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I. Listen and choose the word or phrase you hear.( 听句子,找出你所听到的单词或词组。念两遍)

1. A. operations B instructions C. questions D. inventions

2. A. two photos B. two quarters C. three quarters D. three letters

3. A. to walk B. to talk C. to cross D. to stop

4. A. a list B a leaf C. a jeep D. a lift

5. A. later B. ladder C. letter D. matter

6. A. season B. seem C. since D. seven

7. A. hands B. eyes C. legs D. head

8. A. foot B. food C. fool D. good

9. A. English party B. New Year's party

C. birthday party

D. Christmas party

10. A. forest and water B. forest and snow

C. grass and snow

D. forest and grass

II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.( 听对话,然后挑选答案回答你所听到的问题。念两遍)

11. A. In her hand. B. In the classroom.

C. In the tree.

D. In the street.

12. A. It's 2:30. B. It's 2:00.

C. It's 3:00.

D. It's 3:30.

13. A. His father. B His mother.

C. His friend.

D. His uncle.

14. A. To have an English exam. B To visit a factory.

C. To work on the farm.

D. To climb the hill.

15. A. He did his homework B He played the football.

C. He cleaned the classroom.

D. He did some shopping.

16. A. To listen to a talk. B. To visit some friends.

C. To visit the museum.

D. To go for a walk

17. A. He went to see his sister. B. He was ill.

C. He went to see a doctor.

D. He hurt himself.

18. A. The snow wilt last long. B The snow will stop very soon.

C. It is getting cold.

D. It is getting warm.

III. listen and choose the right response.( 听句子,选择恰当的应答。念三遍)

19. A. I'm sorry. B That's all right.

C. Thank you.

D. OK.

20. A. All right. B Sorry to hear that.

C. Thank you.

D. No, thanks.

21. A. Thank you. B Hold on, please.

C. Good bye.

D. I'd like to.

22. A. Good idea! B What shall I do?

C. Let me help you.

D. Is that OK?

23. A, Oh, I'm sorry. B Hurry up.

C. Yes, you must.

D. See you later.

24. A. It doesn't matter. B Don't worry.

C. I'm afraid you are.

D. Sorry to hear that

25. A. Thank you.B I'm glad you've found it

C. You're welcome.

D. Your schoolbag is nice.

26. A. Eggs and meat B Wool and mutton.

C. Milk and beef.

D. Pork

27. A. I'm very well, thanks. B. They're both doctors.

C. They are very happy.

D. They are both fine, thank you.

IV. Listen to a dialogue and a passage, then answer "true" or "false".( (听一则对话和一篇短文,然后判断正误。正确的,将该题A项涂黑;错误的,将该题B项涂黑。每篇各读三遍)

(A)A dialogue


28. Chinese people like drinking tea.

29. Tea is grown both in the south and in the north of our country.

30. The man drinks tea in the daytime.

31. The. woman likes tea and coffee very much.

(B)A passage


32. The boy was going to New York to see his grandma.

33. It was the first time for the boy to travel by plane. .

34. His parents were going together with him.

35. The boy paid some money for a drink on the plane.



36. Our first class begins at a quarter to eight.

A. 8: 15

B. 7: 15

C. 8: 45

D. 7: 45

37. Maybe you can put your bike here.

A. Must

B. Should

C. May be

D. Perhaps

38. We really don't need such a big and expensive car.

A. good

B. useful

C. dear

D. cheap

39. Jim is weak in Chinese because he didn't learn Chinese before he came to China.

A. isn't interested in

B. isn't good at

C. does well in

D. doesn't like


40. Man landed on the moon in 1969 for the first time. Have you ever heard it?

A. on

B. to

C. of

D. from

41. The mother looked because her son hadn't been back.
