Principle of Marketing Kotler 科特勒市场营销 - Introduction 第一课
市场营销原理principles of marketing
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
3、销售观念 (Selling Concept) (推销观念)
时代背景:20世纪20年代末到二战结束前。 泰罗的“科学管理” 社会产品增多;消费水平低,市场萧条, 产品积压;尤为30年代大危机。 公司重视销售,增设销售机构和销售人员。如美皮尔斯堡面粉公 司第一次成立了商情调研部门,加销队伍。 口号:“本公司旨在销售面粉”。“能销售什么就生产什么……”
广泛应用:竞选等非营利机构,发表演说与选民握手,亲吻儿童, 捐赠
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
4、市场营销观念(Marketing Concept)
时代背景: 二战后尤为50年代后,市场环境发生变化
3、潜在需求)—— 开发性营销如对折叠自行车的需求
——同步营销 季节、日期等
公司高级管理对销售的描述:”不是到外面兜售“而仅仅是”从 柜台上寄给顾客“,亨利.福特曾傲慢地说”不管顾客需要什么, 我们的汽车就是黑色的“
第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
市 场 营 销 原 理
• 学习目标
定义市场营销,并指出市场营销过程的步骤。 解释理解顾客和市场的重要性,比较五个核心的市场概念。 识别顾客导向的市场营销战略的关键要素,讨论指导营销战略的营销管理导向。 讨论顾客关系管理,解释为顾客创造价值并获得顾客回报的战略。 描述在关系时代推动市场营销变革的主要趋势和力量。
起点 推销观念 工厂 中心 现存产品 手段 推销和促销 目的 通过提高销 量获得利润 通过创造顾客 满意获得利润
顾客需求 图1-3
整合营销 推销观念和营销观念比较
第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
市 场 营 销 原 理
顾客感知价值(customer-perceived value)指与其他竞争产品相比,顾客拥有或使用某一种市场提供物的总利益与 总成 本之间的差异。 顾客满意(customer satisfaction)取决于顾客对产品的感知效能与顾客预期的比较。
公司能够根据目标市场的特点,将客户关系划分为不同的等级:一种极端的情况是,拥有众多低毛利顾客的公司会 追求与他们建立基本关系。另一种情况是,拥有毛利很高但数量少的顾客的公司则希望与关键顾客建立充分关系。 为建立客户关系,公司可以在财务性和社会性利益之外,增加结构性纽带。
从顾客处获得价 值以创造利润和 顾客权益
成功的内容营销需要掌握一些关键技巧, 包括确定目标受众、了解他们的需求和兴 趣、创建高质量的内容、选择合适的发布 渠道、以及跟踪和分析效果等。
SEO是一种技术,通过优化网站的结构、内 容和链接等,来提高网站在搜索引擎中的排 名,从而获得更多的流量和曝光。
根据目标市场和竞争环境,为品牌制定独特的定 位策略。
根据产品的生产成本、预期利润和 竞争状况来制定价格。
根据市场需求和消费者愿意支付的 价格来制定价格。
根据竞争对手的价格水平来制定价 格。
SEM是一种使用搜索引擎广告来实现营销目 标的方法。它包括关键词广告、展示广告和
社交媒体营销是一种使用社交媒体平台来推广品牌、吸 引客户和建立社区的方法。它需要制定明确的策略,包 括确定目标受众、选择合适的平台、创建有吸引力的内 容、以及跟踪和分析效果等。来自VS数字营销的趋势
随着互联网的发展,数字营销的趋势正在 向社交媒体、移动设备、搜索引擎、大数 据和人工智能等方向发展。同时,内容营 销和用户体验也越来越受到重视。
内容营销是一种通过创建有价值的、与目 标受众相关的内容来吸引和保留客户的方 法。它的目的是通过提供有价值的信息和 服务来建立品牌信任和忠诚度。
可口可乐是一家具有百年历史的公司,为了适应消费者 需求的变化和市场挑战,不断进行品牌重塑。其中,最 为成功的一次重塑是推出新口号“享受可口可乐”,同 时配合以一系列广告宣传,成功地吸引了年轻消费者群 体。此外,可口可乐还通过与不同品牌合作,推出限量 版产品等策略,不断为品牌注入新鲜感与活力。
市场营销原理 菲利普 科特勒
菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)是现代营销学之父,被誉为“现代营销学之父”和“营销界的爱因斯坦”,是西北大学凯洛格管理学院S.C.强生荣誉教授,美国密歇根大学商学院博士,哈佛大学企业管理硕士。
菲利普·科特勒对市场营销的定义全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)被誉为是现代市场营销学的奠基人之一,他对市场营销的定义可以说是深刻而全面的。
科特勒市场营销题库chapter 10
Principles of Marketing, 16e (Kotler)Chapter 10 Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value1) ________ refers to the amount of money charged for a product or service.A) ValueB) CostC) PriceD) WageE) SalaryAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Easy2) ________ is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue.A) PriceB) ProductC) PlaceD) Fixed costsE) Variable costsAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Easy3) Which of the following is true with regard to price?A) Historically, price has had the least perceptible impact on buyer choice.B) Price is the least flexible element in the marketing mix.C) Unlike product features and channel commitments, prices cannot be changed quickly.D) Price is the sum of all the values that customers give up to gain the benefits of having a product.E) Prices only have an indirect impact on a firm's bottom line.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Moderate4) Prices have a direct impact on a firm's bottom line.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Easy5) List some important characteristics of price.Answer: Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; all other elements represent costs. Price is also one of the most flexible marketing mix elements. Unlike product features and channel commitments, prices can be changed quickly.AACSB: Application of knowledge; Written and oral communicationSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Moderate6) Why is price considered one of the most flexible elements of the marketing mix? Answer: Unlike product features and channel commitments, prices can be changed quickly. AACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Easy7) Define price. Discuss its importance.Answer: In the narrowest sense, price is the amount of money charged for a product or a service. More broadly, price is the sum of all the values that customers give up to gain the benefits of having or using a product or service. Historically, price has been the major factor affecting buyer choice. In recent decades, however, nonprice factors have gained increasing importance. Even so, price remains one of the most important elements that determines a firm's market share and profitability.Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; all other elements represent costs. Price is also one of the most flexible marketing mix elements. Unlike product features and channel commitments, prices can be changed quickly. At the same time, pricing is the number one problem facing many marketing executives, and many companies do not handle pricing well. Some managers view pricing as a big headache, preferring instead to focus on other marketing mix elements. However, smart managers treat pricing as a key strategic tool for creating and capturing customer value. Prices have a direct impact on a firm's bottom line. A small percentage improvement in price can generate a large percentage increase in profitability. More important, as part of a company's overall value proposition, price plays a key role in creating customer value and building customer relationships.AACSB: Analytical thinking; Written and oral communicationsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.1: Answer the question "What is a price?" and discuss the importance of pricing in today's fast-changing environment.Difficulty: Moderate8) What sets the ceiling for product prices?A) product manufacturing costsB) sellers' perceptions of the product's valueC) customer perceptions of the product's valueD) variable costsE) break-even volumeAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy9) What sets the floor for product prices?A) consumer perceptions of the product's valueB) product costsC) competitors' strategiesD) advertising budgetsE) market competitionAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy10) Effective ________ pricing involves understanding how much value consumers place on the benefits they receive from the product and setting a price that captures that value.A) competition-orientedB) cost-basedC) time-basedD) customer-orientedE) marketer-orientedAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy11) ________ pricing uses buyers' perceptions of value as the key to pricing.A) Customer value-basedB) Cost-basedC) Time-basedD) MarkupE) Target returnAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy12) Which of the following is true of value-based pricing?A) The targeted value and price drive decisions about what costs can be incurred and the resulting product design.B) Value-based pricing is mostly product driven.C) Value-based pricing involves setting prices based on the costs of producing, distributing, and selling the product plus a fair rate of return for its effort and risk.D) The marketer usually designs a product and marketing program and then sets the price.E) A company using value-based pricing designs what it considers to be a good product, adds up the costs of making the product, and sets a price that covers costs plus a target profit. Answer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate13) Which of the following processes does value-based pricing reverse?A) high-low pricingB) everyday low pricingC) cost-based pricingD) good-value pricingE) value-added pricingAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy14) A pharmaceutical company in Utah recently released a new and expensive anti-ulcer drug in the market. The company justifies the high price of the drug by claiming that it is highly effective for treating all kinds of ulcers. The company also claims that the new drug will help bring down the need for invasive surgeries, an additional benefit for patients. Which of the following pricing strategies is the pharmaceutical company most likely using in this instance?A) target pricingB) markup pricingC) cost-based pricingD) value-based pricingE) break-even pricingAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Challenging15) The perceived value of different product offers can be reasonably assessed by ________.A) conducting a SWOT analysisB) preparing demand curvesC) conducting surveys and experimentsD) collecting data about competitors' offersE) setting a benchmark for product qualityAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy16) Underpriced products ________.A) produce less revenue than they would if they were priced at the level of perceived valueB) sell poorly in the global marketplaceC) produce more revenue than they would if they were priced at the level of perceived valueD) mostly offer higher value than those with a high markup priceE) are characterized by rapidly declining demandAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy17) Which of the following involves introducing less-expensive versions of established, brand name products?A) markup pricingB) good-value pricingC) time-based pricingD) cost-based pricingE) target profit pricingAnswer: BAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy18) ________ pricing refers to offering just the right combination of quality and gratifying service at a fair price.A) MarkupB) Good-valueC) Cost-plusD) Target profitE) Break-evenAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy19) When McDonald's and other fast food restaurants offer "value menu" items at surprisingly low prices, they are most likely using ________ pricing.A) break-evenB) target profitC) good-valueD) cost-plusE) target returnAnswer: CAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy20) Azure Air, an airline company, offers attractive prices to customers with tighter budgets. A no-frills airline, it charges for all other additional services, such as baggage handling andin-flight refreshments. Which of the following best describes Azure Air's pricing method?A) target profit pricingB) good-value pricingC) cost-based pricingD) break-even pricingE) penetration pricingAnswer: BAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate21) Retailers such as Costco and Walmart charge a constant, daily low price with few or no temporary price discounts. This is an example of ________ pricing.A) competition-basedB) everyday lowC) cost-plusD) break-evenE) penetrationAnswer: BAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy22) Bon Vivant offers an assortment of exclusive French wines at incredibly low prices. These prices are neither limited-time offers nor special discounts, but represent the daily prices of products sold by Bon Vivant. This reflects Bon Vivant's ________ pricing strategy.A) everyday lowB) markupC) penetrationD) break-evenE) cost-basedAnswer: AAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate23) ________ pricing involves charging higher prices on an everyday basis but running frequent promotions to lower prices temporarily on selected items.A) High-lowB) Everyday lowC) Cost-plusD) Break-evenE) PenetrationAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy24) Department stores such as Kohl's and Macy's practice high-low pricing by ________.A) charging a constant, everyday low priceB) providing few or no temporary price discountsC) increasing prices temporarily on select productsD) having frequent sale days for store credit-card holdersE) underpricing most consumer itemsAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate25) Companies that adopt value-added pricing ________.A) consider value-added features as a fitting substitute for aggressive cost cuttingB) set incredibly low prices to meet competitionC) attach value-added features and services to differentiate their offers and support their higher pricesD) overprice their products without any apparent justificationE) underprice their products and lower quality to boost demand in the short-runAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy26) Which of the following is true with regard to value-added pricing?A) Companies that practice value-added pricing typically match the competition by cutting prices.B) Companies practicing value-added pricing differentiate their offers by attaching value-added features to offerings that, in turn, justify higher prices.C) The intrinsic value of products sold by companies practicing value-added pricing is far less than their actual selling price.D) Companies practicing value-added pricing primarily rely on cost differentiation.E) Value-added pricing is the most suitable pricing strategy in pure monopolies.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate27) In an effort to differentiate its offerings from its competitors, Pegasus Computers decided to add an extra USB port in all its laptops besides providing a free pair of Delphi power bass headphones with every Pegasus laptop. Although the additional features increased the price of the laptops by $500, Pegasus was confident that the strategy would help boost demand for its laptops substantially. This is an example of ________.A) good-value pricingB) markup pricingC) break-even pricingD) value-added pricingE) cost-based pricingAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Challenging28) ________ involves setting prices based on the costs for producing, distributing, and selling the product plus a fair rate of return for effort and risk.A) Value-based pricingB) Competition-based pricingC) Cost-based pricingD) Penetration pricingE) Break-even pricingAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy29) Companies with lower costs ________.A) specialize in selling products with value-added featuresB) usually market products with inferior quality, thereby justifying the low selling priceC) can set lower prices that result in smaller margins but greater sales and profitsD) tend to overprice products owing to their monopolistic advantageE) usually set higher prices that result in higher marginsAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate30) A company must pay each month's bills for rent, heat, interest, and executive salaries regardless of the company's level of output. This exemplifies its ________ costs.A) overheadB) variableC) targetD) totalE) unitAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate31) Overhead costs ________ as the number of units produced increases.A) decreaseB) increase steadilyC) fluctuateD) remain the sameE) increase rapidlyAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy32) Which of the following is most likely a fixed cost?A) sales representative commissionsB) product distribution costsC) manufacturing input costsD) temporary worker salariesE) facility rental paymentsAnswer: EAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy33) Fixed costs ________.A) are costs that do not vary with production or sales levelB) vary directly with the level of productionC) decrease with accumulated production experienceD) are the sum of the overhead and variable costs for any given level of productionE) represent the annual costs of inputs incurred by a companyAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy34) Costs that change with the level of production are referred to as ________.A) fixed costsB) variable costsC) target costsD) total costsE) overhead costsAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy35) In 2011, the fixed costs of a company were $500,000, and its variable costs equaled $150,000. In 2010, the company made an annual profit of $200,000. It has been predicted that, despite a steady growth, the company's variable costs will likely equal $300,000 by 2013. The total costs of the company in 2011 were ________.A) $350,000B) $450,000C) $650,000D) $800,000E) $950,000Answer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate36) The total production costs at Kellner Machine Works are $87,000 out of which $45,000 represent fixed costs. Which of the following is representative of the variable costs incurred by the company?A) $35,000B) $42,000C) $45,000D) $87,000E) $132,000Answer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate37) The fixed cost in manufacturing a single LED monitor is $40 and the variable cost is $12. If the company expects to manufacture 5,000 monitors, the total costs would be ________.A) $60,000B) $200,000C) $260,000D) $420,000E) $500,000Answer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate38) As production moves up, the average cost per unit decreases because ________.A) variable costs decreaseB) of increasing diseconomies of scaleC) fixed costs are spread over more unitsD) overhead costs decreaseE) revenue increasesAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate39) A cell phone manufacturing firm produced 1,000 cell phones a day but believed that it could reasonably step up production to 2,000 cell phones a day. Consequently, it built a larger plant and installed efficient machinery and work arrangements to realize the projected output. Which of the following can most likely be inferred from this information?A) The unit cost of producing 2,000 cell phones per day would be twice that of the unit cost of producing 1,000 units per day.B) A production plant with the capacity of producing 5,000 cell phones a day would be most efficient.C) The unit cost of producing 2,000 cell phones per day would be lower than the unit cost of producing 1,000 units per day.D) A 2,000-capacity production plant would be less efficient because of increasing diseconomies of scale.E) The fixed costs of the firm are more likely to increase with the increase in output. Answer: CAACSB: Reflective thinkingSkill: Critical ThinkingObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Challenging40) The long-run average cost (LRAC) curve indicates the ________.A) per unit cost of output in the long runB) projected total production costs of competitorsC) variable costs incurred by a firm over timeD) fixed costs incurred by a firm over the long termE) number of units the market will buy in a given time period, at different prices that might be chargedAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy41) The learning curve is representative of the ________.A) per unit cost of output in the long runB) drop in the average per-unit production cost that comes with accumulated production experienceC) number of units the market will buy in a given time period, at different prices that might be chargedD) total market demand resulting from different pricesE) per unit cost of output in the short runAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy42) As production workers become better organized and more familiar with equipment, the average cost per unit tends to decrease with the ________.A) increase in the diseconomies of scaleB) accumulated production experienceC) decrease in the economies of scaleD) increase in derived demandE) increase in primary demandAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy43) With accumulated production experience and a higher volume of production, companies not only become more efficient but also ________.A) gain economies of scaleB) incur higher overhead costsC) create derived demand in the marketD) spend more per unit of produced outputE) tend to routinely spend less on inputsAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy44) The experience curve reveals that ________.A) repetition in production has no visible impact on production costsB) repetition in production enhances efficiencyC) the average cost of production remains the same with accumulated production experienceD) repetition in production adds to the costs and thereby increases the prices of outputsE) the average cost of production increases with accumulated production experience Answer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate45) A downward-sloping experience curve is indicative of ________.A) the negative customer perception about a company's productsB) the falling demand for a company's productsC) the falling unit production cost of a companyD) the low quality of a company's productsE) slow and inadequate organizational learningAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Moderate46) Which of the following is most likely a risk associated with experience-curve pricing?A) High-volume production facilities are unable to meet demand.B) New technology often leads to productivity problems.C) Demand for the product fluctuates unpredictably.D) Consumers tend to prefer new brands over established ones.E) Aggressive pricing often gives a product a cheap image.Answer: EAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 10.2: Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor strategies when setting prices.Difficulty: Easy。
营销策划人必看的10本书(TOP级)营销策划人必看的10本书(TOP级)01. 《市场营销原理》科特勒丨”营销圣经“营销之父科特勒的市场营销经典之作,4P营销组合的发源地,多家名校的经典教材,理解营销的第一课。
02. 《定位》艾·里斯杰克·特劳特丨有史以来对美国营销影响最大的观念揭示了在产品/品牌竞争激烈的背景下,消费者不知如何选择「选择恐惧症」,企业获胜的出路是赢得用户心智,选择集中火力进军细分市场。
03. 《金字塔原理》芭芭拉·明托丨麦肯锡咨询公司的经典培训教材表达的逻辑:遵循金字塔形状的逻辑,先说结论,后说论据。
这个核心论点由N 个论据作为支持,而这些论据也可独立为一个论点,被下一级的N个论据作为支持。
科特勒市场营销题库chapter 6
Principles of Marketing, 16e (Kotler)Chapter 6 Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior1) The decision process by which business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase and then find, evaluate, and choose among alternative suppliers and brands is known as ________.A) situational analysisB) business buying processC) business diversificationD) business process automationE) lateral expansionAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy2) Business buyer behavior refers to the ________.A) buying behavior of consumers who buy goods and services for personal consumptionB) buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to othersC) buying behavior of consumers who rely on small retailers for the regular supply of provisionsD) decision process by which business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchaseE) strong affinity of businesses for value-for-money dealsAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy3) Which of the following is NOT part of the business market?A) Kruger Group sells interior security systems to resorts.B) A country club buys safety equipment for its swimming pool.C) Sue shops for her family's groceries at the local Whole Foods store.D) A firm buys laptops from Dell for company salespeople to use when traveling.E) Airmark sells a vinyl printing press to a manufacturer of plastic storage containers. Answer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate4) Business markets are similar to consumer markets in that ________.A) the nature of the buying unit is the same for bothB) the decision processes involved in both the markets are sameC) both involve people who assume buying roles and make purchase decisions to satisfy needsD) both share the same market structureE) the types of decisions are fairly consistent in both the marketsAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy5) The business marketer normally deals with ________ than the consumer marketer does.A) far fewer but far larger buyersB) far more but far smaller buyersC) negligible customer complaintsD) far less fluctuations in demandsE) far more elastic demandAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate6) The Pure Drug Company produces insulin, a product with a very stable demand. Even though the price changed several times in the past two years, the demand for Pure Drug's insulin remained relatively unaffected. In this instance, the demand for insulin is representative of________ demand.A) latentB) negativeC) inelasticD) derivedE) compositeAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate7) In business markets with inelastic demand ________.A) the total demand for products is not much affected by short-term price changesB) buyers are highly sensitive to price changesC) derived demand is absentD) a business purchase usually involves less decision participantsE) a business purchase usually does not involve a professional purchasing effortAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate8) A university enrolled 200 graduate students in the Fall of 2011. However, the enrollment rate was only slightly affected following a 12-percent hike in tuition the following fall. This illustrates ________ demand.A) derivedB) negativeC) highly elasticD) compositeE) inelasticAnswer: EAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate9) Business demand that ultimately comes from the demand for consumer goods is known as________ demand.A) derivedB) negativeC) primaryD) consumerE) elasticAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy10) Green Bees, a popular American heavy-metal band, will perform in Berlin during Christmas. There is a high demand for concert tickets among fans worldwide who are looking forward to the much-awaited performance. In this instance, the high demand for tickets for the Green Bees concert is representative of ________ demand.A) primaryB) negativeC) derivedD) elasticE) businessAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy11) Demand for outboard motors depends on consumers purchasing fishing boats. This is an example of ________ demand.A) primaryB) compositeC) derivedD) elasticE) negativeAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate12) Jeremy's, a handbag manufacturer in Lower Manhattan, procures a large stock of leather in anticipation of brisk sales of handbags during December. This is an example of a(n) ________ demand.A) compositeB) derivedC) primaryD) latentE) inelasticAnswer: BAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy13) Which of the following is true about business purchases?A) Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases.B) Business purchases involve fewer participants in decision-making compared to consumer purchases.C) Purchasing agents are absent in business purchases.D) Business purchases involve less technical and economic considerations compared to consumer purchases.E) Business purchases are usually quicker and more informal than are consumer purchases. Answer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy14) ________ involves systematically developing networks of supplier-partners to ensure a dependable supply of products and materials for use in making products or reselling them to others.A) Supplier developmentB) Business buyingC) Supplier quality assuranceD) Relationship managementE) Executive developmentAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy15) The owners of a manufacturing firm in Ohio have developed a core network of suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of products. This is an example of ________.A) capability managementB) a supply bottleneckC) asset managementD) backsourcingE) supplier developmentAnswer: EAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: EasyRefer to the scenario below to answer the following question(s).Alpha Stampings Inc. produces 14 metal stampings for the automotive industry. Due to industry design changes and consumer demands, for the next financial year, six of those stampings will require a slight change: two will have an extra hole punched through the side, two will require an extra plating process, and two will require an additional weld operation.In the meantime, purchasing agent Richard Koehl has been asked to reduce the number of Alpha's steel suppliers in an effort to cut costs. After obtaining updated price quotations and steel samples from his current suppliers, Richard faced a dilemma. Until now, he had selected his suppliers based on quality and price, but the major consideration had been the type of steel required and the specialized production processes of his respective suppliers. Not all of Alpha's suppliers could produce the exact grades of steel needed; some suppliers were better at producing certain types of steel than others.Richard contacted several employees at Alpha who had worked with the various types of steel in the past. The quality control manager and line inspector, for example, could help to determine which suppliers had the capabilities of producing specific types of steel. The production control manager could provide input regarding which types of steel worked best in which presses. The warehouse foreman gave inputs regarding how long various types of steel could be held in inventory before rust spots began to form on their surfaces. Each person contributed the necessary information to help Richard in making his decision.16) The demand for Alpha Stampings' products is ultimately based on the demand for new automobiles in the consumer market. This is an example of ________ demand.A) negativeB) latentC) primaryD) derivedE) compositeAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate17) In the business buying process, business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase.Answer: TRUESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy18) The main differences between business and consumer markets are in market structure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, and the types of decisions and the decision process involved.Answer: TRUESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy19) The business marketer normally deals with far fewer but far larger buyers than the consumer marketer does.Answer: TRUESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy20) The demand for many business goods tends to change more slowly than the demand for consumer goods.Answer: FALSESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy21) Derived demand refers to the business demand that ultimately comes from the demand for consumer goods.Answer: TRUESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy22) Business demand ultimately derives from the demand for consumer goods.Answer: TRUESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy23) In the business buying process, the buyer and seller are relatively less dependent on each other.Answer: FALSESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy24) Why is demand in the business market mostly inelastic?Answer: The total demand for many business products is not much affected by price changes, especially in the short run. A drop in the price of leather will not cause shoe manufacturers to buy much more leather unless it results in lower shoe prices that, in turn, increase consumer demand for shoes.AACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate25) Explain the concept of derived demand.Answer: Derived demand refers to business demand that ultimately comes from—or derives from—the demand for consumer goods.AACSB: Written and oral communicationSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Easy26) Why is the business buying process more formalized than the consumer buying process? Answer: Large business purchases usually call for detailed product specifications, written purchase orders, careful supplier searches, and formal approval.AACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate27) What is supplier development?Answer: Supplier development refers to systematic development of networks ofsupplier-partners to ensure an appropriate and dependable supply of products and materials for use in making products or reselling them to others.AACSB: Written and oral communicationSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate28) Distinguish between business markets and consumer markets.Answer: As compared to consumer markets, business markets usually have fewer but larger buyers. Business demand is derived demand, which tends to be more inelastic and fluctuating than consumer demand. The business buying decision usually involves more, and more professional, buyers. Business buyers usually face more complex buying decisions, and the buying process tends to be more formalized. Finally, business buyers and sellers are often more dependent on each other.AACSB: Analytical thinking; Written and oral communicationsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.1: Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from consumer markets.Difficulty: Moderate29) Sigma Inc., a software firm based in California, reordered 50 printers from the designated provider without any modifications. This is an example of ________.A) derived demandB) inelastic demandC) a straight rebuyD) a new taskE) a modified rebuyAnswer: CAACSB: Application of knowledge; Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate30) A marketer wanting to determine business buyer behavior is most likely to ask which of the following questions?A) Are buyers sensitive toward price changes in consumer markets?B) What are the major influences on buyers?C) Are niche markets more profitable than mass markets?D) How do interpersonal factors affect organizational performance?E) Is the role of gatekeepers relevant in the international business environment?Answer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate31) In a ________ situation, the "in" suppliers may become nervous and feel pressured to put their best foot forward to protect an account and the "out" suppliers may see the present situation as an opportunity to make a better offer and gain new business.A) straight rebuyB) new taskC) reverse auctionD) modified rebuyE) solutions sellingAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate32) In a(n) ________ situation, the buyer wants to revise product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers.A) reverse auctionB) straight rebuyC) new taskD) modified rebuyE) absolute auctionAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate33) In which of the following would the buyer reorder a product without any modifications?A) reverse auctionB) solution sellingC) new taskD) straight rebuyE) modified rebuyAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy34) In a straight rebuy, ________.A) the "in" suppliers try to maintain product and service quality to keep the businessB) the "in" suppliers feel pressured to protect an accountC) the "out" suppliers view the situation as an opportunity to gain new businessD) a company buys a product or a service for the first timeE) buyers are keen on revising product specificationsAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate35) Gina Parker owns an ad agency in Baton Rouge. She regularly purchases cleaning supplies for her custodial staff, using the same vendor and ordering relatively consistent amounts of the same products on each purchase. This is an example of ________.A) a modified rebuy situationB) a new taskC) a straight rebuy situationD) reverse auctionE) product differentiationAnswer: CAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy36) Which of the following is most likely true about a straight rebuy?A) Suppliers are not required to focus on quality of products or services delivered.B) A straight rebuy is far more complex than a new-task situation.C) A straight rebuy is handled on a routine basis by the purchase department.D) A straight rebuy occurs only when a buyer wants to pinpoint and procure the best deal in the market.E) A straight rebuy involves more opportunities for "out" buyers than do other types of purchasing situations.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate37) Worthington's Farm is an old poultry farm in Mount Prospect, Illinois. For years, it has used wooden coops to haul its poultry to the market. The owner of the farm needs to buy some replacement coops and is considering buying plastic coops that are slightly more expensive than wooden ones but much easier to clean after use. Consequently, the owner of Worthington's Farm ordered 100 customized coops from its regular supplier. This exemplifies ________.A) a modified rebuyB) a new taskC) a straight rebuyD) derived demandE) composite demandAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy38) Ralph works for a manufacturing company in Ohio. Recently, he called in a department manager to assist in the purchase of some heavy machinery. After consulting the department manager, Ralph is considering a change in product specifications and characteristics and expects suppliers to meet his requirements. Which of the following is evident here?A) modified rebuyB) new taskC) straight rebuyD) product differentiationE) reverse auctionAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate39) Sheffield Cargo serves both consumer and business markets, but most of its revenue comes from its business customers. Of late, the business customers of Sheffield Cargo have demanded a change in the packaging of heavy cargo along with a more sophisticated and user-friendly extranet framework. Sheffield Cargo is under pressure to offer better products and services or risk losing a huge portion of its customers. This is an example of ________.A) a new taskB) a modified rebuy situationC) a straight rebuy situationD) trade exchangeE) reverse auctionAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate40) Peter Adams, an entrepreneur, decided to start a new technology venture. As he needed servers and computers for his company, he decided to order these from a local vendor who was offering attractive discounts. In this instance, Peter ________.A) faces a new task situationB) faces a modified rebuy situationC) is most likely to benefit the most from reverse auctionD) faces the need for product differentiationE) plans to attract customers by offering products at below-market pricesAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy41) ________ refers to a business buying situation in which the buyer purchases a product or service for the first time.A) Modified rebuyB) Straight rebuyC) New taskD) Reverse auctionE) Derived demandAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy42) ________ refers to buying a packaged solution to a problem from a single seller, thus avoiding all the separate decisions involved in a complex buying situation.A) Systems sellingB) Performance reviewC) Problem recognitionD) Proposal solicitationE) General need specificationAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate43) Solutions selling ________.A) is often a key business marketing strategy for winning and holding accountsB) refers to a business buying situation in which the buyer purchases a product or service for the first timeC) refers to a business buying situation in which the buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliersD) is equivalent to cold callingE) refers to a business buying situation in which the buyer routinely reorders something without any modificationsAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy44) Rudolf Technologies Inc. decided to enter the automobile service market. Consequently, the company decided to procure the tools and machines needed from a reputable supplier. Rudolf Technologies is facing ________.A) a new task situationB) a modified rebuy situationC) negative competitionD) the need to outsource its primary service offeringE) the pressure to diversify its marketAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy45) The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has mandated that, in order to reduce local pollution, all printing plants have to switch from oil-based inks to water-based inks. This will require entirely new printing presses and the procurement of a completely different printing plate technology. In this instance, the buying center of an organization using printing plants is most likely to face ________.A) a need for market segmentationB) a new task situationC) a straight rebuy situationD) a need for market diversificationE) delayed differentiationAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate46) The decision-making unit of a purchasing organization is called its ________.A) value chainB) buying centerC) customer support systemD) quality centerE) innovation centerAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy47) The ________ refer(s) to all the individuals and units that play a role in the purchase decision-making process.A) usersB) influencersC) buying centerD) gatekeepersE) systems sellersAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy48) ________ refer to members of the buying organization who help define specifications and provide information for evaluating alternatives.A) GatekeepersB) InfluencersC) UsersD) DecidersE) BuyersAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy49) In routine buying situations, which of the following members of the buying center has formal or informal power to select or approve the final suppliers?A) usersB) influencersC) gatekeepersD) decidersE) buyersAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy50) A(n) ________ controls the flow of information to others in the buying center.A) userB) influencerC) buyerD) deciderE) gatekeeperAnswer: ESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy51) ________ have formal authority to select the supplier and arrange the terms of purchase.A) UsersB) InfluencersC) BuyersD) GatekeepersE) DecidersAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy52) ________ refer to people in an organization's buying center who affect the buying decision; they often help define specifications and provide information for evaluating alternatives.A) UsersB) InfluencersC) BuyersD) GatekeepersE) DecidersAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy53) ________ may help shape product specifications, but their major role is to select vendors and to negotiate.A) GatekeepersB) DecidersC) BuyersD) InfluencersE) UsersAnswer: CSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate54) Eric Mason, an employee of Huntington Steelworks, is responsible for defining product specifications and providing relevant information for evaluating alternatives in his organization's buying center. Eric, whose opinions affect the buying decisions of his organization to a great extent, is most likely a(n) ________.A) userB) influencerC) deciderD) gatekeeperE) buyerAnswer: BAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate55) Dora has formal authority to select the suppliers and arrange terms of purchase for many of the items her firm uses. Her role in the buying center is that of a(n) ________.A) userB) influencerC) buyerD) deciderE) gatekeeperAnswer: CAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate56) Paul, a purchasing agent for Kiel Inc., has the authority to prevent salespersons from seeing the decision makers in his organization. Which of the following best describes Paul's position?A) influencerB) deciderC) gatekeeperD) buyerE) userAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 6.2: Identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy。
市场营销原理 principles of marketing
(二)需要、欲望和需求 (needs\wants\demands) (三)产品、商品和劳务 (Product\merchandise\ rent service) (四)价值、满意和质量 (Value\ satisfaction\ quality) (五)交换、交易和关系 (exchange\tranzaction\relationship)
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
2、产品观念(Product Concept)
消费者会选择品质、功能和特色最佳的产品, 因此,公司应不断致力于产品的改进。
营销近视症(Marketing Myopia),即“迷恋 于自己的产品”忽“市场需求变化”。
如:铁路当局认定的;大学管理当局认定的 “通才教育”与“职业教育”
背景:60\70年代后出现的新观念。环境恶化、资源短缺、人口爆炸、 通货膨胀。怀疑市场营销观念能否可以胜任 ,此观念兴起。 理论依据:系统理论 如可乐公司;强生公司
1、生态强制观念 2、明智消费观念 3、人性观念 4、亲情营销观念 5、整合营销观念 6、绿色营销观念 观念创新
正因为需要和欲望的无限性为分析中国腐败分子的腐败行为 提供了理论基础——高学历腐败现象: 武汉大学:张二江——“五毒书记”——吹、卖(官)、嫖、 赌、贪——性贿赂 北京铁道学院:成克杰——严重受贿犯罪 清华大学:慕绥新——“大哥大”市长 中国对外经济贸易大学: 王雪冰——“优雅的沦落” 清华大学:李嘉廷——“典范” 人民大学:梨元江——媒体圈大丑闻 北京大学:陈希同——堕落
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
菲利普.科特勒的“市场营销”讲义09 英文
16、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为 了城墙 而战斗 一样。 ——赫 拉克利 特 17、人类对于不公正的行为加以指责 ,并非 因为他 们愿意 做出这 种行为 ,而是 惟恐自 己会成 为这种 行为的 牺牲者 。—— 柏拉图 18、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强 者做什 么事都 横行霸 道。— —奥维 德 19、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶 。—— 托·伍·威尔逊 20、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含 义是财 富。— —爱献 生
P1 营销的本质C1 了解营销1、营销的定义(by 美国营销协会):为促进满足个人或组织需求的交换而进行的有关理念、价格、宣传以及包括思想、实体产品、服务在内的商品的运营的所有必要活动的表现就是营销。
C2 组织战略与营销战略的关系1、成功的组织原则:(1)组建一支平衡的、与目标及任务相一致并且有一定的时间稳定性的管理团队;(2)扬长避短;(3)前后一致、目标明确地完成任务;(4)组织目标与宗旨表里如一地相结合;(5)关注消费者的一举一动;(6)在组织内建立并维持有利于好的管理实践与信任的氛围;(7)寻求并维持谨慎的财政管理;(8)践行公民责任。