK --90-70≤-70dBmCh 39π/4 DQPSK --92-70Ch 78π/4 DQPSK --92-70Ch 08DPSK --80-70≤-70dBmCh 398DPSK --83-70Ch 788DPSK --83-70Maximum received signal at 0.1%BER (a)π/4 DQPSK -20>-8-≥-20dBm 8DPSK -20>-10-≥-20dBm(a)Dirty transmitter is used.`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification4Typical Radio Performance: Basic Data RateImportant Note:Results were obtained using CSR's evaluation circuit.4.1Transmitter PerformanceFigure 4.1: Maximum Transmit Power vs Temperature (20 DH5 Packets)Note:Output power temperature compensation was disabled. Performance measured at single-ended port of the CSR8670 BGA.Typical Radio Performance: Basic Data Rate`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.2: Firmware Controlled Transmit Power vs Temperature (20 DH5 Packets) Note:Output power temperature compensation was enabled.Figure 4.3: Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (20 DH5 Packets)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.4: -20dB Bandwidth vs Temperature (DH5 Packets)Figure 4.5: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (DH1 Packets) at -30°C `poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.6: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (DH1 Packets) at 20°CFigure 4.7: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (DH1 Packets) at 85°C`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.8: Frequency Deviation Δf1avg vs Temperature (10 DH5 Packets)Figure 4.9: Frequency Deviation Δf2max vs Temperature (10 DH5 Packets)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.10: Modulation Ratio (Δf2avg/Δf1avg) vs Temperature (20 DH5 Packets)Figure 4.11: ICFT vs Temperature `poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.12: Carrier Frequency Drift for 10 DH1 Packets vs TemperatureFigure 4.13: Carrier Frequency Drift for 10 DH3 Packets vs Temperature`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.14: Carrier Frequency Drift for 10 DH5 Packets vs TemperatureFigure 4.15: Carrier Frequency Drift Rate vs Temperature (10 Packets, All Packet types)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 4.16: Spectrum (Loopback DH1 Packets with TPN9 Payload)Figure 4.17: DH5 Burst Power vs Time`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification4.2Receiver PerformanceFigure 4.18: Receive Sensitivity vs Temperature (595 DH5 Packets, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF)Figure 4.19: Receive Sensitivity Variation and Mean vs Channel `poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification5Typical Radio Performance: Enhanced Data Rate5.1Transmitter PerformanceFigure 5.1: π/4DQPSK Relative Transmit Power vs Temperature (10 2-DH5 Packets)Figure 5.2: 8DPSK Relative Transmit Power vs Temperature (10 3-DH5 Packets)Typical Radio Performance: Enhanced Data Rate`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.3: π/4DQPSK Absolute Block Frequency Error, ωovs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks)Figure 5.4: π/4DQPSK Absolute Initial Frequency Error, ωi vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.5: π/4DQPSK Absolute Total Frequency Error, (ωo+ωi) vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks)Figure 5.6: 8DPSK Absolute Block Frequency Error, ωo vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.7: 8DPSK Absolute Initial Frequency Error, ωi vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks)Figure 5.8: 8DPSK Absolute Total Frequency Error, (ωo+ωi) vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.9: π/4DQPSK RMS DEVM vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks)Figure 5.10: π/4DQPSK Peak DEVM vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.11: 8DPSK RMS DEVM vs Temperature (200 2-DH5 Blocks)Figure 5.12: 8DPSK Peak DEVM vs Temperature (200 3-DH5 Blocks)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.13: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (2-DH5 Packets) at 20°CFigure 5.14: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (3-DH5 Packets) at 20°C `poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.15: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (2-DH5 Packets) at -30°CFigure 5.16: Adjacent Channel Transmit Power Variation and Mean vs Channel (3-DH5 Packets) at -30°C `poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification5.2Receiver PerformanceFigure 5.17: π/4DQPSK Receive Sensitivity Variation vs Channel (2-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, HoppingOFF)Figure 5.18: π/4DQPSK Receive Sensitivity vs Temperature (2-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationFigure 5.19: 8DPSK Receive Sensitivity Variation vs Channel (3-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, HoppingOFF)Figure 5.20: 8DPSK Receive Sensitivity vs Temperature (3-DH5 Loopback, 16Mbits, Dirty Tx. ON, Hopping OFF)`poUSTM=_d^ Performance Specification6Document ReferencesDocumentReference, Date CSR8670 BGA Data SheetCS-127997-DSBluetooth Specification Version 3.0 + HSVersion 3.0 + HS [Vol 0 to Vol 5], 21 April 2009Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes (TP)System Specification 1.2/2.0/2.0 + EDR/ 2.1/2.1 + EDR/3.0/3.0 + HSRF.TS/3.0.H.1, 06 August 2009Document References`poUSTM=_d^ Performance SpecificationTerms and DefinitionsTerm Definition8DPSK8-phase Differential Phase Shift Keyingπ/4 DQPSKπ/4 rotated Differential Quaternary Phase Shift KeyingACP Adjacent Channel PowerBER Bit Error RateBlueCore®Group term for CSR’s range of Bluetooth wireless technology ICsBluetooth®Set of technologies providing audio and data transfer over short-range radio connectionsC/I Carrier over InterfererCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCSR Cambridge Silicon RadiodBm Decibels relative to 1mWDCS Digital Communications SystemDEVM Differential Error Vector MagnitudeEDR Enhanced Data RateGPS Global Positioning SystemGSM Global System for Mobile communicationsIC Integrated CircuitICFT Initial Carrier Frequency ToleranceQFN Quad-Flat No-leadRF Radio FrequencyW-CDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple AccessTerms and DefinitionsCS-203853-SPP1Preliminary Information© Cambridge Silicon Radio 2011This Material is Subject to CSR's Non-Disclosure AgreementPage 41 of 41`poUSTM=_d^Performance Specification。
CSR8645,CSR8670--让无线音频达到有线效果CSR8645,CSR8670 这两款SoC都能够利用CSR音频处理和蓝牙无线连接技术与家庭娱乐系统之间以最高立体声音频质量进行无线传输,这两款SoC能够支持电视,及其它可连接的家庭应用,以及智能手机、平板电脑、PC以及很多其它消费产品。
CSR 的aptX™高保真音频技术能够通过蓝牙连接为无线扬声器或耳机提供出色的立体声音效,同时CSR的清晰语音捕捉(CVC®)技术能够为高质量的扬声器提供声学回声及噪音消除功能。
CSR音频与消费业务部产品市场经理Paul Wilson表示:“CSR8645和CSR8670为我们的客户提供了灵活的音频系统芯片解决方案,可以用来开发更多高度差异化的产品,并更快地投入市场,从而提高自身竞争力。
配置音频部份的按键1.上下曲、快进、快退、播放、暂停功能的配置Stop:按此按键后,音乐歌曲复位到开头0:00处next GROUP 应该是播放列表的意思。
音频方面的,仅仅涉及到Streaming A2DP, 上下曲,快进,快退,播放/暂停多一个选项connected(不然无法播放音乐)。
按键部份名词说明:2.配对模式3.(声音拨号)4.回拨最后一个号码5.6.接听7.拒接8.挂断9. 蓝牙与设备通话切换10. 回连11. 回连12.音量-23.音量-24.音量+25.音量+清除配对设备35.固件升级模式44. 播放45. 上一曲46.下一曲47.快进50.51.快退52. connected能够明白得为HFP connected,而A2DP connected确实是A2DP connected。
按键的时刻设置LONG 是长按,不释放有效LONG REL是长按后要释放。
(可能和配置的rom有关系,从头加载官方的8645的rom没问题)音量更改成LONG 上下曲更改成SHORT.即可复合在一个按键上。
CSR-USB-SPI用户使用手册一、【产品介绍】1. 产品简介USB TO SPI通用蓝牙下载器是一款针对英国CSR 公司BlueCore 系列蓝牙 产品开发的专用烧录、调试器。
2. 产品图片3. 接口介绍USB TO SPI通用蓝牙下载器采用USB连接线与电脑连接,IDC10插座与目标板连接,带有2 个LED灯(1 个电源指示灯,1个工作指示灯)。
IDC10插座包含4根SPI信号线(MOSI、MISO、CLK、CSB)和电源线(3.3V、GND). NC为悬空。
如下图所示,3. 产品八大功能特点1、 采用英国CSR原装技术,保证产品的可靠性和稳定性2、 每条下载线都拥有唯一的ID号,支持一台电脑多个下载线同时工作3、 采用USB2.0接口,速度是其他并口下载线的3-5倍4、 IDC10插座与目标板连接,2个LED(1个红色电源指示灯(●),1个蓝色运行指示灯(●)。
5、 支持CSR全系列调试工具,包括:BlueFlash/PSTOOL/BlueTest3/BlueLab6、 在Bluelab环境下支持程序下载调试(ISP),支持断点调试,单步调试等,也可通过BlueFlash烧写程序等。
7、 完美支持CSR所有系列蓝牙芯片:-BC2系列:BC215159A、BC213143A、BC213159、BC212015等-BC3系列:BC31A223、BC358239A、BC352239等-BC4系列:BC413159A06、BC417143B、BC419143A等-BC5系列:BC57F687、BC57E687、BC57H687C、BC57K687等-BC6系列:BC6110、BC6130、BC6145、BC6030、BC6031、BC6888等-BC7系列:BC7820、BC7830等-BC8系列:CSR8311、CSR8510、CSR8605、CSR8610、CSR8620、CSR8640、CSR8645、CSR8670、CSR8810、CSR8811等-BLE系列:CSR1000、CSR1001、CSR1010、CSR1011等8、支持所有Windows操作系统:- Windows 98SE- Windows ME- Windows 2000 SP4- Windows XP SP2 and above (32 & 64 bit)- Windows Server 2003 (32 & 64 bit)- Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 (32 & 64 bit)- Windows Vista (32 & 64 bit)- Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)- Windows 8 (32 & 64 bit)二、【使用方法】1. 硬件连接使用杜邦线将蓝牙模块的VCC(3.3V)、GND、SPI_CSB、SPI_MOSI、SPI_MISO、SPI_CLK引脚分别与下载线的3.3V(10)、GND(9)、CSB(7)、MOSI(1)、MISO(3)、CLK(5) 连接。
CSR8670 ADK3.5 添加BLE服务
2. 通过 XIDE 编译工程,针对 DB.h 文件里面的服务会生成对应的 HANDLE 号,在 ble_uart_service1_db.h 里面;
3. firware 层收到 ble 的消息后会进入 gatt_message_handler()来处理; 4. gatt_message_handler 根据 ID 和 message 来区别处理不同的消息,其中
1.2 根据 sink_gatt_bas_db.h 编写 ble_uart_service1_db.h,内容如下:
primary_service { uuid : UUID_APP_SERVICE, name : "APP__SERVICE", characteristic { uuid: UUID_NOTIFY_SERVICE, name: "APP_ NOTIFY _SERVICE", properties : [read, notify], flags : FLAG_IRQ, size_value : 0, value : 0x0, client_config { name : "APP_ NOTIFY _SERVICE_C_CFG", flags : [ FLAG_IRQ , FLAG_DYNLEN }
#if defined(GATT_SERVER_ENABLED) Else if( ( (ind->handle)>=HANDLE_APP_LATIN_SERVICE)&&( (ind->handle )<=HANDLE_APP_WRITE_SERVER) ) {
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开发板采用英国CSR 公司CSR8670 蓝牙芯片,可以用来开发单声道蓝牙耳机,立体声蓝牙耳机,蓝牙车载免提,蓝牙音频适配器,蓝牙虚拟串口(SPP), 蓝牙人机交互接口(HID),蓝牙文件传输(FTP)等。
开发板带有USB,UART,I2C,PCM,音频输入、输出等接口,并引出PIO 和AIO 接口,方便用户扩展,进行二次开发。
◆标配CSR8670 蓝牙芯片,内置kalimba DSP ,支持蓝牙协议V4.0+EDR
◆集成16Mb FLASH
◆16个PIO 接口(其中PIO6、PIO7作为I2C)
◆2个AIO 接口
◆3个LED 指示灯
◆ 1个USB 接口 ◆ 音频输出接口 ◆ 音频输入接口 ◆ 板载麦克风 ◆ RS232 接口 ◆ SPI 调试接口 ◆ IIC 接口(PIO 复用) ◆ 64Kbit E2PROM
1. 本开发板将VREN 开机信号单独连接到一个按键作为开机用,所以在使用bluelab或pstool连接开发板时,请务必按下改开机键不放,否则将会导致软件无法读取芯片的现象,bluelab 会提示"Unable to query BlueCore over SPI" 错误。
2. 使用bluelab下载调试程序时,请务先设置【Debug】菜单下的【Tansport】是否设置为USB,否则bluelab 将会提示"Unable to query BlueCore over SPI" 错误
BlueSuite x.x.x:这个是csr提供的一个软件工具包,安装该工具包后,在安装目录下可以找到blueflash、pstool、e2cmd、nvscmd等工具,CSR86xx ROM版本的芯片主要用到pstool 工具,用于修改配置蓝牙名称、蓝牙地址等信息。
UEdit9.rar :很好用的一个十六进制查看工具
【文档教程】:该文件夹包含相关的工具使用教程和软件开发教程,建议大家先看《BlueLab xIDE用户指南.pdf》和《BlueCore应用实例.pdf》,这两篇文档是很好学习教程,大家务必认真阅读。