

Unit 1

1. The safari hunter was nearly _____ to death by a herd of elephants.

A. stampeded

B. trampled

C. trod

D. stamped

2. She felt that she was too ______ with problems to be able to study properly.

A. burdened

B. tired

C. grieved

D. disturbed

3 The roof ______ under the weight of the snow.

A. fell

B. submerged

C. collapsed

D. descended

4. Juvenile _______ is becoming a very difficult problem for society to overcome.

A. negligence

B. crime

C. delinquency

D. offence

5. The current spirit of _____ among the various departments of the university have led to

a number of interdisciplinary publications which might not otherwise have been written.

A. competition

B. patriotism

C. cooperation

D. futility

6. Ben derived a lot of ______ from his boss’s apology.

A. comfort

B. ease

C. gratification

D. Satisfaction

7. His criticism injured Jenny’s ______. So she is feeling sad now.

A. divinity

B. indignity

C. ego

D. mind

8. Hundreds of people ______ on the playground for watching the Dragon Lantern Show.

A. contrived

B. conformed

C. conferred

D. converged

9. Beware of the cream on the floor. An elderly lady ______ and fell down there just not.

A. spilled

B. slipped

C. slid

D. Split

10. She had been educated in England, which accounted for her ______ in the English language.

A. efficiency

B. proficiency

C. effectiveness

D. effectuality

11. A sweet smile is a figurative expression, but sweet coffee is a ______ one.

A. literal

B. literary

C. literate

D. illiterate

12. I missed the last bus. I could do nothing but ______ in the village for the night.

A. staying

B. stayed

C. to stay

D. stay

13. International football matches do not always make ______ better understanding between countries.

A. up

B. for

C. into

D. out

14. Cambridge can look very attractive ______ of year.

A. at the same time

B. at one time

C. at this time

D. at times

15.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ______ a sudden loud noise.

A. being there

B. should there be

C. there

D. there having been

16. ______ for the timely investment form the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.

A. Had it not been

B. Were it not

C. Be it not

D. Should it not be

17. According to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent, so one ______ wait instead of searching for it.

A. would rather

B. had to

C. cannot but

D. had best

18. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ______ for.

A. be demonstrating

B. demonstrate

C. had been demonstrating

D. have demonstrated

19. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ______ in a personal one.

A. rather than

B. other than

C. better than

D. less than

20. The business of each day, ______ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.

A. it being

B. be it

C. was it

D. it was

Key:1-5DACCC 6-10DCDBB 11-15AD(C)BCB 16-20ADCAB

Unit 2

1. Her jewelry _______ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball.

A. blazed

B. dazzled

C. glared

D. glittered

2. Weeks ______ before anyone was arrested in connection with the bank robbery.

A. elapsed

B. expired

C. overlapped

D. terminated

3. Often such arguments have the effect of _____ rather than clarifying the issues involved.

A. blocking

B. obscuring

C. tackling

D. prejudicing

4. He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and _______ it in a single nod, a gesture boys used then for O.K. when they were pleased.

A. jerked

B. twisted

C. shrugged

D. Tugged

5. She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company’s client data, which she intended to ______ in starting her own business.

A. dwell on

B. base on

C. draw upon

D. come upon

6. I can’t give you that for nothing. What do you take me _____ ?

A. up

B. For

C. to

D. After

7. Let me _____ the broken glass before someone walks on it.

A. cover up

B. clear up

C. wash up

D. spring up

8. If you keep in mind the process of word deviation, you’ll be able to _____ the meaning of many words.

A. reason with

B. make up

C. count on

D. figure out

9. Scientists will have to come _____ new methods of increasing the world’s food suppl y.

A. up with

B. up fo

C. down with

D. down to

10..A thought ______ me that we ought to make a new arrangement.

A. occurred

B. struck

C. turned to

D. struck to

11. _____ in a recent science competition, three individuals were awarded scholarships totaling 36,000.

A. Judged the best

B. Judging for the best

C. Judging the best

D. Having judged the best

12. You never told us why you were late for the last meeting, _____?

A. weren't you

B. didn’t you

C. had you

D. did you

13. He has ______ that it is difficult for him to travel.

A. too heavy a work load

B. a too heavy work load

C. so heavy a work load

D. such heavy a work load

14. ______ I’ll marry him all th e same.

A. Whether he being rich or poor

B. He be rich or poor

C. He being rich or poor

D. Be he rich or poor

15. If that idea was wrong, the project is bound to fail, _____ good all the other ideas might be.

A. whatever

B. though

C. whatsoever

D. however

16. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ____ to the body.

A. the greater the stress

B. the stress is greater

C. greater the stress is

D. greater is the stress

17. —Could you give this book to Mr. Chen?

—Certainly, ______ him about something else in any case, so it won’t be any bother at all.

A. I’ll see

B. I see

C. I can see

D. I’ll be seeing

18. _____ their assistance, we would be in serious difficulty.

A. If it is not for

B. Be it not for

C. It being not for

D. Were it not for

19. Some days go by much more quickly than others. Some hours as if they _____.

A. would never end

B. should never end

C. will never end

D. might never end

20. When she arrived, she found _____ the aged and the sick at home.

A. none but

B. nothing but

C. none other

D. no other than



1. In my opinion, you can widen the _____ of these improvements through your active participation.

A. dimension

B. magnitude

C. volume

D. scope

2. The tourist is forbidden to enter a country if he does not have a(n) _____ passport.

A. operative

B. effective

C. valid

D. Efficient

3. Gone with the Wind deals with questions__________America’s Civil war and the experiences of two couples of lovers.

A. concerned

B. concerned with

C. concerning with

D. concerning

4. She was very interested in the work of certain charities, and made a_______ regular to them.

A. subscription

B. contribution

C. allowance

D. Tribute

5. Anthropology is a science _____ anthropologist use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.

A. in that

B. that in

C. that

D. in

6. People under the age of 18 are not___________to join the club.

A. capable

B. legitimate

C. available

D. Eligible

7. Essentially, a theory is an abstract symbolic representation of ___________reality.

A. what it is conceived

B. that is conceived

C. that is being conceived

D. what is conceived to be

8. Although some students graduate from high school, they are virtually illiterate writing a business letter.

A. in the event of

B. in the light of

C. in case of

D. in terms of

9. Sometimes the tension produced by fears is so great that we cannot suppress it. At

such times we need to the tension by laughing or crying.

A. discard

B. disperse

C. disguise

D. discharge

10. We are all agreed that the plan is practical and feasible, but he thinks .

A. not

B. the reverse

C. contrarily

D. Otherwise

11. Go and ask his wife. She must be__________ the know.

A. in

B. for

C. at

D. under

12. She knew that she was__________against very strong opposition.

A. at

B. up

D. with D. On

13.Until the 1800s, communication had been _____ by distance and time.

A. curbed

B. inhibited

C. limited

D. restricted

14. This car is cheaper to buy _____ the other one is more economical to run.

A. although

B. since

C. than

D. whereas

15. The score is 3 to 2 in their favor. This is not _____ result as we expected.

A. a bad

B. as a bad

C. bad a

D. as bad a

16.Hardly a day goes by _____ I write to my family.

A. when

B. since

C. but

D. Before

17. The old man strolled to the beach, _____.

A. his dog following him

B. his dog followed him

C. his dog was followed

D. following by his dog

18. I don’t believe your dad is over fifty. He looks _____ forty.

A. no older than

B. not older than

C. no older as

D. none older as

19. The Prime Minister walked onto the platform and seated herself in a chair, _____ to answer questions.

A. had prepared

B. being prepared

C. prepared

D. preparing

20. There can be no economy _____ there is no efficiency.

A. unless

B. where

C. provided that

D. Because

KEY:1-5 DCDBA 6-10DDDDD 11-15 ABDDD 16-20 CAACB


1.The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ___ the speakers stopped for refreshments.

a. at large

b. at ease

c. at intervals

d. at random

2. This kind of material can ____ heat and moisture.

a. propel

b. repel

c. compel

d. Constrain

3. Hamlet ___ his father’s death on his uncle.

a. reversed

b. revenged

c. reverted

d. averted

4. In a sense, tennis and Taijiquan are similar in that they both require your full attention, and if done ____, take your mind off daily problems and preoccupations.

a. successfully

b. consecutively

c. conscientiously

d. compulsively

5. Strict ____ is observed in connection with depositors’accounts.

a. section

b. security

c. secrecy

d. segregation

6. The remarkable ___ of life on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.

a. classification

b. density

c. variety

d. Diversion

7. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transportation and is therefore, not ____ to work locally.

a. compelled

b. obliged

c. restricted

d. repelled

8. The doctors don’t ____ that the patient will live much longer.

a. monitor

b. manifest

c. articulate

d. Anticipate

9. She should be ___ and not make unreasonable


a. sensational

b. sensible

c. sensitive

d. sensual

10. Europe’s earlier industrial growth was ____ by the availability of key resources, abundant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc.

a. constrained

b. remained

c. sustained

d. detained

11. His kindness was ___ that we will never forget him.

a. what

b. which

c. who

d. such

12. I walked too much yesterday and ___ are still aching now.

a. my leg’s muscles

b. my muscles of leg

c. my leg muscles

d. my muscles of the leg

13. I think the Red Team will win the final game; it’s ____ that they will.

a. almost surely

b. very likely

c. rather possibly

d. quite certainly

14. Fond of singing as she is, she is ____ a good singer by profession.

a. everything but

b. anything but

c. nothing but

d. something but

15. I didn’t go to his party last night, because ____ I changed my mind.

a. on a second thought

b. on second thought

c. by second thought

d. on the second thought

16. We left the meeting, there obviously ____ no point in staying.

a. were

b. to be

c. being

d. Having

17. The manager would rather his daughter ____ in the same office.

a. had not worked

b. not to work

c. does not work

d. did not work

18. I’d rather read than watch television, the programs seem ____ all the time.

a. to get worse

b. getting worse

c. to have got worse

d. to be getting worse

19. Many a student and teacher ___ making a careful study of ___ own problems.

a. are; their

b. is; their

c. are; his

d. is; his

20. It is not unusual for workers ____ in that region.

a. to be paid more than a month late

b. to be paid later than more a month

c. to pay later than a month more

d. to pay late more than a month



1.Only ten to twenty percent of cold viruses are transmitted by carriers, who, sneezing and coughing, ___ the viruses into the air.

a. spray

b. sprinkle

c. spread

d. sprout

2. While taking a walk to the department store, I____ an old schoolmate this morning.

a. ran over

b. ran off

c. ran into

d. ran to

3. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will ______.

a.pull back

b. pull up

c.pull through

d. pull out

4. A scientist usually directs his attention towards problems which he notices have no satisfactory explanation, and his curiosity makes him look for ____ relationship even if the data available seem to be unconnected.

a. underlining


c. underlying

d. Undergoing

5. Because of the mistake made in his work, he has been obliged to ____ from his job.

a. resign

b. dismiss

c. abandon

d. retire

6. You’d better ask professor Smith—he has got the whole subject ______.

a. at the fingers

b. at his fingers

c. at his fingers’tips

d. at the fingers’tips

7. The tenant left nothing being except some____ of paper, cloth, etc.

a. sheets

b. scraps

c. pages

d. Slices

8. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ______.

a. minority

b. scarcity

c. rarity

d. minimum

9. I couldn’t sleep because the tap in the bathroom was _________.

a. draining

b. dropping

c. spilling

d. dripping

10. Failure to follow the club rules ________ him

from the volleyball team.

a. disfavored

b. dispelled

c. disqualified

d. Dismissed

11. Because one is grown up, _____ he/she can become more intelligent.

a. but it isn’t that

b. but it can’t follow that

c. it is not followed that

d. it does not follow that

12. Do help yourself to some fruit, _____ you? (TEM4-2000)

a. can’t

b. don’t

c. wouldn’t

d. won’t

13. Wait for me. You _____ impatient. I am still having my breakfast.

a. are

b. are being

c. were

d. have been

14. You and I could hardly understand, _____?(TEM4-1995)

a. could I

b. couldn’t you

c. couldn’t we

d. could we

15. I wish to pay you a visit tomorrow, _____?

a. shall I

b. didn’t I

c. may I

d. would I

16. She ought to go to Shanghai by plane, _____?

a. ought she

b. shouldn’t she

c. won’t she

d. wouldn’t she

17. I’m surely happy, _____?

a. am I

b. isn’t I

c. aren’t I

d. am not I

18. Very important in our daily life _____.

a. is the weather forecast

b. the weather forecast is

c. the weather is forecasted

d. forecasts the weather

19. Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ____ move more quickly than in

a. were to

b. did

c. will

d. can

20. To say is one thing, and to do is quite _____.

a. one other

b. the other

c. another

d. something else

KEY:1-5ACCCA 6-10CBADC 11-15 DDBDC 16-20 BCABC


1. I only know the man by ___ but I have never spoken to him.

A. chance

B. heart

C. sight

D. experience

2. Being colour-blind, Sally can’t make a _____ between red and green.

A. difference

B. distinction

C. comparison

D. Division

3. You must insist that students give a truthful answer ___ with the reality of their world.

A. relevant

B. simultaneous

C. consistent

D. practical

4. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to ___ with some of her most treasured possessions.

A. divide

B. separate

C. part

D. Abandon

5. The car was in good working ___ when I bought it a few months ago.

A. order

B. form

C. state

D. circumstance

6. The customer expressed her ___ for that broad hat.

A. disapproval

B. distaste

C. dissatisfaction

D. Dismay

7. In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must indeed be ___.

A. restless C. strong

B. skilled D. versatile

8. His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in ___ to his income.

A. comparison

B. proportion

C. association

D. Calculation

9. Although he has become rich, he is still very ___ of his money.

A. economic

B. thrifty

C. frugal

D. careful

10. As the manager was away on a business trip, I was asked to ___ the weekly staff meeting.

A. preside

B. Introduce

C. chair

D. Dominate

11. Basically a robot is a machine which moves, manipulates, joins or processes ____ in the same way as human hand or arm.

A. characters

B. components

C. catalogues

D. collections

12. Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____ motivating for students.

A. chiefly

B. correctly

C. currently

D. eminently

13. Most importantly, such an experience helps ____ a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.

A. coach

B. forsake

C. foster

D. censor

14. When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the ____ back together.

A. fragments

B. pieces

C. bits

D. slices

15. ____ drills that have no real topic have to remain as they are.

A. Manufacture

B. Manipulative

C. Manipulate

D. Manifest

16. This book has been in the works so long that I have lost ____ of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.

A. trace

B. trail

C. track

D. touch

17. The audience waited in ____ silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.

A. respective

B. respect

C. respectful

D. respectable

18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____ .

A. counted for

B. looked up

C. accounted for

D. checked up

17. The audience waited in ____ silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.

A. respective

B. respect

C. respectful

D. respectable

18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____ .

A. counted for

B. looked up

C. accounted for

D. checked up


Unit 8

1. ______ at conveying her underlying message through topical plots and contemporary characters that by 1940 her book had sold some three million copies.

a.So successful, Grace Lee

b. So successful was Grace Lee

c. Grace Lee, so successful

d. Because Grace Lee was so successful

2. We must urge that delegates ______ from the various factories in a district.

a.should elect

b. will be elected

c. be elected

d. must have been elected

3. It wasn’t such a good dinner ______ she had promised.


b. as

c. which

d. what

4. By the end of this month, we surely ______ a satisfactory solution to the problem.

a.have found

b. will have found

c. will find

d. will be finding

5. The doctor insisted that his patient ______ the medicine.

a. take

b. takes

c. to take

d. taking

6. ______ they will not come to join us, we have to change our plan.

a.Seeing that

b. for

c. When

d. As soon as

7. Since the family moved here last year, they ______ better health.

a.were enjoying

b. had enjoyed

c. have been enjoying

d. enjoyed

8. Living in the Central Australian desert has its problems, ______ obtaining watering is not the least.

a. of which

b. for what

c. as

d. Whose

9. The heart is ______ intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.

a.not so

b. not much

c. much more

d. no more

10. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, ______ all practical value by the time they were finished.

a.could lose

b. would have lost

c. might lose

d. ought to have lost

11. ______ to deliver this letter to the secretary?

a.Would you be so kind

b. Would you be so kind as

c. Would you be as kind as

d. Would you be kind

12. Having no money but ______ to know, Tom simply said he would go without dinner.

a.not to want anyone

b. not wanting anyone

c. wanted no one

d. to want no one

13. It isn’t cold enough for there ______ a frost night, so I can leave Jim’s car out quite safely.

a.would be

b. being

c. was

d. to be

14. A hundred and thirty dollars ______ for that fur coat.

a.is a reasonable price

b. are a reasonable price

c. are not a reasonable price

d. is a too reasonable price

15. Mrs. Brown is supposed ______ for Italy last week.

a.to have left

b. to be leaving

c. to have been left

d. to leave

16. It seems absurd to wait any longer for those materials. We ______ start the project without them.

a. as well

b. just as well

c. may as well

d. well off

17. Frankly speaking, I’d rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.


b. don’t do

c. did

d. didn’t do

18. The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds ______ his argument in favor of the new theory.

a.which to base on

b. to base on which

c. on which to base

d. which to be based on

19. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of universe ______ it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.

a.so that

b. but that

c. in that

d. provided that

20. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ______ in a personal one.

a. rather than

b. other than

c. better than

d. less than

Key:1-5bcbba 6-10acadb 11-15bbdaa 16-20cdcca

Unit 9

1. Knowing that he had been admitted to Cambridge University, he was too excited to be _______ on the phone.

a. coincidental

b. identical

c. same

d. coherent

2. Hard work and malnutrition _______ his health and he looked thin and pale.

a. impaired

b. promoted

c. accelerated

d. Smashed

3. Although he is in his fifties, his _______ arms are as powerful as those of a young man.

a. energetic

b. gigantic

c. muscular

d. effective

4. By preliminary _______, the damage caused by the accident amounted to $1,000,000.

a. apprehension

b. comprehension

c. proposal

d. Appraisal

5. He proposed at the meeting that _______ restrictions should be imposed on the construction of more expensive housing projects.

a. grave

b. grim

c. rigorous

d. reckless

6. The purpose of the lecture was to _______the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America.

a. inform

b. acquaint

c. instruct

d. Announce

7. Our teacher didn’t have time so far to go into it_______, but he gave us an idea about his plan.

a. in turn

b. at hand

c. in conclusion

d. at length

8. She often says her greatest happiness _______serving the handicapped children.

a. consists in

b. relies on

c. composes of

d. comprises in

9. No one who breaks the law is _______punishment.

a. discrete from

b. immune from

c. exceptional to

d. invulnerable to

10. Since you changed lanes without signaling, you are as much to _______for the accident as us.

a. condemnation

b. charge

c. accusation

d. Blame

11. ______is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.

a. That

b. Which

c. As

d. It

12. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ______your advice.

a. follow

b. had followed

c. would follow

d. have followed

13. I remember ______to help us if we ever were in difficulties.

a. once offering

b. him once offering

c. him to offer

d. to offer him

14. Helen apologized for ______the party.

a. her not being able to attend

b. her being not able to attend

c. her being able not to attend

d. not her being able to attend

15. It’s a pity that we should stay at home when we have ______weather.

a. so fine

b. such fine

c. such a fine

d. so fine a

16. His proposal is that the machine ______at once.

a. is stopped

b. would be stopped

c. be stopped

d. is being stopped

17. Without your help, we ______so much.

a. will not achieve

b. didn’t achieve

c. don’t achieve

d. would not have achieved

18. The grass has grown a lot this past week. It needs ______.

a. cut

b. to be cut

c. that we cut

d. to cut

19. It was with great joy ______he received the news that his long—lost son would soon return home.

a. that

b. so

c. since

d. For

20. Everybody likes to go, ______?

a. aren’t they

b. isn’t he

c. don’t they

d. doesn’t he

Key:1-5DACDC 6-10BDABD 11-15CBBAB 16-20 CDBAC


1) Nothing spoils friendship _____an exaggeration

of a friend’s merits.

A. such as

B. just like

C. that much like

D. so much as

2) By the year 2050, this area will hold twice as

_____ today.

A. much people as it does

B. much people as it is

C. many people as it does

D. many people as it is

3) Nowadays few people can remember _______ radios, and it is difficult to imagine getting along without the benefits of radio technology.

A. not having

B. not to have

C. to be without

D. been without

4) Heathrow, “the Gateway to the World”, __, is one of the busiest airports in the world.

A. so it is proudly called

B. as it proudly calls itself

C. so proudly be called

D. as it proudly called

5) If there is one main characteristic of the modern world that makes our lives different from ____, it is probably speed.

A. that of our grandparents

B. our grandparent’s

C. those of our grandparents

D. our grandparents

6) If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for _____.

A. our own

B. our own’s

C. that of us

D. those of ours

7) ___ to use a computer will hurt a person’s chances of finding a job as a secretary.

A. Been unable

B. To be unable

C. Not able

D. Not being able

8) Service in a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than ___ venture in life.

A. many other

B. any other

C. another

D. other’s

9) ___ employees feel about work, their primary motivation to work is to earn a living.

A. Whatever

B. What

C. However

D. How

10) The increasing use of robots—machines that do the jobs of human beings—will mean ___ jobs for blue-collar workers.

A. few

B. much few

C. a few

D. Fewer

11) Almost three-fifths of the nation’s income ____ from the tertiary/service industries, ______ commercial and professional services.

A. come, like

B. comes, such as

C. is coming, as

D. are coming, say

12) Ten percent of the university’s budget _______ capital construction and maintenance.

A. is spent on

B. are spent on

C. go in

D. goes in

13) Alcoholism is a disease ____ the drinking of alcoholic beverages interferes with some aspects of life.

A. that

B. in that

C. which

D. in which

14) A great many animals live in ______ water, chiefly because there is much more room for them than on __________ land.

A. /, the

B. the, a

C. the, /

D. the, the

15) Human beings can eat many different kinds of food, although some eat _____ plant foods and seeds.

A. anything but

B. nothing but

C. everything except

D. something except

16) Some of the amazing social relationships that exist among animals are dependent on the signals ________ they communicate.

A. by which

B. in which

C. whereas

D. Wherein

KEY:1-5DCABC 6-10ADBCD 11-15 BADCB 16-20A


现代大学英语精读翻译 Revised by Hanlin on 10 January 2021

第三课 T1. Today we are in the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures, a tectonic shift of habits and dreams called, in the curious vocabulary of social scientists, “globalization”. (Para.1)今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化剧变的阵痛,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化,用社会科学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫“全球化”. T2. Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, these critics are convinced that Western—often equated with American—influences will flatten every cultural crease, producing, as one observer terms it, one big “McWorld”. (Para.4) 不管他们的背景和纲领如何,这些对全球化持反对态度的人深信西方的影响—往往等同于美国的影响—会把所有文化上的差异一一压平,就像一位观察家所说的,最终产生一个麦当劳世界,一个充斥美国货和体现美国价值观的世界. T3. But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them. (Para.8) 不过我也发现文化就如同构成文化的民族一样,善于随机应变,富有弹性而且不可预测.


常用翻译技巧总结 w个人认为,翻译题很重要!考研是个充实自己的过程,只要你还需要英语,就离不开翻译,所以大家应该引起足够重视。 首先个人推荐一本书,XDF唐静老师的《拆分与组合翻译法》,我听过他的课,他的方法很实用,感觉很象下面介绍的第四种方法。 翻译题里考察三方面内容: 1、专有名词(如operational research expert)、习惯用法(如depend on)及多义词 的翻译(如school、set的多义) 2、一般性翻译技巧:包括词义选择,词序调整,词性转换和增词法等等 3、具体句型(定从、状从、主从、宾从、表从、同位从、强调结构、并列、 比较、倒装、插入、被动、否定等) 其中2、3是大考点,具体内容可在论坛下XDF的翻译笔记来看,在此不赘述。 可看出,应对翻译题的主要武器是翻译技巧,下面正式进入正题(常用方法、被动语态译法、形容词译法、举例详解) 一、常用方法 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练。 1增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在翻译时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1) What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语) (2) If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词) (4)就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。 Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词)


从2001至今,普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习(普通专升本)考试只考两门课程,一是公共英语课程,二是专业基础课程;公共英语课程是所有非英语专业的必考课程。满分150分,可见公共英语在专升本考试中的重要性。为了帮应试学生更好地整体把握考试,给出历年真题的题型及分值统计分析表。 2003-2010专升本公共英语真题题型及分值表 从该表看出,自2006年开始,词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、作文都是每年必考的固定题型,并且分值不变。翻译也是每年必考的题型,从2003-2009年每年20分(英译汉10分,汉译英10分),但2010年翻译部分增加了10分的英汉对话翻译。词性转换自2005-2009年每年10分,但2010年取消该题型。每年固定不变的题型有词汇语法、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译、作文;可变化的题型有词性转换、补全对话、辨识错误和英汉对话翻译,预测这几种题型会任选一个,分值10分。 2003-2010年专升本公共英语词汇与语法测试试题分值表 从表中看出,直接考察语法和词汇知识分值有70分,占了总分值的近1/2。从2006年开始,在40分的语法词汇部分,语法占的比重大,如2006年,语法:词汇是38:2;2007年,语法:词汇是30:10;2008年,语法:词汇是22:18;2009年,语法:词汇是19:21; 2010年,语法:词汇是30:10。而阅读、翻译及写作部分,依然是考核语法词汇基本知识的,

所以学好语法词汇是考好专升本英语的关键。 考什么?学什么? 河南省教育厅学生处“专升本”考试的要求指出:“英语考试要求为大学英语考试三至四级水平”。短短的几句话,包含了英语考试的全部内容,但我们考生很多时候却并不明白:到底要考什么? Example 1:P52,03,36 Lynda and hundreds of young people like him____ the post of typist. 第A approach(方法,靠近,走近)B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉)D approved of (赞成) 题干研究: 1 考查词汇:Q1: like; post; typist.熟词生意。 Post no bills.禁止张贴。Post position of paid employment.职位。 2 考查语法:Q2: Lynda and hundreds of young people like him 并列平行结构。并列连词所连接的并列成分应当在结构和功能上保持一致,这就是并列平行结构,该语法知识点时常考到。 历年真题再现:直接考的有词汇结构题中的04,P98,24; 间接考的有:05,P85,阅读中4中句子A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, filling them with resum es and then waiting for replies. 在这样一个句子中,并列平行结构这一语法知识对于句子的正确理解起到了绝对重要的作用。 选项研究: A approach(方法,靠近,走近) B applied for C appealed to(吸引,恳求,上诉) D approved of (赞成) 选项考查到:1 形近词;2 词义及语境,在此语境下只能选用某一选项。另外appeal t o 在同一份试卷的第49页阅读3中出现。 综合本题,其主要考查词汇的,考查形近词在特定语境下的区别。但间接的考到了上述的其他知识。如果不能正确理解上述相关知识,不可能理解本句的意义,也就不可能正确地根据句义选出正确的答案。同时,需要提醒的是,在本题中间接考到的相关知识点在另外的题目中就可能直接考到,真题已经说明了这一点。因此,教师要做到举一反三,同学也要做


我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。我们必须让他们接触各种社会问题,因为不久他们就将作为公民来应对这些问题。 It was wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens. 随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。而冲突必然会发生,因为国家之间总有不同的观点和利益。 As time goes on we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exists different views and interests among nations 我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。但是我们永远不能变得狂妄,不然我们就会失去我们的朋友。 We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends. 信息现在唾手可得。一个普通的电脑就能储存一个普通图书馆的信息。 Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of a small library. 那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。他们没有任何法律文件能证明他们具备必要的专门技术。我们必须找一个专门建造歌剧院的公司。 That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializes in building theatres. 这些智囊团不作决策。他们力图提出一些对决策者十分有用的新主意和深刻的分析。These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas and penetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers. 国内生产总值不是一切。如果人民的生活质量没有真正改善的话,我们国家就不能说已经现代化了。 The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been modernized unless the quality of our people?s lives is really improved. 虽然那时候我们在很多方面都很困难,但作为孩子我们仍然幸福,因为有干净的空气、水;江河湖泊里有很多鱼、螃蟹,黄鳝;田野里有花,有树,有鸟。 Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes and ponds; and a lot of flowers, trees and birds in the fields.

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


Lesson Eight The Kindness of Strangers Mike Mclntyre 1. One summer I was driving from my home town of Tahoe City, Calif, to New Orleans. In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside. He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time in the country when you' d be considered a jerk if you passed by somebody in need. Now you are a fool for helping. With gangs, drug addicts, murderers, rapists, thieves lurking everywhere, "I don't want to get involved" has become a national motto. 2. Several states later I was still thinking about the hitchhiker. Leaving him stranded in the desert did not bother me so much. What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. I never even lifted my foot off the accelerator. 3. Does anyone stop any more? I wondered. I recalled Blanche DuBois's famous line: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." Could anyone rely on the kindness of strangers these days? One way to test this would be for a person to journey from coast to coast without any money, relying solely on the good will of his fellow Americans. What kind of Americans would he find? Who would feed him, shelter him, carry him down the road? 4. The idea intrigued me. 5. The week I turned 37, I realized that I had never taken a gamble in my life. So I decided to travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny. It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar. I would only accept offers of rides, food and a place to rest my head. My final destination would be Cape Fear in North Carolina, a symbol of all the fears I'd have to conquer during the trip. 6. I rose early on September 6, 1994, and headed for the Golden Gate Bridge with a 50-pound pack on my back and a sign displaying my destination to passing vehicles: "America." 7. For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4223 miles across 14 states. As I traveled, folks were always warning me about someplace else. In Montana they told me to watch out for the cowboys in Wyoming, In Nebraska they said people would not be as nice in Iowa. Yet I was treated with kindness everywhere I went. I was amazed by people's readiness to help a stranger, even when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interests. 8. One day in Nebraska a car pulled to the road shoulder. When I reached the window, I saw two little old ladies dressed in their Sunday finest." I know you're not supposed to pick up hitchhikers, but it's so far between towns out here, you feel bad passing a person," said the driver, who introduced herself as Vi. I didn't know whether to kiss them or scold them for stopping. This woman was telling me she'd rather risk her life than feel bad about passing a stranger on the side of the road. 9. Once when I was hitchhiking unsuccessfully in the rain, a trucker pulled over, locking his brakes so hard he skidded on the grass shoulder. The driver told me he was once robbed at knifepoint by a hitchhiker. "But I hate to see a man stand out in the rain," he added. "People don't have no heart anymore." 10. I found, however, that people were generally compassionate. Hearing I had no money and would take none, people bought me food or shared whatever they happened to have with them. Those who had the least to give often gave the most. In Oregon a house painter named Mike noted the chilly weather and asked if I had a coat. When he learned that I had "a light one," he drove me to his house, and handed me a big green army-style jacket. A lumber-mill worker named Tim invited me to a simple dinner with his family in their shabby house. Then he offered me his tent. I refused, knowing it was probably one of the family's most valuable possessions. But Tim was determined that I have it, and finally I agreed to take it. 11. I was grateful to all the people I met for their rides, their food, their shelter, and their gifts. But what I found most touching was the fact that they all did it as a matter of course.


专升本翻译 1、基本及特殊句型 2、各种从句(引导词的特殊用法) 3、重要单词及词组 4、主动句与被动句的互译 一、专升本翻译常考句型总结及练习 1、in order to \ so as to 他努力学习以实现他的梦想。 他拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。 3、so…that\Such….that 他太自私了,一直都没有人愿意与他共事。 这本书很有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。 4、would rather do…than do 他宁愿听别人讲也不愿自己说。 5、prefer doing to doing 他在办公室的时候,他总是愿找些事做而不愿意闲着。 6、prefer to do…rather than do 比起女人,男人总是宁愿在家睡觉也不愿花那么多时间来购物。 7、not only…but also 在短短的三年的时间里他不但完成了所有课程,而且还获得了博士学位。他不仅乐于接受别人的观点,而且也很耐心。(08)

Not only did Mike learn the Chinese language, but also bridge the gap between his culture and ours. (08) 成功不仅取决于个人能力,而且取决于合作的意愿。(04) Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. (04 英) 8、either…or 如果考试过关,你可以买一个MP3或去云南玩一趟。 9、neither…nor 他是一个无聊的人,既不爱娱乐,也不爱读书。 10. as well as 足球和电脑都一样深受青年喜欢。 11.倍数的翻译 (1)as…as 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。(2003) (2)数字+times as +形原型+as +比较对象。 太阳的大小是地球的33万倍。 This year the factory spends five times as much money in developing new products as it did five years ago. (08) (3)数字+times + 形比较级+than X是Y的15倍。 游泳池里的水是以前的两倍。(07 英) (4)increase to\ by


最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 英译汉 词汇的翻译 Experts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart. A new research demonstrates just how dangerous it can be. 专家们长期以来就认为抑郁症会对心脏有害,最近的一项研究证明了这种危害有多大。 In the end, they found that people with major depression were at least three times as likely to die of heart disease as were patients who weren’t depressed. 最终,他们发现患有严重抑郁症的人死于心脏病的可能性至少是正常人的三倍。 His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures. 他对公司财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效措施。 Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters, the total grain output was higher than that of last year. 虽然有些地区遭受了严重的自然灾害,但是粮食总产量还是比去年高。 For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their border. 由于种种原因,所有国家对通过他们边境的某种商品都强行设置贸易壁垒。 Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive manner. 每位雇主都希望有以诚实积极态度提出改进意见的雇员。


现代大学英语精读1unit6课文翻译 第六单元 青香蕉 1.尽管这种事情在任何地方都可能发生,但我与青香蕉的邂逅却源自于巴西腹地一条险峻的山路上。我那老式吉普车正吃力地穿过景色优美的乡村,这时,水箱突然漏水了,而离我最近的汽车修理站也 还要十英里。发动机过热迫使我在临近的村庄停了下来。村里有一个小商店和分布在四处的几座房子。有村民围过来看,三股细细的热水柱从水箱外壳上的小孔喷出来。“这容易解决,”一个人说到。他让一个小男孩跑去拿些青香蕉来。这个人还拍了拍我的肩膀,安慰我问题会解决的。“青香蕉。”他笑了,其余的人都这么说着。 2.我和他们闲聊起来,心里却一直在想他们用这青香蕉怎么能修补好水箱。毫无疑问,提问会暴露我的无知,因此我开始赞叹眼前美 丽的乡村景色。耸立在我们周围巨大的岩石群,很像里约热内卢著名的糖面包山。“看见那边那块高高的岩石了吗?”那人指着一块特别 高而且细长的黑色石柱问我,“那块岩石标志着世界的中心。” 3.我看着他,想知道他是否在和我开玩笑,但他却表情严肃,反过来认真地审视着我,似乎想确定我是否领会了他那句话的深刻含义。这种情况要求我必须表现出认同。他点头说:“绝对是中心。这儿的人都知道。” 4.这时,小男孩抱着青香蕉回来了。那个男子把其中一根掰成两

半,将其断口处按在水箱的外壳上。香蕉遇到炙热的金属融成了胶, 立刻就堵住了漏洞。面对如此情景,我惊呆了,我当时的表情一定是 傻傻的,所有的人都笑了起来。他们把我的水箱装满水,又让我带上 一些香蕉,以防沿途中水箱再出问题。路上,我又用了一次青香蕉, 一个小时后,我开着车到达了目的地。当地的一修理工笑着问我:“谁教你用青香蕉的?”我告诉了他那个村子的名字。“他们有没有指给你看标志世界中心的那块岩石?”他问道。我告诉他,他们指给我看了。“我祖父就是那儿的人,”他说,“那的确是中心。一直以来这儿的人都知道。” 5.作为美国教育的产物,除了把青香蕉当作还没长熟的水果,我从来就没注意过它。但突然在那条山路上,当我需要它时,它正巧出 现了。可是仔细想一想,其实青香蕉一直在那儿存在着。时间可以追 溯到香蕉的最初的起源。那个村子里的人都知道它已经很多年了,我现在也因此认识它了。我开始珍视村民们的聪明才智和青香蕉的特殊 潜能。曾有一段时间,我一直困惑于教育家们提出的“领悟的瞬间”,而现在我知道自己刚刚同时经历了两个这样的瞬间。 6.我又用了一些时间来领会村民们认为那块标志着世界中心的 岩石的重要性。开始时我怀疑他们的说法,因为我知道实际上世界的中心是位于新英格兰的某个地方,毕竟,我的祖父就是那儿的人。但 我逐渐意识到他们的想法是很有道理的,我赞同了他们的看法。我们都倾向于把一个特殊的地方理解为“中心”:在那儿为人所知,我们也认识其他人;那儿的事物对我们来说都别有意义;那儿有我们的根,

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT6 The Green Banana 课文翻译

2014101018 第六单元 Translation of Text A 青香蕉 1尽管这种事情在任何地方都可能发生,但我与青香蕉的邂逅却源自于巴西腹地一条险峻的山路上。我那老式吉普车正吃力地穿过景色优美的乡村,这时,水箱突然漏水了,而离我最近的汽车修理站也还要十英里。发动机过热迫使我在临近的村庄停了下来。村里有一个小商店和分布在四处的几座房子。有村民围过来看,三股细细的热水柱从水箱外壳上的小孔喷出来。“这容易解决,”一个人说到。他让一个小男孩跑去拿些青香蕉来。这个人还拍了拍我的肩膀,安慰我问题会解决的。“青香蕉。”他笑了,其余的人都这么说着。 2我和他们闲聊起来,心里却一直在想他们用这青香蕉怎么能修补好水箱。毫无疑问,提问会暴露我的无知,因此我开始赞叹眼前美丽的乡村景色。耸立在我们周围巨大的岩石群,很像里约热内卢著名的糖面包山。“看见那边那块高高的岩石了吗?”那人指着一块特别高而且细长的黑色石柱问我,“那块岩石标志着世界的中心。” 3我看着他,想知道他是否在和我开玩笑,但他却表情严肃,反过来认真地审视着我,似乎想确定我是否领会了他那句话的深刻含义。这种情况要求我必须表现出认同。他点头说:“绝对是中心。这儿的人都知道。” 4这时,小男孩抱着青香蕉回来了。那个男子把其中一根掰成两半,将其断口处按在水箱的外壳上。香蕉遇到炙热的金属融成了胶,立刻就堵住了漏洞。面对如此情景,我惊呆了,我当时的表情一定是傻傻的,所有的人都笑了起来。他们把我的水箱装满水,又让我带上一些香蕉,以防沿途中水箱再出问题。路上,我又用了一次青香蕉,一个小时后,我开着车到达了目的地。当地的一修理工笑着问我:“谁教你用青香蕉的?”我告诉了他那个村子的名字。“他们有没有指给你看标志世界中心的那块岩石?”他问道。我告诉他,他们指给我看了。“我祖父就是那儿的人,”他说,“那的确是中心。一直以来这儿的人都知道。” 5作为美国教育的产物,除了把青香蕉当作还没长熟的水果,我从来就没注意过它。但突然在那条山路上,当我需要它时,它正巧出现了。可是仔细想一想,其实青香蕉一直在那儿存在着。时间可以追溯到香蕉的最初的起源。那个村子里的人都知道它已经很多年了,我现在也因此认识它了。我开始珍视村民们的聪明才智和青香蕉的特殊潜能。曾有一段时间,我一直困惑于教育家们提出的“领悟的瞬间”,而现在我知道自己刚刚同时经历了两个这样的瞬间。 6我又用了一些时间来领会村民们认为那块标志着世界中心的岩石的重要性。开始时我怀疑他们的说法,因为我知道实际上世界的中心是位于新英格兰的某个


.一座孤零零的小山在俄克拉荷马的草原上拔地而起,它的西面和北面是维奇塔山脉。对于我们克尔瓦人来说,它是个古老的界标,我们给它取名叫雨山。这里有世界上最恶劣的天气。冬季有大暴风雪,春季就刮起了飓风,到了夏季,草原热得就像铁砧一样。草变得又脆又黄。沿着河流和小溪,是长长的绿带,有一排排的山核桃树、柳树和金缕梅。从远望去,七八月里的树叶热得冒烟,犹如在火中挣扎。高高的草地上到处都是大个儿的黄绿色的蚱蜢.像玉米花一样爆裂开,刺得人痛。乌龟在红土地上爬行,不知要去何处。寂寞荒凉是这里的一大特点。草原上的一切都是疏离开来的,所见之物不会混杂在一起让人看不清楚。要么只是一山,要么只是一树、一人。清晨,太阳在你的背后冉冉升起,此时观看大地,你会失去平时的比例感。你会张开想像的翅膀,并认定这就是上帝造设宇宙的起始点。 2.我七月回到了雨山。我祖母于春季去世,我是想去她的墓地。她活得很老,最后因虚弱而死。她死的时候,是她现在惟一活着的女儿陪伴着她。听说她死时的脸像张孩子的脸。3.我喜欢把她看作孩子。她出生时,俄克拉荷马人正生活在其所史上鼎盛时期的最后阶段。一个多世纪以来,他们掌控着从斯莫克山河到红河那片空旷的山脉,掌控着从加拿大河流的源头到阿肯色河和西马隆河交汇处的地域。他们与科曼斯人一道,统治着整个南部平原。发动战争是他们神圣的职责.他们是世人所知的最优秀的骑手。然而,对于克尔瓦人来说,作战更多是因为这是他们的习惯,而非为了生存。他们从来都不理解美国骑兵残酷的进攻。当最后四分五裂、弹尽粮绝时,他们便冒着冰凉的秋雨来到斯代克特平原,陷入了恐慌。在帕罗多罗坎,他们的弹粮被抢劫一空,只剩下了性命。为了拯救自己,他们在福特西尔投降,被监禁在一个石头堆砌的牛马棚。现在,这里已经是个军事博物馆了。我的祖母得以豁免那高高的灰墙里的羞辱,因为她是在此事件8年或10年后出生的。但自出生起,她就已经懂得失败给人带来的苦难.这使那些老战士们百思不得其解。 4.她的名字叫阿荷,属_丁北美最后的文化。差不多一个世纪前,她的祖先从蒙大拿两部来到这里。他们是一群山民,一个神秘的猎手部落.其语言从未分明地划归任何一个主要语种。17世纪晚期,他们开始了漫长的向南和向东移民。这个通向黎明的漫长的旅行,使他们达到其黄金时期。一路上,克尔瓦人被克罗人当作朋友,并给了他们平原上的文化和宗教。他们有了马,于是他们那古老的游牧精神使他们重新脱离了地面。他们拥有了太米,那神圣的太阳舞木偶,自那时起太米就成了他们的崇拜物和象征物。太米也是所有崇拜太阳的部落的崇拜物。同样重要的是,他们有着命运感,也有着勇气和荣誉感。当他们开始享受南部大平原时,他们已经被改变了。他们不再是为了简单的生活必需品的奴隶,而是一群傲慢危险的斗士和小偷、猎人和虔诚的太阳舞宗教徒。有关他们起源的神话告诉我们,他们是通过一根空心圆木来到了世上。从某种程度上说,他们的迁移是一个古老预言的结果,因为他们的确来自于一个没有太阳的世界。 5.虽然我的祖母在漫长的生活中从未离开过雨山,但大平原那广袤的景色却留在她的记忆中,仿佛她本人曾经在那里生活过。她能谈一些关于克罗人的事情,尽管她从未见过他们;她还知道黑山,虽然她从未去过那里。我想见识她想像当中的完美世界,于是走了1500英里,开始了我的朝圣。 6.对于我来说,黄石是世界上最好的地方。一个有许多深湖、黑木材、深峡谷和瀑布的地区。虽然黄石地区很美.但人们可能有受束缚、被禁锢的感觉。放眼望去,四周天际线近在咫尺,伸手可及。这天际线是一道树的高墙和一条条幽深的裂缝。山里有完全的自由,但这只属于老鹰、美洲赤鹿、獾和熊。克尔瓦人根据他们所能看清的距离来判断他们的位置;在荒野中他们时常弯着腰或者双眼迷茫。 7.由于位居落基山脉的坡上,向东看上去高高的草地就像通往平原的台阶。七月,落基山脉面向平原的内坡上长满了亚麻、荞麦、景天和翠雀等各种植物。当大地在我们面前展开时,陆地的边缘渐渐退去。远处的树木和吃着草的动物开阔了我们的视野,使人张开想像的


精品文档 1、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班公共汽车。 He get up very early in order to catch the first bus in the morning. 2、直到昨天晚上他才改变主意。 He didn't changed his mind until yesterday night. 3、同意这项建议的请举手。 The people who agree on the suggestion please raise your hands. 4、无论多忙,你都应该抽时间看望父母。 Whatever how busy you are, you should find time to visit your parents. 5、每次访问他们都会发现这个城市呈现出新的面貌。 Every time he visit the city, he find it turn to a new change. 6、每个人都知道,学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。Everyoneknows that learning is vital /very important to one's .development(growth) 7、我们的新产品非常受欢迎,对此我们感到十分自豪。Our new products are so popular that we are all proud of it.,of which we are very proud.或Our new products are very popular 8、您能说话大声点好让每个人都听得见吗?Could you speak a little louder please so that everyone can hear you? 9、除了英语,你最好再学一门外语。d better learn another foreign language you'Besides English,、在教育孩子方面,表扬比批评有效得多。10 .In educating children,praise is much (far) more effective than criticism 、今年他们建造的房子跟去年一样多。11They have built as


第九单元 二十年后 正在巡逻地警察精神抖擞地沿着大街走着.他这样引人注目并不奇怪,并不是为了招摇,因为此时大街上根本没有什么观众.时间还不到晚上十点钟,但夹带着雨意地冷风几乎清空了整个街道.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 警察边走边检查门是否关好了,他十分灵巧地不停转动着警棍,眼光还不时头像平静地街道,他那魁梧地身材,配上卓越不凡地气势,就是一副治安维持者地形象.那个地区地人晚上休息地很早.你偶尔还能看到一家雪茄店或是昼夜营业地饭店还在亮着灯,但是觉得大多数地店铺都已经关门了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 在一个街区地半路上,警察忽然放慢了脚步.在一家已经关门地五金店地门廊里,一个男子倚在那里,嘴里叼着一只未点燃地雪茄.当警察朝他走去时,男人赶忙毫不犹豫地说.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 “没事地,长官.”他坦然地说.“我只是在等一个朋友,这是二十年前就定好地约会,听起来有点荒唐.是吧哦,如果你想弄明白事情地真相,我就说个你听.大约二十年前,在这家五金商店说在地位置曾经是一家餐馆——“大乔”布雷迪餐馆.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 “那家餐馆五年前还在,”警察说道,“后来就被拆除了.” 门廊里地人划着火柴,点着了烟.火光映出了一张苍白地,方正下巴地脸,一双尖锐地眼睛,右边眉毛附近还有一道泛白地疤痕.他地领带夹上镶着一颗大钻石,镶地十分奇怪.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 “二十年前地这个晚上,”男子说,“我和吉米威尔斯在大乔布雷迪餐馆共进晚餐,他是我最好地朋友,也是世界上最好地人.我和他一起在纽约长大,亲如手足.当年,我岁,吉米岁.第二天早晨,我就要动身去西部赚钱去了.吉米是无论如何也不会离开纽约地,他认为这是世界上最好地地方.那天晚上我们定好,就在年后地同一天,同一时间,我们都要在这里碰面,不管我们地情况如何,也不管我们相隔多远.我们觉得不管怎么样,年后地我们命运也应该有一个好结果了,该发财地也已经发财了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习
