1Refer to the exhibit. Which Layer 2 protocol could be used inside nework A and network C?IPTCPUDPEthernet2Refer to the exhibit。
Which set of devices contains only intermediary devices?A,B,D, GA,B,E,FC,D, G,IG, H,I, J3Refer to the exhibit。
The headers added at each layer are shown。
Which layer adds the destination and source process ensure that data is delivered to the correct application?physical layerdata link layernetwork layertransport layer4The Layer 4 header contains which type of information to aid in the delivery of data?service port numberhost logical addressdevice physical addressvirtual connection identifier5Which fiber connector supports full—duplex Ethernet?6Which device should be used for routing a packet to a remote network?access switchDHCP serverhubrouter7Refer to the exhibit. Host A sends a frame to host C with a destination MAC address CC. The MAC address for host C is no table of switch SW1。
思科第一学期期末考试最新答案work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR要将数据包发送到远程网络,应使用哪种设备?访问交换机DHCP 服务器集线器路由器OSI 哪一层使用面向连接的协议来确保数据的可靠传输?应用层表示层会话层传输层请参见图示。
根据显示的 IP 配置回答,主机 A 和主机 B 无法在本地网络外通信的原因是什么?对主机 A 分配了网络地址。
对主机 B 分配了组播地址。
主机 A 和主机 B 属于不同的网络。
包含路由器 B 的网络遇到问题。
助理网络工程师已确定此网络的问题出在路由器什么操作可以纠正该网络问题?在接口 Serial 0/0/0 上发出clock rate命令在接口 Serial 0/0/1 上发出description命令在接口 FastEthernet 0/0 上发出ip address命令在接口 FastEthernet 0/1 上发出no shutdown命令请参见图示。
对于从主机 A 向 Web 服务器发出的网页请求,正确的目的套接字数字是什么00-08-a3-b6-ce-46198.133.219.25:80C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0在 Cisco IOS 设备中,启动配置文件存储于何处?闪存NVRAMRAMROM在配置路由器时,网络技术人员想要命名路由器。
输入hostname命令后,技术人员会看到下列示?Router>Router#Router(config)#Router(config-line)#下列哪三个 IPv4 地址代表子网的广播(选择三项)(主机为1) /26172.16.4.129 /26172.16.4.191 /26172.16.4.51 /27172.16.4.95 /27172.16.4.221 /27网络管理员想要限制访问路由器的特权执行模式。
1Refer to the exhibit。
Which Layer 2 protocol could be used inside nework A and network C?I PT CPU DPE thernet2Refer to the exhibit。
Which set of devices contains only intermediary devices?A,B,D,GA,B,E, FC, D,G,IG, H, I,J3Refer to the exhibit。
The headers added at each layer are shown。
Which layer adds the destination and source process ensure that data is delivered to the correct application?p hysical layerd ata link layern etwork layert ransport layer4The Layer 4 header contains which type of information to aid in the delivery of data?s ervice port numberh ost logical addressd evice physical addressv irtual connection identifier5Which fiber connector supports full—duplex Ethernet?6Which device should be used for routing a packet to a remote network?a ccess switchD HCP serverh ubr outer7Refer to the exhibit。
0 points for any other option
correctness of response
2 points for Option 1
0 points for any other option
correctness of response
使用copy running-config startup-config命令,当前运行配置的内容会替换存储在NVRAM中的启动配置文件。设备重新启动时,将会加载NVRAM中保存的配置文件。
Routing and Switching Essentials (Version 5.0) - RSE 第1章考试1若将大端口密度、容错和低价作为重要指标,应使用哪个交换机外形因素?可堆叠式交换机固定配置交换机模块化交换机可配备机架的1U 交换机2网络设计中的紧缩核心是什么?分布层和核心层的功能组合接入层、分布层和核心层的功能组合接入层和分布层的功能组合接入层和核心层的功能组合3请参见图示。
如果交换机SW1 的MAC 地址表为空,那么从PCA 发出的帧如何PCC?SW1 在SW1 的所有端口(进入交换机的端口除外)泛洪帧。
SW1 将帧直接转发到SW2。
SW2 将帧泛洪到与SW2 连接的所有端口(进入交换机的端口除外)。
SW1 会丢弃该帧,因为它不知道该帧的目的MAC 地址。
SW1 在交换机的所有端口泛洪帧,通向交换机SW2 的互连端口和该帧通过其进入交换机的端口除外。
4对于以太网交换机,术语“端口密度”表示什么?连接到各交换机端口的主机数量可用端口数各端口的速度已分配给各交换机端口的内存空间5ABC Inc. 在同一个LAN 中大约有50 台主机。
管理员希望提高该LAN 的吞吐量会增加冲突域的数量并进而提高LAN 的吞吐量?主机网卡集线器交换机6网络管理员用第2 层交换机将网络分段的两个原因是什么?(请选择两项。
)产生更少的冲突域创建更多广播域消除虚电路隔离来自网络其余部分的ARP 请求消息隔离网段之间的流量提高用户带宽7网络设计师需要向客户解释为何企业需要采用分层网络拓扑来代替平面网络拓扑。
)额外交换机设备的部署更简单带宽要求更低更易于提供冗余链路,可确保更高的可用性提供同等性能水平所需的设备更少设备和用户培训的成本更低8相比存储转发交换方法,使用直通交换方法的优势是什么?可以灵活地支持任意组合的以太网速度根据帧的源MAC 地址做出快速转发决策由于丢弃大多数的无效帧,对带宽产生积极的影响具有适用于高性能计算应用的较低延迟9第2 层交换机有什么功能?转发基于逻辑寻址的数据检查目的MAC 地址,了解分配给主机的端口将每个帧的电信号复制到每个端口确定哪个接口用于根据目的MAC 地址转发帧10请参见图示。
主机 A 用户向主机 B 用户发送了一封电子邮件。
主机 A 发送了哪种类型的信息?广播组播同播单播2为了将PC 加入到网络环境中,应通过软件配置哪两个组件?(选择两项。
)MAC 地址IP 地址内核外壳(shell)子网掩码3哪两项是MAC 地址的特征?(选择两项。
由DHCP 服务器动态分配。
4哪种连接需要使用直通电缆?PC 端口至PC 端口PC 端口至路由器接口交换机端口至路由器端口交换机端口至交换机端口5路由器在收到包含广播MAC 地址的帧时会执行什么操作?它不会将该帧转发给另一个网络。
它会以其IP 地址作为回复将该帧转发回发送主机。
6DNS 服务器的功能是什么?将IP 地址映射为MAC 地址。
将计算机或域名转换为相应的IP 地址。
接收从客户端发来的HTTP 请求。
)电缆和接头损坏编址不正确子网掩码不正确组件过热默认网关不正确8哪一层是主机进入网络的第一个进入点?核心层接入层网络层分布层9下列哪些是私有IP 地址的地址范围?(选择三项。
) 到10.255.255.255200.100.50.0 到200.100.25.255150.150.0.0 到150.150.255.255172.16.0.0 到172.31.255.255192.168.0.0 到192.168.255.255127.16.0.0 到127.31.255.25510请参见图示。
将Linksys 集成路由器上的安全模式设置为WEP 有什么作用?WEP 安全模式能够使接入点向客户端告知它的存在。
思科ite期末试题及答案1. 选择题:1) 以下哪项是计算机网络的优点?A. 提供娱乐和游戏选项B. 支持快速通信和数据共享C. 执行操作系统和软件D. 扩展计算机硬件能力答案:B2) 在计算机网络中,什么是IP地址?A. 网络设备的唯一标识符B. 用于在浏览器中访问网站的URLC. 一种用户认证方式D. 用于加密和解密数据的密码答案:A3) 哪项是正确的关于局域网(LAN)和广域网(WAN)的描述?A. LAN覆盖的范围比WAN更小B. 只有WAN可以连接多个计算机C. 只有LAN支持无线连接D. WAN速度比LAN更快答案:A4) 在组成计算机网络的各种设备中,以下哪个设备可以连接到LAN并提供无线网络连接?A. 路由器B. 集线器C. 交换机D. 适配器答案:A5) 以下哪项是帮助保护计算机和网络安全的措施?A. 使用相同的密码B. 共享敏感信息C. 定期更新防病毒软件D. 下载可疑文件答案:C2. 填空题:1) 在 OSI 模型中,物理层的作用是__________。
答案:传输比特流2) 在计算机网络中,HTTP代表着__________。
答案:超文本传输协议3) 在TCP/IP模型中,IP地址是由__________位二进制数字组成的。
答案:32位4) 在计算机网络中,LAN表示__________。
答案:局域网5) 在网络配置中,DNS代表__________。
答案:域名系统3. 简答题:1) 请简单描述计算机网络的定义以及它的优点。
2) 请简单解释什么是TCP/IP协议?答案:TCP/IP是一组互联网通信协议的集合,它是计算机网络中最常用的协议之一。
1Refer to the exhibit. Which Layer 2 protocol could be used inside nework A and network C?IPTCPUDPEthernet2Refer to the exhibit. Which set of devices contains only intermediary devices?A, B, D, GA, B, E, FC, D, G, IG, H, I, J3Refer to the exhibit. The headers added at each layer are shown. Which layer adds the destination and source pro to ensure that data is delivered to the correct application?physical layerdata link layernetwork layertransport layer4The Layer 4 header contains which type of information to aid in the delivery of data?service port numberhost logical addressdevice physical addressvirtual connection identifier5Which fiber connector supports full-duplex Ethernet?6Which device should be used for routing a packet to a remote network?access switchDHCP serverhubrouter7Refer to the exhibit. Host A sends a frame to host C with a destination MAC address CC. The MAC address for h in the MAC table of switch SW1. How will SW1 handle the frame?Switch SW1 will drop the frame.Switch SW1 will forward the frame to host C.Switch SW1 will flood the frame out all ports.Switch SW1 will flood the frame out all ports except port Fa0/1.8Refer to the exhibit. A network technician has made several changes to R1 since the configuration has last bee modified configuration did not produce the desired changes. The technician wants to store a backup copy of the saved c on a TFTP server before reloading. Which action will cause the unmodified data to be saved on the TFTP server9Which three statements are true about network layer addressing? (Choose three.)It uniquely identifies each host.It assists in forwarding packets across internetworks.It uses a logical 32-bit IPv4 address.It is not a configurable address.It is a physical address.It identifies the host from the first part of the address.10What is the result of using the clock rate 56000 command at the serial interface of the router?The interface is configured as a DCE device.The interface timers are cleared.The FastEthernet interface is made to emulate a serial interface by assigning it a timing signal.The IP address for the serial interface is configured.11Examine the graphic with current configurations. Host A in the Clerical office failed and was replaced. Althou was successful, the replacement computer cannot access the company network. With proxy ARP disabled interface of the New York router, what is the likely cause of the problem?network card failurenetwork cables unpluggedIP address incorrectly enteredsubnet mask incorrectly entered12As network administrator, what is the subnet mask that allows 510 hosts given the IP address OSI layer uses a connection-oriented protocol to ensure reliable delivery of data?application layerpresentation layersession layertransport layer14 A network has grown too large for technicians to configure network addresses and hosts files for name resolutioapplication layer services should be added to the server to allow these needs to be satisfied dynamically? (CDNSFTPDHCPHTTPSMTP15Refer to the exhibit. Host A wants to access the Internet. Which combination of a Layer 2 address and a Layer 3 enable this access from host A?Destination MAC: 0030.8596.DE83 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8596.DE82 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8517.44C4 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8517.44C4 Default gateway: A network administrator is asked to design a new addressing scheme for a corporate network. There are 60 usersoffice, 40 users in the branch office, 28 users in manufacturing, 12 in the sales office, and 4 users in the rese Which VLSM addressing scheme that uses the network will fulfill the requirements while wastin addresses? main192.168.88.64/26 manufacturing192.168.88.96/27 sales192.168.88.128/28 research192.168.88.0/26 main192.168.88.128/27 manufacturing192.168.88.160/28 sales192.168.88.176/29 research192.168.88.0/27 main192.168.88.64/28 manufacturing192.168.88.80/29 sales192.168.88.88/30 research192.168.88.0/27 main192.168.88.80/28 manufacturing192.168.88.96/29 sales192.168.88.104/30 research17Which physical connector type is used for a serial V.35 connection to the CSU/DSU?Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts can be determined about the topology? (Choose two.)Four collision domains are present.One logical network is represented.Two broadcast domains are present.Three networks are needed.Three logical address ranges are required.19What are three characteristics of CSMA/CD? (Choose three.)It monitors the media for presence of a data signal.After detecting a collision, hosts can resume transmission after a random timer has expired.A jam signal is used to ensure that all hosts are aware that a collision has occurred.Devices can be configured with a higher transmission priority.Data is transmitted only when the data signal is present.It uses a token system to avoid collisions.Refer to the exhibit. The serial interface of the router was configured with the use of the commands that are show cannot ping the router that is directly connected to interface serial 0/0/0. What should the network technician this problem?Configure the description at interface serial 0/0/0.Configure an IP address on interface serial 0/0/0.Remove the no shutdown command at interface serial 0/0/0Reboot the router.21Which OSI layer uses the header information to reassemble the data segments into streams?application layernetwork layerpresentation layersession layertransport layer22Refer to the exhibit. The NAT functionality of the router is enabled to provide Internet access to the PC. How is still unable to access the Internet. Which IP address should be changed to to enable the PC t Internet? to the exhibit. A technician uses the nslookup command on the PC and views the output that is displayed in What is the IP address of the primary domain name server used by the host? memory contents will change as a result of using the Router# erase startup-config command on a router?RAMROMflashNVRAM25While configuring a router, a network technician wants to name the router. Which prompt should the technician see w the hostname command?Router>Router#Router(config)#Router(config-line)#26Refer to the exhibit. The PC, the routing table of which is displayed, is configured correctly. To which netwo interface does the IP address belong?PCswitchrouter interface fa0/0router interface fa0/127Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting a link that is down between Router1 and Router the problem, which wire pairs need to be switched on one of the Ethernet cable ends?pair 1 and pair 2pair 1 and pair 3pair 2 and pair 3pair 2 and pair 428Refer to the exhibit. A PC is connected to a network. Which action will verify that the PC can communicate with gateway?Use the ping command.Use the ipconfig command.Use the ipconfig/all command.Use the ping command.29Refer to the exhibit. Host B was powered off. What change will occur in the MAC table of the switch?The table will remain unaffected.The switch will remove the MAC address at Fa0/19.The switch will retain the MAC address until host B is powered on again.The switch will rebuild the MAC table by assigning the FFFF.FFFF.FFFF address to port Fa0/19. 30What information is contained in the header of Layer 3 to help data delivery?port numberdevice physical addressdestination host logical addressvirtual connection identifier31 A network technician is tasked with setting up a network for six users, but the users should be able to use thto log on from any of the six computers. What type of network should be used?workgroupP2P applicationspeer-to-peer networkclient-server network32Refer to the exhibit. A web browser is running on host PC1 with an IP address A dynamic port num is assigned to the browser. The browser sends a request for a web page to the web server with an IP address 192.1 Which statement is true?The session is established using TCP, and the socket number for the web server is 80.The session is established using TCP, and the socket number for the web server is 49152.The session is established using UDP, and the socket number for the web server is 80.The session is established using UDP, and the socket number for the web server is 49152.33Refer to the exhibit. An administrator on PC1 wants to view some HTML code from a web page housed on the web s client application will allow this request to be started?34Refer to the exhibit. What is required on host A for a network technician to create the initial configurationan FTP clienta Telnet clienta terminal emulation programa web browser35What are two characteristics of the data link layer? (Choose two.)It segments and reorders the data.It exchanges the frames between nodes.It defines the method by which network devices place data onto the media.It manages the transfer of data between the processes that run on each host.It retrieves signals from the media and restores them to their bit representations.36 A network administrator wants to restrict access to the router privileged EXEC mode. Which password should the ause?enableauxconsoleVTY37Which three IPv4 addresses represent a broadcast for a subnet? (Choose three.) /26172.16.4.129 /26172.16.4.191 /26172.16.4.51 /27172.16.4.95 /27172.16.4.221 /2738Refer to the exhibit. Host X is unable to communicate with host Y. Which command can be run at host X to dete intermediary device is responsible for this failure?telnet to the exhibit. Which option shows the correct topology given the configuration of Router1?40If an administrator wished to return a router to the default state, what additional step must be taken after issuin erase start-up config?Reload the device.Issue the command copy running-config start-up config.Perform a show running-config to verify that the file was removed.Enter the interface commands to allow the device to connect to the network.41By using the ipconfig command, a network administrator determines that a workstation has the address 192.168.bits set in the subnet mask. To what network does the workstation belong? statement is true about router hostnames?A hostname should be unique on each router.A router hostname cannot contain capital letters.A router hostname is configured in privileged executive mode.A router hostname must be created before any other configurations can be added to the device.43 A user types the enable command. What task can be performed at the privileged EXEC mode?Configure the device.Configure individual interfaces.Configure individual terminal lines.Issue show and debug commands.44Refer to the exhibit. Which logical topology describes the exhibited network?starringpoint-to-pointmulti-access45Refer to the exhibit. A user wants to access the Internet from the PC. A part of the running configuration of t shown. Which default gateway IP address should be configured at the PC to enable this access? statement is true about the ICMP protocol?It is an application layer protocol.It is designed to make IP a reliable protocol.It is often filtered out of networks for security purposes.If a host does not respond to an ICMP echo request, the host is not functioning.47Refer to the exhibit. At which OSI layer is serial interface 0/0/1 experiencing problems?Layer 1Layer 2Layer 3Layer 448Refer to the exhibit. The host was disconnected from switch 2 and connected to switch 1. Which combination of subnet mask, and default gateway should be assigned to this host to allow it to function in the network?IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: to the exhibit. The diagram represents the process of sending email between clients. Select the list below th identifies the component or protocol used at each numbered stage of the diagram.1.MUA2.MDA3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.POP7.MDA8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.MDA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.SMTP8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.SMTP4.MDA5.MTA6.SMTP7.POP8.MUA1.MDA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MUA7.POP8.MDA1.MUA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.POP8.MUA50What is the Cisco IOS?system software for Cisco devicesRead Only Memory in Cisco devicesnon-volatile storage for device configurationsan initial operating system that is used for boot functions。
Routing and Switching Essentials (Version 5.0) - RSE 第1章考试1若将大端口密度、容错和低价作为重要指标,应使用哪个交换机外形因素?可堆叠式交换机固定配置交换机模块化交换机可配备机架的1U 交换机2网络设计中的紧缩核心是什么?分布层和核心层的功能组合接入层、分布层和核心层的功能组合接入层和分布层的功能组合接入层和核心层的功能组合3请参见图示。
如果交换机SW1 的MAC 地址表为空,那么从PCA 发出的帧如何PCC?SW1 在SW1 的所有端口(进入交换机的端口除外)泛洪帧。
SW1 将帧直接转发到SW2。
SW2 将帧泛洪到与SW2 连接的所有端口(进入交换机的端口除外)。
SW1 会丢弃该帧,因为它不知道该帧的目的MAC 地址。
SW1 在交换机的所有端口泛洪帧,通向交换机SW2 的互连端口和该帧通过其进入交换机的端口除外。
4对于以太网交换机,术语“端口密度”表示什么?连接到各交换机端口的主机数量可用端口数各端口的速度已分配给各交换机端口的内存空间5ABC Inc. 在同一个LAN 中大约有50 台主机。
管理员希望提高该LAN 的吞吐量会增加冲突域的数量并进而提高LAN 的吞吐量?主机网卡集线器交换机6网络管理员用第2 层交换机将网络分段的两个原因是什么?(请选择两项。
)产生更少的冲突域创建更多广播域消除虚电路隔离来自网络其余部分的ARP 请求消息隔离网段之间的流量提高用户带宽7网络设计师需要向客户解释为何企业需要采用分层网络拓扑来代替平面网络拓扑。
)额外交换机设备的部署更简单带宽要求更低更易于提供冗余链路,可确保更高的可用性提供同等性能水平所需的设备更少设备和用户培训的成本更低8相比存储转发交换方法,使用直通交换方法的优势是什么?可以灵活地支持任意组合的以太网速度根据帧的源MAC 地址做出快速转发决策由于丢弃大多数的无效帧,对带宽产生积极的影响具有适用于高性能计算应用的较低延迟9第2 层交换机有什么功能?转发基于逻辑寻址的数据检查目的MAC 地址,了解分配给主机的端口将每个帧的电信号复制到每个端口确定哪个接口用于根据目的MAC 地址转发帧10请参见图示。
Refer to the exhibit. Which Layer 2 protocol could be used nework A and network C?I PT CPU DPE thernetRefer to the exhibit. Which set of devices contains onl intermediary devices?A, B, D, GA, B, E, FC, D, G, IG, H, I, JRefer to the exhibit. The headers added at each layer are shown. Which layer adds the destination and source process num ensure that data is delivered to the correct application?physical layernetwork layertransport layerThe Layer 4 header contains which type of information to aid in the delivery of data?service port numberhost logical addressdevice physical addressvirtual connection identifierWhich fiber connector supports full-duplex Ethernet?Which device should be used for routing a packet to a remote network?DHCP serverhubrouterRefer to the exhibit. Host A sends a frame to host C with a destination MAC address CC. The MAC address for host C is no table of switch SW1. How will SW1 handle the frame?Switch SW1 will drop the frame.Switch SW1 will forward the frame to host C.Switch SW1 will flood the frame out all ports.Switch SW1 will flood the frame out all ports except port Fa0/1.Refer to the exhibit. A network technician has made several changes to R1 since the configuration has last been saved. Th configuration did not produce the desired changes. The technician wants to store a backup copy of the saved configuration server before reloading. Which action will cause the unmodified data to be saved on the TFTP server?Which three statements are true about network layer addressing? (Choose three.)It uniquely identifies each host.It assists in forwarding packets across internetworks.It uses a logical 32-bit IPv4 address.It is not a configurable address.It is a physical address.It identifies the host from the first part of the address.What is the result of using the clock rate 56000 command at the serial interface of the router?The interface is configured as a DCE device.The interface timers are cleared.The FastEthernet interface is made to emulate a serial interface by assigning it a timing signal.The IP address for the serial interface is configured.Examine the graphic with current configurations. Host A in the Clerical office failed and was replaced. Although a ping to 12 successful, the replacement computer cannot access the company network. With proxy ARP disabled on the Fa0/0 interfac York router, what is the likely cause of the problem?network card failurenetwork cables unpluggedIP address incorrectly enteredsubnet mask incorrectly enteredAs network administrator, what is the subnet mask that allows 510 hosts given the IP address OSI layer uses a connection-oriented protocol to ensure reliable delivery of data?application layerpresentation layersession layertransport layerA network has grown too large for technicians to configure network addresses and hosts files for name resolution. Which tw layer services should be added to the server to allow these needs to be satisfied dynamically? (Choose two.)DNSFTPDHCPHTTPSMTPRefer to the exhibit. Host A wants to access the Internet. Which combination of a Layer 2 address and a Layer 3 address w access from host A?Destination MAC: 0030.8596.DE83 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8596.DE82 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8517.44C4 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8517.44C4 Default gateway: network administrator is asked to design a new addressing scheme for a corporate network. There are 60 users in the ma users in the branch office, 28 users in manufacturing, 12 in the sales office, and 4 users in the research office. Which VLSM scheme that uses the network will fulfill the requirements while wasting the fewest addresses? main192.168.88.64/26 manufacturing192.168.88.96/27 sales192.168.88.128/28 research192.168.88.0/26 main192.168.88.128/27 manufacturing192.168.88.160/28 sales192.168.88.176/29 research192.168.88.0/27 main192.168.88.64/28 manufacturing192.168.88.80/29 sales192.168.88.88/30 research192.168.88.0/27 main192.168.88.80/28 manufacturing192.168.88.96/29 sales192.168.88.104/30 researchWhich physical connector type is used for a serial V.35 connection to the CSU/DSU?Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts can be determined about the topology? (Choose two.)Four collision domains are present.One logical network is represented.Two broadcast domains are present.Three networks are needed.Three logical address ranges are required.What are three characteristics of CSMA/CD? (Choose three.)It monitors the media for presence of a data signal.After detecting a collision, hosts can resume transmission after a random timer has expired.A jam signal is used to ensure that all hosts are aware that a collision has occurred.Devices can be configured with a higher transmission priority.Data is transmitted only when the data signal is present.It uses a token system to avoid collisions.Refer to the exhibit. The serial interface of the router was configured with the use of the commands that are shown. The rou ping the router that is directly connected to interface serial 0/0/0. What should the network technician do to solve this probleConfigure the description at interface serial 0/0/0.Configure an IP address on interface serial 0/0/0.Remove the no shutdown command at interface serial 0/0/0Reboot the router.Which OSI layer uses the header information to reassemble the data segments into streams?application layernetwork layerpresentation layersession layertransport layerRefer to the exhibit. The NAT functionality of the router is enabled to provide Internet access to the PC. However, the PC is access the Internet. Which IP address should be changed to to enable the PC to access the Internet? to the exhibit. A technician uses the nslookup command on the PC and views the output that is displayed in the exhib IP address of the primary domain name server used by the host? memory contents will change as a result of using the Router# erase startup-config command on a router?RAMROMflashNVRAMWhile configuring a router, a network technician wants to name the router. Which prompt should the technician see when e hostname command?Router>Router#Router(config)#Router(config-line)#Refer to the exhibit. The PC, the routing table of which is displayed, is configured correctly. To which network device or inte IP address belong?PCswitchrouter interface fa0/0router interface fa0/1Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting a link that is down between Router1 and Router2. To correc which wire pairs need to be switched on one of the Ethernet cable ends?pair 1 and pair 2pair 1 and pair 3pair 2 and pair 3pair 2 and pair 4Refer to the exhibit. A PC is connected to a network. Which action will verify that the PC can communicate with its default gUse the ping command.Use the ipconfig command.Use the ipconfig/all command.Use the ping command.Refer to the exhibit. Host B was powered off. What change will occur in the MAC table of the switch?The table will remain unaffected.The switch will remove the MAC address at Fa0/19.The switch will retain the MAC address until host B is powered on again.The switch will rebuild the MAC table by assigning the FFFF.FFFF.FFFF address to port Fa0/19. What information is contained in the header of Layer 3 to help data delivery?port numberdevice physical addressdestination host logical addressvirtual connection identifierA network technician is tasked with setting up a network for six users, but the users should be able to use their accounts to any of the six computers. What type of network should be used?workgroupP2P applicationspeer-to-peer networkclient-server networkRefer to the exhibit. A web browser is running on host PC1 with an IP address A dynamic port number of 4915 to the browser. The browser sends a request for a web page to the web server with an IP address Which true?The session is established using TCP, and the socket number for the web server is 80.The session is established using TCP, and the socket number for the web server is 49152.The session is established using UDP, and the socket number for the web server is 80.The session is established using UDP, and the socket number for the web server is 49152.Refer to the exhibit. An administrator on PC1 wants to view some HTML code from a web page housed on the web server. application will allow this request to be started?Refer to the exhibit. What is required on host A for a network technician to create the initial configuration on Router1?an FTP clienta Telnet clienta terminal emulation programa web browserWhat are two characteristics of the data link layer? (Choose two.)It segments and reorders the data.It exchanges the frames between nodes.It defines the method by which network devices place data onto the media.It manages the transfer of data between the processes that run on each host.It retrieves signals from the media and restores them to their bit representations.A network administrator wants to restrict access to the router privileged EXEC mode. Which password should the administrenableauxconsoleVTYWhich three IPv4 addresses represent a broadcast for a subnet? (Choose three.) /26172.16.4.129 /26172.16.4.191 /26172.16.4.51 /27172.16.4.95 /27172.16.4.221 /27Refer to the exhibit. Host X is unable to communicate with host Y. Which command can be run at host X to determine which device is responsible for this failure?telnet to the exhibit. Which option shows the correct topology given the configuration of Router1?If an administrator wished to return a router to the default state, what additional step must be taken after issuing the comma start-up config?Reload the device.Issue the command copy running-config start-up config.Perform a show running-config to verify that the file was removed.Enter the interface commands to allow the device to connect to the network.By using the ipconfig command, a network administrator determines that a workstation has the address with the subnet mask. To what network does the workstation belong? statement is true about router hostnames?A hostname should be unique on each router.A router hostname cannot contain capital letters.A router hostname is configured in privileged executive mode.A router hostname must be created before any other configurations can be added to the device.A user types the enable command. What task can be performed at the privileged EXEC mode?Configure the device.Configure individual interfaces.Configure individual terminal lines.Issue show and debug commands.Refer to the exhibit. Which logical topology describes the exhibited network?starringpoint-to-pointmulti-accessRefer to the exhibit. A user wants to access the Internet from the PC. A part of the running configuration of the router is sho default gateway IP address should be configured at the PC to enable this access? statement is true about the ICMP protocol?It is an application layer protocol.It is designed to make IP a reliable protocol.It is often filtered out of networks for security purposes.If a host does not respond to an ICMP echo request, the host is not functioning.Refer to the exhibit. At which OSI layer is serial interface 0/0/1 experiencing problems?Layer 1Layer 2Layer 3Layer 4Refer to the exhibit. The host was disconnected from switch 2 and connected to switch 1. Which combination of IP address, and default gateway should be assigned to this host to allow it to function in the network?IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: to the exhibit. The diagram represents the process of sending email between clients. Select the list below that correc the component or protocol used at each numbered stage of the diagram.1.MUA2.MDA3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.POP7.MDA8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.MDA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.SMTP8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.SMTP4.MDA5.MTA6.SMTP7.POP8.MUA1.MDA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MUA7.POP8.MDA1.MUA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.POP8.MUAWhat is the Cisco IOS?system software for Cisco devicesRead Only Memory in Cisco devicesnon-volatile storage for device configurationsan initial operating system that is used for boot functions。
1Refer to the exhibit. Which Layer 2 protocol could be used inside nework A and network C?IPTCPUDPEthernet2Refer to the exhibit. Which set of devices contains only intermediary devices?A, B, D, GA, B, E, FC, D, G, IG, H, I, J3Refer to the exhibit. The headers added at each layer are shown. Which layer adds the destination and source process num ensure that data is delivered to the correct application?physical layerdata link layernetwork layertransport layer4The Layer 4 header contains which type of information to aid in the delivery of data?service port numberhost logical addressdevice physical addressvirtual connection identifier5Which fiber connector supports full-duplex Ethernet?6Which device should be used for routing a packet to a remote network?access switchDHCP serverhubrouter7Refer to the exhibit. Host A sends a frame to host C with a destination MAC address CC. The MAC address for host C is no table of switch SW1. How will SW1 handle the frame?Switch SW1 will drop the frame.Switch SW1 will forward the frame to host C.Switch SW1 will flood the frame out all ports.Switch SW1 will flood the frame out all ports except port Fa0/1.8Refer to the exhibit. A network technician has made several changes to R1 since the configuration has last been saved. Th configuration did not produce the desired changes. The technician wants to store a backup copy of the saved configuration server before reloading. Which action will cause the unmodified data to be saved on the TFTP server?9Which three statements are true about network layer addressing? (Choose three.)It uniquely identifies each host.It assists in forwarding packets across internetworks.It uses a logical 32-bit IPv4 address.It is not a configurable address.It is a physical address.It identifies the host from the first part of the address.10What is the result of using the clock rate 56000 command at the serial interface of the router?The interface is configured as a DCE device.The interface timers are cleared.The FastEthernet interface is made to emulate a serial interface by assigning it a timing signal.The IP address for the serial interface is configured.11Examine the graphic with current configurations. Host A in the Clerical office failed and was replaced. Although a ping to 12 successful, the replacement computer cannot access the company network. With proxy ARP disabled on the Fa0/0 interfac York router, what is the likely cause of the problem?network card failurenetwork cables unpluggedIP address incorrectly enteredsubnet mask incorrectly entered12As network administrator, what is the subnet mask that allows 510 hosts given the IP address OSI layer uses a connection-oriented protocol to ensure reliable delivery of data?application layerpresentation layersession layertransport layer14 A network has grown too large for technicians to configure network addresses and hosts files for name resolution. Which twlayer services should be added to the server to allow these needs to be satisfied dynamically? (Choose two.)DNSFTPDHCPHTTPSMTP15Refer to the exhibit. Host A wants to access the Internet. Which combination of a Layer 2 address and a Layer 3 address w access from host A?Destination MAC: 0030.8596.DE83 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8596.DE82 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8517.44C4 Default gateway: MAC: 0030.8517.44C4 Default gateway: A network administrator is asked to design a new addressing scheme for a corporate network. There are 60 users in the musers in the branch office, 28 users in manufacturing, 12 in the sales office, and 4 users in the research office. Which VLSM scheme that uses the network will fulfill the requirements while wasting the fewest addresses? main192.168.88.64/26 manufacturing192.168.88.96/27 sales192.168.88.128/28 research192.168.88.0/26 main192.168.88.128/27 manufacturing192.168.88.160/28 sales192.168.88.176/29 research192.168.88.0/27 main192.168.88.64/28 manufacturing192.168.88.80/29 sales192.168.88.88/30 research192.168.88.0/27 main192.168.88.80/28 manufacturing192.168.88.96/29 sales192.168.88.104/30 research17Which physical connector type is used for a serial V.35 connection to the CSU/DSU?18Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts can be determined about the topology? (Choose two.)Four collision domains are present.One logical network is represented.Two broadcast domains are present.Three networks are needed.Three logical address ranges are required.19What are three characteristics of CSMA/CD? (Choose three.)It monitors the media for presence of a data signal.After detecting a collision, hosts can resume transmission after a random timer has expired.A jam signal is used to ensure that all hosts are aware that a collision has occurred.Devices can be configured with a higher transmission priority.Data is transmitted only when the data signal is present.It uses a token system to avoid collisions.20Refer to the exhibit. The serial interface of the router was configured with the use of the commands that are shown. The rou ping the router that is directly connected to interface serial 0/0/0. What should the network technician do to solve this probleConfigure the description at interface serial 0/0/0.Configure an IP address on interface serial 0/0/0.Remove the no shutdown command at interface serial 0/0/0Reboot the router.21Which OSI layer uses the header information to reassemble the data segments into streams?application layernetwork layerpresentation layersession layertransport layer22Refer to the exhibit. The NAT functionality of the router is enabled to provide Internet access to the PC. However, the PC is access the Internet. Which IP address should be changed to to enable the PC to access the Internet? to the exhibit. A technician uses the nslookup command on the PC and views the output that is displayed in the exhib IP address of the primary domain name server used by the host? memory contents will change as a result of using the Router# erase startup-config command on a router?RAMROMflashNVRAM25While configuring a router, a network technician wants to name the router. Which prompt should the technician see when e hostname command?Router>Router#Router(config)#Router(config-line)#26Refer to the exhibit. The PC, the routing table of which is displayed, is configured correctly. To which network device or inte IP address belong?PCswitchrouter interface fa0/0router interface fa0/127Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting a link that is down between Router1 and Router2. To correc which wire pairs need to be switched on one of the Ethernet cable ends?pair 1 and pair 2pair 1 and pair 3pair 2 and pair 3pair 2 and pair 428Refer to the exhibit. A PC is connected to a network. Which action will verify that the PC can communicate with its default gUse the ping command.Use the ipconfig command.Use the ipconfig/all command.Use the ping command.29Refer to the exhibit. Host B was powered off. What change will occur in the MAC table of the switch?The table will remain unaffected.The switch will remove the MAC address at Fa0/19.The switch will retain the MAC address until host B is powered on again.The switch will rebuild the MAC table by assigning the FFFF.FFFF.FFFF address to port Fa0/19.30What information is contained in the header of Layer 3 to help data delivery?port numberdevice physical addressdestination host logical addressvirtual connection identifier31 A network technician is tasked with setting up a network for six users, but the users should be able to use their accounts toany of the six computers. What type of network should be used?workgroupP2P applicationspeer-to-peer networkclient-server network32Refer to the exhibit. A web browser is running on host PC1 with an IP address A dynamic port number of 4915 to the browser. The browser sends a request for a web page to the web server with an IP address Which true?The session is established using TCP, and the socket number for the web server is 80.The session is established using TCP, and the socket number for the web server is 49152.The session is established using UDP, and the socket number for the web server is 80.The session is established using UDP, and the socket number for the web server is 49152.33Refer to the exhibit. An administrator on PC1 wants to view some HTML code from a web page housed on the web server. application will allow this request to be started?34Refer to the exhibit. What is required on host A for a network technician to create the initial configuration on Router1?an FTP clienta Telnet clienta terminal emulation programa web browser35What are two characteristics of the data link layer? (Choose two.)It segments and reorders the data.It exchanges the frames between nodes.It defines the method by which network devices place data onto the media.It manages the transfer of data between the processes that run on each host.It retrieves signals from the media and restores them to their bit representations.36 A network administrator wants to restrict access to the router privileged EXEC mode. Which password should the administrenableauxconsoleVTY37Which three IPv4 addresses represent a broadcast for a subnet? (Choose three.) /26172.16.4.129 /26172.16.4.191 /26172.16.4.51 /27172.16.4.95 /27172.16.4.221 /2738Refer to the exhibit. Host X is unable to communicate with host Y. Which command can be run at host X to determine which device is responsible for this failure?telnet to the exhibit. Which option shows the correct topology given the configuration of Router1?40If an administrator wished to return a router to the default state, what additional step must be taken after issuing the comma start-up config?Reload the device.Issue the command copy running-config start-up config.Perform a show running-config to verify that the file was removed.Enter the interface commands to allow the device to connect to the network.41By using the ipconfig command, a network administrator determines that a workstation has the address with the subnet mask. To what network does the workstation belong? statement is true about router hostnames?A hostname should be unique on each router.A router hostname cannot contain capital letters.A router hostname is configured in privileged executive mode.A router hostname must be created before any other configurations can be added to the device.43 A user types the enable command. What task can be performed at the privileged EXEC mode?Configure the device.Configure individual interfaces.Configure individual terminal lines.Issue show and debug commands.44Refer to the exhibit. Which logical topology describes the exhibited network?starringpoint-to-pointmulti-access45Refer to the exhibit. A user wants to access the Internet from the PC. A part of the running configuration of the router is sho default gateway IP address should be configured at the PC to enable this access? statement is true about the ICMP protocol?It is an application layer protocol.It is designed to make IP a reliable protocol.It is often filtered out of networks for security purposes.If a host does not respond to an ICMP echo request, the host is not functioning.47Refer to the exhibit. At which OSI layer is serial interface 0/0/1 experiencing problems?Layer 1Layer 2Layer 3Layer 448Refer to the exhibit. The host was disconnected from switch 2 and connected to switch 1. Which combination of IP address, and default gateway should be assigned to this host to allow it to function in the network?IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: address: Subnet mask: Default gateway: to the exhibit. The diagram represents the process of sending email between clients. Select the list below that correc the component or protocol used at each numbered stage of the diagram.1.MUA2.MDA3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.POP7.MDA8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.MDA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.SMTP8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.SMTP4.MDA5.MTA6.SMTP7.POP8.MUA1.MDA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MUA7.POP8.MDA1.MUA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.POP8.MUA50What is the Cisco IOS?system software for Cisco devicesRead Only Memory in Cisco devicesnon-volatile storage for device configurationsan initial operating system that is used for boot functions(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。
关闭窗口考试系统考试浏览器 - ENetwork Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals (版本 4、0)下面就是考试得考试试题以及与题目关联得评分规则。
思科网络技术学院得内容就是受到版权保护得,禁止一切未经授权得张贴,分发或共享本考试得内容、 1 下列哪一个 OSI 层负责管理数据段?应用层表示层会话层传输层标题描述最1correctness of response2 points for Option 4 0 points for any other option2请参见图示。
以下哪一列表正确地标识了图中各编号阶段使用得组件或协议?1、MUA2、MDA3、MTA4、SMTP5、MTA6、POP7、MDA8、MUA1、MUA2、POP3、MDA4、SMTP5、MTA6、MDA7、SMTP8、MUA1、MUA2、POP3、SMTP4、MDA5、MTA6、SMTP7、POP8、MUA1、MUA2、SMTP3、MTA4、SMTP5、MTA6、MDA7、POP8、MUA3第 4 层报头包含帮助数据传输得哪一类信息?服务端口号主机逻辑地址设备物理地址虚拟连接标识符4哪个 OSI 层提供面向连接得可靠数据通信服务?应用层表示层会话层传输层网络层5当 OSI 模型下层执行无连接协议时,通常使用什么来确认数据已收到并请求重传丢失得数据?IPUDP以太网无连接确认面向连接得上层协议或服务6下列哪三项就是 CSMA/CD 得特征?(选择三项。
CSMA/CD 使用令牌系统来避免冲突。
这种网络安全性更低,不可扩展,而且那些同时充当客户端和服务器的设备可能性能更差正确答案:1解析:正确答案: 3.5解析:选择网络介质的条件包括:所选介质可以成功传送信号的距离、要安装所选介质的环境、必须传输的数据量和速度以及介质和安装的成本。
当设备连接到有线网络时,有线LAN 会受BYOD(自带设备)影响。
使用大学无线LAN 的设备多为平板电脑和智能手机。
大学生主要使用无线WAN 来访问他们的手机运营商网络。
.正确答案:2解析:由于通过Internet 可以联系在线供应商,所以家庭用户通过Internet 进行网上购物。
家庭用户并不一定使用LAN 来访问Internet。
例如,PC 可以通过调制解调器直接连接到ISP。
正确答案:2和4解析:电缆和DSL 均能实现高带宽、始终联网,并提供到主机计算机或LAN 的以太网连接。
1Refer to the exhibit。
Which Layer 2 protocol could be used inside nework A and network C?IPTCPUDPEthernet2Refer to the exhibit。
Which set of devices contains only intermediary devices?A, B,D,GA,B,E, FC, D,G,IG,H, I, J3Refer to the exhibit. The headers added at each layer are shown。
Which layer adds the destination and source process n ensure that data is delivered to the correct application?physical layerdata link layernetwork layertransport layer4The Layer 4 header contains which type of information to aid in the delivery of data?service port numberhost logical addressdevice physical addressvirtual connection identifier5Which fiber connector supports full-duplex Ethernet?6Which device should be used for routing a packet to a remote network?access switchDHCP serverhubrouter7Refer to the exhibit。
Host A sends a frame to host C with a destination MAC address CC. The MAC address for host C is n table of switch SW1. How will SW1 handle the frame?Switch SW1 will drop the frame。
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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ连接
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以下哪个OSI协议层提供面向连接的可靠数据通信服务? 应用层
n etwork
何时必须使用clock rate命令配置路由器串行接口?
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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要将数据包发送到远程网络,应使用哪种设备?访问交换机DHCP 服务器集线器路由器OSI 哪一层使用面向连接的协议来确保数据的可靠传输?应用层表示层会话层传输层请参见图示。
根据显示的IP 配置回答,主机 A 和主机 B 无法在本地网络外通信的原因是什么?对主机 A 分配了网络地址。
对主机 B 分配了组播地址。
主机 A 和主机 B 属于不同的网络。
包含路由器 B 的网络遇到问题。
助理网络工程师已确定此网络的问题出在路由行什么操作可以纠正该网络问题?在接口Serial 0/0/0 上发出clock rate命令在接口Serial 0/0/1 上发出description命令在接口FastEthernet 0/0 上发出ip address命令在接口FastEthernet 0/1 上发出no shutdown命令请参见图示。
对于从主机 A 向Web 服务器发出的网页请求,正确的目的套接字数字是什么00-08-a3-b6-ce-46198.133.219.25:80C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0在Cisco IOS 设备中,启动配置文件存储于何处?闪存NVRAMRAMROM在配置路由器时,网络技术人员想要命名路由器。
输入hostname命令后,技术人员会看到下列示?Router>Router#Router(config)#Router(config-line)#下列哪三个IPv4 地址代表子网的广播?(选择三项)(主机为1) /26172.16.4.129 /26172.16.4.191 /26172.16.4.51 /27172.16.4.95 /27172.16.4.221 /27网络管理员想要限制访问路由器的特权执行模式。
主机 A 上需要安装什么才能支持网络技术人员创建Router1 的初始配置?FTP 客户端Telnet 客户端终端仿真程序Web 浏览器请参见图示。
哪种逻辑拓扑是对图示网络的准确描述?星型环型点对点多路访问第3 层头部包含的哪一项信息可帮助数据传输?端口号设备物理地址目的主机逻辑地址虚拟连接标识符管理员对设备做出了更改,但更改没有达到预期效果。
管理员可以采取什么措施来恢复NVRAM 中保存的配置?发出erase flash命令。
发出erase start-up config命令。
发出copy running-config start-up config命令。
哪些类型的介质不受EMI 和RFI 影响?(选择两项)10 Base-T10 Base-210 Base-5100 Base-FX100 Base TX1000 Base LX请参见图示。
路由器已启用NAT 功能以供PC 访问Internet,但是PC 仍然无法访问Internet。
为了让PC 能够访问Internet,应将哪一项IP 地址更改为209.165.201.1?作为网络管理员,假设IP 地址为172.30.0.0,能够支持510 台主机的子网掩码是什么?请参见图示。
网络管理员使用安全的连接从PC1 远程访问RouterB 的CLI。
下列有关此连接的陈述中哪一项正确?Telnet 服务器进程在PC1 上运行。
仅对Telnet 用户名和密码的交换进行加密。
主机向RouterA 发送请求检索数据的GET 请求。
SSH 服务用于将PC1 连接到RouterB。
图中所示路由表所属的PC 已正确配置。
IP 地址192.168.1.254 属于哪一个网络设备或接口?PC交换机路由器接口fa0/0路由器接口fa0/1请参见图示。
主机已与交换机 2 断开连接并连接到交换机1。
为了让该主机在网络中正常工作,应该为其分配怎样的IP 地址、子网掩码和默认网关?IP 地址:,子网掩码:255,255,255,240,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:255,255,255,248,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关:请参见图示。
主机 A 要访问Internet。
哪项第 2 层地址和第 3 层地址的组合可以让主机A 实现此访问?目的MAC:0030.8596.DE83,默认网关:目的MAC:0030.8596.DE82,默认网关:目的MAC:0030.8517.44C4,默认网关:目的MAC:0030.8517.44C4,默认网关:请参见图示。
使用的是UDP 协议。
目的端口表示Telnet 会话。
网络技术人员要将主机 A 连接到Cisco 交换机的控制台以开始进行配置。
电缆 1 和电缆 2 的两端分别按照特定的物理层要求接线。
根据给定的数据回答,哪些网段的电缆安装正确?(选择三项)(同性质的设备间使用交叉电缆,不同性能的设备之间用直通电缆)网段 1网段 2网段3网段 4网段 5在封装过程中,传输层添加什么标识符?源IP 地址和目的IP 地址源MAC 地址和目的MAC 地址源端口号和目的端口号源通道标识符和目的通道标识符请参见图示。
主机 B 已断电。
交换机的MAC 表将发生什么变化?MAC 表不会受影响。
交换机会在Fa0/19 上删除MAC 地址。
交换机会保留MAC 地址,直到主机 B 再次通电。
交换机将通过为端口Fa0/19 分配地址FFF.FFFF.FFFF 来重建MAC 表。
用来连接不同设备的正确电缆类型是什么?连接 1 - 全反电缆,连接 2 - 直通电缆,连接 3 - 交叉电缆连接 1 - 直通电缆,连接 2 - 交叉电缆,连接 3 - 全反电缆连接 1 - 交叉电缆,连接 2 - 全反电缆,连接 3 - 直通电缆连接 1 - 交叉电缆,连接 2 - 直通电缆,连接 3 - 全反电缆连接 1 - 直通电缆,连接 2 - 直通电缆,连接 3 - 直通电缆请参见图示。
网络技术人员使用图中所示的连接将主机 A 连接到路由器以创建初始配置。
该连接要求主机 A 使用Telnet 客户端来访问路由器。
下列有关在Cisco IOS 设备上运行配置文件的陈述,哪一项是正确的?修改配置文件会立即对设备的操作造成影响。
配置文件存储在NVRAM 中。
可使用erase running-config命令删除配置文件。
下列哪三项陈述说明了传输层协议的特征?(选择三项)应用层协议使用TCP 端口号和UDP 端口号。
TCP 使用端口号提供可靠的IP 数据包传输。
UDP 使用窗口和确认获得可靠的数据传输。
TCP 使用窗口和定序提供可靠的数据传输。
TCP 是面向连接的协议。
UDP 是无连接协议。
网络管理员想通过Modem1 从PC1 远程访问路由器的CLI。
该路由器收到以192.168.9.4 为目的地址的数据包。
它会通过FastEthernet 0/1 转发该数据包。
使用多个第 2 层源地址。
下列哪三项是CSMA/CD 的特征?(选择三项。
根据图中提供的配置,下列哪种说法正确?主机 A 的IP 地址已正确分配到本地网卡。
主机 A 只可向本地网络中的所有主机发送数据包。
主机 A 可向本地网络和远程网络中的任何主机发送数据包。
主机 A 可成功ping通默认网关地址192.168.1.1。
使用多个第 2 层源地址。
从此输出可以得到哪三项结论?(选择三项)该IP 地址是从DHCP 服务器获取的。
该PC 无法与其它网络通信。
该网络可容纳14 台主机。
该IP 地址可以在Internet 上路由。